Monday, September 30, 2019


CASTLE: THE MISSING TRANSPORTS While Richard Castle had, as predicted, by the "time traveller", switched from writing Nikki Heat novels, to begin writing real literature, Katherine Beckett Castle would find her own world changing. After aiding one of Castles multi-millionairre friends, Captain Beckett would find other, high profile, persons, asking for her help. People who appreciated the fact that Beckett felt that finding the truth was more important than the media circus. After Beckett made sure that four cases NEVER saw the light, of day, her career would be "launched" into "warp speed", after Beckett "turned the tables" on a blackmailer. The case had been simple, really. A young man, who had graduated high school, had impregnated a high school classmate, before graduation. Even though the young man had given his classmate enough money, for an abortion, the problem was not the couple, but the legal system. While the girl was pregnant, at graduation, both had graduated, since the girl was only two months, at graduation. As the man would tell Beckett "I really, thought we were in love. Besides, since she was, already, pregnant, we thought "What can it hurt?" Beckett had said "You were, probably, right. After all D.N.A. testing was not even around, in those days". All that the man knew, after graduation, was a few, HOTT, weeks, of passion, then the young woman was gone. When Beckett would ask "Why didn't you move on? Find someone else?" The man would say "Try replacing the love of your life, then ask me that question." When Beckett would ask "Why come to me, now?" The man would say "There is a young woman, "out there". She says she is my daughter, and the information, which she has given, so far, is the same as when I was young." When Beckett would add "What does that prove? Nowadays, people post their whole lives, on the internet. She could have found you, that way." The man would say "All of that MAY be true, except for one thing." When Beckett had asked "Whats that?" The man had said "Looking at her is like looking at my beloved, all over again." When Beckett would ask "What is it that you want me to do?" The man would say "All I ask is conclusive PROOF that the woman IS, or is NOT, my daughter." With both Detectives Ryan, and Esposito, out, training other precincts in Becketts methods, Beckett would investigate the case, herself. Thanks to both hers, and Castles, underworld, contacts, it would take all of two weeks for Beckett to discover the womans plan. With more than a little help, from Laney, and forensics, Beckett had been able to break the case, using just simple procedure. Beckett had been able to find an on-line journal, which the former school girl had kept. A "Greatest Screw-ups, of my life." The young woman had gone into painful detail, about having wanted to seduce the athlete, while never considering falling in love. She had known that something was not "right" from the moment when, after some great sex, she had a vision of the couple, walking down a rose red carpet, after taking their vows. After this is when she realized that she was pregnant. It would seem that, while the young woman had wanted to "do the deed", right after graduation, she had been left, to document her four month pregnancy, while state government decided if they were going to abandon all funding, regardless of the reason for the abortion. The reason why the state had decided to let women, four, and five, months pregnant, to have abortions, was because the records showed that the women had applied, for the procedure, as soon as they knew they were pregnant. While the young woman had suffered "morning sickness", while awaiting the government decision, she did not know what had made her feel sicker. Entering the clinic, pregnant, or feeling the void, when she left the clinic. As Catherine Beckett read the womans entries, she could FEEL the young womans pain. The woman felt no pride, or freedom, over having done the deed. This is how Captain Beckett had managed to trick the con artist. When Captain Beckett brought the man, and the young woman, together, Beckett knew that the man was honest, since he could mention things, about the young woman, that only a lover, or family member could know. His answers came, clear and concise. The woman was the opposite. Her answers, always, began with "Why are you asking?" Each time Beckett had said "Just answer the question." the woman had to THINK about her answers. (Like she was thinking about a rehearsed script.) Once the woman got enough wrong, she did something, which Castle would have enjoyed, far too much. She opened her top, and asked the man "Want some?" This is when Captain Beckett would use the womans full, REAL, name, and say "You are under arrest, both as a con artist, and, now, for solicitation." After the woman was lead away, the man said "I cannot believe that a woman would do that. INSIDE a police station. How could she think she would get away with it?" Beckett would say "Too many criminals just dont think crimes through." When the man asked "How did you know so much, about my high school