Monday, October 7, 2019


CASTLE: THE BEDROOM KILLINGS While Richard Castle would be busy, researching his latest work, Senator Katherine Castle would be busy as well. In her case, trying to make sure that New York received its fair share, of housing money. How the senator was coming to long for visits, to crime scenes. Nowadays, she only knew what the media was told. That is, until Ryan and Esposito would bring back the memory, of an unusual crime. From e-mails, sent to both Beckett, and Castle, Ryan and Esposito had been assigned a new case. One which was just as bizzarre as a classic case, which the group had investigated, years before. Specifically, the case of a woman, found, murdered, in her own bed, along with an un-conscious attacker, whose first question was "She's dead?" What linked the two cases, beyond this, was the fact that the alarm system had been activated, all night long. When Castle asked "Did you check under the bed?" Ryan would type "After that last case, of course. NO traces." By the time Senator Beckett would ask "tox-screen?" Esposito would respond "In the works. The strange thing is, the man is acting like he was ruffied. Disoriented. The works." When Beckett would send "What about the time of death? Has Laney established it, yet?" Ryan would say "Working on it." After the detectives signed off, Castle would send "Just think of it. Another murder, just waiting for team "Castle/Beckett." Beckett would send "Dream on. This is a police matter. Neither of us are with the police, any longer." Castle would send "Spoil sport." It would not be until two more bodies showed up, with the same M.O., that Beckett and Castle would become involved. According to the newest captain, of the 12th precinct "Senator, I need your experience, and insight, on this case. With each new body, the pressure is growing, for public disclosure. If that happens..." Beckett would say "I understand, completely. I will make a few phone calls. Buy you as much time as I can." The captain would turn to Richard Castle, asking "I know you are considered un-conventional, but you may be able to help, anyway." Castle would say "Anything, for the city that I love." By the time Castle was reviewing evidence, with Ryan and Esposito, Beckett was negotiating a deal, with some major media. This is how she learned "Senator, our outlet has a source. For a price, they are willing to tell ALL of us what they saw, at two of the crime scenes." When Beckett would ask "What is their "price"?" the senior negotiator would say "Drop all narcotics charges, against Enrique Mendoza. Do this, and our informant talks." Beckett would say "I am a U.S. Senator, not a D.E.A. agent. I cannot speak for them. You have to speak, directly, with them." This is when the senior negotiator would say "The D.E.A. is not cooperating. Maybe you can help." When Beckett would say "I will check it out. Now, WHEN may I speak to you witness?" She was left slack-jawed when the negotiator would say "As soon as the charges are dropped." After the media departed, Beckett asked Ryan and Esposito "What do you know about Enrique Mendoza?" Espo would bring forth a file, saying "Easier for you to read, than to tell you." Sure enough, Enrique Mendoza was NO Pope Francis, for sure. Mendoza was in federal custody, after "various drugs" were found on his person, when he returned from Mexico. Mendoza had other charges, and had served time, in the past. Despite being in his twenties, Mendoza was just millimeters from life in prison (under three strikes and your OUT). Beckett had to wonder What KIND of information might Mendoza have, which could be traded. Could it be the mystery killer? Still, Beckett called the D.E.A., and received some information. When she called the media execs into the 12th, again, the men seemed cool, and collected, but only until faced with hard facts. When Beckett mentioned "Enrique Mendoza has been in custody, awaiting arraignment, since BEFORE the first killing. What information COULD he have?" When the media asked "Are you SURE he was in custody?" When Beckett would mention "I have reports, and video. Mendoza was in custody, BEFORE the killings started." The senior negotiator would ask "What if we told you that the killer spoke to Enrique, BEFORE Enrique's arrest?" When Beckett would ask "WHEN did they talk?" Media would say "They spoke maybe a month ago." This is when Beckett would produce a flight log, showing that Enrique had been in Mexico, at that time. When Media would ask "Excuse me, but did we say, or even MENTION, that the talk was in New York?" When Beckett would realize that she was being had. She was being fed false leads, to try to get a drug mule off of a conviction. This is when she said "I think we are done, here." As she left the room, the media called out "Detective, excuse me, senator, we can, still, make a deal." Beckett would look at some officers, whom she knew, saying "Please escort these people from the building." The media would depart, while insisting "We have evidence." By this time, Castle had been reviewing notes, with Ryan, and Esposito, about the new crime scenes. In each case, the bedding, and frame, had been thoroughly checked. When Castle asked "What about secret compartments." Espo would ask "Why would anyone risk being discovered, hiding in a secret