Wednesday, October 31, 2018


GRAND-MOTHERS VISIT The morning, when it began was just another morning, as far as Diane was concerned. She had been dreaming about US, and how deeply I had been loving her. She loved this kind of dream. The kind which began with an embrace, and a DEEP, LONG, kiss, and only ended when I was "out of gas". While Diane was proud of the dream, it was not until her senses came, fully, awake that she realized something. This morning, her bed sheets did not smell of US. They smelled of HER. Diane figured that it was just her imagination, but only until she reached out, to the other side of the bed, to find that I was not there. Diane not only wondered where I was, but she wondered why she was dressed in a night gown. Since WHEN did she wear a night gown, when I was staying over? Then, Diane remembered. It was forty-five, aching, days, since she had put me out, of her place. She remembered the reason why. On our final date, Diane had given me a choice: "Either I give you a family, or this is our final date. I want YOUR family." When I had said "In that case, I am taking all I can get." I had been as good as my word. In fact, I drove her, so far, into Heaven, that she kept the pillow over her face, most of the night. (The only way to keep her cries, of passion, from being heard down the block.) After that heavenly night, Diane had given me a final, farewell, kiss (and HOPED she did not ask for another date), then shut the door. The day before, when Diane had told her mother her plans, her mother had warned "Girl, dont make a big mistake." Diane reminded her mother "Its not my mistake. I want some children just as much as grand-mother wants some more children to play with." Still, mother had placed a $20.00 bill on the table, saying "By the end of your date, THIS says that you will invite him back." The next morning, Diane had, almost, had to staple her mouth shut, so as not to invite me back. That had been three months ago, and, just as mother predicted, Diane felt the loss, practically daily. The first part had been looking at her bed, and knowing that it was hers, alone, again. Not that she wanted to be alone. She had just been thinking about children. A subject I, never, discussed, if possible. Diane thought it hilarious when she viewed a "ghost image", of my naked body, in her bed. What she would not give, to suck my cock, just once more. For that matter, she would give just about anything to have me deep inside her body, throbbing. When Diane pulled herself from her fantasy, she went to her dresser, and, without thinking, pulled out one of her maternity bra's. When she noticed that it was no-longer form fitting, but, instead, was too large, Diane had to remember WHY she bought such large bra's. It was because I not only enjoyed nursing, but that SHE enjoyed my nursing, as well. Yes, for nearly three years, she kept her breasts ready, for me. Now that she was, no-longer nursing, her breasts had done exactly what mother predicted. They had gone back to their original size. After a shower (to wash her sex scent off), Diane had gone to her closet, only to find that her jeans, and slip-on tops, were in boxes. This is when Diane remembered something else. She remembered the reason why her "tom-boy" clothes were packed, and dresses, with hair ribbons, filled most of the closet. This was because, when Diane and I were a "couple", she had never felt more like a woman, in her life. Diane even remembered the day, when she, and her mother, went dress shopping. It was the saturday after Diane first allowed me to nurse. That was the day when Diane realized that being a woman was a GOOD thing. Mother and daughter had spent most, of a saturday, trying on dresses. Ironically, while Diane had sworn that she would, never, wear a hair ribbon, again, once she had to pull her hair out of zippers, a few times, Diane had tied her hair, in such a ribbon. This way, fittings felt better, and went faster. Diane remembered the REASON why she began wearing maternity bra's. Not because she was pregnant, but because she enjoyed nursing me. (This is, also, the reason why she had to take maternity vitamins, for my visits) Diane smiled as she thought of how beautiful it was, have my shaft throbbing, deep inside her, while I nursed. The only thing she learned, the HARD way, was how my body reacted to her mothers milk. The more I nursed, the more aggressive Diane found the sex to be. She called it "Heavenly". I called it borderline rape. It, also, was not long before Diane had gone from calling me her "Baby", to calling me "husband", both in, and out, of bed. While, during her years, as a "tom-boy", no one would have gotten Diane into lace panties, or a softly padded bra, while we were together, Diane noticed that she wanted softer material around both her "B" cups, and her pussy. Diane wanted to be a woman. For three years, while we were together, Diane got used to keeping my schedule, since my idea's were becoming so "popular". For three years, she had been my "go to girl", for sex. Diane had LOVED those three years, more than any in recent years. This was because of her grand-mother. A woman who, beyond retirement age, could speak her mind, and face no punishment. Before meeting me, every time Diane saw her grand-mother, the first topic, no matter what man Diane was dating, was "When are you going to find a GOOD man, and give an old lady some children, to play with?" Diane suffered this question, every time grand-mother visited, until we became lovers. For three, beautiful, years, grand-mother no-longer told Diane "Dump that creep, and find a GOOD man." No, while we were dating, grand-mother turned her attention to ME, asking "When are you going to get busy, and give my grand-daughter some children?" (As Diane promised me, her grand-mother meant no harm) During our three years, what bugged Diane was how her family, from her parents, to her sister, and brothers, all wanted to know how soon we would start. To hear them talk, Diane and I were married, already. Boy, had those been three, happy, years. After three years, of being nothing more than my "wife", Diane had said "Enough is enough. I know you love me, as much as I do, you. How about we get serious, and start a family." When I declined, Diane had issued her ultimatum, hoping that I would give in. Now, Diane had a closet, full of dresses, and ribbons, which she did not want. The question was "What do I do, with them?" While Diane had spoken to her closest friends, and had her mother swear an oath, of silence, before being told, mother had asked the one question which Diane had no answer for. "When will you tell your grand-mother?" Diane had thought "Maybe after she is dead. After all, how LONG do seniors live?" Diane, then, had more problems, than she bargained for. For one thing, Diane found that, when she lay in "our" bed, she could hear my voice, saying "I love you." After several, sleepless nights, mother was about to make a suggestion, when she went to Dianes room, and found the girl, fast asleep, in her childhood bed. When Diane awoke, and mother asked "You miss sleeping by his side." Diane would whisper "Dont remind me." Each time, thereafter, when Diane visited the family home, the question was the same. "When are you going to tell grand-mother?" Diane was, still, working on a believable story. One which her grand-mother would believe. It was not until mother would mention "Your grand-mother called. She is coming to visit, next month. I hope you have something to tell her." Diane would think "So do I." Fearing what her grand-mother would think, or worse, say, when she found out, Diane began going through her book of "previous boyfriends". The book in which she listed everything that she HATED, about each guy. Booze, drugs, gambling, skirt-chasing, etc. Which would be the least worst guy? When mother noticed this, she asked Diane "Why dont you take your husband back, just until grand-mother goes home." Diane would respond "Are you kidding? It took me six months to build up the courage, for that last break-up. No way am I letting HIM back in." When mother whispered "You, still, have two weeks. Use them wisely." Diane worked, for three weeks, to find a guy, whom her grand-mother would like. It was not until just over a week, before grand-mothers arrival, that Diane came up with a plan. When Diane asked me to meet her at a local park, I thought it would just be "catch up", or "how are you doing." Maybe a handshake. What I, never, expected was a full-scale, french kiss. After this, we walked to our favorite "Talking place", and Diane lay out the deal, to me. First, however, when I asked about her beautiful breasts, Diane smiled as she said "Thats what happens when my husband does not nurse, for over a month." That day, Diane could not believe how, seven times, she had to make herself stand clear of my embrace. She just felt so comfortable in my arms. When we moved to a "private space", this is when Diane asked "If you have time, I want you to come by our place. I have something I want to discuss with you." When I told her "Any time you are ready." This is how, a short while later, Diane found herself, inside her place, wondering how LONG to let my delicious kiss go on. I knew that the subject had to be important, when she took my hand, and guided me to that bedroom, which I knew so well. I did not have to be told, to ditch my clothes.. Diane had a signal, which meant "Clothes on the floor, body on the bed." When she gave me that signal, I wondered what was coming. What thrilled me was when, once nude, Diane sat on my lap, just so my shaft could feel the HEAT, pulsing from her body. This is when she whispered "Now that I have your full attention." When Diane told me that she had not told her grand-mother, about our break-up, yet, I carressed her as I asked "How can I help?" Diane would say "I want you to pretend that we are, still, very deeply, in love. It will only be until her visit ends. If you agree, then I give you the next full week, of ALL you want. If we can make grand-mother THINK that we are, still, in love, then I will give you another two months, after she returns to the home." When Diane whispered "What do you think?" I whispered "Not much acting, on my part. I, still, love you." (While Diane felt the same, she was not about to SAY so.) While Diane tried to "play it down", to her family, saying "Its just until grand-mother goes home." Diane rolled her eyes, and scrubbed her hair, as her mother, father, sister, and brothers, all agreed "Lets hope it lasts even longer." For the next seven days, Diane just lived a life of "luxury", as endless kissing, carressing, and passionate sex, came her way. Diane even enjoyed placing the pillow over her face, as she cried out, in happiness. By the time grand-mother was due to arrive, I enjoyed seeing Diane smile, as she put on a dress, and placed a ribbon in her hair. I knew I was back in her "good graces", when Diane checked me over, to make sure that I was ready to meet the retiree. Not that her grand-mother intimidated me. If anyone would be considered "intimidating", it was Dianes parents. The people who suggested that Diane would make a great, REAL, wife, for me. I just dont know why but, even before grand-mother arrived, mother smiled, as Diane snuggled up to me. When the retiree came up to me, all she said was "Get busy". For the