Friday, April 8, 2016


THE HAUNTING PAST: MYSTERY OF THE AIRCRAFT DESIGN One would think that, after our successes, with both Delcon's village, and the alleged bordello, cases, that Tami and I would be due a few days rest. After all, it would be thanks to our detection work that the way had been cleared, for the expansion, of gambling, on two, prime, properties. Then, again, as even our retired pilots would suggest, "In the military, the "reward", for success, is double-time, and a swift kick in the (censored)". Sometimes, we wondered if Mr. Brown enjoyed keeping us busy, with mission after mission. Tami and I would only consider this, until we remembered Mr. Brown having told us that "The cases you will be working on are so unusual that no regular detective will risk their reputation, pursuing any leads". Mr. Brown had even admitted that, among his own staff, personnel were much more willing to be suspended, or reprimanded, than to have to work these kind of cases. In short summary, no other detectives wanted any "connection" with either those horrible movies, from the 1980's, the cartoons, or even the 1975 television series. No other detective wanted to be seen as hunting "Casper, the friendly ghost". This is why Tami and I had enough back-log, of cases, to keep us busy, for years to come. It remained that Tami and I were the only detectives, willing to take on the "cause", of lost souls, seeking either "release", or "justice". This is why, as we cruised, to our next case, Tami opened up the file, and we read through the contents. If the contact was accurate, it would seem that an assembly line was having trouble. Something to do with the latest generation of stealth aircraft. If the allegations were correct, at the end of each day, the prototypes were being locked away, in a secure area. No one had after-hours access, and the security staff verified, on multiple occassions, that locks remained in place, overnight. Come the dawn, though, security checks would find all electronics stripped out of the planes, as well as the indestructable window panes pulled out of frames. The aircraft plant wanted an investigation, primarily to find out if its human work-force was responsible, and for what reason. If humans were responsible, the company was prepared to prosecute. The problem was TIME. It would seem that the manufacturer had a deadline, to meet, and they needed a working line, and whole prototypes, to show to the U.S. Air Force. Prototypes which, if successful, would make even Ghost Ship Two look like a Ford Model "T", by comparison. According to what little information, which the Brown Agency had been able to acquire, it would seem that these would be the first generation, of "ultra-stealth" bombers, which would be capable of flight as fast as mach-four. The concept was that these bombers would fly so fast, while being invisible, to radar, that, by the time enemy forces knew that bombers were coming, the bombs would be dropped, and the planes halfway back to home bases. After what had happened, to the world, post September 11th, 2001, though, Tami and I were hesitant to take this case. That is, until we were offered an all-expense paid weekend, at a luxury resort, dependent on the successful completion, of the case. Tami and I just wondered WHY the firm had even offered to clear a parking lot, for our plane, to rest on. We questioned if this space should not have been devoted to the company's work-force, instead of a couple of visitors. Tami found the answer, to this question, even before we landed. While enroute, Tami had linked, to the company's web-site, and found that the company was down-sizing its American operations, and that four, of its plants, had, already, closed. Hence the fact that a parking lot was, now, available. This left the opening question of if the staff MIGHT be suspects, in any vandalism. After setting Ghost Ship Two upon the broken asphalt, of the parking lot, it would seem that Tami and I had arrived, at an in-opportune time. Specifically, at a moment, when the boss was trying to decide what to do with three, closed down, assembly warehouses. It seems that, while the buildings stood, local government wanted the tax, since the land was "in use". This "tax" was money, which the boss wanted, for himself. The problem was how expensive demolition would be, including waste clean-up. When the boss mentioned "Too bad we cant lease the space out, as luxury condominiums". The worker would say "No way will the city approve ANY work, until the site is "cleaned up". When Tami decided to suggest "Why not donate it, to the city, maybe as a homeless shelter?" The boss would look at Tami, asking "Who, the hell, are you?" When Tami smiled, and said "The