Wednesday, January 8, 2020


THE RETURN OF THE HARDY BOYS Over the years, since the boys youths, life had changed, in so many ways. Two things, however, turned out just the way the family thought that they would. For one, when Fenton Hardy had passed away, not only did his satisfied clients want to throw the man an "ultimate blow-out", but so did the N.Y.P.D. The very department, which Mr. Hardy had retired from, many years before. Trouble was that Fenton Hardy often found himself BACK, in New York, and working with the police, to solve difficult cases. One case the N.Y.P.D. was happy for Fentons help, was the case of the vanishing yachts. While Harbor Patrol had been certain that they had solid echoes, on radar, as well as their own eyes, on the boats, what no one could figure out was HOW the thieves could make the boats vanish, right in front of the police. It would be Fenton Hardy's undercover work, which cracked the case. The gang had been clever enough to use mirrors, and a micro-transmitter, to fool the police. Once Fenton Hardy had infiltrated the gang, he learned that boats had been stolen DAYS before being sighted. Owners had not reported the boats missing, since owners were away on vacation, during thefts. Once a boat was stolen, special pictures, for a projector, were made, of the stolen yachts. The camera was rigged to show a false picture, when the thieves wanted it to. As for the radar target, this had been as simple as turning on a small box, on land, near the image. When the yachts "appearred", the micro-transmitter put out a pulse, large enough to be an ocean liner. Once the police boats were close enough, the picture, and the pulse, were turned off. Mr. Hardy had even struck "pay-dirt", with a gang member, looking for a way out of a bar debt. Mr. Hardy paid off the debt, then the gang member swapped this, for the real location, of the stolen boats. Fenton let the police take the credit, for the recovery, while he took the finders fee. In time, however, even exercise, and proper diet, could not help the aging detective. While, by the time their father had retired, period, Frank and Joe had, finally, made Mrs. Hardy a happy woman, by giving her grand-children, the problem was the brothers wives. Sure, Frank and Joe had made a success, of the detective business, yet their wives had said "I need a husband, who is at home, in the evening. I cannot raise our children, alone." In time, the family even bid farewell to the grumpy spinster/task-master sister, of Fenton Hardy. It seems that Gertrude Hardy had passed away, in her sleep, with her favorite magazine in her hands. As for the extended Hardy gang, Tony Prito followed his father into the trades and, in time, replaced his father, as the head of the business. As for Chet Morton. What is there to say. After who knows how many "ventures" the boy engaged in, he met a woman who asked "Chet, just how much money have you sunk, into your many hobbies?" Chet had tried to "play it down", until the woman produced his bills. (WHY had he let her stay the night?) Sure, Chet had spent a small fortune, however, he had never been in debt, for his projects. While Chet had hated giving up his many hobbies, when the woman asked "Which is more important?" Chet sighed "You win." Chet even gave up the Queen. His souped-up hot rod, which he had been working on, since anyone could remember. When the woman stood beside the car, saying, softly "Which do you love, more?" Chet sold the Queen. The woman Chet had fallen for, encouraged Chet to follow his true heart. His love for cooking. When Chet was not eating, he was cooking. His girl-friend helped him land a job, at a restaurant, then worked with him until they had gotten married, and Chet had become Souh-Chef, at a restaurant. While Chet never reached his fitness goal, he could carry himself as fast, and well, as Biff Hooper, Tony Prito, or any other man. The REAL problem began years LATER. While Frank and Joe had done what they promised, and ended their detection "gig", their children never tired of hearing their fathers relate saga, of cases. When wives had said "Dont encourage the children." Frank and Joe tried to play down the excitement, and emphasize being shot at, kidnapped, buried alive, and so on, yet the children were un-deterred. Even before finishing grade school, a new generation, of Hardys, had begun solving simple mysteries. On atleast three occassions, the young had "talked friends down", after bullies had pushed the students to the point where the victims WANTED to take up fire-arms. Using every bit of the family's skill, the young had positioned school administrators just right when bullies made next threats. Caught, in the act, the bullies would be sent to other schools, while the Hardys friends studied, towards graduation. Then came some bad news. Once in high school, and fully aware that the Hardy Boys van had been in storage, for many years (for sentimental reasons), before anyone could stop the young, the young Hardy's had the old van OUT of storage and, with atleast three, of the Hardys majoring in auto shop, in high school, the young would begin upgrading the van. By the time Frank and Joe, were alerted to their childrens actions, Frank stood, in utter amazement at the vans upgrades. The gas-drinking V-8 engine had been upgraded to the most powerful, 4-cylinder enigne, on the planet. While the out-of-date, Citizens Band (C.B.) radio had been left in the dash, more for nostalgia, than for use, the van, now had a "multi-use area", in the rear. USB-ports had been added. When Frank asked the young people "Even computers must have connections", his daughter would say "Father, the van IS wired. The frame is the WiFi antenna." When Joe looked in the back, asking "Where did the ramps, for the motor bikes go?" His son would say "Dad, step aside, and I will show you." Flipping a rear switch, the rear floor would rise, at an angle, then the ramps would come up, out of the floor. When Joe would say "Thats fine, but where did you put..." and his son would show Joe the new storage area. When Frank would say "Great work, kids, but WHAT do you plan to do with it, now?" Niether of the brothers was happy with the look on the young peoples faces. This is why, even as Frank was saying "Detective work is DANGEROUS! You can get killed, even before graduation." Joe would say "Forget it." When Frank would ask "WHY?" Joe would ask "How often did WE listen, when mom, dad, and even Aunt Gertrude warned us, of danger. They will have to learn, just as we did." When the Hardy's brought out the old van, for the Forth of July, a new generation, of flashy cars, found themselves sidelined, as the most recognized motor vehicle, in Bayport Massachussettes made its first, public appearance, in many years. Just by driving into the municipal lot, and parking, the van received the same attention as a president would. As holiday revellers shared stories, of the Hardy family adventures, and what a part this van had played, so