Tuesday, February 5, 2019


THE BEST OF TIMES No question. These were the times that we would remember, fondly, for the rest of our lives. Shanice was my first and, some say, my longest. My "in", with her was that her boyfriend was demanding more, and more, sex, from her, even for "everyday" chores. Shanice even told her friends "I hate to even ask him to help with the dishes, since I KNOW that he will demand either a blow, a pump, or access to my breasts." When I heard her speaking, to her friends, about HIM, I decided to ask if she would be willing. When Shanice asked what I would charge, I told her "I will let YOU set the payment." While the same friends, who INSISTED that I was a homo, insisted that Shanice was becoming a lesbian, since she would not let her man have what he wanted, these people were shocked when I began spending time, with Shanice. And, yes, it did begin with reading her mail. The difference was that I never tossed things aside, saying "junk". Instead, I showed her that I valued her intelligence, by telling her what each piece of mail was. My reward, for doing this, was the first, of MANY, DEEP, french, kisses. Soon, in return for my aiding her, with household chores, she began giving me beautiful, oral, sex. It was when I began advising her, on purchases, as well as aiding her, in assembling kit furrniture, which she had bought, that Shanice began sharing her bed with me. Man, how I LOVED Shanices, slim build, and those "B" cups. In fact, Shanices friends not only began to wonder, when Shanice began to smile, after my visits, that Heather became interested. Heathers man was acting just as Shanices man had been acting, when Shanice allowed me to take his place. When Heather asked Shanice, privately, what it was like, having me around, Shanice described a scene, from a romance novel. Shanice did warn Heather "Be careful, when he gets near your breasts." When Heather asked, Shanice would say "He nurses so beautifully that, at times, I have to remind myself that there is more to sex, than nursing." When Heather smiled, saying "I am sure I can take care of myself". Heather wondered, when Shanice said "Dont bet on it." Within the next two months, I had my choice, at any time, of which woman I wanted. Even better, when one was busy, she would send me to the other. Both women, however, had a problem. A problem, which had nothing to do with my exercise routine, or my diet. Un-like their other men, who sat before televisions, watching sports, while drinking beer, and eating snack foods, both women found a different problem with me. While both women heard that I was a writer, of short story fiction, both had thought that I was just a "wannabe". That is, until I used meal, and other, preparation, time, to work on my latest story. That, and the fact that I drank as much water, and iced tea, as their men drank beer, and both women began to wonder. Funny thing was, while in school, while both women learned the alphabet, neither cared about reading. As a result, upon reaching legal age, schools let the women leave school, but without graduation. Besides, WHAT did the women need reading for? They had people who would read, FOR them. This is why each was on disability. Functional Illiteracy was the NAME, of their "condition". For the past, few, years, it did not bother them, not being able to read. Besides, what good was reading, anyway? Just more of the same "news", about people bickering about what none could control. It was not until I began sharing their beds, that the women began wondering why their friends had begun reading my work. Now, granted, I am NO literary artist, but what people had come to like, about my work, was that my stories were relaxing. People could read, just to pass the time. This is why first Heather, then Shanice, decided to take adult reading classes. I had to agree with them, that adult education was better than public education. Public education just went to fast, for so many of us, and, with teachers not willing to answer questions, public education was becoming more of a WASTE, of tax-payer money, everyday. Even under pressure, from "No Child Left Behind", and "Race to the Top", schools were not doing the job they were established for. The job, of teaching children how to UNDERSTAND the INFORMATION, that they were studying, in order to turn information into KNOWLEDGE. As for me, I made, and kept, my promise, to help the women, in every way. (Even when that meant less sex, for study time) I think that what surprised my ladies reviewers was the fact of how MUCH my ladies had learned, AFTER leaving school. While both Shanice, and Heather, had left school, with just a second grade, reading, level, it would seem that, just by living life, each had advanced reading reading levels to fifth grade. Now, while the women were in class, learning to read, I was busy, not just writing, but with a national campaign. A campaign, which defeated the new Berlin Wall, and which was replacing this with encouraging other nations to apply for state-hood, in the U.S. While some politicians were, passionately OPPOSED to the very idea, they found themselves in a dissolving minority. While Shanice finished reading class, well ahead of Heather, in truth, it was as much MY fault, as Heathers. Simple fact was, when I noticed that Heather was getting the same "burn out" that so many other people