Friday, November 30, 2018


THE HAUNTING PAST: MYSTERY OF THE GRIM REAPER In what would turn out to be our most bizzarre case, ever, Tami and I would have just finished the mystery of the Phantom Express, when Mr. Brown would be on hand to inform us "Have I got a case, for you." When Tami would ask "What is it? More ghosts? Maybe a banshee?" Mr. Brown would ask "How would you like a chance to work with the Grim Reaper?" When I would ask "The Angel of Death" type of Grim Reaper?" Mr. Brown would ask "Do you know of any others?" Tami would say "I am afraid to ask, but WHAT is the job?" Mr. Brown would say "I should allow an old friend, of yours, explain the details." When Mr. Brown gestured behind us, there stood Mother Superior. When Tami asked the nun "How may we be of service?" Mother Superior would say "The Chairman has taken quite a liking to the two of you. For this reason, YOU have been chosen for a very special task." When I would ask "What KIND of special task?" The nun would say "Why, to aid the Grim Reaper, in preventing innocent souls from being extinguished, too soon." When Tami would ask "Why does the reaper need us?" the skull, shroud, and scyth, would appear, in Mr. Browns office, emphasing "The name is Grim Reaper. Young lady". When Tami would say "Pardon. I did not think that death would be so articulate." The Grim Reaper would say "Shows how little you mortals really know. How would you like it if I called you a "baby-maker"?" When Tami would ask "Why would you call me that?" The Grim Reaper would say "After all, is that not the primary purpose, of the female body. Creating, and nurturing, your species." It would be Mr. Brown who would interrupt, saying "Point taken. Now, lets get down to business. Tell me what you want my agents to do." Mother Superior would say "We are having a problem with a mortal. Not only is he tampering with his own soul, but, SOME-how, he is garnering supporters, for his cause. This is where the two of you come in." When Tami would ask "I thought that the GRIM Reaper had access to ALL of eternity. Why not just intercept the trouble-maker, yourself?" The Grim Reaper would sigh as it said "Tell me, how much paper-work does it take, for you humans to travel, between countries, all located in THIS realm?" Tami would say "Never thought about it. The Brown Agency handles all of this, FOR us." When the Grim Reaper would look at Mr. Brown, our boss would say "The Grim Reaper is correct. Unless a person is INVITED into a nation, there is a "mountain", of paper-work, required for travel." When I would ask "How much paper-work can there be, for immortals to travel about?" Mother Superior, and the Grim Reaper, would agree "Unless by the direct intervention of the Chairman, try maybe 1,000 times the paper-work, to complete this type of mission." When Tami would ask "Wouldn't it be easier, to handle this, using immortals? Or, would there be an equal amount, of paper-work, for a human to handle this case?" Mother Superior would add "Not if you are enlisted as "children". If you travel, under the guidance, of the Grim Reaper, you should have no more trouble gaining access to the group, than an infant has, with boarding a plane, bus, or boat." Tami, Mr. Brown, and I, wondered if Heaven was aware of just how many infants, toddlers, and pre-schoolers, are listed on "No Fly" lists, due to nothing more than their NAMES. The United States own Transportation Safety Authority, was, still, struggling with the problem of teaching computers to recognize the difference between children, and adults. The fool, who programmed the machines, had been told to program the machines, for NAME recognition. This, without realizing just how many NON-terrorists happen to have names, similar to trouble-makers. Atleast one airline, in America, feared losing its operating revenue simply because the computers recognized the NAMES, of pilots, and ground crews, as "terrorists". While the airline promised travelers that the crews had been with the company since long before September 11, 2001, once the T.S.A. posted a list, of POSSIBLE suspects, passengers began cancelling, left and right. As for the rest of America's travellers, body scanners, bomb detection, and who knows how many "regulations" the public had to abide by, and travel was becoming more of a nightmare, every year. Now, if, as the nun, and the Grim Reaper, had pointed out, the man, who lead this group, was trying to grab even MORE power, by recruiting more souls. When Tami would asked what protection we would have, Mother Superior would promise "As long as you are assisting the Grim Reaper, you should be fine." When Mr. Brown would ask us "What do you say?" Tami and I agreed. If the Chairman had faith, in our work, then HOW could we decline? While the nun, and the Grim Reaper, would vanish, saying "We must make the travel plans", Tami and I would begin reviewing the person, whom the Grim Reaper sought. Now, sure, there are many people, who FEAR death, for various reasons. Not all of them seek to AVOID death, by