Thursday, October 12, 2017


THE NEW SIXTH SENSE # 10 Doctor Johnathan Rhoades, medical doctor, and licensed psychiatrist. A man who DARES to look PAST the obvious, and discover what is at the HEART, of patients conditions. The following is case-file number 10, of Doctor Rhoades highly unusual approach to treatment, of mental disorders. "To my surprise, this caseload has been recommended by none other than a group, of fellow physicians. As to the reason why the group is in need, of ANOTHER psychiatrist, this remains baffling, to me. What I DO know is that, while enroute, to the subject location, I have received an e-mail, from a collegue, with the subject line: "You forgot to ask for this". As for my destination, it is no secret that a medical group is running a private hospital, for the mentally impaired. Primarily, it seems to operate as a place, where mentally challenged children may learn the advanced skills, needed to survive in the general public. If my file is correct, however, it seems that the hospital has begun taking in more, young, adults. As to the reason why I am being called in, it seems that the hospital wants me to rid the patients of the delusion, that the hospital is "haunted". Upon entering the location, Doctor Rhoades would be surprised that a modern building could be built to look so "antique". In fact, instead of steel mesh, over the windows, this place had regular, iron, bars. It was soon after Doctor Rhoades entered the building that he saw how much different the inside was. While, outside, the place gave the look of being 17th, or 18th, century, on the inside, it was 20th century, atleast. Patients, in modern beds, and staff, in modern offices. In fact, if it had not been for a young woman, who was crying out, for attention, this place could be the ward, of any, modern, hospital. When Doctor Rhoades stopped, for a listen, at the agitated womans room, a nurse stepped out, whispering "I'm sorry. Only medical personnel are allowed, at this..." Then she stopped, when Doctor Rhoades showed her his credentials. While the nurse then went on, to bring in some heavy drugs, Doctor Rhoades would listen as the woman kept trying to tell staff "I SAW her! I KNOW I saw her." Only AFTER the woman was drugged into un-consciousness, did a doctor step out, to address Doctor Rhoades. Once introductions were made, the staff doctor would say "The chief administrator is waiting for you." adding, to a nurse, "Let me know if she regains consciousness, too soon." After the nurse said "Yes, doctor." The doctor asked Doctor Rhoades "Follow me. I am sure he is waiting for you." While Doctor Johnathan Rhoades, normally, HATED administrators, he held out the hope that, since this man had CALLED Doctor Rhoades in, that the doctor would be less hostile. This feeling, however, evaporated, quickly, as the administrator would inform Doctor Rhoades "I only agreed to call you in, since the board requested your services. Let me be perfectly CLEAR, about one thing, right now. There are NO ghosts, in this hospital. Just wild imaginations. That, and a few, careless, workers. People whom, I assure you, have been dismissed. You are here to verify that we have NO ghosts. If you try anything else, I will have you THROWN out the front door. Am I understood?" Doctor Rhoades would say "Perfectly. Now, if you dont mind, I would like to get set up." The administrator would, sternly, show Doctor Rhoades the door. As Doctor Rhoades would proceed to a nurses station, to have a guide show him to his office space, Doctor Rhoades would look in, on the sedated woman, and log her name, and bed number. After this, and when his guide arrived, Doctor Rhoades would ask the duty nurse "I would like to interview that patient, once she awakens, and before she is given any meds." Doctor Rhoades LIKED the way the nurse would say "Yes, doctor." When Doctor Rhoades would enter his temporary "office", he would pull the womans file, and begin reviewing its contents. One thing he found to be "enlightening", was the fact that this woman, like many, other, patients, ALL reported seeing the same nurse. The nurse was, reportedly, middle-aged, medium build, dark hair, and a very pleasant disposition. It seems that both patients, and their families, loved the nurse. For Doctor Rhoades, however, one, of the primary, mysteries, of this case, was the fact that the nurse, reportedly did not wear the normal, white, uniform, of the nursing trade. Every description, which the doctor read, stated that this nurse wore a pink-and-blue uniform. It was when Doctor Rhoades would ask himself, out loud, "Who would wear pink-and-blue uniforms, in a hospital?" That a womans soft voice would answer "Doctor Harding." When Doctor Rhoades looked up, and saw the woman, described by so many, asking "Who is Doctor Harding?" The woman would say "Not is, WAS." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Alright, who WAS he?" The nurse would say "He was the first maverick, to operate the hospital. He took over, when Doctor Gooding became too old, and fragile, for the job." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Why do you say that Doctor Harding was a "maverick"?" The nurse would say "Because, Doctor Harding was much like you. He did not want patients to feel confined. He wanted them to be PART of life. For those he felt were most stable, these patients were offered work, within the hospital." When Doctor Rhoades would check the files, then say "I'm sorry. I just dont see Doctor Harding listed, on the hospital staff." The nurse would say "That, doctor, is because the volume, which you are handling, is the volume of the current hospital. You wont find Doctor Harding listed in that volume." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Where would I find him registered?" The nurse would say "In the Restricted Files, from the OLD hospital." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "How many hospitals have there been?" The nurse would say "Relax. There have been only two. The original one, and this one." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Why would Doctor Harding be listed under "Restricted Files"?" The nurse would say "For the same reason you would be. As I said, he was a "maverick", just like you". When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What, eventually, became of Doctor Harding?" The nurse would say "As I recall, when some administrator visited, and found conditions, here, not restrictive enough, the administrator filed charges, saying that Doctor Harding was allowing patients to "run wild". How preposterous!" When Doctor Rhoades woulld ask "I take it, you did not agree?" The nurse would say "The patients were under observation, at all times. I will, also, add that some of them, even among the so-called "real-loonies", performed duties just as well as any sane person. In my opinion, Doctor Harding did more GOOD, for the hospital, than any other administrator, that I worked for." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What happened after he was reported? Who replaced him?" The nurse would say "A real TYRANT. Named Bearnstein. The man ordered a return, to complete lock-down, for all inmates. He un-did, in days, what Doctor Harding worked, for YEARS, to create." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What, eventually, happened?" The nurse would say "When Bearnstein began grabbing control, some of the patients took keys, un-locked cabinets, and began mixing chemicals." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What did Bearnstein do?" The nurse would say "For the life of me, I will never understand why, but Bearnstein issued assault rifles, to guards, and issued an order of "Shoot to KILL"." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "I am sure that the patients died, but what of the hospital. HOW did it cease to exist?" The nurse would say "Just coming to that. When Bearnstein ordered the patients shot on sight, it seems that the rifle rounds touched off, the chemicals. The explosion, My GOD!" When Doctor Rhoades would say "I understand how painful this must be, but I need to ask "How MUCH, of the hospital went up, in the primary blast?" The nurse would say "Wings 3 and 4 went up like loaded with TNT. Wings 1 and 2 went up, within the hour." When Doctor Rhoades would, mistakenly, suggest "With local fire equipment available, and an hour, to respond, wings 1 and 2..." The nurse would say "The place went up, and the locks melted shut. We couldn't get them out. Add in the poison vapor cloud, from the chemicals, and only a handful survived." When Doctor Rhoades asked "When did this happen?" Thinking it was recently. The nurse would say "1887." The town was several miles away. By the time anyone knew the hospital was on fire, the building was consumed, by flames." This would be when Doctor Rhoades realized just how haunted this place might be. It had burned to the ground, in the days, when fire departments were staffed by volunteers. The days, when many buildings burned, to the ground, while fire fighters gathered clothes, and rushed to fire houses, for horse-drawn pumps, and gardening hoses. Doctor Rhoades was not-at-all surprised when the nurse would say "I am only sad that Bearnstein made a point of running out of the building, after the first explosion. He CLAIMED that he was trying to coordinate activities. My fanny. He was just making sure that HE was outside, and survived the fire." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Would you know what happened, to him, after the fire?" The nurse would say "He was PROMOTED. The swine! He had friends, in high places. He used them to secure a post, in a more urban hospital." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "How long, after the fire, was the hospital re-built?" The nurse would say "I have something, far more important, to discuss with you." When Doctor Rhoades would say "Proceed." The nurse would say "That, young, woman. The one you saw, on your way in. The one being sedated." Doctor Rhoades would say "Yes, I remember her. She was saying..." "Yes", The spirit would say "She tried to convince staff that she saw me." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What is the matter with that?" The spirit would say "Only that I have been dead for, what is it, 85 years?" When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Why were you trying to communicate, with the young woman?" The spirit would say "I was TRYING to tell her that she is NOT imagining seeing her grand-mother." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "So, WHY is her grand-mother trying to communicate?" The spirit would say "Her grand-mother wants the woman to know that there is an object, of great value, on a property, about 70 miles from here. If the young woman can "Get it together", as you say, in the modern day, she has an inheritance coming. One which will rid her of debts." This is when Doctor Rhoades would ask "Whats the "condition", of the inheritance?" The spirit would say "The holder must be of SOUND MIND, as well as BODY. In her current state, the woman does not stand a chance, at the inheritance." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What do you want, of me?" The spirit would say "Bring her down to Earth. I have SEEN your work. You know how to REACH people. Prove that she is worthy, of her inheritance." When Doctor Rhoades would agree, saying "Alright, but I have a question, for you, as well." Having sensed the coming question, the spirit would say "Doctor Harding decided to do away with the hospital white uniforms. We tried pink-and-blue, since this is what most children grow up with. Doctor Harding felt it would have a calming effect, on patients." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Did it?" The nurse would say "More than we dared imagine." When Doctor Rhoades would mention "Some, of the modern day patients, say that they hear singing, in the evenings. Is there any truth to this?" The spirit would say "Another, of Doctor Hardings idea's. For the evening shift, he recruited members, of local church choirs, to do evening rounds. He had the idea that, if infants drift off, to the sound of music, then why not let patients enjoy the same priviledge." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "You had SINGING nurses?" The spirit would say "Why not? Seems the patients enjoyed the sound of the music." When Doctor Rhoades would say "It sure sounds like this Doctor Harding was a real "progressive". No wonder the medical board wanted him out." This is when the nurse would caution the doctor "While the young woman needs your assistance, first, and foremost, there are other patients, in need of your talents. May I inform the resident spirits that you will perform your duty, as per request?" Doctor Rhoades would say "As long as the administration allows. Remember that I am here, only on retainer." The nurse would surprise the doctor when she would say "Let ME worry about that. You just see to the patients." Two days after Doctor Rhoades arrival, the doctor would end up in a debate, with another doctor, over the sedated patient. While the staff doctor would insist "We MUST keep her under heavy sedation, until she loses this belief that "ghosts" are trying to speak to her." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "HOW will heavy sedation help the patient recover?" The staff doctor would say "We have proof that, in many cases, if a patient is kept sedated, long enough, then nightmares become nothing more than "bad dreams". When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Do the patients REALLY recover, or do they just lose memories?" The staff doctor would say "Whose to say? All we know is that, when patients enter the hospital, most are, highly agitated, yet, when they leave, they are calm." Doctor Rhoades would suggest "You mean, they are drugged." The staff doctor would ask "Whats the difference?" Doctor Johnathan Rhoades KNEW the difference. He had WATCHED, as patients were drugged, into a near coma situation, just because the people were "excited", over what they did not understand. Hospitals, then, kept patients in the near-coma, until patients no-longer understood the difference between reality, and fantasy. Once patients were in this "altered reality", staff could convince patients of anything, from "Ghosts are not "real"", to "The sky is pink, and the ground is black". Doctor Rhoades favorite example, of how "wrong" this practice was, involved his first case. A patient, who was kept, heavily, drugged, due to his extreme fear of fire. By doing what no ethical psychiatrist would do. Namely, walking the patient through the events, which caused his condition, the patient had been cured, of his fear (and his need, of heavy doses of drugs). Now, Doctor Rhoades was in another "fight". While Doctor Rhoades wanted to bring the woman OUT of her drug-induced haze, the staff doctors were "resistant", to say the least. Sure, it was confirmed, that the patient had resorted to stabbing herself, before being committed, but Doctor Rhoades had his own theory, about this. The problem was that the doctor needed the patient awake, and aware, for their conversation. Her chart listed the woman as "Violently Erratic", and "UN-stable". Doctor Rhoades just could not believe how many forms he had to complete, for hospital approval. In fact, Doctor Rhoades was not even presented, with the forms, until he reminded the hospitals board of directors "Ladies, and Gentlemen, remember that is was YOU who request MY services. If you want my help, I need your cooperation." When the administrator would say "ONLY with no less than TWO guards, present." Doctor Rhoades had said "NO deal. I do this MY way." After ten minutes of argument, Doctor Rhoades played his "ace", saying "Fine. You ask for my assistance, yet you will not let me do my job." As Doctor Rhoades would grab his coat, he would tell the board "Let me know if you change your minds." When a female, board, member