Monday, April 18, 2016


THE HAUNTING PAST: THE SEARCH FOR INGVAL In accordance with Tami's agreement, with Amma-to-Lose, Tami had begun the process, of attempting to locate a man, named Ingval McGuffin. As Tami would, later, regret, saying "How hard can it be? How many men could have been named Ingval McGuffin?" As Tami tapped into our "life-time" subscriptions, to various, ancestry, sites, Tami would be left speechless by the sheer number, of references, which she found. To make matters worse, though, only men, from the past two centuries, had photographs. When Tami switched her search, from men with photo's, to men, born centuries before Christopher Columbus had become the official, Christian, discoverer, of America, Tami found herself facing a list, of hundreds, of men. Although Tami wished she could use descriptions, such as height, weight, color of hair/eyes, and so on, for narrowing her search, Tami was startled by the fact that, because photography was only around 175 years old, that such descriptions were hard to come by. Especially when dealing with people, who had lived well over 1,000 years ago. Tami just regretted it when she found herself having to try to inform Amma-to-Lose's spirit, that there were just too many Ingval McGuffins, to narrow the search to less than 1,000 men. Each, of the numerous times, when Tami would visit the cemetary, to whisper "I am so sorry. I just did not think there would be so many Ingvals". If only Amma had provided us with things, such as a village name, the mans profession, or something else, vital, Tami would have made more progress. As it was, unless Ingval knew, to come to US, finding HIM would be more difficult than finding Earth, starting from the Andromeda Galaxy. Sure, there were plenty of STORIES, which described tall, muscular, men, however, this left the question of fact versus fantasy. Just how MANY descriptions, were made by men, who THOUGHT of themselves as this kind of man? This, versus, how MANY were by women, who were describing their fantasy men? Even artists, and sculptors, were, and are, notorious, for adding details, which did not, actually, exist. Tami would be laying her ninth, friendship, rose, on Amma's grave, when Mother Superior would appear, saying "My child, you actually feel that you have let her down?" When Tami would bow her head, whispering "Yes, I do. I just never thought that a name, like Ingval, would be so common, in the distant past". When Mother Superior would ask "So, you checked all of those computer things, and came up, empty, correct?" Tami would nod even as Mother Superrior would remind her "My child, those computers, of yours. Do you, not, remember what came before those creatures?" When Tami would mention "I checked with Vital Records as well. Nothing, going that FAR BACK.". Mother Superior would ask "And, WHERE did you find answers, to guide your quest, regarding the Egyptian boat? The Gargoyles?" Tami would admit "Church records, and family Bibles. I just dont know WHERE to search, for information, which is that OLD" When Mother Superior would offer "Permit me to discuss this information, with the local sisterhood. Perhaps the sisters might be able to guide you onto the correct path". When Tami would say "Thank You, Mother Superior", Mother Superior would say "Do not thank me, now. Your journey is just beginning. Many perils await you. The road, ahead, will not, always, be clear". Tami thought the nun meant that Tami and I were going on another ghost hunt. Tami had no idea that Mother Superior was speaking of something else. When Tami caught up with myself, and the pilots, she was both relieved, and concerned, when she found the three of us practicing, at a shooting range. When Tami asked "Male bonding?" The pilots would say "No, maam. Teaching your boy, here, how to shoot." When Tami would ask "What good are bullets, against the dead?" The pilots would laugh as they agreed "Maam, sharp-shooting is not just for killing. It has many purposes, including hand-eye coordination". When Tami would say "Big deal! So you learn how to shoot" The co-pilot would say "Maam, you dont understand. Sharp-shooting is the best way to avoid killing, by accident. After all, a well-placed, non-lethal, shot, is better, for interrogation, than a killer shot". When Tami would ask "Shoot first, ask questions, later?" The co-pilot would correct her "Wound, first, then converse, while suspect is resting". Sure, the topic, of "Shoot to wound" was controversial, to say the least. However, more often, command wanted prisoners, to interrogate. Soldiers were being taught to dis-arm, not terminate, subjects. When I