love?" Beckett would say "She kept a diary, which she placed on-line, for her friends. She wanted those she was closest to to understand why she did what she did. She did not get the abortion, to save her own lifestyle. She did it because she loved you enough that she did not want YOUR future "haunted", by a high school romance." Beckett saw the look, on the mans face, as he was cleared of charges, and released. She had seen that look, so many times. So many times, she had seen those, falsely accused, who had not cheered, at being cleared, of crime. The truly innocent left the precinct, looking as if they had just been convicted. That was the price of having a conscience. Add in true love, and the "sentence" was like Life, in Prison. Still, word got around, not just to Castles writers poker game, but to other individuals. People, with money, and resources. People, who saw the REAL EFFORT, that Kate Beckett put into clearing the innocent, and imprisoning the guilty. While Beckett had been asked to consider running for mayor, she had made the joke "Nah, I think I would make a better senator". This, in reference to the man, who claimed to be from the future, and had mis-spoken, in telling Beckett that she WOULD, eventually, become a senator. The same man who had told Castle "I am glad that you gave up writing that fiction. Your real literature is worth reading." Soon, however, the Castles were invited to several dinners. The topic of which seemed to be that of "Whom would be the best candidate, for which position." Beckett would be shocked when she heard "If we want to run a "Law Enforcement" ticket then the only choice, for senator would be Mrs. Katherine Beckett Castle. Captain of the 12th precinct." When Kate would say "I am flattered, but I am sure that there are others who are just as deserving, to serve this state." This is when a hostess would say "Captain Beckett, you miss understand. This is not an offer, to run, for state office. We are offering you the chance to run, for U.S. Senator." Beckett would no-sooner begin to say "I am flattered..." When Castle would whisper "Kate remember what the..." and Beckett would ask "Would you excuse me, and my "husband", for a moment." Beckett would, then, pull her patented ear-pull, to "drag" Castle from the room, and into the ladies room. Here, she would ask "What were you thinking?" Castle would say "Remember, the time traveller..." Beckett would say "Yes, I remember that nut case. Claimed to be from the future." When she saw Castles look, she would say "Dont say it." Castle would only ask "What IF he was correct? What IF he DID come from the future." Beckett would say "Castle, he was a nut case. A whack job." When Castle would ask "What if?" Beckett would say "Why did I marry you? Why didn't I adopt you? You will, never, grow up." Castle would mention "So far, the evidence, including Dechiles paper, have lead the way to this. What could it hurt to try?" Beckett would say "OH, really. And WHAT happens if I screw up the state? Do you think that New York will just let me return to running the 12th?" Castle would ask "To quote my mother: What are you afraid of? That it wont work, or that it will?" Beckett would say "Dont you DARE bring Martha, or Alexis, into this. You know I love them, like family." Castle would say "Just as I respect your father." Then Castle would add "Maybe THATS it! Maybe you are afraid of disappointing your father." Beckett would say "Castle!" Then, after a silence, she would say "Fine, but, I swear. If I embarrass New York, in any way, I am coming for your jewels, and I dont mean your money." Castle would counter this by adding "You will, always, know where to find them." After the Castles would leave the ladies room, a woman, in one of the stalls, would take out a device, and type in "Mission proceeding. Katherine Beckett on her path, to becoming senator." A moment later, the stall was empty. Beckett had been up, for election, for less than three months, when a case came up. One, which was too big to keep under wraps. When Captain Beckett would arrive, at the crime scene, she would look about her, to see other officers doing the same. When Beckett would ask her old friends, Ryan, and Esposito "Okay, I was called about a crime scene. So where is the body?" Ryan would look at Esposito, saying "You tell her. You are better." Esposito would say "Thanks bro." When Beckett would say "Any time guys." Esposito would say "As far was we can tell, electronically, this is where the crime scene SHOULD be." When Beckett would say "Come on, out with it." Esposito would say "According to the tracker, used on city busses, THIS is the last location, transmitted, by the bus." When Beckett would ask "What do you mean "Last position transmitted?" Ryan would join the conversation, saying "New Yorks transit authority noticed that one of its busses trackers went dark." When Beckett would ask "What do you mean "went dark"?" Ryan would say "The transit center says that the unit was fine, when checked, two days ago. The unit worked, fine, to this location." Esposito would add "The bus company says that, when the