Wednesday, March 27, 2019


SHIELA'S MISTAKE I THINK that I KNOW where Shiela went wrong, with handling our occassional "dates". First off, when she gave me a full weekend, she made too much of a point of DENYING the fact, afterward. Simple fact was that Shiela had asked my opinion, of her breasts. When I told her "From what I can see, they seem perfect". When Shiela mentioned "I wish you would tell my boyfriend that." When I asked "Why?", Shiela would tell me "He says that if I dont get quad-"D" size, that he is going to dump me, for a "real" woman." Now, although Shiela and I were "friends", we, both, agreed that there could, NEVER, be anything, between us. I wasn't her "type", and, aside from her beauty, she was not my type. Shiela wanted "Conan the Barbarian", and she would settle for nothing less. What concerned Shiela was how many other men might want a HUGE chest. For some reason, when Shiela asked if I would accept her breasts, if she offered them, she did not stop to think. When I mentioned "If you are offering, I am accepting." Shiela considered backing out, then she remembered "I AM on birth control. What harm can he do?" Shiela found out how much "trouble" I could cause, when her boyfriend cancelled a weekend date, with her. He, actually, thought that a woman, like Shiela, could not land another man, in five minutes flat. On friday, Shiela's concern began wih the fact hat I did not drink booze, with dinner. After dinner, she did not know WHAT to think, when I brushed my teeth, before kissing her, whispering "I thought you might like a fresh mouth to kiss." After Shiela used her own toothbrush, she settled into my arms, for a few moments, of soft, classical, music. After this, our clothes found her bedroom floor, and her back found the mattress. This time, however, Shiela felt that something was "different". She figured out what it was, when I did not just "stick it in". When I took my time, seducing her, until a flame became an "inferno", by the time our bodies united, Shiela found that her only hought was "I want to make this man happy." When we spent most, of friday night, making deeply passionate, romantic, love, Shiela found hat her main concern was that the weekend was passing far too quickly. While Shiela did promise me the whole weekend, she was surprised when, on saturday, when she mentioned "I have some errands to run. If all goes right, I should be back, by five." When I agreed that I had some errands to run, as well, I took her list, compared it with my, then presented another proposal. Since her mother would be taking Shiela shopping, in the family car, I suggested that Shiela take the big orders, at the big stores, and that I would handle the small stuff. The items which would take half the time to purchase as it would take, to park the car. When Sheila asked "Dont get worn out. I want some MORE, tonight." I promised. Sure enough, the plan worked. While the ladies took four hours, shopping, for food, I spent four hours riding around town, filling my packs, with purchases. Shiela would not have believed it, if she had not been there. By three p.m., all the shopping was done, and Shiela was back in my arms, taking all the "love" I could give her. By early evening, however, we had to take a break, as my stomach was growling, from need for food. For some reason, Shiela found herself NOT suggesting that we go, for "fast food", but that she could prepare something, in the house. What Shiela called a "snack", I called a meal. A meal which, afterwards, I took her into my arms, lay her back, and kissed her, deeply. As far as regrets are concerned, the main regret, that Shiela had, was allowing me o nurse her breasts. Something which, once I began, she did not want to end. On sunday, we took a break. Shiela put on the most comfortable, lace, panties, that she could find. She topped this off with a sheer baby doll, top. With this, she went about doing some house-keeping. She KNEW what was strange, about hat sunday. It was the fact that, un-like her previous men, all of whom guzzled booze, while watching sports, I drank water, and worked at her home computer. When she looked over my shoulder, saw my writing, hen said "So, you are a writer." I kissed her hand. That evening, we got in about two hours, worh of sleep. Then came monday. On monday morning, Shiela was so obsessed, with my promise, that I would say nothing, about the weekend, that I gave in, and kissed her. After that, we cleaned up, then she saw me to her door. This is when she said "Before you go..." and I took her into my arms, and gave her another, deep, kiss. I left her, lying back, and smiling, on a table-top. Now, I am not only willing to state, for the record, that I spoke to no one, about the weekend (in fact, no one even asked me) This is why, when Shiela came to me, mid-week, asking "WHO did you tell. You promised me. WHO did you tell?" When I asked "Tell WHO, about WHAT?" This is when Shiela told me "Okay, dont want to admit it. Want to play games." She, then, whispered "So can i." Standing so close that I could inhale her scent, Shiela took out my shaft, and began carressing it, even as I whispered "Be careful. We, still, want you." As she stroked me up, with one hand, her other hand found my shoulder, and "latched on" It was so beautiful that I lost all track of time, even as I