Thursday, July 16, 2015


DOWNFALL OF THE CYBER-GEEKS The FALL, of the computer programmers, would have been a long time coming. In the world, of computerized data, life moved so fast, and updates became so frequent, that a very real problem would come into existance. As newer, and ever more sophisticated, computer operating systems would come on-line, the problem would be that fewer, and fewer, people actually understood what the machines were "saying". When simple "copy contents" was transformed into "copy and paste", then became "drag and drop" (?), it would be no time, at all before even computer programmers could, barely, understand the technology. Even computer training classes were of no help since, even though a class might be designed for tech, which should come on-line, by the end of the class, the problem was that the head-long RUSH, to ever more sophisticated operating systems, would lead to a point where class material was ruled "obsolete", by the time when the class was completed. Soon, even website "support" ceased speaking basic ENGLISH, as support staff had to deal with rapid advances, in technology. As a result, many sites would have to remove "tech support", from public offering, since the "language", of computers, was far too different, from English, to even try to translate. Soon, all that site operators could tell the public was "Learn OUR language, or stop using computers". Problem was that, by this time, the public was becoming so "burned out", on all of this high-tech "gibberish", that, soon, fewer people, than ever, were trying to start websites, and even more people were letting web-sites lapse, into dis-use (Since owners had no idea what web-site design, and use, directions, meant). As the use, of paying web-sites, went into stark decline, web-site "developers" worked, desperately, to save market shares. Many sites, though, ended up merging, with other sites, in order to save what they could, of declining market shares. As the "language", of computers, continued its "spiral", at "break-neck" speed, even software firms saw sales, of ever more advanced software, plummet, even as the public decided to remain with much older versions of programs (The versions which people could understand). Even after software developers ceased "support", for "older programs" (In a desperate effort to FORCE customers to update), the public ended up doing the exact opposite of what the software trillionairres would have hoped for. More people, than ever, began using the internet for nothing more than paying bills, shopping, and e-mail. Soon, the number, of website creation "tools", would plummet, from dozens, down to just five. The five largest, and whose primary business was maintaining corporate web-sites. To the complete horror, of the computer programmers, the public turned AWAY from the internet, and stopped paying for programs, and devices, who uses the public did not understand, anyway. It would not be long, after this, that the software manufacturers would "merge" the final five website creation "tools" into corporate structures, even as the major manufacturers dealt with an increasingly hostile public, which wanted directions, which normal people could understand. Yes, the "cyber-geeks" would, soon, find themselves out, looking for new jobs, as the software giants merged, then dissolved, the web-site creation "tools". In the end, the internet would return to its "roots", as a "storage and retrieval" device, even as billions of dollars, in revenue, vanished. And all just because the programmers had developed a "language" which only programmers understood.

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