Wednesday, September 27, 2017


THE NEW SIXTH SENSE # 9 Doctor Johnathan Rhoades, medical doctor, and licensed psychiatrist. A man who DARES to look PAST the obvious, and discover what is at the HEART, of patients conditions. The following is case-file number 9, of Doctor Rhoades highly unusual approach to treatment, of mental disorders. "Case number 9 made me suspicious, from the moment, when my collegue, Carolyn Anderson referred the case to me. Between what Doctor Anderson informed me, and how the patients file read, it would seem that the following was true. The patient, Patricia Atkins, had come from a relatively large family and, since childhood, had retained a fear of the dark. Family history, also, suggests that Patricia's brothers enjoyed scaring the child, in regards to horror movies. The types, of movies, where a woman, in distress, is followed/attacked, either by creatures, or insane people. As a result, of her brothers constant "badgering", it seems that the woman would NOT leave her home, after dark, for ANY reason. Her brothers had succeeded in turning their sister into a Paranoid Delusional. While the boys had just "laughed off" their sisters terror, and moved on, with their lives, Patricia had found herself living on Disability, having multiple, alarm systems, in her unit, and never stepping outside, after dusk. It would not be until after the invention, of the D.V.D., and the added feature, of films, called "Behind the Scenes", that Doctor Anderson had found a way to alleviate much of Patricia's debilitating fear. In fact, once Doctor Anderson had Patricia begin watching "Behind the Scenes", before watching movies, that Doctor Anderson had felt comfortable in reducing the amount, and number, of anti-psychotic drugs, which the patient was taking. "In fact", as Doctor Anderson had suggested "Until this most recent development came about, I was ready to remove Patricia from anti-psychotics, all the way."" When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What happened, to change your mind?" Doctor Anderson would say "This". Doctor Anderson would pass Doctor Rhoades a copy of a "Last Will and Testament". Doctor Anderson would say "This, supposedly, was written by Patricia's father." Doctor Rhoades was suspicious, of the document, from the moment, when he read its contents. "To my daughter, Patricia Atkins. While I have lived with your insufferable fear, of life, for years, the time has come, for you to GROW UP. IF you want your share, of your inheritance, you will follow my directions, to the letter. Any deviation, and you will LOSE your portion, of the family's holdings." After reading on, Doctor Rhoades looked at Doctor Anderson, suggesting "This document reads just like the classic, Bob Hope, movie: "The Cat and the Canary". Doctor Anderson would say "I agree, for the most part. What I cant understand is the reason WHY, in order to claim her inheritance, that Patricia is required, not just to visit the house, but to remain, on the property, for a full MONTH. What gives, with that?" Doctor Rhoades would say "This DOES seem suspicious. Question: How did Patricia react to this news?" Doctor Anderson would say "I hate to tell you this, but, after YEARS, of successful treatment, Patricia has reverted to her primal fear. We had to sedate her." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Why was that?" Doctor Anderson would say "Patricia all-but-begged NOT to return to that house. She is terrified of returning." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Did she say WHY?" Doctor Anderson would say "Patricia belives that, on several occassions, the house "reached out", for her, as if to take her captive." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "How may I be of assistance?" Doctor Anderson would suggest "I would ask you to drive Patricia to the family home. Let her SEE that homes are nothing more than stone, wood, glass, and wires." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Why do you not try this, yourself?" Doctor Anderson would blush as she would say "I am not the "maverick" that you are. I THINK this case calls for a maverick touch." Doctor Rhoades understood what Doctor Anderson meant. After all, Doctor Rhoades was considered a "maverick", in the fact that, instead of drugging patients, then trying to TALK them out of delusions, Doctor Rhoades took patients on a "tour"" of their fears. a "guided tour", wherein many patients learned the true source, of their fears. The medical community, and especially, the pharmaceutical companies, did not approve, of Doctor Rhoades treatment plans, primarily since his "treatment plans" involved aiding patients in finding "inner peace". Once patients found that their fears were dealt with, they had no further need, for drugs. In Patricia's case, however, even Doctor Rhoades found it suspicious that the girls father wanted her to spend a full MONTH at the family home. WHY a FULL month? Why not just overnight, or a weekend? With Doctor Andersons permission, Doctor Johnathan Rhoades would visit Patricia, for a conversation. (Doctor Rhoades despised the concept of questioning. So much was lost, when people had to THINK about answers. Doctor Rhoades favorite method, of "questioning", was to let patients talk, and only ask for details, when answers seemed a bit generic.) This is why, instead of asking Patricia, directly, "Why does your father insist that you come home, for a month?" Doctor Rhoades would engage the woman, in conversing about her childhood, and adulthood. While Doctor Rhoades noticed how the woman shivered, when speaking of her brothers (sometimes, of her father, as well), the doctor noticed how calm Patricia was, when speaking, of the "good times". The times, when daughter had aided mother in cooking, cleaning, even gardening. That, and visiting with her friends. When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Dont you miss your friends?" Patricia would say "We were close, when we were young. Kept secrets, and everything." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What happened, to your friends?" Patricia would say "Dont worry, doc. Last I heard, they are alive, and well. Some have families, others have careers. Most just left home, and the area, to move on, with their lives. Cindy went the farthest, of all." When Doctor Rhoades would ask, Patricia would say "Cindy spent YEARS, during childhood, and her teens, digging things up. She loved it, when people lost things. She LOVES the HUNT. Finding what is lost. I swear that, if someone paid her to, Cindy would not stop until she found proof, of the exact location, of Atlantis." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Where is Cindy, now?" Patricia would say "Last I heard, Cindy was in charge of some expedition, to Peru. Remember, I did NOT say she is a MEMBER, of the team. I said she is in CHARGE". When Doctor Rhoades would suggest "So Cindy likes to be in command?" Patricia would say "Only when it suits her. She's no dictator, but she loves to be seen as being in command." When Doctor Rhoades would suggest "Have you thought of having a party, or "get-together", at the family home?" Patricia would say "Thought of that, a few years ago. Everyone is too busy, between careers, families, and so on." Doctor Rhoades was about to try another angle, when Doctor Andersons superior would call him OUT, of the conversation, for a private meeting. When the three doctors met, in the observation room, the senior doctor would remind Doctor Rhoades "I am aware of your "style", of medicine. I just wonder if you are aware of the terms of the will?" When Doctor Rhoades would say "Doctor Anderson showed me the will. Why do you ask?" The senior doctor would say "By the terms of the will, Patricia is to stay at the house, for a month. SHE is to stay at the