Brown Agency sent us. Seems you may have a problem, which we can help you with". The boss was not-at-all polite as he growled "Get lost! Both of you. We can handle this, ourselves". Just a moment later, when an overhead crane broke loose, the bosses aide had to knock the boss out of the way, to avoid the man being crushed, by the crane. When Tami would ask "Are you sure you dont want our help?" The man would growl "I dont need no blasted Ghost-Busters". The situation is being handled". When Tami would ask "How, may I ask?" The boss would growl "None of your business". It would be at this moment when the aide would say "We THINK we found the perpetrators, of these "accidents", and the people are being fired, as we speak". When the boss growled "I said shut UP!", then stormed away, the aide said "Believe it or not, this is a GOOD day, for him". When Tami would ask "Who is being fired, and on what grounds?" The aide would say "We found some scraps, of paper, bearing fingerprints. Workers admitted the scraps belonged to them". When I asked "For what reason were the workers carrying the scraps?" The aide said "The boss didn't ask. Just fired them, on the spot." As the three of us began to walk into the assembly plant, the worker would tell us "Odd thing is, the workers acted like the drawings were the most natural thing in the world." When Tami would ask "Anything else "odd" going on, around the plant, besides the vandalizing, of the planes?" The aide would slip Tami a note, as he, verbally, said "Lady, I have no idea what you are talking about. The two of you should leave, now." Back at G.S.2, when Tami would ask "WHY would workers be carrying drawings, with them?" I would suggest "For the same reason why my fathers employer had him bring home blue--prints, of the company's latest products. I would bet that, like my father, the workers were team leaders, and the drawings were to provide visual aides, when subordinates had questions". Tami was about to ask me something, when she felt inside her pocket, and removed the note the aide had given her. All it said was "Not here. Kelly's Bar. three hours". When Tami went on the computer, to find this Kelly's Bar, she, also, found a reason why workers were upset, with the company. The towns web-site was full of comments, about the fate of the town, once this final factory shut down. Nearly all of the comments stated that it was predicted that the town would cease to exist, once this last employer was gone. There were other comments, including the one about the local Job Service office openly lying, about un-employment, as the factory closed. It seems that the public was not happy, with their state listing, as un-employed, ONLY those who were eligible for Un-Employment Benefits. Some comments speculated that actual un-employment was ten times, maybe fifty times what the agency was WILLING to report. Tami and I thought it funny that this state, like our home-state, had the policy only to report un-employment based only upon ACTIVE benefits files. Any time a workers benefits ran out, or the workers job did not make them eligible, for benefits, to begin with, the state refused to list them as "Un-Employed". Tami also found that divorces were excellerating, even as people were looking for ways to leave this "dying berg". It was only after an article, which stated that divorces were out-pacing marriages, by 100-to-1 that Tami found the address, to Kelly's Bar. By the time the aide, a man named Mike, met us, at the bar, Mike would tell us "I really dont think those workers had a thing to do, with the vandalism." When Tami, who was on her third iced tea, while I was on my forth, asked "How can you be so sure of that?" Mike would say "You wont believe this but not only were we guys having a friendly card game, but I recall how bright the moon was, on each of the nights." When Tami asked "How can you be so sure?" Mike looked around the bar, then whispered "When you have to "go", you dont want to wait in line, for the bathroom. I "watered" my friends lawn, a few times." When Tami asked "The moon?" Mike would say "I noticed that, as I did my "thing", each time, that I could see my shadow. And this was late evening." When Tami suggested "A full moon?" Mike would say "I am almost certain of it. In fact" Mike would look around the bar, again, as he asked "What would you say if I told you that I checked the calendar, going back months, to see what I could find, I think that most of the events, that I know of, have happened, during the full moon. How crazy is that?" When Tami asked "I noticed that the town web-site is full of comments, about the plant closing. Is that true?" Mike would say "That is why the boss is releasing people from their jobs. He