Thursday, October 22, 2020


THE HAUNTED HOUSE It was the house, which everyone, in the county knew. As for the reason for the chain-link fence, topped by barbed wire, that was easy enough, to explain. Since the house was, allegedly, "haunted" by a one-time owner, the property had been nearly impossible to sell. In fact, the last three, renters, all ran from the house, in the middle of the night. Each was found by a police car, on rounds, and each had stated that they had been ordered off of the property, by some man, in a historical suit, and waiving a cross, like a weapon. The barbed wire fence had been erected after another legend was found to be true. This legend, however, was no ghost story. For years, it had been a Halloween ritual that virgin maidens, who wanted to be seduced, would enter the house, with boys, have sex, in the middle of the night, then leave behind used condoms. The legend might have remained that, except that three, seperate, couples had been dumb enough to fall asleep, in the house, only to be found by police. Result, the barbed wire had ben put in place. This meant that further trespass would be treated as a crime. Still, local women had thrilled to the stories, of losing virginity, inside the creaky old house. No less than three women stated that "While my man and I were in the one room, I swear I heard foot-steps, in the other rooms." The normal excuse was "He was trying to scare you, to get more. It was just some of the guys." Still, when two of the women asked the guys about the Halloween stunt, all had said "We were at the party, at Joe's place. By the way, do NOT tell anyone that we put on make-up." As for Diane and I, we were more of "Show Me", type people. While Diane was no voyeur, anytime a man said he could "get it up" more than five times, Diane would say "Prove it." This is why very few people made boasts around Diane. She was first in line to say "Prove it." I guess that, in a way, this made us similar. Especially in regards to that house. When people began talking, of seeing lights/candles, in the windows, and "human" figures, moving about, police only checked a few reports. This, since no evidence was found. The gate was secure, and no helicopters were reported, in the area. The night, that Diane and I staked out the house, it was due to a ridiculous report, that some man was in the house, carving up children, like a butcher. While we had, each, made seperate plans, it seems we, both, chose the best vantage point, for the abandoned property. With a bit if whispered negotiation, I had Diane decide to help me keep watch. Boy, was Diane better prepared, then I was. About the only thing she did not bring was a port-a-pot. Now, Diane and I are not either close, or even friends. We just happen to know the same people. This is why I knew we would keep focused on the house. Funny thing was, neither of us told anyone where we would be. We just left notes for "In Case Of Emergency". We, both, waited until after dark, to approach, then, nearly, fell over one another. With a truce, we set up "camp", and began watching the house. While rumor said that the figure was spotted in the same window, each time, Diane and I took up a position, where we could see two sides, of the house, as well as the drive. While even the "Witching Hour" passed, without incident, it was at about 01:45 when first a candle was seen, floating, then a figure was seen, walking the second floor. When I asked Diane "Do you recognize him?" She would say "I have seen him, somewhere, before. I just cannot place it." While we, also, heard sounds, of rustling, Diane identified the voices, even as someone whispered "Not so loud. Want them to hear us." At 02:30, Diane and I almost laughed when someone activated what sounded like a sound-track, of scarry sounds. We chuckled as a non-existant wolf bayed at the moon. The idiots, behind the sound, did not even look to see if the moon was overhead. At 03:00, Diane and I moved as close as we dared, for a better look at the trespasser. This while Diane whispered "I am sure that I know him. I just dont know from where." At 04:00, we retreated to a tarp cover, that Diane had brought along. Originally meant to camoflauge the camp, from sight, it turned out to be water-proofed. Between 04:00 and 04:45, the rain fell, lightly, and we used a flameless heater, to keep warm. I have to admit that Diane was correct. Even in light rain, the house seemed to take on an "aire". Like "Something Spooky This Way Comes". Aside from candles, forms, nd the man, however, nothing happened that night. I was, however, delighted when Diane did, come morning, suggest "How about some breakfast." While we saw the early morning people, looking as bright as the new day, they saw how tired we looked. In fact, I dont even remember hearing her un-locking her door. As she had me place the geaar in its place, Diane fixed what I never dreamed she would. The plates, of eggs, laced with cheese, and onion, as well as plates, full of hashbrowns, and sausages, were on the table. Diane would say "I