often, what no one noticed was the eyes, behind a set of binoculars. With the hood up, and the inside console slid from position, the young Hardy's explained how they had converted an abandoned, four-cylinder, engine, into a full power unit. A unit just as capable as ever, yet with better fuel economy. When all of the attention shifted to the van, Frank asked Joe "DID we ever get this much attention, when we were younger?" Joe would say "I dont remember that far back." As a tourist attraction, the van seemed like a visit, to the town, by a Founding Father. The REAL attraction, however, came after dark. When both the batteries, in the display control, and the back up units, were found to be discharged, and people began asking "How will we set off the fire-works?" the young Hardy's said "Fear not, the Hardy's to the rescue, again." Attaching the control board to a newly installed, extrenal, power outlet, the board came to life, and the event started. This, even as Joe asked Frank "Why didn't we, ever, think of that?" Frank would remind his younger brother "In OUR youth, cell-phones, usb-ports, dvd's, cd's, and so much more, did not even exist, remember?" Sure enough, the vans power supply was more than enough to power the fire-works display. After the display, a "herd", of Hardy's, would descend on "grandma" Hardys home, for some post-event refreshments, and relaxation. While Frank and Joe had become more settled, in adulthood, when story time came around, both men felt like they were teens, themselves, again. They reminisced about the case, in which what they THOUGHT was a flying saucer, had scared both enough to drive the van into a ditch, to avoid damage. And WHO can forget the case, where the van was stolen (and worse, used in a robbery). The reason why recovery had taken so long was because the thieves had switched the plates, and some lazy watchman had not bothered to look at the registation. The van would have gone, for auction, until a friend, of the Hardy's, had seen the van, in the pre-auction viewing area, called the Hardy home, and asked Mrs. Hardy "Ma'am, WHY are your boys selling their van?" Fenton, himself, had driven his sons to the auction, where the three not only identified the van, but Fenton had made a few calls, asking WHY neither the registration, nor the plates, inside the doors, had been checked. When Fenton Hardy, and the local sheriff, had asked the processor "How could you NOT recognize the Hardy van? The boys have visited, so much that I know the van, by sight." While as many as five reports had come in, stating that the orange van had been seen, at crime scenes, Fenton would not let the matter rest until the Hardys own mechanic checked the van. Just as Fenton Hardy had suspected, HIS mechanic found the fake piece of plastic, which covered the fact that the ignition had been hot-wired. The van was a victim of "wrong place, wrong time." Still, even with the brothers helping the mechanic, the brothers ended up riding their motor bikes, around Bayport, more than they would have preferred to. Now, the van seemed "back in the news". By 1 a.m., while challenging one another, to find out who could stay awake, longest, the young were resting, all over Mrs. Hardys living room. When Joe would ask "How do we move them? If we wake even one, the chaos." Mrs. Hardy would say "They are fine, where they are. You can take them home, tomorrow. Besides, its not a school night." Funny thing about the Hardy family. While people had offered to BUY them both drinks, and even bottles, of alcohol, the only booze, in Laura Hardy's house, was medicinal. Laura and Gertrude, Hardy had a strict rule. NO drunks in this house. This is why, although tired, the brothers, and spouses, set off for a peacefull evening, at home. Still, when the two looked at that orange van, Joe would say "Brings back memories." When Frank would admit "Sure does!" Their wives would say "Come along home. The evening is over." After seeing Franks wife, safely, home, Frank would join Joe, and his wife, at Joe's home. The brothers would munch, on microwave burgers, fries, and drink who knows how much soda. All while remembering the past. In fact, come morning, Joes wife would find her husband, and his older brother, slumped, passed out, on the sofa's. When the woman would say "Look at this mess. Even the kids are not this dirty." Frank would try to apologize, saying "I am sorry. We did clean up, twice. It just kept piling up." This is when Joes wife would pull an "Aunt Gertrude", handing out mops, brooms, and buckets, then telling the men "This is your current case. The case of scrubbing down the kitchen, before the children come home. Lets GET to IT!" The brothers were about 75% finished, when Joe's children came home, saw the mess, and agreed to help. Their main question, however, was "What will become of the van?" When Frank and Joe would say "Probably back into storage. After all, OUR days, of dodging bullets, are behind us." Still, the van was a piece of 1970's culture. A part of the Hardy family. No one, really, wanted to part with it. When Frank and Joe could not compromise, on where to keep the van, Mrs. Hardy had the all-purpose answer. "Why not keep it where you used to keep it." When Frank would ask "What if people see the van, in your driveway. Isn't that how we caught many cases. People, looking for the van, at the Hardy house?" Laura Hardy would say "Balderdash! Your father is in Heaven, no doubt heading up the security section". The van will be safe. Everyone, for 500 miles, knows this van." This is what concerned the brothers. Not only were their talents known, but that van was just as well-known. (Sometimes, the brothers wondered if it was THEM, or the van, people wanted to be seen with.) Since the day, after the house-cleaning, was a sunday, the whole family went to church. To Frank and Joe, however, the service was not quite so comforting. This, as the minister would say "Those, who pursue evil-doers may find themselves in a trap, which no detective can solve. I call upon the congregation to remember that no motor vehicle can outrun a bullet." After the service, the minister would greet the Hardys, asking "I trust that you are not going back into the detective business. It was such a strain, on your dear mother." When Frank would say "Sorry, pastor. I dont understand." Followed by Joe asking "Who told you that we were going back into the detective business?" When the minister would say "IN that case, WHY have you removed that van, from storage?" Frank would say "You mis-understand." then pointing between himself, and his brother, would say "WE did not remove the van from storage. Our children did. They wanted to show what they could do." When the minister gave a certain look, then departed, Joe asked Frank "You dont think that he really thinks we would put mother through that, again, does he?" Frank would say "I would understand, if I were him. After all, our mother is not as young as she, once, was." It