recruiting others, to go before them. According to the case file, the mortal, in question, was recruiting people, but not telling them WHAT they were being recruited for. Our contact stated that law enforcement became interested in the case, when people, who had gone "missing", weeks, or months, before, suddenly, turned up, dead. The main concern, of local law enforcement, was that this news NOT spread, to the media. Atleast, not until the situation was contained. What struck Tami and I, as "odd", about this case, was that the person, in charge, was not recruiting the homeless, as other charlatans did. This person was recruiting people, who had jobs, families, and so on. One of the suspicions, connected, with the case, was the assumption that, since the recruiter, presummably, had some illness, which would bring about their death, sooner rather than later, that they wanted to send others to stand before the almighty, ahead of them. One legend, which Tami discovered, stated that, "If a person is bound, for Hades, then their "prison" sentence would be made much more comfortable, IF they sent other souls, before them. The technicality was that the souls had to make the sacrifice, willingly. IF it was discovered that a sacrifice was forced, the soul would travel to Heaven, and the one, responsible, would have time, and torture, ADDED to their time, in Hades. The assigned task, for Tami and I, was to infiltrate the group, verify, and tag, its leader, then signal the Grim Reaper, to sweep in. When Tami read of suspicions, that the group was "feasting", on human flesh, and that children were being used for ritual, not Statutory, sex, Tami asked Mother Superior, and the Grim Reaper "HOW do you plan to protect us from such sick practices?" The immortals would say "Have faith. The records have, already, been altered to show that you, Tami, have given three, under-age boys, children. Your partners file will read that he has no less than seven children, by junior high girls." When Tami would say "Thats fine, for the alleged sex part. What about the consuming human flesh part." (I, actually, think that the Grim Reaper smiled, as it said "BY the time you are recruited, I have arranged that you will be "scented" with the smell, of a flesh eater".) When I would suggest "This is fine, for getting us in, but what about when the feasts are served." The Grim Reaper would promise "The Chairman has agreed to give the "party-goers" the illusion, that you are eating human flesh, no matter what you are, really, eating." Tami would clarify "So, even IF we are eating chicken, steak, or fish, the group will imagine us eating human flesh." Okay, so, as far as recruitment goes, we were covered. The question was "HOW do we get close to the leader?" Mother Superior would say "According to our intell, once you prove that you are worthy, the leader will seek an audience. He will do this, in order to make sure that you are willing to sacrifice your lives, for his." When Tami would say "This case seems to have a LOT of "if's"." The Grim Reaper would suggest "Aside from taxes, my coming, for ones soul, is the only thing, which you mortals are guaranteed." On the positive side, G.S. 2 would be able to monitor, and extract, us, at any time. Also, of good news, was the fact that, while the Chairman had provided the necessary intell, on how to identify the person, in question, this, still, left the question, of HOW to HOLD the human, in question, while the Grim Reaper, and Mother Superior, sought permission to detain them. Tami suggested that our first problem was in figuring out HOW to make the people believe that Tami and I were one of them. This would be an even bigger test than trying to work our way past the perimeter security. Now, sure, G..S.2 could have over-flown, and landed, easily, in the compound. This, however, would have "blown our cover", immediately. No, what we needed was to make our cover as realistic as posible. According to Mother Superiors intell, it would seem that consuming human flesh, nor having sex, with children, was a requirement, for entry, to the group, what Tami and I would need to do was convince these people that WE would be willing to sacrifice OUR lives, for their leader. If we could convince them of our willingness, then we could move on, with the plan. While the plan SHOULD have been a simple "Identify target and destroy", the Grim Reaper would remind us "It is most important that, before we remove the threat, that you convince his followers NOT to sacrifice their own lives, in atonement for HIS life." Tami would say "In other words, you do NOT want another Jonestown, Guyanna, or Waco Texas." The Grim Reaper would say "It would be most rewarding if such a tragedy could be averted." I, personally, never thought I would hear the Grim Reaper say that it wanted to AVOID death. Tami suggested that the Grim Reaper meant "UN-necessary deaths". While everyone dies, eventually, the Grim Reaper did not want to take anyone BEFORE their time. As Tami, myself, and our pilots, preparred G.S.2, for