Saturday, July 18, 2015


AMERICA'S SECOND REVOLUTIONARY WAR It was sad, but true. The REAL, and TRUE, second, American, revolution, would not be a revolt, against the nation, itself, but rather against its alleged "leadership". That is right. The REAL revolution would not be caused, by alien invasions, or by nuclear holocaust. The REAL revolution would find its beginnings in the malicious, in-sensitive, spiteful, and even downright hateful, words, of some politicians (as well as the ACTIONS of other politicians). The "cauldron", of revolution, had been simmering since the 1980's. A time, when an aged politician dared tell the nation of his thoughts, about withholding Social Security benefits, until HIS version, of a federal budget, was enforced upon the American people. Throughout the 1980's, and 90's, though, softer, yet determined, voices, would claim that the poor, and un-employed, were just "lazy dead beats", living off of the general public. These voices never considered the fact that many Americans were un-employed due to the fact that management wanted CHEAPER labor costs, and Americans just could not afford to work, at lower wages. Yet, it would be left to one loud mouth to voice, openly, what other persons shared, only in private. The idea that Americans were just too LAZY, to work longer hours, in order to pay bills, without need for charity. Even as Americans were becoming more irate, over proposed cuts, to Social Security, and Medicare, some politician dared answer the question of "Why not PAY workers a decent, living, wage?" with the politician suggesting "Why continue wasting tax dollars, trying to teach low-income people to read, and write? Why not just place these dead beats in the work-force, along with their "dead beat" kids? If the parents need more money to pay bills with? Let the "dead beats", AND their kids, WORK for their keep" Although the comment was intended as nothing more than as a thought, for review, some radical politicians scooped up the idea, and took it farther than expected. In a crushing blow, to the disability community, a group, of radical politicians, announced plans to cut Social Security Disability. The first group, to be cut, would be the disabled. If this worked out, the senior community would be next. By this time, Social Security was providing beneficiaries with the "whopping" living allotment, of about $800.00 per month, per person. There really wasn't much concern, though, when Congress announced that disability benefits were being cut to just $80.00 per month, per person. When the media asked HOW disabled people were supposed to pay bills, on just $80.00 per month, Washington D.C. radicals would be heard to say "Let those dead beats get jobs, and support themselves. If not that, let the dead beats own families support the dead beats. It should NOT be the governments job, to support these dead beats". The first problem this created, was with H.U.D. In the past, with incomes, of $800.00 per month, H.U.D. could take $250-$275.00 per month, from disabled people, just in housing costs. When benefits were cut to just $80.00 per month, H.U.D. was forced to cut rents to about $15.00. That is, until the congrssional radicals cut H.U.D.'s own funding, by over 99%. Without a federal budget, and no federal subsidy, property owners began demanding that tenants pay FULL value, for units. Since the disabled did not have near enough money, to pay full cost, many disabled people were left homeless. After these cuts took effect, no sooner had the radicals thrown a "victory" celebration, over having cut $1.7 billion out of the federal budget, just by cutting disability, when their leaders decided to set their sights on their next target: Seniors. Despite mounting, national, protests, the radicals insisted that reducing retirement benefits was the only way to continue on the path toward balancing the federal budget. One radical was even, allegedly, quoted as suggesting "If the dead beat cripples can work for their keep, why shouldn't dead beat seniors follow the same example?" When many seniors found retirement, and pensions, cut, from as much as $2,000.00 per month, to $20.00 per month, veterans groups, finally, got involved, issuing Washington D.C. an ultimatum: Restore ALL benefits, or face a declaration of Civil War! When congressional radicals just laughed at the idea, of Americans declaring "war", on Washington D.C., it wasn't long before the challenge was taken up. Even as congressional radicals were laughing, openly, at the thought of some "dead beats" declaring WAR on the nation, the radicals soon found themselves plunged into darkness, as the D.C. power grid was shut down, by some of the very same people, whose relatives were the victims of federal budget cuts. Sure, the White House, and Capital Hill, had back-up generators, but the problem was fuel supply. It would seem that, when runners were