Tuesday, September 29, 2020


THE DAY WHEN DONALD TRUMP LOST While Donald Trump gave great speeches, including promising to rid the United States of ALL illegals, as well as promising to put Social Security "dead-beats" to work, ALL sounded wonderful, what no one could comprehend was just how cruel such policies would be, to American communities. While Donald Trump had promised that a new Berlin Wall, would prevent the illegal crossing, of America's southern border, what his followers had declined to ask was "What about those, already here?" When Donald Trump began empowering I.C.E. to break into homes, and businesses, and DRAG Hispanics out, placing them into modern day concentration camps, not one, of his supporters had given a second thought to what would happen to neighbors, and co-workers. When Zero Tolerance began ripping cities apart, Mr. Trumps staff would find themselkves in the "cross-hairs", of a public, which was questioing why second, third, and even forth generation, Hispanics, were being dragged away. Prehaps, one of Mr. Trumps greatest, political, mistakes, was in ripping children away from families. This, while telling the media "It is my hope that, once reunited, south of the border, that families will think, TWICE, about violating America's borders." Mr. Trump HOPED that this would spur enthusiasm both for Zero Tollerance, and for his new Berlin Wall. What Mr. Trump had HOPED that the public had forgotten, was the 28 YEAR, FAILED, history, of the first Berlin Wall. A wall, in Germany, which the Soviets had spent billions of rubles on, yet which could neither keep the wind out, nor the Germans in. As part of Zero Tolerance, Mr. Trump had sent armed soldiers, to the border, with automatic weapons, and tear gas. Mr. Trumps warning, to the people, of the south: "If you dont want to get hurt, DONT challenge our borders" It was when the media showed both photos, and video, of life-long friends, saying "Farewell", as people, who had no idea they were illegal, prepared for transit to concentration camps. The problem, that Team: Trump had not anticipated, was the same problem, which caused Adolf Hitler to em-power the Gestapo, and the S.S., to begin arresting, "interrogating", and executing any German, whom the force felt was not "loyal enough" to Adolf Hitler. While Hitlers plans, and speeches, looked, and sounded, good, just like Mr. Trumps, the one thing neither man counted upon was the "back-lash, when the people began to realize what was, ACTUALLY, going on. While Adolf Hitler gave the S.S. permission to execute anyone, not showing complete loyalty, Team: Trump came up with a more inspireed idea. To SILENCE opposition, to his policies, Mr. Trumps team created a "virus", with which to SCARE his opposition into silence. For some, un-known reason, they chose a form of Asthma, for the airborne pathogen. It would have been a great idea except that Asthma sufferers already KNOW the effects of this disease. This is why, as the "disease" became known, millions would call it a "hoax", based upon first hand knowledge, of Asthma. With Zero Tolerence becoming just as UN-popular as Facism, or Communism, and the public reminding Congress of what a financial DISASTER the first Berlin Wall had been, As for Mr. Trump's plans to FORCE the disabled to "work, for their keep," this fell, as flat as ever. Reason: While many disabled have highly-functioning BRAINS, the problem was that, without functioning LEGS, the peoples "choice, in employment, was restricted. After all, a wheelchair bound person cannot collect trash, or mop floors. As for those, who APPEARRED able-bodied. When the question, of "Why arent they working? They APPEAR fine, to me." care-givers had to report that the people were mentally handicapped. They knew enough to bathe, change clothes, and eat meals, but none were, mentally capable of carrying out job duties. When a few hundred were teted, to prove this were true, the results were not what Team: Trump had hoped for. The people just could not focus on job duties, any more than a kindrgartener focuses on more than playing. When met with these realities, this is, no-doubt why Mr. Trump begin raising BILLIONS of dollars, towards his re-election campaign. He HOPED that, if he out-rasised Mr. Biden, financially, that this would BUY him a second term. Trouble is, in the United States, the rule is "One Voter, one vote". Mr. Trump had only one card left to play. If his team was correct, initiating Vote-By-Mail would have the desired effect, that, maybe, one, out of every 100,000 people would be willing to take the time, to Vote-By-Mail. When this was paired with a plan, to provide a sterile meeting place, for Republicans to vote, his team thought that Mr. Trump stood a real chance of winning re-election. What the team had hoped for, never materialized. The hope, that Vote-By-Mail would complicate voting, to the point where many people would say "Who Cares?", did not materialize. Instead, infuriated Americans began filing ballots, via outside boxes, as soon as permission was granted. Now, Team Trump had to figure out what to do about the statement that Mr. Trump would not confirm that he would agree to an orderly transfer, of power. The original plan, for Vote-By-Mail was to allow the small pile, of votes, to sit, until election day, then be counted, along with regular votes. What Team Trump had not counted upon was the "tidal wave", of early votes. A wave, so enormous, that, by mid-October, a staff, of 100 people, would have to work six days per week, just to keep the pile under control. The hope, for only one vote, out of every 100,000, turned into one vote, for every five people. Voters would turn out, in even greater numbers, than had done so, for Clinton/Gore. While Donald Trump would refuse to even consider a consolation speech, his staff would begin writing one. Donald was so ceratin that he would win, on election day, that he would not even consider defeat. Instead, Mr. Trump would order that every, single, ballot be verified. (This, he claimed, was due to a previous election where the living had used the names, of dead people, to vote.) By election day, there were enough Vote-By-Mail ballots, that it was not even worth opening the polls. Only the most stubborn stood in line, to vote. According to every counting system, known, Mr. Biden received atleast ten votes, for each one, for Mr. Trump. While Mr. Biden showed the respect, not to call the conclusion, until November 3, the results showed that he had won, days earlier. Mr. Trump would move back, to Trump tower, and even reject the ceremonial walk-out. To the media, Mr. Trump repeated Hitlers own, final words "The German/American people have proven themselves un-worthy of my leadership" Now, even as parties were gearing up, across the nation, a few of us stated "Tonight, we celebrate. Tommorrow, we begin the work." Because Donald Trump had, again, acted as a child, abandoning the game, once he realized that he had lost, it would be left to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, to "handle the reigns", until inauguration day. Not that she wanted the job. It was due to seniority. Ms. Pelosi would have to keepCongress in check, until Mr. Biden was sworn in. As to Mr. Pence, he seems to have "vanished, into the woodwork", once the election was called.

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