Sunday, October 4, 2020


Dawn would have thought that her husband, Christopher, was making a joke, until she saw that he was not smiling. Dawn was trying to be a good, dedicated, wife, no matter what. She had married the drunken Christopher, to keep him OUT of prison. The judge had hope that, if a man were married, he was less likely to get into trouble, with the law. While Dawn was on benefits, due to one of those un-seen diseases, Christopher was the opposite. The man was never seen, without a beer in his hand. Dawn was pretty sure that the reason why Christopher set her up, with me, was because I had not done enough, to keep my desire, for her, a secret. What Christopher had not noticed was how Dawn was watching me, with growing appreciation. When Chris spoke of his plan, to his wife, Dawn asked "What about our marriage vows?" Chris had, profanely, told her what she could do, with those. Dawn did blush the day when Chris made the deal, with me. the deal was simple. Since both knew that I was working, with the Biden/Harris administration, Chris offered me all that I wanted, of Dawn, so long as I kept him up-to-date, on changes in the law. While Dawn had the feeling, that I would be "different" from Chris, she had no idea what she was in for. Not just in bed, either. Dawn would learn that my eating habits were like her own. The only difference being that she had begun healthy eating, while still in school. I had begun my healthy lifestyle after my first Asthma attack, when too much weight made my legs hurt. While Chris had told Dawn that I would have up-to-the-minute information, about disability, what Dawn would learn was that I was only updated, when the party was updated. What Dawn did learn was that President Biden had taken my suggestion, for offering state-hood, in return for removing the barrier fence, seriously. The president had, also agreed that turning the wall sections, into an outdoor art gallery, was far more cost-effective, than ripping them to pieces. What Dawn had not been prepared for was the "benefits", of working with the party. Benefits, including receiving not one meal coupon, for meals, but two. While Chris had made it sound like giving me oral was as close as she would get, to a meal, Dawn found herself digging into Whoppers, and foot long subs. By the time Dawn was beginning to wonder why only SMALL sides were included, with meals, I had taken Dawn shopping, at a major, discount, store, where we had bought LARGE quantities, of sides. While Chris had ORDERED Dawn to give me weekly sex, when she found that she LIKED mid-week sex, as well as weekend sex, when she asked, I whispered "I dont hear him complaining, do you?" Dawn had realized that she not only liked me, better, during sex, but she enjoyed my deep, pasionate, kisses, as well. That, and my necking. Dawn just could not put into words, what it was like, having me nursing her breasts. The "price" the party charged, for the food, was my inventiveness. I came up with the cores, of various plans, and let others fine-tune the work. When Dawn saw a shortage of workers, for a variety of jobs, she stepped in, and "took up the slack". This is how she found out that, when the party said "We are working, late, it meant working." On such evenings, Pizza would be ordered in, as well as Garlic Bread, and soda, and beer. Dawn found that, during most of these sessions, the main topic was negotiating compromises, with the Republicans. The G.O.P. was DETERMINED to balance the budget, on the backs of those who had NOTHING. There was even talk, of dismantling HUD, and having all tenants pay 100% of rent, themselves. Dawn was proud when I suggested "Why dont we just remind the media of how much each person receives, in benefits. Not how much the total budget is." Ten days later, at her parents house, Dawn listened to the television, as Democratic leaders tore apart the Republican position, that Social Security was costing America billions of dollars. The Democrats asked the moderator "How much do those billions add up to, when divided by the number of people, receiving services?" When the Republican asserted that "We can NOT look at it, that way. We MUST look at the ENTIRE budget." This is when the moderator had silenced the Republican by saying "We have calculated it down, to the individual. Benefits are only about 25% of the poverty line.." When the Republican had said "In that case, let them WORK for their keep." The Democrat would say "The reason why these people are on benefits is because of restrictions. Either physical, or mental." Dawn smiled, knowing that this evidence had been presented, by my group. This is when Dawn decided that, the next time we were together, she was going to be more my wife, than ever. In order to keep Chris "happy", I did not stay at Dawns place, regularly. Only when we were loving one another. Personally, I dont care what Chris said, about Dawn. To me, his description, that Dawn was "flat all over", and about as romantic a blow up doll, could not have been further from the truth. In fact, Dawn only kept her hair, in a tight bun, around Chris, was because, when she let it down, he enjoyed pulling it, until she cried out. To me, that brown hair, was like a