sent, to check on generators status, the runners would have to report, to congress, that the tank reserves had, recently, been pumped dry, for regular tank inspection, and maintenance. The fuel HAD been stored in tanker trucks, in a yard, just off the property,during the inspection process. A runner would return, to report that the yard, where the trucks had been parked, during the inspection, was, now, empty. The gates were open, and the fuel trucks were gone. This meant that the only fuel, left, for federal use, was that which was, still, inside the generators own fuel tanks. No-sooner had a radical suggested "No problem. We have the strategic national reserve. We can go about our business, for years, right?" Another report would come in, saying "No, we cant". When the radical would ask "Why not?" The messenger would say "Reports are coming in that hundreds of feet, of fuel piping, have gone missing. We are, no longer, connected, to the federal supply. Atleast until we find some replacement pipes" When the radical would say "Simple, stupid. We have replacement parts, right? So, just replace whats missing" The messenger would have to report "Two problems. Number One is that ALL of the replacement piping is missing" When the radical would ask "And, Number Two?" The messenger would say "We dont have anyone qualified, on hand, to do the work" When the radical would say "For Heavens sake! Theres nothing to it. I did this work, back at home, all the time" With that, the radical would secure a fire axe, from a fire control station, and begin chopping into the walls, of Capital Hill, to produce replacement pipes. Although his demolition would produce hundreds of feet, of PVC piping, when the radical bound the pieces together, with duct tape, everyone else stood WELL BACK, as the radical wrestled the piping together with the existing pipes. It would be estimated that, by the time the radical smashed the make-shift lid, off the main pipe, then RAMMED the replacement pipe into place, that the radical was covered in almost ten gallons, of fuel spray. Since the radicals co-workers could SEE fuel leaking, from the "bandaged" pipes, the radicals co-workers stood well back, as the radical flipped the switch, brought the system up, to full pressure, and the duct tape broke, under the pressure, sending sprays, of fuel, all over the place. A spark also jumped, from the generator, and lit the radical on fire. While five workers put out the fire, and saved the radicals life, another worker shut off the leaking fuel flow. While this disaster was being "contained", none, on Capital Hill, would expect what would happen, next. Although it is common knowledge, that ALL members, of Congress, are issued a gasoline credit card, billable to the treasury, reality would only set in, AFTER some cars tanks had been pumped nearly dry, to feed the generators, and the cars were sent for re-fuelling. When the near empty cars pulled up, to gas pumps, to re-fuel, at local gas stations, the drivers would have to report, back to congress, that the fuel storage tanks had been pumped dry, as well. At no time had Congress thought to consider that an enraged populace would go so far as to drain every drop, of gas, from D.C., and send all the fuel towards the central part of tha nation. What congress could not conceive was that, as their actions were hurting American families, in the deepest ways possible, America was, silently, retaliating, against federal cuts, by pumping gas station fuel tanks dry, while loading convoys, of trucks, with with the inventory, of supermarkets. While congressional radicals were "barking" for the need for more, and DEEPER, spending reductions, in order to FORCE a balanced budget on the public, the public was taking its "revenge", on congress. Ofcourse, life was no picnic, for the rest of the nation, either. Thanks to the radicals action, of cutting ALL military pay, to $10.00 per month (regardless of rank), and ordering rations cut, by 75%, it was not long before even the millitary would abandon Congressional radicals, and join the revolution. This, under what was being called the new, reformed, colonial, army. Washington D.C. soon regretted its decision, to claim that soldiers were "over-fed", and "over-paid". This, when it was realized that the military was siding with the public. Ofcourse, this situation also caused a terrible problem, for the rich, and powerful. The people who had lived all their lives, having others doing all the work, FOR them. Suddenly, these people found themselves facing empty, darkened, properties, and having no one, to cook, or clean, for them. Sure, they had "all the money, in the world", but they had no clue about how to LIVE. When some, of the super-rich began complaining, to Capital Hill, about their "domestic problems", the super-rich would be shocked when congressional radicals would say "Deal with it!". While Washington