slipped my hand into her pants, and, soon, both of our pants were around our ankles. When she whispered "Baby, you wouldn't dare." I slipped it into her, as she moaned. A moment later, our tongues were dancing and, thank god, the call did not come sooner. We, actually, made deeply passionate love, right there, "in public". It was afterward, when I throbbed, inside her, that she realized that I was telling the truth. Thankfully, her friends did not call, for her, until she had the chance to "collect" herself. Over the next two weekends, Shiela invited me over, to check her mail, for "important" stuff. The kind of mail which looks official, but, normally, isnt. Each saturday, after I told her which mail was important, we spent three hours, in bed. This was her way of saying "Thank You". Three hours, of pure Heaven. Three hours, of nursing those beautiful "B" cups. Three hours, DEEP, inside her body. Three, of the best hours that any saturday could contain. Still, there was the question, of WHO was "ratting us out". Who had motive, and opportunity. While I struck out, completely, it took Shiela just three weeks, to find the snitch. Since Shiela KNEW the woman was a lesbian, Shiela made her an offer. If the woman helped Shiela find the tattler, then Shiela would give the woman what she wanted. Turns out that the lesbian WAS the tattler. When Shiela asked "Why?" The woman would say "You ARE kidding, right?" When Shiela looked at the woman, the woman would say "Okay, girlfriend, but dont say I did not warn you." While Shiela listened, the woman told her "Girl, we can, all, see it. Every time you come out your door. We can tell, by that smile, that you got laid." When Shiela mentioned other men, the woman would say "Girl, I have not seen you this happy since high school let you drop out, on disability. Dont try to tell me that boy is not giving you all that you want." When Shiela would ask "Okay, so I like him. How much will silence cost?" Her friend would say "It will cost wo things. First, get off that "high horse, and admit that you love him." When Shiela would say "Fair enough". Her friend would say "Second, I want some of what you have been giving HIM. A man does not smile, like that, just from a hug, and a kiss." Shiela then spent four, LONG, hours, trying to give her friend a "taste" of what we shared. It was just so difficult, since the woman did not have a REAL shaft. After four hours, of effort, her friend said "Forget about number two. Its obvious that yours belongs to him." When the women stood up, naked, Shiela embraced the woman, kissed her, then whispered "I DO love him." Her friend said "No way, sister. That was a cop-out. I want you to admit it to our friends." When Shiela asked "At whose place?" Hre friend would ask "Wanda's place, tomorrow afternoon. Four o-clock." When Shiela asked "Anything else?", her friend would say "Get that man over here, and get LAID, as much as you can, before tomorrow afternoon." When Shiela asked "WHY?" Her friend would say "That will make it more believable." While Shiela did invite me over, it seems we lost track of time, making love, so deeply. By the time we took a break, and I remembered to ask her, Shiela smiled as she said "Right now, I dont CARE who knows." then kissed me, deeply. When Shiela next met, with her friends, the lesbian said "Okay, ladies, pay up!" The ladies doled out the cash. The next incident involved a mans shaft. Shiela thought hat she MUST have been sick, the day when a man forced her to suck his. She took it into her mouth, alright. She, then, bit it so hard, that the man wailed in pain. When Shiela departed the group, saying "I must be sick. I haven't done that since hat creep, in high school." Her friend, who had followed her, asked "Tell me, when was the last time you "tasted" your man." Shiela said "Last night", before even thinking. When her friend asked "I dont mean your "friend", I mean your man! You remember the one." Her friend noticed that Shiela had to think on that one. When Shiela asked "What should I do." Her friend said "If you think you are sick, invite that boy over, and give him every bit that you have." When Shiela would ask "What if I get sick, on him?" Her friend would say "In that case, head to bed, and rest." Her friend turned out to be correct. While the other mans shaft made Shiela feel like vomiting, she found that, with mine, she started with a kiss, and carress, then gave me two, Heavenly, blows. After that, the night was "lost" to passionate sex, and nursing. When I mentioned her other man, Shiela would say "He will call when he needs "some". Funny thing, though. When I saw him, next, he acted like he had NO woman. He was "on the prowl", looking for some. What I did not know, until later, was that, when Shiela saw him, all he said was "(get lost) you old crow. I need something fresh." That evening, Shiela rested, in my embrace, as I comforted her, promising her that I would remain by her side, until she found a new man. That was a promise, which would outlast four mattresses, seven sheet sets, and dozens of "dates", with "wannabe's". Shiela had heard every version, in the book. Everything from "I am just getting started", to "By my 35th birthday..." Shiela stayed with me since she KNEW I was working on my goals. Both in bed, and out. Best of all, I made her feel proud/happy, to