would ask "Tami, did you bring us some news?" Tami would re-track her thoughts, saying "I just saw Mother Superior, at Amma's grave. I informed Mother Superior, about Ingval. Mother Superior thinks she can enlist the aid, of the local convent, with the search." When I said "YOUR department", Tami would say "Come on. Th convent does NOT think you are so bad... for a man". I would remind my partner "Remember how upset Mother Superior was, when she found me huddling with that nun? This, while the nun was showing me some old landmarks?" Tami would say "Good grief. As Mother Superior reminded the head nun, you were not seducing the nun, or having sex". I reminded Tami "The woman, still, gave me an icy glare, whenever she saw me". Tami would roll her eyes then say "Okay, I will handle the convent. IF you will agree to do the surveys". I was more-than-happy to agree to my favorite duty. For me, there was nothing better than surveying places, and trying to visualize what had been around, in the past. When the living Mother Superior agreed to allow me the assistance, of two, young, nuns, saying that the girls were "Horticulturists", I accepted the aid, while asking Mother Superior "I could use someone, with historical knowledge, as well". Mother Superior would say "Ofcourse". Just dont ask me HOW, or WHY, I ended up with four, young, nuns, and a 40-something nun, to work with. Personally, I was just grateful to be OUTSIDE of the churches walls. I, still, recall how intensely, my every move was scrutinized, the previous time I was within the convent walls. (No repeats wanted). I did think it was funny, how much time Tami began spending, practicing her best "Sunday School, and Chruch", behavior, during our time, working with the nuns. Tami and I even continued our research, after Mr. Brown contacted us, saying "The next few cases, which were lined up, seem to have gone quiet. At this time, contacts say to "Let sleeping dogs rest". Mr. Brown would continue "I do have something, which might be coming your way. Some European spirit. Something about a drunk, who gets rowdy. Tell me, do you think that spirits can get drunk?" Even Tami and I had no answer, for that. After all, how often does one get the chance to have a real conversation, with a spirit?" It would seem that, not log after my group began analyzing a landscape, while Tami's group, "dived" back into the records section, that our divergent searches came together. Although we found MANY "Ingval McGuffins", throughout history, it would seem that we had to look much father BACK, in time, than just the past 1,000 years, to find Amma's uncle. In fact, when the living Mother Superior suggested we attempt to track Ingval, via Amma-to-Lose's own life, we ended up having to dust off records, which would have made Columbus's logs seem, almost, "State of the art", by comparison. In fact, we ended up having to "route" a request, via the Vatican, to find out in what LAND Amma-to-lose had been born, as well as at what POINT, in history. The Vatican would "route" our request through the churches of Ireland, Sweden, and Scotland, before our search came anywhere NEAR Amma's time. I mean, we were talking "major league" B.C.E., here. It was no wonder that later Vikings had found only a skeleton, to bury, while, still later, in history, the European Christians found even less "markers". As near as the international faiths could learn, Amma-to-Lose had been born somewhere around 5,000 B.C.E., and she had died somewhere near 4,900 B.C.E. This would mean that Ingval should have been born sometime around 5,050, and 5,100 B.C.E. I would have wondered WHY the church had bothered to keep such old records, then I remembered that some churches had been tracking Christ's own family, since the time of Mary, and Joseph's, own grand-parents. For some reason, some groups insisted that the "royal blood line", of Jesus Christ, had meant that the man possessed gold, or jewels. As a result, some fortune hunters had spent the past 2,000 years, searching for treasure chests, which they believed a "royal blood line" meant. IF people could be this fanatical, about a 2,000 year old MIS-interpretation, of information, why could these people also not have protected other records, as well? By the time Tami, myself, and the nuns, found the record, of Amma-to-Lose birth, we came to understand the reason why her father had been killed, by her mothers husband. It was the classic tale, which had been repeated, so very MANY times, over the centuries. Young girl falls in love, with local boy, and the two get engaged. Then comes some king, or chief, or someone else, important. IF