D.C. would issue orders, that ALL fuel trucks, heading into the interior, of the nation,, were to be stopped, and returned to the East Coast, the problem was that the orders included the phrase "At all costs". Not many military commanders felt comfortable with the idea of firing, either on American civilians, nor on fellow soldiers. As a result, any units, still loyal to Washington D.C., would decide to interpret the order as "Return fire ONLY if fired upon". Ofcourse, for the refugees, fleeing Washington radicals, the "road" would not be "smooth", either. Even as the nations population began coming together, in defensive encampments, many cities would have to convert shopping malls, schools, and stadiums, into shelters. As the influx, of refugees, began running out of money, to pay for basic needs, bartering, quickly took the place, of dollars, and taxation. This, while Washington D.C., and the super-rich, would find themselves increasingly isolated, and facing dwindling supplies. Hundreds of miles away, from the trouble, in Washington D.C., the population was placing "bankrupt" farms back into production, even as trademen kept basic services on-line. With a "human wave", coming away from the East Coast, and not enough transportation, to carry even a portion, of these numbers, the refugee's would resort too dragging the old style, 1970's mass transit buses, out of junk yards, with some being used as shuttles, while others came into use, as portable "hospitals". Un-like disasters, such as Hurricane Katrina, where the mood, encouraged by Washington D.C.'s attitude, of "Every man for himself", this time, there was real order, within the chaos. With Washington D.C. now just as isolated as Great Britain had been, during the War of Independence, the American public, via the military, reformed its own "police forces", under military control. To deter crimes, which had been rampant, in the Katrina disaster, such as theft, "banishment", from the encampments, and the cities, and into the new "wilderness", of America, was considered a death sentence. To deter bullies, assaults, and rapists, the military formed firing squads, which would dump any violators bodies in local landfills. Within the "encampments", ones status depended upon usefullness. Mechanics, plumbers, electricians, cooks, and sanitation workers, had higher value, than people such as computer programmers. Supervisors were valued, although "executive management" had ceased to exist. During this new revolution, the ony thing the public had to fear were the mercenaries, whom the rich hired, to defend, and serve, them. With the U.S. economy now in a shambles, though, all that the "rich" had, to bargain with, was personal property. A few mercenaries even became suspicious, when the rich began offering up Rolls-Royces, Mercedes-Benz, and even yachts, as payment for services. The mercenaries understood the reason for the deals, though, when the soldiers observed the gas tanks, with needles, sitting on "empty". As a result, the public had very little, to fear, from the mercenaries, and not even half as much to fear, as the rich had, to fear, when the mercenaries wanted certain forms of "payment". Ofcourse, at the very start, of the revolution, the wisest, of the rich, boarded out-bound flights, to other nations, deciding to "wait out the revolution", in Europe. It was not long, though, before European nations realized of how "little value" these people actually were. Except for bank accounts, holding a "few" million, "now worthless" American dollars, these people were penniless. Once European nations realized that these people were little more than "welfare cases", those, who had arrived, prior to the revolt, were allowed to stay, and even encouraged to WATCH, as later refugees were declined admissions, to European nations. These later "refugees" would be returned to America. Once returned to America, customs officals would confiscate all travel papers, and the people would be left to fend for themselves. In time, this revolution would come to be known, by the world, as America's Second Civil War. Ofcourse, the main difference, between now, and the first, civil war, was Abraham Lincoln, the Union army, and Jefferson Davis, and the Confederate army. The new war was between the rich, and powerful, on one side, and the general public, on the other. Still, "echoes", of the past civil war, remained, in the new "battle". Some rumors even said that the public needed its own leader. A man like Jefferson Davis, for example. The man who had lead the Conferacy, from 1861, until 1865. When someone called out "Damn Yankees, they should ALL be put to death", someone else said "Stupid! The Yankees were the NORTHERN states" When the initial voice looked confused, the responder said "We are FROM a NORTHERN state". Still, the IDEA, of Secession, and forming a new confederacy, was gaining real interest, among