Thursday, July 9, 2015


THE HAUNTING PAST: MYSTERY OF "BLACK"VILLE When Mr. Brown asked Tami and I to review the case file, we felt certain that there was nothing to the case. After all, the case was nothing more than a community, of black people, who seemed to be scared of ghosts, and goblins. The request was being made, for the firm to investigate, what Tami and I considered nothing more than simple, Halloween, pranks. No, Tami and I were in the mood more to investigate another case. A case of a more unusual haunting. In regards to Tami, though, I had to wonder if her interest was as casual as she might have wanted it to appear. Fact is, when we reviewed the case, that we WANTED, the case of a haunted "orphanage", Tami expressed the wish, more than once, that she was hoping to see a "pregnant" spirit. (My thought was: COULD spirits get pregnant?) I must admit that, with the number, of sightings, and the number, of repeated sightings, I was more of the hope of seeing a spirit, at all. Sure, Tami and I had seen some spirits, already, but most of those were of the standard variety. This included the intelligent haunts. In this case file, though, it seemed that witnesses knew the names, of some of the spirits. Some reports said that family members had known, some of the spirits, in life. This is why Tami and I wanted this case. We were hoping for possible communications, with the spirits. Eventually, Mr. Brown gave us permission, and a LIMITED, expense, account, for this case. He made it clear, in no un-certain terms, that he, also, expected results. As Tami and I prepared for our trip, the pilot contacted the local airport, then was forwarded to the local sheriff's office, about where our plane could have permission to land. Since we could take off, and land, vertically, space was not an issue. The pilot just wanted a landing spot, as close to the site, as possible. As Tami and I prepared for our trip, we found out why the community, in the other case, was referred to as "Black ville". It was not out of racial hatred, it was out of the fact that no one, other than true African Americans, could pronounce the communities real name. The term "black" was substituted, for the real name, which no one Tami and I could find, could pronounce the real name any better than we could. No matter how the name was tried, it sounded ike a racial insult. As a result, Mr. Brown said the agreement, with local sources, was that,for those, investigating the case, would be fine to call the town "Black ville". Tami expressed her thanks, that we were not going there. Not due to race reasons, but because she hated insulting people, by mis-pronouncing names. The small town we were going to, had one of those quaint, back-home, names: Momma-Love. Tami said the name sounded entirely welcoming, as if to tell travellers that they were "coming home". After the plane was loaded, and while we were awaiting permission for take-off, the pilot keyed his microphone to our frequency, then asked Tami and I if we heard anything "strange", on the radio. Although we agreed that we did hear "some-thing", there was just too much background, to hear the message, clearly. By the time the message was, almost, clear enough to be heard, the tower cut in, saying "Flight, do you read us? This is tower: Permission for take-off granted. Repeat, take off granted. Over" The pilot radioed the affirmative, then the plane lifted off. Since we were only going a couple of hundred miles, there was no reason for Tami and I to leave our seats. We just tried to relax, as the short flight took us to our destination. Upon arrival, there was a problem, though. The pilot promised us that he had told the sheriff's office what type, and size, of plane, was coming, yet the site, which was chosen, for our landing, was, almost, too small even for a Leer. This is why the pilot had to land, a distance away, at a site, which was large enough for our cargo plane. Shortly after landing, Tami sent a copy, of the radio chatter, to Mr. Browns secretary, asking for analysis. When we had listened, on playback, we thought we heard our own voices declaring our love, for one another, then, as we looked at one another, speechless, it sounded as if I were proposing marriage, to Tami. But, HOW could this be, when we could see one another, and neither of our mouthes, was moving, during the conversation? Mr. Browns secretary agreed to check the recording. At our landing site, we found that the sheriff had sent a deputy to meet our plane. When the female deputy asked our pilot why he hadn't landed where he was told to, the pilot told the deputy "Look here. This is no Pinto, or a sub-compact. This woman needs space, to land. That other place just wasn't big enough." When the deputy argued that "The size you sent us would have fit the clearing. You never mentioned this thing was a full size cargo carrier". Tami was certain that there had just been a mis-understanding. someone had just gotten the message wrong. Time to move on. As the deputy drove us to the "haunted" location, she said "One of the reasons why we called you was because there seems to be MORE than the usual activity, here. Oh, sure, we get the usual spooks, specters, witches, and other reports, but mostly from people who are either alone, or from party-crashers. Our biggest time, of the year is Halloween. Trespassing hits an all-year high, right around the day. Initiations, that type of thing. Lately, though, things are changing". When Tami asked "In what way?", the deputy said "We seem to be getting more calls, than usual. Some people even think that the property is starting a new development, as they are reporting lights in the windows. Not all of the windows, mind you, but some of them. Several witnesses said the lights looked like people were inside, inspecting the place. Cant tell you how many times the sheriff and I have checked out this place. Thats why we called for help." By that time, we had arrived at the property, in question. Boy, it could fit the definition, of "haunted house" so very easily. The place was an out-of-date wreck. Bent, and twisted, fences, broken windows, weed-covered lawn, and sidewalks. I doubt if Hollywood could have done a better job. Before the "walk-through", the deputy warned us to stay close to her. She cautioned that there were areas which even the sheriff was not sure of. When Tami asked the $64,000.00 question: "Why hasn't this place just been demolished?", the deputy would say "The place is historical". Once the deputy lead us inside a reasonably safe structure, Tami took the woman aside, and chatted with her, while I did my own "walk-about". By now, I had been inside enough old, derelict, buildings, to know when a space was safe. While I "got a feel", for the place, Tami was busy "shooting the breeze", with the deputy, including learning how the deputies family had reacted to the girls choice, to join law enforcement. "Shoot", the deputy said "When I told my folks of my plans, both my folks nearly had heart attacks, on the spot. Both of them want grand-children, and they think that a deputy's life will be short, even around here. Around here? Short?" When Tami asked "I take it theres not much activity, around here?", the deputy laughed as she said "If not for the occassional drunk, or prank, this town wouldn't even need a sheriff. Thats how "dangerous" my life is". Later, when Tami asked "You said this place was historical? What did you mean, by that?" the deputy seemed to look around then asked "Where is your friend? I thought we could have just one discussion, then I could leave the two of you, to your work, and get back to my own work." Tami said "He will be back, soon enough. Probably just got side-tracked, a bit" Tami was right about that. I did get side-tracked, looking at some age-old pieces of furniture, and machinery. I might have gotten totally lost had it not been for the appearance of Sheriff Watkins. Sheriff Watkins was personable enough, and, after checking my I.D., he began showing me about, saying he was glad for the extra help. He showed me where many of the spirits most preferred to appear, and he told me that, yes, at times, some of the spirits did appear to be pregnant. He promised, though "Just a trick of the light. No such thing as a pregnant spirit, right?" I told him "Right". Sheriff Watkins then showed me some spaces, where people had reported seeing "lights", which the sheriff suspected meant "flashlights", since the "lights" were, always, dim, and small. like a small flashlight would make. What left the sheriff stymied, though, were the reports, of "glowing" figures, wandering the grounds. When I asked "Batteries, or phosphorus?", the shreriff said "Nothing found, so far. Thats why we called you in. Hope you two, and your fancy machines, can help us folks find out whats going on" When I realized I had been gone longer than I