Thursday, March 21, 2019


THE PLAN Or, should I say the "screw up". From the time when my plan began to replace the White Houses plan, for a new Berlin Wall, there was a "call", for "image". It had been a long haul, but, after Americans learned what a disaster the first Berlin Wall had been, for the Soviets, the decision, to build a wall, was scrapped. By the time people began asking about a plan "B", my own suggestion, about offering state-hood, was gaining support. As the party committee told me "The plan is sound, but we need a fresh, young, face, for the campaign." While MY choice, of a Latina side-kick would have been the radiant, and beautiful, Maria, the committee said "Sorry. We need YOUTH." THIS is how Consuella was chosen. Eighteen years old, with an innocent body, which almost "screamed" "I have potential". Light colored skin, small chest, long, wavy, hair, and maybe 5'4". Consuella was the type who was preparing for a life of modelling. While rumor held that Consuella had atleast fifteen, past, "lovers", there was no proof of this. From the moment, when Consuella was assigned to me, she was told that, at the proper times, we would have to hold hands, and so on. When she, outright asked "NO sex, right?" The committee promised "Only suggested". While Consuella did sign, she would prove worse than useless, as the project went forward. When people wanted to set appointments, with me, or review materials, Consuella could be located either in a tanning bed, or at pool side. She only answered calls, when she chose to. At the only interview, that she was allowed to give, Consuella's knowledge, of state-hood was limited to her own neighborhood. Her mistake was in saying "We need to take care of the "little people." After this, Consuella was told "Dont say a word, without party consent." While Consuella was relaxing, by pool side, I took Maria to lunch, mostly to ask her if such congestion was part of most projects. (I could not care, less, what her boyfriend thought. This wasn't a date.) After lunch, Maria began taking me through the process, of what a real project should look like. While, for weeks, Consuella had answerred such questions as "What does the man eat?" and she said "Ask HIM. I dont know." It was Maria, who began taking the questions. After all, while "teaching" me the process, of how state-hood would work, she took the time to learn my meds, foods, and schedule. While Consuella was swimming laps, in some billionairres pool, Maria was busy, making sure my schedule was set, right, and bugging me about taking proper meals. One day, when we were working on how to allow some Latino's to vote for state-hood, while part, of their region, was under violent, drug-lord, control, when Maria suggested I take a break, for dinner, for some reason, I suggested "I would rather have YOU, for dinner?" When Maria asked "Pardon me?", and I realized my words, I corrected myself, saying "I would love to sample you body, especially for dessert. IF you offered." Maria would say "We need to work on your opening lines." What surprised Maria was how, after some good food, I told her "I dont touch you until my hands, and mouth, are clean." I THINK we worked, til about one a.m., then went to her place, for an end of day drink. (I just did not know what Maria's idea of an "end of day" drink was.) By the next days, morning, meeting, Maria had me prepared for the presentation (even as the women, in the office, saw our smiles). For the first time, since entering the project, I felt comfortable, with my position. Not long, after this, staff members began liking it, more and more, when Maria was in charge of my day. Maria was Latina, but she had a real head on her shoulders. While Consuella remained the "pulic figure", the last person, to seek her advice, in regards to me, was the tailor, who made the most un-comfortable clothes that I had, ever worn. After the tailor spoke to Consuella, he came to Maria, to verify the information. Maria just laughed at the idea that I had a size fifteen waist. Her, yes. Me? No way. When Maria corrected the figures, the tailor had asked "IF I have further questions..." Maria had said "Its fine. Bring them to me." We had just figured out how to let people, in hostile area's, to vote when, as I was asked a question, and had to stop, and THINK of an answer, Maria was "on the ball", with an answer at hand. I think that the day, when Maria and I were happiest, was the day when area's 55-60 submitted state-hood petitions. This is the day when staff members began telling us "Your husband/wife is there.", and "Mr. H., Mrs. H. wants a moment of your time." Maria and I felt flattered, even though we laughed at the media's suggestion, that Consuella was our daughter. While Maria and I DID travel, south of the border, it was with full, party, approval. In fact, it was even with Vatican approval. This is because the holy church had sent priests to the lands, to spread the word, of the promise, of state-hood. It would seem that some Catholics wanted to hear from the United States. This is why, for three months, all of Maria's VISA restrictions were waived. After all, We WERE on "national business". Back, in the United States, there was more than a little "rumor", about what Maria and I were doing, at NIGHT. Were we, REALLY, working on national business, OR were we working on "personal". While we did a bit of both, I supported Maria's goal, of becoming a full American. She wanted a position, and a career, before she started a family. This is why we just did not mention, to church members, about birth control. By the end, of three months, Maria myself, and the holy church, had provided factual information. Information, which countered the crime-lords, and their propaganda, that America would INVADE the south, as we had, the Middle East. Crushing free thought, and bringing Christianity, at gun-point. By the time negotiations were concluded, three arch-bishops, and five cardinals, had visited the south. This after verifying that America had no plans to invade. The nation only wanted to provide state-hood, for those who wanted to become Americans. The time, when Maria and I, laughed, along with most of headquaters, was the day when Consuella was detained, by I.C.E., after visiting France, with a man, whose name I cannot pronounce. When Consuella insisted "If you are going to arrest ME, for leaving America, then you MUST arrest (Maria)." When the feds asked "On what charge?" Consuella insisted "SHE (Maria), left the United States, as well, AND for THREE MONTHS! I was gone only one week." It took Congress almost three days, to convince Consuella that Maria had a waiver, and was on national business. Consuella made a comment, about the "waiver", that Maria had, being retained in my pants. While the youth was being detained, Maria and I, along with the cardinals, verified that more people wanted to vote. In order to be safe, from guerilla attacks, however, the people wanted churches to be used, for voting. This since, supposedly, not even radicals would attack the House of the Lord. The Democratic Party agreed with the Vatican. The people would vote where they felt most safe. I just wish I knew WHO was spreading the LIE, claiming that, with state-hood, Latino's would come "pouring, across the border". In truth, all that would happen was that the stars and stripes would fly over their buildings, and they would use U.S. currency. That, and obey federal law. No one was talking about moving Latino's into the United States. The plan was to allow them to add their star, to our flag. Even as a sour-faced Consuella was being herded onto a train, for deportation, Maria and I were present, when states number 59 through 63, were, formally added to the nation. Maria was happy, at this time, but, just a month, before, she had jumped into my arms, and kissed me, when her OWN land had been accepted, for state-hood. Now, Maria was American, as was her family. No more immigration forms, or special permissions, to travel home. By the time the "flames", of change, began to flicker out, the Stars and Stripes was flying over all-except for three , small, areas, of South America. As an un-expected side-effect, of this, Maria and I found ourselves being stationed, in the new states. Our task was "simple." We were to oversee the preservation of the Maya, and Inca, ruins. U.A.V.'s would be used, to map, and photograph, the original condition, of the ruins. After that came the picks, shovels, and hoses. While Maria kept alive the hope that, eventually, she would be "blessed", with motherhood, she ended up being more of a combination of supervisor, and tour guide. While Maria was occupied, with these duties, I used my time, and talent, to record, as correctly as possible, all of the stories, tales, and so on, from these ancient lands. These tasks, we undertook, even as a Democratic president took over the nation, and was busy repairing the damage done, by an "illiterate" "president". (A man with NO political background) Now, however, the job had grown even LARGER. This, since the nation had grown from fifty states, to 95 states.

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