Tuesday, September 12, 2017


THE NEW SIXTH SENSE # 7 Doctor Johnathan Rhoades, medical doctor, and licensed psychiatrist. A man who DARES to look PAST the obvious, and discover what is at the HEART, of patients conditions. The following is case-file number 7, of Doctor Rhoades highly unusual approach to treatment, of mental disorders. Paul Finch is a man I have known, since before medical school. Since I have known him, Paul has been the type of person, who, never, believes anything, unless he SEES it with his OWN eyes. While Paul would, never, consider "heckling" a childs imagination, saying "Who knows, they just might make it happen, someday", Paul would heckle any adult, who made un-substantiated claims. This is why Paul was both supported, and opposed, in our hometown. It was Paul who introduced me to the concept of "I will believe it when I SEE it." A concept which I would take, into medical school, and only relax, when I entered the field of psychiatry. Still, I knew Paul to be an honorable man. A man who only broke his word, when circumstances were beyond his control. His wife was both compassionate, and caring. It was she who, often, reminded her husband that children CAN have active imaginations. I forget exactly WHEN it first started, but I remember how often Pauls children would come up with fantastic tales. Tales, of visiting faraway places, and riding in machines, which made no noise. Tales, of meeting small beings. Beings, who showed the children things which young children, normally, never understand. What I remember, most, was the time when local children came into the "space-ship-building" phase, of development. While most children just stacked boxes, and drew rockets, on the cardboard sides, Paul, and his wife, had been impressed with how thoughtful their children had been, in creating what really looked like a flying disc. Add in the fact that Pauls children built their ship, out of re-cycled metals, instead of marker, on cardboard, and Paul had admitted that he was impressed. The only question, which the children could, never, answer, was the question of "Where are the engine exhaust ports?" While Pauls children, like most kids, "take off", from time to time, then return, when they get hungry, what the police could, never, figure out was the reason why, when Pauls children returned, they were neither filthy, stinky, nor hungry. In fact, about the only im-balance any doctors could find, in the young, was electrolytes. While most doctors just ignored this, one doctor noted "It is as if the children have been on an extended, zero-gravity, tour, of the solar system." The last that Doctor Rhoades had heard, once the children entered their teens, they stopped speaking of their trips. In fact, according to Paul, and his wife, their children stopped speaking, of the trips, completely. Paul thought that one reason, for this, might be that, when Paul's son, Eric, had been in science class, one day, and a teacher had been trying to explain why "faster-than-light" travel was impossible, and Eric had dis-agreed, the teacher had challenged Eric to prove his point. From what Paul had told Doctor Johnathan Rhoades, it seems that, when Eric had gone to the black-board, and wrote out some equations (which even the teacher did not understand) Eric had been sentenced to detention, for writing "gibberish". When Paul heard about the punishment, and visited the school, asking "May I see the work?" Paul had been surprised when both the teacher, and principal, admitted erasing the numbers, as fast as possible. All the principal would say was "What Eric wrote is impossible, with our current understanding, of science. This is why he is in detention." Since that time, both Pauls son, and his daughter, had learned to keep quiet, about what they were certain were true. Now, for some reason, Paul was all-but-begging for Johnathan Rhoades assistance. The question was "WHY?" The answer, as I was to learn, was far more complicated than I could have imagined. From the moment, when I arrived, I found the couple to be agitatted enough to know that concern was genuine. From what I was able to learn, from Paul, and his wife, it seems that, this time, their teens had been "missing", for three months. There had been no ransom note. No threat of "If you contact the police..." From what the parents had told me, they put the teens to bed, at the usual time, and both parents thought that all was fine. Come morning, however, parents found beds made, and young people gone. No sign of struggle. Just gone. It was not until I asked "Did they happen to leave anything behind? Maybe something which might provide a clue?" This is when Paul instructed his wife to "Bring the journals". When I asked Paul, "What journals?" His wife brought me a small stack, of personal journals. When I opened the first one, and saw the complex writing, and other, contents, I looked at the couple, asking "Your children did this?" Paul's wife would say "After Eric