Friday, February 15, 2019


SANDYS PREDICAMENT Sandy had known that she would be in trouble, right from the beginning. All she wanted was to belong to a successful man. Someone for whom Sandy would, hopefully, always, be number one, on his "list". Thats all she wanted. No ring. No children. Just a man who considered her "special". While Reggie would not have been her "first pick", her friends had reminded her "Better than nothing at all." Sometimes, Sandy wondered, though. The way he RACED through everything. Like he could not get finished, fast enough. Sure, he had a decent size, between his legs, but she wished he would let her enjoy it, more. Sandy would have offered to TRADE, with a friend, except that her friends guys were about the same. The closest that Sandy had come, to a french kiss, at any time, in the recent past, was the time when her brother wanted a kiss. He had wanted to know how women WANTED to be kissed and thought that his sister, having kissed a few men, might have some advice. Sandy had offered him a deal. If he agreed to embrace her, carress her, and give her a LONG, DEEP, French, kiss, she would let him know what kind of kisser he was. While both siblings had TRIED their best, Sandy remembered that her brother told her "Keep the money. Its just not there." Sandy lay beside him, smiling, and saying "You are right. Nice try, anyway." Compared with Reggies "kisses", however, he brother was "Ruldolf Valentino". Sandy would have tried her father, but her mother had the man arrested. Why? When he needed a woman, and mother was not around, the man had "romanced" a couple of Sandy's friends. Never any pregnancies, but, when Sandy saw her friends "getting off", with her dad, she wished it could be her. It was not until mother had the man arrested, and sent to prison, that she was informed of the revision part, of the mans inheritance. The revision had stated that, not only did the man have to marry, and produce a family, in order to make his spouse eligible for payment, but the couple had to "make a go", of trying for happiness. It was not until she had him convicted, of Statutory Rape, that she found out that, if he was in jail, his spouse would be required to raise his family, to adulthood, alone. The woman had, so, planned to take the $20 million, that dad had coming, and set herself up, for life, only to find that she was "trapped". If she wanted the family money, she had to prove she was family. This is why she "borrowed" $1 million, got her husband out of prison, and onto probation, and the two worked to raise their young. While her siblings were having moderate "success", with relationships, Sandy just could not find what she sought. (For the recoord, Sandy, quickly, learned that nude models, in magazines, were not the same as a real man, between her legs.) Still, Sandy knew why she checked me out, so thoroughly, before getting involved. It was at a party, and Sanndy was standing by, quietly, as we watched Reggie present his to various women. When I saw Sandy's expression, I whispered, to her "You are far more beautiful than they are." When she smiled, I stayed by her side. When Reggie stuffed himself into a woman, and began, I noticed how Sandy snuggled up, to me. I put an arm around her, carressed her, and whispered "You are beautiful." It was not until she turned her head, slowly, wet her lips, and was about to kiss me when she realized that a kiss was not all that she wanted. Instead, she whispered "Lets find someplace, private". Sandy found an excellent place, then found herself regretting having made me the offer. This because, while she had hoped for a french kiss, she never counted on depth, time, carressing, and so on. Personally, I had hoped she would allow my tongue to move into her mouth. The time, when Sandy KNEW she had to call an end was when she not only found herself emjoying my necking, but when she felt her breasts, and her womanhood, all begging her to let me in. When she whispered "Baby.", I came back up, kissed her, then she thanked me, while suggesting "We should get back." Back in the party, and while trying to look nonchallant, Sandy's friend softly told her "I'm glad someone, at this party, got laid. I sure aint." When Sandy looked at her friend, her friend took out a make-up mirror, and Sandy saw her look. A few, DEEP, kisses, and some necking, and she was smiling like she had just had a full week, of sex. Sandy did not know why, but, when she heard Reggie profaning the women, for an okay (sex), Sandy did not know why but she looked at me. When her friend mentioned "You should stop smiling at him, unless you want to get LAID." Sandy did not know why, but just looking at me made her feel better. Later, when the host said that Reggie was one of three men, who were "out, for the night", Sandy found herself snuggling up to me, whispering "Walk me home." With some men, Sandy was fine, just walking near the men. For some reason, she found herself snuggling up to me. Inside her place, Sandy had hoped for just a goodnight kiss. What she got was kissing, necking, carressing, and having me feast, on her womanhood, all while she tried, desperately, NOT to fall in love. She knew she was blushing, as my attention brought her to three, powerful, climaxes. Come morning, Sandy was delighting in the fact of how WELL the night had gone. She had even kept to her promise. When she had realized that my body was on "fire", for her, Sandy had taken her time, and given me five, fantastic, blows. Now, she was snuggled, to my side, as I awakened. After she got me up, and out the door, she e-mailled a hacker friend, saying "Mayday! I THINK I have found a man. I NEED confirmation. I NEED to know if I am right." While she awaited a reply, Sandy visited her mother, whose first words, when she saw her daughter, were "My God. Tell me this new man is going to stay around." Sandy would, only, say "We will see." When Sandy went to one of the homes, bathroom, mirrors, hoping to see something different, all she saw was that "I am in LOVE" face. When Sandy returned to her place, she found the very information, which she HOPED was NOT true. While she read my stats, she just hoped the report was correct. That I was NOT a "relationship" kind of guy. Still, what could it hurt, to have a man, of her OWN. Especially with as many women as Reggie had. Now that Sandy had the information, that she wanted, her plan would move forward. She would give me all that I wanted, for as long as I stayed around. Once I got tired of her, she would "move on". What the report did NOT tell her was that I was both supportive, and tender. The report did not mention that, when Sandy was down, I did my best, to ease her pain. As for what was suposed to be, maybe, monthly, sex, this turned