flight, both the Grim Reaper, and Mother Superior, would say "We will see you when you arrive." While Mother Superior dissolved, the Grim Reaper pointed his scyth towards the sky,and took flight, like the television super-heroes, of the past. During the flight, and while we were reviewing the file, including the compounds layout, Tami rubbed her stomach, then asked "I wonder how we will fake the stretch-marks, which pregnancy brings to a womans body?" As if in silent response, and without pain, the marks appearred, on her silken stomach. My own "fall-back" plan was to buy some short-term memberships, to child-sex sites. While I was certain that Mother Superior, and the Chairman, were capable, without a doubt, if a mortal got curious, I wanted thier on-line search to contain memberships, to what the internet called "Jail-Bait" sites. To say that I was surprised, when I found that male customers could choose either young boys, or girls, since this was BUSINESS-related, I chose to stay with character. My access would be limited to under-age girls. When I asked Tami "How many girls do you think I should download, to make it look real?" Tami would say "If I were monitoring internet content, I would be suspicious, of anything less than 50, seperate, downloads." As a result, I programmed my profile, then let the computer run, on automatic, copying the contents of the files, which a REAL pedophile would copy. While the computer worked on this, Tami and I focused on the file, and, especially, the area, which was labelled "SACRIFICE". While the file contained dozens of photo's, of the general lay-out, of the compound, Tami and I asked our pilots to do a "grid-plot", with the HIGH RESOLUTION camera's. We wanted the kinds of maps which would make it look like we BELONGED to the group. While G.S.2's computers came through, with photo's, and stories, just as I had programmed it to, it seems that Mr. Brown had run an access program, and was, now, vid-linking, with us, asking "You are on-the-job. WHY are you looking at pedohile porn, on company time?" Tami would explain "We felt that, in case you are not the only one, looking into his files, that my partner should have an extensive resume, of kiddie-porn, to back up his claim, of sex, with children." Mr. Brown would say "Thats does make sense." then added "Just make sure that the WRONG people do not access this information. Child Pronograhy is a crime, in the United States." I would promise "Just trying to make it look real, boss." Mr. Brown would say "In that case, I will alert cyber security, to be watchful. After all, too many viruses are passed from computer to computer, via nudity." The good part was that G.S..2 lived up to its inventors promises, for performance. We floated just over 100 feet, over the compound, and made detailed photo runs, oof the whole place. (All without being noticed) As for me, I was relieved that I had made part of my profile "Soft Core Only". I have to hand it, to some peddlers. While everything, that was downloaded, carried the dis-claimer "All models are atleast eighteen years of age", boy, did the producers make the performers look young. In fact, in some of the footage, the girls looked the same age as the grade school girls I attended classes with. Even as G.S.2 found an isolated spot, to touch down, Tami instructed me to put a bit more time into looking at the childrens pictures. Especially any pictures, which had LARGE numbers of hits. Tami would tell me "I have little doubt that YOU, being a man, will be the first to be challenged. You will need to know more than the compounds lay-out." When I asked my partner "You dont really think that those people will, publicly, ask me about this, do you?" Tami would say "Better safe than sorry". As a result, I took about ten min utes, looking at what other people would call "primme footage". Since slim, and petite, were my preferences, these were the ones, which I spent 45 minutes studying. After forty-five minutes of looking at nude children, I was more-than-happy to join Tami, in reviewing the compounds lay-out, as well as its "doctrine". My partner, the researcher. Tami found out that, while the leader DID have a disease, it was one of those, which depends upon how one takes care of ones body. The people, who die, young, are those whose drug, and alcohol, use, are only behind their terrible diets, and lack of exercise. Basically, like anyone, who has a bad lifestyle, death comes sooner. For the other fifty percent, of those, with the disease, life goes on due to diet, and exercise. In fact, to date, Tami had found references to, maybe, 75 people, who lived to be close to 100 years old. Of course, the people, who lived, longest, are the people who dared life to come for them. Now, the question was: To which group did the leader, of this bunch, belong to? Once we knew which group the leader belonged to, we would know how to erode his base, and allow the Grim Reaper to do his job. Okay, so Tami was right, about "indoctrnation". When the men took me aside, and