was true that Laura Hardy was no-longer the "spring chicken", who had raised the boys. Frank smiled as he reminded Joe "Remember all the time she spent checking on us, when we were young?" Joe would say "How can I forget?" Frank would say "I think that the tables have been turned." Joe would say "Mothers fine, we check in, regularly." Frank would say "Just like she used to do." In the time, since the "loss" of Aunt Gertrude, the brothers had ben giving more thought to their mothers life. With Fenton gone, as well as Gertrude, and the boys, having their own homes, with spouses, Laura Hardy, now, had that whole, big, house, to herself. That afternoon, even as the brothers were considering the offer, of some local girls, to look after Laura (The girls had gone from high school cheerleading, volleyball practice, and other womens sports), to going into nursing school, while waiting to find out what they, really, wanted to do, in life. By the time Laura Hardy began to age, the girls were certified nurses aides, and they knew Mrs. Hardy as well as her sons did. Of course, Mrs Hardy knew the girls, as well. Still, the brothers just could not grasp the fact that their mother was growing old. In fact, the brothers might have gotten headaches, trying to think of how to, politely, inform their mother, of the situation. That is until Mrs. Morton, and Mrs. Prito, came before the brothers, asking "Alright, WHAT trouble have you gotten our husbands into, now?" When the brothers looked stunned, then asked "Why would you think that?" The women would say "Dont play coy with us, Hardy Boys. We knew how much trouble you got our men into, in the past. Now, OUT with it. Where are our men?" While Frank just shrugged his shoulders, Joe would ask "How should we know. They are adults. They do what they want." This is when the fiesty Mrs. Prito would say "Correction, MR. Hardy. We KNOW that our men did plenty of work, with you, in the past. DONT try to deny it." Joe would ask "Who is denying anything." Then added "Sure, while in school, the guys did help us, and our father, on many cases..." Frank would jump in, saying "Ladies, if there was a case, dont you think that we would know about it?" Mrs. Morton would say "All I know is this." Then she would hand a sheet of paper, to Frank Hardy. On the paper was this note: If you tell the Hardy Boys, or that van, of theirs, about our caper, your children will, never, see their father, again. When Joe would ask Frank "What caper? What is the crook talking about?" Frank would say "I dont know, but something tells me that our van is going BACK into service." Joe would ask "You dont mean?" Frank would say "I mean, someone thinks that the van, coming out of storage, is a threat. They think that we are "on the case". Joe would correct his one year older brother, saying "I think you mean "IN the case."" Frank would say "You are right. They took Chet, and Tony, as leverage, but against WHAT?" Joe would remind his brother "We haven't worked a case, in years. Even our sources are beyond their "Sell by" date." Frank knew that this was the truth. Even one of the family's best friends, on the Bayport Police Force, was out of action. While the man had never, openly, broken, any laws, Police Chief Ezra Collig had been a "model of cooperation", no-doubt since the Hardy's had broken so much crime. The family had been broken-hearted when they heard the news. During a Search-and-Seizure hunt, Chief Collig had been shot, in the back, by a drug-crazed psycho, who had kept calling the chief "Scatter-Nuts". The police thought that the criminal was aiming for Collig's heart, liver, and kidneys. Instead, by shooting the chief, in the back, Chief Colligs spine had protected his vitals, even though shattering the spinal column left the chief paralyzed, and disabled out of the service, just three months before full retirement. All of Bayport cheered when the judge gave the shooter a maximum sentence. By the time the psycho would be released, Chief Collig would be dead. The new police chief would be appointed, from far out of state. As hard-nosed as they came, and as anti-private-detective, as anyone can get. No, the police were out of the game (for now). When the brothers considered their old, high school friends, not many had been interested, in high school, and even less were interested, once out of school. The brothers would have considered "Bowling Ball" Masterson, since the young man was known, on the field, to "bowl over" the opposition. The last time the brothers saw "Bowling Ball", the man had gone from sports star, to couch potato. Nowadays, "Bowling Ball" was as round, and fatter, than a bowling ball. Neither brother knew why but, when they heard a commotion, to the side, they watched as their own young were building something, new. The group had assigned each person, based upon skills. It was when Joe remarked "They really are Hardy's." Frank looked at his brother, saying "NO. Dont even THINK it." Joe would say "I am not talking about "line of fire", or anything, dangerous. Why not let them TRY to gather evidence. Let them find out, first hand, how hard it is, to be a detective. Trust me. Once they get a few doors slammed in faces, they will lose the desire, for the "family business". Frank would say "Fine. Let them do research, on one condition." When Joe said "Name it." Frank would say "All clues, and leads, are turned over to the police." Frank would say "I know that I will regret this, but, as long as we are clear." Calling the teens away from their latest project, Frank and Joe would "stretch the truth", just a bit. "Alright, guys, we have a project for you. A research project. The case is to find our friends, Chet Morton, and Tony Prito." One, of Joe's girl would say "Mr. Morton is in the bag. The man never steps out of a kitchen." When Joe would tell the girl "This is serious! Chet has been kidnapped, by someone, and being held, until a crime is finished." When one of the kids asked "What does this have to do with us?" Frank would say "For one thing, Mr. Morton, and Mr. Prito, saved the lives, of my brother, and myself, more times than I can remember." Joe would add "For another, the criminals have, specifically informed Mrs. Morton, and Mrs. Prito that, IF we, Hardy's, get involved, the men will be killed." Frank would emphasize "Remember, this is research. All leads are to be turned over to the police. Is this understood." When the kids asked "What if WE have the chance to free the men?" Frank and Joe would bark "Leave the rescue to the police. They are TRAINED in rescue. Are we clear?" When the kids would say "Right, dad." then move off, Joe would ask "Do you, REALLY expect them to follow our directions?" Frank would counter with "Did we?" Joe would say "I was afraid that you would say that." While Joe liked the idea that the van, finally had reception equipment, to hear conversations, what he was NOT impressed by was the new dashboard. Franks kids had, carefully, removed the old unit, then