into twice weekly, in no time. As for the part, about our love being only "behind closed doors", it took Sandy all of three weeks, to break this part, of the deal. Sandy no-longer cared what people thought. She was just happy that, instead of having a man, who GRABBED, inside her top, that I whispered, in her ear, "I want a taste." While Reggie had the habit of, vulgarly, rubbing his, against hers, when he wanted, she came to love it when I whispered "I want you, my love.", in her ear. What thrilled her was how, un-like Reggie, who could, never, finish FAST enough, that, at times, I took all night. We DID confine the "I love you's" to inside her place. When her mother asked Sandy just kept telling the woman "We are friends. Thats all." When her mother would say "Just like your father is my friend." Sandy just rolled her eyes. While I wil be the first to admit that Sandy is an incredibly passionate, and LOVING, woman, in public we confined ourselves to "friendship kisses". This because, even after Reggie dissolved, from her life, Sandy KNEW what she wanted, and it was NOT me. While she would agree that I was good, in bed, she did, at times, remind even me "I need a Conan the Barbarian. A man, who is willing to FIGHT, or even KILL, for me." (Even her own mother doubted that such a man existed. Still, Sandy was not about to give up trying.) Not at our first, second, or even third, anniversaries. Eventually, Sandy came to enjoy accompanying me, to various functions. Functions at which she learned more about the deficit, borders, taxation, annd many, other, topics. The one thing Sandy never expected was when the wives, of politicans, began inviting Sandy to luncheon. For a woman, accustomed to value meals, and booze, the switch, to salad bars, buffets, and champaign, was an un-expected change. Of course, Sandy had been undergoing more change. While Sandy enjoyed my nursing, no one told her that nursing causes womens breasts to increase capacity. Result, soon after Sandy began providing, for me, she had to replace her bra's. While she insisted that she did not regret it, she DID decline my offer to repay her, part of the cost, of the new bra's. For Sandy, however, the most annoying part had been when she returned to her parents house, only to find that her mothers dresses were gone from her closet. Mother had laughed, openly, when Sandy held up a mini-skirt, saying "There is NO WAY that I am wearing that, in public." When her mother was able to stop smirking, long enough, she reminded Sandy "Girl, YOU chose those dresses so that you would NOT look like an old maid." Still, Sandy was FIRM. She was not about to wear dresses, which showed off her body parts. This is how mother KNEW we were serious. When mother took Sandy dress-shopping, the woman noticed how her daughter ignored the "trendy" stuff, and went "traditional." Full skirts, and tops. By the time Sandy was finished, and gave me a preview, I told her "I better get a gun permit." When she asked "Why?" I told her "A woman, as beautiful, as you. The competition will be fierce." While Sandy worked the women/wives, I had the duty, of working the men. Men who, even with five, new, states, being added, to the nation, were still un-certain of how far my plan would go. The main thing, that I told the men to remember, was that the cost, of state-hood, would be billions LESS than that Berlin Wall. A wall, which even the best minds, in the finest universities, published findings, stating that the first $10 billion would be nothing more than a "down-payment". Converting the Soviet Ruble to the American dollar, and adjusting for value, between the 1950's, and the present day, the best that economists could come up with was that the Soviets initial investment was near $9.5 billion. Add in wear, tear, damage, and upkeep, as well as endless expansions (Which were, never, completed), and the best that the professors could come up with was that the Wall would cost $25 billion, per year. When the professors asked Washington D.C. what the capital planned to do, about the Gulf of Mexico (the EAST side of the wall), and the Pacific Ocean (the WEST side of the wall), and Washington D.C.'s "best guess" was: With an additional, "small", investment, both waterways will be kept clear, of illegal traffic. When the professors predicted the necessary hardware, and personnel, to re-inforce the wall, the $25 billion, per year, "exploded", to $300 billion. This, for assigning aircraft carriers, battleships, drones, and so on just to police the border. This is why state-hood, costing only a "few" million, per year, seemed a much wiser investment. While I would be most greatful, when the Papacy became involved, in the project, what continued to concern Sandy was how often I stood, on the front lines, facing tanks, and machine guns, while meeting with leaders, of various factions. Mother got used to hearing Sandy say "If he does that, one, more, time, I will kill him, myself." Still, Sandys mother knew she supported me. No matter how many tanks I stood before, Sandy would support me. I would have supported Sandy's desires, as well, except that Sandy had yet to decide what she wanted to do, in life. (Beyond taking care of me.) It would seem that, as the nation continued to evolve, Sandy did not have much time, to THINK about her choices. She had become the "go to girl", when people wanted my support. Sandy's biggest shame came when she had to continue calling for cars, to drive her to, and from, gatherings. While the party did not complain, about this, Sandy began wondering if a drivers license might not be such a bad idea. The only reason why Sandy had no license, presently, was because of a dispute, over a ticket. While Sandy had been "nailed", for both booze, and drugs, she had gone to court, saying "If you can PROVE that I was not sober..." When the judge told Sandy that an officer entered a report, stating that Sandy was "Under the Influence", Sandy had asked "Show me the proof. Show me the test results!" When Sandy would not plead guilty, the court replaced the normal fine with an order. Sandy was to take a drug resistence course, AND Drivers Education, all over again, before her license could be re-instated. The day of the trial, Sandy had walked away from her license, cursing the judge. Since that day, Sandy received regular, quarterly, reminders, that she could qualify, to drive, once she passed the courses. Until she met me, Sandy could not have cared, less. Now, she was asking her mothers advice. All mother would say was "What is most important, to YOU. Your man, or your pride?" This would be a tough decision, for a woman as proud, and determined, as my Sandy. How much was our love worth?

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