says Americans as "too expensive". Claims he can get cheaper labor, in third world nations." When Tami asked "Does he have any nations in mind?" Mike would say "Plenty of talk, about China, North Korea. Places like that". Tami would look at me, as I whispered "Communist nations. Employers can pay ten cents per day, in wages, since the Communist Party supplies food, clothing, shelter, and education. All free of charge." Mike would add "Dont forget the secret police, and being arrested, and tortured, anytime the government wants to". I would correct Mike, saying "I never said Communism is good. I am, simply, saying the main reason why employers LOVE these nations. Non-existant wages, and management profits, to the max." Mike would smile as he said "While Americans starve, in the streets, and sleep in gutters". Mike would, then, give a wicked smile. When Tami would bring us back, on topic, asking "You said you did some checking, on your own. About the moon?" Mike would say "Yeah, I did some checking. Checked the incident reports, against the moon. MY thought was that vandals were using the full moon to light their way, while they did their "dirty-work". I have checked the property, several times, trying to find evidence, of a break-in, especially in places, where moon-light would be brightest." When Tami would ask "What did you find?" Mike would say "All I can say is that, with two exceptions, which I THINK the boss did, himself, the rest, of the vandalism, coincides with the full moon." When Tami would, softly, say "Great". Mike would say "Not so great." When Tami would ask "What do you mean?" Mike would say "I checked the area's, to see if anything was broken, or forced. Evidence of a break in". When Tami would say "Let me guess" Mike would say "No evidence, of anything. Either the vandals had keys, or the guards are lying, about not seeing anything. I just wish I could shake this "full moon" thing. I just dont know why, but I think it is significant" Mike, then, slipped us an envelope, UNDER the table, whispering "Here is everything I have, so far. Take care of it, just in case". (Why did I think that this was the last time we would be seeing Mike?) Back at G.S.2, Tami reviewed what Mike had collected, while saying "Amazing job, of gathering evidence. Mr. Brown would be proud of the man". When I would ask "Anything I should know about?" Tami would show me the information, from the envelope. Sure enough, Tami was right. This was not just some random scribblings. This was written like a report, including a time-line. If it was correct, though, we had not only the full moon oon our hands, but a possible ghost, out for revenge. While I did what I could, to scout the town, to see if there might be any natural explanations, Tami did what she was the very best at. She would, on numerous occassions, have to remind people, that we were NOT working for the plant boss. (A man whom, it seems, the entire town hated). Once Tami began winning peoples respect, and trust, she would begin hearing the same story, multiple times. Some story, about an inventor, who enjoyed designing, and building, model air planes. The problem was local air currents. The complaint was that normal airplane shapes shook to pieces, or crashed, when the winds got "nasty". Something Tami thought meant "Sudden change of wind direction". It would seem that, a man, named Richard, had spent years, working on an airplane design, which would work in even the most un-predictable winds. In fact, a design, which could slice through any air current, with ease. Locals knew the planes existed since, despite the fact that another young man had told Richard NEVER to let the planes be seen (For fear of design theft), Richard had tested the planes, to see how they handled the weather. Then came the point, where the young man had left town, for a short while. Just as the man was returning to town, Richard was served with a court order, to turn over all of the designs, and prototypes, to the other man (Who, it seems, had left town, to file for a patent, on the airplane design.) Since no one had known of such a previous design (and since the other man made a point of paying off the press NOT to include the local paper, in the response time, for challenges, to the design), the true inventor had been ordered to turn his creation over to the thief. A man whom, as locals claimed, had smiled, BRIGHTLY, as he stole his friends work. The courts, also, wanted NO part, in the inventors legal challenges, against the patent holder. The man was told "Deal with it!" As to whether the inventor committed suicide, or was murdered, that was a topic, which the police could do nothing about. Locals claimed that the inventor either killed