Thursday, October 19, 2017


THE NEW SIXTH SENSE # 11 Doctor Johnathan Rhoades, medical doctor, and licensed psychiatrist. A man who DARES to look PAST the obvious, and discover what is at the HEART, of patients conditions. The following is case-file number 12, of Doctor Rhoades highly unusual approach to treatment, of mental disorders. "In what I can only describe as a "vision", I find my spirit interacting with a mans spirit. In this "other realm", I find that this man, who is, obviously, distressed, is almost begging me to prove that his friend killed him. Motive: The spirit insists that the killer wanted his wife for himself. A woman whom, according to the spirit, would not consider the man, as a lover, while her husband lived. How much of this is FACT, I have no clue. All that I know is that the mans spirit is determined not to let his friend take his wife, over his corpse. Upon awakening, I have checked with a collegue, who has been treating the woman, for the distress, of being a widow. My collegue has invited me to review the case. While I am un-certain how much relief I can provide a spirit, I am hopeful that my services might aid the widow, with her grief. As I review the case-file, I have noticed that, while the widow is in distress, she has NOT entered a psychiatric observation ward. In fact, according to her attending physician, the widow, a woman, named Tracey, is "Handling her mourning with a great deal of restraint. She seems to be on the path of "LIfe goes on". Not un-reasonable for a spouse, who handled finances, during a spouses life." Doctor Rhoades would remain relieved that, when he arrived, in town, that the widows doctor met Doctor Rhoades, at the airport, and made formal introductions, when the two doctors reached Tracey's home. Not that the home was elegant. It was, actually, more of a large condominium, than anything else. My first observation was that the home seemed "middle class", all the way. NO fancy chandeliers, cut crystal, or imported china. My second observation was that, while her husband is deceased, it does not seem to be a pressing issue, for the widow to remove the couples photo's from the home. Their wedding photo's, as well as other photos, remained on display. My third observation was that the widow had, yet, to remove her wedding ring. My forth observation, was the fact that, more often than not, Tracey spoke of her husband in the flesh-and-blood present tense, only to correct herself, when asked. Once Tracey's doctor had made the introductions, and some, polite conversation, his beeper went off, and he used Tracey's phone to call in. It was after the doctor departed that Tracey asked me "Has Steve been to see you, as well?" When I would mention "Yes, he has. What has he said, to you?" Tracey would say "When he appears to me, he makes wild accusations, about his friend, Peter." When I would ask "What accusations?" Tracey would ask "This is confidential, isn't it?" When I would mention "Absolutely." Tracey would say "I dated Peter, for a short while, before marrying Steve. Steve remained suspicious, of Peter, even after we were married." When I would ask "Why was that?" Tracey would say "There was one time, when Peter was having a hard time. After I left him, he took up, with another woman. When this woman not only broke up, with him, but she took all, of his possessions, she could carry, to pawn." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What happened?" Tracey would say "Peter needed a friend, to talk to. I mean, there we were, on the COUCH. Not even in bed. One moment, we were talking and, the next, his hands were inside my top, as we shared a kiss. I admit that I was thinking of the past. This is when my husband walked in, and found us." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What did Steve do?" Tracey would say "He ordered Peter out of the house, and never to come near me, or our home, again." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "How did Peter take this?" Tracey would say "He looked more confused, than anything. He did obey Steve's demand, to leave our home, though." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What happened, then?" Tracey would say "My husband did the oddest thing. He told me that I had to CHOOSE between him, and Peter. Can you believe that?" When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What happened to Peter?" Tracey would say "I saw him, downtown, at the mall. While he told me that he was not one bit sorry, for "feeling me up, or kissing me", he did admit that his timing was off. He told me he should have waited until my husband was away." When Doctor Rhoades asked "Did Peter give you any reason, for this?" Tracey would say "Peter told me that, while he would NOT apologize, for wanting me, that his real reason, for calling on me, was to find out how a woman would act, with things she stole, from a man." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What did you tell him?" Tracey would say "While I did NOT mention his actions, I DID tell him of a fence, who handled stolen merchandise." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "May I ask..." Tracey would say "I am no more an "angel" than the next woman. This is why I told Peter that, IF a woman took his stuff, it had been fenced and that, by the time he asked me, about it, his property would be across state lines, and un-trace-able." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "How did the meeting end?" Tracey would say "For all of Peters faults, including drugs, and alcohol, his carress, and kiss, when sober, were the stuff of my dreams. This is why, when he embraced me, and kissed me, I did not resist." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "I thought you were married." Tracey would say "Married: Yes. A "prisoner": No. I believe in the concept, of marriage, as a bond, NOT as shackles, between a man and woman." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "How did Steve feel about this?" Tracey would say "He HAD to know. We discussed it, before we married. I wanted to make certain that my new husband was okay with my "having other men", in my life." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Did Peter visit your home, again?" Tracey would say "While my husband kept suggesting it, I will tell you, right now. Peter NEVER entered our home, again." Doctor Rhoades considered asking Tracey if she had been to Peters home, but decided not to. This since, similar to another, past, patient, who had dated one man, then married another, had informed Doctor Rhoades, in confidence, "Ofcourse, I visited his home. I TOLD you. We DATED." That seemed a womans standard defense, when asked about visiting men. If the woman had "visited" the man, there would be D.N.A. placing her at the scene. Not WHEN she had been at the scene. Just that she had been there. Doctor Rhoades had seen this, before. While, on television, it was claimed that D.N.A. could tell everything from when the last time was, that a person had sex, to what position they referred sex in, real life was much different. In REAL life, all that D.N.A. could prove was that someone had been present, at SOME point. The only way to prove that D.N.A. was recent, was if it remained moist. Once it had been absorbed, into fabric, all it could "tell" was that a person had visited. Sure, FRESH D.N.A. could give a persons "signature", just as well as a finger-print. The problem was that the sample HAD to be FRESH. Even Doctor Rhoades knew of people, who "got off", on various charges, due to the fact that, while their D.N.A. was found, at crime scenes, if the D.N.A. was not "fresh", it was not allowed in court. This is why Doctor Rhoades did not bother asking Tracey about visiting Peters place. Tracey would add "Just so you know, doctor, I checked Peters "alibi". He was out, on a date, with a woman. Credit card receipts put the couple at a drive-thru window, at the time when Steve was, supposedly, killed." Tracey would, then add "Just so we understand one another. After Steve died, Peter only contacted me ONE time. His suggestion was that we keep more than our usual distance, until Steve's killer is found." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "How did you respond?" Tracey said "While Peter and I remain FRIENDS, I agreed to his deal." When Doctor Rhoades would ask Tracey "just HOW does Steve come to you? Dreams? Spirits?" Tracey would say "Both. He is just so annoying." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "In what way?" Tracey would say "While Steve continues to insist that Peter killed him, so I could be with Peter, what really annoys me are the times when Steve "looks" me right in the face, saying "You ARE having SEX with him, now, aren't you." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "How do you respond to this accusation?" Tracey would say "This will sound stupid. Maybe even insane, but, a few times, I have, actually, tried to slap his face." When Doctor Rhoades would say "Doesn't sound crazy. You said Sometimes. What do you do, at other times?" Tracey would smile as she said "Doc, would you believe it. When I get mad enough, I ask him "If you dont believe me, why dont you divorce me?" Then I have to think about the fact that I am talking to something, not human. I mean, CAN a ghost get a divorce?" Doctor Rhoades would say "As far as I know, the wedding vows say "Till DEATH do us part. I THINK that means that, now that he is dead, you are "free"." Tracey would be quick to say "Not as long as the investigation remains open. Until the police captured the person, who did this. I just dont understand WHY Steve INSISTS the it was Peter." The day after Doctor Rhoades met with Tracey, a neighbor e-mailled Tracey a newspaper article, which showed Peter leaving a motel. The pictured showed him with a woman who seemed very similar to Tracey. The accompanying message read: I thought you were going to bed, last night. What were you doing out, with Peter? While Tracey e-mailled her neighbor, saying "I have no idea who that woman is. Why dont you try asking Peter WHO he was with?" Tracey found herself growing annoyed, when the police stopped by, to ask HER whereabouts, the previous night. This, since the police were neither the first, nor the last, to ask Tracey these questions. Tracey DID notice that, when Peter was asked, on television, about the woman, Peter, flatly, denied it was Tracey. "Tracey was the wife of a friend. Until his murder is solved, my FRIEND, and I, have agreed to keep our distance. The woman, I was with, was NOT Tracey." As for Doctor Rhoades, his research was showing that none, of the three, had been "angels". Early in life, they had been no different from any other teens. Tracey had the "cleanest", criminal, record, of the three. While Tracey had, in fact, used drugs, during youth, she only use when offered. There were NO records of her purchasing. Her only convictions were for "possession". Steve's record was not quite so "perfect". Five convictions, for "possession", and two, for purchasing. He had been sentenced to "youth detox", then