Saturday, December 28, 2019


THE QUESTION OF RELIGION That is how the whole thing began. A visiting Mormon was trying to get a group of us, to "convert" to his religion. The man went on, and on, about the Mormon version of the scriptures, and had just reached the part about "Be fruitful, and multiply", when we got down to the core of the issue. Since the fact is that most, Christian, religion says "Forsaking all others, keep thee only unto..." One would think that Crystal would have been the first, to question this. In fact, it was Jamal. It would be Jamal who would ask "Why is Mormonism the only religion, which allows mutliple wives?" I would follow this with "Yeah, why is that?" The religious man had said "That is just the way the religion is." This is when Crystal would enter the conversation, asking "If your men can have more than one woman, then your women can have more than one man, RIGHT?" When the man said "Scripture does not work that way. It, clearly, spells out that MEN can have multiple women." While Jamal ignored Crystal, asking the man "Why have such a bad rule?" The mormon would, only, ask "How would it make sense for a woman to have multiple men? When she got pregnant, HOW would they know who the father was?" When Crystal whispered "Sexist", I suggested, to the man, "Is there any law, or scripture, which, specifically, states that a woman can only have one man?" The man would think, for a moment, then say "Come to think of it, only the wedding prayer restricts partners. That is, ofcourse, except for off-shoot religions." While I comforted Crystal, I asked the man "What is the definition of an off-shoot religion?" The Mormon would say "I know, or I have heard, of some religions, where adults can take children as partners." Even Jamal had asked "How can children get married?" The Mormon would, only, say "Its complicated, but it has happened." When I asked the Morman "Why dont we get back on track, and you explain how only men can take more than one partner." The Mormon would, only, say "That is the way the Mormons are." This is when I would change tacts, asking the man "What about dating? What do churches say about dating?" All the Mormon would say was "As far as I know, dating is supposed to be between men and women." Jamal had walked away, while I sat, with Crystal, asking the Mormon "Can you think of any religion which, openly, BANS a woman, from dating multiple men?" The man would say "I can think of no such." This is when I would look at Crystal, and whisper "See, there is nothing anti-Christian about dating more than one person, at a time." At just that moment, feeling my touch, on her skin, Crystal would think "You just wait until all of my children turn out as white as you are." Instead, she just snuggled up to me, and enjoyed my carress. After I thanked the Mormon, for the information, I took Crystal home. In her living room, Crystal stopped me, then we embraced, and, as she said "This is as far as we go, until I speak to Jamal." Ebony and Ivory shared an embrace, and an UN-expected kiss. While Crystal did not see her ebony boyfriend, for two days, she ended up having the same conversation, with him, which she would, later, have with me. Crystal tried to spell out the "danger", of dating two men. Her main argument, about an ebony woman giving birth to ivory children, just did not sink in, with Jamal. All he would say was "Who CARES? Let the state take care of them." The next day, Crystal and I sat, and spoke, of the "problem", of what to do when Crystal gave birth to white children. I knew she was "thinking ahead", but I thought she was thinking too far ahead. She wanted to address problems, which would only occur after we began dating. She did not want just plans A,B, and C. She wanted plans L,M, and O. I promised her that, if she liked my dating style, that we could work out a whole "book", of plans. Upon hearing this, Crystal would say "You know, if would be nice to get laid, more than once, each saturday night. I just hope..." The next day, at her mothers home, all mother would say was "Take a chance. Life wont last, forever. You have a man, who WANTS you. Roll the dice." That saturday night, Crystal found Jamal in disgusting condition. He wanted beer sex. In short, beer sex is when a man pours beer over his shaft, then has the woman suck it. Crystal hated this, since she could not tell if Jamal was "getting off", or if he was pissing. The time when Crystal could not wait for Jamal to finish was when, after a beer blow, he would pour a bottle onto her body, then she would endure his "squish,squish", as he pumped her. The only way she knew when he "got off" was when he would dis-mount her, push her out of bed, then fall asleep. Leaving his place, feeling as filthy as can be felt, Crystal went back to her place, where she douched out, atleast four times, then took a LONG, hot, shower. Only when ready for bed did she see the "image", of a man, and woman, in her bed, enjoying deep, loving, passion. She could only think "I wish." The next day, when she took more, clean, clothes, to her mothers place, to take another shower, her mother would say "Crystal, that feeling you have, of being dirty. It is not real dirt. Its your body's way of telling you that you did not like last night." When Crystal would ask "How do I get rid of it?" Her mother would ask "What about your new man. Give him a try, and see how you feel." What "spooked" Crystal, later that day, was how, instead of just tossing her clothes, she felt the urge to give me a show. When she saw my shaft, she just hoped that I was not as good, in bed, as she feared I would be. What she loved, about my shaft was how "pretty" it was, as well as the fact that it did not taste of booze. What she hated was the fact that she liked the taste, so much, that she blew me, twice, before taking a break. Later, in her bed, Crystal hated the fact that she was enjoying my passion, so much. Why did I have to be so good? After I humped her, a few times, she got on top, and gave me the "ride, of my life". While she humped me, Crystal panted "I am going to have to teach you how I want to be had." All that I know is that she brought me up, and over, so