replaced it with a dash board, with a switch, beside it. The switch had five buttons on it. When Joe tried the buttons, each one replaced the regular dashboard, with an L.E.D. display. Each display had a different series of functions. What made Frank smile was when, as the orange van began driving around each crime scenes, and the teens began dis-mounting, Joe was doing an impersonation, of their own father. When Joe looked at Frank, asking "Whats so funny? If anything happens, I have to face their mother." Frank would say "Its just so funny. We thought that dad was a worry-wart, when he said things, like this. Now, here we are, impersonating him." Joe would say "Thats not even funny." Since the brothers knew, as their father had, that WAITING, at a rendezvous point was the best way to "blow" an assignment, the brothers placed the orange van in some very dark shadows, then sat at an open air cafe. The brothers had a bet going, as to just how long it would take their own teens, to lose interest in the case. About three hours, and an hour beyond the wagers end, one of Franks daughters would come to the men, asking "What would you say if I told you that one of Joes sons has gone into a strip club?" The brothers would say "Good Grief!", and set out, to pull the teen out of the club. (What would their wives think, letting a young man go into a strip club.) Now, sure, the Hardy brothers were, no-longer track stars, however, they could, still, out-distance many men. Still, the men were surprised when the young man walked out of the business, writing notes, as he walked. When his father, Joe, asked "Alright, whats the deal?" His son would say "Collecting information." Then add "I heard two of the performers talking about men, who match the missing. I hope you dont mind but it cost me twenty bucks." When Joe would ask "Do I want to know "For WHAT?"" His son would say "Dad, the women agreed to give me information, on the men, but only for $10 per woman." When Joe went to pounce, Frank restrained his brother, asking the young man "Just WHAT did you learn?" When Joes son reviewed his notes, Frank would ask "Has anyone else verified this?" The young man would say "I was just on my way to see two men, who can do that." Frank would say "No, let your father take you home. Your mother will be worried. Your father and I will handle the interviews." When the boy walked away, dis-appointed, Frank asked Joe "DID I just SAY that?" Joe would smile as he said "Just like dad." After Joe drove the teens home (and made sure the young people went to bed (experience)), Joe returned to help Frank with the after-hours sluething. (This, Joe did, after promising his wife "It is just research. I should be home before morning.") By 3 a.m., Frank and Joe, had met with the men, yet stayed at a distance. The men may not have been "clean", but the smell of alcohol, could choke an elephant. While the two men were just sober enough, to answer questions, the Hardy's kept the four bottles, of booze, just in sight. This, while telling the men "You answer our questions and this is all yours." The men, readily, verified the young Hardy's story, adding "Yeah, they was real chatty with that dancer, Sparkling Jenny. We wasn't even drunk, yet, and she passed us over, for him." By 4 a.m., the brothers were yawning, in fatigue. They had not only interviewed the two drunks, but some kids, who caught the make, and model, of the mens car. While Joe let our a tired sigh, Frank would tease his brother, asking "Getting old, are we?" Joe would have said "Just wait until you get here." The problem was that Frank was, already, there. Driving to Joe's house, Frank noticed that Joe's wife sniffed the man, before letting him into the house. Frank would promise "Joe is not drunk. Its just been a long night." Joe's wife would mentioned "Any later, and it would be morning." Frank would place Joe on the couch, then his wife would cover him. Frank then all-but ran from the house. He did not need an upset wife giving him one of Aunt Gertrudes fanous "Out until all hours lecture". When Frank got home, his wife would only ask "Did Joe make it, home?" Frank would promise "Joe is sleeping, comfortably, on that large couch, of his." This is when Franks own wife would ask "Should I make you some breakfast, now, or wait until you wake up?" Frank would say "Right now, bed sounds better" Both men slept right through their teens next school day. The plan, was to notify the Bayport Police, when the brothers were not half-asleep. Now, when many teens return home, from high school, and their fathers are just waking up, mothers tell the children to be as quiet, as possible, until fathers hang-over was gone. The Hardy teens had no such luck. Their fathers were freshly showered, and teens, and parent, dug into dinner, as if having not eaten for days. After dinner, each man would review the findings, of the previous night. (This, ofcourse, without mentioning the TIME, of the interviews, or the bribes.) When the teens slapped hands, saying "score", Frank and Joe would remind them "Just learning this information will help the police, however, this is just the beginning. We need to find out WHERE the car came from, WHERE it was seen. If possible, even the location of the place, where Chet, and Tony, are being held. Also, there is the WHY." When Franks daughter would mention "I thought you said that there was going to be some big robbery. Mr. Morton, and Mr. Prito, are histages, until after the crime." Frank would ask "Does anyone know WHAT the crime will be?" When his question met with confused stares, Frank would ask "What is important enough, to the thieves, that they want "insurance"? Bank Vault? Residential Burglary? Car theft?" His daughter would say "Right, dad. We have no idea what they are planning." This is when Joes own son would ask "Which should we prioritize? Finding the men, or the crime?" Joe would say "Our friends should be our highest priority. Once they are safe, then the police can go after the thieves." When Joe woke up, that afternoon, and informed his wife of how bad the food was, from the previous night, it seems that, while her family was out, playing "detective", Mrs. Hardy was preparing a surprise, of her own. A surprise which Franks wife contributed to. While the teens grumbled, and groaned, about bed-time, with the men, still, missing, Frank and Joe would promise their teens "Come tomorrow afternoon, we will have more information, and will continue the hunt." The brothers would be surprised when their wives met them, at the van, and Joe's wife would step aside to reveal hot, and cold, carriers. When Joe would say "Tell me that is home-made food." His wife would say "Of course. Even detectives need quality food." Frank would whisper "Busted." Joe's wife would add "See you when you get home." What was beginning to impress Joe, even more, was the fact that, on most cases, the van drank enough gas to star for a gas station commercial. What ever the modifications