himself, in a fit of grief, over his stolen design, OR that the patent holder had the man killed, to both silence the man, and to prevent further inventions, which would give away who the TRUE inventor was. What Tami and I, both heard, was that there had NEVER, been any "activity", at the plant site, until after the inventor had died. When we asked if people were certain, about this, both young, and old, said the plant had been the "life-blood", of this community, for nearly two centuries. The general suspicion, in the area, was that either the inventors ghost was seeking "justice", over the stolen patent, OR that the ghost was trying to prevent any sale, and closure, of the plant. (After all, what company wants to own a "haunted" factory?) By the time Tami and I returned to G.S.2, we found that we could have written one anothers notes. Everyone thought the ghost was involved. When Tami asked me "What do you think?" I asked how far away the next full moon was. As though "toying" with us, the next full moon cycle was "non-existant". Meaning, full cloud cover, for the entire week. The weather channels claimed there was a "front", from the west coast, which was dumping foul weather over the area. The "front" was large enough, and slow-moving, enough, that it took eight days, to pass overhead. This would be one of those times when Tami and I were glad that this planes designers had spent millions of dollars on stealth. Fact is, one evening, the only way we knew a severe thunderstorm was raging, outside, was due to flashes, through the portholes. That, and the drizzle, on the glass. It would seem that G.S.2 was stealthy enough that wind passed right around the plane, like we were not even present. That, and the fact that we never heard a single thunder-clap. Thanks to the planes on-board exercise center, and a hold, full of rations, all we could report, to the Brown Agency, for days, was "Storms continuing. Will plan for the NEXT full moon". It would be three days, into the last quarter, of the moon, before the "front" passed by. Never had this plane shined, so brightly, as it did, after a few days, of severe rain. While the boss was busy, firing workers, as each phase, of the new planes construction was being finished, Tami and I were acting as most of the workers were. Just trying to AVOID the boss, as much as possible. In our case, though, we did not want fights, over where we were placing our equipment. I have to admit that the boss really seemed to take GREAT PLEASURE, in firing people. Nothing seemed to make him happier than when workers left the factory, in tears. As for those who left the property, silently, the boss would call all kinds, of insults, at them. His main item, which he told, to ALL, departing, workers, was "Dont even THINK about putting this place on your resume. I will deny that you, ever, worked, here." Was it really workers, in hiding, who were tossing tools, at the boss, as he warned people that he would deny their employment? According to security guards, who came up, behind the tool bench, when the boss shouted "Security, ARREST anyone, who is back there, throwing tools at me!" When a security officer would say "Theres no one back here. Just some tools." The boss would say "Then YOU are FIRED". The officer seemed, almost, relieved, at the news. It was on the third night, of the first quarter moon, when Tami and I verified what Mike had said, about the boss causing some of the damage, himself. Although we had not seen Mike, since the Kelly Bar, we were on "casual stake-out", when thermal picked up movement. Whomever it was, was wearing heat-cloaking clothing, but not properly. The fool forgot to zipper the suit, to the neck. Thermal showed the zipper was down to the belly. Donning our night-vision goggles, Tami and I went "hunting", to find out just WHO our "guest" was. And, just as Mike had predicted, it was the boss man. We watched, and recorded, as the man put together an incendiary pipe bomb, then attached a primer cord. In fact, he was just about to set off the explosive when Tami asked "And, just WHAT do you think you are doing?" When the man asked "What? Whose there?" We realized that not only had the man bungled his heat signature, he had not even brought night-vision gear. When Tami stepped forward, and identified herself, the man would say "You have NOTHING on me" Tami asked "You want to bet?" When the man, sarcastically, asked "And just WHAT does young pretty ass think you have, on me?" Tami would say "Thats right. You dont have night vision gear, do you." When the man asked "Whats that?" Tami would say "It lets you see, at night. Oh, and dont bother going for that gun, in your holster". When the man asked "What gun?" Even as he drew