be a woman. As for her friend, I encouraged Shiela to keep the friend around. Even if just for the memories, of the "old days". After all, the woman migh be a lesbian, but even lesbians have feelings. While we continued wearing ou mattresses, and sheet sets, Shiela kept going, with her search, for the "perfect" man. Problem was, the more time that passed, the less likely that she was, to even MEET him. It was at abbout this time, when Shiela found herself talking to people, not about her "Mr. Right", but about my plans, for expanding the United States. There were those, who wanted Americans o believe that my plan was to "import" more, cheap, labor. Shiela found herself countering this, with facts, more and more often. After all, who else could say "My man is looking to the nations future." Who else could say "My man is working to help America evolve." And evolve was just what the nation was doing. The United States had gone from fifty states, to fifty-seven states. More were petitioning. While Shiela had fantasized about a life of luxury, she had felt certain that it would come from "Conan". Not from a writer. Shiela never dreamed that catillions would result from people wanting to know more about me (and, as Shiela learned, about her, as well). While Shiela never thought that it would happen, this way, she did get her wish, to see Washington D.C. We were invited, to the capital, when the sixtieth state joined the union, and a new, if temporary, flag, rose on the flag pole. Shiela was trying to conceive how a man, who was more intellectual, than physical, could accomplish such a task. (Personally, I would have been THRILLED had I known how enraged my former in-laws were, at my achievements. I think I would have LAUGHED, had I known that, when students were studying American history, that parents pulled the young out of school, anytime my achievements were being lauded) Just dont ask me which fool suggested placing my face on a variety of monuments. What for? All I was doing was writing stories, and aiding my nation. I could think of thousands, of soldiers, who deserved recognition, more than I did. In order to cover more ground, Shiela agreed to serve as my "mouth-piece", at a variety of functions. This way, she could speak, at one location, while I spoke, at another. My opponents thought that they might have "had it made", since Shiela did have some past criminal records. With a bit of "doctoring", some one made it appear that Shiela had served time, at Shawshank. The actual prison. It was a good job, and might have, even, worked, except for one thing. Since Shiela knew how important the project was, to me, she insisted upon "transparency". SHE approved the release, of her court records. It worked, too. Once the truth hit the airwaves, the public was like "Who CARES what she did, in the PAST? We want to know about NOW." Add in the fact that Shawshank denied that females were ever inmates, and he opposition died away. While Shiela had, never, seriously, considered modelling, once she went "on the road", she found herself being dressed in the latest fashions. Soon, she was wearing jewelry, which only the rich wear, and she was replacing her public side walk "walk" with an uptown vibe. All of this, she was doing, while speaking of the benefits, of adding more states to the union. One, of he benefits, which Shiela never expected, was when the party took care of our state paper-work, for us. (Why not, they knew more than we did) While Shiela would, never, go down, in history, as America's First Lady, she would find herself being mentioned, much like Betsy Ross. That, and former First Lady, Dolly Madison. Two women, who had helped shape America's destiny. As our fame grew, Shiela and I asked about private tutoring, for a high school diploma. (Shiela would be the one to mention "As long as the teacher understands that I do not operate at warp speed") Surprisingly, the party had quite a number, of such tutors. It seems that tutors were proving in-valuable, in aiding people, in a variety of situations. While I was up, for testing, inside three months, I spent the next three months reviewing what I had learned, while Shiela worked toward the test. While, for most students, taking the final test, to qualify for graduation, was covered not just by drug testing, but by that "hammering-BANG", of the testing clock, our test master used a simple, digital, timer. As the test master said "DONT focus on how much time there is left. THAT is why so many students fail. Concentrate on the questions, and answers." Using this method, both Shiela and I completed the test, ahead of the deadline. Also, thanks to our doctors, drug testing would be waived, since the prescriptions, which we took, daily, would show up as street drugs. Upon OUR graduation, when the media asked our next move, I would consult Shiela, who would agree "Let us finish with state-hood, first. After that, we will decide on our next goal." While it was no ones fault, when Shiela fell ill, with a virus, and was given an antidote, the meds did eradicate the virus. Problem was, the anidote had an un-expected side effect. It rendered Shiela sterile. (Of course, I could name a medicine which, after just two doses, had ME in the E.R., with severe, stomach, cramps) A medic

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