Saturday, February 1, 2020


SUFFERAGE: A CENTURY OF ADVANCE, A CENTURY OF PAIN. Yes, in this, the year of 2020, I think back on the events of the past century. I think back on the fact that it was just this time, a century ago, that American women won the fight, to be allowed to vote. This, after a brutal battle, just to be seen as human beings. In the years leading up to 1920, women were no more than their husbands property, once married. In my opinion, this is why women fought, so HARD, for the right to vote. In order to understand the true hardships, which women endured, a century ago, all we have to do is look at the modern day news. Here, we watch as people, who have known no other home, than the United States, are being dragged out of homes, schools, and work places, and thrown into concentration camps. Their only crime: Being HUMAN. The real core, of this tragedy, here is that America thinks that we have come so "far", in the past century. For instance, music has evolved from wax coatings, on glass cylinders, to vinyl records. From there, to 8-track tapes, then to cassette tapes, to compact discs, and, in 2020, music is now "downloadable", to personal players, which are no larger than credit cards. Transportation has, also, evolved. Even in the early 20th century, many people still used horse, and wagon, to move about. Then came Ford, and his "Model T" car. Back in the early twentieth century, if people wanted music, in their cars, they brought along instruments. This was followed by Mr. Marconi, and his wireless radio. This lead next to A.M. radio, then F.M., then to stereo. In 2020, we have Satellite Radio. (For those who understand such tech). In 1920, the idea, of space exploration, was the province of science fiction. Later, it would be German Werner Von Braun, who would bring N.A.S.A. into existance, (after his former German rocket group was sliced up, with half sent to the Soviet Union, and the rest, coming to the United States.) As for the reason why, when we enter movie theaters, all movies begin with a "clock", which counts down from five to one. This is because, back in the days, of Sufferage, American movie makers filmed on black-and-white film, yet recorded the sound tracks, including actors lines, on phonograph records. The count down was to allow projector operators to "synchornize" words, and sounds, on the record, with the vision, on the screen. In those days, sound, and visual had to be mated, manually. It would not be until Walter (Walt) Disney would learn that the Germans were testing a new brand, of film. One, which, BOLDLY, placed the sound directly ON the film. After Mr. Disney was impressed, with the German achievement, he arranged to bring the technology to America. The German film industry presented Mr. Disney with a cigarrette case with an engraving of what would, in a few years, become the hated symbol, of the Third Reich. Yet, Mr. Disney brought the new film technology, to the United States, and filmed such classics, as Fantasia. A technology which, by 2020, can be used with so many devices... In the early twentieth century, if people had a call coming in, they had to wait, by the phone, for the corded device to ring. (No options, for ring tones, or Caller I.D.) In the 1960’s, Gene Roddenberry introduced the hand-held, wireless, Communicator, in Star Trek. (Many people laughed at such an idea) In 2020, almost everyone has a wireless Communicator. (We call it a Cell-Phone) And yet, despite all of our advances, in technology, and "ethics", in 2020, we see history repeating itself. The same history, of the Sufferage Movement, in the United States, then of Germany, once Adolf Hitler SEIZED control. Now, history is, again, repeating itself. The new Sufferage is Hispanics, who want no more than to be full Americans. Being rounded up, just as women were, a century ago, and as "dis-loyal" Germans were, during World War Two, now, it is the Hispanics who are facing concentration camp treatment. Where did the United States go wrong? When did "and Liberty, and Justice, for ALL." become "Liberty, and Justice, but only for those with incomes over $1 million, per year"? What happened to "We the People, in order to form a more perfect union..." cease to be true? When did the United States decide to abandon the very concepts, which Washington, Jefferson, and Franklin, worked, for years, to establish? These, including the idea that, when people wanted entry to the United States, the nation said "Just petition for state-hood, accept our laws, and add your star to our flag. After that, we welcome you as our brothers." When did we forget this? We think that we have come so FAR, yet, with only the slightest pull, of a string, we fall right back into the past. Where did we go wrong?

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