the teens had done, to the engine, Joe was amazed that, after a full night, of sleuthing, the tank was at 75%, when he went to top it off. While the brothers found, and followed, the suspect car, it turned into a bum lead. The current "possessor" had "boosted" the car, for their own use. In simplest terms, a stolen car had been stolen, a second time. The thief gave the address of an old flop-house. One both the Hardy's, and the police, knew, well. In fact, Fenton Hardy had spent many a night, on assignment, in the place. The car, and thief, Frank and Joe turned over, to the Bayport Police. After that, the Hardy's visited the old place. They needed a clue, which would point at Chet and Tony. After paying for a room, for the night, the Hardy's would pass first a nude woman. She was higher than a kite. After that, they would pass a shuffling drunk male. He was so drunk that the Hardy's decided to the other stairwell, when they departed. This, after watching the man relieve his bladder, in the hall. While no one noticed the bags the men carried, Frank and Joe opened one, each, placing the enclosed plastic over anything they sat, or lay, on. At eleven o'clock, the Hardy's heard an argument, in the hall. One man was asking "Why do we have to wait until midnight? Why not do it, now?" The other man said "We do it at midnight, since that is when the boss wants it done." The first man asked "Eleven, or midnight. Its still after dark." When Joe would ask "What is so important about midnight?" Frank would say "All I can think of is The Witching Hour, and low tide, in Barmet Bay." Frank read his brothers face. "You're right. Lets get out of here." Since the stairway opposite the drunk, had blocked, two floors down, the brothers used the fire escape, then walked into the lobby, checked out, and mentioned that blocked stairways are a violation, of health and safety laws. After that, the Hardy's returned to their van. What surprised both brothers was how the home-made lunch revived them. They were awake, and alert, when the car exited the lot, and set out to follow it. Frank just had to get used to the fact that their own teens had installed night vision, in the dash-board. The men would have no idea that the orange van was following. While the car did not turn off, into the area, of the bay, it did turn off, at a side road. A road which lead to a beach area. Veterans, of too many surveillance details, the brothers knew how far to hang back. Approaching, over ancient boulders, when Frank groaned, at climbing over a boulder, Joe smiled as he whispered "Old man." The two Hardy's would listen, within ear-shot, as they learned the reason for the midnight hour. Peering over the rocks, Frank Hardy noticed that an approaching boat was using radar, and sonar, to navigate the coast line. Now, the midnight hour made sense. But for what? The answer came when a man stepped on shore, and met the other two. When the third man asked "Well, how did it go?" The first man would say "Not good at all. That note. The one we thought would scare the Hardys away." When the third man asked "Well? Im waiting." The second man would say "It did the opposite. Not only are the Hardys on the case, but they have their teenage kids with them." The third man would say "Most un-fortunate. It would seen that a more direct approach is called for." When the man reached into the boat, and pulled out a bundle, saying "Use the first part, to blow up the van. If that does not convince the Hardys to give up, then use the second and third parts, on their homes." When the second man would ask "You mean, when nobody at home, right?" The third man produced a revolver, and shot the second man. The third man would tell the first "Dispose of the body, and meet your new partner, tomorrow at the restaurant." The Hardys noticed that the second man asked no questions. He just nodded, in agreement, picked up the other man, and hauled him away. The third man re-entered the boat, and sailed away, as if nothing had happened. When Joe suggested "He's all alone. Lets rush him." Frank would say "Hold on. I want to see what he does, with the body." After the criminal dropped the body, on one of the lowest points, of the beach, he returned to his car, and drove away. The Hardy men would heft the body to their van, load it into the rear, then drive to police headquarters. The Hardy's had learned, the hard way, never to leave bodies behind. In the two cases, where they HAD left bodies, and gone for the police, the bodies had been gone, before the police arrived. This is why the brothers delivered the body to the police. The I.D., of the body, had taken as long as the vehicle information had taken, to verify that the car was stolen. The only clues, which the body yielded, were fibers, which matched Chet, and Tony. Aside from this, all the clothes told the police was that the victim had been close to, if not inside, parts warehouses. The victim was a low-price criminal. Anything a person wanted, as long as the payer had money. By the time the brothers left police headquarters, the sun was in full bloom, and Joe said "You drive. Wake me when you reach my place." Well, despite Franks best efforts, Joes wife would end up aiding Frank, in carrying Joe back to the couch. When Frank arrived home, he kissed his wife, took a shower, then fell asleep, in bed. When Frank, and Joe's, wives called Mrs. Hardy, to ask, Mrs. Hardy would say "Why not stop by. I will put on some tea." Thirty minutes later, Laura Hardy was explaining the life of a wife, of a private detective. "Make the most of the times you have, together. Dont worry if the phone rings. Just get used to spending nights, weekends, and even weeks, alone. You ladies have married detectives, just as I did." When Franks wife suggested "We had them PROMISE to retire, when we got married." Laura would add "And I had them promise to keep their room clean, when at home." When Joes wife would ask "How do we get them to stop?" Laura would say "If you are that determined, then divorce is the only option. My boys are detectives, just like their father. We can either love them, or leave them." Later that day, when Joe awakened, his wife would ask "Would it do any good to ask you to stop this party?" Joe would ask "If you can tell me that Chet, and Tony, have been found, then I can stop, today." His wife would walk away, from the bedroom. After another, family, dinner, as their husbands, and teens, went on with the investigation, both wives would have an argument. One in which Franks wife would ask "Why do you have to be so possessive?" Joes wife would say "I want a husband, and I want my family to be safe. Not out, hunting criminals." Franks wife would say "You know. We KNEW that the Hardy's were detectives, before we married them. They helped many, in Bayport. We KNEW this, before they proposed." Joes wife would say "I was HOPING that a family, would slow him down. Make him more stable. Now, look at him. He is out, with OUR children, chasing