history is anywhere near accurate, Amma's mothers family had some years, of bad crops, and illnesses. As a result, the family was so deep, in debt, it was doubtful that generations could pay the debts off. In comes king (etc), who sets "eyes" on the girl, and makes the family a deal. IF the girls parents will "bust up" the young romance, and present their daughter, in marriage, to the king, then the king promises to pay off ALL of the family's debts, AND provide enough money to last the family as long as ten years. Although the family accepts the offer, the young woman refuses to live without her "true love". That is, atleast until the mans head is placed on the block, and the executioner is ready to perform their duty. After the "wedding", the husband "leaves town", for three years, on some kind of un-specified trip. When the husband returns, he finds that his wife is seven months pregnant. At this point, it seems that Amma's mother made a deal, with her irate husband. A deal which, she believes means "Once the child is born, the father may see the child, before being sent away". This, as it turns out, is why the man was kneeling, beside the bed, when the woman gives birth. After Amma is born, however, things happen. According to accounts, of the day, Amma's uncle, Ingval, was a master, of the trades and, when sober, his services were, highly, prized. It was claimed, however that, every time he finished projects, he would spend all of his money, on drink. For un-specified reasons, Ingval hated to be sober, between jobs. As a result, at the time, when Amma was born, the man was so drunk, that it would take over two months, just to sober him up, enough, so that he could understand hearing of the death. Then, by the time Ingval was able to work off his passage, to the klan's village, something, referred to as "Demons of the night", had "beat him, to the punch", taking the husbands life, and denying Ingval the chance to kill the man, himself. Still, his brothers woman, and her child, needed to be cared for. This, at a time, when even European women were forbidden to accumulate large amounts, of resources, Amma's mother had been forced to ask Ingval's assistance, with removing both mother, and child, from village lands. While Ingval was furious, over his brothers death, just as Ingval was furious, that he, himself, had been denied the right to deal the husband the killing blow, which would have allowed Ingval to vent his rage, Ingval, also, knew that the new mother was right. Due to the circumstances, of Amma's birth, no Viking would have the woman, for a mate. Ingval would have considered taking the woman, and child, to the Christians, however, he knew, from experience, how the Christians would act, if he turned mother and child, over to their "care". Ingval KNEW what would happen due to the fact that, while on a boat-repair project, he had SEEN Christian "charity", with his own eyes. Ingval had seen this in a village, where mothers, and children, were "paraded" before the "faithful", while priests would say "These "whores" have blasphemed the one, true, God. Having committed the sacriledge, of conception, and child-birth, OUTSIDE of the bonds, of Holy Matrimony, these "whores" now face judgement, for their actions". Ingval would have missed all of the action, since his team was busy, repairing a war-ship. That is, except for the fact that a priest stopped by the docks, and commanded that all workers should cease duties, and watch the proceedings. When the dock supervisor would remind the priest "Holiness, I have been commanded to make this ship battle-worthy, within 24 hours. She puts to sea, tomorrow. We have no time, for rest". It was only when the priest said "Only the un-righteous turn away from Gods Justice." The supervisor would inform the workers to "Take a break", while listing "Religious Interruption", in the log book. This would be the primary reason why the ship would neither be repaired, on time, nor launch, on the next tide. Ingval watched, along with the others, as the torch pots, which, normally, lit village streets, after dark, were lighted, and fuelled, into raging infernos. After this, cattle-branding irons were brought forth, and set into the blazing fires, until just short of "white hot". While the irons were heating, priests had given some sort of "mass", during which the "whores" were given the chance to repent (being human?). There is little doubt as to why the women never repented. Especially when, during the sermon, Each woman was chained, to a "Public Discipline" post, and flogged. At such times, the women understood that nothing they might say would