Saturday, October 26, 2019


CASTLE: THE INHERITANCE In the time since Senator Castle had been removed from the budget sub-committee, Kate had spent her time, meeting with groups, from all over New York state. While Kate may no-longer have been an "advocate", for ending the invasions, of the Middle East, she, still, felt that she could serve New York, in other ways. Nowadays, thanks to Martha Rogers, Kate had just as full of a schedule, as ever. Martha Rogers had used her knowledge, and skills, from auditions, to encourage people to meet with the senator. This, while Alexis, and her college friends, worked on the internet, both browsing information, for Kate to review, and to post CORRECT information, about the senator. While no police officer makes it to retirement, without making some enemies, it would seem that Kate had an enemy, who was "out for blood". A reporter, who felt that his "status", with the media, gave him "special priviledges". "Priviledges", such as double-parking, not paying meters, dis-obeying police line tape, and so on. His worst offense, to date, was when Beckett caught the man urinating, at a crime scene. When the man asked "Whats your problem (as he zipped his fly), Kate had said "You are under arrest." When the man asked "Whats the charge, this time?" Beckett had said "contaminating a crime scene." Beckett, still, remembered being called into the captains office, after the man filed charges. When the captain asked "What is it, with you and this guy?" Beckett would say "Sir, he was contaminating a crime scene." When the captain asked "How? By passing by? That is what his claim suggests." Beckett would say "Sir, he was not "just passing by", he was urinating, on the crime scene." Even though two other officers admitted to seeing the "event", neither wanted the publicity. Result, Kate had stood, alone, in court. On the way into court, the man had vowed "I WILL get even." Kate had, only, said "Get in line. There are dozens, ahead of you." While Castle, and Beckett, had solved some amazing cases, together, Beckett had kept coverage to a minimum. This is why the "dirt bag", had nothing to say, about the detective, for years. Now, however, Kate Castle was a U.S. Senator, and the man felt like "my ship has come in." When Kate, and Castle, had gone undercover, to verify if a sex club was, in fact, using high schoolers as hookers, Castle had taken along enough money, that rumor said could get him a girl as young as thirteen. While Castle was busy ogling the 18-21 year olds, while asking for something "newer", Kate was busy, in the office, e-mailling copies, of club files, to the 12th. Kate knew that Castle had over-stayed his welcome, when he went as far as to ask "Got any fresh-women?" This is when the club owner would say "Mister, unless you leave, rigth now, I will have my guys throw you out. Then, if you are LUCKY, we will call the cops." While Castle tried to stall, for more time, asking "Whats wrong with wanting a young girl?" The owner would say "Dip-squat, in case you haven't heard, high schoolers are illegal." Castle was wondering if he needed to stall, for more time, but only until Beckett came to the door, saying "Come on, dear, I am getting restless, for some action." Before dumping Castle out the door, the manager told Kate "Your man, here, is a pervert." Kate would think "Dont even get me started." In the car, away from the club, when Kate would ask "Did you have fun, in there?" Castle would ask "Was my acting job good enough?" Kate would say "Gave me all the time I needed. The crew are going over the records." Within two hours, and a delivery order, of spaghetti, and sauce, Garlic Bread, and so on, the members, of the 12th, would have to resign themselves to saying "Just an urban legend". This, due to the fact that the club listed its "female companions", on-line, by face, as well as age, and other information. There was not a single female, under 18, asociated with the club. (Castle would put the money away) When the vengeful author got wind of the story, they changed the truth to "Senator Kate Castle working in a strip club. How bad can federal salaries be?" The "dirt bag" even created a profile, using a decade old photo, to show that Kate was into lesbians, rape fantasies, torture, and so on. Problem was that Alexis teen friends knew more, about computers than every American, over the age of thirty-five. Instead of just deleting the file, the college kids made the file a joke. They fixed the file to alternately, show Kate as a grade schooler, high schooler, a senior citizen, and even as a mummy. When the reporter demanded that the file be repaired, the judge had asked "Sir, I believe that you have posted in-correct material, yourself. Information, which shows Senator Castle as the alleged employee, of a sex-for-hire business." When the reporter went to argue the point, the judge ordered "Both parties will remove content, at the same time." When Kate told Alexis "I dont know how..." and Alexis would say "Dont worry, mom. My friends built in a fail-safe. Just enter "No more Kate Beckett", and press enter." While the reporter THOUGHT that he would be "cute", saving a copy, he was ready to roar, with rage, when the young peoples computer skills wiped out ALL mention, of the file, and the case. The mans worst screw-up, to date, however, was when he forgot to check Kates calendar, before posting a video. Using video, of a look-a-like actress, and dubbing Kates voice, from recordings, the reporter created what looked like a video of Kate, cheating on Castle. Problem was the date/time stamp. At the time, when Kate was, supposedly, having sex, with another man, the senator was, in fact, meeting with families, at a group meeting, to discuss school funding. The opposition was calling for parents to "If you want your children to eat, at school, PAY for the lunches, yourselves. Stop making taxpayers pay for your children." The problem was that, in the worst area's, even the "highest paying" jobs did not pay halfway up to minimum wage. That is, for those who could FIND work. Since being a detective had taught Kate how to LISTEN to people, she asked the attendance "How would YOU cover this cost, if it were your decision?" While some people suggested "Let the filthy rich pick up the cost.", while others would suggest "Why not bring back manufacturing jobs? This way, we could AFFORD to feed our children." Kate listened, and promised "I will do what I can. Lets just TRY to get more people interested. The more voices, the more power we have." Local television went "wild", mocking the fake, sex, tape, while saying "While this phony was being uploaded, here is where Senator Kate Castle REALLY was, at that time." Just as Alexis friends had predicted, when the phony sex tape went over like concrete, the reporter created more dirt. Phony passports, drivers licenses, even a birth certificate, for Alexis, claiming that Kate was the girls true mother. (All Alexis would say was "I wish") Senator Castle would be back, at work, while Richard went to work, on his next novel. That is, until Richard received a letter, addressed "To the Castle Family". The envelope held the return name, and address, of an attorney so everyone had to wait until the appointment, with the attorney. At the meeting, when the attorney read the name "Ashby", everyone looked at one another. When Castle would say "I dont know any Mrs. Ashby. Why would she leave me anything?" The attorney would say "While you may not know her, I can assure you that MISS Ashby knew you, very well. You, Derek Storm, and Nikki Heat. You will understand when you see the inside of the house." When Martha would ask "Pardon me, but where, in New York, is this property, located?" The attorney would say "It is not IN New York. It is deep, in the forest, beyond New York." When Castle would say "Great, road trip. I call "shotgun"." The attorney would say "Mr. Castle, I am afraid that you do NOT understand. I said the property is located OUTSIDE of New York, and DEEP in the woods." This is when Kate would ask "How bad can it be?" The attorney would just look at Kate. Hours, of driving, later, and the Castles would find out just how remote this place was. Kate would be the one to point out "No need for locks, or gates. No one would want to stay here." Martha would add "This must be some kind of joke. Not even a ghost would be caught, dead, in this place." When Richard turned to his mother, asking "Did you just..." and Martha would say "Forget I mentioned it." What Kate noticed, even in the way in, was the fact that the place was so over-grown, with weeds, that it was impossible to determine where the property line was. Who knew how much cleaning that the fountain, in the middle of the drive, needed (or if it even functioned.) Alexis would be the first to nominate herself, saying "I will be glad to sleep outside." While Kate, and Martha, took to investigating the bedrooms, Ricks first choice would be the library. After all, the attorney had mentioned that the woman had been a huge fan. Entering the library was more like entering a crypt. Cob-webs, everywhere. Dust, thick enough, almost, to eat. While Castle DID find all of his works, on display, it looked like the display had not been touched, in years. Still, Richard went on another of his "secret passage" hunts. This, while Kate and Martha, agreed "This place needs more than airing out. Its a good thing we brought our own supplies." When Kate would ask "Who can LIVE like this?" Alexis would ask "Who said anyone lived here." When Kate would say "Alexis, honey, the attorney said..." and Martha would say "Alexis is right. The attorney never said that Miss Ashby LIVED here. All the man said was that the woman loved Richards books, that Richard would love the library, and that she collected his works." Kate would say "You are correct. Both of you. The man never said she LIVED here. I wonder why?" It was at that moment when a call of "Kate, Alexis, Martha, anybody. Help, in the library." went up from the first floor. When the women rushed down to the library, they found Richard being "crushed" by a panel. When Kate asked "How did you get in there, anyway?" Castle would say "Help, first. Answers later." Alexis would be dumbfounded, but only for a moment. After that, she thought back on her school courses, and this is when the memory returned. This is when Alexis asked her father "What did you touch, to open the passage?" When Castle would point, Martha would say "Not helpful.", as the three women searched the room for a release lever. Kate found it, by accident, as she, accidentally, knocked over what looked like a wooden dildo. While Kate was trying to rub her hands, of all contact, Alexis would pick up the object, saying "Mom, its not what you think. It looks more like a handle." This is when Martha would ask "What is a handle doing in a library?" It was not until Alexis brushed off the broken base, that she found the lever, turned it, and Castle was released. Being a former homicide detective, Kate decided to check the grounds, for any sign of alternate entries. After all, when Martha had asked "How do we lock the place up?" Kate KNEW, from experience, that passageways lead to concealed entrances. The Castles could lock every DOOR, on the house, yet a thief could break in, IF they knew of a secret entrance. Result, once food, and other supplies, were brought inside, Kate would re-program each of their cell-phones G.P.S., for ON-location use. This way, each memory card would store the signal, no matter which direction a phone was headed. By sun-down, the family had HOPED that the seven entrances, which they found, were the ONLY entrances. Still, evening rations were a mix of the WHO, and WHY, that Miss Ashby had willed the property to Richard. What had she hoped for Richard to find? Why was she so fond of Richard? There were plenty of mystery writers in the world. When the time came, for Kate to call the 12th, and let them know that the Castles were fine, she noticed that, although G.P.S. worked, that none of their phones had "barrs". This is why Kate was happy when the captain asked her to take a satellite phone along. "Never know when something might happen." the captain had said. When Kate called, Esposito would say "We were getting worried. You have not been answering, for hours." Kate would say "Dont worry. We are just in a cell-dead-zone. I am calling on the sat-phone, that the captain asked me to bring along." When Espo would ask "How IS the house?" Kate would ask "Remember that haunted house, at the fair grounds, a few years ago?" When Espo would say "Yeah, pretty lame, wasn't it." Kate would say "That house could take lessons, from this one. I feel like we are in a classic, ghost, movie." When Espo would ask "Color, or black-and-white?" Kate would say "Black as midnight, and more of a grey, than white." Once she signed off, and shut off the phone, the family, tired, from setting up housekeeping, went to their rooms, for some sleep. It was at about 2 a.m. when something alerted Kate, and she sat up, in bed, calling out "N.Y.P.D. Dont move." When Rick was startled awake, asking "Whats going on?" Beckett would say "There was something in this room." When Castle looked about, saying "Nothing here, now." Kate would ask "I wonder if Miss Ashby kept any weapons around, even for self defense?" Seeing that he was not getting back to sleep, soon, Castle would suggest "If there are guns, they would be in the trophy room." Kate would whisper "Show me." When a yawning Castle would show Kate the trophy room, and the empty gun-case, he would say "See, the only guns, in this house, are in..." and Kate would say "Shhhhsh!" That night, Kate placed one of her extra pieces under her pillow. This she did, since she did not remember looking at the gun case, upon arrival. It would be Alexis who, after breakfast, the next morning, had