criminals." Franks wife would say "One correction, please. They are TEENS. Not children." Joes wife would say "I dont care, I gave birth to them." Franks wife would smile as she said "God help your young, when they decide to leave home." Frank and Joe had allowed the teens extra time, "on the job", that evening, after the teens found some people who thought that ALL teens are drug addicts, and boozers. With an impressive amount, of play-acting, the teens would learn of an abandoned house, outside of town. Vacant of owners, yet local teens were considering that either someone was squatting, or, maybe, it was a ghost. Team Hardy sat, in the van, until the Witching Hour. Then, as if by alarm clock, the old house came, earily, to life. Frank whispered "Positions.", then the family filed out of the van, and approached the house. Had their "penetration" had ben just ten minutes, earlier, Chet and Tony would have been free. Instead, all the Hardy's could do was use night vision to verify that the men were still alive. Bound, gagged, and being lead, at gun-point, but alive. When Joe heard the teens say "We can catch them. Its just a short run." Joe called out "NO!". When his teens looked at him, it was Frank who would say "Your father is right. We know of several people. Enthusiastic, to reach the beach, only to die, in the decent. The best we can do is get that boats name, and I.D. number. Joe would put his night vision aside, saying "No such luck. It looks as if the name was torn off, or chisselled, off. The same with the marine number." The teens knew what this meant. It was off to home, and bed. School, in the morning. Only their fathers would be on-duty, from now on. To the teens surprise, even their fathers were in bed, that night. The idea was to visit the ships registry, in the daylight. When Joe would try to snuggle to his wife, she would push him away, saying "Not until you give up this game." Hoping for a fight, what she got was her husband, falling fast asleep, instead. The next day, the woman got the worst surprise, of her life. While serving breakfast, she informed Joe "I am keeping the children home, from school, today.. We are packing." When Joe asked, his wife would say "I am leaving you. You have broken your promise, and the family is hurting." This is when forks stopped, around the table. When Joe asked "What promise have I broken?" His wife would say "No more private investigating. You are placing our children in danger." Joe would correct his wife, saying "I am not back in the business. I am trying to help my friends." When the woman would say "Doesn't matter. You promised, and you renigged. We are leaving. Come children. We are packing." She was not prepared to hear her young say "NO. We are not going anywhere. We are going to help our father find his friends." When his wife said "How DARE you. I have taken care of you, since you were born. You WILL obey me." She was not prepared to hear "Or, WHAT?" from her own teens. When his wife turned to Joe, saying "Do something." Joe would say "Alright, I will. Time for a family vote. You are old enough to know your own minds. No sarking, either way. A show of hands. Who wants to stay, and finish the assignment?" To her horror, all of Joes teens voted to remain with their father. This is when the woman would walk out, saying "Fine, lets see how LONG it is before you get hungry." When Joe informed Frank, Frank agreed to stand by Joes side, when Joe told Mrs. Hardy. Their mother seemed to "come to life" as she asked "Is there anything that I can do?" Joe said "We can use all the help we can get." That day would be business as usual, for the young Hardy's. School, then dinner, then out, on the look-out. Laura Hardy would spend her day shopping, then preparing an over-night basket, for her sons. When three, of the Hardys were caught, skipping school, Joe came to the school, yet it would be the principal who was most shocked by what they heard. Joes teens would say "We heard a rumor that someone was trying to move LIVE cargo." Another teen would say "We thought that might mean Chet, and Tony." The first teen would say "We heard about three addresses. The first was abandoned. The second had animals inside." When Joe asked "The third house?" "That we saw. Two men. Pistols. Either 9mm, or 45 auto. We heard other sounds, but we did not find the source. We did find a basement hatch. Dad, tell us, WHY would a basement hatch need three deadbolts?" When Joe asked "Address." His daughter pulled her notepad, and read off the address. When she asked "Can we come with you?" The prinicpal would say "Not until AFTER school. There will be no detention, since you are working, to find a friend. However, school hours remain in effect." Joe would promise "Fill you in, at dinner." While Joe found Frank, and the local beat cops, receptive, to the information, it was the chief who insisted upon evidence. By the time some uniforms changed into street clothes, and the van drove to the address, even the police admitted "This place was just vacated. I mean like just before we arrived." Another officer would find evidence, of Chets favorite snack. The officers would agree. This was too well organized. Every time people got close enough, the criminals would "close up shop". The officers would agree that the police station MUST be under surveillance. That was the only answer (Or, WAS it?) When the third man, in the gang, realized that the other man was not willing to burn people out of their homes, the man, from the boat sent in his own crew. They MIGHT have made it, except for one thing. Fenton Hardy had schooled his family in defending their home. This is why, when the criminals cut the power lines, to the homes, and the back-up generators kicked in, what the criminals had no way of knowing was that, any power CUT, on the land, not listed as utility work, would set off an alarm, at police headquarters. Within moments of the power cut, half of the cities police force was in motion, racing for the Hardy's homes. By the time smoke grenades were thrown through the windows, and the criminals were lighting gas cans aflame, the criminals had to drop their weapons, and flee, as the neighborhood filled with police cruisers. At both Franks, and Fentons, homes, security had gone even farther. As soon as the power was cut, zip lines raced from the homes and, by the time the criminals were tossing the bombs, nets fell over them, pinning the criminals to the ground. It would be Laura Hardy who was the first to ask "Why go to all of this effort? What is so important?" All that the Hardy teens had learned, that day, was that something, really MAJOR, was going to happen, the following night. Even when the police asked City Hall, the answer was the same. Nothing special going on. WHAT were the criminals planning, and why did they keep moving Chet, and Tony? With only 24 hours left, and with the cooperation, of the police, Frank and Joe had their teens spread the word, that the case would