the weapon, and fired at the sound, of Tami's voice. When Tami said "Nice try. Better luck next time.", then added "By the way, we have recorded you, setting that explosive. I am sure that the police will want to see that". When the man said "Ha! I OWN the police, in this area", Another voice would join us. But it was a voice which we did not recognize. It was a voice which said "You dont OWN ME, or them." When Tami asked "To whom am I speaking?" The voice would say "My apologies. I am Richard. The TRUE inventor, of those planes." When Tami asked "May I see proof of this?" Richard would, no-sooner, say "Certainly, dear lady", when the boss would say "Impossible! I conficated every bit of what you had. There is nothing left, to find!" Richard would, politely, say "That you KNOW of, that is". When the boss grew snide, saying "I DEMAND everything, which you have!" Richard would ask Tami "Does he understand that I am no-longer alive?" Tami would say "Doubtful." Richard would, then, tell the boss "Any contracts, which might have bound my Earthly body, became null, and void, when I was murdered". When the boss growled "But I FILED the PAPERS! Your LIFE belongs to me". Tami and I wondered if the man realized he was talking to a spirit. A person no longer alive. When Richard would remind the man "That may have been true, while I was ALIVE, by now?" Still, the boss did not comprehend, even when Richard became a full form apparition, then stepped THROUGH the wall, of the building, and slipped the pipe bomb back outside, laying it at the bosses feet, saying "I think this belongs to you". When Tami would ask Richard "Would you mind some conversation?" Richard would bow to Tami, as he said "I would LOVE to. Being dead is just not as glamourous as it is hyped up, to be". When the three of us went to walk away, we heard the boss call out "I will have a restraining order, by tomorrow evening. You will, ALL, be in jail". Tami and I laughed at this, while Richard gave a questioning look, back at the boss. When Richard, then, looked at Tami, she said "Yes, I know". Back at G.S.2, Richard would say "Wow, I have wanted to see this thing, since you arrived." When Tami asked "You KNEW we were here?" Richard would say how impressed he was, with our plane. Especially how it handled the recent storm. When Tami would ask "Why did you not come forward, sooner?" Richard would say "Everyone, I have appearred to, so far, has this look, of terror, in their eyes. Its like I am some demon, from a horror movie. You, two, are my first, REAL, contact, in "ages". As the conversation progressed, throughout the night, Tami and I learned that Richard would have been a reall "rising star", in the developing technologies field, except for the fact that he had no college degree. As a result, no one would hire the man, for more than manual labor. Just too many people, out there, with degrees, looking for work. Since Richard said it was important for people to know, first and foremost, that he believed that he had NOT taken his own life. When Tami asked "What happened?" Richard would say "I went to bed, considering if I had any options, in this community. Then, I THOUGHT I heard a sound, then blackness." When Tami suggested "So, someone was INSIDE your place, when you came home". Richard would say "Possibly. Either that, or their entry awakened me. I remian un-certain, of which." When Tami would ask "What did the coroner have to say?" Richard would say "That is what was so odd. I seem to recall overhearing the men talking. The coroner was saying "Its just standard procedure", while the boss was saying "No! I dont want any investigation. Do you hear me?" When the coroner would say "But the law says it is to be done" The boss would say "Just file a report, listing cause of death as "Unknown". When Tami would wonder "I wonder WHY the man did not WANT the cause of death, to be known, unless..." She knew that I understood, as well. The boss did not want an investigation, since the clues would point to himself. I dont, really, know what time I fell asleep, but I know I did not make it to bed. In fact, come morning, I woke up, stiff, and sore, on one of the planes couches. In fact, I think that the co-pilot woke me up, saying "You are not going to believe this." When I asked "What TIME is it?" The co-pilot would say "14:25. But this is more important." When I asked "What is?" The man told me "Take a look". It would seem that the pilots had downloaded a video, of the towns courthouse. It was time-stamped that very morning. The video showed the boss man being lead from the courthouse, wearing a straight-jacket. A reporter was saying "Local businessman sent for a "rest", after asking a judge for a restraining order, against