compartment?" Castle would say "Why, indeed?" Castle would, then, add "You know, in most of the best crime novels, of the past few centuries, hiding places, and secret panels, have played a part, to the point where audiences get more excited about WHERE the secret is, than about the murder." When Ryan would say "Thats just sick. Its like saying that the prize, at the end of a game, is more important than those, who died, trying to win the game." Castle would say "Last time I checked, the world was not a very rational place." When Beckett would add "Add in the media frenzy and the world is even LESS rational." Ryan, and Espo, would ask "Do you really expect us to go over the crime scenes, again, looking for "magic portals", and disappearring cabinets." Beckett would say "Unless you have a better explanation for how people, ALONE, in their locked rooms, are being murdered." Ryan would add "So long as we dont have to try and call the Enterprise, and ask Mr. Scott about un-authorized beam outs." Ryan would realize that this had been a mistake, from the moment when Castle would say "Not a bad idea. Beam in, committ murder, then beam out. No traces." Ryan would say "Sorry I mentioned that." At one address, the manager would say "Sure, there are spaces, under the floor. How else do you expect us to keep heat, and air conditioning working?" What surprised the detectives was that the maintenance hatches had no locks. When this was mentioned, to the workers, the workers asked "What do we need locks for. No one knows these spaces are here." This is when Esposito would reach inside the space, pull out something, and ask "When was the last time a worker was in here?" After reports were checked, and it was verified that no one had been logged in, for three months, the evidence showed that someone had been in, within the past, few, days. Now, if nothing else, the detectives knew how ONE murderer got in, past the alarms. At another crime scene, a more thorough check, of a wardrobe, showed that a rear panel was loose. When slid aside, there was found an ancient, and forgotten, path way, to another room. In THIS case, it was the modern sole, of a work-boot, which was found inside the passage. In the third crime scene, the manager would say "This unit has no UNDER spaces, or secret panels." When Esposito would ask "How do you work on electrical, plumbing, and so on?" the manager would say, "From the room above. It HAS an access port. It just does NOT connect, with this room, as you can see" (The manager would say as they pointed at the ceiling.) From the upstairs room, however, once the hatch was open, and a length of silk rope was found, coiled up, Ryan would ask "Let me guess. No one has, officially, been in this space, for months." The manager would say "Not since the last department of health and safety inspection." By the time Ryan and Esposito, would return to the 12th, Laney had verified causes of death. When Beckett would ask "Laney, what have you got?" Laney would say "Something I am hesitant to believe, even with the facts right in front of me." When Beckett would say "Just dont give me one of Castles "famous" "The C.I.A. targetted them, for termination" theories". Laney would only say "I dont THINK that the C.I.A. would kill, like this." When Beckett would ask "How were they killed?" Laney would say "Based upon stomach contents, each victim was given just enough drugs to cause un-consciousness. The fatal dose was delivered AFTER each victim was asleep." When Beckett would ask "HOW can you KNOW that?" Laney would say "The drugs, which caused death, were designed not to reach the stomach. They dissolved, in the digestive tract." When Beckett would ask "How can you know that?" Laney would say "You have your husband to thank. Him, and a theory that Klingons might have hidden some micro-bombs in the victims food." Laney would say "I wanted to dismiss this theory, as fast as possible. We have enough crack-pots in this world. We dont need aliens to make things weirder." When Beckett would say "GO on, WHAT is it you found?" Laney would say that, "When I checked each victims digestive tracts, I found residual irritation, from the poison." Espo would suggest "So the victims were ruffied, then poisoned, once asleep.?" Laney would say "Makes a very quiet, and submissive, victim, easier to control." When Beckett would ask "Who HAS this kind of tech?" Laney would say "You are looking for someone, who is very knowledgeable, and adept, with drugs." Beckett would say "That narrows the field to every doctor, nurse, interns, and who knows who else, for the suspect list." Laney would say "Dont forget. While Medical examiners dont, normally, deal with the living, we, also, have the skills, and knowledge." The very LAST thing, that Beckett wanted to do was suspect a co-worker (even a former co-worker), of such crimes. Still, Laney had been correct. M.E.'s DO have the knowledge. On the other hand, there was the boot print, freshly made, and the nylon rope. Were they clues, or were they planted? By the time Beckett was ready to suggest a trip, to city hall, for Ryan and Esposito, the new captain would assign the detectives to examine the same documents, for any sign of recent access. When Espo had asked "How far back should we go?" the captain had suggested "Maybe a month before