transmitter went "dark", a maintenance van was sent out, to check the tracker. Only, the maintenance crew hasn't found the bus." When Beckett would ask "How could the city lose a 30-ton mass transit vehicle, the size of a locomotive?" then add "Where did it go?" Ryan, and Esposito, would say "Thats what everyone wants to know." This is when Beckett would say "Okay, lets start with the basics. Pull street cams, both before and after. You cant just hide a 50 foot long bus. Someone HAD to have seen it." Ryan would say "On it." By dinner time, Ryan, Esposito, and other officers, had been taking turns watching, and re-watching, street cam footage. Still, when Beckett joined the group, the news was less than expected. Ryan would be given the duty of explaining the situation, to Beckett. "We have footage from the time the bus left the transit center, through its stops, passengers loading and un-loading, until this point. This is where it gets weird." When Beckett would ask "How weird?" Esposito would say "Street cams show the bus entering this street, then the cams lose the bus, and the transmitter stops operating." When Beckett would ask "Pull up the next street", Ryan would do so, only to have the footage show no bus. When Beckett would say "Wait a minute. We just saw the bus go in." When Beckett would say "Lets wash it. See if we can pick up anything." Esposito would say "We did that, three hours ago. This is the cleanest it can get." Through more than a dozen orders, of pizza, salad, and garlic bread, the staff, of the 12th, would review the cam footage, while, at the "site", uniforms would be checking for "anything unusual." As far as "unusual" went, about the best that a uniform could get was a lonely woman, who claimed that the mother ship, from "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" had levitated the bus into a hold. The officer would say "I would not put much stock into that story. I found a classic copy, of the movie, in her video machine. It was set to the final contact scene." When Beckett would ask Laney, all Laney could say was "Without any evidence, or bodies, I dont have any better idea's." Four days later, the bus would turn up, in a drained pool. It would be reported since the department of public works had been scheduled to clean the pool, that day. They could not start until the bus was removed. As soon as Ryan brought in the report, Beckett would call out "Dont let them touch anything, until we get there." Ryan would say "I figured that you would say that. Thats why I told the cleaning service to take a break.," When the detectives arrived, the first thing Laney would say was "Dont ask ME how this got here." When Beckett would ask "Fingerprints?" Laney would say "For a mass transit bus, this thing is cleaner than a church, on sunday morning. Some one scrubbed it down." When Beckett would ask "Any idea of why?" Laney would say "If this was a trick, or hazing, I am stumped." When Beckett would turn to Ryan, and Esposito, asking "Anyone see it come, or the route the perps left by." Ryan would say "As far as anyone is willing to say. The pool was closed, early. Some seniors watched the pool being drained. Probably the highlight of their day." Esposito would add "All anyone knows is that, by the time the crew left work, the pool was empty. Last person to look at the empty pool is a Roger Olms. He says that, when he looked at the pool, maybe about 10:25 last night, the thing was empty, and drying. When Mr. Olms awakened, he, and his neighbors, found the bus, in the pool." It was right as Beckett was asking "Who could miss a bus, being placed in a pool", when a mobile crane entered the site. As the bus was hooked up, a crowd gathered as the cranes engine went into over-drive, and got as loud as a ball game, as it lifted the bus from the pool. Beckett, Esposito, and Ryan, would agree. NO one could have missed that much noise. When a transit worker would enter the bus, and try the starter, the worker would call out "Hey, boss. I thought you said this battery was serviced just before that last run." When the supervisor came over, looked at the power levels, and said "Thats impossible." Beckett would ask "Whats Impossible?" The supervisor would say "This battery was brand new, out of the crate, just five days ago." When Beckett would ask "So?" The supervisor would say "By these readings, this battery is about ten years old." When Espo would ask "Sir, how is that possible?" The supervisor would say "Beats the hell out of me." When Beckett would say "Fine. How about the passengers?" All anyone would say was "No sign of them." While the 12th precinct was working at keeping this "thing" under wraps, Richard Castle would be one, among many, who would, seemingly see the bus passengers, appearring, as if out of nowhere. When Castle would tell Beckett "I swear. There were no sparklies, like either the original series, next generation, or Voyager. Not even the shimmering beams, of the Klingons." When Beckett would say "Castle, people do NOT "just appear", from nowhere. WHERE did they come from?" This is when Ryan, and Esposito, would approach