Wednesday, October 31, 2018


THE WEEKENDS Emily was the first"try me out". She wanted to find out if the rumors, about me, were true. Emily had heard both that I was a writer, and that I was a "hard core" homosexual. While Emily wondered how a man could be declared a "homo", without any real "proof", her first desire was to find out if I, actually, were a writer. With the aid of an ex-boyfriend, Emily "bowed out" of a "date", with her current man, to research my own "talent". If, as she suspected, I was just another of those "wannabe" types. The type, of man, who just TALKS about his plans, for success, then Emily would not even consider allowing me "entry". It was only after both Emily, and her "ex", found, and verified the contents, of my blog, that Emily made her decision. While Emily noticed that, when she brushed against me, that I reacted, as a man, as her move created an erection, now it was time for proof. In order to have me WANT to visit her place, Emily told me that she wanted some "pointers", on what made up a good story. (She, even, offered me a spaghetti dinner, complete with Garlic Bread. This, as an incentive.) What amazed Emily was how I showed up, not just ready to share information, but showing her that I had brought along a toothbrush, for after dinner. While her cooking was not "bad", I must admit that her company made up for anything the food lacked. That, and the fact that, as she snuggled up, to me, I forgot all about the writing tips, and took her into my arms. Within ten minutes, Emily was certain that I was no homo. (No matter WHAT her friends said, or insisted.) While Emily would not trade the sex, from that weekend, for anything, by sunday she had made her decision. Sure, I was a good lover, and had my goals set, for the coming years. The problem was that Emily just did not see herself, as a "spotlight" type of person. She wanted to play the "support role", of lover/mother. This is why, even as her body "ached" for more of me, Emily did, on monday, thank me for the weekend, then closed the door, and sat behind it, glad that I had not asked for a farewell kiss. Later, when Emily heard her friends saying what a homo I was, Emily had asked "Upon WHAT do you base that comment?" When the woman would say "Women just KNOW when men are not REAL men." Emily just smirked at the comment, even as the women gossiped about other men. Men, whom the women were "sure" just HAD to be homosexual. This, for no other reason than that women SAID the men were homo. While Emily was relieved, when I did not ask for more, she did caution Caren, when Caren asked what I was like. When Emily tried to begin by saying "He is more than just a writer wannabe. He is..." and Caren had broken in, asking "How is he, in BED?!" Emily would only smile as she said "Words cannot describe him. He must be experienced." Caren found out just what Emily meant, the following weekend. Between kissing, carressing, and nursing, Caren realized that I was no homo. The girls had it all WRONG. While Caren would never tell ME the reason why she sent me away, on saturday , she did ask Emily "Why didn't you tell me that he was so GOOD, in bed?" When Emily had asked "Would you have believed me?" Caren was re-evaluating how her friends defined "REAL" men. As for the reason why she kicked me out, on saturday, when Emily asked, Caren had said "I dont know if it was the kissing, or the nursing, but, when I began to see myself raising his children, I KNEW it was time to get RID of him." When Emily asked "Just because of a fantasy?" Caren had said "Remember, my mother ignored such a "fantasy", and she ended up raising six of us." When Emily mentioned "Your father?" Caren would say "Didn't see much of him. Always working, to pay the bills." When Diane asked "Who are you talking about?" Emily had said "Just comparing a date, to Caren's father." Since Diane did not want to hear another, of Alices stories, about her father inviting the girl to his bed, while her mother was away, Diane asked "Who is the comparison with?" When Emily mentioned me, Diane would ask "Isn't that the guy I have been hearing about. When he does speak, it is of his stories, and his plans, for the future." Emily would say "That is the man." Diane would ask "Isn't he one of the men whom our "sisters" insist is a homo." Emily would say "If that man is a homo, I am Mother Theresa." Caren would surprise Diane by saying "Ditto, here." When Diane would ask Caren "If he is straight, then WHY did you dump him, after just twelve hours? What was wrong with him?" When Emily would whisper "Caren had a "vision" of the future. A vision, in which she was raising that mans children." Caren would whisper "Six, of them, if you want to be precise." When Diane would ask "What would be wrong with that?" Caren would ask "How exciting can life be? Dirty diapers, feedings, toilet training, homework. All for what? So that the ingrates can walk out, one day, to start the garbage, all over again?" Diane remembered the last time Caren had spoken like this. It was the time when, for, two, full, months, she had considered marrying a suitor. Caren had backed out, and told the man (where to go), after visiting a friend, who was stuck at home, all day, with