waterfall, of soft, soothing, carresses. I just have no idea where he got that her lips were like "sand-paper". To me, her lips were like silk, and her tongue was... Chris claimed that her neck was so hard, that it might not even break, if hit with a baseball bat. To me, Dawns neck was soft, smooth, fragrant, and delicious. As for her "flat chest", anyone could see her beautiful, "B" cups. Soft, warm and inviting. A perfect "dessert", after any meal. While Chris said that her womanhood was directly out of a science fiction nightmare, I found it appealling. Especially its softness, when I entered her body. Chris said he could never stand more than once, with her. Once. A whole ONCE! Let me just say that, when I had Dawn between the sheets, I took my time, and took all that she was willing to give. To me, Dawn was an "Angel", in every sense of the word. While Dawn and I avoided the party supplied donuts, regularly, we did take part in subs, and pizza. As for Chris. The man "flaunted" his "Non-Prosecution Order", so often that more than a few judges were willing to revoke the document. Now, while even I had considered theft, in order to cover bills, Chris just enjoyed breaking and entering. Un-like most crooks, however, who try NOT to leave evidence behind, Chris was the opposite. While he had ben told that sex, with children, would violate the agreement, in a "flash", Chris took second best. He stole childrens photos, then went to parks, where he did his "private thing", while watching the children play. While Chris never hung around, for the police, he left enough DNA behind, with the discarded pictures, to make identification easy. The police were under orders to "suppress" the reports. These were the times when Dawn felt "un-clean". She even wondered if he would be doing this, IF she were more available. When I reminded her of how he treated her, she said "You are right." One thing was for sure, and that was that Dawn did not EAT, with Chris. In order to save money, for his "wants", his "grocery store" was a local dumpster. This is why Dawn ate, with me, or her family. A place Chris was NOT allowed. It was his own fault, too. I mean, who is dumb enough that, at their own wedding reception, to ask a JUNIOR high school girl to give them oral. When the family heard the girl scream, and found the man, with his standing, proud, in their faces, Dawns father had no-sooner said "Get out", when her brothers were escorting the man from the property. Dawns father had then done something he, almost, never, did. He invoked a rule, stating that, under NO circumstances, was Chris ever to return. What, eventually, got Chris thrown into jail was the Halloween, when he dressed like an angel, to trick pre-teen girls into trusting him. He actually told each girl that "Its just a game." After three girls spoke of the game, concerned parents went to check the story out. Chris was really "going down", on the forth girl, when he was caught, red-handed, on videocamera. The police took the video, and Chris, into custody, even as Chris said "You cant touch me." Two days later, in court, when the video was played back, the judge nearly broke the gavel as they said "Protection order dismissed. You, sir, are headed for prison." Dawn knew that, for ALL of his TALK, Chris was nothing but talk. Once the other inmates knew what he had done, she knew that candy would have a longer life-span. While Chris was doing all of this, Dawn and I were working on projects, such as state-hood, the Berlin Wall art project, Flood Waters Diversion, and other projects. When Dawns mother asked if she would miss Chris, Dawn had trouble, even remembering how LONG it had been since she had sex, with him. When her mother asked "What about your man?" Dawn had slipped and said "Thats easy. Day before yesterday." the Dawn added "You tricked me." Mother would say "Not a trick. An admission." Dawn did admit that, shortly after Chris went to prison, he was found, dead, in the most horrible way possible. Now, Dawn had to find a new man, to marry. Problem was that, working with me left her very LITTLE time, for social activities. Dawn became my "public face", answering the questions, as well as possible. She would be the one to attend catillions, buffets, and country clubs. Like her parents had told her "Girl, you picked a good one, this time. Hold on, tight. He is going places." Dawn KNEW this, just as she knew how much she had enjoyed being an adultress. A husband, who could not care, less, and an illicit lover, who would do anything, for her. Dawn liked such words as "adultress", and "illicit". This is what made her life so full of flavor. Besides, she never encouraged, or consented, to Chris desire, for minors. The only thing she consented to was being my beloved. Since we were, both, adults, it did not matter. The reason why Chris was executed, so ruthlessly, was because his "targets" were minors. From those, who came forward, it was verified that Chris had sex with atleast eight girls, between 12, and 13 years old. If it can be considered a "good", thing, none of the girls ended up pregnant. Chris's, state-approved, funeral would be CLOSED casket. Dawn would snuggle up to me. Since Chris's life, including his school