gone to the trophy room, to locate a copy of a book, for a friend. When Alexis returned to the kitchen, she would ask everyone "Is mom cleaning, and checking, the guns?" When Kate would ask "Why would you ask that?" Alexis would say "Simple. When I looked in there, yesterday, the cabinet held four shot guns, and what looked like six-shooters." When Kate would ask "Honey, are you sure?" Alexis would say "I remember since, when I found them, and e-mailled my friend, he asked about makes and models." Via sat-phone, Kate would call New York, and ask for a run-down, on Miss Ashby's family. Did any of them own guns?" Three hours later, the message arrived. The message detailed how many guns the FAMILY owned, but showed that MISS Ashby had owned no guns, nor had a permit. Her father, and brothers, though... Now, sure, ALL homes have strange sounds. Most of it was just settling. During the day, most of it was easy to ignore. Plenty of work to be done, before nightfall. Still, at lunch, Martha would ask "Has anyone else felt like we were being watched, this morning?" When Kate would ask "Why would you ask?" Martha would say "I dont know, but, when I was out front, working to clear the porch, and make it look more inviting, I had the feeling, of being watched." When Kate called the closest police department, the officers told her "Never mind the prying eyes. Out there, deep, where you are, there are plenty of wild animals. Your eavesdroppers are, probably just local animals." That evening, however, after Kate made sure the doors were locked, she and Castle were the first awakened when at about 2 a.m., there was a knocking sound, on the interior walls. When the sounds continued, Kate suggested "Castle, go see what that is." When Castle would ask "Me? I dont even have a gun." Kate would say "Fine, I will go." Just as she found her spare gun, under the pillow, Alexis, and Martha, would enter the room, asking "Did you hear it, as well?" It sounded like someone slamming a fist on the wall, to try to hear hollow sounds. With her family behind her, at a safe distance, Kate made her way to the stairs. Funny thing was, she had been up and down, these stairs, several times, just that day, yet she did not remember the spider-web, which she had to brush from her face. Once downstairs, and as close as she dared to get, Kate would draw her gun, cock the hammer, then , softly, say "N.Y.P.D. Hands were I can see them." In a flash, of movement, something struck Kate, then the family saw something, like a shadow, fly past. Rushing to Kates side, the family did not even see what she was hit with. When Martha said "The shadow must have taken it." Kate would say "What shadow?" Alexis would say "We heard a noise, which was you, being struck, then we saw what looked like a shadow." When Kate asked "Did you get a good look?" The family asked "At what. all we could see was something, which looked see-through." Kate wondered "A see-through attacker? That does not make sense." Three times, the following day, the Castles would hear "noises", and find things "out of place". When each "event" was followed by the sighting, of something "transparent", Kate became suspicious. This is why Kate decided to call in "re-inforcements". With a call, to the 12th, and asking the captain if Esposito, and Ryan, were available, for some work, the captain would tell Kate "IF you can arrange it, with the governor, I will be happy to send your pals for a visit." When Kate would say "This will not be a social call. It may be actual, police, business." The captain would say "As soon as the paper-work is submitted, you can have them." After thanking the captain, Kate would call the governor, who wanted a trade. The governor wanted permission, for three, new, gambling, boats. If Senator Castle agreed to drop her resistance, then Espo and Ryan would be granted a "special assignment" voucher. While Kate Beckett-Castle, like her father, was opposed to the idea of operating an economy, based upon gambling, Kate made her decision, based not just on her family's safety, but the safety, of the general public. New Yorkers needed to know that ALL land was safe to travel near. While Kates request, for Ryan, and Espo, to join in the property search, was being processed, what Kate did not know was what Laney was doing. When the three arrived, at Miss Ashby's home, and Kate asked "Laney, what are YOU doing here?" Laney would say "Nice to see you, too, sister." Kate would back-track, saying "Ofcourse, its nice to see you. Its just that all I requested was the guys." Laney would ask "So, I guess that you dont WANT to know what I found." Espo would say "The woman has skills, that we can use." When Kate would mention "With the dead, there is no one better." Then Kate would say "Sorry, came out wrong. What have you got?" Laney would say "Unless I am mistaken, your killer is local. From the samples you sent to the guys, I found a variety of samples, indiginous to this area. Samples, of grass, pollen, and so on. What I did NOT find, however, were traces of pollution." When Kate would ask "Meaning what?" Laney would say "Unless I miss my guess, your intruder is a local person. Probably never been outside this area." Kate would say "Thats fits. How else would they know the house, so well." It would be inside the house, that Ryan would say "What I dont get is why the lady left YOU (Castle) this house? You have what you need, in the city." Espo would cut in, saying "I think that what Ryan means is "Why would a woman leave you so much, when you have all that you need?" Castle would add "A woman I never remember meeting? Why?" Kate would add "If it was a burglary then why wait until we were all here? Why not break in, while we were at work?" When the others turned to Laney, she would say "Dont y'all look at me. I just joined the case. I know even LESS than you do." It would, however, be Laney, would would discover the "hidden" hatches, that the intruder had used. This, based upon samples, collected, "randomly", from around the house. For the Medical Examiner, these samples were like a "highway map". There were just three problems. Two were some kind of tunnel, which Espo, and Ryan, followed to places, off of the property. When the guys returned to the Ashby house, they would report "At one time, it WAS a tunnel. Problem is, it is boarded up, from the OTHER side. My guess is that someone did not want visitors, in the night." As Kate, and Rick, would have to report "Our tunnel seemed to lead to a doorway, of sorts. We did not go through since we could see some kind of writing, on the frame. For all we know, it could have said "Do not enter. Hazzardous materials." While the new arrivals made a point of being seen, during the day, then drove off, an hour before sun-set, a new plan was placed into effect. AGAIN, at 2 a.m., a figure began poking the walls (not minding that it was loud enough to wake the house), and Kate would whisper, to Laney "Show time." While Kate was preparing for an ambush, Laney was collecting fresh samples. When Kate found a figure, in the shadows, and said "Step into the light, hands in the air." The figure hurtled something, and Kate had to duck. Since Laney was, already, down, looking for samples, the object flew over her head. This, as the ladies watched as a near-transparent figure rushed out the door. Kate knew the boys had seen it, from their hiding place, since she heard three shots ring out. While Kate had HOPED that the boys would bring in a wounded suspect, what she received was "We fired three rounds." from Ryan. Then, from Espo, "I swear, those shots went right through the perp, yet they did not slow down." Ryan would add "Took off, towards the property line." When Kate would ask "Did you pursue?" Espo would say "Pursue what? That thing just vanished." Laney would add "Whatever that was, it was solid enough to throw this at Kate and I." When Espo would ask "Did you get a look at the perp?" Kate would say "It was too dark. I hoped to catch them in the light, but they bolted. All I can say is that the perp is maybe, three inches taller than Rick." Espo would add "What I dont get is WHY? I mean, this place is not exactly prime real estate. What could anyone want?" Kate would say "Get some sleep, guys. Fresh start, in the morning." Still, Kate would fall asleep, beside Rick, wondering "How did we miss an entrance? How does this perp gain entry into the house?" The next day, as the house became cleaner, and more live-able, the main question was "What is so valuable, in this house, that someone has tried, three times, to break in?) Except for the area's which the 12th were working on, this place could be a classic haunted house. It was late afternoon, when the group had stopped for a break, that Espo had just said "I wish we had a pattern to look for." This is when Kate realized that there was a pattern. When she pulled the group close, Kate spoke, softly, as she said "Our perp, always strikes the first floor. WHY?" Ryan would suggest "Easiest to access?" Espo would add "Back when this place was built, people could trust neighbors. No one locked doors." When Ryan would mention "What about the passages?" Espo would remind him "The passages are blocked, from the OTHER side. How do we know the blocks are permanent?" Kate would ask "Concealled doors? But why?" Rick would suggest "Maybe, someone got too "frisky", with a neighbors daughter?" Martha would ask "In that case, WHY would they knock on the walls. And, always at 2 a.m.?" Kate would suggest "Martha, that may be the clue, that we need." When Martha would ask "What clue?" Rick would say would say "In every movie I have seen, the ghosts walk at midnight. Why would our "ghost" wait until 2 a.m.?" Kate would say "One, of two possibilities. One: the "ghost" is on duty, until 2 a.m., or they have to wait, until 2 a.m., not to be seen." Laney would say "I, still, say it is a local. All of the evidence points to a local person." Espo would add "But where does this get us? On the way in, I saw atleast four companies, which might have a graveyard shift." Still, this left such questions as "WHAT could they want, in this old place" and "WHY wait until now. The house had been vacant, for years." Also, what was that thing, that they were seeing, and how could bullets pass through it?" Two nights later, a major storm drove the people inside the house, while proving that the roof was sound. One of the tree's, down the lane, was not so lucky. A lightning bolt ripped off one side, cleaner than a saw. When Ryan, Espo, and Laney, went out, the next morning, to check the drive way, they learned why the "ghost" had not responded to gun-fire. There, partially hidden, in the tree's, was a roll of plastic. About the right size, and all but see-through. When the line was traced, both ways, one end lead to the Ashby house, while the other was anchored just beyond the property, on another tree. The New York Police also found out how the intruder gained access to the house. It would seem that a water-proofed hatch had been installed, yet the intruder had not shut it tight enough, before the storm. Based upon what both Laney, and Kate, could figure out, the intruder must have secreted into the house, during the day, gone to the attic, and slipped the nylon rope down the side of the house. After hours, the intruder returned, acting like some kind of restless spirit. It would turn out that it would be Alexis, NOT the N.Y.P.D., who would provide a necesary clue. As Alexis explained "I was just in town, trying to learn more about the property, when some locals asked me to a party. It was when I asked if it would be NEAR The Ashby property, that I found out why this place is so abandoned, and run-down. Dad, even Miss Ashby has not LIVED here, in a-LOT of years." When Kate would ask "Honey, what did they want, for the information?" Alexis would say "Dont worry, mom. Nothing like that." This is wehn Rick would say "In that case, continue." Alexis would say "Word, around the area, is that no one will live here because of the "ghost-thing", that we found. Local legends say that it is, actually one of the Ashby's. Anyway, dad, you were way OFF, when you suggested the passages were closed off, due to a frisky man. Word is that Miss Ashby's MOTHER had atleast one, maybe more, affairs, with men, from neighboring properties. This is why the tunnels are closed off. Mrs. Ashby was one, wild, woman." Laney would say "Castle, sounds just your type." When Kate would ask Alexis "What else does word say?" Alexis would say "As far as I can find out, before that party, tonight, it seems that there is word that Miss Ashby has a brother. A man, dis-owned by his family, since he was, supposedly, born to Mrs. Ashby. Locals think that our "intruder" is the young man. He is looking for PROOF, in order to claim all of this (Alexis would make a grand, and sweeping, arm, movement, around the room) is, actually, his." When Alexis mentioned "I will learn, more, at the party." Suddenly, Rick, Kate, and Laney, would look right at the girl, saying "NO, you are NOT." When Alexis would say "Its just a party." Laney would crack the joke, saying "And I am Mrs. Obama." While the family was agruing Alexis safety, over gathering information, Espo would have an idea. He would ask "Alexis, you KNOW where the party will be?" Alexis would say "At an old barn. Two miles from town. Old place, covered in." When Kate would ask "Okay, Espo, what have you, and Ryan, got in mind?" Espo would say "Simple. Alexis wears a wire. We listen in, and find out whats going on." When Kate would ask "What if..." and Espo would promise "Kate, if things "go south", we will be inside, in less than five minutes." Ryan would add "Less than two." then look at Alexis, saying "Sorry, no offense". Alexis would make her terms simple, as well. "As long as you dont come in, unless things really get out of control." That