know. Everyone thinks I eat only microwave dinners." While I remember eating the delicious food, what I dont remember is falling asleep. It was noon before Diane shook me saying "Come on, sleepy-head. We have a report to make." When I asked "What report? Floating candles, shadows, an un-known man, and some whacked sound-track? You want to report this?" Diane would say "I want the police to I.D. the trespasser." We listed the man as unknown, before we entered city hall, for the police station. It was inside city hall where Diane had asked "Who is that man?" When the desk officer would ask "Dont you remember, from high school?" When Diane would ask "Remember what?" The officer would say "That is the man who founded this area. He even built that old house. The one the kids like to trespass at." When Diane would ask "How old is he?" The officer would say "IF he were alive, today, he would be near to 160 years old. Remember? He died, maybe 50 years ago." While a detective took our report, they said "This clears up a couple of things. We DID get a call, about some wild dogs. Also, a report of trespass. We think someone was casing some homes, last night." When the detective would ask "BY the way..." Diane would say "Yes, we were on stake-out. We wanted to find out if the rumors, of child-butchering were true. That is why we thought you should know that some one is in that house, impersonating the old man." The detective would say "The ONLY reason why I am not locking the two of you up is because you have given us solid leads. Now, go home, and forget that property." That night, the last thing I remember, after taking nightly drugs, was slipping into my briefs, and socks, then entering bed. Before falling asleep, I recall looking out, at the partly cloudy sky, and fantasizing about what it would be like, to kiss Diane. At her place, Diane would strip to her panties, and socks, then enter her own bed. She did not know why but she looked out the window, at the partly cloudy sky. She would slip off, to sleep, amused by the thought of kissing me. While the soft patter, of rain, would help her continue to sleep, it would be a crash, of thunder, which awakened Diane. At first, she did not mind, since she had no job to go to, but then she looked around her. This is when she knew she was dreaming. This was NOT her bedroom. She might have fallen back to sleep, but only until she wondered why her bed felt different. It was not until she sat up, more-or-less awake, that she realized that her, current, bed was of a different shape. It was not until she looked at the "bed", that she realized that, while her bed was flat, this one was curved. When she looked at her window, she wondered "WHO changed my window pane from regular glass, to art glass?" As Diane began looking about, in what she realized was the upstairs, of a large house, I, too, would awaken, to the sound of thunder. As to whose idea it was to place me on the hard floor, of an entry foyer, wearing only my briefs, and socks, well, I would take that up, with them, when I found them. One thing I was certain of, and that was that I was, definitely, NOT at home. The ONLY reason why I was fairly certain, of where I was located was because, with the recent reports, of child mutilation, I thought it wise to review the buildings blue-prints. This way, IF I caught a person dragging a child into the house, they could not escape me. This is why I knew that a door lead to the remains of the kitchen. Talk about "out-of-date". This place was old enough to make Alexander Graham Bell's original telephone, seem brand new. The dust, and dirt, were thick enough to write names in. When I thought that I heard a sound, I grabbed the heaviest skillet that I could, and got ready to swing at whomever stepped through the door. It was not until I saw Diane, and we spooked one another, that she asked "Where are we?" I told her "Wild guess, but I believe that we are, now, INSIDE the house." When Diane would ask "The "haunted" house? How can that be?" I told her "I have no idea. All I know is that this is the way the blue-prints are laid out." Now, of course, when she asked why I brought her to the house, I could see my carrying her 120 pound body to the house. The question was "WHO had carried my 200 pound bulk to the house." Better yet, WHY? While a brief search, of the downstairs, verified that no one was present, Diane suggested "Careful, the next door, on your right is the room where I woke up." While a more thorough search, of the second floor, yielded no clues, the soft patter, of rain, made the place seem less ominous. It was not until I asked "Before you awoke, here, what is your last memory?" Diane would no-sooner say "I was ready for bed, looked out the window, then fell asleep." When I asked "Do you, always, sleep, in panties, and socks?" This is when Diane realized how little she wore. While she looked for something to cover her body with, she asked me "Do you, always, just wear briefs, and socks, to bed?" I told her "When I sleep alone." Our, joint, search, turned up