well, that I passed out, afterwards. When I awakened, later, in her embrace, not thinking that an "I love you" would be enough, I took her deeply into my arms, and gave her a DEEP kiss. After that, and an intimate shower, Crystal asked what I wanted to eat. When she saw me looking at her breasts, she whispered "Not until we know one another, better." "Better" came sooner, rather than later. This, when her ebony man offered to trade a group, of boys, the chance at sucking a womans tits, for their bicycles, and three months allowances. Funny thing was, while the boys said "Its a deal!", Crystal noticed their hesitation, when her man said something like "Fine, start sucking". Crystal did not walk away, because the boys had hesitated. She walked away because she knew that the boys were young, and that her ebony man had done nothing short of STEALING from them. This is why, as the boys stood there, each daring the other to be first, when one boy walked, quietly, away, she brought the boy into her arms, and, in "private", she gave him what she knew was his first kiss. After he walked away, smiling, and proud, Crystal slipped away, followed her "man", as he took the boys bikes to a garage, then told his "men" "Strip these shits down, FAST. Atleast one of those whimps bikes has a tracker on it. We have to DUMP the tracker, before we do anything else." Crystal had heard stories, about how the man made his pocket-money. Knowing that the police placed NO priority on stolen, personal, property, Crystal knew that the gang stole items which the police would not waste time pursuing. Bicycles remained big business, in our area. Crystal also knew that some locals, outraged by police lack of response, as well as a city proposal that would apply electronic tracking ONLY for CITY-OWNED bicycles, had bought their own tracking gear, and hid this on bicycles. While the mayors office had "howled" over the cost of using police to run down the trackers, saying "The citizens, of this city, are paying almost $15,000 per item, just to have the police recover toys (bicycles). Items worth only about $150.00." To date, one shop was closed, when police traced twelve bicycles to their door, electronically. In another case, a theif had stolen a bicycle, for a friends child. The gift had just been given, fifteen minutes before three patrol cars cut off the bike. When the childs father had told police "I just paid $15.00, for that toy." The police had said "In that case, you are under arrest, for the possession of stolen goods." Five arrests had been made, that day, with one person going to prison for life, under "Three Strikes and you're OUT!" Now, Crystal watched as the thieves RACED to find any trackers, on the bicycles. (She had HOPED the thieves would be caught, in the act) That is, until a thief found the tracker, mounted inside a seat. Here is a laugh. The theif took the bike seat to a stolen car, then drove from the area. Rumor would hold that the thief planned to dump the seat, in a local river. That is, until they saw a road block. This is why, supposedly, the theif had to send the car racing into the river, along with the seat. (The theif broke their arm, jumping from the racing car.) While the public excuse was "I fell off a roof, and broke it", the truth was there. After kissing the boy, then following the criminals, Crystal went to her mothers house, to ask what she should do. Mother was no classic mother. None of that junk about "MY babies!" No, mother was a modern woman. When her children asked questions, she gave the best answers that she could. When Crystal told her mother what had happened, then asked "What should I do. Those boys gave up their property, for nothing." Mother would ask "Do you know where the bikes are, now?" Crystal would say "BY now, they are spread across the county. The theives built new bikes out of the parts." Mother would say "In that case, even the police will do nothing." When Crystal asked "What about the boys. They were conned." When mother asked "Did YOU offer yourself to the boys?" Crystal would remind her mother, about her "boyfriend". Mother would say "IN that case, its on HIM, not you." The next time that Crystal saw me, we went to her place, where Crystal found out just how good I was, at nursing. In fact, by the time I passed out, exhausted, from the sex, Crystal was making her own plans. While some people think that the evidence was planted, Crystal could think of two men, on the theft crew, who were dumb enough NOT to wipe finger prints off, unless reminded to. The boys were retarded enough to think that their boss told the truth, about being a bicycle repair store.'' Crystal had watched, a few times, when other men had to remind boys, about basic things. This is why, when four bicycles were found, on an anonymous tip, the shop was closed, after police ran down the fingerprints, then raided the shop. The night the shop was raided, Crystal had called her number one man, saying she needed him. When he said "Too busy", she called on me. At the time of the raid, Crystal knew she was in sexual Heaven, as she pumped the daylights out of my shaft, while moaning in happiness. I was moaning, as well, as I lay back, on her mattress. I was, still, learning how passionately Crystal wanted to be loved. She was willing to teach me since I was so good, at kissing, necking, and nursing. She knew I could do it. I just needed time, and practice. After a magnificent power-climax, Crystal lowered her upper body to mine, and we shared a DEEP kiss, then rested, until the phone rang. After she hung up, I asked, and she said "It was just him. He escaped police custody and wanted me to call his back-up." When I asked "MY love, why you?" Crystal would say "Baby, that way it cannot be traced back to him." When I asked, Crystal said "What I want you to do at this moment, is to mount me, and give it to me, good, hard, and deep." When I did, she said "Better. So much better. Baby, I would say that, within the next few months, you are going to be my main man." Crystal was right, too. Over the next month, any time her man said he wanted beer sex, Crystal invited me into HER bed. Each time, she let me love her, the first