had planned for, I suggested that the sheriff and I should head back to the others. Sheriff Watkins would say "You go on ahead. I just want to check the locks, before I leave". I told him "Check". After that, I returned to find the ladies talking, and laughing. That was Tami, for you. The woman could get more information, over a cup of tea, or with a good laugh, than the best interrogator could get, with beatings. People just loved opening up, to Tami. I just wish I knew how she could store so many facts, and make people feel so willing to talk, and in such order, then report to base, and all without a notebook. By contrast, "clutsy" me, I had to keep notes, including those I took, while with the sheriff. If not for my notebook, I would be lost, and would have never remembered even one quarter of the "sites" the sheriff showed me. When the deputy saw me, then asked if we were ready to go, I promised her "Sheriff Watkins is coming. He just wants to check the locks, before we depart the premises". Suddenly, the deputy looked at me, as if I had lost my mind, or said something hilarious. When Tami asked "What is it, deputy?", the deputy asked me "What did you say the sheriff's name was?" When I told her how the man introduced himself, the deputy went silent. The deputy remained silent, as we left the property, and drove to the nearby station. It was only at the station that the deputy would break her silence, over a cup of coffee. "You say the sheriff introduced himself as Watkins?", When I said "Yes", again, then Tami asked "Why?", again, the deputy said "Its not possible. It just isn't possible". When Tami asked "Whats not possible?", The deputy asked me "Are you sure of that name?", I said "Yes, just as the report says, right...", then I went silent as I saw the sheriffs name, on the report. When the deputy saw my look, she said "Thats right. Atkins has been sheriff, around here, for a number of years. The man you saw, this Sheriff Watkins, was a ghost!" I never would have believed it, had I not seen it, for myself. I had been walking, and talking, with a dead man, and didn't even know it. Boy, would Mr. Brown LOVE my report. The deputy then gave us a brief summary, of Sheriff Watkins. "He was a good man, good family man, good to the community. Loved being of service, and knew when to look the other way. In fact, he was the one who talked the city into letting the home, for un-wed mothers move into the city. He promised that it woud be good publicity, showing that we cared for our neighbors. Good for tourism. At the time, the home was located in a nearby town, until locals ran them out, saying the owners tricked the city into leasing to a group of "fallen women". Sheriff Watkins was the one voice of reason, in saying that pregnant girls were not a "temptation", for young men. If anything, the women were a lesson, about responsibility. It was Sheriff Watkins, who found the property, where the house sits, and convinced the owner to be a good Christian, and open his land, to the needy. Sheriff Watkins even promised the man that there would be no "funny business", with the home. The sheriff's office would make sure of that. Sheriff Watkins made sure of the sites security, himself, even checking it, multiple times, per day. Only used men, who had families, as site guards, too. Never let boys stand guard." When Tami asked "Why did the place need guards? Were the women trouble?", the deputy said "Not the women. They just came, to have their babies, then fade away. The guards were needed for dealing with the preachers "soldiers". They called themselves "God's army", and they attacked the property, several times. Finally, they attacked, enough times, that Sheriff Watkins got a court order which banished them from the county." When Tami asked "What do you mean "faded away? The women, or the babies?", the deputy said "Both, but not together. As far as anyone can tell, once a woman gave birth, she left the home, then the baby left, sometime thereafter. No one knows what happened, to either the mothers, or the babies. No such thing as micro-chip tracking, in those days". When Tami asked "What eventually happened? Why is the sheriff a ghost?" The deputy said "Thats the sad part. When "God's Soldiers were ordered out of the area, under court order, the church first tried to get the order lifted, saying the church answered only to God. When the courts would not agree, the church resorted to the worse thing they could have done. They hired themselves an ex-con. A man who, in dim light, was a look-a-like, for the sheriff, then paid this man to attack several, local, women. No one wanted to believe that the sheriff did the deed, but the women swore that he was their attacker. As a result, the sheriff was castrated, then hung out, to die." When the deputy looked sad, as though she had lost her best friend, Tami asked "What happened?". The deputy said "While the sheriffs body hung out there, the real criminal paid the body a visit, and was seen making gestures at the corpse. When the criminal was brought in, the victims recanted their stories, saying that the sheriff must have been innocent. This man was their attacker. It was too late, though, for the sheriff. Since then, many people have reported seeing the sheriff at the property. He is, always, checking security. Even now, after the place has been closed, for years." When Tami asked "You said the place was historical. What makes it historical?" the deputy said "This was the very first home, for un-wed mothers, in the region. It was our first "claim to fame", so to speak". This is when Tami said "So, thats why no one is in any rush, to tear it down. It was the first, of its kind". This is when I asked "How soon after these events did the hauntings start?" The deputy went to a file cabinet, opened a drawer, and said "Not after these tragedies, before. According to staff reports, figures were being seen even before the sheriff was lynched. the homes staff just put it down to women who died in child-birth. Few reports were made, in those days. My guess, they didn't want to scare away needy women, with ghost stories." The deputy then pulled an "interesting report", saying "This might help atleast a bit. It seems some man, who worked at the home, enjoyed playing pranks, on the pregnant women, especially those who declined bible sessions. Seems he liked to dress up, in scary outfits, and frighten the girls." How often, Tami thought, had she sat through such conversations, listening to people creating stories, about possible hauntings, and who might be responsible for what. How many times had the "accused" turned out to be innocent, while others turned out to be guilty. For some reason, as the deputy went on, about possible hauntings, Tami remembered our very first case. THAT had been one, for the records. A billionairree, out for "cheap thrills", had imported a European castle, to America, then rigged the place, with a kinds of gadgets. He, then, had real "fun" with inviting guests for the weekend, then scaring the guests away. To him, there was nothing better than watching people, scared out of their wits, telling him to keep his money, while they escaped with their lives. (He laughed, at their backs, as people ran from his "house of horrors") He never realized how the real spirit word would react to his actions. Tami and I would be his last, two, surviving, guests, before the authorities shut the place down. Why she thought of this, now, Tami had no clue. All she knew was that she had a police officer relating local lore. Stories of abandoned women, mischeivous men, and Halloween pranks, a plenty. By the time Tami and I departed the police station, and returned to the plane, there was a message, from the office. The message was from Mr. Browns secretary, and it was about the recorded conversation. The first problem was the time-stamp, on the recording. It was dated thirty years into the future. It was an obvious hoax. The second problem was the audio quality. According to the firms voice recognition software, the "match" was only 65% - 70%. Not even enough to fool a beat cop. What concerned the firm, though, was the source of the transmission. Unless it was programmed into the planes computer, it was un-clear as to how only our plane received the message. At the first opportunity, the firm wanted our plane in, for a full, systems, evaluation. For the present time, though, it seems that we were to continue our investigation, only now, we were on full-duty. According to the firm, one of the benefactors had found out what location we were investigating, and had wired the firm $5 million. As Tami and I went into "investigation" mode, we received a shipment, of sensors, the type of which we had never seen before. According to the instructions, the sensors coud detect much more than any other sensors, on the market. These sensors would have