night, Alexis never felt more humiliated than when she saw the adults opening trunks, and placing bullet-proof vests, while passing out rifles. When Alexis would ask "Why not bring in a S.W.A.T. team, and attack helicopters." Kate would promise "Honey, this is to keep you safe. We trust YOU. Its the people you will be with. We dont know them so, better safe than sorry." Covering each of the exists, the N.Y.P.D. would listen in, hoping for clues, to the case. Kate could not help feeling proud, of Alexis, as the girl went about the party, engaging those who spoke of the property. Most of it was harmless. Who built the place. When. Who was born, lived, and died, in the house, and on the grounds. In the cases of death, the speakers promised that all were accidents. As for Miss Ashby's family, word was that the family had to move, once Mrs. Ashby gave birth to another mans son. When Alexis asked "When did Miss Ashby LIVE on the property?" The party-goers laughed as they said "She never LIVED there." Someone else said "To afraid of the "ghosties", with a huge laugh. When Alexis would ask "Dont tell me you think the house is haunted?" A round, of laughter, then, as if a switch had been flipped, the barn went dark. The detectives might have thought it an teenage prank, but only until voices, inside the barn said "Hey, we got permission, to be here, until 3, if we want to. Turn the lights back on." While in the dark, and listening, Espo, and Ryan had donned thermal vision, and noticed something fleeing the scene. The "perp", however, was not showing up as human. Size, maybe, but body heat. After losing it near a humidification plant, the detectives would return to the group. This is when Kate would say "I think I KNOW who the "perp" is, and how they evade us." While Rick suggested breaking up the party "Just in case", Kate would remind him "Our daughter is old enough to handle herself. If she needs help, she will call. Besides, I think that our perp did not want someone talking. I want to know why." Kate had to smile at how Alexis handled the information, that she received. The real information, she would whisper "Follow up?". To the fake stuff, she would whisper "Dis-regard". When a couple of boys got more than a bit fresh, Alexis would remind them "While my mom is no-longer a police officer, she does have friends, with the police." When one, fresh, boy, would ask "Who is this big deal mom of yours?" Alexis covered herself by saying "My mother is a U.S. senator." When the boys backed off, Kate whispered "Thats my girl." Alexis had given just enough information. While even Kate had listened as early arrivals had been told "We have this place, until three a.m.", to which some party-goers said "Cool." The N.Y.P.D. noticed that the party began to thin out, at eleven. It was when Alexis offered to help, with party clean up, at midnight, that Kate heard what no mother should hear. This when a boy got so close, to Alexis, that Kate could hear the boy breathing, in Alexis mike. Within seconds, of hearing Alexis saying "Get OFF of me." The doors, to the barn, burst open, with Kate, Espo, and Ryan, calling out "N.Y.P.D. Let me see your hands!" from behind automatic rifles. When the boy backed off Alexis, saying "Hey, guys, just having some fun." Espo would say "In New York, we dont call that, fun. We call it.." and the boy would ask "You cops are from New York. You got no right, in local." When Alexis went to stand by Kate, Kate would ask "Tell me, smart guy. How far does a United States Senator's reach extend?" After the semi-drunk chugged down three coffee's, Kate would suggest "Unless you want to down, for trying to assault my daughter, you better start talking." When the boy asked "About what? Being a man?" Espo would suggest "We heard that you were talking about the Ashby house. Now, tell us what you know, or face charges, as an adult, for sexual asault." The boy would say "I know what everyone knows. The place is spooky. We see things. If we use binoculars, we can see THROUGH things." When Kate would ask "Who has been baning on the walls, for how long, and why?" The boy would say "Nothing new. There have been sounds, for YEARS, from that place. Thats why not even cleaners will touch the place. You know whats really weird?" When Espo would say "We are waiting?" The boy would say "You know how the ghost rules say that ghosts haunt, from miodnight, until dawn." Kate would say "I have heard of something, similar." The boy would say "Thats whats weird about that place. The ghost does not show up, until 2a.m. Vanishes, by 3 a.m. Is that weird, or what?" Ryan would suggest "Almost like it is on its lunch hour." The young man would ask "Why do ghosts need a lunch hour? They are dead, right?" Kate was beginning to wonder, about the spook. It had attacked her, by hurtling objects. This is something that HUMANS would do. Why would a ghost need to throw things, to make an escape? Castle was off, in fantasy land, trying to figure out why a ghost would have such a severe schedule. He even thought, out loud "If we are dealing with a ghost, then WHY would it act so bizzarrely? Do ghosts have to obey rules? How would you punish a ghost, for breaking rules." Kate would have gone to the local police, except that she realized that they were content to handle poachers, litter-bugs, and so on. Simple, human, crimes. This is why Kate had Rick turn to his writers group, for suggestions. In each case, however, the first question was "Why do the hauntings start at 2 a.m.? Why not at midnight. The "Witching Hour"? When this was connected with the physical attacks, on Kate, and Laney, everyone asked "If it was a ghost, why not just vanish?" Laney would suggest "What if the ghost is NOT a ghost, at all?" When Rick would say "All that leaves are the living." This lead all of the authors to the same conclusion, which the boy, at the party, and others, had suggested. Someone was searching the property for something they want. Something of great value, to them. Idea's, such as photo albums, birth certificates, wedding photos? These, and other suggestions, were tossed out, when the group was reminded that copies can be found, in archives, nowadays. All that the group was left with were four, delivery, men, who drove the "grave-yard, for higher pay. Then, there was the fact that a still-living woman had willed a property to Rick. Why to HIM? Why was she so afraid of the house?" The delivery men had alibi's, for the time window. Their trucks tracking showed the men were nowhere near the house. The only one not accounted for was the mystery shadow. It HAD to be human, since it attacked Kate, twice. When the N.Y.P.D. checked for birth records, for a male, maybe a couple years older than Miss Ashby, no luck there. Several records, of boys births, but none to a Mrs. Ashby. Espo and Ryan would suggest "That is, IF she used her real name. Remember that security was not like it is, today." This set Kate to wondering. "A woman gives birth, to the son of a man, she is NOT married to. Then she gives birth to her husbands daughter. Doesn't add up. Why would the man want a child by an un-faithful spouse?" When Ryan would suggest "Less Scruples, back in the day?" Espo would say "Wrong. Ethics, and Scruples MORE in use, than today. Back then, even a rumor could ruin a marriage." When Ryan would ask "Without D.N.A.? Lab testing? How could it be proven?" Espo would say "Who said anything about "prove". Even a rumor..." Kate would ask Laney "Tell me, by todays standards, how close could you come to telling if two people are related?" Laney would say "With D.N.A. testing, I would say 90%, or more." Ryan would whisper "Too bad they did not have D.N.A. testing back then." Kate would suggest "Why dont we obtain a sample, from Miss Ashby, and compare it to what we have found here." The man had thought that he was so smart, hiding out, near a river, aned eating rations, while preying on the house. The senator, and the police, found the man luxuriating by the stream, his pole cast. When tested, the man kept to the normal "You cant PROVE anything", line. That is, until D.N.A. came back, positive. This is when Kate would ask "Okay, you are too young to be Miss Ashby's brother, who are you. His son?" The man would say "Wouldn't you like to know." When Kate mentioned "By the way, since you attacked a U.S. senator, you are looking at federal charges. Unless you cut a deal, and tell us what you are after, I will make a point of dropping you into super-max." When the man would say "I never attacked nobody. I only go into the house, when you idiots are away." From behind the one-way mirror, Espo would ask "Who does he think he is dealing with? We have his D.N.A., from the scene. We KNOW he was there." Just as Kate was asking "What were you doing, camping so near the property?" It was at this point when the captain would call Kate, out of Interrogation, saying "Miss Ashby's attorney wants to speak to you." When Kate would ask "What for? Castle inherited the land, not me." Inside the captains office, the attorney would inform Kate "Senator, you have the wrong man." When Kate would ask "Is this a joke? We have D.N.A." The attorney would say "Nevertheless, that man is no relation, to Miss Ashby." When Kate would ask "Her mother came to town..." The attorney would say "Yes, that part is true. Mrs. Ashby DID come to New York, to "dispose", if that is not too crude a term. What you do NOT know is why you have been un-able to find a birth certificate." Kate would promise "Given time..." and the attorney would say "No, you wont. The reason is simple. There is no birth certificate, since there is NO brother. Family records show that, while in the city,m for "treatment", something happened, and Mrs. Ashby aborted. The details are foggy, at best. What I can promise you is that the man you are holding is NOT an Ashby." This is when Kate would return to Interrogation, only to have to ask the duty officer "Where is the suspect?" When the officer looked into the room, then whispered "What the?" Kate would go to Ryan, saying "I want the security footage, from that room. I want to know HOW, WHEN, and WHO, helped the suspect escape." Ryan would say "On it." A short time, later, however, Ryan would have to call Kates attention, saying "You have to see this." When Kate would ask "What have you got?" Ryan would play back the video, which seemed to show Kate speaking to an empty chair. Wehn Kate would ask "How is that possible?" Espo would return, asking "How is what possible." When he viewed the footage, Espo was like "Amazing." When Kate asked him "You remember seing the perp, in the rooms." Espo would say "Ofcourse. Question is, WHERE did he go?" It would be later, when Kate would inform Rick, that she would add "BY now, if we went back to the stream, all opf his gear will be gone. He is a real pro." When Rick would ask "What did you find, in the fingerprint database?" Kate would say "Nothing. Its like the man, truly, does not exist." Shortly after a family meeting, about the property, the decision was made. Rick would notify the attorney, then the family would return to the property, to pack, and say a final farewell. Martha would add "If only rthe family had kept it up, it would have been glorious. It waas as the family was finishing packing, that one of Alexis new friends would stop by, saying "Wanted to catch you before you go. Nice trip. Oh, and, if you want a really safe trip, why not stop by the river bank, and leave a token, for Steve." When Martha would ask "Who is this Steve? A local heart-throb?" The young woman would say "More like a resident ghost. Excuse me, Steve HATES being called a ghost. He prefers "spirit". Anyway, leave him something special, and he will watch over you." When Martha would ask "Young lady, how do you know this?" The young woman would say "When I was younger, I fell, and Steve brought me to dry land." When Rick would ask "I wonder how much he knows, about this area?" The young woman would say "Steve seems to know everything, about this town. Rumor has it that his family was among the first settlers." Kate would add "Any chance you could take us by his place?" The girl would say "Doubtful" When Kate would ask "WHy is that?" the girl would say "He only appears, when people need him." Kate would suggest. "You know, thats really too bad, since we were hoping to learn more about this property." The girl would say "While Steve is big, and powerful, he only helps those in distress. I dont think that personal appearances are his thing". When Kate would suggest "The next time you see him, would you give him my thanks, and those, of Doctor Parrish." The girl would say "Glad to." On the car ride, back to New York, Kate would wonder, out loud. "What would anyone have to gain, by posing as a local legend? Unless?" Suddenly, Kate was relieved that she had found some pieces of this and that, formed an image, of happiness, then left it where the girl had said to. The entire report, on the Ashby house, was so full of holes, that the captain would say "No way am I filing this. I dont care if you are a senator. Dont you, ever, bring me a piece of swiss cheese, like this, ever again." This, after the Castles had spent over six hours, writing up something which people would not laugh at. Who was Steve? Who was the shadow? All that Kate knew was that, being back, from "vacation", was just as exhausting as being at work. Kates current problem was that an assembly plant needed rom, for expansion, and the only place, in the property, for expansion, was the childrens play area, at a grade school. If the expansion was approved, the only way to kep the children safe would be to pour a concrete wall, between the two. Senator Castle was willing to chair local groups, to help the states children. As for Castle, he would leave a question mark, at the end. He had no pat ending. On to the next case....