the first murder." This is when Beckett would suggest "Sir, I know I dont work here, any more, but I would like to suggest that the search not be limited to such a recent time." When the captain would ask "Your reason, senator?" Beckett would say "These killings are not random. Each was well thought out. Everything, from alarm access codes, to hiding places. While I dont know what the message is, yet, I am certain that someone is trying to send someone a message. A message which has taken time to assemble." When the captain would say "This sounds very much like one of your husbands conspiracy theories. Lets try to keep this proffesional." Beckett would say "I AM keeping it proffessional. These killings took TIME to plan. This is why I suggest that the guys look further back. We need to find out who accessed those plans." When the captain would ask "So, you think that these were executions? Something someone PLANNED?" Esposito would ask "Why not? They took the time to study the plans, learn the buildings lay-outs, and prepare hiding spaces. Sounds planned, to me." The captain would say "Fine, go back, but no more than a century." Espo would turn to Beckett, asking "How should we play this, to avoid media attention?" Beckett would suggest "I will put a request in, at the next session. Say that we are compiling a history of the city. Emphasis on famous hiding places. I will even request funds, for a video. This way, the media will be stuck, watching the process, while we search for clues." Both Castle, and the captain, would be astounded at how well the "historical video" story went. When Castles fan began e-mailing the author, about the script, for the video, Castle went to work on what started as a phony script. Problem was, like the detectives, Castle found so much information, that he ended up writing a REAL script. Since the video would be a documentary, Ryan, and Esposito, would share research, with Castle. Research which would include the fact that similar videos had been tried, MANY times, over the years. The problem was content. While New York City is well-known, from the era, of Prohibition, Racketteering, and other vice, the problem is that many, of the film-makers were under pressure, to make a "sanitized" video. A video about families coming to the nation, to make new lives. Video's, which focused on how the church had aided in the effort, to make a success, of Prohibition. Basically, all had wanted a cross between "Little House of the prairie", and "The Life and Times, of Grizzly Adams". Each project was terminated once researchers showed financiers the real, and rugged, history, of New York. The tenements. The cons. The bordellos. Now, author Richard Castle had decided to make his own wifes "con" seem more real, by writing about the city's darkest days, as well as Liberty's light. In a three way effort, Castle, Ryan, and Esposito, worked the case, while doing research, for the video. To everyones surprise, people, who did not, normally, talk to cops, talked to Ryan and Esposito, when they used the cover "We are doing research, on the history of the area." While the 12th's captain had hoped for a list of as few as a dozen, potential targets, the problem was that hundreds of buildings, all across Manhattan, had passageways, and ducts, which the public had forgotten about, over the past fifty years. Even Richard Castle could not believe how many buildings had whole corridors, buried behind plaster, and drywall. As Senator Beckett would suggest "What we dont know, about New York, is buried, like a crypt. The question is "How do we narrow down the list, and find the killer?" Ryan and Espo, would comment "Unless someone is willing to permit the general destruction, of Manhattan, to find the perp, this will make "Where's Waldo" seem like childs-play." As Beckett would point out, "The only way, that I can see, to reduce the number, of targets, is by having potential victims vacate spaces. This SHOULD restrict the number of places, to strike." When the captain would ask "HOW do you plan to do that?" Beckett would turn to Castle, asking "Any idea's. None that would make sense, anyway." The captain would say "Senator, Mr. Castle, FIND me a way to save some lives." While the 12th was working on this problem, Beckett was relieved that Castle was, actually, writing a script. Now she remembered why she fell for the "child". When the Senate Finance Committee asked for a copy, of any alleged overviews, of the project, Castle printed off what he had, so far, and Beckett turned this over to the committee. When the committee chairman responded "This is not a completed work." Senator Beckett would say "That is true, Chairman. This is a work, currently, in progress." When the chairman would ask "You expect this committee to approve funds, for an in-complete work?" Beckett would say "I believe that, based upon the time it takes the committee to review, and approve, such requests, that the script will be prepared, for presentation, by the time the vote comes up." When the chairman would ask the treasurer "How long before this comes up for a formal vote?" The treasurer would say "Three months. Maybe four." Senator Beckett would say "BY that time, I am certain that I can have a fully reviewed script, for your review." When Beckett returned home, she asked