made either the C.I.A., or the Kremlin, proud. On top of this, it seems that we received permission, to be on-site, directly from the governors office. During the course, of our investigation, though, most of what we "caught" was trespassers. A few "partiers", who had hoped no one would notice them, on the property. One group, though, which we had to report, was when a "party" got out of hand. We dont know what the "partiers" got hold of, but, after they had enough of it, they started throwing things, and breaking both whiskey, and beer, bottles, as well as a few, of the remaining, windows. Thankfully, the deputy was on patrol, in the area, when our call went out. She would say she had a call, that some pranksters had bought some "supplies", and that they were overheard, talking about the old home. It didn't take much effort to know there might be a call coming in. After the deputy took the "party animals" into custody, Tami and I spent a few days just walking about the area, and trying to get a "feel" for the place. We even hoped to see the sheriff, again. After two weeks, of nothing, we were about ready to pack up, when something DID happen. Not something supernatural. Something, totally, human. From what we overheard, on the microphones, it seems that three couples had accepted a "challenge". The goal was for the three couples to enter the property, have sex, then take photos, of one another, on the property, after the "action". What almost made Tami laugh was when one of the guys told a scared date that fear was a great protection, against pregnancy. Tami smirked, behind our observation console, on the plane, when the guy promised his date that there was no way that a scared woman could get pregnant. Athough Tami and I intended to watch just enough to confirm what was going to happen, our attention was, soon, drawn away, to another area of the building, where our sensors were monitoring movement. Since we were not really interested, in "watching" others, it was an easy decision, to switch our attention to the other area. As if out of thin air, there was a figure, walking the hallway, casually walking in the general direction of the couples. The figure seemed to be dressed in a brown overcoat, and had a grey mask over its head. Its attire, though, was not what concerned us. It was the battle-axe, which the figure held in its hands. Tami did notice a couple of odd things, about the figure. For one thing, it seemed to be in no hurry, to reach its destination. For another thing, Tami noticed how, each time the figure passed by a window, which had a security light outside, the figure ducked from the artificial light. It didn't duck from moonlight, but it ducked man-made light. Tami and I just observed the figures advance, for awhile, to see if it was really heading for the couples. It was only after the figure passed two stairways, and mutiple, other, rooms, and its objective seemed to be the couples, that Tami put the deputy on alert. As the figure entered the half-light, of the room, where the couples were, one of the women let out a scream, even as Tami brought up the battery-powered lights, which the firm had sent us. What was odd was that we, and the woman, saw the figure, in the half-light, of the moon, yet, as soon as the lights came to power, and lit the room, in that instant, the figure was gone. When a nude male looked around, asking "Whats going on?", Tami called in "I'll be right there". Moments later, Tami was interviewing the couples, about the experience, while I considered why a "ghost" should be afraid of man-made light. It seems that Tami made more progress than I did, since she convinced the couples to re-enact the scene, so that we could see if the ghost was a fluke, or something else. When the lights were turned back off, and the couples returned to their activity, Tami said she felt an "air of excitement", coming from the location. She couldn't explain it, but the atmosphere seemed "charged", as though full of energy. Moments later, an alarm signalled a return of our "friend", the axe-carrying phantom. This time, though, its steps were more profound, as though it was stomping along the floor. As it progressed, it didn't push doors out of its way, then step through. No, this time around, it swung the axe, in attack, at the doors. I could only think that the reason why the couples did not hear the approach was because they were deep in their own activity. This time, the figure did not open the door, leading to the couples. It sank its blade into the door, rippping the door from its hinges. Just as the couples saw the figure, and stood up, to face it, Tami hit the power button, and brought up the lights. Something had changed, though since, this time, the figure did not vanish, as it had, before. Now, it just stood there, looking right at the couples. After a moment, though, it put its head back, then let out a shrill "scream", which sent a chill even through my body, and continued its advance on the couples. Luckily, the couples were smart enough to abandon their positions, forget their clothes, and just ran, for their lives. What puzzled Tami and I was that, while the figure was in foot pursuit, of the fleeing couples, it never increased its pace, to keep up with its intended victims. It just marched along, behind the couples, falling farther behind as the couples ran. While the couples ran, Tami put in a call, to the deputy, who had arrived at the property, only to see what she didn't dare believe. As the couples hid behind her squad vehicle, the deputy watched as the axe-weilder marched up to the property line, then stopped, just as the deputy ordered. As the deputy stood, gun pointed at the figure, and said "Put it down! Now!", the figure did the impossible. It vanished, right before the deputy's eyes. After a moment, of pure disbelief, the deputy shifted her gaze, to the nude couples, wondering what had just happened. Later, after the couples were charged with trespassing, and sent home, the deputy met with us, to discuss the events of the evening. The deputy just wanted a simple case, of trespassing, not a case of "Trespassers chased by axe-weilding ghost". Tami and I agreed that this could be the "official" report, but it was not the report, which we would file, with the firm. Mr. Brown would want the details. We had to "justify" our "expenditure of resources". It was just as we were working up the details, of the case, making sure all was in order, when the emergency alert came in. It seems that another agency operative, a black man, known as Jackson, had turned up missing. Worse, Jackson had been assigned, to the "other" haunting case. The one Tami and I had declined. In record time, the four of us had the plane packed up, and were in the air. Mr. Blue had contacted the pilots to say "Fuel is not an issue. Speed is. I have arranged mid-air re-fuelling. Tanker will meet you, enroute." Sure enough, Mr. Blue was good to his word, and the tanker was waiting for our arrival, but only just. After re-fuelling, I spent the ride contemplating the reason why Jackson had been sent on a haunting case. The man was not a professional "ghost hunter". In fact: According to Jacksons file, Mr. Brown had found the man, purely by accident. The police had arrested Jackson, inside a stolen car, with a drivers side window smashed out. At the time, Mr. Brown was working a missing persons case, when he heard local police say that the scene just didn't make any sense. When Mr. Brown, a "professional listener", stood by, he heard the police talking about a man breaking his M.O., after such a successful career. When Mr. Brown inquired, a police lieutenant gave him the "low-down", on Jackson. According to police, the reason why Jackson had such a thin police file was because Jackson was the most respectful thief the police had, ever, seen. Jackson never broke windows, or forced locks. In fact, his crime scenes were so "clean" that many of his crimes were not reported, until up to a week after the fact. When Jackson burgled a house, he made a point of using rubber-encased "slim-jims", to "boost" windows. No noise, no broken windows. He never made a mess, and he, always, left rooms looking un-touched. As for cars, his "slim-jims" gained him access, and he made a point of never marring his targets. In fact, that was his "calling card". The police knew a Jackson crime, due to the complete LACK of evidence. Still, Jackson had a fatal flaw. From his great-grand-parents days, as slaves, Jackson had inherited a terrible fear, of both ghosts and dogs. This is why, when Mr. Brown recruited the man, telling Jackson "If you come work for me, doing what you do, best, I will promise you better paydays than you dreamed of." When Jackson accepted the offer, he not only found himself with an expense account, but he was, now, HEAD of a team. A team, with specialized functions. One group