Thursday, October 12, 2017


THE NEW SIXTH SENSE # 11 Doctor Johnathan Rhoades, medical doctor, and licensed psychiatrist. A man who DARES to look PAST the obvious, and discover what is at the HEART, of patients conditions. The following is case-file number 11, of Doctor Rhoades highly unusual approach to treatment, of mental disorders. "In what I can only describe as either a "vision", or, perhaps, a "prophecy", I find my sleeping spirit roaming the halls of a grand, old, plantation, house. I see wood panelling, covering the walls, as well as landscape paintings. While I hear what sound like muffled voices, the "vision" is just not focused, enough, for me to be able to understand what is being said. What I DO know is that the rich, thick, red, carpeting, which is beneath my bare feet, is thick, soft, and luxurious, to the touch. The only time, when I am certain, that this is not the waking world, is when a woman, dressed in a flowing, brown, dress, walks past me, almost as if she is "gliding" down the hallway. What I note is odd, about the woman, is that her head seems to fluctuate, between being a solid mass, and being nothing more than a cloud of mist. I am certain that this is only a dream since, when the woman notices that I notice her, this woman, whom I have, never, met, addresses me as "Johnathan Rhoades, I need your help. Evil deeds are afoot, and I need the asistance, of the living, to set things right." When I would ask "How is it that you know my name? Have we met?" The woman would say "How I know OF you is NOT of primary concern, at this point. I must warn you..." And this is when my alarm clock would remind me that morning had come, again. While I would make some official notes, of the vision, since I could not be certain that it was real, I would list the notes under "Miscellanious". After this, it was time for breakfast, transit, to my next appointment, and on with work (which pays the bills, if nothing else). The doctors current case involved an adult, who lived on disability, and would, never, leave home. According to the case-file, the man refused to depart his residence, with-out sufficient "escort", since he believed that there were "monsters", and "demons", waiting to pounce on him, the moment he stepped outdoors. I was being asked to consult, on this case, since the mans closest relatives (who had been caring for the man, to date), were moving to another city (in order to retain employment). I, also, knew the law, about families providing care. Even if family was providing "round-the-clock" care, the fact that ALL shared the same NAME meant that family would NOT be paid, for rendering services. This, for some reason, was statutory law. Now, if the care-givers had a DIFFERENT name, such as in-laws, or partners, using different surnames, then the law allowed payment for services. In the case of the man in question, it would seem that his extended family was providing his care, until recently. I knew the reason, for this, as well. While most state governments, vehemently DENY this, the fact is that most state governments hire only the hard-core un-emloyed, or even ex-convicts, to provide home services. The un-fortunate result, of this, far too often, was that these "applicants", too often, have records, for stealing, then pawning, clients property. In my own practice, I have seen this happen. It would seem that THIS is part of the reason why the family had called upon me. The hope is that I can either cure the mans phobia, OR that I may assist in the choice, of a QUALITY care-giver. My hope is that, with proper therapy, I can cure the phobia. What struck me as odd, from the very start, was that, while the address, which I was given, was inside a city, that the actual, family, address, was one of the oldest, and LARGEST, addresses, in town. It was easy to locate, as well. This is because of the fact that, as I was told, on my approach, the families land had the oldest, and TALLEST, tree's, in the city. Tree's, which could be spotted, from any point, in town. It was only as I approached the "estate" that I phoned the family, asking about the front gate. A few minutes later, and a teen appeared, and opened the gate, for me. Once I was inside, the teen closed the gate, then entered my car, asking "Mind if I ride back, to the house, with you?" After I agreed, I asked the teen "Why does this property have a gate? Problems with theives?" The teen would say "Dont know. The gates have been there, since I can remember. Maybe, grandpa can tell you, more." At the front door, first a teenage girl met me, then a middle-aged woman joined us, telling me "Father is waiting for you, in the library." When I asked "Any particular reason for the library?" Both bother and daughter, would say "It is his favorite room, in the house. Spends all his time in there, reading." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Reading what?", hoping for a clue, to the mans condition, based upon his choice, of reading materials. All the women could say was "Everything, from mysteries, to the daily paper. He just LOVES to read." While the doctor, and the women, proceeded, down the hallway, Doctor Rhoades was, first, surprised by the care the family was taking, in maintaining the house. The, Doctor Rhoades heard a mans voice call out "Blast it, girls, dont keep the doctor waiting. Get him in here. I am sure he has other patients waiting." The women would "sing" "Right away". When I first saw the patient, I would not have thought him a mental case, at all. In fact, I would have taken the man to be a tradesman. Carpenter, or plumber, for sure. He had that kind of build. When the man invited me into his library, I noticed how he did not hesitate to say "Names Rosenberg. Thomas Rosenberg." When Doctor Rhoades would introduce himself, Thomas would say "Lets get down to business. I am certain you have patients, whom you can, really, help." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Thomas, WHY do you think that I cant help you?" Thomas would say "Because my problem aint mental. Its spirit, type. What I mean is that I KNOW WHO the ghost is." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Would you mind telling me who the ghost is?" Thomas would say "Only if you are respectful, to her." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "How do you know the ghost is a female?" Thomas would say "Because, doc, it is the ghost of my late wife. Grand woman she was. So tragic, her death was." When Doctor Rhoades would go into "interview mode" asking "Would you tell me about her?" Doctor Rhoades watched, as yet another patient fell back into the memories, of times, long past. Thomas would start out with "While neither Stella, nor I, built this place, Stella grew up, here. In fact, as far as I can learn, her family has been on this land, practically since Columbus sailed to America. Ofcourse, it has changed, some, over the years. I kept the place, and moved in, with Stella, as a condition of her agreeing to marry me." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "She loved the place, THAT much?" Thomas would say "She would not even agree to marry me, until I agreed to move onto the land. And why NOT? The place was paid for, maybe a century, or more, ago. No mortgage payments, and plenty of room. Didn't take any brains to figure that one out." When Doctor Rhoades would suggest "You must have been very happy, to remain here all these years." Thomas would say "It weren't no "paradise", if thats what you are thinkin. Stella and I just worked at it. Ups and downs. Like every married couple. We just agreed that it was worth the effort." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "With a property this size, Stella must have come from a large family." Thomas would say "Just five kids, in total. My guess is that, when the family bought the place, it was at "bargain prices". Maybe fifty cents per acre." When Doctor Rhoades would mention "In pioneer days, the penny could buy MUCH MORE than it can, today. I read, somewhere, where, in pioneer days, a family could buy a home, for just $10.00." Thomas would add "Just remember that, in those days, most jobs paid only ten cents per day. A hotel room, in town, would cost $1.50 per week." It was when the men agreed "Those were the days", that Thomas returned to the topic, of Stella's family. Thomas would say "Its too bad that Stella's own family moved on, to other places. With the size, of this place, we could have had plenty of space, for everyone." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Why did they move on?" Thomas would say "After high school, they just didn't see any future, in this town. They gone off, to jobs, in other cities. Oh, dont get me wrong. They still CALL Stella, from time to time. Keep in touch. Its just that they got their OWN families, as well." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "How many children do you, and Stella, have?" Thomas would say "The good Lord blessed us only with three. Not that they are "angels", but they aint no hoodlums, either." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "How can only five people maintain this property?" Thomas would add "My wife has even more friends then I, once, had. Her friends come around, when they have time. We trade them property work, for meals." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "About this spirit you say is your wife, HOW..." Thomas would ask "How do I know its my OWN wife? How does anyone know their own spouse, and children." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "How do you know she is present?" Thomas would ask "What would you say if I told you I SEE her, at times. Other times, we TALK." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Talk, about what?" Thomas would say "Stella tells me hoow much she misses me, and the kids. Sometimes, I remind her that our "kids" is grown. Got kids of their own." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Any other ways you know about her?" Thomas would say "I can tell, by the way she walks the place. She is sad. I just dont know how to tell her that the family is fine." This is when Doctor Rhoades would ask the pressing question: "WHY do you feel that you cannot leave this property?" Thomas would say "Dont ask me how she did it, but my beloved SHOWED me what lies in wait, for me, beyond the property." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "WHAT has she shown you?" Thomas would ask "What if I was to tell you that I done something, in my past, and that marrying Stella only protected me, from my past, while she was alive?" When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What DID you do?" Thomas would say "Try as I might, I just dont remember doing anything really evil." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Then, why are you afraid?" Thomas would say "Stella promises to protect me, as long as I remain on the property. She says she can protect me, if I leave." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "When, and How, does she say this?" Thomas would say "Mostly, late at night. She appears, in her favorite, brown, dress, her hair, flowing, as she glides down the hallway." This is when Doctor Rhoades would watch as a strong, well-built, man would turn into a frightened child, as he would add "Doc, I know this sounds crazy, but, sometimes, when I see her, she does not have her head." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "When you see her, do you ask her WHERE she puts her head?" Thomas would ask "Are you crazy? Ask a ghost where their head is?" Doctor Rhoades would try another tact, asking "When you speak to Stella, do you ask her what it means, specifically, about not leaving the property?" Thomas would ask "You want ME to question my wifes spirit?" Doctor Rhoades would suggest "Not question. Just ask for clarity." Doctor Rhoades was not the least surprised when Thomas would say "If you want to question her, do it, YOURSELF!" When Doctor Rhades would say "Very well. Just tell me where I am to set up." This is when Thomas would call out "Cindy!". When the teen would appear, asking "Yes, grrandpa?" Thomas would say "Be a dear, and show the doctor to the guest bedrooms. He will be staying, atleast for a short while." After Cindy would say "Yes, grandpa", Thomas would remind Doctor Rhoades "Cindy is a good girl. You can trust her." Doctor Rhoades would say "I am certain." Over the next three weeks, while even Doctor Rhoades spotted the spirit, in the headless form, walking the halls, the doctor noticed that the family showed no fear, of the spirit. In fact, the family talked, warmly, of how they enjoyed the presense. In fact, on three, seperate, occassions, Doctor Rhoades noticed that Thomas made no effort to deny seeing the spirit. Doctor Rhoades was just impresssed that the man still bowed, in a gentlemanly way, when he passed the spirit. Doctor Rhoades had, also, used the three weeks, to read up on what was known, abut Stella. While she may NOT have been a nun, or a Roman-Catholic, the woman (and her family), followed what they believed was the SPIRIT, if not the WORD, of the Bible. Actually, according to local sources, inlcuding the newspapers, both Stella, and Thomas, were well-respected, in this town. It would seem that, before Stella's death, she, Thomas, and their family, were willing to contribute time, and energy, to almost any cause, which aided locals. This is when Doctor Rhoades found the "starting point", of Thomases severe phobia. According to the media, Stella had been found, be-headed, across town from the nearest workshop. When Doctor Rhoades investigated the autopsy report, he had to agree, with the local doctor. Someone had removed Stella's head, using a circular saw. The pattern, of the cut, made this clear. What remained UN-clear was the motive. What did Stella have, that someone felt was worth killing for? Even when the family brought neighbors, and friends, to visit, and speak, with the doctor, Doctor Rhoades remained without any clue, as to who, or why, Stella had been murdered. IF Thomas had been the murderer, then WHY had he not just divorced Stella? If her children wanted her dead, some drain cleaner, in her drink, would have been far less messy. No, the killer had to be someone who was determined to seperate the womans head, from her body. The question was: "WHY?" Over those three weeks, there had been atleast five times, when Stella had come, to the doctor, in his dreams. While the two had "conversed", for hours, during his sleep, the doctor was just moving the spirit towards telling him WHO had killed her, when his alarm clock went off. During his stay, at the family property, Doctor Rhoades noticed why the family said that the library was Thomas's favorite room, in the house. By morning, and afternoon, Thomas might work on the property, in a variety of ways, yet, after dinner, each night, Thomas retreated to his library. While other men drank booze, and smoked, after dinner, it seems that Thomas was the type of man, who enjoyed a good book, after dinner. Let the kids have the television. Thomas wanted his books. Three weeks, into the assignment, when Doctor Rhoades saw the spirit, with head attached, and approached her, asking "May I have a conversation, with you?" Doctor Rhoades would be surprised when the woman would say "Why, certainly. I have been hoping we could speak, for months, now." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Excuse me?" Stella's spirit would say "I have been trying to contact you, nearly as long as I have, my own family." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "May I ask why?" Stella would say "Surely, by now, you have figured it out." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Excuse me?" Stella would say "Johnathan, regardless of what mortals WANT to believe, we spirits are not "chained" to a property. I have watched you researching my demise. What have you learned, so far?" Doctor Rhoades could only say "It would appear that your head was removed, using a circular saw. What I have not figured out is the WHO, and the WHY." Stell would say "I wish I could aid your research, doctor. The problem is that I dont remember what hapened." When Doctor Rhoades would suggest "Why dont we start with what you remember, last." Stella would say "Lets see. I visited Mrs. Wiggans. Delivered some jam, which Mrs. Clark had made. I was on my way home when the world just went "dark". Thats the last I remember." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What about feelings, or sensations?" Stella would say "All I recall is a slight itching, around my neck." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "So, you didn't see WHO did this, or where?" Stella would say "Sorry, I dont even know WHY I am still here." When Doctor Rhoades would start his next inquiry, asking "Why have you warned Thomas never to leave this property. Why have you trapped your husband, on these premises?" Stella seemed shocked as she said "Trapped? I have never trapped anyone. I have been trying to tell my beloveed to be CAREFUL, when moving beyond the property. There remains a murderer, out there, on the loose. I dont want my grand-children to lose their grand-father the same way they lost me." When Doctor Rhoades woulld summarize, saying "You dont want your husband trapped, on the land. You want him to be careful." Stella would add "When he is OFF of this land, he MUST be careful." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Why would someone want to kill your husband?" He should have expected what Stella said, in response: "Why would someone want to kill me?" Doctor Rhoades was not certain of when it had happened, but, sometime, during hiis interview, with Stella, it seems that Doctor Rhoades had fallen asleep. He did not even realize this, however, untill Cindy held a cup of coffee, under his nose, then asked "Why did you sleep, in grandma's room, instead of your own?" Doctor Rhoades did not even realize he had fallen asleep, until he rose, stretched, and realized he had slept in an old lounger. When Doctor Rhoades, and Cindy, joined the familly, for breakfast, Doctor Rhoades would correct Thomas's mis-understanding. This is when Cindy's mother would say "So it IS true, isn't it? Stella did NOT die, of suicide. She WAS killed." When Thomas would ask "Why would anyone WANT to kill my Stella? She, never, hurt no one." Doctor Rhoades would say "That is one of the reasons why Stella remains. To find her killer. That, AND she wants to find her head. Her REAL head. Not her ghostly one." Cindy's mom would want to smack the girl, when Cindy would ask "Where would we look for her head. I doubt the Yellow Pages has a listing for circular saw murderers." Doctor Rhoades would suggest "Our best starting point would be the rounds Stella made, that day. Maybe she saw something. Maybe HEARD something?" When Cindy would mention "Too bad we dont have those "follow the trail" potions, like they use, on "Once Upon A Time". Cindy's mom would remind the girl "Once Upon A Time" is a television show. The magic is just special effects." Cindy woulld add "Still, its too bad that Stella cant make her skull appear, or glow. Even knot a few tree's together. Just something, to mark where her head is." It was right when her mother was getting ready to say "Cindy, if you dont stop..." When Doctor Rhoades would say "Cindy, thats brilliant." When Cindys mom would ask "Whats brilliant?" Doctor Rhoades would say "In every case I have worked on, where a patient harmed a victim, the attacker, ALWAYS, leave a marker." When Thomas would ask "What for?" Doctor Rhoades would say "In one case, a thief planned to use "temporary insanity", to be released, early. His plan was to hide his victims valuables, then return for them, later. He was clever, though, in the fact that he choose the fork, in two rivers, as his marker." When Thomas woulld ask "Any others?" Doctor Rhoades woulld say "I recall one patient, who buried her loot, then tied tree limbs together, into what looked like a natural sculpture. Only SHE knew the truth." This is when Cindy would ask "Okay, so even though we KNOW people can be creative, HOW does this help us find grandma's head?" Doctor Rhoades would ask "Has anyone noticed any changes, to the scenery, since Stella died?" While the family seemed lost, the town began talking, and people began looking for things which were "out of the ordinary". This search lead to, of all places, a church. A church, which had a "Hall of the Saints" collection. While the minister admitted that one, of the busts, had been removed, to a repair ship, after being vandalized by graffitti "artists", it did not take long for an acid wash solution to remove the shiny, stone, appearance, and show plaster, beneath. Once the plaster was soaked, it fell away, leaving behind what would turn out to be Stella's skull. When the minister would pray for forgiveness, for displaying a human skull, Doctor Rhoades would whisper, to the minister "It is not your fault. You had no way of knowing." Once the skull was cleaned, Stella's body was dug up, long enough to place her head on her shoulders. After that, the casket went back into the ground. (An All Points Bulletin would be sent out, on the sculptor, whom, the priest reported, seemed anxious to depart town, soon as the bust was finished). While it may never be known WHY the sculptor beheaded Stella, and hid her head, inside a church, what Doctor Rhoades COULD confirm was that Thomas's family had a final farewell gathering, with Stellas spirit, before she "moved on". Final case note: In the time, since Stellas actual message had reached her husband, Thomas has returned to being an active member, of the community. He, no-longer lives in fear, of what MIGHT happen. While his family has moved on with their new jobs, it seems that Thomas had not only taken on more help, but that he has another woman, in his household. Thomas feels certain that Stella will be happy, with his decision, since the couple WILL be living on the same property. His family, and myself, wish him well.

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