Castle "Tell me you can have a completed work, for committee review, within three months." Castle would say "If Ryan and Esposito, assist me, I can have the script completed, in one month. I am just waiting for the details." As Ryan, Esposito, and the rest of the New York police continued their "research", Castle had just taken Beckett out, for dinner, when a drive by shooter, emptied their weapon, into the glass front, of the restaurant. Out of sheer habit, Beckett reached for her gun. Then she remembered "I am not a cop, any more." This is when she took out her phone, ran out, into the street, and tried to make the license, on the car. By the time Ryan, Esposito, and the captain, arrived, at the scene, restaurant staff were busy cleaning up the mess. When the partners asked "Why shoot up an upscale restaurant?" Beckett would say "Because Castle and I were here. This was a message. We are closing in. They are getting worried." While three more murders would take place, people, with money, and power, began leaving New York, as quietly as possible. Within one week, the police had cleared more than a dozen buildings. Management had placed locks on doors, which had not been locked, for seventy-five years. One week later, two dozen, more, buildings, were cleared. This while more than 200 people left New York. While the police commissioner was not happy, with all of the projected loss of income, the commissioner agreed. Better to lose some income, than to lose customers. Beckett figured that this is why someone TRIED to deliver a large package, of explosives, to the 12th. The bombing had failed since the city was bringing in a new breed, of police dog, to train for sniffing explosives. New Yorkers KNEW the old breed, even by name. The police needed dogs, which were not people-friendly. It was as the dogs were being trained, to sniff out explosives, that the dogs, nearly, went out of control, as a courier tried to deliver a package to the 12th. After the courier was arrested, pending verification of identity, the bomb squad suited up, and opened the bomb. It contained enough high explosives to level the 12th. (Now the police understood why the dogs had "gone beserk".) Using an armoured car, the police took the bomb to the river, and dumped it away from boaters, or swimmers. Still, when the timer went off, the water spout did rise fifty feet into the air. Between the drive by, at the restaurant, and the bomb, being delivered to the 12th, there was no quetion. The police were making someone very nervous, and desperate. This is why the captain ordered that all patrol cars be switched. If there was a bounty, of either Beckett's, or Castle's heads, the killers might strike their cruiser. By switching cruisers, daily, it would be impossible for anyone to know which car, they were using. Still, the city's mechanics pulled some extra over-time, by doing nothing more than a thorough inspection, of each car, before, during, and after, each shift. Some might call this paranoia. Both the captain, and the patrolman assigned to the car, from Beckett, were relieved when the officer brought the car in, for switch over. Sure enough, bomb disposal was called in, once maintenance verified that an explosive was wired to the engine. Thankfully, the officer, assigned to the car, was paranoid enough, as well, that he kept a log of all movements. UN-fortunately, the footage only showed a male, of in-determinate age, using a special "bump key" to un-lock the hood, and place the package. The bomb was designed, only to destroy the car. This meant it was small enough for the blast chamber. While Beckett would say "This proves my theory. We are getting close, and someone does not like it." Castle would ask "Yes, but WHO? Who would risk jacking a police cruiser, on the open street?" The only news, that Ryan had to report, was "Most of the well-to-do have left the city. Nearly half of the units are vacant." Beckett would say "That MUST be the reason. They are coming after us, since we are removing their potential victims from their sights." Esposito would ask "Okay, but that, still, does not answer the question of WHO are they? and Why strike now? What is so special about right now?" No one had any answer. Upon special request, of the police, atleast three, hotel, managers called the police, when sensor-mounted doors indicated that someone was using the old shafts, without management awareness. While management, as quietly as possible, "sealed" the buildings, until the N.Y.P.D. arrived, the bad news was that the perps had fled. At atleast two, of the locations, when asked about staff, managers would say "Impossible. These people have been working here, for YEARS. I trust them, 100%." It would seem that the killer may have known the lay-out of the next building. They just did not count on deterioration. Based upon the EAR-witness statements, the victims room was locked, yet neighbors had heard what sounded like a fight. Someone was punching, and throwing things at, the wall. The panel was easy for detectives to find, since the noises had been from the killer, trying to escape, through an ancient passage. A hole had been pounded in the wall, where a dusty, and rusted, handle hung. The best theory was that the killer used the handle to open the panel, hoping it would open, just as