be cracked, by sun-rise. While the Hardys were prepared to capture informants, or criminals. Maybe even a dirty cop. The one thing the Hardys never expected was what they got. By adding some "looping" equipment, to the vans electrical system, Joe, and Frank were able to re-route an outgoing call back into the police station. It was the stations captain who would try to send the message "The Hardy's are hot on the trail. Get rid of the evidence, and dump the bodies." Before the captain could complete his phone call, uniforms would enter his office, saying "Chief, you are under arrest". When the man would say "You will, never, pin anything on me." An officer would say "Calling for an act of murder? I would say that is something." While the Hardy family MIGHT have thought that a major piece, of the puzzle, was solved, the problem was that the current "chief" was just a go-between. The man had no more clue, to Chet, and Tony's, whereabouts, than the Hardy's had. Just twelve hours after the chiefs arrest, one, of Joe's daughters was "checking" on "suspicious activity", at a home, when the young Hardy's were sent running for their family home. It would take Frank and Joe, three times, hearing the story, before the brothers understood. When one, of Joes daughters had approached the house, a door swung open, and, before anyone could react, the girl was snatched, inside the house, even as the automatic weapons fire drove the rest, of the young, away from the house. While Frank and Joe were, mentally, more than ready, to face the gun-fire, Frank would be first to admit "Joe, no matter what we may think, we are not in fighting condition. Not anymore." When Joe would ask "Whats wrong, grandpa? Getting old?" Frank would say "Be serious. these are trained professionals, and we are "has-beens". When Joe would ask "Okay, WHAT DO we do?" Frank was about to say "We negotiate for the girl." when the phone rang. With the young signalled to silence, Frank would put the call on speaker and ask "What do you want?" When the caller said "It should be simple, even for you, to figure out. Thanks to the girl, our plans have been complicated. However, if you want to see her, again, you will put that orange display back into storage, and tell your BRATS to stay out of other peoples business." The brothers knew what "orange display" meant. The Hardy's van was being watched, just as the Hardy's were watching. Frank knew that Joe would keep his cool, when the caller said "Back way OFF! If you dont, I might just arrange for your daughter to make you a grandpa." Frank knew that Joe needed no more prodding. The HUNT was on. This is why he instructed the teens "You will continue to school, like everything is normal. However, once you get into gym class, do as many lifting, carrying, and bending, exercises as you can." When Franks son would ask "What are you, and Uncle Joe going to do?" Frank would say "WE will be spending our day in the family gym. I will need to tell your mother, and your grand-mother, just how LARGE of a dinner that we will need." During the school day, the Hardy's teens were about as "focused", on their classes, as a drunken bum is focused on passing a drivers test. Their teachers noticed that the only thing the teens seemed focused on was P.E. What the teachers did not know was what was happening, at Laura Hardy's home. It was by NO coincidence, that Fenton Hardy remained in shape, no matter how many cases he worked on. Laura had watched as her husband had turned a part, of the basement, into his personal work-out center. A work-out center, which Frank and Joe put back into use. What surprised Frank was that neither brother, while not totally physically fit, was in much better shape than school friends were. (The price of being a private detective.) In fact, while Laura, and Franks wife, were setting out a complete buffet, of food, Frank was explaining the break-out plan (while Joe was reminding the teens "NO heroics". I dont want to have to tell your mother that she has lost her children, to gun-fire.) Once the plan was "driiled" into everyone, including Joe, the family sat down, to a large meal. When one of Joes sons asked "Wont a big meal slow us down?" Joe would say "Only until the shooting starts. After that, you be glad that you ate plenty of food." Just as Frank had planned, when the van pulled close enough to the house, a call, to his cell-phone, warned "I guess that you dont want the girl back, alive." Before the brothers could answer, the line went dead. Still, the plan was working. While the theives were watching Frank, and Joe, in the front seats, their teens would slip out the side door, and take up positions, around the house. Frank reminded the teens, on the way "Remember: You have just ten minutes, to surround the house, before I bait the trap." While, at the ten minute mark, Frank sounded the vans horn, three times, it seems that the brothers tales, of adventure, were not lost, on their young. Even as the teens rushed the house, they heard what sounded like a fight, inside the house. It actually sounded like one of the fights, which the teens had staged, on their own, in case of emergency. By the time the teens opened the homes windows, the girl was saying "Its about time." When her siblings looked about the house, the teen said "I only had to take out three, of them. The other two thought that they had me in a cross-fire. They shot one another." While the girl was returned to her family, and Frank asked "Report", and Joe grunted "Frank, let her rest." Joes daughter would say "I'm fine, dad. Uncle Frank, I DID hear them talking. Thankfully, NOT about me." When Frank asked "About WHAT, then?" The girl would say "They were talking about stealing a shipment of gold. They said that, at todays values, the gold would be worth $100 million." When Joe would ask "Frank, you dont suppose?" Frank would ask "Why not, others have tried." When the teens would ask "WHAT gold?" Joe would say "Its just a legend." When the teens looked at one another, expecting an answer, Frank would supply it. "I think that the legend began, long before my brother and I were born." Joe would say "You can say that, again." When Frank would mention "The legend says that a pirate, similar to Blackbeard, used part of what would, later, become Barmet Bay, as his private anchorage." Joe would add "Legend even says that the pirate set under-water traps, for any one who approached the bay." Frank would say "The legend says that the pirate brought in enough gold, to live several lifetimes on." When the teens would ask about searching, Frank would say "I forget how many people have dove, looking for the treasure." Frank would mention "Dont forget those who fell off the rocks, hoping to find a secret passage." Joe would say "Any way, eventually, a university hired your grand-father do to a more thorough search, of the bay, and area." When the teens asked "Did grandpa find anything?" Joe would say "Your grand-father turned the area "upside