took care of any animal security, while another group was standing by, afterwards, to receive Jacksons "haul". All Jackson had to do was enter places, without detection, and remove what he was directed to. Mr. Browns firm woud verify true ownership, in advance, then Jackson did his job. A job which not only earned him a handsome salary, but massive bonuses, as well. Yes, Jackson's name was destined to go down, in history, for sure. He was the best there was, at what he did. Thats why it just didn't make sense that the agency would send this prized agent out, of a ghost hunt. When last heard from, Jacksons report said he was checking into some "suspicious activity". Now, the agency was on its way, to locate this man. By the time we arrived, in "Black" ville, Mr. Brown, himself, had conferenced us, in flight, saying we were to land as close as possible to the location he was transmitting to us. Ofcourse, the local police were not happy, when our cargo plane landed in the playground, of a local school. By the time the local sheriff was starting to reprimand our pilots, for illegal land use, the sheriff was silenced as helicopters started landing, on-site as well, and a heavy-lift helicopter landed a mobile command center, on school grounds. In no time, local police were pushed aside, as Mr. Brown, himself, showed up, to take command. Mr. Brown made it clear: "The main thing, here, is to get our man back. Everything else is just a side-dish". Soon after this, a few truck-loads, of Special Forces soldiers, in their black-white-grey uniforms joined us, as we prepared our ground assault. Meanwhile, Jackson sat, silently, in a cell, at a nearby location, as his captors took in the action going on, in town. Jackson knew he would be free, soon, but he just could not believe how easily he, himself, had been fooled. Had the light been better... Jackson watched as his captors prepared for an after-sunset attack, on our command center. He almost laughed as he saw how the "ghosts" had made themselves "partially transparent". Had he known what he knew now... From his cell window, he watched as the "ghosts" applied glowing powder, and paint, but only in selected areas, of each costume. After dark, this would make the riders appear only partially visible, as if they were transparent. Jackson, soon, realized just how dis-organized his captors really were, when two things became very clear to him. For one thing, his captors were dumb enough to suggest, to one another, that ALL black people are fearful, of spirits, and dogs, just because the descendants, of slaves, fear the animals. This is why the captors decided to attack, in costume. They thought that, just because Jackson had been taken off-guard, by the "ghosts", that the black men, among the Special Forces soldiers, massing for the attack, would, also, be terrified of "ghosts". The other thing Jackson became aware of was the groups lack of organization. Fact is, in order to mount the "attack", on the firms forces, the attackers had to deplete their ranks, not even leaving a single sentry, to watch Jacksons cell. Jackson would watch the groups video monitors when, just after sun-set, the "glowing" "ghosts" would ride out, to attack the Special Forces soldiers. Jackson knew that his captors were fools to do this, since Jackson knew of some members, of Special Forces. Soldiers, trained, and drilled, to focus on their mission, and to not be distracted, by anything. When Jackson watched the fools ride forth, howling, and waving, like spirits, he had to laugh at their stupidity. Jackson was just thankful, on this occassion, for the micro-chips, which all agency personnel had embedded, in case of capture. The firm knew exactly where he was, within about ten feet. The soldiers would head directly to his location. While the riders went forth, howling, the soldiers stayed in formation, until the riders were well within striking distance. Instead of running, as rumor should suggest, the soldiers put off short bursts, of gun-fire, which spooked the riders horses, causing the animals to throw their riders. While one group, of soldiers, gathered the riders, and cuffed them, another group would use C-4 to blow the door lock, on the warehouse, where Jackson was being held, and search him out. While the soldiers were penetrating the warehouse, though, Jackson was amazed when he looked at a video monitor, and saw a glowing, green, ghost, floating somewhere near the warehouse. Jackson was impressed by this ghost, since it seemed so "real".. The pranksters must have spent a fortune, on this thing, to make it look so real. Back at the command post, Tami was in her "element", as she interviewed witnesses, who had claimed to see ghosts, and other things. When the soldiers brought in the riders, though, the witnesses insisted that these were not the ghosts, who were known to haunt the area. Most of the witnesses said they could tell that these were fakes. The firm had been called in, to investigate the "REAL" ghosts. Ghosts like a man named Appleton. While Tami was busy with the witnesses, I checked out the riders gear, make up, and horses. I wanted to find out just how much money the financier, of this operation, had invested in the project. From what I could see, though, it didn't appear to be much.. In what seemed to be moments later, a group, of flashlights were seen, coming towards the command center, then we saw Jackson, in the company of the soldiers. As the unit leader would report, there had been no resistance, once the door was breached. Jackson agreed, saying that the group was not well organized, and that they had used all available personnel, for the attack. What baffled everyone was when Jackson complimented the company, on the green ghost he had seen, on the monitors. "It looked so REAL", Jackson would say "I could have reached out, and touched it". When Mr. Brown had no idea what Jackson was talking about Jackson asked "It WAS a fake thing, wasn't it?" Mr. Brown asked that, once Jackson was checked out, medically, that he show some agents, and soldiers, where he had seen this ghost. While Jackson agreed to help, Mr. Brown agreed with the sheriff, and let our pilots move our plane to a local shopping malls parking lot. The rest of the helicopters would, soon, join the plane, except for the soldiers, who would return to their base. Once our plane was relocated, Tami went to work on finding this "Appleton", fellow. About the only real description anyone gave her, about this man, was his love, of GREEN apples. While Tami went on-line, to investigate this "Mr. Appleton", I did my usual checking, of the area. I was curious, about Jacksons description, of the green ghost. Why green? Why not white? It would seem that Tami out-performed me, again. When I returned to the plane, she had a small mountain, of data, for me. The problem, as she said, was the many conflicts, in the data. She would say: "When I ran his name through the search engines, I found references to his being accused of racism, over a deal, for some land. Other references claimed the man was not racist, at all, but a "pillar of the community". About the only thing that I can substantiate is that Mr. Appleton liked the color, green, so much, that he painted his family home, in various shades of the color. That, and the fact, that he planted green apple tree's, on the property." When I asked "What about this land deal?", Tami said "The only thing I found reported was that Mr. Appleton was opposed to the land deal. Most people suspect that it was because he was raised in an all-white neighborhood, and didn't want black people living this close to his home." When I asked "Why do you think differently?", Tami said "After interviewing people, and checking the internet, for this mans love, of green apples, I suspect that it is not racism that caused him to be against this subdivision." When I asked "Why is this?", Tami said "Several locals say that they remember Mr. Appleton having a dream, that he told neighbors about. A dream of planting an entire orchard, of green apples. It may sound weird, but, when I spoke to the owner of the hardware store, he recalls Mr. Appleton once asking him how many different shades of green, that paint could be mixed into. The local landscape shop said Mr. Appleton spent a fortune, on tree care products. Even more than he spent on home improvements. This leads me to wonder if it was the development he was opposed to, or just the land development. If this Mr. Appleton loved trees, so much, he might have felt that the housing was invading natures space." That night, over dinner, Tami and I were considering the case when the power went out. Although the plane was independent, of the local town power grid, Tami and I went outside, to see if there was a problem, with the plane. What we found was what we were not prepared for. Just about ten feet, from the