a GHOST." Judge Benson Peterman suggested the man be sent, to a local psychiatric unit, for a "rest" after the man not only insisted that his property is "haunted", but that the man wanted an order, restraining the ghost , from "speaking" to anyone. Judge Peterman issued his remarks, in a statement, reminding the public "Statutory Law applies ONLY to the LIVING. This court has no authority over the deceased." The pilot laughed at this, saying "Can you imagine?", then thought of one of our PAST cases, and said "Sorry", to the room, in general. While Tami and I had to refresh ourselves, for the coming events, Richard just waited, patiently, saying "I have all eternity". Once we were ready, Richard lead us to a place only HE knew about. He would say "I like to call it my OWN bat-cave". Tami and I could see why. After all, the place had shelves, with dozens of "action figures", fom the classic Batman television series, as well as the "bat-equipment". Amid all of this classic memorabilia, Richard had his own work bench, including tools, and supplies. "It was HERE that I created the designs, for the plane, which the company is manufacturing. In fact, over here", showing us another table, "This is where I kept my favorite "disasters". The models, which, never, quite, worked." Tami and I noticed that what was spread, before us, on the table, was the result of a lifetime, of dreams and hopes. If ONLY Richard had gone for a degree, he would be RICH, today. Maybe even alive. Richards only request "Make sure that the RIGHT people receive this stuff. I want the right people to enjoy what I tried to make, for them". Richard then made out a list, of who would receive what. Shortly after Tami and I delivered the "gifts", to locals, some corporation came to town, insisting that everything be turned over, under Patent Law. When Judge Peterman asked the corporate representative "Do you understand that the law ONLY applies to the LIVING? The courts have no jurisdiction, over the deceased." It was when the corporate rep would ask "The deceased? WHO is deceased?" The judge would say "The creator of the items you are claiming." The rep, it seems, had no response, to this, except to leave town, quietly. Once Richard knew his works were delivered to the intended receivers, Richard would, again, request that Tami inform the plant workers that Richard never meant anyone any harm. He was just angry that his invention was stolen, and that the courts refused to take any action. Yes, during moments, of rage, he HAD entered the factory, after hours, and ripped components to pieces. He had, even, removed parts, from mahines. This is why machines would stop working, for no apparent reason. Richard had said "These actions I took, when I was angry. I never meant to harm friends, or relatives. Please express my deepest apologies". When Tami would promise that we would make sure that word got around, Richard would ask "What happens, now? Do I got straight to Hell, for my post-life actions?" Sure enough, Mother Superior would appear, as if on cue, saying "Sir, I do believe that, if I were in your position, I would have done the same. Besides, according to Gabriel, your ledger page has far more GOOD, than bad. This is why I was sent, to collect you. I just hope you find Heavens workshop to be as interesting as your Earthly one is." When Richard would ask "Can I collect whats in my shop?" Mother Superior would say "No need. Everything you will want, or need, is ready for you." then, to Tami and I, Mother Superior would say "Gabriel is most pleased, with your actions, as well. Keep this up and I can promise you a place, in Heaven". All I could think of was "What did we do?" All we do is aid the deceased, in finding peace. It was not like we were building homes, for the homeless. We were not fixing meals, for homeless shelters. We were not even volunteering, in childrens services. Still, somehow, Tami and I were ending up on everyones "Go To" list. Even as Tami was preparing the final report, for the Brown Agency, on the inventors ghost, leaving the question, of the manufacturing plant hanging, for the time being, she would, also, review some recent messages, from her sister, Crystal. It seems that Crystal was having trouble, not only sleeping, but coping, with an un-relenting dream, about a local house. Ofcourse, Crystal would speak to her sister, and the family, in general, about the dreams. Yes, in my opinion, Tami's family was what I would call an "average, American, family". Their membership supported one another, and defended one another, as well. I wondered what it would be like, to belong to such a family. Oh, well. Life, and Death, go on...

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