received detention, for writing the Physics equation, on the class-room black-board, then our daughter got detention, for questioning a science article, which claimed that NOTHING can travel faster than light speed, I bought my children these journals, so that they could record what they believed to be true." When Doctor Rhoades asked "May I borrow these?" Paul had been first to say "If it aids you, in finding our young people, then feel free." After giving his promise to do his all, to aid in finding the young people, Doctor Rhoades would take the journals, call the local police, then sit back, for a few hours, and review the first pages, of the journals. By the time his phone rang, saying that the chief of police wanted to see the doctor, Doctor Rhoades would have read enough, from each, of the young peoples journals, to understand that these were no, random, scribblings. In fact, these symbols were, very similar to those the ancients priests had offered, at the museum. Just in a seperate language. When Doctor Rhoades met with the chief of police, it seems that the chief had his OWN ideas of how to handle the case. Idea's, which he did not WANT an "amateur" messing with. When Doctor Rhoades would explain "I am not here to "get in the way", I am here to offer any assistance, in resolving this case." When the chief would "heckle" the doctor, saying "If you want something to resolve, try this." Then the chief handed the doctor a bag, with something, dark brown, inside it." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What is it?" The chief would say "Unless you can tell me, you will be of no use to me." The chief would not know what to say, when Doctor Rhoades would sniff the bag, then say "I dont know how OLD this sample is, but, if you want my help, I need a fresh sample." This is when the chief would call to an officer, saying "Escort the "doctor" back to his place. He is of no use, to us." When the officer would say "Yes, sir.", then ask "Doctor, would you follow me." Doctor Rhoades did as asked. On the ride, to his motel room, however, Doctor Rhoades DID ask the officer "Why did you chief show me such an old, decayed, sample?" The officer would say "The chief has been on this case, since those kids disappearred. So far, no, REAL, clues." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "May I ask what you consider "REAL" clues?" The officer would say "We find foot-prints, which lead nowhere. We find burn marks, with no residue, of gasoline, kerosine, or other flamables. We send out search teams, for weeks, at a time, and come up empty. Eventually, the kids just show up, pretending not to be aware of the passage of time." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Questioning?" The officer would ask "Even when we seperate them, the kids tell the same stories." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What stories?" The officer would say "They claim some "friends", in a ship, "pick them up", and take them for a "ride". "When they return...Ah, here is your motel. Take it easy, doc." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Excuse me officer, but, you said "When they return..." What did you mean?" The officer would say "Take my advice, sir. Leave police matters to the police." Doctor Johnathan Rhoades would have been happy to do just that. That is, until the teens returned, not understanding WHY they were in trouble. As they told Doctor Rhoades "All we did was take a walk, last night. We just wanted to see the stars." When Doctor Rhoades asked "Why didn't you tell your parents?" The girl said "We planned to be back, BEFORE anyone woke up.". It was when Doctor Rhoades began asking the questions, such as "Where did you go?", and "WHAT did you do?" These questions drew blank stares, from the teens. When their mother would promise "As long as you tell the doctor the truth, no harm will come to you." Still, the teens seemed baffled, by the question. When Doctor Rhoades tried another approach, having each teen begin with the events, of the day, leading up to the evening walk, the parents verified that most of the information had been checked out, LONG ago. According to both the boy, and girl, once ready for bed, both began "hearing" a "voice", in their head, saying "Come". When their mother suggested the plot-line, of the classic, Scooby Doo cartoon: "What the hex going on?", her daughter would say "That was just a classic cartoon. What we heard, I dont know WHAT it was. It wasn't threatening. More like inviting." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What happened, when you heard the voices?" The teens would say "We slipped into some clothes, then slipped out of the house." The girl would emphasize "We expected to be back, before morning." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Back, from where?", he was surprised when the teens said "Visiting with our friends." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Were your friends waiting for you to join them?" The teens would say "They like to keep a low-profile. they sent a..." The girl would say "I guess you might call it a "car", for us." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Where did this "car" take you?" The boy would say "It passed by, so fast, I dont even recall seeing any details." The girl would say "One thing I know was that the place was full of shiny crystals. When the light hit the crystals, the colors were so beautiful." By the end of the interview, Doctor Rhoades was certain of only ONE thing. The teens were not taken to a PLACE, so much as they were taken to a TIME. A time, which was, remarkably, similar to that described by a previous patient. After Doctor Rhoades received directions, to where the teens had been "picked up", the doctor drove to the location, himself. This, even after Paul had cautioned the doctor "That place has "strange" vibes, about it. Be careful." While Doctor Rhoades stopped, by the road-side, grabbed his gear, then locked his car, before proceeding, on foot, he did not know why, but, in his "third eye", the doctor "saw" a vehicle, come to land on the ground. While the vehicle had multi-colored lights, it seemed to be "pulsing" as well. For nearly an hour, the doctor walked the area, until he realized that the "pulsing" was not all in his head. If Doctor Rhoades did not know better, he would have thought that the pulsing was a directional beacon. This left the question of "A beacon, for WHAT?" It was not until the pulsing lead the doctor to a section, of scorched soil, that a revelation was upon the doctor. While the burn patch was, obviously, from engine exhaust, when Doctor Rhoades (Who was required to study chemistry, in medical school) tested the ground, for the scent, of accelerants, he found no odor, which he could identify. It was not until the doctor prepared to take some samples that another voice, called, from behind, saying "Mister, You are contaminating a crime scene." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What crime scene? I didn't see any "crime scene tape"." The deputy would say "Dont matter. Now, drop what you got, and come along, peaceable like." It was when the doctor would try to identify himself saying "I am Doc..." When the deputy would say "We know ALL about you, Doctor Johnathan Rhoades. Doctor of advanced psychiatry." Doctor Rhoades would travel, to the police station, wondering WHY Paul had turned him in. After all, Johnathan was TRYING to aid Pauls children. It was not until after Doctor Rhoades was locked, in a cell, that the police called Paul to the station. Then, something, truly bizzarre, happened. In front of both Paul, and Doctor Rhoades, the sheriff, himself, would address the two men, saying "We know what you are up to. THEY know, as well." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Who is "they"?" The sheriff would say "Never you mind.", to Doctor Rhoades, then to Paul, the sheriff would say "I TOLD you, BEFORE. DONT get involved, in what THEY are doing." When Paul would ask "WHY, MY children. They never hurt nobody." The sheriff would say "All I know is that "they" are "interested" in us. Past, Present, and Future." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "WHY are "they" interested in OUR future? WHAT do "they" see, in our future?" Doctor Rhoades would notice that the sheriff would seem rattled, as the man said "Mister, I DONT ask questions. I do as I am told." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Told? By whom?" The sheriff would draw his weapon, point it at the doctor, saying "Stop asking questions." Yet, Doctor Rhoades noticed that it was not so much a threat as it was a plea, for cooperation. It was after Doctor Rhoades agreed to leave town, and Paul agreed to stop asking questions, that the sheriff cut both men loose. Still, Doctor Rhoades would not say a word until well out of hearing range, of the station. When Paul would ask "John, you are not, REALLY, going to leave town, are you?" Doctor Rhoades would say "I gave the sheriff my word, and I intend to KEEP this word. Just not right away." When Paul would ask "Where to?" Doctor Rhoades would suggest a return to the general area, near, but not to close to, where he had left his car. Just as Doctor Rhoades expected, a deputy had been placed on guard duty, with the car. It was Paul, however, who noticed the kind of gun the man carried. It was the same, age old, scatter-gun, which the man had shown Paul, years ago. It was a rifle, but not accurate. On the prairie, such guns were used to scare off preditors. While Paul was not, much in favor, of Johns "plan", Paul figured that there were worse ways to die. (John Rhoades had known of Paul Finches aversion, to nursing homes, ever since Paul watched as John did rounds, at a nursing home.) Paul's main remark, after visiting the home, was "If I, ever, get into that condition, do me the favor and SHOOT me through the head. Quick and painless." What Andy Hardy never counted upon