no blankets. Just rugs. This is when my belly began to grumble and Diane said "You cant be serious. We are inside a vacant house, and you are hungry?" I would say "I am human. So shoot me." This is when, as we looked about, we saw a light, which we had not seen, before. It was visible, under the kitchen door, and Diane saw it, first. When she mentioned "I thought you said this place has no electricity." I told her "It was turned off, after the last tenants fled. Besides, that is not electric light." As I approached the kitchen door, I began smelling what smelled like home cooking. Still, I was cautious when I opened the door. The scene, before me, baffled me, into silence. When Diane said "I thought we checked this room." I told her "We did. It was covered in dust, and dirt." Yet, there, before us, stood an immaculate, and very clean, kitchen, with two place settings, and food. While Diane would not admit it, she was just as hungry as I was. Still, she asked "How", and "WHY". When we examined the food, on the plates, we found it as real as our hunger. When Diane asked "What do you think?" I suggested "Caution. I suggest that we keep a close eye, on one another, during this "meal". If either of us see's anything weird..." Diane would say "You mean, like choking", I would say "...We stop eating immediately." While the cooked food proved that we were not alone, Diane asked "When do you think they will show themselves." I suggested "Once they think we are frightened enough." Once plates were empty, Diane just instinctively placed the plates in the sink, and ran rinse water over them. Only once she told me "Dishes are soaking." Did I ask "There is running water?" This is when Diane asked "Yes, but HOW?" Leaving the kitchen, we took another look, around the downstairs. This, even as the light rain, and thunder, sounded against the house. Diane did cringe a bit, and snuggled up to me "for warmth". That is, until we saw another, flickering, light. This time, from the reading room. When Diane asked "What...?" I quieted her, then opened the door, hoping to catch the perpetrators in the act. Instead, what I found was a roaring fire, in the fireplace. While Diane said "Good, something warm." she saw my look and asked "What is it?" When I reminded her "We were in here, just about an hour ago. There was no fire." When Diane asked "Who cares?" I told her "I think that we should." Funny thing was that, when Diane said "I will get us some answers", then based on instinct, alone, reached for a mobile, which was not there. I would remind her "Neither of us wore a phone to bed." This is when Diane remembered that her phone waas at home, on a charger. That call, to her sister, had taken longer than anticipated. The phone was charging. When I suggested "We search the house, again." Diane stood, just as defiant as she had the day when a man would not take NO for an answer. His mistake had been showing her his shaft. This, while saying "You KNOW you want it." Dianes reply had been decisive. She had launched her knee, into his crotch, with enough power that he fell to the ground, even while letting out a sound of pain. This is why I had decided to keep my distance. Still, Diane had been correct. HOW could we investigate the house, properly, in just our underwear? I suggested "We take different rooms. If you find clothes, old or new, let me know." Diane smiled as she said "You do the same." While Diane DID find some clothes, inside a closet, which we had checked, earlier, and found empty, she just wasn't so "hip", on the fashion. A high collared dress, which looked directly out of a 19th century movie. When she called to me, saying "Found some clothes", I joined her, only to take a look at the mens "fashion". Diane would smile as she said "You think THAT is out of date, look at this." Diane was right. All that showed her her neck, and head. As for the mens clothes, the man, who wore them, must have been about twice my weight. The clothes sagged on my body. When Diane sighed, saying "I wish I had my phone." I would agree. "I, also, wish the rain would let up". Diane would say "I dont know about you, but I am willing to take my chances, now that I am dressed." When we returned to the front door, we found what neither of us suspected. How could a homes front door be locked, from OUTSIDE? Diane had said "Simple. A window." While most were either jammed, or locked shut, we did find a window which did open. When I opened it, Diane would say "I cannot fit that opening. Not in this dress." This is when I suggested "Remove the dress, crawl out, I hand you the dress, and you stand under cover, and dress." Diane seemed to like the plan, but, for some reason, Mother Nature did not. As I prepared to boost Diane out of the window, the storm began to ROAR, like an enraged animal. Rain "poured" in, through the window, even as wind gusts pushed Diane back. This is when I would draw the conclusion of "I think someone wants us here." When Diane would ask "You think?" I would ask "I wonder why?" Diane would say "I have no clue, except for