Wednesday, February 6, 2019


THE DISPUTE OF 2020 It was when Mr Trump learned that only his "hard core" supporters endorsed the new Berlin Wall, that the real estate developer "created" a "new angle". An angle, which would take root during the second shutdown, of 2019. Ofcourse, it was well-known, in the business world, that Mr. Trump was both ambitious, and determined, when it came to getting his way. What successful businessman developes such a fortune, without being determined, and set, FIRM, in ones idea's. It would not be until day 50, of the second shutdown, that the polls, from all sides, showed Mr. Trump "losing ground", to the Democratic Party. Since Mr. Trump had come from a family, dedicated to caring for its members, he had no concept of the impact, of his actions, upon Americans, whom the man did not even know existed. Mr. Trump, only knew that the best way to make a good deal, was to stand, FIRM. Just as he had done, in his business life. By standing FIRM, in his resolve, the man had purchased properties, for a fraction of real value. Such was what came to be known as the ART, of the DEAL. What Mr. Trump had, never, taken the time to consider, before entering Decision 2016, was how DIFFERENT running a nation is, from running a real estate empire. In the business world, the idea, of "waiting out the competition", had made more than one land owner rich. The problem the man had was the fact that, in Washington D.C., occupying the Oval Office is NOT like being the chairman of a corporate board. There is no "JUMP, when I say JUMP". No, the Oval Office is more of a supervisory role. It is more about meeting foreign officials, and offering compromises, when Congress becomes "grid-locked". It is more like a parent, managing disputes, between children, while managing household budgets. This, in fact, was the inspiration, for finding a way out of the showdown, between the White House, and Congress. Without even bothering to check with Congressional leaders, "Team: Trump" began working on a way to bring some sort of "small victory", to the White House. The idea was to be that, in return for closing the detention camps, Congress would agree to fund the government, and let Mr. Trump take credit, for proposing that foreign nation-states be allowed to apply for state-hood. There was just one, "tiny" problem. An American citizen had, already, contacted Congress, with this same idea. An idea which, almost, predated the first government shutdown. While Mr. Trump DEMANDED authorship rights, to the plan, the problem was that the original plan had been submitted to both Democrats, and moderate Republicans. People, who had been discussing HOW to carry the plan out, for months, before the White House announcement. It would seem that when "too many" Republicans admitted prior knowledge, of the plan, Mr. Trump would order the government shut down "until further notice". (He was not about to let anyone steal his "thunder") As the shut down DRAGGED into month number two, and the media tried to portray government workers as "victims", the public responded in a most un-expected way. While government workers expected to be given "preference" at places, such as food pantries, the very people, whom the workers had treated like garbage, in the workers offices, refused to allow preference to be given. If government workers wanted the front of the line, they would have to arrive, EARLY. When workers TRIED to portray themselves as "victims", as cars, and homes, faced foreclosure, due to the shut down, the public was not buying it. Government workers would find themselves facing the same animousity, from the public, that the workers had been "dishing out", for years. Just as workers had taken pride, in insulting clients, by saying "There are plenty of jobs, out there. Come back, and see me AFTER you have applied for atleast six of these. Not before." Now, the workers were LEARNING how the REAL victims felt, as workers were turned away, from loans, and threatened with foreclosure. As the media reported, however, the government shut down could last, for YEARS, and not touch the multi-billionairre, in the White House. Perhaps the only "good news", to come out of the second shut down, was that, with the government shut down, and contractors NOT being paid, construction equipment sat, idle, since even construction workers have bills to pay. Not with "promises", but with CASH. The time, when the public KNEW that government workers were coming to understand how the PUBLIC felt, was when federal workers unions pulled resources, and held a public auction. An auction which, workers HOPED, would generate enough income to last until government re-opened. There was cheering, galore, when auction buyers paid just pennies, on the dollar, for property, valued in the tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands, of dollars. One government, worker just slumped her shoulders, as she left the auction, having auctioned $10,000 worth of jewelry, for just $10.00. It would take Congress almost three months, to line enough votes for an override. When the call did come, Mr. Trump, of course, threw another fit. The policy of "waiting out the opposition" did not work, in the government. Of those government workers, who had sought "temporary" jobs, the end, of the shut down was of no comfort. This, when the White House was found to no longer hold the trust, of the American people. In fact, of those, lucky enough to find work, families agreed. Until either Decision 2020, or 2024 meant that Mr. Trump was leaving office, people were holding second jobs, as a precaution. At the border, even when workers were offered double normal wages, the main question, which the union had was "What happens the next time the government shuts down? Our workers have families to FEED." What good was offering double pay, when it could be shut down, at any moment? The stalemate would last until the 2020 primary. I would be when Mr. Trump had to face SEVERAL challengers, all of whom promised to do more to work WITH Congress, and to use shutdowns only as a very LAST resort. If only Mr Trump had humbled himself, to voters, he might have stood a chance at a second term. Since he stood, FIRM, saying "I will continue to do what MUST be done." His name would not appear, on the Republican ballot, for president, in 2020. Mr. Trump would be left to return to his real estate empire (while crying foul! that his wall had been cancelled.) As for government workers, most would be happy, just to return to work. Still, many had HEARD the voice of the public. Federal, and state, agencies would begin altering policies, once their OWN got a taste of how victims felt. How long would this new mind-set last? Who can say? Maybe only as long as the next Democrat remains in office?

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