port side hatch, we no-sooner noticed that the entire shopping mall, and the neighborhood was dark, but then we found ourselves facing a twenty foot tall, glowing, green, ghost. When the ghost just stood there, "looking" at us, Tami and I froze, for a second, before we remembered "measurements". With this, Tami walked around the base, of the tall ghost, and, by the "heads" movement, it was watching HER, as well. When Tami re-joined me, then asked the "visitor" "Who are you?", a ghostly voice came forward, saying "Mr. Appleton, at your service", and it was like the ghost bowed to Tami. When Tami said "But you were listed as 5 feet, 8 inches tall, not twenty feet tall", the ghost said " I AM 5 feet 8 inches. What makes your lovliness think I am taller?" Tami asked "Have you checked in a mirror?" When the ghost looked at the ground, then said "Pardon me", it became surrounded, by a green mist (Mr.. Appletons trademark color), and, when the mist faded, the ghost was, in fact, just about our height. For some reason, the ghost said "I cannot stay, long, but I will return. Just dont let them do anything, to my beloved tree's, until I return". Tami and I agreed to do our best. Five minutes later, the lights, and power, returned. A soldier then came to us saying he had thought there was a blow-out, but that all circuits looked fine, and that it was been a power drain, not an overload. Tami openly wondered what it was that Mr. Appleton had wanted us to know? He hadn't even seemed to realize that he was a twenty foot ghost, until Tami mentioned it. What else was he not aware of? While awaiting his next "visit", Tami and I learned that Mr. Appleton had plenty of both supporters, and detractors. His supporters said he was a good man, whose green apples were the best, in the area. He was a bit eccentric, with his love of green, but he was not a bad guy. His detractors called him a racial bigot, who had led a "pampered" life, growing up in an all-white community, and insisting that the current subdivision NOT be built. The detractors insisted that blacks, as well as whites, deserved their place, in this area. They insisted that bigots, such as Mr. Appleton, had no right to prevent them from moving in. When Tami had checked into the accusations, of racism, she un-covered information, which lead the black, local, sheriff, to suggest that Tami was racist as well. Reason: Tami had done an internet search, and found information, stating that, those, who were, now, trying to settle this area, came from a section, of the area, where crime was ten times higher than it was, in the white subdivision. Not wanting to trust local sources, which might be biased, Tami had gone to regional sources, and received identical information. When Mr. Appleton returned, this time, he was not a green "bed-sheet". Instead, he looked just about human. When Tami asked him "Why dont you want those black people living there?", Mr. Appleton, his voice still ghostly, would say "I have nothing against black people. I even work around black people. Some are even friends". When Tami asked "Then, why the green ghost?", Mr. Appeton said "I had a dream. A wonderful dream, of growing green apple trees. I had hoped to start an orchard, but I spent so much time asking for a permit that, I guess, time ran out, for me. Still, even if it is not an apple orchard, it should be natural. I dont think anyone should build on that beautiful land." This is when Tami asked "So you dont want anyone living on that land? Is that right?" Mr. Appleton nodded in agreement. When Tami mentioned "You are breaking the law by trying to scare people away", both Mr. Appleton, and I, looked at her, as if to ask "What are you talking about". When Tami said "What he is doing is harrassment! He could go to jail...", then realized what she was saying. Even I doubted that a judge could convict a ghost. What good would even a life sentence do, if imposed on a dead person? Over the following weeks, Tami did her best to try to negotiate a truce, between those, who were determined to move in, and those who wanted to keep their area the way it had been, for over a century. The closest she came, to a negotiation was a suggestion, to build a wall between the two areas. Let each group stay on its side of the wall. Since the new-comers were determined to stay, regardess of consequences, Tami suggested that each become a gated community. As for Mr. Appleton, we discovered that his reason, for staying behind, was to clear his name, of racism charges, and have people understand his true reason, for not wanting the land developed. Once his true purpose was understood, he departed this world. What was left behind was a raging inferno, which would be left to the spirit world, to "sort out". While the new-comers kept trying to barge onto existing lands, in some sort of "land grab", the old-timers fought back, forcing the new-comers back onto their own land. Then, persons unknown, engaged a spell, which brought spirits to "life", from both sides. In a spook fest, which few would, ever, forget, spirits rose, from the local cemetary, and walked, and flew, around. Ghosts, of all shapes and sizes, rose from their resting places, and "attacked" the living, even as Tami and I tried to figure out WHO might have conjured this "monster-fest". Soon, ghosts were chasing people, and lifting, and throwing, objects, about. One man, who, foolishly, said "I will stand on this spot, until my dying breath", found himself being thrown out of the way, as a spook tossed a safe at the mans position. After more than an hour, of this hooting, howling, cursing, and throwing, event, some senior spirits came forward, telling the new-comers "We came to this land, to live in peace. We died, in search of that peace. If you will not live, in peace, with your established neighbors, then GO! Let us rest in peace." When a new-comer said "But, that means they WIN! How is this fair to US? We have a right to be here, as well" The ghost said "You have a right to live, and be free. It does not have to be here. There are other places, to live, and be free." In the most bizzarre negotiations ever seen, by man, humans, and spirits, would negotiate an ending of hostility, in the area. The terms were simple: Established people would either buy out the new-comers lands, or arrange a trade, for other land, elsewhere. The spirit world would monitor the treaty, and punish either side, if they failed to live up to the treaty. The estabished people would agree that, once the area was vacated, it would be their responsibility, to maintain the land.. The spirits said "We suggest a park, and nature center." When asked why, the spirits said "Nothing makes an old soul happier than the sound of childrens laughter. Best "medicine", in this world, for what ails the body" Tami, later, verified that, as an "extension" of the agreement, several "established" people gave aid, and assistance, to those, displaced, by the events in the area. Since there were still some hard feelings, and the un-answered question, of who hired, and equipped, the fake "ghosts", Tami's final report, on this case, would recommend leaving the case open, just in-active. As we packed up, to leave the area, Tami had just been wondering "Where do you think Mr. Brown will send us, next? Russia, Ireland, maybe the Moon?", when the call did in fact come in. It was Mr. Brown, and he was "live" via conference call: "Tami, Norman, we have a problem. That un-wed mothers home you wanted to investigate? Well, we have some REAL trouble, now. It seems someone has turned the property into a dumping ground. You will receive more information, once on location. This is back to being an active case. Our clients want results, and I expect answers". Well, here we go, again. Another mid-air re-fuelling, and back on duty, in another place, where we were not really welcome. Good news is that the agency informed us that Jackson had made a "full recovery", and that he was going back to what he was, un-questionably, the best at. Upon our arrival, back at the county sheriff's office, Tami and I received a gruesome update. It seems that someone was not happy with the "progress" we had been making, prior to our departure. This person had decided to "up the ante", by adding to the body count. What was bizzarre, though, was the way in which the count was done. According to county records, the bodies, used in the display were not recent deaths. Not recent, at all. According to the deputy, the evidence was collected, after a large fire was reported, at the old home. By the time the police, and fire, departments reached the location, the mass was so consumed that identification was next to impossible. Although the fire was put out, it did not take long to realize what the fire had been made of. When the bodies were taken to the morgue, for autopsy, the coroner made an un-believeable