Captain Beckett, asking Castle "Even if you did not see where they came from, where did you see them, and which way were they walking?" Castle would say "Thats easy. The woman appearred about here, and was walking this way. The men appearred, about here, and were walking that way." When Beckett would ask "Okay, guys, why the directions questions?" Ryan would say "Castles story tallies with 15, other, "witnesses". All 16 people say that the people just appearred, and were walking, just as Castle said." When Beckett would ask "Why here? Why now?" This is when a call came, over the police band. "Caller says blinded by lights, from outside their residence. They want us to tell the people to shut down the floods." When Beckett would ask "Location?", and dispatch confirmed, Esposito, then Ryan, would confirm "There are no games, in that area, Especially not tonight." When Beckett would ask "Why not tonight?" the guys would say "State tournament, tomorrow. They want to be rested, and ready." When Beckett would call in "Who is closest to that location?" A police unit would respond, saying "Jefferson 457. My GOD, I dont believe it." When Beckett would call out "Jefferson 457, WHAT is it that you dont believe." Jefferson 457 would respond "You would not believe me if I told you. You have to SEE this." When Beckett would call out "See WHAT? Describe what you are seeing." When no response came, Beckett would call the unit, twice more, before issuing the command "Any units, in that vicinity, aid Jefferson 457." Shortly after this, Dispatch would come on the line, saying "Intercept units, be advised. Use extreme caution." When Beckett would call out "Dispatch, state reason for caution." Dispatch would reply "Captain Beckett, Jefferson 457's tracker just went dark." Within moments, the 12th precinct would be in "hot pursuit", of the "event". Just ten minutes later, everyone would arrive at the last location of Jefferson 457. Nothing but parked cars. By the time Beckett would say "Canvas", an elderly man would come forth, saying "You can ask anyone you want, but you wont find that police man, or the car." When Beckett would ask "Sir, why do you say that?" The man would say "Because they took him, and the car." When Beckett would ask "WHO, and WHERE, are "they"? The man would say "I dont know the WHO, but, when the police car approached, "they" levitated it. The flood lights had gone out, by then, and I could see the man calling into his mike. After that, he floated up, to the ship, and it took off, just as I heard your sirens." Back at headquarters, Laney would say "I am sorry to say, but I have no better idea." This is when the group would return to the squad room, with another, un-answered, question: WHO would WANT to steal a police car? All the police could do was list the officer as M.I.A. It would be four days later that the police would receive an irritating phone call. According to a construction contractor, someone had parked a police cruiser on some exposed I-beams, at a construction site. The question was not HOW? Even the foreman said that the tower crane could lift the car, easily. The question was: Why bother? Back at the station, Beckett would think, aloud "A mass transit bus, in a swimming pool, and a police cruiser, on the exposed I-beams, of a building, under construction?" Ryan would add "By the way, even if the bus was driven into the pool, even by a stunt driver, WHY were no windows broken? Wouldn't the impact have shattered atleast a few windows?" Esposito would counter with "NO dice, bro." When Beckett would say "Impress me." Espo would say "That bus must weigh 50 tons. No way it could have either been "jumped in", or driven in. No tread marks, on the floor of the pool." When Beckett would say "Espo, dont tell me you think..." Espo would say "All I am saying is that someone PLACED that bus, for us to find." This is when Ryan would say "That reminds me. When uniforms oversaw the removal, of the cruiser, from the building, they noticed no scratches, on the beams." Beckett would say "Are you saying that the cruiser was PLACED, just like the bus was?" Ryan would say "Unless you have a better idea." Beckett knew better than to ask Castle. For an adult, the man loved spinning wild theories. Sometimes they panned out. Most of the time, it was just an annoyance. In fact, in Castles "world", Atlantis was, currently, an undersea base, which was taking humans, for study. The United Federation of Planets was funding the research. These were theories which Beckett did not want to deal with. That is, until four, of the missing women, from the bus, just appearred, in the Castles loft dining room, at dinner time. Beckett would have written it off, as a bad joke, if Castle, alone, had been present. With Martha and Alexis, as witnesses, Beckett took it seriously. The family stood aside, as the pro's, of the 12th, swept the loft, for radiation, and so on. As to who was most astonished, over what had happened, that was a toss up. The women had no idea how they got into Castle's loft. The Castles had been expecting only three, for dinner, not seven. The time, when