Thursday, January 31, 2019


THE NEW SIXTH SENSE # 19 Doctor Johnathan Rhoades, medical doctor, and licensed psychiatrist. A man who DARES to look PAST the obvious, and discover what is at the HEART, of patients conditions. The following is case-file number 19, of Doctor Rhoades highly unusual approach to treatment, of mental disorders. While remaining on-site, to conclude my notes, on the womans unusual, psychic, condition, I have agreed to review the case of one Benjamin Hamilton. According to the mans file, he was quite the "pioneer", in his own way. Prior to his mental lapse, the man had been working on diagrams, for off-world colonies. He had, also, been working on a version of Warp Drive. The question was: Was it his work, with colonial design, or his work, with Warp Drive, which had caused his collapse. All that the clinic had learned, so far was that, when not heavily sedated, the man had an incredibly debilitating fear of some, coming, change. During my initial wait, to see the female patient, I had noticed, moments later, the nurse would return, saying "Doctor Rhoades, Doctor Milton will see you, now." As Doctor Rhoades would enter Doctor Milton's office, he would notice a medicated man being lead away, by orderlies. When Doctor Milton would notice Doctor Rhoades looking after the patient, Doctor Milton would call out "Doctor Rhoades. How good of you to come. Please, have a seat." When Doctor Rhoades would take a seat, Doctor Milton would notice the doctors gaze, saying "Do not be concerned. We keep Benny sedated, between our meetings, for security reasons." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "May I ask for what reason?" Doctor Milton would say "Benjamin Hamilton. Such a sad case. He WAS a great mind, with the science, and space, programs. He was working not just on colony designs, but on the very engines, which would cut travel time, by 90%." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What caused his break, with reality?" Doctor Milton would say "I wish we knew. If we knew the cause, then we could treat him." "All that we know is that, one day, his co-workers found Benjamin on the floor, of their work space, talking of the end of the world." Doctor Rhoades would ask "End, as in destruction? Or, end as in to change?" Doctor Milton would suggest "If you have time, after reviewing the primary case, maybe you can discuss it with him." After resolving the reason why the young woman had been seeing a skull, in her mirror, instead of her face, Doctor Rhoades began reviewing Benjamin Hailton's case. IF it were true that the man were working on designs, for colonies, and faster-than-light engines, why would such research cause a mental lapse. (Or, had it?) Doctor Rhoades would tell his recorder "According to his file, the man has been working on these plans, for YEARS. If he were mentally un-stable, then what was the reason why the condition waited until now to set in?" While interviews, with Mr. Hamiltons co-workers, all but verified that the man had been sound, and sane (If a bit of an oddball), why did the condition not manifest, earlier. "To date", Doctor Rhoades would tell the recorder "The closest thing that I have, to a clue, is that Mr. Hamiltons employer was being pressured, not for theory, but for RESULTS. Results, which would be presented to some group, of "investors"?" While Doctor Rhoades would be following proper protocol, in requesting information, regarding Mr. Hamilton's work, he was coming to suspect such surprises as the one he received, just after his "Permission for Access" was denied. When a woman approached Doctor Rhoades, saying "I know what information you seek. I know they wont give you access. This is the best that I can do." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Miss?" The woman would say "If you dont know my name, nothing can be traced. Understand?" Doctor Rhoades would say "Agreed. Just tell me this..." The woman would say "No, Doctor Rhoades, Benjamin Hamilton was NO "head-case". In fact, if he were any MORE qualified, he COULD have been the HEAD of the whole program." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "If that were true..." The woman would say "Ben Hamilton loved Research, and Design. That is why he was working the labs, and not the offices." When Doctor Rhoades shifted his attention to some on-coming car headlights, for a moment, then turned back, the woman was gone. Now Doctor Rhoades was puzzled. Back at his office, when Doctor Rhoades plugged the flash drive into his laptop computer, he was surprised at how LONG it took the laptop to upload the drive. Was it, REALLY, a 1 terrabyte drive? On the drive, Doctor Rhoades found not only drawings, and notes, but video files. Files, in which Ben Hamilton had gone from suggesting "What if we land, on a planet, which has, already been claimed? Do we shoot it out, with the owners?" and "While I have been trying to explain to people, that we need ships which can not only travel to, but away from, planets, which might be inhabited, the powers that be say that my designs are too expensive. In short, it is my belief that, when the ships are built, they will be like the classic Kamakazi. A one-way do-or-die trip." Doctor Rhoades, soon, noticed how frequently Ben Hamilton had mentioned "contengencies". Not like he was EXPECTING danger, but that he wanted travellers to be prepared. But, prepared for what? What was of such concern that Benjamin Hamilton had "lost his way"? Through a series, of hypnotic trances, Doctor Rhoades began digging into what had caused Ben Hamilton's condition. At the start, the man must have been totally normal, yet something happened. Something, which changed the mans perception of life. It was not until Doctor Rhoades began the trances. The ones in which he JOINED his patients, in reviewing past events. This would be when the first clues