house. NOT as a slumber party, or a "blow-out" bash. SHE is to remain, on the property. Do you understand me?" Doctor Rhoades would ask "What I dont understand is why you are saying that Patricia cannot have any friends over. After all, she IS over 21. She does have ri..." The senior doctor would interrupt, saying " I KNEW her father. In such matters, the man was VERY DIRECT. If he wanted his home to become a night club, he would have made that a part of the will." This is when Doctor Rhoades would ask "Why would the man want his daughter to remain, alone, in the family home? What is he trying to prove?" "THAT", the senior doctor would say, "Is between father and daughter. Understand?" Doctor Rhoades understood. For some reason, the father wanted his daughter, ALONE, in the house. The question was "Why ALONE?" When Doctor Anderson would ask "What now? Are we sunk?" Doctor Rhoades would say "Not yet. I want you to contact some of the family's neighbors and ask if they would like to visit th family home. Just informal. Find out how many are willing to visit." When Doctor Anderson would ask "Dutch Treat? or Potluck?", Doctor Rhoades would say "Maybe, picnic?" While Doctor Anderson would observe, from the other room, Johnathan Rhoades would ask Patricia "Hoow would you like to visit some friends, who, still, live near your old home?" Doctor Anderson would be surprised when Patricia would say "That would be fine, so long as I dont have to stay in that house, all alone." What Doctor Anderson would need to inform Doctor Rhoades of, before the trip, was what she learned, when she contacted some of Patricia's neighbors. While Patricia's family had plenty of money, and a large home, what Patriicia's father had forgotten to plan for was home maintenance, in the time since his death. No-doubt, this was because Patricia, her mother, and her sisters, took care of the land. In the time since the young had "moved on", and the parents had "met their end", the property had fallen into dis-use. In fact, about the ONLY thing, which father HAD planned for, was the taxes, and utilities. This is when Doctor Rhoades came up with a new plan. A plan, which would provide everything that Patricia needed (and was in accordance with her fathers will). By the time Doctor Rhoades drove up to the family home, with Patricia, even the doctor could sense that the two were being "watched". The GOOD news began when friends, and neighbors, arrived, to begin work on the house. The place was three stories tall, if it was an inch. To Doctor Johnathan Rhoades, it, more, resembled a remote version of the White House, than a family home. The "crew" was only three hours, into the cleaning when, to the doctors surprise, the senior physician video-linked, with the on-site communications, challenging Doctor Anderson with "Just WHAT do you think you are doing?" When Doctor Anderson would say "Just a bit of house cleaning. What do you need?" The doctor seemed annoyed when he reminded Doctor Anderson "By the terms of the will, Patricia is NOT to have company, at the house." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Why is that?" The doctor would only say "Terms of the will." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Does the will specifically state that Patricia may NOT have workers, aiding her, in cleaning the place, to make it more habitable?"" When the doctor would say "Patricia MUST be there, ALONE!" Doctor Rhoades would promise "We are not, here, having a party. We are aiding the owner, in the cleaning process. Unless that is in violation, of the will..." When the doctor would say "Fine, but you must clear out, by sun-down." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Does the will happen to mention WHY everyone, of the workers, must clear out, by sun-down?" Doctor Rhoades began to grow annoyed, with this conversation. For some reason, either the doctor, or Patricia's family, wanted Patricia, ALONE, in the house. Later that evening, Doctor Rhoades wondered who was happiest, that work, on the home, continued, until late, in the evening. The workers, who had their first view, of the home, in many years, or the local, delivery, service, which delivered a few car-loads, of delivery food, to the crew. Come later, in the evening, Doctor Rhoades even paid for some bottles of wine. Sometime, late in the evening, and as the doctors observed, Patricia's friends, and neighbors, began reminiscing, about the past. Who had dated who. Who held the record, for the most, FAILED, drivers tests. Who was it who arrived, at a wedding, late, still smoothing out her dress, after too much "fun", with the brides brother, the night before. Who held the bragging record, for the largest fish, ever caught. The one topic, which no one could agree on, was "WHO was the FIRST to see a "flying saucer". When Doctor Anderson would ask "Who has the best ghost story, to tell?" Doctor Rhoades noticed how the "crew" looked at one another, as if trying to decide WHO told the best ghost stories. Finally, a girl, named Peggy, would ask the doctor "Which KIND of story? Scary? Gruesome? Funny? Traditional?" This is when Doctor Rhoades would ask "Are there any stories, about this, particular, house?" Most of the group looked at one another, then some guy, named Steve, would say "Doc, every house, in this area, has its ghost stories. Take my own home, for example. Stories say that my grand-mother murdered my grand-father when she found him bedding a girl, a third of his age." This is when a girl, named Patsy, would say "I thought it was your GREAT-grand-parents". Then some guy, named Doug, would say "I thought the story went that the girl was sent away, three times, to get rid of pregnancies." Another girl, named Amy, would correct this, saying "The term is Abortion". Even today, I, still, dont believe it. I mean, Abortion is a modern term. No way did it exist, in THOSE days." When Doctor Anderson would suggest "Maybe, not by that NAME, but I am certain that the process existed. Maybe not safely, but it existed." It was when Doctor Rhoades would joke "Dont tell me that THIS house does not even have a headless ghost. Wheres the fun in a house, which is NOT haunted?" This is when Doctor Rhoades succeeded at his task. Doug would be the first to speak as he said "Doc, maybe we dont have no headless horseman, like Sleepy Hollow does, but we DO have some spirits." Amy would jump in, saying "Remember that story, about the voodoo priestess?" When Ray would ask "Which story?" Amy would say "The one where, when a woman feared that, at 25, she would, never, have a child, of her own, that she brought in a voodoo priestess, to do her magic?" When Doctor Anderson would ask "What happened? Didn't it work?" Amy would say "Too well. It seems that the woman died, giving birth to her seventh child." This is when Peggy would say "I heard that the mother fell into a river, while cleaning her infant. The child was found, but the mother was not." After this came the usual variety of tales. Mostly of people "walking through walls", chains rattling, and so on. When Doctor Rhoades would suggest "I bet this, old, place is full of secret passages." The doctor noticed the surprise, on Patricia's face, when Mary stood up, walked over, to a wall panel, pressed a switch, and the panel slid aside, revealing a passage, beyond. When Patricia asked "How long have you known about that panel?" Mary would say "Since that day, when your brother conned me into visiting. Claimed he was going to show ME a "good time". I should have known better." When Doctor Anderson would ask "Why do you say that?" Mary would, discreetly, say "After I gave him his "good time", he opened a panel, let me walk in, without showing me the release lever, then closed the panel. All while laughing at me, through the wall." When Doctor Anderson would say "It is obvious that you became free. What happened, after that?" Mary would say "I just remembered. I vowed never to return to this house." Patricia would ask "IS THAT why you turned down my party invitations?" Mary would say "Yes. Sorry about that. I just wanted to clobber your brother, so bad." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Just how MANY pasages are there, and where do they lead?" Mark would say "There are panels in every room." When Doctor Anderson would ask "HOW would you know that?" Mark would say "Both my grand-father, and my father, worked, on this house, over the years. I think we spent more time, inside these walls, than even the ghosts have." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Is there a panel in Patricia's room?" Mark would say "What an entrance. Doc, if you will remind me, I will show it to you. It is a thing of beauty. To bad its inside the wall." Doctor Rhoades saw the "revelation", in Patricia's eyes, as she realized the truth of what she had seen, as a child. It had NOT been what her brothers had claimed. Neither ghost, nor demon. Not even that horned, sharp-toothed, snarling, thing, which had stood by her bed-side, on several occassions, just looking down at Patricia. When Patricia asked Mark "Would there be any passages, on the grounds?" Mark would caution "They have not been passable, for YEARS." When Patricia would ask "I mean, in the past. As in when we were in grade school." Mark would say "Ofcourse. Gramps, then dad, had to keep cutting tree roots away, to keep the passages clear." While the house had electricity, both Doctor's Rhoades, then Anderson, realized, far too late, that it was well passed midnight. Add in all the food, and DRINK, and it was decided that everyone would spend the night. Since the house had running water, as well, the partiers decided to shower, before hitting the sack. By two a.m., the house was dark. This is when the decision was made. The problem was a lack of proper investigation, on the part of those involved. The biggest mistake was in assuming that the cars, parked, locally, were for a nearby, camp site. Even a simple, visual, inspection, would have shown that the camp site was vacant. The next mistake they made was in assuming that, since the only, really, lighted, areas, of the house, were the kitchen, and livingroom, that Patricia was all alone. Third, if, instead of maintaining their distance, they had moved, closer, to the house, they would have heard the multitude, of voices, inside the house. It was not until 4 a.m. that the "monsters" made their appearance. Just in the wrong room. According to their "masters" orders, Patricia was SUPPOSED to be alone, in the house. This is why, the first time the "monsters" saw a female form, in a bedroom, "Dracula", "Wolfman", and "Creature from the Black Lagoon" emerged from a wall panel, and set out to scare Patricia into wakefulness. The plan would be to scare the woman awake, then act out the classic song "Monster Mash". (How would anyone, in their right mind, think such a story was possible). When the "Wolfman" thought that a werewolf howl would send the girl scurring away, BOY! was he in, for a surprise. No sooner did the "Wolfman" let out his howl, when the girl, a local, martial arts student, nailed him in his manhood. Seconds later, "Dracula", and the "Creature" stared on, as the young woman made an impossibly-fast, martial arts, move, which nailed "Wolfie" to the floor. When the other "monsters" saw the "Wolfman" being subdued, they reacted as quickly as possible, when they saw the girls baseball-bat-wielding lover coming after them. The monsters were, barely, inside the wall, when they heard the bat knocking at the wall. Through their masks, the "monsters" asked one another "I thought that the boss said the chick would be alone." followed by "Why didn't the boss tell us that the chick was a Kung Fu master?" Hearing the panel weaken, the "monsters" agreed "Lets get out of here, before we get into MORE trouble." When the party guests, and the doctors, arrived, at the visitors bedroom, they found "Wolfie" completely under the control of the martial artist. When Doctor Anderson would suggest "You can let them up, now." Doctor Rhoades would add "On the condition that this person tell us ALL that they know." Doctor Anderson understood, as she added "Otherwise..." Even when the wolfman was un-masked, the doctors noticed that no one recognized the man, when everyone asked "Who is he?" When Doctor Anderson knelt beside the wolfman, saying "I think that question is for you. What do you say?" Wolfman would say "I dont understand. Our boss said the chick would be alone, in this place." When Doctor Anderson would ask "WHO is your boss?" Wolfman would say "The man who did NOT tell us that the chick was a martial arts freak." When the "martial arts freak" asked "Permission to pound him into next week?" Doctor Anderson would look at the wolfman, saying "Your choice. Talk, or be clobberred. What do you say?" Just at that moment, a pane, of glass, broke, then wolfman passed out. When martial arts asked "What happened? Did someone kill him?" Doctor Rhoades would rush to the bank of windows, covering the opening, after realizing that someone, HUMAN, was watching them. When Doctor Anderson would examine the wolfman, she would pronounce "Just drugged. He will be out, for several hours. Someone didn't want him telling us something." When Patricia would ask "I wonder what that was?" Doctor Rhoades would suggest "I am beginning to understand why someone wanted you in this house, all ALONE." When Patricia would say "Sorry, doctor, I dont follow." Doctor Rhoades would suggest "What would have happened if it had been YOU, inside this room. In this house, all ALONE. Would anyone have believed that you had SEEN Dracula, the Wolfman, and the Creature?" Martial arts boyfriend would say "I was here, and witnessed it all. I, still, dont believe it." Doctor Rhoades would say "Perhaps, THAT is the point." While this group discussion was going on, inside the house, just off of the property line, another discussion was taking place. This one, between Dracula, and the master. When the master asked "What do you mean the girl clobbered wolfman?" Dracula, backed by the Creature, would say "That girl took him down, fast as lightning. We had to RUN, to prevent being caught." When the master would ask "So, you did not even do the Monster Mash?" The monsters would say "No time. The others would have seen us." To the monsters astonishment, the master reached inside his car, produced a rifle, and said "Take care of him." When the monsters said "No way, boss. I mean, a good, Halloween, scare, is fine, but killing?" This is when the master would shake his head, saying "No, you fools! This is NOT for killing. It is an air rifle. Silent firing. I want you to fire at the wolfman, before he can reveal our plans. Patricia can, never, know what we have planned, for her. Well, atleast, not until AFTER she is fully committed." When the monsters looked at the man, the master would say "That tranquilizer will keep a grizzly bear down, for six hours. It should last, on a man, for twenty-four hours." When Dracula stepped aside, to give the Creature a proper view, the Creature placed his webbed claws, at his side, asking Dracula "HOW do you expect ME to fire that thing, with these webbed claws, on my hands?" Dracula had steppped aside, since the man knew that Creature had no problem with shooting at anything. That is, WHEN Creature had the FULL use, of his hands. In this case, Dracula would HAVE to take the shot. By the time Dracula, and Creature, returned to the family home, they KNEW they had to act, FAST. "Wolfmans" head had been removed, and it seemed that the man was talking to the guests. The creatures could NOT allow this to happen. This is why Dracula took his best aim, and shot... After watching the "Wolfman" keel over, Dracula, and Creature, ran, from the scene, even before Doctor Rhoades could reach, and close, the drapes. After verifying that "Wolfman" was alive (just un-conscious), Patsy went to the kitchen, and put on some pots of coffee. Somehow, she KNEW that no one would be sleeping, for awhile. As Patsy was doing this, the doctors brought the visitors together, for a reflection session. The main topic, ofcourse, was Patricia. The question: Why would anyone want to scare Patricia away from her own home? Doug would be the one to say "The only people I can think of would be her brothers. Thats ridiculous, though." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "WHY?" Mark would say "The brothers have not been back, in YEARS. They live, and work, in other states." Doctor Anderson would say "That should not remove them from the suspect list. After all, Doctor Rhoades, and myself, are, frequently, called upon, to travel, for our jobs." When Amy would ask "But why? I, still, dont see the point? Why try to scare Patricia out? Why not just BUY her out, once she inherits?" This is when Doctor Rhoades would have a "third eye flash", of a document. It read: In the event that Patricia becomes mentally un-balanced, or un-able to make her own decisions, my second heir would be..." and there it faded. When Doctor Rhoades would ask Patricia "Among your brothers, and sisters, did your father have any, other, favorites? Any child, who was indulged?" While Patricia could think of no "favorites", Amy would ask "What about Kelly?" This is when Mark would break in, saying "Amy, dont start THAT again." When Doctor Anderson would ask "Start what again?" Doug would say "Its just a rumor." When both doctors would say "We are listening." Amy would say "There were rumors. Rumors that, when Patricia's mother was away, her father invited his daughter, Kelly, to share his bed." When Doctor Anderson would ask "Was there, ever, any proof?" Amy would say "Nothing, really, public, except for a few kisses." When Peg would say "Amy, you ass! Tell them the REASON for the kisses." When the doctors would suggest "We are waiting." Amy would say "Fine, their father shared some kisses, with his daughter, when she won some awards, and contests." When Doctor Anderson would say "Whats so "strange" about a parent, giving a child a congratulations kiss?" Amy would insist "These were not "Congratulations" kisses! They were “I Love You" kisses" Peg would say "Amy you are so full of it." Doug would say "Thats right." Mark would add "According to you, everytime anyones parent, in town, gave a child an embrace, or a kiss, you decided it HAD to be incest." When Amy would say "It HAS to be!" This is when Doctor Rhoades would ask "Amy, WHY do all signs, of affection, have to be incest?" Amy would bow her head as she whispered "They are." When Doctor Anderson would ask "Based upon what?" Doug would say "Based upon the story, which Amy circulated, about her own father." When Doctor Rhoades would say "Yes, Doug, proceed." Doug would say "Amy, still, clings to the story that, on several occassions, when her mother was away, Amy's own father invited her to share HIS bed." The way Amy cried out "He DID! I even had four abortions, when I got pregnant, by daddy." This is when Mark would ask "If your father got you pregnant, WHY did you keep having sex, with him?" Amy would say "Because!" Doctor Anderson would say "thats not much of an excuse. Now, what REALLY happened, when your mother was away?" Amy went silent, for some moments, then, when she realized that the group was waiting, she said "Dad was lonely, when mom was gone. I didn't want him to be lonely." Doctor Anderson would "fill in the blanks". "Let me guess. You shared your fathers bed, when your mother was away. Either you told someone, or someone saw you. Soon, there was a rumor, and you enjoyed the extra attention." Doug would say "Yeah, SHE got the attention, and her father was ordered into sexual offenders treatment." Mark would add "Amy's mother divorced the man, right after he went into treatment." This is when Doctor Anderson got, directly, to the point, with Amy. "DID your father rape you, while your mother was away?" When Amy said nothing, those, present, KNEW what the answer was. Amy's father faced a life-long conviction record, as a child molester, due to his daughters desire for attention. By this time, Patsy had not only brewed the coffee, but had baked some muffins, as well. By the time dawn broke, Amy had packed, and departed, feeling betrayed, for having her own truth, mistakenly come to light. After an intense conversation, Amy admittted that her first "man" had been a neighbors boy. A boy who, at the time, thought it would be "cool" being with someone like Amy. Before Amy left Patricia's house, the doctors had everyone sign a formal agreement, which stated "What we learn, about one another, at THIS house, STAYS at this house." After Amy left the house, the doctors would step onto the porch, with Doctor Anderson asking "I wonder how many other parents, accused of incest, are innocent?" Doctor Rhoades would remind his collegue "Not all incest is parent-child, you know." While patient confidence is the "stock-and-trade", of ALL medicine, both doctors knew of cases of sibling incest. In their experience, to date, 90% of this had been nothing more than "experimentation". Boys, wanting to know, about girls, and vice-versa. Only ten percent went beyond "just the basics". Of these, only two percent were convicted, when girls became pregnant. Now that Amy's "secret" had come to light, the doctors had to wonder what ELSE would "come to light", before the case was closed. Then, there was the question of WHY Patricia's father had been so adamant that Patricia return home, and spend a MONTH, ALONE, to receive her inheritance. Beyond a dilapidated, old house, and the property, on which it sat, there didn't seem to be much to keep anyone around. Patsy had not thought a thing, of it, when Patricia had suggested going down to a stream, to pick some flowers, for the living room. It was not until Patricia had been gone, until lunch time, that Patsy had mentioned Patricia talking of the stream. While the others were preparing to start a search, Doctor Johnathan Rhoades would receive another "vision". This one, NOT of Patricia, in danger, but of Patricia, talking to someone, whom Doctor Rhoades could not, quite, see. While the others prepared to come to Patricia's aid, if need be, care for the woman, Doctor Rhoades would say "Relax, shes, probably, just talking to a friend." When Mark would ask "Oh, really? Who would that be?" Doctor Rhoades would say "Just a friend, from childhood. Lets go remind her about lunch." (Doctor Anderson observed the looks, on the peoples faces, when Johnathan mentioned the "friend". Did they KNOW something?) When the group found Patricia, she was, in fact, by the stream. The doctors noticed how calm she was, when Patricia asked "Have I been gone, that long? It seemed like only moments ago, that I left the house." While the others took Patricia back to the house, Doctor Rhoades took a moment to "visualize" his surroundings. Just as he thought, the doctor saw the spirit, of a young girl. Just inside the woods. Nothing "evil" about the child. Doctor Rhoades projected "Thank You for watching over Patricia". When the spirit smiled, a warm feeling came over the doctor. As Doctor Rhoades went to leave the stream, he felt the spirit project "Be CAREFUL! Danger is about". By the time the doctor could project "What danger would that be?" The spirit had gone. While, OFFICIALLY, those present, were a "work-crew", the doctors saw no harm, when "workers" played games, or teased. To the doctors, this was