began discussing what the internet called "psycho", or "torture" porn (child style), I was quick to inform the men that I prefer soft core. When the men laughed at the fact that I liked to see females, spread out, on beds, on pink sheets, maybe stuffed animals, when they asked when the last time was that I had sex, with a child, I told them "I dont keep that number in my head. I have more important things to think about. If you want to know more, check out my profile." By the time these "interviews" were finished, Tami asked me "Remind me to send a message, thanking my mother, for all that I put her through, during my developing years." While, as new arrivals, Tami and I were assigned to a tent, with foldable cots, thankfully, our retired air force pilots had trained us in "enemy detection and avoidance". This is how we managed to make it back to G.S.2. What I did not realize, until I heard, and read, of her report, was that her "intake" was even worse than mine was. "Please note that, in order to be accepted, by this group, I was compelled not just to speak of having sex, with under-age boys, but I had to be creative, in saying how much pain I was in, while giving birth, to the boys children. The interview left me feeling "filthy". Will take a LONG, HOT, shower, after this. I put in my own notes, saying "I cannot express how badly I want to turn this case over, to the Grim Reaper. I have new respect for its job." As per Mother Superiors request, however, Tami and I remained with the group, for the next couple of months. Mostly just to ask people why they were in this place. It was only after we were accepted that we learned that the child-porn entry questions were to keep law enforcement out. If a person was too OPPOSED to a different line of thinking, then they were considered to be law enforcement, and not allowed to enter the community. In fact, once inside the compound, there was no more talk, of porn, at all. (I had wasted HOURS, and computer stroage space), just to fit in. All of that porn access, and for NO reason. Instead, Tami and I found ourselves involved in questions such as friends, family, hopes, dreams, and how far we were willing to go, to aid others, in reaching their dreams. While not many people, in the compound, were in favor, of sacrifice, to aid anothers transition, to the next world, most of the compound hated what "our"" world had become. Computers taking jobs, un-employment being under-reported, and welfare becoming harder to attain, everyday. People seemed to be finding contentment, in this place. What we DID learn, which was disturbing, was the fact that, while human sacrifice was not a regular practice, a volunteer would be chosen, each time the leader had a seizure. The volunteer was chosen, and prepared, so that, when the leaders last breath was coming, the victim would lead the way. When Tami would ask, she was told "So far, seventeen of us have been prepared to lead the way." I would leave the question of asking "What will become, of this group, once the leader dies?" to my partner Tami was the people person. When Tami, next, reported in, to base, she would recommend "These people are not fanatical. They just dont see where they fit in, in our world. They have no plan, for after the leader dies. This is why I recommend that the Vatican send some priests in. Perhaps, if these people see hope, in the world, they will re-join society." As for the stories, of torture, and drinking of blood, the "blood", in question, was a home brew, red, wine. The only torture was when the "victim" got so drunk that, after having taken their oath, they said "See you on the other side." With that, a doctor, who had abandoned medicine, years before, would make a single, quick, wound, and the victim was dead, within seconds. Still, life went on. The problem, for the Grim Reaper, was that these people were giiving their lives up, BEFORE their time was due. According to the Grim Reaper, atleast one, male, sacrifice had been destined to become the driving force behind mankinds quest, to re-colonize the planet, Mars. When Tami had asked "Isn't Mars a dead world?" The Grim Reaper would say "At present, it is. In the past, the planet wass home to a race, advanced enough that your Earth species will not catch up, for, maybe, 1,000 years." Tami was about to ask how the Grim Reaper could know this, but held herself in check, remindinng herself "The Grim Reaper is immortal." When I asked the Grim Reaper "If the driving force,, behind Mars exploration, is dead, WHO will lead the way?" All the Grim Reaper would say was "Who, indeed." This is when Tami and I remembered what our task was. It was up to us to draw support away from the man, who was hoping to avoid Hades. When Mother Superior would ask about the mans tally-book, for Judgement Day, neither the nun, nor the Grim Reaper, woulld say a word. It was not until we were, finally, granted an audience, with the leader, that we found out the source of his fear. The man not only had a disease. One which would, eventually, kill