would come forth. Clues, such as overheard conversations, regarding what steps would be taken, if colonists found themselves in "enemy hands". Conversations, which included phrases such as "It is our job to send them on their way. NOT to provide for their security." Phrases such as "Once they are off, if they enccounter hostile forces, it will be up to the settlers, themselves, to defend themselves." Now Doctor Rhoades was beginning to understand. Ben Hamilton was not being "paranoid". He was considering what should be done, to protect colonists. This, and the fact that someone did not care if the colonists survived, or not. As Doctor Rhoades reached the end of the memories, Ben Hamilton, himself, showed the doctor a memo, which stated that Warp Drive would NOT be used, on the ships. The ships would be sub-light speed, and each trip was projected at taking 500, to 700 years. With carrier wave radio equipment, on-board, the message of "We have arrived", might not arrive at Earth, for 2,000, maybe 3,000 years. It was when Ben Hamilton was prepared to go to the project leaders, and protest this action, that Ben Hamilton/Doctor Rhoades, would feel a pin-prick, on their neck. After that, an unknown voice entered the conversation. Something like a ghost. Soomething casting the image of "This is what will become of the Earth, if we do not make sacrifices". It was as Doctor Rhoades viewed the images, of dragons, laying fire on the land, and knights, charging one another, that Doctor Rhoades would ask himself "What do these images have to do with modern times?" When Doctor Rhoades, psychically, linked, with the patient, asking If these images are true, then WHAT, and WHY, are they?" Ben Hamilton's sub-conscious would suggest "Let us try this." As if tuning a knob, for a clearer picture, on a classic television set, doctor and patient wouuld work, together, to clarify the image. Not surprisingly, the dragons turned into some of the 1950's jet-powered, strategic, bombers, of the day. The knights, on iron horses, turned into soldiers, inside tanks. The message seemed to be "Either reduce the population, of Earth, NOW! Or it will be reduced, by force. Any amount of violence, which, dramatically, reduces population, will be approved." Now, Doctor Rhoades understood. Ben Hamilton had ben drugged, then given images, of a terrifying future. A future, which, someone felt, could only be avoided if humans were dispersed to other planets. Once Doctor Rhoades departed the session, he reviewed the drive, and realized something else. Something, which might terrify anyone. The ships were not to be supplied with planetary probes, to judge conditions, prior to landing. Once a ship landed, its passengers were stuck. If an atmosphere turned out to be poisonous, the humans would just have to DEAL with the poison. No wonder Benjamin Hamilton had been trying to design better ships. He wanted to give settlers an even chance, at survival. A chance, someone else did not want the settlers to have. Someone, who was determined enough to destroy a mans life. While Doctor Rhoades actual access, to the facility, where the work was being done, remained hampered, Doctor Rhoades did the next best thing. Using hypnosis, the doctor helped Benjamin Hamilton to build a wall, around the nightmare. This way, while the man might remember the images, he would, no-longer, fear them. That, however, was the "easy part". Trying to help the man understand that he could not be held responsible, for the actions, of others. That was a more difficult task. Mostly because he UNDERSTOOD the risks, better. By the time Doctor Rhoades sent out word, that he wanted to speak to some of Benjamin's co-workers, the doctor met with a man (this time). Since Doctor Rhoades knew that the man would not give his name, the doctor "Is there any way that the project will abandon Benjamin's designs? Some way of relieving him of the responsibility, of the project." The man would say "Been in work, nearly since the morning that Ben was found." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "SO, a NEW design is being developed." The man would say "I wouldn't call it "new". More of an updated version of a design, which was shelved YEARS ago." When Doctor Rhoades would clarify "So, the current design is NOT Ben's?" The man would stifle a laugh as he said "No, sir. Cant have the public thinking that we have "looney tunes" designing our rockets, now can we?" The man said, with a smile. When Doctor Rhoades would pass this information on, to the patient, Ben seemed even more at ease. As Ben said "While I will, still, worry, for the safety of the passengers, atleast I know that I am not responsible for anything that happens to them." Just prior to closing out the case, I would receive a visit, from a second, unknown, woman. A woman, who would promise "While the first lift off is just a couple of years away, you can relax doctor. By the time that ship reaches its destination, everyone we know, on Earth, will be centuries dead." Doctor Rhoades could only say "I wish I could find comfort, in those words." The woman would say "Try this, then. You have succeeded in restoring a brilliant man to competence. Take the victory lap, on that." Doctor Roades would say "I will, thank you." Closing case notes: While Benjamin Hamilton has been fully reviewed, and found mentally fit, onne thing just doesn't add up. How could a man, with such keep, mechanical skills, not notice that his cars steering had been tampered? According to both the clinic, and my own, observations, the cliff the car drove off, is not hidden. The warnings can be seen, from a mile away. Question: Did Benjamin Hamilton drive off that cliff, of his own, free, will? Did he have "assistance"? All that can be concluded is that the first launch is just over 18 months away.

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