Thursday, October 17, 2019


CASTLE: THE UN-INTENTIONAL BLUNDER United States Senator Katherine Castle was in an impossible situation. On the one hand, she had Congressional opposition, who were, as ever, demanding more, draconian reductions, to social programs. This, while making no effort to provide alternatives. Each time Senator Castle would ask "What are the needy supposd to do, without a support system?" The response was "Not my problem". On the other hand, New York was not too happy, with the video, of New Yorks history. The problem, most often cited, was the fact that too much history was just being HINTED at, yet not really shown/produced. New Yorkers did not want a video, which only said "Yes, there were bordello's. There were subway stations. There were statues." New Yorkers wanted a video, which SHOWED New Yorks gritty past. On top of all of this, members, of Congress, wanted approval, for more hundreds of millions, of dollars, to continue financing the most un-popular wars, of the 21st century. When the senator mentioned "I am going home, to mention this situation, to my supporters", the opposition had said "Make SURE that they know that the wars WILL go ON, no matter what." When Kate asked "Are you threatening New York?" the opposition had said "We have invested far too much, in this project, to let go, now. We WILL DO whatever it takes, to continue this work." Senator Castle would depart Washington D.C. wondering just how FAR these people were willing to go. Aside from controlling the worlds oil supply, even Senator Castle could see no reason for the United States to continue the invasions, in the Middle East. The senator decided. No, I am NOT going to order New Yorkers to continue supporting which they do not agree with. She had enough real trouble to deal with, back in New York. While Kates message had Castle, Martha, and Alexis, all working on a revised version of the "History of New York City", Kate knew that, upon return to town, HER first stop would be the mayor's office. Ironically, the mayor had not thought much, of the original cover story, yet had gone along, to help solve a murder case. In fact, the mayor had not thought that New Yorkers would even pay attention to that video. Now, Kate was on her way, to the mayors office, to promise the mayor that the Castles were working, full time, on the new, new, video. The deliberate video. What would help the Castles out was the fact that long-time friends, Ryan and Esposito, were out, gathering information, as well. The N.Y.P.D. had leant the detectives out, to the visitors bureau, as part of the new effort. When Kate arrived, at the mayors office, prepared to say that everyone was "on-board", the mayor would suggest "Senator, I know you are under stress, enough, as it is. I want you to know that city hall is behind the new effort. After all, the first video was not yours, or your family's, idea." When Kate would say "Thank You, mayor. I know that my family will do their best." (After so many years, alone, with just her father around, Kate was, still, getting used to saying that she had a family.) The mayor would remind her "Kate, I KNOW that you will do your best. Just let my staff know if you need anything." After this meeting would come the welcome home, from her new family. Martha felt so much like Kates real mother, Joanna Beckett, that Kate had to remind herself of the truth. Now, sure, Kate did not give birth, to Alexis, nor attend kindergarten, or aid Castle, but, Kate felt that, if Alexis could accept Kate, then Kate would do the same. As for Rick, himself, what could she say. He was the one part, of her life, which was as constant as her father. Annoying as he was, yet even Mr. Beckett had welcomed Richard to the family. What Kate did not expect to walk into, was the pacing, and half-conversations, which seemed to "flood" the family home. When Kate called out "Guys, whats going on?" Ryan, and Esposito, would turn to Rick, saying "You tell her." When Castle asked "Why me?" the guys would say "She's YOUR wife. It will sound better." This is when Martha would join the group, saying "Kate, remember those subways Montgomery was talking about. From the Old Haunt case?" When Kate would ask "What about them?" Ryan would say "It seems we FOUND one of them." When Kate would say "Great, more video material." Espo would say "Not quite." When Kate would say "Okay, OUT with it.", Ryan would say "We have something which we cannot explain." Espo would add "Neither can Laney". Kate would ask "Dont tell me you found a body." Ryan would say "Not really a body, body." When Kate would say "Spill! Before I revoke your pensions." Rick would jump in, saying "Better than a body. A mummy." When Kate would say "A mummy. A real mummy. Tell me this is not a joke." Ryan and Esposito would slouch as they said "NO joke." It would not be until actual arrival, at the "site", that Kate, and Castle, could "come to grips", with what had happened. As the site foreman told the police "Since this is to be the tallest building, in the city, once completed, we were required, by zoning law, to dig deeper than usual. That is the ONLY reason why we found it." When Kate would ask "Found what?" When the construction cage came to rest, on the platform, the foreman would direct the police forward, towards the remains of an old platform, then to a double set, of stairs, leading even further down. While the stairs seemed almost slippery, with construction debris, what the group found, at the bottom, would make any archeologist proud. While the area was covered in dust, there, in front of them, stood a two century old cable car. Complete with the nearly intact remains, of what had once been a commuter station. Since Kate did not see her friend, she called out "Laney!" Laney would answer "Inside." Upon entering the cable car, when Kate would ask "Any idea's?" Laney would say "This one will take awhile." When Kate would ask "Why?" Laney would say "Mummified skin. D.N.A. MIGHT be possible, but dont hold your breath, waiting." It would be Espo who would ask the next question "HOW could a body be left behind?" The construction foreman would say "In this day, and age, it would be impossible. We do a safety head-count, at the end of every shift." Laney would only say "Dont bother with this one. I would say that they were dead LONG BEFORE you (the foreman) were born." When Espo would ask "How is it that no one knew this was here?" Kate would remind him "As Montgomery had said, there are many stations, which were not linked in, to the modern lines, which were just bricked up." When Ryan would ask "Should I check for missing persons?" Kate would say "As long as the vic has been dead, I doubt notification would be possible. Even if family still lived in New York." Kate would add "The question is: Why was the person never reported, before now?" The answer would come from the city hall Records Department. At the time of death, modern record keeping did not exist. Even computers were science fiction. Besides, workers died, on a regular basis. Safety equipment did not exist, nor did telephones. Result, unless the vic was part of some, rich, family, who can say? Kate, soon, found out why the 12th had been called in, on the case. City Hall wanted the case resolved as quickly as possible. The coming building would mean BILLIONS, in revenue. The one suggestion, which Senator Castle had to question was "How do we move the station out of the way, for the foundation?" When Kate suggested "crime scene", she was told "Century old crime. We cannot prosecute a corpse, even if we find the murderer. As far as we can tell, even the victims family has moved away." Since Kate had no answers, she went home to her family. Atleast at Casa Castle, things made sense. Well, sort of. It would seem that, while city records showed some information, on four properties, that the city information did not match with locals memories. The property, which caught Kates attention, first, was one she knew, so well. It had been an ice cream shop, in the years before her mothers murder. Mother and daughter stopped by, regularly, for a few scoops. Now, decades later, Kate was looking at information, which she was hesitant to believe. City Hall thought that an ice cream shop was a front for drug dealing? HOW was this possible? Senator Castle would find herself juggling two problems, at the same time. Trying to keep a contractor from destroying evidence, to get a building built, while figuring out why historic buildings were being accused of being drug distributors. This is where Richards past experience came into play. The senator would have her husband "make his rounds", and find out what anyone knew, about New York City, of 150 years ago. Almost everyone laughed, when asked "What can you tell me..." and the response was "150 years ago? I could not even tell you if we lived in New York, at that time." Still, from council members, to mob bosses, everyone agreed to make phone calls. Three weeks later, with the opposition, in Washington D.C. telling Kate "Senator, get BACK here, WITH those votes!", Kate was visiting about the only, living, person, from the old days. A widow, living in a home. After a three hour conversation, Kate was even more un-sure, than ever, of just how "accurate" city hall records were. Ryan and Esposito, would agree with this. Especially after their own investigation showed that the SAME, 300 year old church, where both boys had taken Catechism, had, about a century ago, been a whore-house. When the guys asked "How can a church be a whore-house?" The clerk would only say "I am only repreating the record. It says, "Former liquor warehouse converted to bordello, then to office building." This is when Ryan remembered something. He reminded Esposito "Remember that old garage. What was his name?" When Espo would say "I remember. Everyone called him Chuck." Ryan would add "I remember him saying, a few times, that HIS place started out as a liquor warehouse, then turned into a bordello." Espo would say "Yeah, thats right. Only one problem. The Deed says that the place turned into an office building. I remember Chuck saying that, before he moved in, he had to clear a bunch of old files." Ryan would ask "I wonder just how much, of New York history, is just as "reliable?" Back at Casa Castle, the mood was not much better. So many contradictions. Even life-long residents, of a given area, did not remember the use, of many buildings. At three locations, where the feds said that M-16's, and A.K.-47's were manufactured, the senator would ask investigators "According to records, this gun shop was in operation, between 1795, and 1855." When the feds would ask "So?" the senator would ask "If A.K.'s, and M-16's, are 20th century weapons, then HOW were they manufatured, and sold, nearly a century before being created?" The feds had no answers. At the next property, Senator Castle would nearly fall over, laughing, when the feds said that a public school had, in the days before the New Deal, been a place people sold daughters to. The young girls had, according to sources, been "trained" as prostitutes. What made team Castle laugh was the fact that federal "records" showed that the building had been producing prostitutes, since the 1850's. When the feds asked "Whats so funny?" It would be Richard Castle, who informed the feds "The New Deal was not even passed, by F.D.R., until the early 20th century. IF this building was a training house, for whores, it was not built as a public school." This is when Ryan and Esposito would waive everyone over, saying "Here is even more proof that this was a grade school, not a "training center". Sure enough, the corner stone, for public school 17, was placed during the New Deal. When the feds said "It is easy enough to replace a corner stone. This proves nothing." Ryan and Esposito would say "Wannabet?" While public school 17 was closed down, while waiting for remodelling money, the "junior" detectives would point out where various classes had been held. The men even reminiced about how LOUD the cafeteria was. When the fed asked "If this building is, truly, as old as you say, then why arent the two of you in an old age home?" Beckett would add "Sir, my detectives never said they went to school, under F.D.R. They said they remembered attending." When the fed looked confused, Beckett would say "This school has only been closed, for two months. Once funding is approved, and the building is updated, it will return to being a grade school." Meanwhile, back at the Castle residence, the family was trying to verify a rumor, about a certain building. Even with the help, of the mayors office, "records", for that time, were little more than faded notes. Alexis had even sent parts, of some old notes, to her university, to see if the computers