prevent what was about to happen. It was just after the priest would say "Spawn of Satan, since you refuse to repent, and embrace the light, and the love, of the Lord, our God, you will be punished, in His name". With a hand-signal, from the priest, workers removed the red hot irons, from the fires, and used the smoldering metal to scorch flesh, right down to bone. When the women cried out, in agony, the priest only reply would be to SHOUT, in the womens faces "CONFESS your sins, WHORE! CONFESS!" When Ingval noticed many villagers turning away, from the brutality, the priest would call out, to the assembly "Only the Un-Righteous turn away from Gods Divine Justice", even as the chained women cried out, in agony, as skin was burned away from their bodies. After maybe a half dozen burns, the irons would be replaced with carriage whips. When the women passed out, from the agony, workers would slap, or punch, the women, back to consciousness, even as the whips continued to tear remaining flesh from bones, leaving visible large sections, of bones. Just before some of the women died, Ingval noticed that the women let out low laughs (Which Ingval took to mean that the women were welcoming Deaths embrace). Only two, of the women, cursed the priests, then each cried out "KILL me! Be done with it!" Only when the corpses no-longer responded, to torture, were villagers allowed to return to daily lives. Due to the fact that the crews had been ordered to stop work, to watch the torture, the ship would have to wait another 48 hours, for the tide. This, even as rumors came to town, that the children, of the "whores" had been taken out, to a cave, where a man-eating creature was said to live. Weeks later, when Ingvals job was done, he put off getting drunk, to go scouting, for himself, and to learn if the rumors were true. Ingval would learn that, in a way, the rumors were, partially, true. It was just NOT true that the bodies were consumed by some beast. What Ingval discovered was that the "whores" children had been staked out, fully exposed, to the weather, and left to die, of starvation, and exposure. This is the reason why, when Amma's mother came to ask Ingval for aid, the Christians were as FAR OFF of his list, as other, Viking, villages. Instead, Ingval used money, supplied by Amma's mother, and booked passage, for both mother and child, on an out-bound ship. Ingval just hoped that, in the "Lands, across the ocean", the two would be safe. According to the story, when Ingval petitioned for Restitution, and the court denied this, Ingval was imprisoned, after he was heard considering burning some of the property, of the dead husbands relatives. When Ingval was released, from prison, his lust, for vengeance, was so great that the village elders told him to leave. In fact, it is reported that this vengeance was what, eventually, killed the man. It was only when Tami would ask "Are we sure we have the correct Ingval?" This is when the spirit, of Mother Superior, would appear, to us, saying "Yes, my child. You have made a wise, and accurate, choice". When Tami would suggest "You know. You COULD have saved us A-LOT of time, and effort" to which Mother Superior would ask "One of your modern short-cuts? What would you have learned, from that?" When Tami would suggest "We COULD have spent more time tracking the man down". Mother Superior would say "How ironic. Almost the exact same words, which the Hunters use. Your generation. You want everything, right now. Tell me, how many innocent people have you saved, due to your campaigns, to halt several cases of "Rush to Justice"?" Tami would give in, saying "Yes, we have cleared people, falsely accused of crimes" When Mother Superior would ask "By?" Tami would say "BY researching, and cross-referencing, information. Taking the TIME to ensure conclusions are correct". When Mother Superior would ask "HOW is this time any different?" Tami had no answer. Thanks to the convent, the Vatican, and the ancient records, of European churches, Tami and I were, now, as sure as we could be. Twenty-five centuries AFTER the fact, we were certain that we had the correct Ingval McGuffin. This is why, when Mr. Brown contacted us, saying "How would the two of you like a trip, to Northern Europe?" When Tami asked "Whats the case?" Mr. Brown would say "Coming through, now. I am told there will be a hefty bonus, for results. It seems that a village, which is dependent on tourism, for its survival, is being "haunted", by a Viking, whom, it appears, is driving tourists away from the area". By the time the case file was downloaded, to G.S.2, our pilots would call out, on the comm "Flight plan logged. Ready for take-off, whenever you are". Once Tami and I had given the nuns our thanks, for their aid, Tami and I watched, from the planes port holes, as the nuns looked on, in awe, as our black jet used its vertical thrusters to lift above the local tree-line, before settling in, to normal flight mode. Since this was not our first flight, across the Atlantic Ocean, Tami and I settled in, and began reviewing the case-file. This, even as our air firce veterans provided such a smooth ride, that I forgot we were, even, in the air. On the way to Europe, Tami and I did spot SOME-thing, which seemed to be shadowing our plane. Whatever the thing was, it was keeping perfect pace, with our plane. When we checked, with our pilots, the men would inform us "Yes, ground control has the object as well.." When Tami would ask "How do you know that?" The pilot would say "By the way ground control is emplasizing their denial. It is way too FIRM". When Tami would ask "And, normally?" The pilot would say "Normally, they are very casual. Making it appear that it is no big deal". When I asked "WHAT is OUR next action?" The pilot would say "Standard procedure. Unless that thing attacks US, nothing. Understand, we take NO action, unless directly attacked. Understand?" I would say "Roger that". The "object" did not change course, away from us, until we entered the "outer identification marker" zone, of Swedish Air Space. After this, we have no idea where it went, mostly because of the sheer velocity, of its departure. This was un-like anything even I had seen, outside of science fiction. It would seem that, although air traffic control had our I.D.C. beeper, on their radar, because Ghost Ship Two was designed to AVOID radar tracking, the Swedish Air Force sent up some fighters, to escort us to our destination. To my astonishment, once the Swedish took up station, they actually sent the message: "Welcome to Sweden. This is Yorik two-seven-nine, on your left, and on the right is Bjorn three-nine-nine. We will escort you to your landing zone. We hope you enjoy your stay, in Sweden." "Roger that, Yorik two-seven-nine. Glad for the company. Glad I wont have to ask for directions, either." "Roger that, my American friends. We are happy to oblige". When Tami would ask "What was that about?" The pilot would say "Call it code. If we answered with anything, other than a polite greeting, those fighters would be ordered to lock on, and, if necessary, give us a missile-style enema." We knew we were over Viking territory since Tami and I, both, saw the marks, in the landscape. The marks of boats, and the mounds, even as we closed in, for landing. It would seem that our designated landing area had seen some severe rain, on the day, prior to our arrival, yet, as our planes sensors detected ground, too soft for G.S.2 to land on, and the Swedes suggested an alternative base, our air force pilots would, again, prove that soldiers were not just "military robots". In fact, while the Swedes "orbited" overhead, even Tami and I watched, in amazement, as our pilots switched off the jet engines external coolants, then used extra thrust, to dry the ground, below our plane. Even I found it remarkable that our plane could generate such great heat, that it could dry the grounds, so effectively. As a result, inside of ten minutes, the red hot exhaust had dried out the land, until it was as solid as a rock. Only after this, did the pilots reactivate the engine coolants, then bring the plane in, for a soft landing. Once our plane was, safely, on the ground, the Swedes bid our pilots farewell, then returned to their own base. To our surprise, though, our contact did not meet us, at the town hall. Nor was the meeting at the town hall. While the bar was, dimly, lit, and smelled slightly un-pleasant, thankfully our meeting took place on the bar's terrace. Even I realized that this was a serious matter, when I noticed that the local sheriff was present. In fact, if these men were to be believed, the most recent "incident" was less than a day "old". According to our contact "This, beefy, man comes into the bar, orders a beer, then, with his glass only half-empty, the man, typically, grabs a woman (sometimes decking the man she is with), calling the woman by some ancient name, and pulls her OUT of the bar". When Tami asked "What happens next?" The source would say "The woman breaks free, and the man just walks away" The sheriff would add "Who knows what the man MIGHT have done, had not one of my deputies responded to the disturbances". When Tami asked "Just what, exactly, did your deputy have to do?" The sheriff would