discovery. This discovery tied in with a report, from the local grave-yard. It seems that the perpetrators had dug up several, long dead, bodies, then carried them to the property, stacked them, like a bon-fire, and lit it up. The deputy told us "This wasn't random grave-robbing, either. According to county records, each, of the burned bodies, once belonged to a girl, who had sought help, at the home. Whoever planned this stunt made a search, of our records system, and chose corpses, only of un-wed, pregnant, girls." When Tami asked "Who has access, to these records?", the deputy said "Officially, just the sheriff, myself, the records clerk, and official staff". When I asked "What do you mean, "officially"? the deputy said "You know how it is, with computers, and that blasted internet. I tried to tell the sheriff, the mayor, and the records clerk, that we should NOT have made our records electronic. I warned them that something, like this, might happen, but, no, they wanted to be "up with the times". Now, someone has used our own tech-stuff against us." When Tami asked "When were the computers hacked?", the deputy said "We think it was about a week ago. Maybe right after you encountered that ghost, with the axe". When Tami and I took copies, of the reports, back to the plane, it was not long, at all, before Tami realized what had happened. Her own search showed that an unknown person had made a most methodical search, of birth, and death, certificates, prior to the cemetary thefts. Records had been scanned, and cross-referenced, priot to the body thefts. The thief wanted to be sure that only certain bodies were taken. Only those treated at the un-wed mothers home. I still, remember the look, on the deputies face, as she asked how she should list the overal crime. Sure, she had a charge of vandalism, and grave-robbing, but how would she write up that someone had taken nearly century old corpses, stacked them, on private property, and burned them? Still, Tami felt there was a connection. Was it the radical, religious, group? Was it locals? If so, why? Was there a connection, with the home, beyond its outward apppearance? If it was revenge, or to "make a point", then why wait so long, to make the point? Why not back when the place was open? Why now? Back on "stake-out" duty, Tami and I just sat back, and monitored the grounds, while the police were busy, with the coroner, and the local funeral home, and the process of re-burying the dead, after skeletons were re-assembed. The sheriff told us that he had requested state, and federal, troops, to aid in the crisis, but the D.E.A. was "sucking up" man-power, in a three state radius, for some sort of tactical drill. We were on our own, until whatever it was was over with. During our continuing "stake-out", about all that we had to report, either to the sheriff's office, or to Mr. Brown, was that sightings seemed to be on the increase, since the "bon-fire". When even the deputy said she couldn't understand this, saying that all the bodies were accounted for, and returned to their graves, Tami put forth a notion. "What if the graves were not the place where the women "rested"? When I asked "Do you mean?', Tami said "Yes, I mean that. Maybe the spirits, we are seeing, now, are those of the women who died at the home, maybe even dying in child-birth." When asked about local births, the deputy said that such information was not even kept, in those days. If a woman died, in child-birth, it was listed as "natural causes". When Tami asked about ceremonies, for the dead, the sheriff said "Sheriff Watkins wouldn't allow such things. He was afraid that it would drive needy women away. If a girl died, at the home, more than likely, her body just went to the cemetary, in a quiet ceremony." When Tami asked "Then, HOW did the thieves know which bodies to dig up?" Neither the sheriff, nor the deputy, had any answer, for this. What, soon, surprised both Tami and I was how, as sunset was coming close, the sheriff began to get fidgety. It was like he wanted to be anywhere but where he was. When Tami told him "Dont worry. So far, the spirits we have viewed, here, have not done much harm. Mostly, they just seem to want to scare people. Besides, we are two miles from the home. The spirits never seem to leave the direct property". For some reason, the sheriff got white-knuckled, as he said "I need to be going. I have rounds to make". After Tami showed him out of the plane, she was amazed at seeing the man practically RUN, for the road, where his cruiser sat. She wondered what could have scared him so much. The deputy stayed with us, as dusk, then dark, came, yet she seemed as calm as we wanted to present ourselves as being. As we began our evening, of watching (officially called "monitoring"), the deputy seemed oddly interested in the screens, which showed the various locations, throughout the site. When she asked about "thermal", and "ultra-violet", Tami called up these views, and the deputy said "So, thats what these fancy terms mean. It just means that certain things just show up more." Tami agreed "Basically, its just another way to view things". As the nights session wore on, we did have a few "hoaxes", but these were just locals, out for a thrill. It was not until close to the "Witching" hour, that some real spooks began to show up. Too bad they couldn't, all, appear, at the same place. That would have made the investigation so much easier. As it was, Tami, myself, and the deputy, spent from midnight, until almost 4 a.m., chasing various spirits. The only way we knew they were spirits, though, was because they were partially transparent. No sounds, no wailing, no abnormal movements. In fact, had we not known the place had spirit activity, Tami agreed that she would have mistaken ateast some of the ghosts, for humans, as well. The one thing we couldn't figure out was why, after the fire, we seemed to see MORE of the spirits. Where had the additional spirits have come from? When Tami reported her suspicions, to Mr. Brown, he agreed that it WAS suspicious. It was just too bad that colonial Americans did not keep better records. Who knew how many women had died, in child-birth, and how many of these, were spirits? This is when Tami tried another avenue, of research. Since official records held no clues, Tami decided to check the local womens auxilaries, for information. Her goal being to find out who had been pregnant, and when. While Tami was off, "pounding the pavement", and the deputy went back to the sheriff's office, to see what she could learn, from official sources, I took some leisurely walks (which others would call "patrols") both to check out the property, to see if anything FELT different, and to check our equipment. While on one of these walks, I met Sheriff Watkins, again. To my surprise, he looked just as real as before. Seems like he wasn't sure he was dead. Full uniform, side arm, attention to detail. He was just as pleasant as before, and we walked abut the property, together. In fact, it was HE who told ME that something was either "different", or "strange". When I asked, he said "Feels different. Like something has been added, maybe. I cant really explain it, but I know its different. Something has been added. Something has been BROUGHT here." With that, he turned away, and vanished, in just a few seconds. So, Tami and I were right. Something was going on. That must be why the extra spirits were hanging around. They must feel it as well. But, what was it? While my report, to Tami, was as full of holes as swiss cheese, her report was most enlightening. Ofcourse, she would say that it "cost" her two brunches, two dinners, eight, afternoon, snacks, and atleast four attempts, to mate her with sons, or grand-sons, Tami had managed to learn just how many girls had died, in child-birth, at the home. This, thanks to the memories of some retired nurses, who remembered being aids at the time the home was in operation. While groaning her regrets, about eating so many sugary sweets, as well as the meals, she said her hosts meant well. She was just glad that, by the time the attempted courting was to begin, she felt sick enough that her hosts allowed her to leave. Tami asked me NOT to remind her about the gym. If she didn't get sick, overnight, she estimated some six hours, to work off all that food (and that was provided that she didn't eat breakfast). I never said a word, about her looks, not even about the fact that, with all that food in her, she did, in fact, look pregnant. The difference was that, with the food, it would exit her body, within 24 hours. Not the nine months that a pregnancy would last. When the sugar-rush hit her, at 2 a.m., I joined her, in the gym, since I, too, felt that I had not gotten enough exercise, lately. We would do an intense work-out which, thankfully, had the effect that Tami had hoped for. She emptied her