Thursday, October 10, 2019


THE FITNESS CHALLENGE That was the challenge that our state government made. The start, of the challenge, actually, began with a stalemate. State agencies were complaining that, with tax cuts, there just was not enough operating capital, to continue providing services. Even to current clients. While one side, of the "aisle" was more than ready, to increase taxes, to provide financing, for agencies, the opposite side remained adamant. "Taxes MUST be CUT, NOT increased. The state MUST learn to live on a budget." This is what lead to a full week, of food, and drink, deliveries. Gallons of coffee, and cold drinks, as well as vans, full of food. Everything from glazed, and frosted, donuts, to pizza, pasta, beef stew, and chili. By the end of the stalemate, while eyes, on both sides, were blood-shot, it was bellies, which an adult fitness group, was looking at. Since members, of the legislature, are given routine physicals, there was current data, to measure by. The opposition opposed the weigh-in, but only until the governor volunteered to step on the scale. This, after reminding the media "I dont think that I have had a high quality meal, in a week." While the governor had gained just over 20 pounds, other members had gained between 30, and 40 pounds. It was not until after everyone had a good nights sleep, that the governor called a meeting. Once rested, the governor had weighed in, again, with the same results. Calling a meeting, of the legislative leaders, the governor would ask "Are we "fit" to serve this state?" When leaders would say "Sure, thats why the people elected us." The governor would correct the mistake, asking "Are we "fit", as in physically fit, to serve the people?" Both sides would agree "After impasses, we, ALL, have to hit the gym." The governor would ask "Why? If we work, for the people, they pay our salaries, and we are accountable, to them, should this not be in every situation?" While the one side said "Governor, once we hit the gym..." and this is when the governor would say "THAT IS the problem. We should not have to "hit the gym", after time in the chamber." When the opposition would ask "What are you saying, governor?" The governor would say "The STATE is getting FAT, on the taxpayers backs. I think its time for a change in habit." When the new program was unveilled, it was not state agencies, which were the first to cry "foul". It was healthcare workers. The people, who claimed that, after certain procedures, patients need time to heal. The governor would, again, correct the misunderstanding. "I am NOT referring to those who are sick or injured. I am referring to those who have "lost their way" since high school." After this, and this time, publicly, the governor stepped on a scale, announced "While I may claim that I was performing the tasks, which I was elected for, I make NO excuse, for having gained over 20 pounds." After the governor listed the types of food, that had ben consumed, during the impasse, the governor asked "Is your government REALLY setting a good example?" This is what lead to the start of the fitness project. Once the governor announced "From this time, until I leave office, there will be no more buffets, during government work. From now on, we are going to practice fitness, both physical, and dietary. I want to make sure that the voters get what they deserve." Soon, adults, from across the state, were measuring in. When some adults scoffed at the program, when asked "What example are you setting, for your children?" The adults were silent. The largest weight gain, however, was not where it was expected. No, the largest amount of weight gain, was in office workers. Federal, state, and local, office workers, were weighing in at almost twice what they began adulthood at. As for me, when I stood, in line, for my weigh in, the director had a problem. They were accustomed to men with saggy arms, thick legs, and "spare tires", for bellies. Men, of about my size, who weighted in, at 300(+) pounds. Then, there was me. Even at 225 pounds, the doctors noticed my fitness. Un-like the other men, whom trainers were suggesting changes to, I was one of the only men, not to be given such advice. As for the women, it was fifty/fifty. With the governor leading the way, the state began moving from being over-fed "couch potatoes", to being more active, in life. It would seem that the governor was no stranger, to dieting. In fact, he took to it like an expert. He set his goal at losing twice as much as he had gained. While, for some people, the weight control plan began, and ended, with the weigh-in, there were those, of us, who stayed with it. What shocked the legislature, more than the next impasse, was the fact that, instead of buffets, full of lunch, and dinner, food, the legislature found itself "dining" on salads, and fruits. Coffee, and soda, were replaced with vegetable juice, and other, healthy, choices. The media was able to report that, for some reason, this impasse did not last as long, as previous ones had. Was it due to "public mandate?" Was it due to having to eat healthy food? All that the public knew was that, after the healthy budget impasse was completed, the legislature began working out details, for the following year, before the current budget was even passed. (Were they really so opposed to eating healthy?) On the negative side, atleast twelve men, who had been warned, about weight, and how much their legs could stand, went into wheelchairs, when legs gave out. This, while atleast 24 other men came OUT of wheelchairs, when weight was reduced to what their legs could carry. Men, who could, now, play, with either teens, or grand-children. As part of the weight challenge, men, who, normally, wagered on national games, were encouraged to wager on local events, instead. This way, instead of just watching, from a sofa, the men were interracting. While the governor ended up losing a few EXTRA pounds, other men saw bellies return to "normal" position. This, and men, who, normally, sat on couches, during games, were "burning calories" by participating in the games. The reason why the fitness program received only mixed reviews, was because only, maybe 250, to 500, men remained with the program. The othet 5,000, to 10,000, men returned to their regular lifestyle, long before the challenge was completed. Both the governor, and I, were given Awards, for Achievement. The governor WANTED to penalize the state workers, who bailed on the challenge. Union contracts, however, forbade the governor from ordering peoples private lives. What the media reported on was the fact of the seven men, ALL over-weight, died, within six months. The coroners report would read "Organ failure, due to excess weight." IN the coroners office, the M.E. would confirm that each victim had died, due to pressure, on the heart. The victims had died since their hearts could not beat fast enough, or hard enough, to supply nutrients to the body. What was, also, reported was how, those, of us, who stayed with the challenge, were adding years to our lives. We were no-longer pre-Diabetic. Those, who "bailed out", were asked "What type of coffin would you want?" Yes, GOOD weight meant an active lifestyle, and freedom of movement. BAD weight meant watching life, from the "side-lines". When asked, I informed the governor, "All I want to do is be able to go out, when asked, and not have to make excuses." Did I expect to live longer? NO. I just wanted to be active, in this life. What was wrong with that? Those, who lost even tiny amounts, of weight, were given ribbons, for effort, while those who "bailed", and returned to being "couch potatoes", were listed, in the local media, as "Quitters". I know that, when I was asked, about the program, I corrected the speaker, saying "A healthy life-style is not a content. It is a life-STYLE. Something which ends only in death." The media expanded upon this by saying "Research shows that people, with healthy life-styles out live others, by as much as two decades. Fit parents can be more active, with children." All that I knew was that I continued to become some sort of state-wide figure. More people, than ever, wanted to know me. While I used my "notoriety", to aid in dis-mantling the new Berlin Wall, replacing this with state-hood. I was invited to address many groups, on the subject of health and fitness. Like I, always, said, fitness must be a personal decision. No one can force it.

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