the dis-enfranchised population. This, even as Washington D.C. found its international "credit rating" bottoming out. This especially once Europe, and the Middle Eeast, realized that America was, again, at war, with itself. Even the World Bank told Washington D.C. that the nations credit was "no good", until the current "war" was over. In response, Washington D.C. radicals WOULD have ordered STRATEGIC AIR COMMAND bombers to begin wiping out refugee camps, until "order" was restored. Only, there was a problem. Thanks to the Base Re-Allignment and Closure Commission (B.R.A.C.), the remaining, American, air force bases, were all inside "enemy" territory. Since the Joint Chiefs of Staff had taken the salary cuts, and rations cuts, about as well as the soldiers had, Washington found that it had NO army, navy, or air force, with which TO attack anyone. In fact, ALL that the radicals had left, with which to defend themselves, was the Capital Hill security forces. According to the latest, "intelligence" reports, sent from scouts who had ventured forth, to scout "enemy" positions, the mood was grim. The reports made it clear that there was, now, a "clear" zone (What the military would call a "kill" zone), of atleast 500 miles, surrounding Washington D.C. Although Washington D.C. felt the "brunt" of the revolution, it was not the only part, of the nation, to feel the "pain", of the revolution. Radicals supporters, from the various states, were required to abandon positions, and property, as the populace decided that the radicals were no-longer fit, to "rule". In order to save themselves, and their families, many radicals had done their best to "blend in", as the public revoluted against federal actions. For some, of these radicals, though, the "price", of speaking, publicly, in favor of the domestic spending cuts, ended with the radicals being assigned to latrine, or trash collection, duty. Other radicals fled, either to Canada, or Meixco, to "wait out the war". In Washington D.C., as the last, of the diesel fuel was gone, the most hopeful thought was that the revolutionaries would, soon, be out of fuel, as well. With the revolution in full swing, though, the most that groups, such as the A.T.F. could do was assist law enforcement, of routine crimes. This, since federal agencies no-longer had federal support. This meant that, when it was announced that the finest moonshine makers were to be set up, in abandoned breweries, all that A.T.F. could do was monitor security. The backers, of the Provisional Confederacy, approved the mass production, of both fuel, and medical, grade moonshine. Later, and to the surprise, of many mechanics, when moonshine replaced diesel, in engines, transports seemed to require less maintenance (Just as had been proven, by a 1970's report, on the use of moonshine, in federal vehicles). Soon, dozens of workers were using abandoned breweries to produce a moonshine, which was of even higher octane, and less polluting, then even un-leaded gas. Even as Washington was dealing with having to demand un-conditional obedience, from an ever shrinking, ferderal, audience, out, among the population, the Army Corp of Engineers was aiding in the operation, of public utilities, for encampments, and towns. Soon, Washington was to learn that, as the "war" dragged on, even federal staffers began abandoning the radicals, even as Washingtons stores, of war-time rations, were being depleted. These, federal, "refugee's" would pack what they could carry, on their backs/persons, and set out, on foot, in hopes of using supplies to barter their way into encampments. With Washington's "popularity", in the world, so low that Congress had to look UP, to see the "bottom", foreign powers would offer the Confederacy trade deals. Many, of these deals, came from nations, whose products Washington, usually, had embargoes against, due to things like "human rights" violations. Now, however, these same nations were offering the new Confederacy supplies, such as automobile tires, hoses, and so on. The return offer was for the Confederacy to agree to trade surplus goods, to the nations. What would surprise several O.P.E.C. nations, was how rapidly the Confederacy had "weined" its member states OFF of petroleum products. Now, the main value, of oil, was its use, as a lubricant. Ofcourse, the one problem which the Confederacy had in common, with Washington, was when winter came. Since the revolution had begun in the spring, the radicals had little trouble "toughing it out", in a D.C. summer, with warm nights, and no need for heating. Besides, the radicals were certain that, after just a few weeks, of no fast food, or television, the populace would come crawling back, begging for the "crumbs", which the radicals would offer. By winter, though, Washington D.C. was not only concerned, with its dwindling food supply, but also with the fact that there was no fuel, to