Saturday, November 10, 2018


BLACKMAIL That was the name of the game, for Darcy's boyfriend. Darcy only agreed to be part of it, since this was the only way for her to secure enough money to pay both her groceries, and bills. Of course, her part was simple. All she had to do was spread her legs, and give the mark all that he wanted. After that, the rest was easy. Her boyfriend had the hardest part.. That of finding "marks", and "inviting" them to "sample" Darcy. Darcy had to admit that her boyfriend, normally, picked out the best "marks". Men, with wives, children, and beautiful homes. Men, who wanted to feel young, again, just to be near a young woman. After her boyfriend found the "marks", Darcy would play "nice woman", and let the men have what they wanted. It was only after each ""mark" was finished, and dressing, that Darcy's man would enter the room, handing the man a COPY, of a dvd, then say "Unless you want your wife, and the police, to see this, then these are my terms." Since Darcy had been careful, with her birth control, she got pregnant, only three times.. When she did, her man "upped the antee", saying that the couple wanted MORE money, to keep secret. Now, while Darcy took her "cut", and stowed it away, in a "second chance" bank account, her boyfriend was not half as smart, with the USE of money, as he was, with collecting it. So far, the duo had fourteen men paying $1,000, per month, each. Darcy's biggest expense, during this time, was in taking just about half of her monthly take, and moving out of the "rat-trap", that her case-worker had her move into. Since Darcy was paying $400, already, for the low-income place, she could not see doing any worse, by moving to the $500 place. Even with paying $500, Darcy still had $250 per month, for utilities, and so on. (And this did not even count her $800, per month, in benefits, for being "functionally illiterate"). Now, it was not that Darcy was stupid.. She, like myself, just learned at our own pace. A pace, which the schools found too slow. In her adult life, Darcy had found that she could earn some extra money, yet it was her new "boyfriend", who showed the true path, to riches. The one, good, thing to say, about the man, is that he protected Darcy from the worst customers. This included a man who, while angry at his wife, began beating on Darcy, using his wifes name, and saying "Take THAT!". While Darcy was bruised up enough that she could take on no work, for almost three weeks, the men, who worked with her "boyfriend" made an example, of the attacker. They beat him, four times worse, than Darcy had been beaten, then glued a sign to his chest, saying "This pervert assualted a working woman.. Suggest Assault charges be filled." What baffled Darcy was when her boyfriend set his sights on me. Darcy wondered what he could be after? Normally, his "marks" had money to spare. What did I have, in common, with them? When the man told Darcy "Its simple. He has potential! He will be someone, and I want a "piece" of it." When Darcy asked "A piece of WHAT? He's a writer, and a dreamer. What use are those, to us?" The man would say "Wait, and see how much we get, from him, once he gets started." While Darcy thought that the man was nuts, for planning for what might only POSSIBLY, happen, she did have to admit that she WAS curious, about me. To date, Darcy knew that, while other men talked, of this and that, Darcy had seen me take peoples idea's, and turn them into work-able designs. Designs, which other people could build, easily. One, of Darcy's friends, had even given Darcy my blog address, saying "I hope you like to read." Darcy DID like, to read, but not at the rapid-fire pace, that school demanded. By the time her "boyfriend" was suggesting that Darcy give me what I wanted, Darcy had just finished my most recent story. This would give her ANOTHER reason, to get close to me. To find out what my next story would be about. While HE had TOLD Darcy to remember to bring me to the place, which was rigged up, for recording, Darcy lead me to another location. To be specific: HER place. Darcy KNEW that I would be the biggest MISTAKE of her life. Not just from the day she was told to "Take me on, and for all that I was worth." Darcy knew me because we had shared a few moments, together. Just touching, and kissing, but it DID leave a lasting impression. Now, she was about to get the "grand tour." She wondered if it would be as "grand" as she imagined. Wht irriated Darcy was the fact that, un-like other men, who just "shoved it in", I did what she dreamed a man would do. I romanced her, and seduced her, prior to the sex. Darcy just could not remember the last time she had been french-kissed, necked, had her breasts nursed, or had her womanhood, delightfully, "eaten out". This is when Darcy began to have a "problem". While her boyfriend had said "Give him all that he wants, then report in, when he cant "get it up". Darcy felt "caught", over what his phrases meant. Most, of the time, she figured that his phrase meant "F*ck him until he is too tired to go on." This is why she let her men "get off", then reported in, while the men slept the sex off. With me, however, Darcy was not so certain. I mean, she noticed that, after each climax, I took a moment to rest, and just carress her. In this way, I prolonged the act, in a way she had only read about, in romance novels. While she did, eventually, "drain" me, when I went to relax, Darcy was thrilled when I encouraged her to snuggle to my side. Later, when she found my arousal returning, and she mounted me, Darcy just could not believe how much she enjoyed my nursing, even as she pumped me. In fact, we had sex, off and on, until the next day. By the time I left her, Darcy was "all smiles". She remained "all smiles", and with a gentle tone, to her voice, even when she met up with her "boyfriend". When the man, profanely, asked Darcy about us, she exagerated, just a bit. When he, profanely, asked her, about the sex, Darcy would tell him "You told me to give him all that he wants. Well, I am. Just not sure how much he will want." When he took her hand, and shoved it down