easily, from the inside of the room. Problem was that, with the building being 150 years old, the pieces were out of allignment. Since the panel did not close, completely, the switch, inside the room, would not work. This is why the perp had knocked a hole in the wall. They had to force the inside handle. Problem was that the perp forgot that "getting physical" leaves marks, including D.N.A., and finger prints. Now, Laney had something she could work with. Just one problem. When the finger-prints were run, through the database, the closest match was an elderly man. A man, whom the prisons had to release since they were just not set up for people, needing such personal treatment. Besides, the ex-con had died, within a month of release. The next, closest, match, was a great-grand, son. This match, however, was just 80%. Not so odd when it is considered that the two were four generations apart. Still, this left motive. What would a great grand son have to gain, by killing people, over something which had happened long before the man was born. What were the police missing? It was the very PUBLIC WAY that the next VICTIM would be killed, that made everyone question the case. Sure, the woman considered herself far more beautiful than Vanna White, Paula Abduhl, and others. This, however, was not her only "claim to fame". She had a very rich daddy. A man, who came to her rescue, every time she was arrested. He had the money, to buy her way out of convictions, for everything in the book. This is why, when compalints came in, about a very expensive sports car, rocking like it was being usedd as a bedroom, even Ryan, and Esposito, would say "Shes at it, again." While uniforms taped off the area, whe Ryan and Esposito arrived, asking "What has she done, THIS time." Uniforms would say "You need to see this." The young woman was in the car, throat slit, yet seeming almost peaceful. It would not be until Laney got the body on the table, and the suggestion was made that she had sex, Laney would say "She did not just have sex. She must have ROCKED it." When Beckett would ask "How?" Laney would say "Her is so full of a man, that they must have gone at it, for who knows how long." Beckett would say "That explains the nuisance calls. Has her father been called?" Ryan would say "His office says he is out of the country. Wont be back, for days." When Beckett would ask "Anything else?" Laney would say "I think that this is related to the bedroom killings." When Beckett would ask "How?" Laney would say "Our killer left behind more D.N.A. Its a match." When Beckett would ask "Why would a killer change their M.O. like this?" Laney would say "That is YOUR department." The great-grand-son came OFF the suspect list once he was located, in Europe. He was enrolled in school, studying 18th, and 19th, century, design. While the school verified that the man had been prompt, and present, the great-grand-son would say "I remember, about six months ago, I think it was. Some guy began asking me all kinds of questions about my past, and New York." When Beckett would ask "Why New York?" The man would say "He said he was doing a comparison paper, on how decorative Europeans made their passages, while American passages were nothing but "holes in the wall." When Beckett asked "Did he give you a name?" The man would say "Edgar Poe. Dont worry, I did not believe it either. I just showed him where, and how, to look up the constructon method." When Beckett would ask "Any thing more that you remember?" The man would say "It may be nothing, but I recall him saying "They got away with it. several times. I thought he was just thinking out loud." When Beckett would say "Thank you for your time." then switched off the line, Espo would be the one to say "Swell, now this seems to be about vendetta's. WHO are we looking for, and WHAT is the MESSAGE?" The captain would say "People, it is the "Message" which is scaring people off of Manhattan. We need to know this persons manifesto. Who are they trying to contact?" Beckett would suggest "Maybe, it is not about contact. Maybe its about saying "I KNOW what you DID." Espo would say "Not those old movies." Beckett would ask "Why not? Maybe they are a movie buff. Trying to re-create..." When the captain would ask "Senator, what is it?" Beckett would ask What if our suspect is an old movie buff. What if they are trying to re-create the granduer, of the days of black-and-white movies." Ryan would ask "If you are right, HOW doess this explain the girl, in her car?" Beckett would say "Copy cat. They hope the death will be blamed on the person hitting the high rises. They kill, on the street, then walk away." Espo would add "While we are looking for the other killer." It would, however, be Castle, who would provide the conclusive information. Inviting the investigation, to his loft, Richard Castle would let the police choose the movies, based upon crime scenes. While the N.Y.P.D. had dreaded the thought, of watching hours of old film, looking for particular scenes, Castle saved some time, by finding an internet review site. One, where the site creator had substituted the classic movies list, with a space, wherein people could TYPE in what scenes they were looking for. While under the subject heading "Victim, poisoned, in bed, by killer, who left (object) in