belly, and bowels, at the same time, then returned to our work-out feeling far less wired. When exhaustion hit, I took her to her room, then checked the feeds, before sacking out, myself. No way was I "taking advantage" of her, in her present state. The next day, Tami told me about all of the women, who had died, in chid-birth, in the old days. Methods were crude, and about the only "anesthesia" was hard whiskey. It seems that many girls died, while trying to give birth. According to the count, that Tami logged, the estimate was that four, to five, times as many girls had died, as had been "officially" reported. Ofcourse, not all the girls died of labor-related issues. Tami said the nurses recalled that some women had various diseases, including "social diseases", while others had various pregnancy-related complications. Since everything seemed to be a part, of the naturall process, the deaths were listed as "natural causes". Sure, there were a few suicides, and one, un-verified, possible, homicide, the fact was that these did account for atleast some of the extra spirits. Still, it left the question of "Why here? Why now?" When I told Tami that Sheriff Watkins agreed that "something was different", Tami asked if the trespassers were, in fact, just locals, out for a good time. By now, it must be obvious that they were on scene. After all, our plane had not moved. She wondered if something, more, was going on. The next day, Tami received a "blocked" phone call, which said "Not all the girls have been accounted for. There are more." When Tami asked "How many more", even as I tried to trace the call, the caller said "Ask Elvira. She will know. Ask Elvira", then the voice faded away, and the call ended. When Tami looked at me, and asked "Please tell me you traced that call", I shrugged, and showed her the monitor. According to the planes systems, no call had come. No one had hacked the planes systems, and the local cell-towers recorded no signal. When Tami asked "I wonder who Elvira is?", I asked "What Elvira?". Tami said "If I knew WHAT Elvira, then I would know WHO Elvira is. All the caller said was "Ask Elvira. She will know". Ofcourse, when we went to the police, the very first question was "What is the source, of this information?" Tami decided on a version of the truth. A believeable version. "It was a call, on my cell phone. The caller blocked my caller I.D., but they said "Ask Elvira. She will know"". The deputy said "Sounds like a wild goose chase." When Tami asked why, the deputy said "The last Elvira I knew of, who lived around these parts, died when I was a child. She was just a crazy old hermit, who claimed she could control dark forces. We never paid her no mind, since she was pleasant, when she came to town, and she kept her "secrets" out, at her place. Nice woman, good child worker. She loved to entrance children, with stories, but, since she never scared, or hurt the kids, we let her be." When Tami asked "Where did she live?", the deputy said "She lived out, past the end of town, out in the woods, way, down, close to the river. I wouldn't bother the place, if I were you." When Tami asked "Why?", the deputy said "Elvira claimed she used demons to keep trespassers at bay. We figured that it was just stories, to keep strangers away, like other hermits set bear traps, but no sense risking it". Tami looked at me and said "I think we should risk it". When I asked the deputy "Just how bad are the roads, out there?", The deputy said "sightseers keep the local towing shop in regular business". I said "Got it". I told Tami this was an obvious job, for my Jeep. It would take hours, to find the old womans hut, since the hermits liked their privacy, and covered their tracks, well. It wasn't until we saw something, which Tami said looked similar to a satanic symbol, known as "Mindy's Goat", that we found Elvira's place. It wasn't much. Just a single room, built up, on stilts, probably for the rainy season. It must not have been used, for many years, since the primary scent was that of the river-bank. Going through the place, though, Tami found signs that we were not the first to visit, since Elvira's death. Someone had been here, recently, and they had been looking for something. They must have thought that no one would follow them since they made little effort to cover their tracks. Tami found a book, which someone had left open to a page, which contained some writing, which neither of us could read. I thought about just taking the book, but, out of respect, for the old woman, Tami decided just to record the book, with our digital recorder. I dont know why, but the book made me feel un-easy. Also, for a woman who claimed "satanic powers", it seems odd that her place was a mixture of light, and dark, magic. Almost as if she couldn't decide which to choose. Most of the worst, of the "satanic" stuff seemed to be outside, near the edge of the property. Tami wondered if this was the womans version of a security fence. On the way back to the plane, Tami e-mailed the book to the agency, asking for an English translation. Jackson called, later, on the firms behalf, to let us know that the translation was taking longer then usual, since the language was so old it had not been programmed, into the language translation software, yet. Manual translation would be needed. While the computers "chewed" on the translations, Tami and I would begin to notice something, about our "patrols". It was not long before we began to realize that what we were seeing was NOT just the ghosts, of un-wed mothers, but, rather, "other" spirits. Since Tami was the expert conversationalist, of our team, I let HER handle conversations, with the spirits, while I focused on aiding the ghostly sheriff, in his quest, to find out what had "changed", about the property. I am willing to swear, for the official record, that the sheriff and I cheked the entire grounds, atleast four times, yet came up, empty, for reasons, for the increased hauntings. Good old Tami, though, she "won the race", for information, even before I admitted defeat. According to information, which she had gathered, the new groups, of spirits, were, in fact, the spirits, of the young, whom the homes un-wed mothers had given birth to. According to the spirits, who were willing to chat with my co-worker, it seems that most had spent their human lives trying to track their parents. Much like modern geneology. Several spirits would inform Tami that they had followed "trails", which others had, seemmingly, taken great care, to cover up, yet all seemed to meet tragic fates, once they learned about this "home, for un-wed mothers". Some spirits even gave Tami enough evidence, to back-track their sources, and searches. It would seem that, in nine, of every ten, cases, the spirits had just wanted to know WHO their parents were. Not for blackmail, either. The people just wanted to know who they were, and where they came from. Someone, though, was determined, as in deadly determined, to keep some secrets locked away. Anyone, coming too close, to the secrets, was "disposed of". A background check, with the sheriff's office, would turn up some faint mention, that some politicians HAD visited the home, MANY years ago. The deputy's response was "Big, whopping deal! According to my own grand-mother, several politicians visited the home, over the years, mostly to drum up votes, for compassion, for the "less fortunate". When Tami would ask "Were any of the politicians ever on governing, or oversight, boards, for the home?" The deputy would say "Several, that I can think of. Sometimes, it was the politicians assistance, which helped the home find operating cash. No secret, there. Some were very generous, in helping the home continue operating" When Tami would ask "Just curious, but, HOW generous?" The deputy would say "Now, just hold on there. We are talking about people who, now, hold state-wide office. These are good, Christian, men. Good wives, homes, children. In fact, it was even some of these men who, after funding was bottle-necked, after 9/11, these guys broke through the bottle-neck, and got us some of our best equipment. Didn't have to. Just made sure we had what we needed" After Tami bid the deputy a good day, and returned to our plane, she vid-linked, with Mr. Browns secretary, asking for mmore information. When I returned to the plane, less worn out, than annoyed, saying "No luck, so far. You?" Tami would reply "What would you think of this. A sheriff wants to do a good deed, for his community, so, when a group of young women need a place to stay, the sheriff encourages the commmunity to do the Christian thing, and let the girls stay in the area.. The sheriff even promises that there will be NO "monkey business, since local boys will not be allowed near the women. Once the community is "on-board", the sheriff then recruits some politicians, to