him, but, with the fact that he wore glasses, and his hearing was not perfect, he spoke of much the same consequences as a church, which my family had, once, attended. Sure, as an adult, I am more spiritual than religious, I, still, recall the time when my mother had been asked never to return to a church, again. The reason why my mother was banished was due to a sermon, given one sunday, during adult church. It seems that the staff, of that, PARTICULAR, church, had its own variation of scripture, including its own version of who was allowed to enter Heaven. According to a senior pastor, only those people, who perished, with their bodies in perfect condition, were allowed to enter the Heavenly gates. My mothers German-American past came out, in full force, at the church, that day. When my mother challenged the priests, saying that Heaven was for the pure-of-heart, not for perfect bodies, it seems that the priests translated the Scriptures as meaning that Heaven was a rest home, for those who were perfect. (The im-perfect were Lucifers problem) It was when my mother denounced the churches position, suggesting that it was similar to the Nazi Party, of World War Two. A party, which claimed that only blonde haired, and blue eyed people, would be allowed to live, This is when the pastors asked my mother NEVER to return to the church. Now, Tami and I were conversing with a man whose church, apparently, taught the same version of "Scriptures". To say that our "luck" was not good would be an understatement. In fact, in order to make the man realize that his church had been "liberal", with its interpretation, of the Bible, Tami called on Mother Superior. To say that the compounds leader was shocked/fearful, of the nun, would be another understatement. This, even after the nun would say "Have no fear, my son. Heaven is a wonderful place." When the man asked "With my disease, and all I have done, HOW can I be allowed into Heaven without plenty of assistance?" It would be the Grim Reaper who would say "I have spoken with Gabriel." When the man asked "Tha angel of judgement?" Mother Superior would say "He's not, really, such a bad guy." When the man asked "If that is so, then WHY does he send souls to Hades?" The Grim Reaper would say "Gabriel does not act as "judge, jury, and executioner." He, merely, records the facts. He is a record keeper. He, merely, records a persons actions, on Earth. It is how a mortal LIVES their life, which informs Gabriel of which way to send your soul." When the man would ask "The souls I have ent, before mine. Wont they be weighed against my tally? Seeing as how I sent them off." The Grim Reaper would inform the man "While you will be required to answer for your actions, I have found nothing, in the tally book, that says that you forced anyone." When the man asked "Can I make this right?" Mother Superior would suggest "A good, first, step, will be to end the sacrifices. Too much talent, and potential, are being wasted." When the man asked the Grim Reaper "Since you are here, does that mean that MY time is at an end?" The Grim Reaper would correct this, by saying "My mission, here, is to re-balance human existance. Those, who perished, for your version, of Heaven, have taken a toll, on Earth's future. A tally will have to be taken, and new visionaries chosen." When the man would ask "How can I help?" The Grim Reaper would say "Make no more sacrifices, and I, and Mother Superior, will speak to Gabriel, on your behalf." When the man would ask the Grim Reaper "How much time DO I have left?" The Grim Reaper would say "Only the Chairman knows the answer to that." When the man would ask "So, you are not here to take me, now?" The Grim Reaper would say "You are not on my list, at this time." After a bit more negotiations, the man agreed to abandon his churches teachings. He just hoped that the immortals were correct, and that it was the ACTIONS, of each persons life, which are judged, not their body type. Once the Chairman made it known that life wa back-in-balance, Tami had a question, for the Grim Reaper. "Since you want people to be proper with the use of your name, may I ask why you continue to present yourself as a skeleton, in a shroud, and that scyth." The Grim Reaper would say "For the same reason why you, as a woman, do not hide your breasts, and other, body, parts. We, both, want people to recognize us, for what we are." When Tami thought about this, she realized that the Grim Reaper was correct. Everyone presented themselves so as to be recognized. By the time Tami filed our final report, on this assignment, she wondered if she, and I, were not, in fact, violating the terms of life, by not engaging in producing more children, for the world. Tami wondered about this, but only until Mr. Brown vid-linked, with us, asking "If the Grim Reaper is finished with you, I have a case, and I want your opinions." Well, just as both Mother Superior, and the Grim Reaper, had said "Work continues." On to the next case...

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