crawl space, beneath bedroom floor" Too many movies, for the entire state to check, when Castle entered the subject heading "Victim poisoned, in bed, by killer, who used passage, inside wall, to gain access, then depart, un-seen. Only clue left behind was a bnoot print." Beckett had just told Castle "Dont be so descriptive. The killer may be watching, for such searches, themselves." Still, only a list, of five movies, came up. When Castle asked about crime scenes, which included crawl spaces, in which nylon rope were found. Only four movies showed this critera. Un-fortunately, no one had gotten around to creating "chapter/scene selection", for the movies. The N.Y.P.D. ended up watching HOURS of black-and-white movies, even as taxpayers were billed for orders of MORE pizza, and garlic bread. This, while Martha, and Alexis, would spend plenty of time fixing more than a few salads. When the captain burst in, asking "WHAT is going on, here?!". When Beckett would say "We are watching old movies." When the captain would say "Watching movies?! At taxpayer expense?!" Beckett would say "We are not watching, for enjoyment..." This is when Espo would call out "Hey, Beckett, come take a look at this." When Beckett lead the captain to the Castles living room, Espo would re-start the video, and say "Watch how the killer enters the room." Both Beckett, and the captain, would watch the restored, but still black-and-white, films, as, on-screen, the villian would watch the victim going about their routine. Un-aware that they were being watched. Once the killer had the victims routine down, they struck at the moment, when the person would be most vulnerable. After the killing, the murderer would be methodical enough to erase all evidence, then slip back into the panel. Before departing the crime scene, the killer would spray something on the floor, then leave only one scrap, of evidence, behind. When Beckett would ask Ryan "Remind me, what is the title, of this movie?" Ryan would check his notes, then state the name. When the captain would ask "Are you suggesting?" Castle would suggest "Captain, why dont you join us. Maybe YOU can spot some clues, that we, "juniors", have missed." What astounded the N.Y.P.D. was how, in each feature, the killer took the time to PLAN their actions. These were not some rawndom killers, looking for some "booty", or to kill women, with large chests. No, in each of these features, the killer waited, watched, and planned. Since the movies were all made, on less then shoe-string budgets, most features werfe just over one hour. Still, when an officer called out "How lame is that. They dont even show the blood, or guts." The captain would say "We are not here for a movie critique. We are here to solve murders." By the time film time was completed, Beckett would say "I am willing to wager my position, as U.S. Senator, that we have just watched our crime scenes being invented." The captain would say "NO, need. Senator, you may not know this but, when my family got tired of the blood, and gore, of the 1970's, and 1980's, my grand-father pulled out some copies, which he had, of old movies. We used to have the old fashioned sunday matinee's, right in our living room. This is how I fell in love, with the classics." Ryan would be the one to ask "Now that we know HOW the crimes were committed, the question is "How do we identify the killer?" Beckett would say "Check the cast list. Find out if any of those actors appearred in more than one movie." This is when Castle would mention "Beckett, in those days, ALL performers were under contract. The people were in every movie, that they were TOLD to be in." When Beckett would suggest "The place to check is not the credits. It is the old records." The problem was that all of the old records were lost, just as many old films had been lost. This is why the Actors guild was the next stop. This, also proved to be a "dead end" since the actors were dead, either of alcoholism, or old age. Many had been dead, since the 1960's. The next break, in the case, came when Castle would ask "We know that the dead girl, in the car, was a copy cat. What if someone is trying to draw attention, to classic film-making?" Beckett would ask "How? By staging murders, like old movies?" Espo would ask "Why not?, there have been cons, regarding the Fugitive, the Shadow, and both Star Wars, and Star Trek. These are fans, having fun. I doubt any of them is planning a murder." Beckett would say "No, we are not looking for a regular fan. Someone, who just loved a show. We are looking for someone with a deeper interest. Someone, lonely enough, to fixate on the lives, of the cast. Someone, who may not have felt it was fair, to cancel a show." Espo would say "Swell, you just narrowed our suspect list to most of North America." Ryan would say "Not quite. We are looking for someone who has a real fascination, with OLD MOVIES." A check, with New York fan clubs, would narrow the list, from dozens, to just a few. According to more than one, club, president, "Yes, we have had some rabid fans. It is terrible to say that we had to eject some of them." When the detectives would ask "For what reason?" The presidents would say "We gather, to enjoy memories. to share drinks, and tell tales. We even encourage members, who say "I wish they had done