say "My deputy says that the man says something, in some very old, Gaelic, language, then the man walks right up, to the deputy". When Tami would ask "And, then?" The sheriff would say "My deputies say that they drew arms, and aimed at the man, just to watch him dissolve, right in front of them". When Tami would ask "What do the women say?" The sheriff would say "Once they calm down, they, each, claim that the man was there, one moment, and gone, the next". When Tami asked "May I speak to the women?" The sheriff would say "Thats not possible. Each one packed, and departed, shortly after the incidents." When Tami would ask "What about your deputy?" The sheriff would say "So shook up, he drank himself into a coma. Doc says he wont be any good, for atleast a couple of days". When Tami asked "Descriptions, of the attacker, from bar patrons?" The sheriff would say "Everyone, in the bar, including the bartender, says the man was huge, solid, muscular. He spoke with a strong accent." Over the next several days, Tami would interview locals, while I scanned the local terrain, for positive proof, of a Viking presence. Thankfully, the Vikings had used this area, as a "home base", for centuries, even after the birth of Amma-to-Lose. It was shortly after I found a meadow, or clearing, which contained several Rune stones, and e-mailled photo's, of these, to Stockholm, that a group, of students, arrived, along with their equipment. I was not really surprised that the group already knew this place existed. As the group leader told me "We were awaiting a grant, to finance our work. Thanks to your involvement, however, this issue is, now, under law enforcement control. Now, we have police resources, and dont need to wait for a grant". While the students worked on the translations, I made notes on what I THOUGHT were either harbors, or docks. While I was "admiring the scenery", Tami was making REAL headway, especially among the local women. Tami found out the reason why, even on mild, sunny, days, that some women wore scarves, and other hair coverings, all colored everything from basic white, and metallic, to blue, purple, etc. Every color except brunette. As Tami spoke with women, she learned that brunettes were the spirits favorite targets. Add in a slim, or petite, body form, and it was like "fresh meat", to the spirit. What baffled Tami was the fact that locals seemed to believe that the spirit could not tell the difference between scarf colors, and hair colors. Tami only realized that SHE fit the spirits profile, when a woman offered Tami a scarf, of a mixture of bright red, orange, and blue. As the villager would say "It may not be fashionable, but it will protect you". Tami also learned how locals would stop the spirit from molesting many victims. It would seem that a young MAN, who had been studying Viking lifestyles, had found a section, of law, regarding "illegal handling practices". Un-ike the Christian version, of history, where VIkings just dragged women away, the modern young man had discovered a section, of the law, which stated that "Abuse of property, will result in forfeiture, of all rights, to property". As far as the young man could discover, this law had been created, after some drunks got too rowdy, entered other peoples quarters, and either stabbed, or bludgeoned, the skulls, of womens mates, then dragged the women away. To put an end to this practice, the "Abuse of Property" law was created. According to history, though, the law was little used since, un-like modern Americans, the Vikings drank, either for taste, or to wash food down. Maybe one, out of one hundred, men, ever got "plastered". The reason: The Vikings lived under eternal vigilance. The knowledge that an enemy could strike, at ANY time. This is why Vikings dedicated themselves to keeping all tools in working condition, while remaining alert enough to sense coming attacks. While my group was busy, translating, and measuring, the area, Tami's mind was side-tracked, by her mothers non-stop e-mail reminders, asking her daughters to remember that, un-like men, women have only a LIMITED time, to give birth. For some reason, the elder woman wanted her own children to begin reproducing. Tami did not have to ask her grand-mother for a reason. Tami's mother had boasted, of growing up, in a LARGE family. As Tami would say "To hear my mother talk, grand-mother was proud to raise nine children". Most of whom had gone on, to raise large families, of their own. In fact, among her own family members, Tami's mother had the "smallest" family, of all. Just two girls, and two boys. It, now, seems that Tami's mother was