Saturday, September 2, 2017


THE NEW SIXTH SENSE # 2 Doctor Johnathan Rhoades, medical doctor, and licensed psychiatrist. A man who DARES to look PAST the obvious, and discover what is at the HEART, of patients conditions. The following is case-file number 2, of Doctor Rhoades highly unusual approach to treatment, of mental disorders. "In this case, I have been confronted with some of the most bizzarre circumstances which I have, ever, dealt with. For instance, upon entering town, I experienced a "vision", of some sort. In my mind, I could see a "vehicle", of unknown origin, which had landed in a nearby meadow, or clearing. Before proceeding to the patients location, I followed my instincts, and these lead me to the very clearing, which I had visualized. While I had no idea of WHY, I felt as if some sort of energy had been directed, at this area, during the past. Some, of the energy, felt as old as the United States, itself. Some of the energy, however, seemed "fresh", as if from the proceeding month." After examining the area, Doctor Johnathan Rhoades would proceed to a local hospital, where he would find the patient in a padded cell. When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Why is she in a padded cell? Has she harmed a patient, or staff?" The womans doctor would say "No, doctor. The patient requested a padded cell. She refused to sleep, until within the padded walls. She insists something is after her." When Doctor Rhoades would say "You mean some-ONE." The staff doctor would say "No, I mean some-THING." When Doctor Rhoades would seem confused, the staff doctor would ask "Doctor, would you step into my office, please." When the two doctors were behind closed doors, the staff doctor would ask "Have you become familiar, with her file?" When Doctor Rhoades would admit "I have, only, just received the file. What is it you want to tell me?" The staff doctor would say "Doctor Rhoades, I have been following your "work", since you completed medical school. I am aware, of those who have come to you, for care. I say this because I want us to understand one another. While I am aware, of those, who claim that hypnotherapy can produce results, I remain skeptical, of those results." When Doctor Rhoades would say "It so happens that I agree with you. It is so very easy to plant false memories. This is why, in my work, which I invite you to observe, I never pose "leading" questions, to patients. I would consider this un-ethical. All that I do is ask people to relate what they are visualizing, then, when possible, I attempt to aid them, with accepting what they see." When the staff doctor would ask "So, you deny telling people such things as "You are a younng woman, in the colonies, and you are ashamed of not aiding your siblings, to survive a storm?". That, and telling a man that he is a descendant, of a vampire?" Doctor Rhoades would correct the doctor, saying "I would never "plant" such thoughts. In the one case, a man was terrified, of fire. He neeeded to overcome the fear. That meant discoverring the SOURCE of the fear. That it turned out to be a colonial childs spirit was soomething even I never expected." When the staff doctor would ask "Why did you tell a modern man that he was a descendant, of a vampire?" Doctor Rhoades would respond "Doctor, it seems your information is FAR from accurate. I never told the man that he was descended, from a vampire." When the staff Doctor would ask "What DID you tell the patient?" Doctor Rhoades would inform the staff doctor "After doing some research, I found that the patient was, indeed, descended from a man, who was ACCUSED of being a vampire. It would seem that the soul, of the murdered man, could not find rest, until his descendant arrived, to clear his name." When the staff doctor would ask Doctor Rhoades "Did you, actually, tell/project the thought, either to the patient, or to others, for the pain to depart the patients?" Doctor Rhoades would say "To be correct, in each case, all I did was send out a strong counter-thought. One, of saying "Let the pain of the past, return to the past. Let the living, and the dead, rest in peace." (Doctor Rhoades never spoke of the spirits, who came to comfort the living, after the experiences.) When Doctor Rhoades would ask the staff doctor "Why did you ask me if I am familiar with the girls case?" The staff doctor would say "I, un-fortunately, am all too familiar, with the case." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Such as?" The staff doctor would say "Over the years, the girl has been in, and out, of the hospital. Everytime we try different drugs, the girl seems to be balanced, when she departs the hospital." Doctor Rhoades would say "I hear a BUT coming." The staff doctor would say "The patient seems to be doing well, for weeks, sometimes months, at a time. Then comes the call, for help." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Such as". The staff doctor would say "She goes into a blind panic, saying that "goblins are after me." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Goblins?" The staff doctor would say "Sorry, that my word. Her word is "frightening-looking, short, beings. Something like dwarfs." She claims they follow her and, at times, abduct her." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Has she, ever, drawn one, for you?" The staff doctor would produce drawings, saying "She says this is something like what they look like." When Doctor Rhoades would view the drawings, the staff doctor would say "My conclusion, as well. I THINK she is creating her own nightmares, after watching to many movies, or specials, about aliens." Doctor Rhoades would say "Subliminal Suggestion would be my thought, as well. May I see her?" Since Doctor Rhoades HAD, during his residency, seen plenty of "straight-jacket" cases, he saw what was strange, even viewing the young woman, through the one way glass. Never before had Doctor Rhoades seem a padded room occupant so at peace. The staff doctor would agree. "If she hadn't insisted upon a padded cell, I feel she is well enough for a bed, in the regular ward." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Did she give a reason, for WANTING a padded cell?" The staff doctor would say "She insists that the padding "protects" her from "them". She claims they say they cannot find her, behind the material, of the cell." What Doctor Rhoades found interesting, was the fact that the young woman was willing to meet with him, but ONLY on the condition that the conversation be held inside the padded cell. When Doctor Rhoades asked the woman her reason, she seemed nervous, as she said "I dont want them to get me." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Why would hospital staff want to harm you?" The woman looked at the one-way mirror, saying "Its not the hospital staff. Its THEM I am afraid of." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "If not the hospital staff, then WHO is them?" When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Is "them" a family member, or a friend?" He noticed how the woman curled into the fetal position. This is when Doctor Rhoades would try simple hypnotherapy, by showing the woman an object. When the woman went, deeper, into fetal position, Dcotor Rhoades knew of the one thing, which would draw the woman out. While it would take three days, to gain hospital permission, Doctor Johnathan Rhoades would use this time, both to review the womans case, and the location, which left the odd sensation. It was not until the third day that the local sheriff turned up, asking "Are you one of them college fellows. The ones who keep trying to plant things, here, trying to see what will grow?" Doctor Rhoades would, only, say "I am a medical doctor, not a botanist. I work with sick people." When the sheriff would ask "Whats your interest, in this area, then?" Doctor Rhoades would counter with "Why do you say that people keep trying to grow plants, here?" The sheriff would say "Darndest thing. My grand-dad used to say this was a meadow, of flowers. He claimed that, in the summer, the place was like a floral portrait". My grand-mother agreed. She said that was why, when grand-dad proposed to her, near this very spot, she accepted. She said it was beautiful." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What happened to this place. Why wont anything grow, now?" The sheriff would say "Danged if I know. Even those plant people dont know why nothing grows here." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "About how long has it been, since anything grew here?" The sheriff would say "I would say about 18-25 years. I would say thats pretty accurate." Doctor Rhoades would consider "About the time the womans mother was pregnant, with the young woman, or the girl was just born." When Doctor Rhoades would, next, travel to the family home, he was not surprised to find the father not at home. What DID surprise the doctor was just how closed-mouthed the mother was, and how desperate the woman was, to deny that anything had happened. As any good psychiatrist can attest, such passionate denial is the greatest test, of truth, that exists. The more passionately a person denies something happened, the more likely that the information is truth. With an agreement to have four orderlies, two nurses, and a staff doctor, present, Doctor Rhoades would take the group to the meadow in question. Doctor Rhoades suspicions were confirmed, when almost no one WANTED to enter the area. While the young woman was "antsy" at best, Doctor Rhoades asked the nurses not to inject the woman, just yet. When the nurses looked at the staff doctor, the staff doctor would say "Let Doctor Rhoades proceed." When Doctor Rhoades would ask the woman "What are you afraid of. Will you tell me?" The woman would say "Them!". When Doctor Rhoades would whisper "Calm down and tell me "WHO is them?"" The woman would say "The others." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "WHO are the others? Do you know them?" The woman would say "No, but mom knows them. She wont admit it but she knows them." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "HOW do you know your mother knows "them"?" The woman would say "Mom tells me not to be afraid. She "says" they are collecting." After this, and fearing that he was not getting what he needed, to help the woman, he would place the girl into a trance, saying "We are going back, over the years. Back to the beginning. Back to the start. The day it all began." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What do you see?" The woman would say "I see a place. People dressed, all fancy, like a ball." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What are the people doing?" The woman would say "Most are eating, drinking, and dancing." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Some, but not all. What are the others doing?" The woman would say "A woman, she looks so familiar. Cant place her, but she looks so much like..." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Like who?" The woman would say "Like my grand-mother. How can that be?" When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Can you see a calendar?" When the woman would say "Yes, I see a calendar. It is very fancy." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Can you see the date." The woman would say "All I can see is the year. I cant see the rest. bright light, blocking the rest." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What year does the calendar show." The woman would say "the year is 875 A.D." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Do you see anything else?" The woman would say "thats odd". When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What do you see?" The woman would say "I see the woman, returning to the party." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Why do you think that is odd." The woman would say "I can, also, see the same woman, in a window, on the machine. HOW can she be two places, at once?" When Doctor Rhoades would ask "The woman, in the window. Is she in pain. Is she being restrained." The woman would say "No, she seems content". As the "session", in the meadow, would move forward, in time, the woman would reveal that the machine HAD "visited" the family, from time to time. Perhaps, however, "visited" would be the wrong word. From the buried memories, of the past, Doctor Rhoades would discover that, for some, unknown, reason, everytime disease, or famine, wiped out the family, the ship would return, delivering a new (cloned) family member. One who was immune to the disease. The family would go on, generation after generation. From what Doctor Rhoades was able to deduce, it would seem that the family had been "marked", or "tagged". Reason, unknown. What seemed even less rational was the reason WHY the ships would track the family, from Europe, to the America's. Could they be studying human evolution? It would not be until the end of the session, when Doctor Rhoades would instruct the woman "You are coming back to the present. Ride the path, of time, like a gentle, river, current. Closer, closer, the years fall away." Then, suddenly, the woman would say "Stop! I KNOW why they have come. They intend to kidnap me." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "WHO? Who wants to kidnap you?" This is when a voice, which Doctor Rhoades remembered as the young womans mother, would join in the discussion, saying "Its not you, my daughter, that they want. I keep telling you that." When Doctor Rhoades would ask the mother "Then, WHO are they, and WHO DO they want?" The mother would say "It will be my grand-daughter, whom they are coming for." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "How can you know this?" The woman would say "I know this because they told me. They told me, when I was but a school girl. My grand-daughter is the one they want." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "WHY?" The mother would say "There will come a time, when man will become irrational, with fear, and suspicion, ruling the world. They plan to alter my grand-child so that she may bring rational thought back to the world." When Doctor Rhoades would say "You said "they". Who are "they"." The mother would say "They are from a race, far in advance of our own. They travel the stars, hoping to prevent catastrophy, by alterring certain members, of each society, to ask the right questions, at the right times." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What have they done, to your daughter? Why she she so afraid of them?" The mother would say "My daughter is much more advanced, in her mental powers, than could have been predicted. Not even "they" predicted this. "They" have been studying her, in order to understand HOW she could have lept so far ahead, of the rest of us, so fast." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "How FAR ahead of us has she developed?" The young woman would say "I see a great city. A city of crystal. Amazing ships, from across the universe. This planet is a hub, or port. I see..." Then, the woman would collapse, into the doctors arms. When the staff doctor would say "Coma", Doctor Rhoades would say "Mental collapse. What she saw overloaded her mind." When her mother would ask "What can we do, to take away the pain?" Doctor Rhoades would recall the woman, from her trance, to a time, before her birth, whispering "Your mother has been contacted." The woman would say "Yes, I feel that she is in contacct." Doctor Rhoades would whisper "Remember, you are only an observer. Do you remember what contact was made?" The woman would say "While mother is calm, I am afraid." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Of what?" The woman would say "Of what is to come. I dont want to see the future. I want to go back to the past. I want to go back." This is when Doctor Rhoades would whisper "Fine, the memory is returning to the past. Let it fly, on the wings of birds. It is flying away. You are free of the vision." When the womans body went slack, in the doctors arms, Doctor Rhoades would whisper "As I count back, from ten, I want you to flow, soft and smooth, back into the present. The past is past. Now, you will return to the present." When Doctor Rhoades counted down, from ten, to one, slowly, the woman awakened, looked about her, asking "Mother, what are you doing here?" Her mother would ask "What else should a mother do? Watch after her baby." When the woman straightened herself, then said "Oh, mother." Thats when the woman would say "Now, THATS my daughter." While the young woman remained under observation, for a week, the woman no-longer requested a padded cell. Final case note: While I do not believe that anyone, in the present, except the young woman, saw what she claimed to be a crystal city, of the future, I have to wonder. I recall a lecture, given, during my internship. This, by a theoretical engineer. A man who had claimed that, someday, cities would be made of crystal, and that some version, of warp speed, would be in regular use. Question: DID the young woman actually SEE the future, or was she just imagining things?

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