this, with the show" to set pen to paper, writing out the stories. This is what we do. Keep the memory alive, by enjoying memories, and good company." When the detectives would ask "You said you had to EJECT some members?" The presidents would say "We are non-violent. If a member becomes so much a part, of a cancelled show, that they speak, of bombings, and shootings, of producers, we either "talk them down, or, if that does not work, we remove their membership. Tragic, but necessary, to keep club members safe.. FUN is our goal. Not violence." When the detectives met back at the precinct, the notes were like a single person wrote each. When the detectives went over the notes, to find out who had been ejected, for threatening violence, most of the names turned up in a search, of local, psychiatric, wards. Those had been secured BEFORE the killings began. For a short while, the police thought that a female fan was responsible. This, because of her mail, to a show producer. When the producers assistant would bring forth the "nut-case" file, the asistant would hand the detectives a series, of notes, penned by the woman. She, actually, offered to be either the producers mistress, or to give him a family. These on the condition that the show was brought back. The asistant would say "Not to worry. When the producer declined the womans offer, she took pictures, of his car, in the parking lot. After taking the first pictures, she broke all the glass, slashedd the tires, and ripped out the electronics. After that, and before security detained her, she took pictures, headlined: Next time, it will be your head!" The assistant would say "Last we knew, she was in intensive care, at a psych ward." When Beckett put in a call, the hospital verified "Yes, she has been here, in her cell, for over a year. She cannot accept that the show was cancelled." Castle would say "That leaves only a couple of men." Beckett would interrupt asking, "WHY would people become so "invested" in a show, that it is like watching a relative die?" Castle would ask "Why did people read Derek Storm, like a letter from a long silent relative. Why did people wait in line, for the Nikki Heat books? For some people, it seems that a "bond" grows to the point..." Beckett would add "...that the fan feels like they are part of the performers life. A part of their family." This is when Ryan would say "I hate to say it, folks, but you seem to be talking about my wife. She has that one show, that she NEVER misses. Every week, she is in front of the television. She even writes letters, suggesting plot-lines." Beckett would say "I dont know whether that would make her a fan, or a stalker." When Beckett would ask "Has your wife even written suggestive letters, or commented on plot-lines?" Ryan would say "I HOPE not. I would hate to think of my own wife, as being this delusional." For the 12th precinct, the case went from bad, to worse, as they sought out two, seperate, men, and ended up chasing one man, with dual identities. One identity was that of a man, in deep regret over the fact that his favorite show had ben cancelled. The other was, truly, the opposite. Under hypnosis, the aggresive personality would say "They HAD to die. They KILLED the characters." When the psychiatrist would remind the patient "ONLY the show was cancelled. The performers are alive and well. They are working new jobs, now." When the aggressive said "They HAD to DIE. They murdered the show." (From the observation room, Castle, Beckett, Ryan, and Esposito, would watch as the seperate personality would give a confession) I followed the directions, from the movies. Did exactly what they did. I made the murderrers PAY, for killing the show." When the psychiatrist would ask "So that is the reason why you killed the producers?" The man would growl "YES!" Now, their families will feel the pain that I feel." When the psychiatrist asked "What will you do with the other man. The one filled with sorrow?" The aggressive would say "If I could, I would KILL him, as well. All that whimp wants to do is cry over the loss." After the psych eval, when the team would ask the psychiatrist "What do we do, with him? He just admitted multiple counts, of murder." The psychiatrist would say "I dont know how you can imprison the murderer, without taking an innocent man along." When Beckett would ask "Are you saying that there are two, SEPERATE, men inside there?" Ths psychiatrist would say "Basically. Two, seperate identities. The shy man has no idea of what the aggressive man is capable of." When Castle would ask "How do we seperate them?" The psychiatrist would say "Mr. Castle, we are talking about the human brain. One of the most complex machines, in the known universe. It is not like baked goods, where you can cut away any spoilage." When Beckett would ask "How do we help the innocent man?" The psychiatrist would say "You CANT. If you destroy one, the other goes along. If you imprison one, they both go." Castle would say "Too bad we cant just "build a wall, and cast the evil behind that wall." The psychiatrist would say "That, Mr. Castle, would be a wonderful idea, IF we could be sure that it worked. The problem is that the human brain is self-repairing. In time, the identity would re-emerge." When Espo would suggest "Too bad we cant just cast the