annoyed, that one of her boys was going into the trucking business, while the oldest boy was training, in the construction trades. With Crystal, now, working 18 hours per day, as an apprentice glass-blower, and Tami, off "Jet-setting", with me, Mother was making her position clear. HER children were not going to "get away", even if mother, herself, had to play "match-maker". When I met Tami, back at the plane, and Tami had finished "venting", about her mothers intrusions, Tami would come back on subject, suggesting what I thought was a downright dangerous plan. Tami's plan was to borrow a Viking era dress, from a local woman, put on enough make-up, to "fit in", then go "on the hunt", beginning at the bar. IF Tami were "lucky", the spirit would mistake my partner for a local girl. After Tami explained her plan, and we departed the plane, walking in the general area, for some fresh air, when, as Tami mentioned "I wish I knew where Ingval was". This, even as we, both, felt that we were being watched. It was, maybe, three days later, when the Viking had entered the bar, twice more, had his beer, then departed, when he saw no brunettes, in the bar, that Tami set herself up as the "bait". With only the most hesitant permission, of the bartender, and atleast two, local, men, agreeing to be "back up", Tami would be relieved at how quickly her disguise gained the desired results. Suspiciously, though, when the spirit approached Tami, he seemed almost gentlemanly, as the two spoke of the beauty, of the area, and its history. Tami also noticed how kindly the man asked her to walk, with him. It was when the two were a block, from the bar, when Tami decided to take her chance. When Tami would say "You know, Ingval, You are an impressive man. What is your lifes work?" Ingval would respond with "I am a..." then ask "Lass, how is it you know my name? I have not given it". When Tami would say "A woman, I know, named Amma-to-Loose, spoke, of you, to me, recently." When Ingval would ask "And, how is the child? It has been so very LONG, since I have seen either her, or her mother." Tami would risk saying "Both are doing well. In fact, they have joined the Klan McGuffin, in Asgard (Viking Heaven)". Ingval would seem sad, for a moment, then ask "Are you SURE they are in Asgard?" Tami would say "They are with your brother. Amma asked me to tell you that the klan is saddened that you have not joined them, yet".. Ingval would say "I cannot go, just yet. Asgard must wait until I have dealt with my brothers death". When Tami would ask "Just curious. If you seek your brothers killer, for what reason do you drag women away from the bar?" Ingval would say "I have been lonely, for so long. These women have been avoiding me, in recent times. I just wanted someone to talk to. Someone like you." When Tami would ask (as the two strolled) "Why do you continue to hunt the man, who killed your brother?" Ingval would say "To prevent him from killing others". When Tami would suggest "Suppose I told you that the killer is, also, dead, and that your task was completed?" Ingval would say "I will need proof, to take before Thor. The gods will not accept any persons word, without proof. It is the way of the god's". As Tami and Ingval continued to stroll, into the evening, even I noticed how gently, yet cleverly, Tami was nudging the man toward the graveyard. And, if I, a foreigner, to this land, noticed her actions, I have no doubt, at all, that my Swedish companions had known, LONG before I did. It was as twilight had cast its final, blue, glow, over the landscape, that Tami lead Ingval to what Tami THOUGHT Ingval called "The place of the souls rest". I can only guess that modern day Swede's are not so accustomed, to seeing spirits, as Tami and I were, since members, of my group, hesitated, for a moment, then crossed themselves, as though entering church. As Tami and Ingval entered the graveyard, Tami could see the delight, in Ingvals features, as his comrades stepped forward, from the head stones, and greeted Ingval. Although Ingval provided Tami the mens names, the names were as highly unusual as my own, family, name. Instead of returning Ingvals wave, Tami remembered her manners, and gave the man a curtsey. What amazed ALL of us was how tall, strong, and beefy, the Vikings were. When the modern Swede's compared their own mass, to the spirits, I had to remind the humans "These men were born to an age, BEFORE engines, or other, assistive, devices. They did everything, by hand". As Ingval, and the other spirits, walked into the graveyard, a fire, suddenly, blazed to life, with a spectral pit, beneath it. The appearred