the fact that I am due, at a meeting, and there will be "Hell, to pay" if I am not there." Yes, Diane was on Probation. This since a combination of lab tests, and a nickel bag, found in her car, had lead to two years in jail, and a term of probation. Diane had only served six months when the warden applied for "Early Release", saying "We need beds for REAL criminals". The only monthly meeting, which Diane had missed, so far, was the one when she was in the E.R., being treated. Her mother had called the Parole Officer, with Dianes position. Diane was cleared, of "violation" once the doctors told the P.O. "It can happen to anyone." Now, Diane was in an unknown location, without her phone, and no way to prove that she could not make the meeting. I would not be missed for another 60 hours. This would be for an appointment, not for Probation, but for a status update. (Diane just HOPED her P.O. was as "dogged" as his reputation) Word, on the street, was that the man got the worst cases since, when a parolee jumped, the man did not stop until the offender was located, and returned to prison. Sure enough, when Diane missed her appointment, and the P.O. found out that her family did not know where she was, the Parole Officer had activated her phone GPS. This said she was at home. While the landlord told both Dianes family, and the P.O. She came in, yesterday, and hasn't left. She may be sleeping late. Inside the unit, everyone found the phone, on charger, and the last call made. Dianes sister verified that she had spoken to her sister, the last evening. When the P.O.say "I have to declare her a "jumper", her family would say "Just wait one minute. HOW do you KNOW she left on her own?" The P.O. would say "It does not matter what I believe. She is not here, or at my office." When the P.O. showed the family the door, saying "See, no signs of forced entry." Dianes father would ask "You know. All of her clothes are here. Why would she leave, without clothes?" When the P.O. would say "I will check." This is when Dianes mother would ask "Would you put out a Missing Person instead of that other thing?" The P.O. say "Sure". Dianes sister would, soon, overhear the P.O. saying "I am not certain of anything. This is the first time she is un-accounted for." then add "Dont give me that. We, both, know that people have been kidnapped, for ransom. I want PROOF before I convict her, and send her back to prison." Funny thing was that, by the time Dianes sister got around to checking with the local library, about missing persons cases, she found the P.O. already going over them. As the P.O. would say: "Its weird. I never knew there were so many cases, even in this locality." When the sister asked, the P.O. would say "These records appear to show that almost fifty people have vanished, the same way your sister did." When the sister would ask "Is that un-usual?" The P.O. would say "Lets say it is beyond suspicious". When the sister asked "Whats the next step? My sister is, already, listed as missing." The P.O. say "If the person, who took her, follows established methodology, they will keep her some place near. They would not want to risk being SEEN with her. Question is: Where would be remote enough, so that no one would think to look?" This would lead to a one month search, of every, abandoned, and remote, site, in the county. Sites wer evern double-checked, just in case. While searches looked for us, around the area, Diane and I would do the same, from inside the house. While there was no electricity, candles seemed to "appear", at sun-down, even as fireplaces were lit. Food was ready, when we needed it. Diane had even cut a few of the dresses to current styles. (What would have seemed downright indescent in the old days) While this place was old enough to even have what was called a "Widows walk", on the roof, when I tried the hatch, to see if we could climb down the side of the house, I found out that the hatch was SEALED shut. One evening, as we snuggled, Diane whispered "Options?" I would say "Nice to hear you use such words." Diane would ask "Is there any place we have not tried?" I would whisper "Only the basement". When she would ask, I would say "These homes, normally have a rubble-stone foundation. Maybe eight, to twelve feet deep." When Diane would suggest "On a concrete foundation, I would guess." I would suggest "No, normally built on the ground." When we checked the basement, we found a dirt floor, with the utilities balanced on packing crates. I would whisper, to Diane "That was their version of a concrete footing." While Diane and I made tools out of anything we could find, for four, straight, days, we swore that we dug out atleast eight feet, beyond the house, before resting. Each time we returned, the hole was filled. This is why, on days five, and six, we dug, around the clock, out of the basement, then to the surface. When Diane smiled, saying "We made it." I made her smile, saying "Even covered in soil, you look good." The search had been going on, for a solid month, with no results. Not, atleast