would ask Doctor Rhoades. HOW do you intend to control so many patients? With your good looks?" When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What are you talking about?" When a male, board, member, would suggest "The report, which this board has received, suggests that you intend to take on as many patients as possible. Just how many, of these patients, do you think you can control?" Doctor Rhoades would look at the administrator as he said "I dont know where this information came from, however, I do NOT plan to set an entire ward loose, if thats what you mean. I, always, work, one-on-one, with each patient." When the female board member would ask "Then, you are NOT looking for "free run" of the entire ward?" Doctor Rhoades would smile as he said "Ofcourse not. I work with one patient at a time." When another, male, board, member, would ask "What is your primary interest, in the first patient, whom you have requested to interview?" It was only AFTER Doctor Rhoades had given his clinical definition, that he had been approved, for patient access. The hospital, even, agreed to allow the guards to wait OUT-side the room. Doctor Rhoades noticed how surprised the woman looked when the doctors first inquiry was regarding her childhood. She wondered why this doctor was not heckling her, as the others did, asking "Seen any "ghosts", today?" Doctor Rhoades noticed how the woman calmed, even more, as she discussed thoose she remembered, from childhood, and how the others had gone on, to "bigger and better". When Doctor Rhoades had asked "Why did you not move on, as well?" The woman had said "Un-like my friends, who want very fancy, and expensive, things, in life, all I wanted was to live my life, in the town, where I grew up." When Doctor Rhoades would suggest "You feel safe, here, dont you?" The woman would say "I guess you could call it that." When Doctor Rhoades would suggest "It really is a big, scary, world, out there, beyond this town." The woman shrugged, as she said "Not really. I just like the fact that I KNOW people, here. If I need help, I KNOW who to call." Doctor Rhoades would say "I see. Outside this town, you would have to start, all over again." The woman would say "We moved, twice, while I was a child. Had to meet new people, find new friends. Learn everything, from scratch. I know that other people enjoy such "adventures". Not me. I like having a regular, normal, life. I KNOW the people, around me." While Doctor Rhoades noticed that the woman had no problem, with discussing either her mother, or grand-mother, the woman would mention "I DO think mom was wrong in one thing." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What was that?" The woman would say "Kicking dad out of the house, just because she THOUGHT he was spending too much time, at another womans house." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What WAS your father doing, at the friends house?" The woman would say "My friend told me that her own dad would not do any repairs, to the house. After my mom mentioned that my dad was good, at fixing things, her friend asked if she could "borrow" my father." Doctor Rhoades would ask "What happened?" the woman would say "A few times, dad had to take things apart, and put them back together. It took hours." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Where were you, at these times?" The woman would say "When dad let me, I watched as he did some repairs. Other times, he said it was "dangerous". These were the times, when dad had mom's friend send us outside, to play." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What happened, to make your mother suspect your father?" The woman would say "Its so silly. Dad cut himself, a few times, while making the repairs. Mom insisted that, everytime dad was cut, that he sleep on the sofa. Mom insisted that the cuts were from a woman, digging her nails, into a mans body, "during the act". When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What do YOU think?" The woman would say "Based on the stuff dad was fixing, I have no doubt he was injured, doing repairs." When Doctor Rhoades would say "Your mom did NOT agree, I take it." The woman would say "You can say that, again. Mom even charged the two, face-to-face." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What happened?" The woman would say "While moms friend would admit that dad was attractive, that all he was doing was repairs." The woman would add "Soon, after this, mom filed for divorce. Even though her only "evidence" was dads visits to her friends place." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "You said you hated to move. Was there a reason why you had to move?" The woman would say "Yes, both times. We had to move, from our first home, when dad lost his job. He was working in a plant, and the company moved to where they could get cheaper labor." Doctor Rhoades would suggest "When your father lost his job, and his income." The woman would say "He couldn't afford to cover the bills, so we were evicted." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What happened, with your second home?" The woman would say "When dad lucked into a new job, mom had him ordered to pay support." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Didn't he WANT to pay, for his children?" The woman would say "Mom insisted that dad could pay MORE than he was paying. When dad petitioned his boss, for more wages, he lost this job." Doctor Rhoades would say "You were evicted, again." The woman would say "Right. The worst part, of all, was the fact that, when we moved, this time, since mom had to apply for aid, to help with moving expenses, we were ORDERED to each take only ONE carton, to the next place." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Did anyone tell you WHY this was?" The woman would say "A worker came by the house, saying "We are NOT a moving company. Anything you have, which does NOT fit, in a single carton, you LEAVE behind. Got me?"" When moms reply was to have dad placed under a court order, to pay a specified amount, of support, we ended up spending the rest of our childhood on welfare. Doctor Rhoades would suggest "No one would hire your father, for the amount your mother wanted?" The woman would say "Thats right." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What about your grand mother?" The woman would say "While Grandpa left her set, for her own life, even his job did not pay enough to cover both HER costs, and ours. Still, grandma did what she could. You know, I even heard rumor that grandma left us kids some kind of surprise." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Any idea what it was?" The woman would say "You know, I, never, even asked. I figured it was just some old, family, albums." She would, then add "Doc, you want to hear something funny?" When Doctor Rhoades would say "Sure, I could use a good laugh." The woman would say "I dont remember seeing grandma's ghost until I found some old pictures, from some of the times we spent at grandma's place. Isn't that odd?" When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Why do you say that? I know of many people, who only remember things, when they see "ancient" objects." The woman would say "Dont ask me why, but, when I found the old pictures, I recalled the days, when the pictures were taken. Tell you how long ago that was. Digital camera's did not even exist, yet." By the time the interview was concluded, Doctor Rhoades revised the womans chart from "delusional", to "retrospective". Even the guards, who walked the woman, back to her room, were surprised at how calm she was. One guard reported "It is as if she is at peace, with something." It would be another, two, weeks, of sessions, before hospital administrators would allow Doctor Rhoades to remove the woman from the hospital, and take her for a ride (to the site the spirit nurse had suggested). When the woman would say "So, we are at grandma's house. What do we do, now?" When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What became of your grandmother?" The woman would say "Relax, doc. Old age. That, and children, and grand-children. What more does it take to drive any parent into an early grave?" Doctor Rhoades could sense something, about the property. Something, which was "calling out". He just hoped for a "third eye" vision, before the duo had to leave. When Doctor Rhoades would ask the woman for a "tour" of the grounds, he wondered if the woman were just re-living old memories, or if her smile was of a person, re-visiting happier days. When the woman pulled some weeds, awaay from a swing-set, the two sat, as the woman said "Boy, the days, and nights, we spent, on these swings. Everything from boys, to camping, and just lying on the ground, looking at the stars." Then she added "You know, doc. After we watched repeates, of Star Trek, on television, we lay, on the ground, wondering if there actually ARE Kilgons, and Romulans, out there. Funny, isn't it?" Doctor Rhoades would suggest "I dont know about that. Star Trek launched many a young person on career paths, headed for the stars. Some people actually hoped to meet the Organians. Others hoped that the Vulcans could help Earth's people live in peace." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What did your grand-mother think, about this?" The woman would smile as she said "Grandma, keppt saying "There is treasure, right here, on Earth. No need reach for the stars." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Any idea what she meant?" The woman would say "With grandma, "treasure" could mean anything. She called family photo's "treasure"." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "In some families, photo's are treasure. Memories, of the past." The woman would say "Thats grandma alright." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Did any, of the children ASK grand-mother WHAT she meant, by treasure, here on Earth?" The woman would say "I guess that I did. The day we were weeding the garden. I was just kidding.. I think she was, too." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What did she say?" The woman would smile as she said "Grandma claimed the treasure was buried beneath an outhouse." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What?" The woman would say "Grandma was a BIG fan, of "Little House on the Prairie". She, even, claimed that, at one time, there was an old outhouse, on this property. Right over there, somewhere." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Did she say what happened, to the outhouse?" The woman would say "Grandma wanted to leave the place standing, as a reminder of our past. The city, though, asked grandpa to remove it after some kid got caught in it. City inspectors said tests showed the place was full of "bad things". Grandpa obeyed. I just wished he had taken some pictures, first. I guess that why, after that, grandma was, always, asking granda "Do you have film in the camera?" When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Would you show me the area, where the shed sat?" When the woman said "Sure, come with me." As the pair aproached the location, Doctor Rhoades was the first to "vision" the womans grand-mother. When the woman caught a glimpse, moments later, and began to freak, Doctor Rhoades would ask "Why are you afraid?" The woman would say "She CANT be here. We buried her. I swear it!". When Doctor Rhoades would use his calming voice, to explain "Yes, you buried her body. What we see is her soul, or spirit, if you want." When the woman would ask "If you see her, as well, tell me What is she wearing?" In his "vision", Doctor Rhoades would smile, as the spirit did a 360, showing him her outfit. When Doctor Rhoades would mention "You say she liked gardening?" The woman would say "She looved it." Doctor Rhoades would say "That explains her work-clothes." After Doctor Rhoades described what HE saw, the woman would ask "Why is she standing so close to the outhouse? Does she think I might not use a toilet?" This is when Doctor Rhoades would, telepathically, "hear" the womans voice, saying "Young man. I want my grand-daughter to dig, HERE. On THIS spot." When Doctor Rhoades would, telepathically, ask "Why?" The womans spirit would project "The secret lies beneath this point." When Doctor Rhoades would inform the patient "Your gand-mother says that some secret lies buried, here. Any idea what that means?" The patient would, only, say "Only one way to find out." After digging up some pieces, of flat, cover, stones, the duo would dig up an old, jewelry, box. Doctor Rhoades estimated even the boxes value to be exceptional. When the spirit would say "Open the box." Doctor Rhoades would, gently, open the container, to find some very old papers. While he did his best, to read them, he decided to let an expert "authenticate" them. When the woman looked upon her grand-mother, and Doctor Rhoades would whisper "She is just as real as your memories, of her." The women smiled, at one another, then, as gentle as a breeze, grand-mother faded away. Doctor Rhoades knew that the woman was, now, happy. She had accomplished what she set out to do. Now, she could rest-in-peace. As for the "official" report, to the hospital, both doctor, and patient, would agree that they had visited the grand-parents place, and that the woman had found peace, in reliving the old memories. As Doctor Rhoades reported "There is NOTHING WRONG, with remembering the past. As long as we LIVE, in the present." When Doctor Rhoades next encountered the spirit nurse, he was amazed when SHE thanked HIM for helping the patient. Grand-mother was at peace, and the revenue, from the sale, of the documents, would set the young woman up, until she was able to return to work. When Doctor Rhoades would ask the spirit nurse "Whom do you want me to deal with, next?" He was surprised when the nurse said "All in good time. For now, there is other work, to be done." This, "other work", which the spirit spoke of, would be a challenge, in itself. According to county records, the spirit was correct. THIS hospital had been built over the remains of the former hospital. While an excavation had produced no human remains, the spirit nurse would caution the doctor "They only dug down, eighteen inches, and called that "sufficient"." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "How FAr down do they need to dig?" The spirit would say "Another two feet should be enough." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What will happen, to the current hospital, IF human remains are found?" The spirit would say "From what I remember, of mortal law, the hospital would be closed, and the patients moved, to another hospital, until ALL the remains are collected." When the board of directors learned of Doctor Rhoades request, for a more in-depth excavation, below the hospital, the president, of the board, would ask Doctor Rhoades "Are you mad? If we dig, under this building, we will lose revenue, from insurance billing. Not to mention the cost, of shoring up." When Doctor Rhoades would promise "I am not talking of digging the whole place up, at once. I am talking about digging small patches, then filling them, before moving on." It was the PASSION, of the way the chairman of the board, would say "Request DENIED! You will NOT dig up this hospital. It is needed." Doctor Rhoades was left to wonder "WHO needed it?" What was the board so afraid would be found, under the foundations? It was when Doctor Rhoades finished packing his car, to depart, that the spirits, of the nurse, several, of her co-workers, and, even, some of the patients, appearred, to say farewell, to Doctor Rhoades. All of them agreed: "You did the best you could, doc. We could not have asked for more." After Doctor Rhoades would say "Thank you, all." The doctor never ceased to be amazed at how gently spirits, actually, faded away. Like puffs of wind.

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