could draw out writing. When Alexis had mentioned "Didn't anyone ever think of using a typewriter?" Martha would remind the young woman "In those days, most people did not even know how to READ, or WRITE. A typewriter would not even come along, until many years later." Soon, even Laney would give up, on the mummy. Whoever it had been, there was no record. The bones fell to powder, and, without any records, to go by, Laney could only say "This mystery person will remain a mystery." When the senator would ask "The body is wearing mens clothing. Does that mean it was a male?" Laney would say "You would THINK so, however, when I contacted some public works departments, I confirmed that, just like today, men AND women, wear the SAME uniforms. I would only call it female, IF it had signs, of having given birth. In its current form, it could be an Egyptian Pharoah, or a street person, who found some clothes." While plans, to move the mummy, to a museum, were underway, Richard was making plans of his own. A plan, to save the old station, by using private funds to move it, piece by piece, to a secure location. Even with this going on, in New York, Senator Castle was placed on notice. "Get back to D.C., and prepare to vote in FAVOR of more funds, for the invasions, or be "locked out", of the process." On her way back, to D.C., Senator Castle would remember a request, made by a New York group. A playground, whose plantings were cared for, by, locals, needed new equipment. While Kate could tell that the place needed modernization, the question was funds. Even back, in her Senatorial office, Kate was considering where, and how, to ask, for playground funds. That is, until the vote came up. Kate was not shocked when her request, for a couple of hundred thousand dollars, was denied, what left her speechless, was the next funding request. The Pentagon, and the White House, wanted ANOTHER $975 BILLION, for the invasions. Kate Castle became the "center of attention", when she asked the sub-committee "We just voted down maybe $300,000 for updating a playground. I have just been told that the budget will NOT accept this. How can we be voting for $975 BILLION, in overseas spending, if we cannot afford a new park, for our children?" When told "It is National Security", Senator Castle would say "I dont care if it is presidential security. If we cant afford play areas, then HOW can we afford the invasions?" This is when an opposition member would inform security "Senator Castle is departing the session. See her to the door." Well, Kate Castle might have been removed from the room, but this only "lit the fire", in her soul. Senator Castle was determined to find out HOW a nation, which could not afford the needy, or the young, could spare BILLIONS of dollars, to invade other nations. Back in New York, Alexis would start a project, which would make her "mother" (Kate), proud. While Richard, Ryan, and Esposito, were comparing "official" history, with peoples memories, Alexis would adapt an on-line game, called "City Maker", for project use. Wiping away everything that city hall said was correct, Alexis would begin using the information, gathered from New Yorkers, to "re-build" New York. The only information, which Alexis did NOT use, was the information, wherein some people claimed that ships had been coming, for centuries, to collect, harvest, groom, and tag, New Yorkers. The information, which the young woman DID use, was information such as who lived where, when, and where they worked. It did not take long for a new version, of "old" New York, to take shape. With Rick, and Martha, as well as internet friends, submitting not just photo's, but locations, and even plaque information, Alexis began re-building New York, back to its very roots. Un-like the previous video, this version would tell people where to look for information. This, however, became a new problem, as a few people were accused of having homes built on grave-sites. One family was accused of having a three story home, which was built on the grounds of a St. Vincents Cemetary. While the family held "Thats impossible. Our great-great-grand-parents BOUGHT this lot, at auction. Who would auction off a grave-site?" When Team: Castle reviewed the scene, both real, and virtual, the most that anyone, including city hall, could find, was a few, vague, references. As far as anyone could verify, St. Vincent had only travelled this area, a few times. He never settled. When protestors suggested "Dig down, 12 feet. If you find graves, then this was a grave yard." Thankfully, New Jersey made the digging un-neccesarry. This, since Jersey had brought in some Ground Penetrating Radar, to map some old pipes. New Jersey LOANED the equipment, to New York, in return for a stake in any "riches" found. All that the radar found was the remains of some villages, from centuries past. Thankfully, Alexis computer friends had found a way to make the model multi-dimensional. Now, the team could look back, over the centuries. To their pride, the team did locate atleast four "distillaries", which had made moon-shine, during Prohibition. Atleast, the REMAINS of the distillaries. These, and other locations, however, were withdrawn, before the map was published, and for good reason. While many had collapsed, with age, others were ruled un-safe, by building inspectors. As some retired inspectors would inform the police "Your modern day codes did not exist, back then. Even fire escapes were not made of steel. With the telephone only in rich peoples homes, code compliance just did not exist." When Alexis found that one location had burned down, nine times, and she asked "Why did people keep re-building?" Martha would say "There is a sucker born, every minute. I remember hearing that some people claiming that they wanted to re-build, to fight whatever monster had attacked the previous home." When Alexis would ask "Did any succeed?" Martha would ask "Does it LOOK like they did?" (Most of the properties were donated to churches.) It was THIS time, that Richard played the role of master composer. Since the public wanted what they could SEE, FEEL, and ACCESS, Richard decided to limit the documentary only to the time since Manhattan had been founded. The G.P.R. had been great, at verifying that no ones homes were built, on grave sites. Aside from finding some pre-columbian caves, the unit had done its job, and was sent back. New Jersey would be thanked, in the credits. As for the subway car, the benefactors found an old, abandoned, factory building. Just the right size for the exhibit. With the exception of the mummy, the subway car, and the station, were moved, rather effortlessly. (The construction firm even provided what help that it could. Being civic minded, never hurt business) What concerned Laney was the fact that no missing persons reports were found. It was as if the body had been dumped. WHO could have warranted such treatment? Being a licensed M.E. meant that the woman would not stop, until she had some facts. The problem was that this "man" had been from a time, when the closest thing, to family records, was the family Bible. Still, this left the question of "Why wall them up, inside an underground station?" Why not dump the body in the river? It would be the Castle family which would discover the reason. This, they found, completely, by accident. While "climbing up, and down", mountains of data, the family found a man. Not much for the 9-5 lifestyle, the man sent money home, to a woman. A woman, whom the media suspected was his wife. All anyone actually knew, of the man, was that he loved trains. He loved them so much that he drew up, and sent, to the woman, sets of drawings, showing how a subway system would benefit the growing village, of Manhattan. The Castles found a series, of telegrams, between city hall, and the woman. All saying "Manhattan does not need a subway system. We have all we need, on the surface." With some hours, of manual searches, the letters, and telegrams, were dated about 50 years before the first subway was dug. Tragically, the man would be returned to New York, after an injury left him nearly paralyzed, on Mount Ararat. (Yes, the supposed resting place of Noah's Ark.) The man claimed that he had found the boat, and camped inside, for two weeks. It was only on his descent that the man was injured. Since his woman knew of his love of trains, she had him buried, with a train. The question was: Could the story be proven? Still, it was delightful reading. What neither Martha, nor Alexis, could believe was how SOON the public wanted the new video. The Castles, and their helpers, worked, almost non-stop, yet the public wanted the new video, yesterday. Martha would console Alexis "Take heart, darling. When you have been around as long as your father, and I, you learn that even yesterday is not soon enough. People think that the great works wrote, and produced, themselves." Alexis only response was "If I work on this project, anylonger, I will graduate with a degree in film." Senator Castle was relieved that she had been removed frrom budget negotiations, over the cost of the Middle East. Invasions, which had become so un-popular that many states were asking "What ARE we, STILL, doing there?" (No one was buying the excuse: We are keeping America safe, by attacking the attackers, in their own, front, yard.) Senator Castle had learned that "Stop-Loss", the program to force soldiers to remain in the army, was closer than ever, to being overturned. This is why, when "new" rumors, of pending attack, began circulating, even the senators staff would say "Let them come. We can deal with them." Military appropriations were being reduced, by millions of dollars. Forces were being reduced, from the Middle East. Arms manufacturers were reducing staff, to keep profits up. While the Castle family had been focused on the HISTORY, of New York City, what no one had ever even thought about was WHO would HOST the documentary. In order to quiet rumors, Richard, and Alexis, would post messages, saying "Unless anyone has a better idea, we suggest the following..." The Castles were not so much into casting, at this point. They were creating a classic crime board. The same kind that Beckett had used, for YEARS, at the 12th. The difference was that this was not a "murder board". This was the life history, of a city. The problem, with "designing" the board, was Prohibition. During those "dark", "law-less" years, Not only was New York Governor James (J.J.) Walker, openly defiant of Prohibiton, and who went by the "monicker" "Beau James", a bootlegger, but, as the Castles were learning, Mayor Walker was not the only person producing moon-shine. He was only the most well-known. Running down clues, from retiree's, Ryan and Esposito would pursue dozens of clues. Clues, secret rooms, and staches of enough, illegal, liquor, to sink a navy ship. Places, which city hall denied, ever, existed, could be accessed by people, whose great-grand-children were approaching middle age. Most, of what the detective found, smelled like diesel fuel. Test strips showed that the product was VERY similar to diesel fuel. When a shipment was sent to the police garage, to finds out if motor vehicles actually COULD run on this stuff, the detectives were just as surprised as the mechanics were not. When a tank was attached, and the key turned on, the motor did, indeed, run. Esposito would be the one to say "Just think, if a motor could run on that stuff, WHAT could it do to the human stomach." This was a question, which Laney COULD answer. "Its simple. With what they used, to make the stuff, it would eat up stomach linings, bladders, and, given enough time, would lead to bladder collapse." Still, none of this helped to clear up the time line. What DID help was expanding the time-line, for Prohibition. Instead of the four inch, original, space, teh time line was expanded to four FEET. Now, there was room. While the mayors office would have preferred to have New York drawn as a sober, church-going, tea-totalling, god-worshipping, city, the fact is that history, REAL history, just did not support this. Not anymore than the idea that whore-houses were on every corner. Eevn Richard Castle knew, from his research that, during Prohibition, that the best was for a club to "spotlight" the evenings entertainment was by having rented vans drive around the city. The entertainers would play, as the truck drove, and banners, on the side, of the truck, would mention which club the band was playing at. This is why Richard nearly spit out a drink, at a bar, when he heard some, young, person, asking about advertising, that the response was "They ran television ads." Richard thought this hilarious since, during those times, RADIO was the "hot", "new" tech. Families, with A.M. radios, were