Thursday, September 7, 2017


THE NEW SIXTH SENSE # 4 Doctor Johnathan Rhoades, medical doctor, and licensed psychiatrist. A man who DARES to look PAST the obvious, and discover what is at the HEART, of patients conditions. The following is case-file number 4, of Doctor Rhoades highly unusual approach to treatment, of mental disorders. The case-file notes, on this patient, seem to indicate that the patient believes that she is "witnessing" abductions, and sexual violation, from remote locations. The patients family physician, and her parents, are concerned over the girls health. While no one knows WHY the girl is having these "nightmares", there is growing concern that the "visions" could impair the childs ability to grow into full adulthood. Is such a conclusion possible? This is why I have agreed to consult on the case. If I can bring the child some peace-of-mind then her development will continue, at a normal pace. My initial reaction, upon reviewiing the file, is that the girl either has a very active imagination, OR that she may be a "victim", of advanced stage Precognition. If it is a case, of a purely wild imagination, then the treatment would be simple. Engage the child in activities, which would take her mind off of the fearrs, which drive her nightmares. Precognition, however, would be a trickier diagnosis. If the condition is Precognition, then the only "cure" (if it can be called a cure), will be to teach the child to control her abilities. (Something even most adults fiind difficult, at best.) My reasoon, for suspecting Precognition is the following: At abbout the same time that each set, of nightmares, start (atleast according to the childs doctors), I have performed an internet search, and verified that, thousands of miles away, another child "vaniishes". No clues, left behind. According to police, as quoted, in the arrticles, even the suspicion, of Chloroform, has been ruled out, since there is no trace evidence, to support the use of this chhemical. If these are kidnappings, HOW does the kidnapper encourage each child to accompany themm, without being drugged? In regarrds to the patient, her nightmares begin at about thhe time when each child is taken. While the child has been sedated, several times, her doctors suggest that the strain might, eventually, cause permanent harm. It would seem that I have been "called in", due to the parents making contacts, which have informed the parents of my work, with other patiients. While no oone is even admitting too the existance, of the missing woman, it seems that the man, believed to be descended, from a vampire, as well as th man, cured of a fear of fire, have been circulatiing, among a variety of people. In regards to this, my primary cooncern is that my work, with medicine, MIGHT be taken out of context. Still, in a case, where a childs health, and life, may be in danger, I have agreed to consult, evenn if only to bring peace to a chiilds mind. While I have taken every precautioon, to AVOID "fanfare", whhenever possible, there are, still, times, when people try to seek out my services. By the time I arriived at the home, of the child, it seems that the child has undergone ANOTHER "episode". As her doctor woulld tell me: "The child became extremely agitated, about three hours agoo. She claims that ANOTHER child has been abducted, and that the abductor has a very bizzarre motive, in his crimes." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Such as?" The doctor woulld say "The chiild insists that the abductor begins, each time, seekiing out a daughter, which he believes is lost, to him." When Doctor Rhoades would say "Makes sense. Manyy parents, whoo have lost chiildren, especially to disease, or injury, have trouble coing with the loss." The doctor woulld say "Thats not the worst part." When Doctor Rhoades would say "Please, proceed". The doctor would say "The child belives that, each time the abductor realizes that the victim is NOT his child, he becomes sane, loong enough, to realize his mistake. After that, the "madness" returns, and he rapes, then murderers, the children, out of pure rage." Doctor Rhoades would say "Then, the whoole cycle starts all over again." This is when the local sheriff woulld enter the coonversation, sayying "Unless we can find a way to STOP him." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What purposse woulld I serve, in such an investigation?" The sheriff woulld say "Simple. You do what you do, to send people whereever they go. Have her give us as many details, as possible, and the police willl follow up." When Doctor Rhoades would suggest "You do understand that we MIGHT be dealing with nothing more than nightmares, here, dont you?" The sheriff woulld say "Dreams, nightmares. It doesn't matter what you call them. You know, as I do, that we have a mad-man out there. He MUST be stopped." It was not until the girl came out of the heavy dose, of drugs, that Doctor Rhoades would make a startling discovery. While the girl was fearful, that the killer might come for her, next, it was when Doctor Rhoades placed the girl into a light hypnosis that she calmed, and began explaining what the killer knew. Prior to the "New World Order", the man had been a hard-working husband, and father. While hiis wife was happy, to be married, so loong as the man had his factory job, when the plant closed down, and moved to a third world nation, and without