was the sheriff being right, about the possible need, to actually, FIRE the rifle. Andy had been hoping just to get out of the house, and feel useful. No need to hurt anyone. Just point the rifle, and anyone would run off. When Paul made the same kind, of rustling noises, in some nearby bushes, as the kids reported that "they" made, it was only when Andy pointed his rifle, at the noise, and pulled the trigger, only to hear a click, that he was heard to mutter "Dag nab it! I KNEW I fergot to do something." (What he had forgotten to do was LOAD the rifle, before leaving home.) As a result, Paul lead Andy away from the car, in one direction, while Doctor Rhoades came, from the other, and "stole" his car back. Doctor Rhoades then used a side road, got passed, without Andy seeing him, and picked up Paul, before driving to the next, potential, site. At this site, Doctor Rhoades collected enough samples, to fill a case. Then, using his portable analyzer, Doctor Rhoades sent his readings to another professor, whom he knew. "The headline, for the message, was "What do you make of this?"" Doctor Rhoades then drove Paul back, to pick up his car. By the time the men reached Paul's house, they found what they expected. A patrol car, parked just up the street. When Paul asked "What do we do?" Doctor Rhoades would, calmly, say "I am keeping my word, to the sheriff. I am delivering you to your house, then packing, for my departure." This is when Paul surprised his friend by saying "If you are leaving, then so are we." Shortly after arriving at Pauls house, Doctor Rhoades would receive a response, to his test message. It read "Is this a joke?". When Doctor Rhoades examined the enclosed findings, this case, finally, made sense. The reason why the residue did not smell of chemicals was that it was NOT a chemical reaction. It was an energy reaction. A form of energy not found, any place, on Earth. While Doctor Rhoades, now, understood the reason for the childrens, then teens, absenses, the question was "HOW "controlled" was this "controlled" test?" In medical school, Johnathan Rhoades had taken part, in observing "controlled" tests. Most were for anti-psychotic, anti-convulsive, or other, mood, stabilizer, medication. The subjects were kept in high security lock up, in case of un-intended side-effects. Effects, such as one patient trying to ram other patients heads, through walls. This, when given a medication which SHOULD have caused the patient to act out, in a calm way. That, and the case, where patients, suffering from hallucinations, were given a new anti-hallucinagion. The effect, of calming the patients, never materialized. Instead, the patients went wild and, by the time, shot, with tranquilizers, had ripped metal mesh from windows." The effects, of such trials, were things which Johnathan Rhoades wanted to avoid, whenever he could. While Doctor Johnathan Rhoades would follow the family's car to the edge of town, just to show that the doctor was leaving town, even Doctor Rhoades did not believe his eyes, as the family's vehicles crossed the town line. In a flash, of light, from an un-seen, source, one moment, the teens were in the cars and, the next, the teens, and their belongings were gone, in the flash, of light. It was just as Paul was saying "I am going back. I am not leaving my children behind." that a deputy would appear, as if out of nowhere, saying "You are going nowhere, but OUT of here." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "May I ask why?" The deputy would say "Doctor Johnathan Rhoades, there are important works to be done. Things of which you can, scarcely, understand. I will promise you. ALL of you. The young will NOT be harmed. That, I guarantee." As if in a flash, the deputy was gone. When Paul would ask "What happens, now?" Doctor Rhoades would say "Lets head to the nearest town, which has internet service. Hard wired, only. I want to check something out." By the time the trio found a hard-wired internet server, and logged in, they found about what Doctor Rhoades had expected to find. Paul, and his wife, watched as, on the internet, someone, listed as "unknown", wiped out the family's entire history, in the town. A revised history, for Paul, and his wife, were created, for another community. As for the children they had raised, all connection was erased. It was as if the family never existed. Final case-file note: I shall note how odd it was that, after the computer history was changed that, shortly after Paul, and his wife, arrived, at their "new home", the home was burglarized, yet all that Paul, and his wife, found missing, after the theft, were their childrens birth certificates, Social Security cards, family photo album pictures, of the children, and any other, identifying, documentation. This leaves me with the question: WHY bother stealing documents, which are useless, to anyone, except to family members? WHAT purpose could be served?

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