life, had been un-remarkable, there was no need for a grave-side service. His body would be housed in a simple, white, box. Dawn had even declined a donated marker, saying he was not worth it. Chris would be buried a pauper, in an un-marked section, of a graveyard. The only question, that Dawn had was over whether Chris's interpretation, of the "Entity", was "factual". Chris had claimed that, in atleast one version, of the book, the spirit had actually gotten the woman pregnant, three, maybe four, times. The reason why Dawns mother said that was not true was because her sunday book club had reviewed the book, for a sunday sermon, about what spirits, and demons could, and could NOT do. Now, while in the paperback version, which sold, in stores, stated that the victim had pillows pressed into her face, when being attacked, Dawn and I found a modified version, this one, from some "alternative" web-site. The kind of place where books are re-written, for personal tastes. According to the un-authorized version, the attacker showed himself to his victim, and smiled, each time he attacked her. He even got her pregnant, three times, only to laugh as he killed the children, who were just out of infancy. When Dawn would say "I thought that being an adultress was something special." I would remind her "This is just fiction." By the time we cleaned his place out, to get it ready for tenancy, I found his book of codes, for his web-sites. Some of them, even I liked, since they were so-called "Soft" porn. The one, in his "Most Favorite" file, was a web-site, which held a disclaimer "All models are atleast eighteen years old". The models were just made to look twelve, or thirteen. I let Dawn wait outside, while I deleted his membership. Once his place was cleaned out, I know what I promised Dawn for afterwards, but I was glad she let me get a nights rest. After the nights rest, I reminded myself that she was, still, married, until the certificate was filed, so we enjoyed our last couple of days, with her as an adultress. While Dawn went back to her maiden name, when anyone asked her if she were an adultress, she would smile as she said "Yes." When she asked her mother if this was a lie, her mother would say "Not unless you tell them you, currently, are. If they ask about the past, then it is on them." Dawn would let people think what they wanted. She just knew that, with me, it only made the act more enjoyable, to think of her as an adultress. Dawn just never expected that my "political career" would last atleast sixteen years. Eight, under Mr. Biden, then eight, more, under Mrs. Harris. While Chris was forgotten as soon as the ground covered his grave, Dawn enjoyed spending time, with her mother, and sister, working on the scrap books, of my achievements. Yes, I was the reason why the federal flag had gone from fifty stars, to sixty, and now, seventy. While I was the reason why the border wall had become an art exhibit, it had been a baptist church, which had raised the funds, to cover the murals woth plexiglass. While long-term plans were in the works, to restore wet-lands, Dawn smiled at the fact that, until the wet-lands were restored, that I had lobbied for the Flood Waters Diversion project. Now, instead of five cities being drowned, and needing complete re-builds, 35 cities would have dams that just "over-topped" yet never more than storm drains could handle. In fact, the only time when I endorsed Privatization was when communities had problems with city government not taking proper care of parks. I encouraged home-buyers to buy-out sections of the parks. This way, the home-owners could make sure the parks were well-kept. Dawns sister would say "If your man keeps this up, he will have a whole chapter, in the history books." Dawn would smile as she thought about her place, in all of this. She was certain that Chris would be little more than a foot-note, but Dawn could see herself, portrayed (she hoped) as an adultress. Married to one man, while loving another. Just for the record, when Dawn and I were asked to do a sitting, for a portrait, we took part because it was supposed to be used for charity purposes. Turns out, the portrait was to be bid on, alright, but what was being bid on was WHERE to place it. For some reason, a Christian church out-bid all others, for the right to place the painting inside their church. A church at which neither of us was a member. We did not complain since the proceed's DID go to a school fund. By the time Mrs. Harris had served her time, and exited the Executive Office, Dawn would find herself sitting back, and wondering about how life hade gone. With a cup of coffee, she would think back to the day when she agreed to marry Chris, to prevent him from going back to jail. As she thought of the terrible "sex", and even worse "romance", she found herself snuggling up with a blanket. It was not until she remembered how I had romanced her, and so on, that she felt warm, and comfortable. Being in the arms of a man, who LOVED her. She remembered hoping that she could make me happy. Now, with the exception of motherhood, her life was complete. As for what the future would hold, who knows...

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