get, when they need a break, when I asked what I could do, for her, Heather did not bother wasting words. She took down my pants, and got a good hold, even as I got very aroused. I dont know how but I "read her thoughts" about "I want it, NOW!" I just could not believe how aroused she was. Not until after "round one", when she went, and filled her breasts. Despite her mothers warnings, Heather did enjoy nursing me, with the erections, which followed. She "filled", and "drained", my "tank", three times, before she realized the time. When I realized the time, Heather told me "You were worth every moment." After I left Heather, I went to Shanice, asking my number one "I hope that I did not mess anything up, for her. She just wanted it." When Shanice asked "Did you force her?" I told her "Of course not." Shanice would smile as she said "Its not on you, then." Later, Shanice and I were just snuggling, and sharing some deep kisses, when the call came. After the call, Shanice smiled at me as she said "First, Heather says NOT to blame you. She needed it, and you gave it." When I asked "But?" Shanice would say "Heather says you were worth every moment, and the two week suspension." While, on Shanices "graduation day", she admitted "You would not believe me if I told you how HOTT I am, for you, right now." When I suggested "AFTER the ceremony?" She smiled as she said "For DAYS, after the ceremony." This is why Shanice graduated a full two WEEKS before Heather did. While I expected the same kind, of passionate, victory, celebration, with Heather, that I shared, with Shanice, what I did not expect was what I got. It seems that Shanice had not wanted a simple "repeat" of our celebration, when Heather graduated, my ladies invited a third, ivory, woman, to join in the "festivities". Shanice said that Caren wanted to know what it would be like, to graduate, to a good man. (It seems that Carens current man was the kind who enjoyed calling women dumb.) Now, Shanice was telling the woman that I was her chance to decide if she wanted to "risk" finding a better man. For the next week, I had my choice, of two ebonies, or an ivory. I just could not believe how exhausting sex could be (even when I was on the bottom.). After a week, of me, Caren told her "man" where to go! She began making plans. Starting with learning how to read. Still, I am not one to complain. I mean, I, now, had three women, any time I wanted them. I just dont know which was better. Trading drives home, with groceries, or trading drives, from appointments. As for my "plan", with these women, it was simple. Each of them had a pact, with me. Until they found their "Mr. Perfect", I would be their man. This way, with me, to fulfill their sexual desires, the women could make more informed decisions, about their men. What no one bothered to tell ME was that, with me, to keep them happy, the women could set their "Bar" very high, indeed. Why should they "settle" when they had ME. If I found anything STUPID, about these times, it was the guys, who stood around, "doing" themselves, while waiting for me to "croak". Their rationale: Most, of the men, that they knew, who were in their forties, were, either in wheelchairs, or dead. The "victims" of too much booze, and fast food. Men who, in their teens, had been lean, and fit (while in high school). Men who, years later, could, barely, stand up. The stupid guys were the jocks. The guys who, never, stopped trying out, for sports. (The main reason why none could go either Pro, or Semi-Pro, was due to drug testing) Of course, these guys were dumb enough, not just to not understand my diet, but the fact that I rode a bicycle, almost every day. The guys were annoyed that I kept smiles, on all three, of the womens faces. Yes, for years, these were the very BEST of times. Caren was the first to depart. While she had THOUGHT that she wanted an education, in order to improve her life, and chances, for better, marital, prospects, eventually, her "clock" began "reminding" her that "time was of the essence". She ended up with a man, about whom her biggest compliment was "He is a good, steady, worker." Shanice, and Heather, strove to improve their lives, and did so, in a very "under the counter" way. To protect their benefits, they only hired on, for cash. They did the best that they could. At least until regulators came into each "business", and shut it down. As for me, my very "Best of times" came when I became the "leader" of the new, state-hood, project. I just never dreamed of how busy a persons life could be, when charting the future of a nation. While I, eventually, lost all contact, with both Shanice, and Heather, I was able to locate Caren. She was living, alone, in a trailer. When I asked, she told me "My EX-husband is in prison. Refusal to pay child support." When I asked "The children?" Caren would say "Somewhere in the foster system. It seems that the feds decided that I was an un-fit mother." When I asked "Plans?" She whispered "Only this", then lead me to her bed. Later, after she said "Not bad", she told me that her long term plan was just to stay "below the radar", and wait for retirement. She was finished with the world. Still, all in all, these had been some of the very BEST TIMES, of my life. Times I would not have traded for gold. The very BEST of TIMES.

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