considered "royalty". While, on the surface, the first Great Depression, of the 20th century, had lead to wide-spread job-lessness, if a person was able to land a job, working for a moon-shiner, then money was not so scarce. While city hall had ASKED Senator Castle to cover only the most historically-relevant, gang-style shootings, Senator Castle would only promise the mayors office "We will only use what we can PROVE." The problem was that New York was proving to be far less "puritan" than it would like to admit. Now, granted, even Castles underworld contacts held to the code, of the day. A code which stated "Stay AWAY from schools, churches, and hospitals." A few, of the cheapest hoods did do business. (They were "rubbed", when located) While it was an old, urban, legend, that Mayor Walker even used a private train, not just to show guests around New York, but that the same, subway, had ben used as a mobile speakeasy, no one knew that this rumor had any truth, until, following yet another rumor, Ryan, Esposito, and some tunnel workers, actually FOUND the old relic. In its day, it would have been considered "pristine", even "elegant". Four cars long, and with a steam-piston, engine. If not for the dust, this place would be considered a four-star car. Later, over plenty of take-out food, Ryan, Esposito, Laney, and the Castles, all had the same question. Since starting the new video project, the team had gathered enough information to fill a six hour mini-series, the question was "How much history did the city want?" Some would argue that Alexis was "tricked", into becoming the host of the series, but this was not true. The very first choice had been Martha Rogers. She seemed natural enough, especially with her background, as an actress. Martha was just about everyones first choice. That is, until Martha, herself, reminded people that it was Alexis who had been doing so much, of the coordinating. It was Alexis who had been working on scheduling permissions, for visits. It was Alexis, who was working to compile a correct time line. When Alexis would ask Richard "Dad, YOU are much better, at public appearances." all Richard would say was "You have put so much into this. You have earned the spotlight." While producers wanted to widen the field, to attract more viewers, the other actresses had to take time to study the material. (Material, Alexis knew by heart.) Result, Alexis university would alter her records, to show that she HAD passed these course requirements. Three months, out of her life, to film a six hour mini-series. While Kate was proud, of Alexis, she did wish that the girl could handle congress, FOR her. Kate was in no hurry to return to that inferno, of back-stabbing, and double-dealing. Her ofice had informed her that, the more the invasion budget was reduced, the more "threats", to "National Security", began emerging. Even worse, as the United States pulled out of the Islamic world, the very "holy men", whose "power-bases" the United States had blown off the map, were returning to power, even as Sharia Law returned to being the "law, of the land." As American tanks, machine guns, and rocket launchers, were cycled over, to Germany, for re-asignment, the cleric was returning to power. It was at times, like these, that Kate wished she could speak, to the "time traveller". She wanted to know "What is it that I am to do, which will be so special?" Atleast one fact came to life, about a year later. It involved the case of DeChile, and his new tech. It came to the senators attention, that DeChile had submitted an overview, of a tech project. DeChile had the idea that, with the proper application, of mathematics, that interstellar debris, which could have devastating effects, on the Earth, could be deflected, by an energy shield. Senator Castle would accept a position, on the review board, especially after reading military applications for the tech. (The military actually thought that the tech could be used to destroy in-bound missiles.) The problem was that, like "Star Wars", the detected and destroy tech, would be usefull on only one missile, out of dozens, at a time. It was only when DeChile, himself, came forth, for testimony, that Kate realized how she would affect history. While there were dozens of articles, all explaining why "Star Wars" would have been a waste of money, Kate would ask the committee chairman "How can it hurt America, just to research the mans theory. After all, it has been admitted that targetting only specific rockets will only eliminate maybe ten percent of the threat. Why not test the idea, of a national shield?" When $2 million, in grant money, went into the research, yet could find no problem, that could not be fixed, another $5 million would go into establishing the shield, beginning with Washington D.C. Not, it was back to New Yorks business. The government needed massive funds, for the work, that the public wanted done. As a direct result, of the loss of funds, for the invasions, D.C. had closed its purse tighter than ever. This is why the senator asked her husband for some help. When Castle would ask "How large a check do you want?" Kate would correct him, saying "It is NOT your MONEY, that I want. Its your endorsement. I want you to get your friends involved. Lets see how many of them would like some free publicity, for helping the city to clean up some dirty spaces." Seeing the possibility, of free publicity, Castle would, still, be the first to write a check, for the project. The family would, then, make the JOINT decision, that profits, from the REAL video, would go toward the fund. Senator Kate Castle would begin to see the "light, at the end of the tunnel". The "light", which the time traveller had said Kawte would follow. IF the "time traveller" were correct, Kate Castle would have some remarkable experiences, coming her way, in the near future.

Monday, October 14, 2019


CASTLE: THE SUB-COMMITTEE While Kate returned home, concerned over a rumor, which she had heard of, in Washington D.C., she had promised her father, Rick, Martha, and Alexis that the U.S. Senator would NOT bring her work, home with her. Kate was determind to keep this promise, now that she had a real family. Had life turned out, as one of Richard Castles books often did, her three week recess would have been peaceful, and quiet. Time, with her husband. Time with Alexis. Time with Martha. Time, with her dad, and time, with her old pals, Ryan and Esposito. Kate had been looking forward to this, nearly since the moment when she had left behind the last case, and returned to Washington D.C. When Laney, finally had Kate admit that "Yes, I miss visiting crime scenes. I miss figuring out the who, what, where, when, and why, of homicide cases." When Laney would say "Girl, the world moves ON, as in forward. If you dont catch up, you WILL be left behind." When Kate had asked "What if I dont want to move on?" Laney would say "Girl, you have a grown daughter, now. Alexis will have questions. Questions only her mother can answer. Martha needs another woman, to help support her. Castle needs..." Kate would say "I KNOW what my husband needs." Still, after all of her years, as a police officer, Kate Castle looked around New York, as if seeing it for the first time. The time, when real life "hit" Kate, the most was when she visited one of the oldest, remaining, buildings, in New York. Over its more than 150 (+) year existance, the building had been everything, from an immigrant processing center, to a records storage place. A bordello, a hotel, a speakeasy. In fact, it would be easier to list what the place had NOT been. Kate remembered the building as the cheapest place that New York could find, for holding school dances. Kate had good, and bad, memories, about the place. The best was the day when a boy lead her to this place, kissed her, and asked her to be his girlfriend. For nearly a month, Kate Beckett had been "walking on air", thinking that she was the young mans "one, and only". It was not until the day she THOUGHT she lost her mothers locket, that Kate had re-traced her steps, to this, very, building. Here, he found the young man making the same promises to another girl. Kate remembered her father saying that he remembered the building, from his own childhood. This is why, when Kate learned that the building was facing demolition, she had made inquiries, and made a point, as did others, of being present, when a very well-known building was being demolished. While Kate had felt silly, taking Castles camcorder to the scene, she did not feel so silly, once among up to 100 people, all taping the demolition. Somehow, watching that old place being reduced to rubble, was like having an organ ripped out of her body. While Kate had heard stories, about why the old place was being taken down, she checked on the real story. Turns out that, due to age, and neglect, the building was becoming a danger to the public. The price, of remodelling, would be 100 times more than rebuilding, from scratch. It was the demolition, however, which drove Laney's point home. "Life does not stand still. Savor memories, but live life, for today." Still, Kate had her position, as a U.S. Senator, to think about. Her state needed her support. In more ways than one. Even before the flight, to Washington D.C., Kate knew she woluld be flying back, into a "firestorm". To put it simply, the American people were tired of the endless invasions, of the Middle East. The public was worn out, on watching tax dollars being used to support pro-western groups, in the Middle East. Groups, which ONLY held power, as long as backed up, by American tanks, machine guns, and regiments, of soldiers. No matter how "secure" an area MIGHT be, while the U.S. was present, "Democracy" vanished with the last, of the invasion forces. At last count, the United States government had placed atleast 23 democracies in power. ALL 23 had abdicated, once American weapons began to withdraw. Kates concern. The one she did NOT want to share, with her family, was the fact that someone was spreading rumors that, what America needed, to "breathe new life", and "support", into the invasions, was another September 11. Even before leaving, for recess, Kate had warned as many people as possible "We must SILENCE all rumor, of another Spetmber 11, as fast as possible." When someone asked "Why? Rumors spread, around here, ALL the time. Why should September 11 be any different?" Kate had said "Even in New York City, there remain rumors, that George Walker Bush, NOT Osama Bin Laden, had ordered the attack." When the worker asked "Why would Mr. Bush order an attack, on American soil?" Kate would say "Some of New Yorks "underground" groups believe that Mr. Bush ordered the attacks, to SILENCE all question of his taking office, in 2001." When the worker would say "SO?" Kate would say "Think about it. There has been suspicion, ever since September 12, 2001. What do you think our supporters, and voters, would think, if word got around, that ANOTHER attack was being planned, or even rumored, in order to restore the rage, which caused the United States to invade the Middle East?" As Kate flew back to her D.C. office, that conversation, still, "haunted" her. Kate was concerned over just how FAR the weapons industries would be willing to go, to keep military contracts alive, and flourishing. How much "collateral damage" would be considered acceptable, to stoke the fire, of revenge, and keep the weapons contracts coming in. While Kate was prepared for there to be open debate, on the Senate floor, as to whether or not the invasions were worth the COST, what Senator Castle was not prepared for was what she would fly into. While Kate was, slowly, becoming accustomed to having a driver, and an assistant, meeting her at the D.C. airport, to update her on the latest, in the capital, what Senator Castle was NOT prepared for was what she was entering. Instead of a waiting car, an assistant, and her driver, Kate would find herself being escorted from the plane, by a fully-armed, tacticle team. Kate knew better than to ask questions. She knew that tactical teams only knew their orders. This is why she did not resist, when escorted from the plane. What she thought a bit ridiculous was the fact that, instead of her regular car, Kate would be hustled into an armoured car. In the rush, all that she had time to see was the science fiction "barrier-crash" cars, which would "remove" any obstacles from the intended route. Those, stupid cars, which had been modelled after science fiction movies, about a post-apocalytic world. Kate knew, from briefings, that George W. Bush had ordered those transports, at the same time that he ordered the "Beast" (Limo One). While the original, Hollwood, design, had been created to hold just four combatants, George was