Monday, February 3, 2020


AUTHORS NOTE: I am posting this petition, to my short story site, since REFUSES to allow me to post via their petition site. The author apologizes, in advance, for any in-convenience which this may cause my readers. STOPPING MR. TRUMPS LUNCH PROGRAM It is my belief that Donald Trump has never been required to eat the types of lunches, which America's school children are forced to "choke down", in public school. This because the elder Mr. Trump was a successful home builder, who could AFFORD quality food, for his childrens lunches. As for the reason, for this petition, this is simple. I believe that too many of us adults, who eat at restaurants, daily, have forgotten what school lunches were like, back in our school days. Let me remind you of what you have forgotten. In District 150 schools, Peoria Illinois, where I spent my childhood, under school superintendent Harry Whittaker, students, in the 1970's, were served nothing better than the contents of trash dumpsters. From what the people of Peoria were told, Mr. Whittaker decided to keep taxes lower, by reducing the size, of these "meals", in order to keep a contract, with Mass Feeding Corporation, as affordable as possible. One of the things I still have nightmares about, is how Mass Feeding kept supplying half pints, of milk, to each student, sometimes in short, squarish, containers, while, at other times, in tall, thin, containers. Then, there was the "contents", of each "dinner". Contents which became smaller and smaller (to keep costs down), until the contents were half the size of modern, basic, Swanson, and Banquet, frozen entree's. In fact, like modern, frozen, dinners, after student lunches, many students snuck off of school property, for snack foods, to fill empty stomachs. This, while politicians stated "We must NOT INCREASE taxes." It was in the year 1978, when students, finally rebelled, against the lunches, and a very wise teacher, at Trewyn Junior High School, used the school lunch dilema to teach students how to, properly, handle such problems. Of course, when Harry Whittaker learned that low-income students, at Trewyn, were rebelling, against the "garbage" being served, that Mr. Whittaker ordered Trewyn to issue swats, and detention, to students, who refused to eat the "garbage". When this did not "break" the students, Mr. Whittaker resorted to a new plan. This by FORCING striking students to sit at "punishment" tables, while non-striking students "forced down" the "garbage". By the end of the strike, Peoria radio stations had taken the issue, to Peoria's residents, via the airwaves, and Mr. Whittaker was forced to "stand down". I remind viewers of the 1970's since, in my opinion, Mr. Trump is planning on returning school cafeteria's back to this era. With Mr. Trumps suggested campaign, of returning pizza, hamburgers, french fries, and other, less than healthy food, to schooll cafeteria's, I forsee a return to the 1970's. A time when, after the old lunch content returns, that portions will begin returning to 1970's levels, even as parents observe students eating larger breakfasts, then consuming even burnt dinners (since even burnt food will taste better, and have more quantity,than shrinking, school, lunches). As soon as corporations, such as Mass Feeding, return to providing school lunches, and students return to eating, at home, all that politicians will say (as they did, in 1978), is "More nutritious, and fiiling, meals will mean INCREASED taxes. We REFUSE to increase taxes" Befor signing this petition, ordering Donald Trump to leave Mrs. Obama's lunch program in operation, I encourage parents to visit schools, and "taste" what lunch will be like, under Mr. Trump's very old school lunch program. If you agree that Mrs. Obama's program is superior to the very old system, then I ask not only your signature, on this petition, demanding that Mr. Trump abandon the very old, system, which he wants to return to, but, when politicians say "We must NOT INCEASE taxes" I say "Petition your local government to have the question put on the next ballot. Have your local government ASK citizens for a public vote." "Would you be willing to pay HIGHER taxes, for your children to receive better quality food, and in larger amounts, in school cafeteria's?" Let each towns citizens VOTE on the quality, and quantity, of each districts lunches. Like the new Berlin Wall, dont let politicans IMPOSE their views on the public. This is OUR nation. Washington D.C., and local government, works for US! Let us work together, to remind them of this! The American people have NO say, in the new Berlin Wall, but we can, and SHOULD, have a say in what our students have to eat. Wouldn't it be wonderful if faculty, and administrators were banned from having lunch at local fast food restaurants, and be ordered to eat the same "food", that students eat? If you agree, then I ASK your signature, on this petition. Thank You for your time, and attention.

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