time, when grand-mother was present, I made sure that Diane felt like a queen. True royalty. I made sure I kept her laughing, and enjoying herself. More than once, back at DIanes place, Diane cautioned me "If you keep this up, that two months may become four, or even six, months." When I smiled, suggesting "How about a year." Diane just smiled. Grand-mother only left, for her retirement place, after I agreed to try to give Diane some children. (If only grand-mother knew what a monstrous home I grew up in) Yes, Diane had the kind of family that everyone dreams of. Still, even after grand-mother went home, mother just kept up on the remembrances. The woman, still, referred to her young as "children". This, despite the fact that none were below legal drinking age. Diane would be the first to remind her mother "You know, that event happened 25 years ago." Dianes siblings would say the same. Still, mother talked about the past, just as grand-mother did. As though each of the events happened, just yesterday. After a day, and evening, of this, Diane and I returned to her place, where, even as she was suggesting "Why dont we say six months, with room for extensions." I countered this with "Why dont we just say that I continue loving you until you throw me out." All Diane could think was "What happens after five, ten, even twenty years passes?" The next morning, Diane smiled as she awoke by my side, again. Soon, we would be as we were, before the ultimatum. Wouldn't you know it, mother would be the first to notice the change, in her daughter. I only noticed it because I watched Diane take the nursing bra's, and lace panties, out of her dresser drawer. Diane just smiled at me. As for her mother, the woman seemed thrilled when Diane showed up, looking every inch a woman. When her mother embraced her, Diane would say "Mother." When her mother released Diane, the girl would say "You have seen me, like this, hundreds of times. Why do you make such a fuss?" Mother would say "I, still, keep out the hope." Diane kept out the hope, as well. Just as I worked on national issues, and worked to pass the bicycle tracking system, not just for city-owned bicycles, but for ALL bicycles, she worked on keeping me healthy, and on schedule. The night, when Diane wondered if the end was near was the night when, as she looked out her bedroom window, she remembered the first time. Her boyfriend, that "filthy pig", had stroked himself up, then called Diane over, just to shoot on her face. After he complimented his own performance, I followed Diane to the bathroom, and waited, while she cleaned up. After that, I asked her aside, whispered "Just so you know, you are very beautiful." When Diane had smiled, and said "Thanks", then tried to move beyond me, I held her just enough to say "I am going to kiss you. If you dont like it, just tell me. Got it?" Diane smiled as she said "Got it." The problem, which started that evening, was when Diane realized how much she was enjoying the kiss, and how she wished it would not end, soon. Diane remembered that the kiss only ended when she realized that, during the kiss, she had been rubbing herself against my clothes, hard enough, to cause major arousal. After the kiss, Diane had whispered "I cant send you out, like that. People would know." When I whispered "Any suggestions?" Diane whispered "Not a word, about this, to my man, got it?" Moments later, Diane remembered seeing my shaft, and wishing it belonged to her. When I whispered "Its all yours. Enjoy yourself." Diane had wondered "Why couldn't I have said "Suck my dick, bitch?."" After the first time did not make a "dent", in my arousal, Diane remembered how she had mouthed, and tongued, both my shaft, and my balls. All in the hope of a better climax. While the second was better than the first, Diane still faced a problem. A stiff dick. At this point, there was only one thing left to do. Taking me to a vacant bedroom, Diane had taken off her clothes, just as she instructed me to do, then she just PRAYED that she was right. When she took me, deep inside, she just did not know what to do, when I began carressing her. That, and nursing her breasts. While she had planned to "ride me", to one, or two climaxes, she found herself under my body, and my power, as she dug her nails into my flesh, as I pumped her, over and over. While her boyfriend was lucky if he had three times, in his pants, Diane had been impressed that I had enough that I brought HER over climax. In fact, by the time I was finished, she slapped me, saying "Thats for being my best lover, in years." When I mentioned "Glad I was not your worst." Diane wondered how long it would take her, to get over me. She remembered that, when HIM, and his friends, met, the ladies provided food, and beer, then left the men alone. HE did not want Diane close, if he were not fucking her. With me, when Diane tried not only providing me food, and drink, but some snuggling, as well, she knew she was in trouble, when I brought her into my lap, kissed her, then let her stay by my side, for as long as she wanted. Diane knew, at that point, that her life was about to change. The real "damage" happened, when HE left the state, and Diane, behind, for a full month. While Diane had asked no one, in particular, "What am I going to do, for a full month." When Diane saw my look, then whispered "No way." All I did was ask "What could it hurt?" A month, of me, was all Diane needed, to know where her heart lay. While she did not mind an occassional "spray", on her face, she preferred to swallow, or to have it pumped into her. This is what had lead to our three year romance, and break up.

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