like a homecoming. In some ways, it was as if Patricia had returned to the happier days, of her own childhood. From a distance, a furious face watched the activity, through binoculars. The face was furious because the face expected Patricia to be BACK, in the "looney bin", by this time. She was SUPPOSED to be raving about seeing monsters, in her bedroom, doing the 1970's ballad "The Monster Mash". Why the HELL was she, still, here? For that matter, WHY were ANY of them, still, here. The terms had been clear. Patricia, all ALONE. HOW could the plan move forward if Patricia was surrounded by friends, and having a great time. She was supposed to be shell-shocked, not dancing, laughing, and singing. (IF anyone could call what the group was doing "singing") This is when the face made a bold, and dangerous, plan. A plan, which would require not local, theater, talent, but the nerves, of steel, to drive a motor vehicle into a house. The faces "inspiration" would be the 1970's horror movie: The CAR. Especially the scene where the car seems to LEAP, from the ground, and crash through a school teachers house (in retaliation for the teacher standing up to the car, at an old cemetary, earlier in the day) The face thought "All I need are some wedges, a couple of 2X4's, and a driver, willing to drive into the side of a house". For the right amount of money, the face was certain they could find the right driver. While the owner of the face, found a driver, who was willing to do the stunt, the problem was the property. The REASON why the driveway was located where it was, as was the parking spaces, was because this was the only ground, on the property, solid enough to handle motor vehicles. Even the face had to admit that, after their last "visit", to the land, their 4X4 had used so much gas, to climb back to the road, that the face had to re-fuel, from an almost empty tank. When the face asked the driver "HOW do we carry this off?" The driver had said "We DONT. The ground is to soft. I would, never, reach take-off speed." When the face asked "What about explosives?" The driver would say "Only if you want every law man, within miles, at your door, by morning. By the way, WHY DO you want this chick out, so badly? What did she do. Dump your son?" Moments later, the driver realized his mistake, as a hunting knife penetrated his heart, killing the man, even as the face hissed "None of your business." The face was relieved that the ground was soft enough for them to drag the drivers body to the stream, dumping the body in the water. By the time the body was recovered, downstream, it would not matter. What the face did not count upon was the fact that not all of the local, spirit, stories, were imaginations. In fact, aside from Patricia's spirit friend, close to a dozen, other, spirits, watched the faces actions. Actions, which the spirit girls soul projected, into Doctor Rhoades mind, while he slept. Since Doctor Rhoades was not certain of just WHAT he had seen, he asked Mark, and Doug "Would you boys mind taking a walk, with me. You know I am new, here, and I want to get my bearings." When Mark, and Doug, asked "In the middle of the night?" Doctor Rhoades had suggested "I CAN go on my own." The guys would say "Not a chance. Patricia would, never, forgive us if we let her shrink get lost." What amazed both Mark, and Doug, was how, not only did Doctor Rhoades know exactly where he was going, but that the doctor asked the boys, about bodies, and how often found, after dark. When both Mark, and Doug, would say "Maybe thousand to one. Bodies dont light up, like they do, in movies." Moments later, when the trio found the drivers body, snagged on a tree limb, Doug asked "Doc, how, in Heavens name, did you know?" Doctor Rhoades would say "First things first. Determine the cause of death." Mark would be the one who would say "My best guess would be stab wound." When Doug would agree, then add "Cut looks really clean. Brand new blade." With the young mens aid, Doctor Rhoades would drag the body, to Patricias house, even as, from a distance, the face would look on, furious at having been found out, so soon. This left the face with a question. HOW do I get the supplies out of here, without being spotted? The face had only one option. LEAVE the supplies, and HOPE that no one discovered finger-prints. The face was lucky in the fact that the police were more interested in solving the death, of the driver, than in any supplies, left on the family property. Even still, the doctors told all present NOT to touch the new-found supplies. (Even Doctor Anderson wondered if the police WANTED locals, to touch the supplies. This way, when samples were taken, the police would KNOW who the fingerprints belonged to.) While the doctors, and others, DID note that sounds were heard, coming from the walls, and roof, the question remained that of "WHY?" What was someone after, which was worth all of this? It was only after two weeks, of steady work, that Patricia's fathers spirit paid the group a visit. Boy! Was the man a grouch! From his very appearance, the man demanded that Patricia stay at the house, ALONE! It was when the doctors tried to question the spirit, that they realized this was just a recording. While Doctor Johnathan Rhoades had encountered a few, real, spirits, in his time, one thing he knew, about the deceased. They made their intentions known. Whether verbally, or in writing, they spelled out messages. This is why, while Doctor Anderson tried to "engage" the "spirit", the other members searched for the source of the projection. In a house, full of copper wiring, the fiber optics stood out, like an elephant amid ants. It was not, however, until the "fake ghosts" were shut off, that the "real" spirits showed up. Among these was the spirit, of the girl, from the stream. A pleasant spirit, who had enjoyed playing with the young Patricia. The spirit had, even, suggested "If only you had lived when I lived, we could have been great friends." When Doctor Rhoades would come to the point, asking the spirits "Why have so many, of you, remained on this property?" The spirit, of a pioneer man, from the seventeen, or eighteen, hundreds, came forth, saying "We have protected this property since LONG before Miss Patricia was born. We did this NOT because we are, as you say, "stuck". We remain, to watch over the property." A widows spirit would come forward, saying "When we need to, we protect the property, from the living." The widow would look at Patricia, saying "Even from their own families." When Patricia would ask "Where were you, when the creatures came at me, in the dark?" The widow would say "Child, those images were not for you. They were to chase away your brothers." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Chase away her brothers? WHY?" The pioneer man would say "The boys enjoyed scaring their sister far too MUCH." When Doctor Anderson would ask the spirit "Why didn't the boys go after their other sisters?" The widow would say "The boys could, never, get the “rise”, out of the other sisters. The girls would just tell the boys to "go to bed." When Patricia would ask about the snarling demon, by her bed-side, the spirit, of a nun, would come forth, saying "Child, YOU were, never, supposed to see that." When Patricia would ask "Who was it meant for?" The nun would say "For your brothers, ofcourse. If we had not conjured that vision, to scare the boys, they had planned to take your sleeping body, tie you, upside down, and see what would happen, come morning." When Doctor Anderson would say "She would have been dead, before sun-rise." The widow would say "THAT is why we conjured the demon. We wanted you to LIVE, and make contact, one day." When Doctor Rhoades would hazzard the question "If I may ask, WHY did her father insist that Patricia come to the house, ALONE. That, and WHY was she required to spend an entire MONTH here?" It would be the spirit, of an English barrister, who would come forth to say "The will, which you saw, was NOT the original will." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Where would the original be located?" The barrister would say, "Why, here, ofcourse." Then, as if by magic, the paper would appear, in the mans hands. When the nun would ask the barrister "I thought you did not like "magic". The barrister would say "I dont. Its just nice to be able to have legal documents at my finger-tips, when I need them." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "May I read those?" The barrister would say "Certainly. That is why I called for them. I want everyone to know everything." It was not until the original will was read, that the truth began to emerge. In the original will, Patricia would be the first, of the children, to be granted the opportunity, to search for the family treasure. That is, on the condition that she was of "Sound mind and body." IF Patricia were found to be UN-sound, then her sisters would have the second shot, at finding the treasure. IF the sisters gave up, it would be the boys turn. When Patricia asked both the living, and the dead, about the treasure, the problem was that the results ranged everything from family secrets, such as WHO was "legitimate", and WHO was not, to stories, of jewels, gold, and so on. It was the nun who LAUGHED at the very idea that the "treasure" was, in fact, a portal, to reach Heaven. This story claimed that an "angel" had appearred, to a family member, giving them access to a "key", with which they could allow people to WALK into Heaven. The family, allegedly, had been left to set the PRICE, for passage. When Doctor Anderson would ask "Was there any PROOF, that such a portal existed?" The nun wuld say "Not unless you call people disappearing, never to be heard from, again, "proof"." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Among the stories, of gold, jewels, and so on, did anyone ever mention how MUCH loot there was? I mean, did people boast, of stealing payroll, from trains, or robbing travellers? That kind of thing." The pioneer man would mention "Come to think about it, I aint never heard of no numbers being used. Just that there was some kind or "horde", "cashe", or something. Maybe even a treasure chest. But, no sir. To answer your question, direct. I never heard no one mention WHAT the treasure was." When Patricia would ask "Doctors, what do YOU make, of this?" Both Anderson, and Rhoades, would suggest "Let us do some research, before you start digging the place up." Patricia, Patsy, and Mary, would say "Sounds good to us. Find us a good place to dig, and we will let you know what we find." Soon after this, the face was even more furious, than ever. They might have gotten away, with killing the driver, but they had forgotten the one thing, which anyone, with clearance, could access. The Private History section, of the local library. A place were only researchers, doctors, and other specialists, were allowed into. The reason was simple. Until the records were digitized, the papers were so old, and fragile, that handlers were required to use gloves, in the room. This area could not be more "OFF-LIMITS", to the general public if it were the White House, or NORAD. While the face fumed, with blind rage, they watched as Doctors Anderson, and Rhoades, sat back, and read the local history. As the doctors read up, on the history, of the area, and Patricia's house, in particular, they had no idea what was happening, behind the library building. Since everyone, in town, had access, to this place, and there were no valuable artifacts, on display, there had been no reason for surveillance equipment. Not until that day, anyway. Sure, the explosion SHOOK the building, like a shake machine, however, what the face did not comprehend was the fact that this building, like many, around town, had been built in the days when QUALITY mattered. The days, when buildings were built, to last, for CENTURIES. By the time the explosion went off, the doctors had discovered a wealth, of LORE, about the treasure. Just nothing like an inventory, or location. This, in itself, bothered Doctor Rhoades. He had never, even as a boy, read of any tales, where people did not LIST goods, or mark locations, even for future generations. It was not until the doctors returned, to Patricia's house, that they found a "medium", who was claiming "Search by the bark, of an Oak tree. It faces NORTH. When its bark tries to bite, you will know that you stand upon the treasure." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Madam, does your spirit happen to have an inventory of the goods, buried, here?" Not surprisingly, the medium called out "Satan be upon YOU! Un-believer." After that, the woman walked out. When Doctor Rhoades called, after the medium "Ask him to set an appointment. I dont know how long I will be here." While the doctor expected some sort of retort, the medium just skulked away. When Doctor Anderson would ask Patricia "Does your family have Oak tree's, on this property?" All Patricia would say was "I dont know of anyone, in this area, who has Oak tree's." When Doctor Anderson would ask "DO tree's have "sides"? I thought they were round. HOW can a circle have a side?" This is when Patricia would ask the doctors "What did you turn up, at the library?" Doctor Rhoades would say "Nothing, of interest. Just volumes of who married, had children, owned property, and died, in this area. The same kind of information which is available from ANY source, including the internet." Doctor Anderson would add "After the explosion, Doctor Rhoades, and myself, were among those, interviewed, by police. Nothing surprising, there. Just the usual "Did you SEE anything?" questions." When Patsy would ask "Who would bother trying to bomb a public library? A place where everyone can enter. Not like the Library of Congress." Since no one had any answers, to these questions, Patricia would suggest “Patsy, while the others are cleaning, why dont I help you prepare some more snacks. After all, cleaning is an energy-draining experience." As Patsy agreed to the help, Doctor Rhoades would suggest "Doctor Anderson, and I, will be in the library, if anyone needs us." It was after Patsy had said "Right, doc. We will call if anyone gets hurt", that Johnathan Rhoades would lead Doctor Anderson into the family library. When she would ask "Why here?" Doctor Rhoades could, only say "I am having a feeling, which keeps saying "Library", to me. There is something, in this library, that someone wants found." When Doctor Anderson would ask "Like what?" Doctor Rhoades would say "If I knew the answer to THAT, I would not need your assistance." Maybe three hours later, when a call came, asking Patricia to come to the police station, Doctor Rhoades agreed to drive the woman to the station. On the way, to the station, both people asked, at the same time, "I wonder what this is all about?" Then both chuckled as Patricia would say "Great minds think alike." At the police station, Patricia was in for the shock of her life. It was not, however, due to the sheriff asking "Patricia, are you up to this?" It was when the group entered the cell-block, and got their first, real, look, at furious face. When Patricia would say "I dont understand." The sheriff would spell it out (even thought Doctor Rhoades KNEW what was coming). The sheriff would say "After the bombing, at the library, I went checking on the sales, of bomb-making materials, in the area. Patricia, do you remember Floyd?" When Patricia would ask "You mean Floyd, who runs the local, farm supply store?" The sheriff would say "Thats the man. When I asked him if he were missing any bomb making material, and he surprised me when he said that no one had purchased, or even ordered, bomb materials, in months, I asked him if I should protect him with a court order, to check his supplies." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What did you find?" The sheriff would say "Floyd was so determined to prove that NONE, of his supplies were involved in making terrorist bombs, he aided me in checking his warehouse. When we found nothing missing, I remembered Floyd saying that no one had even ORDERED bomb-making supplies, in the past months. When I asked Floyd what he meant, Floyd told me he remembered an order, from, maybe six months ago. Someone wanted to order a case of dynamite." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Why didn't Floyd report the purchase to you?" The sheriff would say "The person, buying the explosives, used a very old, well-established, account. An account which belonged to a family which Floyd knew, almost as well as his own." This is when the sheriff would ask Patricia "Do you know this man? (Even though the sheriff, already, knew the answer.) When Patricia would look furious face, in the face, saying "He's my brother. Whats he doing, in town. I thought he was in Nashville, or somewhere, having fun, in a bordello." When he brother almost spat "Shows how much my scaredy-cat little sister knows." When Doctor Rhoades looked at the Sheriff, asking "I dont understand. I thought this man had a solid alibi. He has credit card charges, for women, alcohol, and even a casino charge, on his credit cards, for today." The sheriff would say "Doctor, while you practice, on making,, and keeping, people, sane, it is MY duty to find out WHY people break the law. In this boys case, its a doosy." Stepping out of the cell-block, the sheriff would explain what he had discoverred. "I did some checking, just to make sure that everyone was where they were reported to be. I wanted to remove as many people, from the suspect list, as FAST as possible. This is why, when I checked on Patricia's brother, I not only asked for cradit card receipts, but video, showing where the man was." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "How fast did you find the truth?" The sheriff would say "Maybe thirty minutes worth of video, from the city, of the bordello. It was obvious that Patricia's brother had given the man his access codes, so that no one would suspect him. Problem is, I have known this family for a very LONG time. Thirty minutes was all I needed, to know that the man, running up the charges, was NOT Patricia's brother." When Patricia would ask "What about the explosives you mentioned?" The sheriff would say "Your brothers next mistake. Using the family account to mail order the explosives, to his current, home, address. Since it was not a local sale, but it was to an established account, Floyd did not "connect it", until I asked about purchases." This is when Doctor RRhoades would ask "But, WHY did he bother trying to bomb a public library?" The sheriff would say "He was afraid that Patricia would find the what-ever-it-is, that you are looking for. He, even, admitted that he was stupid, to not have checked the library, BEFORE you brought Patricia to town." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "DOES he know what we are looking for?" The sheriff would say "I dont think so. He KNOWS something is there, on the property, which is why he sent the "monsters", but he has no more clue, than you do, as to WHAT the "treasure" is. Only that it is supposed to be valuable." On the drive back, to the family property, Doctor Rhoades would ask Patricia "What do you think your family would have thought valuable enough to consider it a treasure?" Patricia could think of nothing. The house, and property, were willed, to her parents, then to the children. The condition was that the HOUSE stay in the family. When Doctor Rhoades had asked "Aside from your brothers pranks, was your familly close?" Patricia would say "As far as I knew, we were close, for sure. Thats why I cant understand my brothers actions." Back at the house, work continued, atleast until after Mark, and Doug, decided that, instead of taking the "long way" around, to some rooms, that they would, simply, clean out some of the secret passageways. Patricia's friend, Angie, even came up with an idea, for dealing with the centuries, of dust, which seemed to "cake" the passaages. Since her father, grand-father, and great-grand-father, were, all, crop-dusters, Angie had been raised to deal with dust.. As a result, Angie brought in two, portable, crop dusters, filled them, with cleaning solution, then had Mark, and Doug, spray the passagesways, with the liquid, in order to settle the dust. While the process DID work, the group found some things which they wish they hadn't. One was a skeleton (which forensics, later, proved was centuries old), and dead of alcoholism. Proof being the botttle, of rum, still clutched in the dead mans fingers. The other was the fact that, while the family had thought that their father was a good Christian, and church-goer, the fact that the man had a sort-of "private space", full of porn, both print, and video, which proved that the man was human. When Doctor Anderson, an avid believer in the fun of Halloween, thought she had found some Halloween decorations, she no-sooner began to pack these, for examination, when she found something, behind the bones. It was made of leather, like cow-hide, supple, and elastic, yet, when opened, the contents did not appear written on paper. The doctors speculated it was parchment. With the group gathered around the dining table, and four sheets, of protective covering, to protect the table from damage, Doctor Anderson opened the volume, all the way. While the print would, later, prove to be centuries old, some bits remained legible. It was not long before a combination, of transcribing, and a bit of imagination, showed what the volume was. It was a ledger, which contained everything from birth dates, to names, involved, and enough information to take down anyone named within. In short, it was a ledger, which told not only of illegitimate births, but it gave the REASONS, as well. Most of the entries regarded men, whose wives either rejected the men, for various reasons, or women, who rejected men, in favor of a more "gospel" existance. When Marcy had asked "What does "a more Gospel existance" mean?" This is when the spirit nun would appear, and say "My child, it means that a woman forsakes worldly possessions, and feelings, in favor of the church." When Marcy would ask "Why did the women bother to marry, just to abandon their family, for becoming a nun?" The nun would, only, say "My child, the Lord does work, in mysterious ways." When Doug would ask "What does this have to do with treasure. Some names, in a dumb, old book?" Doctor Rhoades would caution "We must remember that, in the time this volume was written, having a child, OUT of wed-lock, was considered about the same as Devil-Worship." When Mark would say "Big deal. Kids are born, everyday, to un-married women. Its as common as city buses." Doctor Rhoades would say "Maybe, TODAY, it is. When this volume was being kept, it would have been sacriledge." This is when Doug would say "Doc, I think you are going as far overboard, as Amy went, in accusing her father." Doctor Anderson would say "I dont think so. Sure, nowadays, things are more "out in the open, but, in the past?” This is when Patsy would ask “How much do you think people would have PAID, to keep such informatiioon secret, back in those days?” Doctor Anderson would say “Hard to say. If the in-discreet were just peasants, there would be no profit, in extortion.” When Mary would ask “WHO would pay, to keep this information secret?” Doctor Rhoades would