until some woman, among the searchers, would hear the team leader saying "We have searched everywhere." The woman would cut in, saying "Not everywhere." When the men looked at her, the women would say "What about the old, haunted, house?" The men would say "Police checked that, two weeks ago. The locks are fine." When the woman would suggest "Locks can be picked. What if someone took them in, then locked back up?" The men would laugh, asking "Who would go to all of that trouble, just to make a person vanish?" Another man would ask "Dont you mean BOTH of them?" This is when the team leaders remembered that my name had been added, when I missed my own meeting, and was nowhere to be found. When the team leader would say "Fine, check the old place. Wont find anything there. Lady, take just three men, with you. We dont want to make a laughing stock out of the whole community." What struck Diane and I as unusual was how, after we surfaced, and began walking, Diane paced the distance, then asked "Shouldn't we have run into the perimeter fence, by now?" I would say "You are right. What happened to it?" We found out, when we found the city. Diane and I wondered if we had walked in the wrong direction. The streets had 1940's vintage cars (in amazingly good shape). We would have reported in, to the police, except that Diand spotted a young man, who bore an incredible resemblance to the current police chief. This man, however, was in his early twenties, firm of build, and with NO paunch. While we found a family, offering to take us in, since we were, obviously, filthy of clothes, and skin, Diane let it slip, during dinner, where she lived." It was after a delicious dinner that the husband took us outside, and asked "Okay WHO are you?" When Diane gave her name, and address, the man would ask "Who do you think you are kidding?" When I asked "Why?" The man would say "That area is not scheduled, to begin development, for another two years. Where are you, REALLY from?" I would suggest the name of the nearest town, saying "We are travelling undr assumed names. Our parents dont like us cavorting." Diane wanted to slap me, since she understood what I meant, but she went along, even as the man would say "You are welcome to stay the night." I would spend the night in the den, sleeping on a couch, while Diane was bedded with the families daughters. This, with a warning, from the mother "Young lady. Keep Careful. Gentlemen do NOT go around, covered in dirt. Pray, to the Lord, that this man will not hurt you." Diane thought "If you only knew." What we knew was that we went to sleep, inside a very friendly family home, yet woke where we never expected. Diane found herself waking, on her couch, while I awakened in a corner of my bedroom. It was not until we saw our cell-phones, and other electronics, that we realized that we were back home. HOW? We did not wait for the news, but went straight to the police. This is when we found out how long we had been gone. While Diane and I stayed with our story (strange as it was), the police, and community, had a different theory. The idea that "pretend friends" were, really lovers, and that we had "gotten caught", by a positive pregnancy test. We had left town, to "take care of it", then returned to town, with a story, about the old house. When Diane agreed to be tested, the test showed no signs, at all. This left the "impossible to deny" story, that we had just "taken off" for a few weeks, of romance. The city had us as lovers, in no time. No one believed the tale, that the house had "grabbed us". No, we went there for some fun. Diane would smile as she said "They call that fun?" When I looked puzzled, Diane would say "Women work hard to make men feel comfortable. This is why we choose men, carefully. Your satisfaction is a womans JOB." When I would say "Wait one minute. Are you saying that women dont enjoy themselves?" Diane would just shrug her shoulders. When her next five choices, all, asked about me, Diane walked out, thinking of ways to make people understand. We had NOT. We did NOT. Finally, she "landed" at my place, where she asked "What do we do?" I would tell her "I have no idea." The next day, when we walked to the old house, Diane would ask "Who do you think COULD have carried it off?" I would say "Th clothes, food, and locked exits, would be easy. What puzzles me is how we got out, in the late 1940's." Diane would add "How did we get from the 1940's, back to today." When I would suggest "Sounds like "Back to the Future", doesn't it." Diane would say "Only, you are neither Marty McFly, nor Michael J. Fox." I would whisper "You are no Lea Thompson, either." Still, no one had any idea of how the security fence had been overcome. Our clothes had not been torn. There were no remnants, on the fence. What had been the point? Why take two people from their beds, and use them as trespassers. Why provide food, and ancient clothing? HOW had we been sent back to the 1940's? Was the house truly "haunted"? If so, WHY choose us?

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