her youngest, while her man was out "working" to earn money, for the family. (The woman never believed, for a second, that the man was "working". Not even when he brought his pay home.) Caren was determined NOT to spend the best years of her life on a delivery room table. Nor was she willing to spend her best years carrying an infant around. Still, Diane noticed how Caren smiled, when thinking back, over those twelve hours. It was when Emily knew what Diane was thinking that Emily mentioned "He's free, right now, if you are interested." It was after Diane had said "I think that I will", that Diane heard the other women, calling to a departing woman, LOUDLY saying "You will be sorry. He is NOT a man! He MUST be a homo!" Diane had heard the story, before. The women, who said that "REAL" men dont ask. They TAKE! Only homo's ask. Yes, Diane had heard it, all, before. This is why, when the ladies asked Diane over, to sit with them, she declined. Diane KNEW that the women had a list, of "men". A list of who the women insisted were homo. Diane, also, knew that a few of the men, on that "list" had dated friends of hers, and that things had ended, but ONLY after the men proposed. This is why Diane went off to prepare for her own weekend, with me. For Diane, however, it seemed to be not so much about a single weekend. Diane was wondering about, maybe, a full week. As for how she would dress, Diane was prepared to go with basic, city-girl, clothes. That is, until she began reviewing my on-line stories. For reasons, which she could not fathom, Diane decided NOT to go with inner-city looks. Instead, she visited her mother, and sister, trying on her sisters dresses. When mom had said "Sounds serious." Diane had said "maybe." Diane had tried on, maybe, seven, of her sisters dresses, before Diane combined make-up, with the dress, and all three women agreed "Any man who can look away from that is either old, or dead". Since Diane KNEW she was going to regret this date, she wanted to make sure she had FUN, before the regret set in. When Diane invited me over, she noticed that I was as much, into her, as anything. After dinner, soft music lead the way to the bedroom, and to what Diane feared that she would regret. She also found out WHY she would feel regret. Once we got our clothes off, Diane just looked at mine, for a moment, before she realized "He is going to be better than my boyfriend. No question." While Diane and I did take rest breaks, over the weekend, by sunday evening, Diane was asking if I had any plans, for the following week. When I smiled and said "Beyond loving you, I have no plans." Diane kissed me. While it had taken Emily a full weekend, to decide to put me out, and it had taken Caren all of twelve hours, Diane wanted to be sure. Absolutely sure. If Diane gave up her "perfect" life, to become my woman, she wanted to be sure, to the max. When Diane asked her mom "How did you know that you, and dad, would work out?" Mom would, only, say "It takes effort. No free ride. If you care for a person, enough, then it will work." Over the following months, Diane did, in fact, "invest" herself in me. She even watched as her father struggled with his weight control, that I did daily exercises. Maybe I did not weigh much less, but, as Diane could attest, I was firm. She did have to get used to the times, when I ignored her. Still, when I did this, she KNEW I was working on projects. Funny thing was, the very thing, which broke us up, was the SAME thing, which brought us together. Diane had been introduced, to me, by the ebony Emily. A woman who had, proudly, shared her bed, with me, for a full weekend. It was the ebony woman, named Heather, who lead to our break up. When Emily asked Diane "Why are you breaking up with him, over a black woman?" Diane had said "I am not sharing my man, even with a black girl." When Emily would say "I am glad you told me, now, instead of upon the introduction." When Diane would ask "Why?" Emily reminded Diane of a fact. I had spent a full weekend, with Emily, even before I spent the time, with Caren. When Diane insisted "I am RIGHT! I know that I am." Emily would only say "Keep telling yourself that. You might, even, believe it, someday." When Diane noticed that I was in no hurry, to find another woman, she not only asked, but she offered me some "free passes", to her bedroom. This, on the condition that I begin a search, for a new woman. Even when I swore, to Diane, that I had more pressing topics, such as immigration, gun violence, and bicycle security, to think about, all Diane did was remind me "You need a woman, as well." It was after I promised Diane that I would begin looking that I was called about the nation, for various topics. This is when Diane realized that she had made the right move. When I spent months, travelling about, speaking to groups, and gaining support, for topics, Diane was glad she had no part in this. After all, Diane had a "goal", in life. That goal was to take life easy. Thanks to a drug conviction, from three years ago, Diane had what she wanted. A monthly check, and free time, for whatever she wanted to do. Diane had no intention of becoming "Mrs. Innovation".

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