Saturday, October 3, 2020


THE BUMP THAT NEVER HAPPENED This is what the Republican Party had HOPED for, during the final weeks, of Decision 2020. Iriginally, the party had "pinned its hope", on the fact that Mr. Biden, being so close to eighty years old, would be seen, by the American public, as too OLD to hold office. What the party had not counted upon was how hostile the public had become, over such topics as Mr. Trump's demand to repeat the worst FAILURE, of the Soviet, Communist, Party. Namely: The Berlin Wall. Another mistake had been Mr. Trump's Zero Tolerance immigration policy. A policy which, his supporters had THOUGHT meant "beefing up" the border, to prevent more illegals, from crossing, into the United States. It was when the TRUTH, of the policy, that Mr. Trump had ICE rounding up even those, who had been born, and raised, in the United States, to be dragged from homes, schools, and communities, to be dumped into concentration camps, while awaiting deportation, that support, for Zero Tolerance, fell away. As his base, of support, eroded, the Republican Party decided to "side-line" the subjecys, of Zero Tolerance, and the Berlin Wall, by creating something, which was HOPED would scare the public into silence. The Corona (COVID-19) virus. The projection was that having Mr. Trump appearring to manage this situation, would give him atleast a five point boost, over Mr. Biden, did not appear. No, the party needed another way, for Mr. Trump to widen the gap, and secure a second term. This is when the party's computers came up with the idea that, if Mr. Trump turned out to be affected, by COVID, that this SHOULD earn the man a sympathy vote BOOST, of atleast ten, if not twenty, points. Similar to the support which most patients receive, when either seriously ill, or injured, and people make time for visits. The Republican Party agreed to try this, since Mr. Biden was so close, to Mr. Trump, in polling, that the parties were measuring distances, by fractions of a percentage. What the party's computers could not understand was citizen outrage, over Mr. Trumps policies. While the new Berlin Wall was opposed, due to the failure of the previous wall, what really outraged the public, was when Zero Tolerance began dragging people from neighborhoods, that they had known, their whole lives, and forced these people into the concentration camps, as well. People, who had been born, and raised, in the United States. People, who had ROOTS, in American cities. People who had jobs, and standing. ALL were being "dragged away" by ICE. Since the computers could not understand HUMAN behavior, they printed out that, IF Mr. Trump was to be diagnosed, with the same illness, then his "gap", over Mr. Biden would widen, from a fraction, of a point, and to ten, or twenty point lead. With only weeks to go, before the election, Team Trump decided to "roll the dice", on this. The "bump" might have worked, if Mr. Trump had followed the same regulations, as everyone else. The reason why it did NOT work, was because the media reported, both in print, and via photo's, that Mr. Trump refused to wear a mask. Between this, the Berlin Wall, and Zero Tolerence, there was no sympathy for Mr. Trump. A man whom, many considered, had returned the United States to the years of the Civil War (1861-5). Add in the Gestapo-style raids, on American cities, and the dragging away, of people, who had been BORN, in the Unites States, and there would be no "Get Well" cards, for the man. Not from beyond the Republican Party, atleast. In fact, many, follow-up polls were not reported on, especially by the party, since Mr. Trumps presumed "illness" was, in fact, seen as a desperate attempt at a second term. Add in the fact that Mr. Biden did not "capitalize", on the mans condition, but kept his campaign focus on the issues, and the Republicans would go silent, as Mr. Biden did, in fact widen the gap, moving AHEAD of Mr. Trump, by 12 percentage points. While Mr. Trump would TRY to sign an Executive Order, moving the election until after his "recovery", the rules were clear. Since Mr. Trump, and Mr. Pence, were "out of order", for the time being, Nancy Pelosi would be given the position. One, she, hesitantly, accepted. There is much specualation, that Mr. Biden, and Mrs. Harris, aided Ms. Pelosi, since Mr. Biden KNEW how the Executive Office operated, but it would be left, to Ms. Pelosi, to actually SIGN the documents. When Mr. Trump returned to Trump Tower, for "private treatment", there were rumors that the man was, in fact, hiding, until the election was over with. This, while Mr. Biden would address Congress, saying "There remains plenty of work to be done. We should focus on this, and not grabbing power. This Congress has a job to do, and that is to represent the people. Let us remain focused on this, until Election Day." While Mr. Trump remained "sick", on election day, it would turn out that party computers had made a terrible error. Even the mans "illness" did NOT help him, at the polls. Even before election day, enough ballots had been done as Vote-By-Mail, that Mr. Biden had a commanding advantage, of ten votes, for each one, for the "ailing" Trump. BY noon, on election day, the media would report "At this point, there are not enough ballots left, to be cast, for Donald Trump to make a come-back. Mr. Biden IS the President-Elect." Odd thing, however. Once Mr. Trump KNEW that he had LOST re-election, he stormed into party headquaraters, using language which, normally, only street gangs used, and ripped the party, so badly, that security had to escort the man out of the building. While, from Trump Tower, Mr. Trump would refuse to accept the results, any, remaining, staff would box up his belongings, and return these to Trump Tower. There was no ceremonial walk-out, for the first time, in decades. Mr. Trump would watch, furious, as Mr. Biden took the Oath of Office. For weeks, after the inauguration, every one who could, kept as much distance as possible, from the man. Not only did the public have no sympathy, for the man, but neither did his staff. Most waited until he departed the building, then performed job duties, vanishing, upon his return. Melania even took Barron to a "cottage", which Trump International kept. How, while it IS true, that Mr. Trump did throw a party, to "lick his wounds", and that women were, in fact, present, what was never verified were the rumors that Donald had ordered some grade school, and high school, aged girls, for the party. Even Mr. Biden would not accept the rumors, that Mr. Trump was having sex, with eleven year olds. All Mr. Biden would say was "Show me the tapes. If I SEE it, then he is guilty. Until then, it is just a rumor." While the rumors "flew", for about six months, there was no EVIDENCE. No DNA. NO outrawged parents, filing protests. NO pregnancies. This is why the Democratic Party just ignored the rumors. The thought was that, like Stormy Daniels, someone was just looking to cash in, on rumors. Just like that woman who, for a brief time, during the election cycle, had claimed that Mr. Biden had raped her, fifteen years ago. Her claim had dissolved once the media asked "If he raped you, why did you NOT report it, at the time?" The charge vanished, especially one reporter THOUGHT that they found a debt, that they THOUGHT the woman had racked up. Even the sympathy "bump", which she had HOPED for, never materialized. Such is the nature of man. Something which computers will, never, understand. Logic versus emotion. Something which is impossible to quantify.

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