to a state work-camp. This, for breaking into homes, while home owners were gone. (He had not been smart enough to wipe away his finger-prints, from things he touched.) Doctor Rhoades could see why Tracey left Peter, for Steve. Peter had a record which, if he was brought into court, and convicted, even on a misdemeanor, he was in for life-without parole, under "Three Strikes and your OUT!" law. Peters record included "possession", purchasing, breaking-and-entering, as well as assault. Peter had been willing to do anything, even killing, for his habit. He did not "wise up", and clean up, until three months after he got sober, only to find that Tracey had left him, and married Steve. While the record showed that Steve had chased Peter away, from the couples residence, with a baseball bat, the record, also, showed that, while awaiting his hearing, when Tracey answered his request, for an audience, Peter had asked Tracey "IF I had not been an addict, would we, still, be together?" Tracey is recorded as having said "We cannot change the past." After visiting Peter, in his cell, and having the police ask the same question, Tracey had said "IF he had sought help, BEFORE, who knows. I might be HIS wife, now." When Doctor Rhoades reflected upon this, he realized "Still not a motive, for murder. WHY is Steve so insistent that Peter killed him?" When Doctor Rhoades next saw Steve's spirit (and the spirit DEMANDED that Peter had murdered him, just to lay claim to Tracey), Doctor Rhoades would ask the spirit "How can you be so sure? Did you see his FACE? Did you recognize his voice? After Shave? Tell me, HOW do you KNOW it was Peter?" When Steve would say "Now that I am a spirit, there is nothing to stop Peter from "moving in", on Tracey." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Based upon what?" Steve's spirit would insist "I SAW them, making out, in public. I SAW them!" When Doctor Rhoades corrected the spirit, asking "How do you know that the couple was not just sharing a "Thank You" moment?" Steve's spirit would growl "I SAW them!" Realizing that Steve's spirit had made its decision, regardless of available information, Doctor Rhoades would visit Peter (whom, Doctor Rhoades found, WAS under investigation, in regards to Steve's death). Doctor Rhoades would learn of police interest, in Peter, when the doctor checked in, for any additional information, on the death of Steve. When a detective would mention "We have had Peter under surveillance, since the death of Steve." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "May I ask the connection?" The detective would say "We found Tracey's D.N.A. at Peter's place." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Fresh D.N.A.?" The detective would say "Forensics is analyzing it as we speak." When Doctor Rhoades would change tacts, asking "Detective, how much trouble was there, between Steve and Peter?" When the detective would ask "How do you mean?" Doctor Rhoades would ask "I mean, after Peter found out that his woman left him, for a "sober" man. How much trouble did the men have, over Tracey?" When the detective would say "If you mean police calls, there were none." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "IF there is no history?" The detective cautioned the doctor "I SAID there were no disturbance calls. I, never, said there was no trouble." When Doctor Rhoades would say "I am confused." The detective would say "After Tracey married Steve, she was SEEN, with Peter, in public, more than once." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Doing what?" The detective would ask "DO I have to spell it out, doc? They were seen, in PUBLIC." When Doctor Rhoades would say "With apologies, detective, I am afraid that, in this case, you WILL have to "spell it out", for me." When the detective would say "They were SEEN, together." Doctor Rhoades would ask "Are you implying that the two people were viewed going into, and/or out of, a motel?" The detective would say "I WISH it were that simple. If that were the case, Peter would be on his way, to a life sentence, by now." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Detective, just what are you IMPLYING?" The detective would say "We have dozens of witnesses, including myself, who have SEEN the two, at the local mall, in the time since Steve's death." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "In a SHOPPING MALL?" The detective would say "Thats right. Caught them, in the act." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "The act of what? Having sex?" The detective would say "For a brainy man, doc, you sure are a bit slow." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "How am I "slow". About what?" The detective would say "A widow is seen, with a boyfriend, right after her husband is killed? Coincidence? I think not." When Doctor Rhoades would suggest that it was an ex-friend, talking to a ex-friend, the detective would say "What about that KISS? Sure didn't seem too brotherly, to me." After Doctor Rhoades had enough of this detectives supposition (and remembering his conversation, with Tracey), Doctor Rhoades would travel to Peter's house, to find out Peter's side of the story. According to Peter "What Tracey told you is the truth. I lost her, due to my addiction. I took up, with another woman, trying to get my life back together. I accept that Tracey said it was, atleast in part, my own fault. After all, if I had not gotten boozed into a "coma", I MIGHT have heard the woman, taking off." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Why did you go to Tracey, to ask about the theft? Why not go to the fence, who handled your own stolen merchandise?" Peter would say "I thught Tracey, being a woman, would know how a woman would react. Would a woman sell the stuff, right away? Would she hold it, until the heat was off?" When Doctor Rhoades would ask "And the kiss/moment? What was that about?" Peter would say "A more personal form of "Thank You", than the words. That, and foor taking the time, to see, and talk to, me." Doctor Rhoades would be especially sensitive, with his next question. "Since Steve's death, how often do you see Tracey?" Peter agreed with Tracey's story. Both, independently, told the same story. Peter had contacted Tracey just long enough to say to keep their distance until Steve's murder was solved. When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Would you happen to know the reason why Steve is convinced that you murdered him?" Peter would say "All I know is that, since his death, Steve has filled my nights with dreams, which show how he THINKS I killed him." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "WHY is Steve so determined to prove that YOU killed him?" Peter would say "Thats easy enough. Its because, for high school proms, I beat him, to asking Tracey out." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Are you saying that this is revenge, from high school days?" Peter would ask "Why not? For awhile, Tracey and I were a regular couple. Steve was envious. It seems that every plan he came up with, I had, already thought of." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "About the nightmares, how often do they come?" Peter would stand up, pick up a pill bottle, and, passing it to Doctor Rhoades, would say "Often enough that I need THAT, to sleep." After Doctor Rhoades would accept the name, of the mans doctor, and drive to the clinic, where the man was being seen, Peter's doctor would agree that Peter was having problems sleeping. When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Is it possible, that someone is tampering with Peter's sleep?" The doctor would say "Either that, OR a guilty conscience." When Doctor Rhoades would ask the doctor "Just HOW is Peter "linked" to Steve's death?" The doctor would, only, say "The police are not releasing that information. I think they just want Peter to confess." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What if Peter did NOT murder Steve? What happens, then?" The doctor would say "In that case, someone gets away with murder." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What about Peter's sleep problem?" The doctor would say "We just continue treatment, until we cure the affliction." (Just what Doctor Rhoades expected the doctor to say). While Doctor Rhoades would be busy, trying to figure out what REALLY happened, to Steve, eveen as he worked on treating Tracey, as well, it would seem that Steve's spirit was not happy with the "progress", to date. Both Peter, and Tracey, began, independently, reporting nightmares. Not just of Peter's allegedly murdering Steve, but Steve was adding a new component. He was giving Tracey, and Peter, nightmares, of Peter having sex, with Tracey, while Steve was bound-and-gagged, nearby. Both patients reported that the act seemed more like RAPE, than sex. What neither could understand was why, after the sex, Peter was depicted beating on Tracey, leaving her bloody enough to, almost, need plastic surgery. Only after this, did Peter kill Steve. After both reported, to Doctor Rhoades, Doctor Rhoades visited the local hospital, asking to see Tracey's medical records. Try as he might, Doctor Rhoades could find no evidence, of Tracey's having suffered any, such, injuries. This tied in, with Tracey, and Peter, saying that neither remembered this, either. In fact, other than regular, womens, physicals, Tracey had, almost, no record (outside of drug use), for medical treatment. At this point, Doctor Rhoades began to wonder if Steve was trying to "set up" Peter. The question was "WHY?" WHO was Steve trying to protect? A more thorough search, of Steve's own background, turned up one, possible, answer. In the past, Steve had spent five years, on a juvenile sex offenders list, since he, allegedly, had under-age sex, with two, teenage, baby-sitters. The reports listed that, when the girls primary rides could not pick them up, from jobs, that Steve picked each one up. Instead of delivering them to their homes, as promised, Steve took the girls on a roundabout route. Sex followed, then Steve drove the girls home. The only "flaw", in Steve's plan, had been not knowing that, the very next day, in high school, the principal had all, female, students, tested for D.N.A. While Steve had "twice the fun", the night before, his D.N.A. was found, in his victims. Steve had been listed as a "sex offender", until his 21st birthday. The day when a boys, juvenile, record, is sealed. On the day of his release, the judge had warned Steve "From this day, forward, any crimes you commit, will be a part of your permanent, adult, criminal, record." If Steve's death had been retaliation, for a rape, the time-line just did not fit. Most retaliatory deaths, due to rape, happen right after the fact. In almost all cases, that Doctor Rhoades knew of, such retaliation was boasted, by the killer, as "justice, for the victim". No, Steve's death had another message tied to it. Doctor Rhoades just wasn't seeing it, yet. It would not be until Doctor Rhoades was comparing notes, on meetings, with the two, that