evil out." The psychiatrist would say "I want you to understand that I am NOT sponsoring, or supporting this next suggestion. I do, however, have a friend, who has helped people, before. MAYBE she might help you." When the captain was informed of the proposal, they all-but freaked, asking Beckett "Have you lost your mind? Taking a suspect for an exorcism? If the media got wind of this..." Castle would but in, saying "...excuse me, captain, but this caqn play into the history video. We can say that we ASKED for a demonstaration, to show the range of beliefs, which have existed, in New York, over the centuries." When the captain would ask Beckett "Can you sell the fedds, on this?" Beckett would ask "Why not, I have promised them a HISTORY of New York City. Why NOT include spiritualism?" The problem was that the plan had been to exorcize the EVIL, which was killing people. While the medium called upon the forces of Light, and Wicca, to cast out the evil presence, somehow, the whole thing went wrong. While the man raised his face, to Heaven, and a thick mist rose, through the ceiling, just as the man calmed, and Beckett would ask "Did it work?" The man would smile a demonic smile as he growled "Yers, you helped me send that whimp to what you call Heaven. Now, **I** am in complete control. Just TRY to stop me." Again, Beckett, instinctively went, for her gun, forgetting that she was not a cop, any longer. When the "man" rose from his chair, and snapped his cuffs, like they were tin-foil, then laughed, saying "This world is now, MINE!" He would look behind him, as Esposito would say "Guess again." When the creature turned to Esposito, the detective emptied his gun, into the body, before the creature could react. While Esposito pulled the trigger, until the hammer clicked, on used cartridges, when Beckett would ask "Espo, are you all right." Espo would say "Sure, I just wanted to make sure that it was dead." Ryan would say "If six rounds at close range, did not take him out, NOTHING will." Espo would say "Better safe than sorry." While everyone, at the 12th would say that seven rounds was a bit excessive, no one questioned Espo. They knew he was right. The murders would be ruled "serial killings", with the commissioner promising "The suspect has been put down. There is no more danger. The 12th, and the N.Y.P.D., as a whole, have eradicted the threat." When the innocent mans body was laid to rest, Beckett nudged Castle, saying "Tell me what you see, just to our left." When Castle would say "NO way." The spirit, of the innocent man, would approach, as casually as any other observer. When Beckett would say "We apologize, for sending you away, by accident." The man seemd at peace when he said "Not a problem. I was no good, in this world, anyway. Now, I am at peace." When Beckett would ask "What will you do, now?" The man would say "I leave that in the capable hands, of the Divine." Castle would say "In that case, the best of luck." As the man walked away, the humans watched, as he dissolved, as gently as the wind. Beckett would say "Castle, I am warning you. DONT say it." Soon after the funeral, the families would be told a version, similar to the truth. Then it was Castles turn. With the ending now written, he could provide Beckett with a completed work, on the history, of New York City, to date. When Beckett would ask "Why "To date", Castle would say "I cant write the City's ending until Manhattan ceases to exist. Until then, there is MORE history to be written." Senator Beckett would be surprised at what happened when she submitted the "completed" script, to the committee. When the chairman would ask "Why does this title have a sub-title of "to date"? Beckett would remind the committee would say "Unless New York has been wiped from the map, since I left, it, earlier today, there is still the future to be written. How can my husband write an ending, when New York City still exists?" Three weeks later, all verification showed that all evidence, presented, in the video script, was based upon genuine evidence. Congress would approve the video filming, and New York City would face the camera crews. Another Richard Castle first. A series, of murders solved, and a new video, in the works. Before leaving, for Wshington D.C., Beckett would admit "While I like the title, of "Senator", I miss the crime scenes, and the challenge, of solving cases. Placing the guilty in prison, and giving survivors solace." When Espo would ask "Beckett, tell us the truth. Would you rather be a homicide detective, or senator?" Beckett would say "If either of you mentions one word, of this, to Castle, I will have your badges." Then she would say "I do miss the "old days". After this, Beckett would share a dinner, with her family, then prepare to fly back to D.C. Before departing, Martha would come to Beckett asking Was it worth it?" When Beckett would ask "What?" Martha would say "Reaching for the bird in the bush? Was it worth it?" When Beckett would just stare, Martha KNEW what the answer would be. (What Beckett would, NEVER, dare telling Castle, was how much she adored Martha's embraces. It reminded Beckett of all of the embraces, which she missed out on, with her own mother.) As to what the future would hold, who can say?

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