Beckett could NOT cover up a disappearance was when, just three days later, as the Staton Island Ferry was cruising its regular route, behind a politician, who was running for office, live camera's caught the event as the ferry just dissolved. Eye-witnesses insisted that it was NOT an explosion. The videotape, from the camera's, proved this. A ferry, full of workers, and passengers, had dissolved, right on camera. The event was headline news, within the hour. There was no way this could be kept quiet. Ofcourse, four days later, when the police were called in, to investigate a boat, which was hanging from a hill side, the 12th would assist in identifying the Staton Island Ferry. The story was the same. People went to bed, as usual, and awoke to find a large boat, hanging from the mountain side. The question the detectives had was "How does anyone move a large boat, even at night, with no one seeing anything." Another question was "Where were the passengers?" It was not until uniforms stated "The only witnesses, to the event, all have copies, of "Close Encounters Of The Third Kind", in their homes. When Castle would mention, "Even for its day, that was a ground-breaking movie. Just think. The first movie, NOT to portray aliens as hostile." When Esposito would ask "Your point?" Castle would ask "How many, of those, returned, have been violated, by probes, or other means?" When Ryan would check his notes, then say "None appears more than severe shock." Castle would say "Thats my point. These aliens are not hostile." Esposito would add "Are you, REALLY, going there, bro?" Castle would say "Unless you have a better idea." Esposito would say "Sadly, I dont, BUT that does NOT make this an E.T. scene." When Beckett would ask "Why leave a city transit vehicle in a pool? A patrol car inside a builidng, under construction? A Ferry, dangling from a hill-side?" When Castle would mention "I know, neither Mr. Scott, nor Chief Obrien, would have been so clumsy, with a transporter." Beckett would say "What? More Star Trek references?" When Castle would say "I was just thinking." Beckett would say "This is the 21st century. Starships, and Battlestars do not exist. They wont exist, for centuries to come." When Castle would mention Star Trek episodes, such as "City on the edge of forever", as well as the episode, about the Enterprise being hurled back, in time, to the 1960's. The one where the starship had to travel back, in time, again, to return humans to the time before interacting with the ship, saying "What IF a ship DID get forced BACK, in time, to THIS century. How FAR would its crew go, to get back to their own time?" When Beckett would ask "Why kidnap people? And, DONT say "for a snack"." Castle would say "I was thinking more about questioning. You know, like you, Espo, and Ryan, do, every day." When Beckett would sit back and say "Okay, WHY?" Castle would say "What if the ships time-keeping device was out of order, and they needed a reference point, from which to "jump" back into their own time." Beckett would say "So far, close to 100 people are missing. How many people would a starship, or a battlestar, need to verify that it is out of time?" Castle would say "I haven't figured that part out, yet, except..." When Beckett would ask "Except what?" Castle would say "What if the ships systems needed repairs..." Beckett would say "Castle, that is why the Enterprise had Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott. The man could fix anything." Castle would say "That may be true, in the 23rd century, but what if Mr. Scott was injured, during the time jump. What if he is "out of commission"?" Beckett would ask "Do you expect me to believe that a space ship is abducting humans, to find someone, who can repair their ship?" Castle would add "You forgot to say "Using 21st century technology." This is when Ryan, and Espo, would ask "Tell us, Bro. What will the aliens DO, with their prisoners, once the repairs are complete?" Castle would ask "Am I the only one, here, who recalls the Star Trek episodes, where peoples memories are wiped?" Espo would mention "You forgot to mention the SG-1 episode, called "Under the Surface". In that one, SG-1 are "stamped", erasing their memories." Ryan would add "All except Teal'c. Remember? His symbiant restored the Jaffa's memory." Beckett would interrupt, saying "I appreciate all of this trivia, but we have people, not actors, but real PEOPLE, missing." Castle would add "Dont forget, we have transports parked in ridiculous places. Like a transporter beam went out of control." Beckett would say "Castle, one more piece of sci-fi and I am divorcing you. We have REAL families, who want REAL answers. Not make-believe, but REAL answers." This is when Castle would ask "How else do you explain these transports, all ending up so far from where they should be?" When Beckett would say "I cant. But that does not make this science fiction." When Castle would joke "Dont let Captains Kirk, Picard, or Commander Adama, hear you say that." This is when Beckett would say "Thats it! I want a divorce." When Ryan, and Esposito, would look at one another, Beckett