serve on the homes operating board. Making sure the home has operating funds. Thje poiticians go above, and beyond, the "call of duty", and why?" When I said "I'm listening", Tami would smile as she said "Because, some of the politicians have created some "business", for the home, themselves. Since they dont want anyone to know what they have been doing, "in the shadows", the politicians make SURE the home has everything it could need.." When I said "Okay, that does make SOME sense. The question is: HOW to dispose of the children, and the mothers. Of those, who did not die, in chilbirth, the others seemed to have just vanished. What did the politicians do? SELL the girls, and the children, to the highest bidder?" Tami would say "Think about it. Politicians have major "pull", just about everywhere. No doubt, records could have been, easily, changed. like even the police have told us, record-keeping was all but non-existant, in those days. Forgeries would have been no problem." When I would say "Circumstantial. Totally circumstantial. If what you are saying is true, then even *I* could, conceivably, have been a father, to one of the children" This would be when another voice would join in, saying "You would be too young, young man" When Tami and I would look to the rear of the plane, we would see an elderly, yet lively-looking, woman, standing inside our plane. When Tami asked "How did you get past our security?" The woman would say "Child, by my age, you too will know many things, which you do not, now, know" When Tami would ask "WHO are you?" The woman would say "I am Elvira" When Tami would ask "What do you know, about us, or this case?" Elvira would say "Child, you visited my home, recently. You said you felt you were being watched. You were right, ofcourse, only not by electronics. Those, of us, in the order, use "alternative means", to go about our business. And, yes, I have known about you since you arrived." When Tami would ask "What can you tell us, about that home?" Elvira would say "Child, I WORKED there, for years. Saw young women come and go. Saw children being born, and taken away." When Tami would ask "Kidnapped?" Elvira would chuckle as she would say "Heavens no, child. In them days, the only un-wed mothers, whom communities allowed, were women whose husbands died of accidents, or natural causes. Un-wed motherhood was a sin, about equal to if a couple walked into a church, and had sex, on the pulpit." When Tami asked "Okay, what DID they do, with the mothers, and children?" Elvira would say "The board arranged for the children to go into what you, now, call "blind adoption". The children were "farmed out", while the mothers were sent off, to other provinces, where the girls could "start over". When Tami would ask "Were the women given a choice, in surrendering their children?" Elvira would say "Child, we are talking of a time, LONG before your so-called "sex-ual re-vo-lu-tion". In MY day, un-wed mothers HID from public view, unless they was widows. Your generation flaunts its in-discretions. In MY day, in-discretions were hidden." When Tami would ask "Do you know what became, of any of the women, or children?" Elvira said "Some of the women wrote, after being settled. Soome became prostitutes, while others worked in bakeries, factories, and so on. Some actually went on, to start new families. It just depended upon what the woman wanted, from life". When Tami would ask "What about the children? What became of them?" Elvira would say "It was so easy, at first. As each child was born, documents would be created, just like any hospital. In our case, though, the children never left, with mothers. The board made sure that cover-stories were as good as possible, including that, in some cases, the parents were listed as "Deceased", and the child listeed as "Orphan". That was the easiest, and most often used, cover." When Tami asked (and I just listened) "You said it was so easy, but only at first. What changed?" Elvira would say that, over the years, as children grew up, and wanted to know why they were, sometimes, "different" from their parents, some began to ask questions. When they did, the board did its best to bury any possible trails. Some of the children were just so stubborn, though. It is sad but the investigations had to be stopped.." When Tami asked "You mean?" Elvira said "Please understand. It was the LAST course of action. The board tried, for years, to stop investigations. False leads, the works. Even long after the home had been closed, and was empty, children just would not "let go". This is why the decision was, finally, made. It was not meant to hurt the children, but to protect the homes history. The home did some mighty good things, during its time, and many women were aided. Links just had to be buried, to protect people". When Tami asked "Would you be more specific, about this "final option" thing?" Evira said "This option was discussed, from the beginning, and not just the board, but the sheriffs office, and the community, ALL agreed, that this would be the very LAST thing that would be tried.." When Tami suggested "So the politicians made it possible for un-wanted children to be adopted out, while mothers began new lives. Right?" Elvira would say "You dont have to make it sound so dirty. I happen to know that several, of the children, made out, very well, in life". When Tami asked "What was the politicians "price"? For their aid and assistance? Maybe, have some fun, with the girls? Maybe, bring in some girls they already had "fun" with? Why would the politicans work so hard, to help such a place succeed?" Elvira would say "Despite what you may THINK, YOUNG lady, our board was made up of decent, honorable, men. Sure, they may have had some "fun", at times, but not one of them ever abused the services, of the home. Everyone considered it to be like a house of worship. NO hanky-panky went on, there. I guarantee it" When Tami would ask "Then, WHY have the spirits waiited so long, to make themseves known?" Elvira would say "Spirits, they be tellin me that the souls needed time to learn to use powers. Sad thing is, the souls can, never, find what they want to find. It just aint here" When Tami would ask "Then, WHERE is "it"? Elivira would say "For each of them, it be where they momma's be buried. Everyone in a diff'rent place, they be." This is when I would ask "So, WHAT lead these souls to this place? How do we send them on their way?" Elvira would say "I been talkin to them, for weeks, now. Many just find it tough to move on. They be wantin answers, which they keen never be havin. The board made this promise to every girl who came through the front door. Everything was discreet." When Tami would ask "Just how many souls are there, at this time?" Evira would say "I am thinkin there be maybe twenty, or so, left. At my age, it just be more tirin, to work, especially with those who wont leave, without answers. I be takin a few days off, then I go back to work. Maybe be done, in a month, or so." When Tami would ask "What then?" Elvira would say "Only the "watch-keepers" spirits wil remain. The one who guards this place, and sends the spirits on, to me" I did not envy Tami's final report, on this place.. Young women. Un-planned pregnancies. A board of directors, which were experts, at manking people "vanish". Worst of all. A protocol, which, if all else failed, meant the extermination, of anyone, who got too close, to the well-kept secret. Tami and I had to spend a full day, turning facts into generalized statements.. Tami would tell me "I REALLY hate to lie, to the boss, but what happens if we tell him the truth?" I told her "More than likely, we, eash "eat" a bullet". This is why Tami and I would make our report as general as possible. The only thing we would, really, define, was that axe-weilding specter. According to Elvira, this demon was a "costume", which was the only thing which seemed to scare people off, nowadays. The "watch-keeper" wished for the "good old days", when just some moans, and chain rattles, scared humans away. Nowadays, there was just too much horror, in motion pictures, and REAL spirits hhad to become much more agressive, in order to prevent humans from trampling a ghosts haunting grounds. The demon was the "watch-keepers" only way to scare hummans away, nowadays. The spirit did not like having to scare people, but we, blasted humans just kept "butting in", and had to be scared off. Once the report was filed, Tami and I would buckle in, for the ride back to town. Back at base, though, "Good Old" Mr. Brown woud no-sooner be congratulating us, on yet another case solved when, just as we suspected, he would ask "While you are here, I would like you to review another file. This is an odd one, even for us. I just want to know if you feel it is worth even investigating..."

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