get one of his feelings, then his “third eye” would give him more, before he would say “Ofcourse. Why didn’t I think of it, before?” When Doctor Anderson would ask “Think about what?” Doctor Rhoades would suggest “The people, who paid, to keep things secret. Businessmen. Local politicians. Soldiers, of high rank. People, who had MONEY and POSITION. The people who, if it were learned that they had children, outside of marriage, then the laws, of the day, would have stripped even the most affluent, of everything they had.” When Patricia would mention “Ah, doc, dont you think thats stretching things a bit. After all, this IS the 21st century. Even Ronald Reagan was un-able to convince Americans to stigmatize out-of-wed-lock children.” Doctor Anderson would say “That may be true, TODAY, but, when this volume was written...” This is when Patsy would ask “Who would care, now, if someone, from centuries, past, was born, without a marriage license. I mean, they are dead. What difference could it make, now?” All, present, would be surprised when the doctors would look at one another, then say “Geneology”! Doctor Anderson would ask the surprised group “What do you think would happen, IF someone, such as the mayor, or even the sheriff, found out that someone, in their past, was NOT born of wed-lock?” When Mark, Doug, and Patsy would say “Big Deal! Lets get back to looking for the treasure. That is, unless the location is listed, in that book.” Doctor Anderson would say “You dont understand.” When the group looked at her, the doctor would say “The book is the “treasure”, in a manner of speaking.” When the three seemed confused, Doctor Anderson would say ““Treasure” can mean many things. Everything from family heirlooms, to childrens art-work, to classic cars.” When Mark would ask “So, you are saying that there is no gold, diamonds, or anything else?” Doctor Anderson would say “Correct. This volume, no-doubt paid the family’s bills, over the centuries.” When Doug would ask “HOW?” Doctor Anderson would suggest “How much would YOU be willing to pay, so that the public would never know that a relative committed a capital crime?” Doug would say “Dont know. Never came up.” Doctor Rhoades would say “I would say that some very influential people paid LARGE sums, for the family to “keep quiet”. It was shortly after Patricia would say “Lets find out who is, still, around. Maybe they can tell us more.” This hope, however, was short-lived, as the local minister tracked the names, through church records, showing when the last, direct, connections, had died out. Finding connections, now, would be harder than finding an off-ramp, labeled “Atlantis, next exit”. What the sheriff, mayor, minister, and other, community, members, were able to track was the fact that “dear brother” had NOT, in fact, acted alone. While the police had a time, tracking all of the activity, it seems that Patricia’s relatives had not only planned, against HER, but were plotting against one another. Finding the center, of the plot, was like peeling an onion. Plots, and counter-plots. The more, that came to light, the more that everyone realized what was at the heart of all the plotting. EVERYONE was convinced that the “treasure” was gold, jewels, and precious documents. Things, which could be sold, for a fortune. When each plotter was presented with the fact, that they had been conspiring over a volume, of illegitimate children (something which, in todays world, would be worth-LESS), the family agreed to dis-continued all activities. This left only one question. The question, of what to do about partners, and contracts, all of which were based upon the proceeds from the sale, of the “treasure”. In Amy’s case, the solution seemed pre-ordained. Once the fact was exposed, that her father NEVER had raped the girl, she was ostracized, by her community, to the point where she jumped off the local bridge, in the middle of the night. It sees that, in order to ensure her death, Amy had taken a length, of strong rope, tied it to the bridge, then formed a noose. The coroner would rule that Amy had to jump, at FULL FORCE, in order to ensure her neck would snap. Her body would be found, by sun-rise fishermen. Men who, at first, reported that the street department had dropped a “dummy”, which was hanging, in mid-air. The coroner would report feeling surprised that, with the force, of the incident, that Amy had not ripped her head clean off her shoulders. As for the mayor, he worked a deal, with the Smithsonian, to display the volume, in the museums “Darkest moments, in America’s past” section. It would be housed next to a display, showing how, on nothing more than gossip, many people were burned at the stake, for “witchcraft”. By the time all of this was finished, the cleaning team had finished the house, and, it seeems, Patricia’s friends were happy, when she decided to stay on. After all, HOW could Patricia be blamed for the fact that her dead ancestors had been professional blackmailers? It was not until Doctor Johnathan Rhoades was convinced that all of the spirits had gone, to their rest, that he, and Doctor Andersoon, packed, to return, to their regular jobs. This, AFTER learning that the supervising doctor had, in fact, ordered the phony will, while being blackmailed, over something an ancestor had done, and which was written in the volume. The supervising doctor would be arrested, for felony FRAUD, before the doctors even began their trip, home. Final case file note: The one thing no one had expected was for some terrible aspects, of Patricia’s past, to return, to haunt the woman. According to Patricia’s final notes, some days after she was left to the house, a dream, of an event, long forgotten, returned to her. The note read: “I remember why Anna left town, when she did, and was, never, heard from, again. It was a warm, summers, day, and Anna and I thought it would be just plain girl-fun, to touch one anothers bodies. I will admit that Anna felt fantastic, in my arms, and I had wished the moment could last, forever. She was so “delicious”. I recall that, just as Anna and I were sharing a final kiss, prior to clothing our bodies, my brother came upon us, and called us all sorts of names. It was when Anna got up to dress, saying “I better go home, when my brother thre her to the ground, removed his bottoms and, over our joint objections (Anna’s and mine), my brother had his way with Anna. I TRIED to drag him off of her, but he was too strong. Then, something, truly, bizzarre, happened. While I swear, to the Lord, my God, that Anna did not say a word, once my brother (the face), got finished, with Anna, he decided that Anna was going to tell our parents. This is when, even with me on his back, trying to pull him off of Anna, he forced her head underwater, until the last air bubbles were gone. Once Anna’s body lay, motionless, my brother had looked at me, saying “Its all YOUR fault. YOU tempted me. If you, and she, had not... Well, its all your fault. If you tell our parents, then THIS (he said, while handling his shaft), will have its way, with YOU!” I have no idea where he disposed of Anna’s body. All I know is that, aside from some “ghostly visits”, in which Anna tells me “Its NOT your fault. He would have done it, anyway. He needed an excuse, and used our “moment”, to justify his actions.” Still, knowing that my friend died, after a “special moment”, I Do feel responsible. I have decided to join my friend, in eternity.” Patricia Atkins body would be found, when she did not show, for scheduled events. It seems that she turned on the gas heat, then slipped into bed, and into eternity. In his “third eye” Doctor Johnathan Rhoades would see the two girls, playing on that eternal playground, which we, mortals, call “Heaven”.

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