would say "I will tell Martha, and Alexis, tonight." When Castle would ask "Why not let ME tell them?" Beckett would say "In case you have not noticed, Martha, Alexis, and I are women. We understand women." Espo would say "Thats fine, for the two of you, however, we have three transports, 100 missing people, and nothing, except a clasic Sci-Fi movie, to link them." This is when Beckett would ask "Guys, check around the precinct. Ask if anyone owns a copy of that movie." When Ryan and Espo looked one another, Beckett would say "Maybe its nothing, but I want a review. Not a movie review. An official review. Maybe the movie can show us something that we are missing." While the police were looking for copies, of the movie, a crowd control call came in, saying that a closed stadium was full of people. When emergency services arrived, they found the missing, all seated in the stadium, and all with the same question: HOW did I get here? A check, with fingerprints, verified that these were the missing people. Medics confirmed that the people were in fine, physical shape, except for electrolyte im-balances. When Beckett asked "Why the dis-orientation?" Medics could only say "Shock would be my guess." Beckett would be glad that Castle was NOT present, since she knew that his first question would be "Trauma, from probing?" Laney would state "Castle would hate this. No sign of any type of violation." The problem was that not one, of the returned, knew where they had been. They remembered the "light", then they were in the stadium. By the time the reports were filed, Beckett would decide that the time had come. Time to "face the music". When she reached the loft, instead of using her key, she knocked, like a visitor. When Martha answered, and asked "Did you forget your key?" Beckett would ask "What has Rick told you, so far?" As Alexis stepped forward, to join Martha, the women would ask Beckett "You know he is an overgrown child. Still, he does love you." Beckett would say "I need some alone time. A chance to think." When Martha would ask "What for?" then add "Katherine, love, and marriage, are not based upon facts, and evidence. They are matters of the heart." Beckett would say "All I need is some time, to gather my things. I will be out of your way, in no time." Martha would stand, hands on hips, as she said "You are just like Richard. No wonder he married you. You were made for one another." The way Beckett would say "I doubt that." Martha would ask "Now, why dont I believe you?" Beckett would suggest "Maybe I dont know, either." While Martha would restrain Alexis, from stopping Beckett, Martha would only ask Beckett "Think of what you are throwing away." That was the problem. Beckett WAS thinking of what she was abandoning. While Castle had told his mother, and daughter "I need a drink, to figure this out", before he had departed, when he returned home, later, Martha could tell the truth. When Martha asked "So, went out, drinking?" When Castle said "yeah", Martha would ask "Why dont I smell alcohol on your breath?" Castle would say "Breath mint." Martha would say "If you have been out, getting drunk then I am actually, Mother Theresa." When Castle would say "I am going to bed." Martha had said "Just try to sleep, knowing you are losing the most important person in your life." That night, the memories flooded over him, as he remembered all of the "adventures" that he and Beckett had shared. All of the ear-pulling. All of the crazy plots. All the bad guys, they had put behind bars. Even that nut, who claimed to be from the future. At 3 A.M., Castle pulled out a book, on time travel. It was research, for a Derek Storm novel. In the book, the spell says to focus on the where, and when. Fixate on what/whom you want to travel to. Focus until you can smell the scents, and see the sights. This is what Castle was focused on, atleast until "time traveller" appearred, in his loft, asking "What is so important that you call me, during a case?" When Castle asked "HOW did you get here?" The man would say "Really? YOU summoned me, here. What is it that you want?" When Castle would ask "How do I save my marriage?" The man would say "Really? You call me off of an assignment, to discuss your marital problems?" Castle would say "Its important. Just as important as those vanishing vehicles, and their vanishing occupants." The man would say "I had nothing to do with that. It was supposed to be a test. It was supposed to draw you, and Beckett closer." When Castle would ask "Why do you care?" The man would say "LIsten, I told you, before. I am a researcher. I dont make the decisions. I go where I am told to." When Castle would ask "Told, by WHOM?" The man would say "You, still, dont get it, do you. I have bosses, just as you, and Beckett do. It is the bosses, who make the calls." When Castle would ask "Okay, whats my next move?" The man would say "You, still, dont get it. The decision has to be yours." When Castle would ask "Okay, what decision does history record me making?" The man would say "I dont have time for this. I have to get back to work." With that, he was gone. It