down", and spent three months, on commission, looking for what is concluded does not exist." When the teens asked "If grandpa did not find it, and he was an even better detective than you were, then WHY do people keep looking?" Frank would say "It is a condition known as "Gold Fever". It does not matter how much evidence that you give people, they, still, hope to be the ones to find REAL gold." Back, at the family home, of Laura Hardy, the family received a phone call. "So, you retrieved the BRAT, did you. Well, to be honest, she was too young, for my tastes. I like my women fully equiped." Whe the young woman heard this, Joe had to signal her to be silent. This is when Frank would ask the caller "IS it the gold, of Barmet Bay, that you are looking for?" When the caller would say "So the BRAT told you. Well, you WONT beat me to it. In 24 hours, I will have it, and be gone." After the caller dis-connected, Joes daughter would say "I am just as well equipped, as the next woman!" When her brothers would say "For a girl." The girl would say "I AM a WOMAN!" This is when Joe would say "Shut up, all of you." Then, to his daughter, Joe would say "I am just happy that you are safe." When the girl would embrace her father, and say "I am NOT a child, anymore." Joe had no idea what to say. Still, the call gave the police, and coast guard, a lead. The following night, the third man, from the boat, with no less than five hench-men, coasted to the beach, rammed a piece of iron into the sand, "docked" the boat, with this, then set out on foot. It was hard to see the men, in the dark of the moon, since all of them were wearing black. The men marched into the cave and, only once inside, did two of them talk about what they would have done, to the girl, IF they had the time. When the leader barked "Shut up! What we dont need is the violation, of a minor, to deal with, as well. Besides, she is scared enough. She wont say a word, for days." (If they only knew the truth) Later, when the frustrated thieves walked out of the cave, arguing about "Where is the treasure? You promised we would be paid from the treasure. Our mates got nabbed, trying to set fire to those homes, and three of us got beat, by some unknown, man. I thought you said the treasure would be in there." The leader would say "I dont understand. The legend said..." And this is when Frank Hardy would speak up, from atop a nearby boulder, saying "That legend is older than either I, or my brother. Dozens of people have died, looking for it." When the thiefs leader would say "Liar! I happen to KNOW that Fenton Hardy, himself, went looking for the gold." Joe would pop up, saying "Dad was on commission, to find out if the rumor was true. Three months, and he found nothing." When the lead theif would stated "Fenton Hardy never chased wild rumors. If he was after the gold..." Frank would ask "Arent you listening? Our father was hired, to find out if the legends were true." When one of the other thieves asked "Then, WHAT DID he do, with the gold?" Joe would ask "Werent you listening. We just told you. Our father was hired to find out if the LEGEND was true. After three months, he reported that the gold was just a legend." When the lead theif would say "Impossible, I have documents, which state that the gold is here." Frank would say "Clever forgeries. Shops sell them to make extra money." This is when another voiced came from the dark, saying "I have heard enough. Hands in the air. ALL of you." When the leader, of the thieves, would say "Someone else will get the gold." The Bayport Police would produce both pistols, and hand-cuffs, saying: You are under arrest, on three counts, of Attempted Arson, as well as kidnapping. As the police detail shoved the thieves toward waiting patrol cars, the temporary chief, of police, would look about the area, saying "In some ways, I wish the gold were real. Just think of all the city could have done, with that money." Then he would suggest "Then, again, if it were real..." Even the Hardy's knew of people who were willing to kill, for it. While the mystery, of the gold, would rermain, Joe still had a very REAL task, waiting at home. While his daughter WAS showing signs, of developing womanhood, Joe was faced with having to tell her that she remained a minor. Frank was no help, in asking "What are you going to do when she begins wearing bra's, and panties?" Joe would groan "I dont even want to THINK about that." Frank would say "You sound like your wife. Dont want the kids to grow up." Both men knew the consequences, of having daughters. The men had been young, what seemed like a million years ago. They remembered what it was like, to have raging hormones. Back at Franks place, their own mother would remind the boys of their own youth. How many times had the senior Mrs. Hardy stayed up, late, hoping that her boys would NOT be out, making any "mistakes". Now, Mrs. Hardy would remind her boys "Now, you know how I felt, when YOU were in high school." When Frank would ask their mother "How would you explain, to the girls, that there is more to life, than that?" Mrs. Hardy would say "Boys, the same way I explained it, to you. The same way your father did." When Joe would say "I dont remember any "talks"' Laura would say "Precisely. You, never, listened, so why should they?" Suddenly, Joe felt thirty years older. While the local police did not get any information, about the Hardys friends, from the theives, it seems that the federal authorities had more "influence". Realizing that, with his record, the senior thief tried to "cut a deal". The location, of Chet Morton, and Tony Prito, in exchange for immunity. When the police said "NO deal", the senior thief would say "Just as long as I do not have to serve time, in either Connecticutt, New Jersey, or Nevada." The feds KNEW the reason. It involved the "violation", of dozens of women. Not teens, but grown women. 48 hours after Chet, and Tony were freed, Chet was back in the kitchen, saying "Im hungry. Lets eat." The "gang" was back together. The Hardy Boys did not cheer the resolution, of the case. No, Frank and Joe knew that the best way to sabotage their peaceful lives, was to celebrate closing a case. After another, buffet-style, meal, the Hardy's were ready to take their teens home, when Joe opened the front door, of Fenton, and Laura's, home, only to find another woman standing there. When Joe asked "May we help you?" The woman would say "I saw the van, in the drive. If you are the Hardy Boys, I would like for you to find my husband. He has gone missing, but, strangest of all, someone mailed his phone, wallet, and other items, to me." Frank would say "Not strange, at all. Nowadays, all of these items have G.P.S. locating circuits. Someone wants you to know that they have your husband." This is when Mrs. Laura Hardy would step forward, asking "Wont you have a seat?" Without wanting, or meaning, to, the Hardy's were back in action.

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