any warning, the wife packed up the children, and vanished. While the man TRIED to hire private investigators, to aid his search, none were willing to help, unless the man provideed a $10,000 deposit. This is why the man became a wanderer. He wandered the nation, searching for his family. This is when the sheriff woulld surprise Doctor Rhoades, by adding "Dont forget the times, when strangers tried to trick the man into thinking that THEY were his family." When the girl woulld say "That is true." and the sheriff would say "Once he found out about the fakes, he made the decision, which turned a desperate father into an "engine of destruction". The girl woulld say "He KILLED the fakes, to prevent them froom harming anyone else." This is when Doctor Rhoades realized that these two people were connected. While the sheriff might noot be connected, to the killer, he had a DEFINITE connectioon, to the girl. There was no other way that both coulld have access to the same information. The same details. It was not until the girl said "The child is dead. He has killed her. He found out that she was not his daughter, so he killed her, for being fake." This is when the sheriff confirmed the doctors thoughts, as he spoke, into his phone, telling his base "Send two pattrol cars, and a "meat-wagon", to the triiple pines." The girll woulld say "That is where he will leave the bbody." After this, and in seperate sessioons, Doctor Rhoades would examine vboth the sheriff, and the girl. He had to be SURE, before he said a word. It was not until he asked the sheriff things, which ONLY the girl would know, then Doctor Rhoades went to the girl, that she asked the doctor "Why did you ask him these questions?" Then the girl TOLD Doctor Rhoades what Doctor Rhoades had asked the sheriff. After these sessions, Doctor Rhoades went to find out more, about the location, where the children had been taken, and murdered. While Doctor Rhoades was CERTAIN that the sheriff was off, miles away, processing the latest report, while the girll was resting, under mild hypnosis, Doctor Rhoades found that, anytime he was not certain of which way to travel, in the woods, he would see either the sheriff, or the girl, pointing in the correct direction. Questioon: Was the doctor seeing these people, or just IMAGINIING that he was seeing them? This, especially since neither spoke to the doctor. They just pointed in the correct direction. In his "third eye", Doctor Rhoades "saw" the shack, where the man had kept his victims. When the doctors "third eye" showed him the sheriff, and the girl, shaking heads, just before hearing rifle shots, in the distance. When Doctor Rhoades rushed to the source, of the sound, he found a body, slumped over, in a row boat, even as a hunter, on the opposite bank, would say "He wont kill no more children." When Doctor Rhoades pulled the boat to shore, to check the body, he found that the hunter must have "enjoyed" the killing, since Doctor Rhoades found no less than eight bullet wounds, in the body. When Doctor Rhoades emerged from the Telepathic experience, and returned to town, to report his experience, includiing seeing that the boat was tied, securely, to the bank, of the river, and reported the shooting, all the sheriff, and the deputy, would ask was "Are you SURE thats what you saw, and heard?" When Doctor Rhoades repeated both the description, and the mans words, the sheriff would half-whisper, to Doctor Rhoades, "Look, doc, I am sure that you are good, at what you do. What I, also, know, to be a fact, is that the man you say you saw, at the river, died, of hunting injuries, maybe thirty years ago." When Doctor Rhaodes would say "I saw him, plain as I see you." The sheriff woulld say "I never said he was "gone". I said he was dead." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Explain?" The sheriff would say "Lost hikers, campers, and even those, with flat tires, report that this man aids them, when they need it. He comes out of nowhere, aids victims, then vanishes. Just be grateful for his help. Okay?" When the national news verified that the killer had been stopped, Doctor Rhoades would make one, final, stop, before leaving town. Hooking up, to the towns primary internet connection, Doctor Rhoades would trace both the afflicted girl, and the sheriff, back through time. While the doctor found no"concrete" evidence, of a link, it seems that both the sheriff's family, and the afflicted girls family, "just appearred", in the area, maybe a century before. Maybe more. All the records show is that, at one point, the families were VERY close. Over time, however, the two grew apart. COULD this be how the gift was shared? Genetics? While Doctor Rhoades confiirmed, via half of the police department, that the sheriff was at the station, at the approximate time Doctor Rhoades asked about, And the girl was, reeportedly, resting, comfortably, this left Doctor Rhoades wondering "What DID I see, in the woods? Was it Astral Projection? Telekinesis?" Doctor Rhoades would leave yet another case, only partially resolved. Since the child was at peace, and the murderer was verified as dead, Doctor Rhoades agreed that his assignment was over with. Still, Doctor Rhoades would be left to wonder HOW an image, from so far away, could be seen, and felt, as if it were right in front of him. Time to pack, and return home.

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