so certain that his life was in constant "danger", that he had the design revised. Kates escort vehicles, each housed a minimum, of 12 soldiers, surrounded by eight inches, of black painted, armour plating. Kate knew that Barrack Obama had kept the vehicles ready for use, but never used them. He saw no point. The nation had not contested his inauguration. The vehicles came back into regular use, with Donald Trump, but, now, with a democrat back in the White House, the vehicles were just kept at the ready. Kate was positive that something was not right when her armoured escourt did not drive her to her Capital Hill office. Instead, Kate Castle would be delivered, via an underground tunnel, to a bunker, where the government would meet, in the event of emergency. Kate knew the bunkers reputation. It was buried, deep enough that even the most powerful, nuclear warhead would not penetrate it. Not even a direct hit would phase this place. It had multiple levels, including sleeping spaces, fully cafeteria, infirmary, everything the government would need, to survive the worst that man could "throw at it". The question was "Why am I here?" When staff seemed calm, as they offered her a drink, it was obvious that no nuclear attack was underway. When Kate called up the crisis board, thinking that someone was attacking the East Coast, all of the lights were green. Kate would watch, in astonishment, as four, of her fellow senate, members were all but dragged into the bunker. All while saying "I demand to know why I have been dragged here." It was not until all five senators were in seats, that a C.I.A. man came forth, with the news. "We KNOW that someone is spreading rumors, that another September 11th, is approaching. We KNOW that the media has been alerted." This is when another senator would break into the briefing asking "Son, are you trying to tell us that someone is telling people that another 9/11 is at hand? If so, WHO is spreading the rumor?" The C.I.A. could only say "We have been working on this, throughout your recess." When the senator would ask, again "Son, just WHAT have you got?" The C.I.A. man would say "We are tracking the rumors as we speak. THAT is why you are here. A precuation. In case the threat is REAL." The senator would summarize "Let me see if I understand this. You have a RUMOR, that some unknown person, or group, is planning another 9/11, yet you do NOT know the who, what, when, where, or why." Kate would supply "I think that I can answer the why." When C.I.A. would say "Please. Proceed, Senator Castle." Kate would say "Before going home, on recess, my staff heard rumors that another attack MIGHT be in the works. My STAFF had heard it suggested that the next attack will come from within the U.S. government." When the Senator would say "Absurd! No American would attack his own nation!" Senator Castle would ask "Are you so sure, senator? The last poll numbers, that I know of, show that less than 10% of the American public still endorses the invasions, caused by September 11. The people are worn out on empty promises, of bringing democracy to the Middle East." When C.I.A. would ask "Senator Castle, WHAT are you sugegsting?" Kate would say "I am only saying that, with support, for the invasions, at an all time LOW, my staff is hearing rumors of another September 11. The goal would be to re-infuriate the American public, by drawing blood, just like 2001." When C.I.A. would ask "Has your staff been able to verify this information?" Kate could only say "I suggested discreet inquiries, before leaving, for home. I have not even SEEN my staff, since then." C.I.A. would say "Then, Senator Castle. It seems that we have a problem. Your staff members have, indeed, been asking questions. This is why the F.B.I. had them taken in. The charge is "Incitement to Riot". When Castle would ask "But why?" C.I.A. would say "Word got around, on the street, that YOUR own people are the ones, behind the rumor, of an attack." Castle would say "Ofcourse, there is talk. The capital is FULL of talk. That is what my staff was working on. FInding out what is RUMOR, and what is real." When C.I.A. would ask "Senator Castle, WHAT would you suggest?" Kate would say "Let me speak to them. Clear this up, in five minutes." Once the secure link, with the F.B.I. was established, Kate would no-sooner sit before the monitor when C.I.A. would whisper in her ear "Remember, we WILL be listening." Kate would mutter "Oh, please." When Kate asked the staff "Update, on rumors?" Her staff would say "Sorry, senator. The F.B.I. arrested us before we could get farther than putting out a handful of feelers." When Kate would ask "What is your feeling, so far?" Her staff would say "As far as anyone would say, it seems that there is FEAR, of another attack. No one seemed to know where the rumor was coming from." One man would say "While I was visiting family, some neighbors asked me if they should be preparing. They are afraid that the rumors are real." When Kate would ask "What about other members, of the Senate." The C.I.A. would cut her off, sayin g "Thats enough." then cut the connection. When Kate would ask "What are you doing?" C.I.A. would say "Dont play coy, Detective Beckett, of the N.Y.P.D." When Kate would ask "Just WHAT is THAT supposed to mean?" C.I.A. would say "I am sure that, by now, you know that most of the Senate members have vanished." When Kate would ask "How? When? Where was their security?" C.I.A. would say "I think you know, as well as I do, that the senators were, each, abducted, from their family homes." When Kate would ask "And just WHERE was your "precious" Homeland Security, when this was going on?" C.I.A. would say "Homeland was busy tracking your staff, after hearing your people talking of another attack." Kate would state "Correction! My staff was trying to find out if the rumors had any basis." C.I.A. would say "Sure. Any answer, for every question. Just like your husband. Him, and his "precious" Derek Storm, and Nikki Heat. I Do have to wonder. Since his daughter, Alexis, has taken to you, like you are her mother..." Kate would get "that look", in her eyes, as she whispered "Dont you DARE!" The very look that, when Castle, Ryan, and Esposito saw that look, they would find other places to be. Back in New York, the Castle family would face another dilema. It would seem that Alexis school was having a "parents night". A chance for parents to meet one another, in order to understand young peoples choice of studies, in college. To Castles surprise, when he suggested Alexis own mother, Alexis had asked "Dad, do you think that Beckett could make it?" Richard was about to remind Alexis of her true mother, when he saw Martha waiving, behind the young woman. This is when Castle would promise "I will ASK Beckett if she has time." This is when Alexis would kiss her father saying "Love you", then departing. Once the youngest Castle was gone, Richard would ask his mother "Alright, WHATS going on? Alexis HAS a mother." This is when Martha Rogers would ask "You mean, your second "wife"?" When Richard would say "She may not have been perfect but..." And Martha would stop him, right there, asking "How much has that woman contributed to Alexis life?" When Castle would ask "Compared to what?" Martha would say "Richard Castle, you know EXACTLY what I mean." Castle would admit "Yes, mother, Beckett HAS been around, when Alexis had questions." Martha would add "How many times, did Beckett call, when you were in danger?" When Richard would say "But, mother..." Martha would add "In fact, while that woman DID carry Alexis, for nine months, how much TIME, and effort, has she put into Alexis?" Castle did have to admit that, since barging in, on Becketts life, Richard had noticed that his daughter was confiding, more and more, with Kate. The women were more like mother and daughter, the longer that Castle hung around the 12th. In fact, it had been Beckett who, when Alexis wanted to make some questionable choices, Beckett had asked Alexis, softly, yet face-to-face "What is it that YOU want? After all, any decision you make will impact your future. Be sure you are comfortable, with your decisions." It had only gotten "worse", since the marriage. Alexis was sharing, with Kate, the kinds of things that Alexis mother was not capable of understanding. This is why Kate had promised "I am NOT trying to take her mothers place. I am just open, when she needs a woman, to speak to." Still, Richard asked Martha "Should I ask Kate? I mean, Kates name is not on the birth certificate." Martha would say "Stop being so mideaval. This is the 21st century. If you just show up, and act natural..." then, after a dramatic pause, say "...or as normal as you can get. I dont see a problem." Richard just hoped that Alexis own mother did not find out, show up, and make (more) trouble. It was not long, after Alexis had listed Richard, and Kate, as her parents, at school, when her mother would make the most outrageous appearance, at the loft. Looking Richard straight in the face, the actress would say "How DARE you!" When Richard would ask "How dare I what?" the actress would say "Dont bother acting innocent, Richard Castle. You know what you did." When Richard looked confused, the actress would say "You REPLACED ME, at our daughters function! How could you!" This is when Alexis, backed up by Martha, would say "**I** am the one who posted the listing." When her mother would say "Dont be funny dear." Alexis would say "I was not trying to be funny." When the actress looked at Martha, saying "A little help here." Martha would say "Leave me OUT of it." When the actress would tell Alexis "I gave BIRTH to you. How can you do this, to your own mother?" Martha would say "OH, puh-lease." Whe the actress would ask "Just what is THAT supposed to mean?" Martha would say "So, you gave birth to her. Big deal. It was Richard and I who raised Alexis." When the actress would insist "I WAS there, for the important times." Martha would say "Dont get me started." When the woman turned to Rick, asking "A little help here?" Rick would ask "Tell me, where were you when..." then list off the normal, childhood, problems. When the actress would say "So I wasn't there, every time she was sick. Still, I..." and Alexis would say "Dont you dare say "I gave birth". Kate has been much more a mother than you have, ever, been." Realizing that she was "losing", the actress would make a most dramatic exit. After this, the family sat down, to rest. This is when Richard would say "I hope Beckett agrees to come." Martha would say "Trust me. That woman loves the two of you, more than anything. It would take a Revolutionary War, to keep her away." This is why, when the C.I.A. saw "that look", in the senators eyes, at the mention of Alexis, the agent knew to back down, FAST! The only problem, that Kate saw, at that time, was that there were rumors, on the street, yet the best investigators, in D.C., were under house-arrest. To the F.B.I., nothing superceded national security. To Homeland Security, every person was a "domestic terrorist", until cleared. Since the C.I.A. could not, LEGALLY, operate on American soil, the whole government was in trouble. This is why Senator Castle would suggest a compromise. LINK the N.Y.P.D., with the D.C. police, in a joint task force. The "cover" would be the same used in the previous case. The cover would be "gathering information, for a video, of the nations capital." It was not until after the federal agencies agreed to take part, that Kate would contact Castle, asking "How soon can you write a documentary, about Washington D.C.?" When Castle would ask "How soon do you need it?" Kate would say "In progress, now. Contact Ryan, and Esposito. Coordinate, as much as possible." Beckett would, never, admit it, but, when she went to bed, that night, she felt comfortable, being involved in another case. Still, before bed, Beckett would write down the "facts", as she knew them. Someone was either spreading rumors, OR maybe, just MAYBE, they were asking "What would happen if...?" What was the best way to find out? A glass, of wine, later, and Kate drifted off to sleep, her final thoughts, of the night, were of her family. Days later, and with nothing more than rumors, to work with, Richard Castle was just trying to figure out the best way to ask Kate to the school gathering, when Kate would come, along with Alexis, to say "Of course I will go. I would not miss it." When Castle would ask "How did you know?" Alexis would say "Dad, if I waited for you to ask her, I would be in a retirement home." The one thing, about "Parents NIght", which did not surprise Kate, was the fact that Castles ex had been absent, for so much, of Alexis life, that no one thought to ask if Kate was Alexis mother. The former detective knew how to "get