operate even the heating systems. By contrast, in the Confederacy, both heating, and air conditioning, were in abundance. No doubt, this is the main reason why, just as many local politicians had done, some, national, radicals went "underground", hiding their identities, and sneaking into encampments. Although some were "found out", and turned away, a few others "gave themselves away", by telling refugees "The nation MUST endure great pain, in order to have a brighter future. America just cannot AFFORD the elderly, or the disabled, anylonger". Eighteen, of these radicals, would find themselves "evicted", from the Confederacy, with only the clothes on their backs, and the food, in their stomachs. The remainder, of the radicals, wisely, stayed "hidden", and silent, even after winter was replaced by spring. (To some, it might seem ironic that the radicals felt fine taking food from the very types of people, whom the radicals had condemned, as "dead beats", not a year before. What these people also could not believe was how seniors, who had life experience, were, now, in supervisory positions, while the young handled manual labor, and the disabled coordinated supplies. When the question was raised, of just how LONG this new Confederacy would need to exist, the radicals would be surprised when the new leaders would say "Only until full funding is restored, to ALL, federal, programs". When one radical, anonymously, asked "And just HOW is America supposed to PAY for all of these programs?" The confederacy leadership would respond by saying "The same way which the nation has been paying for everything, including recent wars. If Washington D.C. can afford upwards of $1 billion, per day, to maintain invasion forces, in other nations, then Washington CAN afford a few million, for social programs" In Washington, once the last, of the rations was used up, the capital city became a "ghost town", as the very last, of the radicals walked away, supremely confident that, no matter what the eventual outcome, of the "war" would be, the radicals had stood by their convictions. Sure, the radicals may have cost America her government, her population, and her world-wide credit rating, but what the radicals chose to see was how their actions had saved the nation over $100 trillion, from not paying out one cent, in Social Scurity, or any other federal, or state, benefits. To the mind-set, of the radicals, their mission was an un-qualified SUCCESS. This, they held in their hearts, even as they began the long walk, back to their home towns. Soon after it was learned that the radicals had abandoned Washington D.C., though, the Confederacy "officially" re-named itself the "Re-Formed" United States. The clean-up, from the "war", would take years, and cost a fortune, but the refugee's decided that it would be worth the effort. America's people had re-taken their government, and the nation would begin the healing process. Under the new government, though, foreign oil imports would be replaced, by domestic supplies of moonshine, hydrogen, and even solar. No doubt, this would be a primary reason why, when the economy came back on-line, gas prices would be decreased to fifty cents per gallon. Imports would be decreased by 95% due to the fact that petroleum would only be needed, for lubrication. In the "new" United States, a persons value would be based upon their usefullness, to society. Not how rich the person had been. In fact, the few rich, who had transferred citizenship, to other nations, considered themselves the luckiest of the lot. This, it was felt, was because, in the "re-formed" United States, "Corporate Welfare" was a thing, of the past. If corporations wanted too SELL products, to Americans, corporations could EMPLOY Americans, and pay American taxes. As to the rumors, of some rich people, looking to avoid taxation, no one is sure how much truth there was, to the rumors, that some, of the rich, would cross the borders, into Canada, or Mexico, or even South America, to avoid taxation. Who could tell how much was truth, and how much was just camp-fire stories. All that Americans cared about was that finances would be restored, and people would have food, clothing, and shelter, again. This is what America was all about. Caring for her people. (Post Script: Although the internet would remain in operation, during, and after, the "war", computers would return to their most basic function. Software developers would face "re-assignment", to more basic fields of employment, and as support staff. The days, of marketting overly sophisticated software, were, for the present, consigned to the past. The public just didn't need web-sites as much as they needed shelter, clean clothes, and food. Result, computer programming was re-defined as very low-skilled work, since there was very little need for the technology.)

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