Thursday, January 31, 2019


THE NEW SIXTH SENSE # 18 Doctor Johnathan Rhoades, medical doctor, and licensed psychiatrist. A man who DARES to look PAST the obvious, and discover what is at the HEART, of patients conditions. The following is case-file number 18, of Doctor Rhoades highly unusual approach to treatment, of mental disorders. As reported, this case is bizzarre, indeed. What I find baffling is the reason WHY a young woman has not only requested admittance, to a private, psychiatric, clinic, but why the same woman has asked staff to make sure there are no mirrors in her room. What, young, woman does not want to gaze upon her own beauty, from time to time? The womans condition stumps clinic doctors, who are at a loss to understand her condition. This, it seems, is why I have been called in, to evaluate the woman. Her doctors want to know if she is delusional, paranoid, or showing signs of other illnesses, of the mind. All of the information, which I have been provided, so far, states that the woman seems to have a fear of something to do with mirrors. Upon my arrival, I take note of the fact that this clinic is, obviously, new, and modern. Designed to look inviting, and soothing, yet I would wager a months pay that, if a patient tried escape, the property could be locked down, in seconds. Security mixed with serenity. The new goal of healing the human mind. Upon arriving at the reception desk, the dcotor would say "I am Doctor Rhodes. I am expected." The nurse would check the I.D., then say "Of course, Doctor Rhoades. Dr. Milton will be with you, momentarily. If you will just have a seat, I will inform the doctor of your arrival." A few moments later, the nurse would return, saying "Doctor Rhoades,, Doctor Milton will see you, now." As Doctor Rhoades would enter Doctor Milton's office, he would notice a medicated man being lead away, by orderlies. When Doctor Milton would notice Doctor Rhoades looking after the patient, Doctor Milton would call out "Doctor Rhoades. How good of you to come. Please,, have a seat." When Doctor Rhoades would take a seat, Doctor Milton would notice the dctors gaze, saying "Do not be concerned. We keep Benny sedated, between our meetings, for security reasons." When Doctor Rhoades wouldl ask "May I ask for what reason?" Doctor Milton would say "Benjamin Hamilton. Such a sad case. He WAS a great mind, with the science, and space, programs. He was working not just on colony designs, but on the very engines, which would cut travel time, by 90%." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What caused his break, with reality?" Doctor Milton would say "I wish we knew. If wee knew the cause, then we could treat him." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Symptoms?" Doctor Milton would say "His employers believed that he was on the verge of solving one of the most important components, regarding reducing travel time, between planets. His co-workers came in, one day, and found him looking at something, which only HE can see. He has become fixated that the world is coming to an end." Doctor Rhoades would ask "End, as in destruction? Or, end as in to change?" Doctor Milton would suggest "If you have time, after reviewing the primary case, maybe you can discuss it with him." This is when Doctor Rhoades would mention "Your contact mentioned that the patient is having trouble, with mirrors? Would you have any further information, on the case?" Doctor Milton would say "Its a strange case. The patient insists that, anytime she looks at a mirror, it is not her reflection that she views." When Doctor Rhoades would say "Still, pretty un-enlightening. Anything more to go on?" Doctor Milton would suggest "I did not want to bias your judgement. I want you to interview the patient, yourself." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "How soon would be convenient?" Doctor Milton would suggest "She will be finishing lunch, soon. I suggest you talk to her, once her meal is finished." Whenn Doctor Rhoades would say "Agreed", he would step out of Doctor Miltons office, and visit the patient records section. Once his I.D. was verified, the clerk would ask "How may I asist you, doctor?" Doctor Rhoades would indicate the very thin file, in his hand, and ask "The patients contact information. Family, friends, etc. None of it is in the file. May I ask why?" The clerk would say "Family request. They made it clear, in WRITING, that they dont want any one knowing that the woman is here." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "The patient is not violent, is she?" The clerk would say "You need to speak with the orderlies, about that. I just handle the paperwork." After departing the Patient Records sedction, Doctor Rhoades would visit with the orderlies, asking the routine information, including the patients state of mind. All that the orderlies would report is "As long as she stays away from mirrors, she seems fine. Sedated, when they brought her in." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Any reason given?" The orderlies would say "No clue. We should tell you, though, that, when she gets near a mirror, its like Jekyll and Hyde." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "I wonder why?" The orderlies would say "We were hoping that you could tell US." About this time, the nurse would bring out the womans tray, telling Doctor Rhoades "You may enter any time doctor." While Doctor Rhoades found the woman lucid, and willing to converse, the one subject she seemed terrified of was the suubject of mirrors. When Doctor Rhodes would ask "May I ask why?" The woman would say "I dont like what I see, in the mirror. Noot any more." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "When did you start not wanting to look into mirrors?" The woman asked the current date, then said "Its been three months. A month, of Hell, at home, and two months, here." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Do you remember what happened, three months ago?" The patient would say "Nothing out of the usual. Some bad food, and some nightmares." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Do you remember what KIND of food?" the patient would say "Something a friend sent me. Something I, never, tried, before." When the doctor would ask "Any details? What kind of meat? Rice or potatoes? Vegetables?" The patient would say "Not really sure what was in it. I only took two bites, and felt sick. The rest, I dumped in the trash." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "The friend, you said, sent the food. Do you recall their name?" The patient would say "Relax, doctor. We have been friends since our school days. We send one another gifts, from time to time. A way of stying in touch." Doctor RRhoades would say "I see. Did any other gifts make you sick?" The patient would say "My friends do not try to poison me, if thats what you think. I think that thhe food went bad, beforew it was delivered." When Doctor Rhoades woulld suggest "Okay, for now, we put the food aside. Tell me of your nightmares." Doctor Rhoades saw the un-mistakable look, of a person, terrified, by a subject. This is wehn he calmed his voice, saying "Remember. It is only a memory. It is part of the part. It cannot harm you." This is when the patient would turn, slowly, to Doctor Rhoades, saying, in a low voice "You are WRONG! We are REAL!" When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Why am I wrong. Who are "we"?" In the same, low, voice, the patient would say "We need help. Trapped. Cannot escape." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "WHO are you, and WHY do you need help?" The voice would say "We need help!" When Doctor Rhoades would ask "If you need help, WHY are you preying on THIS woman?" The voice would say "She is in TUNE!" When Doctor Rhoades would ask "In tune with WHAT, or WHOM?" The voice would say "MIRROR!" When Doctor Rhoades would un-coverr the bedrooms mirror, then lead the patient too the looking glass, asking "What do you want me to see?" The voice would say "THIS!" as a growl. As if shoved from a cliff, Doctor Rhoades would feel himself travelling, between dimensions, at such a rate of speed that, were it not for his psychiatry training, he might have died, of sheer fright. Finally, after travelling who-knows-how-far, Doctor Rhoades would find himself dumped out of that thing, and standing in a location, which he had no memory of. When the doctor closed his eyes, and whispered "Tell me why I am here. What am I to do, or see. If you want my help, you need to meet me, half-way." While the doctor was ready for almost anything, what he was not ready for was not what he found. This place, whereever it was, was in the modern day. Doctor Rhoades saw landmarks, which proved that modern technology was in use. When Doctor Rhoades asked "Why have you brought me here?", the voice would say "Look about you. Tell ME. WHAT do YOU see?" Doctor Rhoades would say "I see grass, small hills, power lines, tree's." When the voice would ask "What do you HEAR!" Doctor Rhoades would close his eyes, and listen. At first, he heard nothing, then he heard a cry. A young persons cry. Someone in distress, or injured. When Doctor Rhoades summoned the voice, saying "Tell me where they are." The voice would say "I cannot. You must find them." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "WHY? What are you not telling me?" The voice would growl "Follow the sound. It will lead you to them." When Doctor Rhoades followed the sound, he found what could not, possibly, be legal, in the America's. In one cabin, a young girl was strapped down, to a table, obviously in labor, and being watched by something like "Quakers". They watched the girl, silently, as she cried out, in labor. What puzzled the doctoor, however, was what the person, with the whip was doing. Each time the girl cried out, in labor, the person thrashed a whip at the woman. While he feared he would lose his stomach, over seeing such obvious torture, the doctor remembered his medical vow. This is why he remained, until the infant ws delivered. Once the delivery was finished, the mother was clubbed, uun-conscious. The hooded person would tell the others "Let this serve as a lesson. Women are to be SEEN, and NOT heard." When Doctor Rhoades turned away, wondering HOW a woman in labor is not supposed to cry out? Doctor Rhoades thought that the ancient saying of "Women shall be seen, and not heard", was in regard to public speaking. This is when the voice growled "THIS way!", and Doctor Rhoades followed the lead, to another cabin. Doctor Rhoades hoped that what he saw, in this cabin, was a nightmare, or a mirage. What he saw would get any man arrested, in North America. What the doctor observed was a young woman, tied to a wooden table, with straps. She was naked yet what was odd was the ritual. While the woman screamed, on the table, someone, like a priest, stood over the woman, reading what Doctor Rhoades thought was a version,, of the gospel. Yet a different version. As the "preist" read from the "scripture", a man was "having his way", with the girl. This, while the priest woulld say something like "This union, consumated in the sight of the Lord." This was something Doctor Rhoades, seriously, doubted. What bothered the doctor, even more than the rape, was that the man, who was performing, with the girl, did not seem happy, or enthused, about the act. It was more like he was performing a simple duty. What Doctor Rhoades asked "WHY are you showing me this?" The voice would say "You need to understand the reason WHY we have reached out. You need to LEARN what is happening. You need to understand." When Doctor Rhoades would suggest "I understand rape, when I view it. What I dont understand is why the woman was whipped, repeatedly, while in labor." The voice would say "You need to understand." When the Doctor would suggest "What else do you have, to show me?" Doctor Rhoades would find himself dragged to a well, or pit. Inside, were chained girls. The voice would growl "Victims! Trespass! VIolation!" Now, Doctor Rhoades was beginning to understand. This group was kidnapping young women, probably starving them into submission, then using the scriptures to justify raping the girls. Victims, whose "lives" would be governed by the term "Seen, and NOT heard." Until this day, Doctor Rhoades had thought that the Salem Witch hunts were the worst twist, on holy writ. Now, the doctor had a new horror, to overcome. Focusing all of his mental reserves, Doctor Rhoades would command the voice "WHY have you tortured my patient, with this? Speak up! I command it!" This is when one of the women, from the pit, would appear, beside the doctor, saying "I have been trying to reach another soul, for months. I want people to know where we are. We are NOT dead. We are prisoner. Your pateint has been my first, real, connection. She MUST be made to SEE the truth." When Doctor Rhoades would suggest "What if I deliver your message. Would that free the patient, of your desires?" The woman would say "All we want is to be free." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Where is this location?" The woman would project the information into the doctors mind. With that, Doctor Rhoades would say "Help is on the way. Just hang on." On the return trip, Doctor Rhoades could feel the urgency abating. This time, he was floating, not falling. Floating, like on a stream, of clear water. When he found himself back, within him own body, he would excuse himself, fromthe patient, for a moment, to inform staff of what he had learned. Once state, and federal, law enforceent were enroute, Doctor Rhoades would return to the patient, who would ask "What happened? I feel different." Doctor Rhoades would use his soothing voice to whisper "Lets look in the mirror, and see." Suddenly, the woman no-longer seemed afraid of the mirror. When the pair stood before the mirror, even Doctor Rhoades would see the skeleton face looking back at the woman. When the woman would ask, Doctor Rhoades would say "Be patient. It might take a moment." Sure enough, before their very eyes, the skeleton face would dissolve,, into that of a young woman. A woman, whoo would smile at both viewers, then fade, as soft as a whisper. When the patient would ask "Did we really?" Doctor Rhoades would say "Yes, they are safe, now. The torment is at an end." By the time the patient signed out of the clinic, three days later, the Department of Justice was engaging in a battle, with the courts. Since local courts insisted that religion had the right to exist, free from government mandate, the Justice Department had taken the case, to federal court. The "clans" members would be charged with dozens, if not hundreds, of cases, of rape, as well as torture. Not even the excuse "Our actions are protected by God's will." could save the "clan". A young womans torment was at an end. Now, while I am on location, I have agreed to stay on, long enough to see if I can help Benny. What did the man, truly, see?

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