time, the way I wanted to. The rest would be the way she wanted to. Crystal soon learned that sex, combined with nursing, finally gave her the kinds, of power-climaxes, that she LOVED. She was, also, happy when he began calling on her, less and less. Her concern, however, was over the fact that, the more time she spent with me, the less she even THOUGHT about him. Ofcourse, even Crystal knew that he was not the same, one-woman-man, that I was. Thankfully, Crystal agreed with me, that cashiers, nurses, stockers, etc., did not count, when it came to fidelity. After all, in public, all we were looking for was advice, or product information. Then, there were the contests. Times, during parties, when Crystal was asked to show the party-goers just how FAST she could blow me. While an average of five, to seven, women, actually, took part, in the contest, which paid a $50.00 prize, Crystal just stood beside me. She did not mind sucking my shaft. She just wanted to take her time, and enjoy it. Crystal and I, also, knew the reason why party hosts stopped inviting her man to events. The man had such an aggressive erection that, even after he won any contest, he would walk around the room, asking women "Who wants to suck my fucking shit?" The last time he was invited, when no woman volunteered, the man pushed the womens man away, pushed her down, ripped off her panties, then moaned as he said "Good". Just dont ask me where the "artillery" was hidden, but, when the man forced another woman to let him shove it in, the man, soon, had five pistols aimed at his head. When he said "But, I NEED pussy." Even I heard the hammers click back. This is when he took it out of the woman. Crystal watched as her man was lead, at gun-point, off the property. After that, the party, and the contests, resumed, that I escorted Crystal home. For reasons I wont try to understand, it was a week later, and Crystal was mounting me, big time, when the call come. Somehow, she kept me going while listening to the call. It was only after I brought her over a climax that she told the caller "Sorry, my man just brought me off. Now, where did you say he is being held?" Since Crystal was in no mood to let me go, just yet, we humped one another twice more, before she asked "Want to escort me to see him?" When I asked "Where?" She said "Psych ward". What even Crystal had not been told was that the man was being held in secure lock up. According to both police, and doctor, reports, the man had been arrested when he invaded a playground, looking for a Negro girl, to have sex with. While the man was chasing the children about, parents, and bystanders, called police. BY the time the police arrived, they ran video of the man, telling an ivory girl "I am gonna get me some pussy, from you." The video was clear enough that even a judge could tell that the girl did not know what the man was talking about. The final bit of evidence, was when the man snatched off the childs panties. He never had the chance to shove his into the girl. Seconds after tearing the girls panties off, the man, again, had pistols pointed at his head. As for the reason why he was in lock down, when police tried to cuff him, he not only fought to free himself, but, seeing two, female, support, officers, he was arrogant enough say "I want some PUSSY!" When Crystal and I entered the viewing room, we saw that he was hand-cuffed to the chair, yet still straining at the cuffs. When Crystal asked the doctor "Can he break free of the cuff's?" The doctor said "Dont worry. Only two people have broken free, and one of them did not get through that cell door." When Crystal asked "What about the one who got out?" The doctor would say "Dont worry. This is the secure section. Even if he got loose, the moment, when he would rip the door open, security panels, too heavy for any man to lift, would close off the section. No one has escaped the ward, that I know of." Back in the doctors office, when I asked "Whats the next step?" The doctor would say "If he had attacked an adult, then his non-prosecution order would mean "Back to therapy" When Crystal would ask "What about a child?" The doctor would say "Where children are concerned, non-prosecution is waived. He is going to jail, for child molestation. I dont give him any survival chances." The doctor was right. Even in our state, once a person was convicted, of molesting a child, the last moment, when the person would be safe was in the processing area, for entering prison. So far, only seven, child molestors had survived, in prison, until the next morning. Each had been found, dead, with the words CHILD MOLESTOR scrawled across their clothes. As I lead Crystal away from the detention center, she suggested she needed to find another, ebony "lover". This way, she would continue to appreciate me. I refrained from teasing her, about us having children. What I did do was to take her home, and remind her that not all men are molestors. Within 24 hours, however, Crystal was informed that her "boyfriend" had been transferred from going to prison, to entering a long-term care facility. He would be housed in the secure wing. While parents groups made LOUD protests, about a molestor not being sent to prison, Crytals primary thought was about giving me some terrific sex. By the time Crystal and I found out what became of her former man, it seems that the man had slashed his wrists, after being sterilized. He was buried in an un-marked grave. Now, Crystal had to decide. I made a suggestion. Since Crystal knew that I was working, with a political party, on national issues, I suggested that she join the activities. She smiled as she said that I was all the "party" that she needed. The way I aided her, in finding another man, was by promising men that Crystal was no racist. She and I were together because we WANTED to be. I even gave men the best approach, possible. When we did, eventually, drift apart, it was so gradual that I must say that I did not even realize it until it was over. Still, I was happy, for Crystal. After all, her new man wanted what she wanted. As for me, who could say where my aspirations would take me?

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