would be mid-afternoon before Martha would rouse Castle, asking "Are you, really, going to sleep the whole day away?" When Castle would ask "What time is it?" Martha would say "Hey kid, thats my line." When Castle would remember that he had given Beckett a key, to the loft, when they got married, he had, barely, activated the tracker when it went off, inside the loft. Martha would say "By the way, Darling, your wife left her key, when she took her things." When Castle would ask "Why didn't you stop her?" Martha would say "She is, or atleast WAS, YOUR wife." When Castle called Ryan, and Esposito, with the information, both said "Sory, not taking messages, for Beckett. If you want to talk to her, do it yourself." Boy, first it was the time traveller, then it was his own mother. Now it was Becketts co-workers. How could he get the message to her, without being punched, slapped, or belted. This is why he sent her an e-mail, marked "Close Encounters of the Third Kind." Being very careful, with his wording, Castle would tell Beckett "You were right. It was not E.T. It was the future. They wanted to tighten our bond. I mis-judged the references. For that, I am sorry. I was out of line." Beckett would be surprised when he did not include a "Will you take me back." It was not until two weeks later, that Beckett realized how much she missed Castle. This, when she had to give a speech, and she had to give it, with-OUT Castles wit. While the speech was plain, and dry, when asked "Where is your husband?" Beckett had been taken off-guard when she asked "Who/what?" Castle would say "She's losing it." Martha would remind him "Now it is up to you. It is because of you that Beckett came to life, and it is you, who are shutting her down." When Castle would ask "Mother, how can you say that. I haven't been around her, in weeks." Martha would say "Dear God, Richard. How can you be so blind. The woman depends on you." Castle would ask "For what? Witty anecdotes?" Martha would say "I give up. If you cant see, with your own eyes..." When Castle reviewed the footage, on zoom, he looked at Becketts eyes, when asked about him. Were those tears, in her eyes? This is why, prior to her next, public appearance, Castle had a friend forge him a press badge, and he snuck into the gathering. For a moment, when Beckett saw him, she moved toward him, then said "I cant do this." When he said "YES, YOU...CAN. you got this." With less than fifteen minutes to go, Castle got Beckett going, until she said "Castle!", then whispered "If you mess this up, for me." When Beckett heard her name called, she was surprised when Castle would say "You got this." in the same way he helped her overcome her gun-shot wound. Sure enough, as Castle moved, to watch his wife "meet the press", he saw that the woman he fell in love with, was on the platform. Not some cardboard cut-out. Captain Beckett, of the 12th precinct. She played the audience, like a master composer. This was her symphony. She was Mozart! After the "meet and greet", Beckett waved Castle to a side room. Here, she asked her husband "With all that work, and those messages, why didn't you ask me to take you back?" Castle said "I violated your space, in the past, and I did not want to do that, again. I wanted it to be YOUR decision." Beckett would ask "Why today, of all times?" Castle would say "You needed to look your best. I wanted you to BE your best. I cant explain it but we NEED one another." When Beckett would ask "Is that Richard Castle talking, or the "time traveller"." When Castle would ask "Does it matter?" Beckett would say "I guess not. The question is WHERE do we go from here?" With Castle working, behind the scenes, Beckett would put on prime performances, as she closed the gap between her and U.S. Senator. On election day, when Martha, and Alexis, joined Rick, by Katerines side, and Katherine would be asked "Are these your family." Kate would say "Absolutely. My husband, our daughter, and my dearest friend, Martha Rogers." By morning, the reviews were in. Beckett had won, by a wide margin. It would seem that solving the bizarre disappearances had "catapulted" her into the lead. When Kates father joined the group, and Beckett would say "Dad, I just hope I dont screw up." The man would say "Nonsense. You are a Beckett." Then correct himself, saying "Make that Beckett-Castle". While the family shared a joyous reunion, when Castle saw a familiar face, he excused himself, for a moment. When Castle asked the "time traveller", "Why didn't you tell me it would work out?" The man would remind Castle, AGAIN, "My job is to research events. Not to act as referee. All that I will tell you is that this is just the start of the journey. You will have good times, and bad times. Cherish the good, and never give up, during the bad." By the time Castle would ask "Can you be anymore cryptic?", the man was gone. Captain Beckett would be sworn in, as Senator Beckett-Castle, the following month. The 12th precinct would have a new captain, again, soon. Castle was left to wonder "What could happen, next?"

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