his pants, grabbing himself like a vice, HE told Darcy "Get a good feel. You wont feel that, again, until I have HIM on film, humping your sorry ass." He, still, did not "get the hint", after she let go, and wiped her hand. Darcy had decided that SHE would decide when she was "finished" with me. Something which was much more easily said, than done. Darcy gave me several, "goodbye" kisses. Several times, we shared farewell sex. This, while her "boyfriend" was "recruiting" women, to take Darcy's place. Women, who understood what the man wanted. Now, whether it was dates, dumping her, or Darcy wanting my opinion, on upcoming dates, even after we were no-longer a couple, I continued to spend time with her, as well as dinners, and over-nights. While her family was, very much, in favor of adding me to the family, Darcy would have to remind them "We are just friends." Funny thing was, Darcy and I, openlly, discussed this, even while un-dressing, for bed. Even as we snuggled, and whispered "good night", I saw Darcy smiling. I, never quite, got used to having Darcy coming close, while I was chatting with other ladies. The way she, smoothly, wrapped her arm around mine. When I would whisper, gently, "Alright. Whats up?" Darcy would smile, either saying "With that one, keep a tight fist on your wallet", or "Careful, that one is looking for a daddy, for number eight." When I asked Darcy "Are you serious? Those women just want men to get them pregnant?" Darcy would say "I would bet a weeks/months worth of sex, on it." What I like, about having Darcy as an "ex" is the fact that, on things, like picnics, was the fact that Darcy still enjoyed serving me (I enjoyed having her sit next to me.) This, while, in another part of town, her "boyfriend" was "busy", making blackmail videos, for his womens latest "clients" Men, who did NOT want anyone to know that they were into the fetish, of young girls. At the family/community event: After food, and drinks, while men, and children, rested, women went about their chores. These would be the times when Darcy and I would take strolls, around the park. We made a point of making sure that we were away, from "prying eyes", before kissing. Yes, we enjoyed deep, french, kisses, as well. I will admit that, a few times, I DID lift Darcy into my arms, and kissed her. These were congratulations kisses. When we returned to her place, we would agree "brush teeth, first, then..." What made Darcy laugh was how often, after a buffet-style picnic, I passed gas while loving her. Not that she minded. She claimed it was a "sign" that I, still, loved her. Of course, Darcy was not the only one to seek advice. On several occassions, I asked Darcy about what women said, and did. Darcy even gave me "demonstrations" of the difference between "I want your love" seduction, and "I just want sex" seduction. And, yes, I did remove my clothes, when Darcy showed me the difference between methods of "twirling". Thankfully, Darcy had no problem giving oral. Like she said "Its easier to swallow, then to scrub the furniture." What I could not figure out, or understand, was the reason why, while Darcy and I agreed that we were FRIENDS, her friends decided that we were a couple, again. I mean, all we did was walk arm-in-arm, and share occassional kisses. Never once did I demand public sex, from Darcy. When Darcy asked her mother, the elder put the question into perspective. On friday nights, when Darcy, usually had no date, She would invite me to visit. Some dinner, soft music, then off to bed. On saturday mornings, it was breakfast, then my dropping Darcy off, with her friends. In the afternoons, while her friends went to see male strippers, Darcy would return home, to make our dinner. By sunday afternoon, I would be nursing her breasts, while she thought about life. When Darcy would ask "Whats wrong with that? He IS my friend." Mother would say "Just as your father is my friend" I promised Darcy that there was nothing to worry about. Either her other "ex" would come around, or she could find another man, who would love her. Still, even with money in the bank, Darcy, still, wanted a "bit more money", as a "safety net". I did not inquire, of where she got her money. Not as long as she let me spend time with her. I KNOW what, eventually, broke us up, for good. It was the fact that, as my idea's, and concepts, were being adopted, I had to cancel, more and more dates, with Darcy. For Darcy, the worst part, of all of this, was the fact that, un-like her "exes", who just went out, drinking, and skirt-chasing, Darcy KNEW that I was addressing audiences, on national issues. Still, this did not help her, on nights when she had hoped I would hump her into next month. This is why, after an excellent relationship, Darcy called it "quits". She would go HER way, in her own life, while I would be called upon, endlessly, to solve problems, for the nation. While we DID go our own ways, I did, at one point, ask to validate a rumor. The rumor was that Darcy's "ex" had blackmailed the WRONG man. The story was that, even after the man had a total of 45 victims, each paying more and more, money, he just could not stop. This is when he tried to blackmail a senator. (Something even **I** would, NEVER, consider doing.) What he did not know was that the senator was under surveillance. As soon as the "act" was completed, and the blackmailer brought forth the recording, he placed his hand, before the senator, when another hand slapped handcuff's on HIM. While only 25, of the victims would come forward, this, still, meant 26 felonies. Darcy's "ex" would not be coming home. Many years later, when Darcy attended my funeral, so many people referred to her as my "wife", that Darcy did not bother to correct them. She just looked up, at that flag, knowing that the blue field, with the stars, had increased from 50, to 105. I had been correct. Offering state-hood had worked wonders. While my other projects were just as effective, THIS one would be the one which would secure my place, in the history books. Darcy was just happy to have been a part of it.

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