two, long, tables, complete with food, and wine, as well as more Vikings. What I noticed, which seemed to make the modern Swede's kneel, in respect, was the image, of Thor, at the end of the room, as though prsiding over the festivities. THOR, Thundering god of the peasants. Dont ask me why, but, as we viewed the obvious celebration, Tami snuggled up, to me, and we stood there, together, arm-in-arm, even as some women played instruments, while others served the warriors. Still others danced. Boy! This, practically, made Tami's own home-coming seem almost pitiful, by comparison. To see Ingval, joyous, among his breathern, was breath-taking. This is when Amma-to-Lose would step forward, saying "Thank you, again, my friends. Klan McGuffin is whole. I would invite you to join our celebration, except..." Tami would finish the sentence "...except that we are human". To this, Amma-to-Lose gave us a wonderful curtsey, then re-joined the festivities. Just how LONG Tami and I stood there, I have no idea. All that I do know is that, eventually, with raised goblets, and a toast, to Ingvals safe return, to the klan, the scene dissolved, as gracefully, into the night, as a dancer, and until all that was left was the blue of night. Funny thing was, Tami (or atleast I) did not react, at first, when the scene vanished. In fact, Tami did not even look into my eyes, until one of the Swedes would say "Get a room". Only then would we realize that we were embracing, like lovers. When I went to back away, Tami would whisper "Whats the hurry? We helped Ingval. Enjoy the moment". To call my partner warm, soft, even beautiful, was close to an insult, as far as I was concerned. (I wont even try to describe the thoughts and feelings, I was having, at that moment.) Tami and I just took our time, celebrating the moment, while the Swede's quietly, walked away, to inform the village that Ingval was, now, safely, in Asgard. He would trouble no more tourists. When Tami whispered, to me "How will we explain this, to Mr. Brown?" I would whisper back "Simple. We found Ingval, set him home, to his people. Case closed". Tami was just not quite so sure the "case" was "closed", as she felt something, which she had not felt, in quite some time. Her question, as she tried to suppress a smile, was 'Should I be enjoying this?' When Tami and I returned to the village, and were greeted, with the human version, of the warriors feast, we were surprised when Tami and I were, each, presented, with some odd rings. When we asked what the rings were for, no one would tell us, atleast not in English. It would not be until after midnight, that we found someone, who WOULD tell us what the rings were for. When I asked Tami if we should remove the rings, all she would say was "Whats the hurry? Go, with the flow". By dawn, we had returned, to G.S.2, and Mr. Blue was live, on our monitors, saying "Look what the cat dragged in". When Tami would say "Very funny. Tell Mr. Brown that I will file a report, later on". I dont know whether I should consider it funny, or odd, however, when I went to retire, I, almost, walked into Tami's private quarters, before remembering that MY bed was next door. (I was not about to risk her potential wrath, over falling asleep, in HER bed.) After 36 hours, of rest, and clean up, our co-pilot would inform us "I have filed your report. Mr. Brown suggests you contact him, when you are able." When I noticed that I was, still, wearing my ring, I looked to Tami, to see if she had removed hers. If she had, I would remove mine, in a second. However, seeing as she was, still, wearing hers, I remembered her words, from the previous night. "Whats your hurry?" Well, if Tami was in no hurry, neither was I. It was when we reported in, to Mr. Brown, that we received some GOOD news. Mr. Brown would say "Due to the fact that your research, with the churches, and the Vatican, proved useful, in aiding your investigation, to a successful conclusion, the financiers have decided that you were "ON the clock", while doing your research. Now, if you would not mind downloading your latest assignment, I would appreciate a review, by the time you reach home base. Oh, and by the way, nice engagement rings". Tami would correct Mr. Brown, saying "A GIFT, from the village. We did not choose these. They were PRESENTED, to us." Mr. Brown would say "If you say so", then switched off. Tami would bunch her fists as she would groan "First, my mother. Now, Mr. Brown. Well, I just happen to LIKE this ring, and I am not going to remove it until I FEEL like it". Oh, well. On to the next case....

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