Doctor Rhoades would ask, first Tracey, then Peter, if they recognized the LOCATION, where the events took place, in the nightmare. While Tracey admitted that she DID recognize the place, it would be Peter who would ask "Doctor Rhoades, if you will drive me, there, I will show you the place." When Doctor Rhoades asked "Whats wrong with YOUR truck?" Peter would say "Nothing. I'm just afraid to be behind the wheel. If I freak out, in your car, you can keep control." Doctor Rhoades would calmly, say "My car, it is." Driving out, just past the edge, of town, Peter would point out the location. As Peter would point out "While the place has been closed, for years, it is, not exactly, "deserted". If you know what I mean." While Peter showed Doctor Rhoades the "entrance", when Doctor Rhoades asked "Aren't you coming?" The doctor saw the FEAR, in Peter's eyes. The man was terrified of this place. It was only inside the structure, that Doctor Rhoades found what he hoped to find. When he felt the despair, the lonliness, the emotional suffering, this is when the doctor closed his eyes, and envisioned what those souls were trying to tell him. In Doctor Rhoades "third eye", he visualized the vacant building disappearing, as if dissolving. When the doctor could see, clearly, again, the image began to make sense. In the image, Steve's, prone, begging, form was replaced with the vision, of other gamblers, all of whom wanted MORE credit, for the gambling tables. Peter's form, standing over Steve, dissolved, replaced with some kind of "collections specialist". A man, whose job was to exact payment, from debtors. Soon, in ANOTHER part, of the vision, Doctor Rhoades came to understand the reason WHY the spirit had added the sex to the vision. If what the "other dimension" was showing Doctor Rhoades was correct, Steve's "debt" was NOT from gambling. Even while married to Tracey, Steve, still, needed to "prove" his manhood. This, he did, by getting laid, as often as possible, at the casino. He WANTED other women to know him as a "King Stud". With his eyes closed, to the outside world, Doctor Rhoades would witness when the casino's "collectors" told Steve to "PAY UP", or else. Steve found out what "or else" meant, when he was taken out, of the casino, and beaten to death. The vision also showed that, to make their "point" as clear as possible, the casino staff had driven two rail spikes, through Steve's shaft, after he was gagged, to prevent his screams from travelling. Now, Doctor Rhoades understood why the police did not want the body to be viewed. Still, this left Doctor Rhoades wondering: WHY was Steve determined to pin his death on Peter? As Doctor Rhoades would find out, later, when Steve's spirit decided to appear, to the doctor, Steve would say "You have it all wrong, doc. So have Tracey, and Peter." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "In that case, point me in the correct direction." The spirit would say "I was HOPING that, if I gave Peter enough "clues", that he would pursue the case, and FIND the answers, which you found. I was trying to "nudge" him." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Your widow? Whats up with that?" The spirit would say "I was TRYING to tell her to stay CLOSE to Peter. In school, I watched him protect her, more than once. I HOPED he would continue, after I was gone." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Just how much debt DID you run up, at the casino, before they killed you?" Steve would promise "I never gambled one cent. I only went there, for sex. I wanted to prove that, despite marriage, that I remained a fully functional man." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "How much, of this debt, will Tracey have to pay off?" Steve would say "Relax. Only about $25,000". After a conversation, about responsibility, with the spirit, Doctor Rhoades would speak to Tracey, and Peter, together. When Tracey would ask "How am I to pay off this debt?" Peter would say "Dont worry, I will help you." When Tracey would say "Just remember, Peter. Just because I, still, love you, that does NOT mean that you can lay claim to me. IF we, eventually, marry, it will be on combined terms." While Doctor Rhoades offered to attend the meeting, with the couple, Peter was the one to say "THIS is OUR problem." After the meeting, Doctor Rhoades would be surprised to hear that the casino had "written off" the debt. The execution was the TALK, of the place. Gamblers understood what would happen, if they failed to pay bills. As for the couples next plans, while Peter suggested a nice restaurant, then some entertainment, Tracey over-ruled this, saying "I would prefer to fix dinner, myself. Some soft music, dancing, then a night, of relaxation." Tracey smiled when both men said "Sounds like a winner, to me." Final case-file note: While authorities did, eventually, release Steve's body, for burial, I can, fully, understand why the condition was that the service be CLOSED casket. Both patients have reported that all nightmares have ended. The one thing no one is certain of is which "way" Steve went. Up, or down. The casino, however, would face no charges, since Steve had a bill, which he refused to pay. A bill, which was written off. To my knowledge, both Peter, and Tracey, are back to living normal lives. If anyone is annoyed, at the turn, of events, it would be Peter's doctor. A doctor who had HOPED to be able to prescribe a $2,000 per dose pill, which was designed to "suppress the psyche".

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