around" questions. Sometimes, finding the truth was not about face-to-face confrontations. Sometimes, it was the "little things" which mattered most. Slips of the tongue. Sudden change of habit. While the senator was enjoying Parents Night, the N.Y.P.D. was having just as little luck as the D.C. police. In both New York, and D.C., there were stories, and legends. September 11th was remembered, just as vividly as the Freddy, and Jason, horror movies. A September 11th survivors group had evolved into a place where people could come, and support, one another. Share drinks, and memories. Laugh, at memorable mistakes, and respect what people had achieved. Nowadays, September 11th was more like "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow". It had a life of its own. In fact, it was at one, of these meetings, that Ryan, and Esposito, would receive their first lead. According to club membership, there had been two guys, and a woman. None were happy with how the government was running, since 9/11. While the three had been hoping for public trials, and executions, it seems that, when D.H.S. was created, to be the modern S.S., the three had not been happy. According to club members, it seems that the three had plans, of their own. Plans, which included the fact that, the next time someone tried a repeat, of 9/11, the three were prepared to do things, which other survivors found disgusting. As a table, full of survivors, would tell the detectives "We meet, to console, and support one another. We want to get on with our lives, while respecting the deceased. We dont want more blood. We want healing." By the time the detectives left the club, Ryan would say "I can think of about a dozen weapons manufacturers, who do NOT support this healing process. Not when they are making BILLIONS, selling arms to the federal government." This is when Espo would add "Atleast we know that we are dealing with a SMALL group, which is advocating violence. Beckett will enjoy hearing this." Not only was Espo correct, about Beckett, but, when the information was shared between New York, and D.C., the same three names began showing up, in all of the places, where rumors were starting. As far as anyone could tell, it would seem that the three, in question, were stockpiling weapons, ammunition, and rations. No question: They were preparing for action. No need to ask their "manifesto". They had been ejected from support groups, all up and down the East coast. Their manifesto was clear. When the next September 11th happened, these people were prepared to attack. What concerned Senator Castle, as well as the F.B.I., and C.I.A., was that someone was posting messages, which stated that, in order to keep the invasions viable, that UN-specified Republicans were calling for a new attack. One posting claimed that the government was prepared to blast the Statue of Liberty, while another promised that, this time, the government was going to, completely, blast apart the Empire State Building. The third message was the most disturbing. This message claimed that D.H.S. had access to enough nuclear material, to blast the Pentagon off the map. While the C.I.A., and F.B.I., wanted to pull the messages, immediately, Senator Castle would meet with Ryan, Esposito, and Castle, to suggest an alternative. It was after this "pow-wow" that Senator Castle would suggest that the messages be left on-line. The goal being NOT to give America's enemies "oxygen", but to find out how much support, for such a revolution, that there was. In a best case scenario, people would respond, asking where to sign up. As they did, their I.P.'s would be "tagged", and then the police could let new recruits lead them to the leaders. The problem was that, for both the D.C. police, and the N.Y.P.D., most of those, who were registered, turned out to be people, who wanted to know how to prepare for the alleged "attack". Their stock-piles, of explosives, and ammo, was just enough to defend their homes. It was the mysterious "leaders", of the group, who were proposing taking action, to prevent Washington D.C. "power-brokers" from trying to launch a new attack. When rumors began circulating, that Congressional families were being evacuated, from D.C., "as a precaution", Kate was un-certain of whether to fear, for her daughters life, or to be proud, as Alexis went public, saying "My mother, Senator Castle, is not "buying" these attack rumors, and neither am I. This is why, until the rumors are silenced, I am going to help my mother, in anyway that I can. Who is with me?" Suddenly the assembly came "alive", with cheers, and shouts, of confidence. This is when Senator Castle would say "In that case, people, we have a LOT of work, before us. We need information. We need details. We need to know what the "street" knows." Un-like McCarthy-ism, and the days of "Better dead than red", with neighbors turning one another in, for the slightest suspicions, the Castles would give the public a much tighter range of what to look, and listen, for. The "net" might have gone, even wider, had it not been for the un-expected, but welcome, help, from the survivors clubs. Soon, Kates "net", of spies, was five times larger than even what Homeland could put on the streets. Of course, Kates net was much more effective, since Kate instructed people "Dont ask what people might be planning. Listening, is much more important. Dont engage, unless the other person becomes more detailed, such as who they might attack, when, or where." The captain, of the 12th precinct, would even have federal printers supply basic pamphlets, of what to watch, and listen, for. Still, just before leaving, for the re-opening of the Senate, in session, Alexis mother burst into the loft, holding aloft sheets of paper, and accusing Kate of adopting Alexis. When no one, in the Castle home knew what the actress was talking about, the actress produced a news printed copy, and read, aloud. "Alexis Castle, daughter of Kate, and Richard Castle, has declared un-wavering faith, in her mother, Senator Kate Castle." While the Castles tried to gather their wits, the actress would state "I DEMAND satisfaction. I DEMAND that this FAKE test with me, over who knows more about Alexis." Castle brewed some coffee, while Martha brought out some muffins. AS the actress went over the information, Kate found herself saying "Castle, you never told me that. Alexis? Didn't we TALK about this?" Since Alexis was of the most sound mind and body, when the actress would ask "Katey, "darling", I thought you said you knew "your" daughter." This is when Alexis would say "Enough." then turn to Kate, saying "Mom, the reason why I never told you any of this was because I never did any of this. Yes, we talked, and that is why I never." When the actress would say "Oh, please child. I remember, distinctly..." Alexis would interrupt saying "The reason why you remember all of this is because this is what YOU did, before you married my dad." This is when the coffee brought Richards memory back, as he said "Thats right. You DID have those habits. Habits, you promised to drop, when we got married." It was as Kates memory was returning, from the booze that, when Alexis asked "Mom, do you remember when I asked you about that party?" When Kate would ask "Remind me which party." Alexis would say "The one, where I was working on that egg project?" When the actress would ask "What egg project? When did you go into cooking?" Kate would tell the woman "It was a class project. Alexis, and a friend were given an egg, to watch over. Its name was Fagen." When Alexis would ask Kate "Do you remember what happened to Fagen?" Kate would say "Sure, after you brought your friend home, drunk, and your father called her parents, over her objections, she destoryed Fagen, and both of you got an "F", on the project." To Castle's surprise, he would learn, that morning, that his daughter, and Beckett, had been meeting, and doing "girl things", for quite some time. This is why the "little girl", who came to daddy, for everything, had grown into the young woman, who wanted Beckett's stability, to guide her. Both Alexis, and Martha, had known, for quite some time, that Richard and Beckett, were MORE than "partners", the problem was that, after two, terrible, marriages, that Richard did not want to blow this time. He respected Beckett, far too much. Still, since Richard never asked, the women never mentioned meeting. The more the actress tried to mention, about Alexis youth, the more Alexis would say "That was YOU." The time, when the actress stormed from the loft, was when the Castles began remembering the times that the four had shared. These were the times, which added up to Kates "death stare", as the C.I.A. "threatened" Alexis. IF the Secret Service was correct, the members, in the bunker, were all that remained, of the U.S. Senate. The government was not going to wait for a ransom demand. They were going on the offensive. The main question, for Beckett, was "WHERE were the members of the Senate?" Were they captives, or were they in "hiding"? What really annoyed Beckett was the fact that, just as the government would do, in the event of a threat, of nuclear war, the public was NOT being informed of the POSSIBLE, attack, threat. Beckett was only allowed access, to Castle, since he worked, so much, with the 12th. It was as the investigation dragged on, and people lost interest, that Beckett noticed that a new set of rumors was coming to light. These included a rumor that a highjacked jet was to be flown into a grade school. When the C.I.A. asked "Options?" Beckett would be the first to ask "AM I the only one who is suspicious, of the latest threat?" When Homeland would ask "Senator, what do you mean?" Beckett would ask "Come on, guys, a new threat "just happens" to come to light, right when we are beginning to doubt that the original threat was real?" When C.I.A. would ask "What do you suggest? That we ignore threats, to national security?" Beckett would say "Any threat, which can be confirmed, should be investigated. So far, all we are investigating is rumors. Be honest, with me. WHERE IS the rest of the Senate?" Homeland Security would only say "They are in secured locations, until the threat is neutralized." When Beckett would ask "What threat? All that I am hearing is kitchen, or alley, gossip." When Homeland Security would say "Fine, Senator. Know this: Once you leave this bunker, you are abandoning your post. Homeland will NOT guarantee your safety, once you step outside this chamber." (Homeland would not know what to do, when Senator Castle would say "I think I will take my chances, outside.") When Beckett would step outside, into the REAL world, the first thing she noticed was that life, in Washington D.C., was the same as usual. When she went to her office, this is when her staff would be told "Simulation ends, now." When Beckett would ask "Simulation?" The F.B.I. stated "This has been a simulation, to guage your reactions, to a real emergency." When Beckett would ask "You mean that there never was a threat?" The F.B.I. would state "All, new, members, of Congress, are presented with this same test. We need to know who will take control, and who will fold." Beckett would, then, be informed that there were, in fact, some "factions" which felt that a new attack would bring public attention back to the need to continue the invasions. While Senator Castle would, never, mention it, publicly, she KNEW who the "factions" were. They were NOT in the Middle East. They were stationed right here, in the U.S. The very people who kept making more and more, budget requests, for ever-more money, to continue the invasions. The factions were the military-industrial complex. Now, Beckett had a new mystery to un-ravel. That of how to bring an end to the rumor cycle. The invasions could not continue, much longer. Not with the public losing support. The question would be "HOW, WHEN, and WHERE", would big money attack the nation, in order to spark such public outrage, that the invasions, and the profits, would continue? This is why, returning to New York, Beckett would bring Castle, Ryan, and Esposito, together, for a strategy session. The question, posed, was: How FAR would billionairres be willing to go, to keep profits at record high levels? How many LIVES were profits worth? A sub-question would be "How do we know REAL threats from "simulations"? Sure, there were anti-government factions. There had been, since the United States was founded. Most were just loud mouths, wanting their five minutes, before the camera's. (Even Ryan, and Espo, noticed how alive Kate was, when involved with a mystery, or homicide.) Give Kate Castle a mystery to solve and she was as happy as a child, on Christmas morning. HOW could she shut down a multi-billion dollar, rumor, mill?