Tuesday, September 12, 2017


THE NEW SIXTH SENSE # 6 Doctor Johnathan Rhoades, medical doctor, and licensed psychiatrist. A man who DARES to look PAST the obvious, and discover what is at the HEART, of patients conditions. The following is case-file number 6, of Doctor Rhoades highly unusual approach to treatment, of mental disorders. "In what is becoming an increasingly enlarging part, of my private practice, I have been enlisted to provide aid to some museum workers. From the data, which I have been provided, to date, it would seem that a local museum had acquired a relic, of antiquity. A piece which, if history were correct, should have been pilferred, by the Spanish, maybe 500 years before. The museums director is becoming concerned over the fact that workers, who were, normally, most effective, at their jobs, were avoiding going near anything to do with the discovery. The director states that they believe that the workers fear some curse, about some "fearful monster", which is said to "rise", if the artifact is disturbed. The museum director feels that, if **I** speak, to the workers, reminding the workers that fairy tales are for children, that the hope is that the museum can open the exhibit, on schedule. I have agreed to consult, if for no other reason than to show the workers that "curses", and other "superstition", are nothing more than illusions, created by the subjects minds. I can only think, however, that, the night before I began this work, that I must have had the case "on my brain", since, during sleep, I had a very vivid "dream", about an ancient culture. A culture which, if history books are to be believed, sacrificed virgins, on a regular basis, to one, of several, gods. (Note: In my own study, of history, even though my primary focus was medicine, I was astounded by how many cultures have been accused of HUMAN sacrifice, based, solely, upon the findings, of traces, of human blood, on altar stones. This "finding", supposedly, "backed" by tales, of virgin sacrifices. Since I, for one, admit to not being old enough, to have been present, at the sacrifices, I question the authors, of such manuscripts, for making conclusions, based upon events which they did NOT, PERSONALLY, witness.) Still, I have been enlisted, to perform a basic service, and I have agreed to provide this. I just could not get the dream out of my mind. The priest, and the guards, dressed, in ceremonial robes, wearing masks, of gold, were in attendance, at a ceremony, where an adult male was being brought to the altar. In what sounded, to me, like a combination of a prayer, and a final judgement, the man was strapped down, to the altar, just as modern people are strapped down, for execution. With two, other, figures placing steaming bowls, of something, on each side of the males head, I got the impression that, when the dagger penetrated flesh, and the blood began to flow, that this was not to "appease" a god. This was more like an execution, for a capital crime. When the body was chopped up, and the parts, dumped into a hole, I thought the man must have been a terrible criminal, to be denied proper burial. While, over proceeding centuries, the body parts would produce teeth-marks, and a suspicion of Cannibalism, in my dream, I witnessed as animals dug their way into the grave, and consumed the remains. It was then that the reason, for the dream, became clear, to me. It was because the executed man had tried to STEAL a relic. Something which, to this culture, was even more valuable than gold. It was like it was the root of their culture. A "root", which members would FIGHT, to the death, to protect. While, even in the vision, I stayed well to the rear, in order to observe, I found that locals were more than willing to give, generously, for the supposed "protection" of whatever the relic was offering. While I awoke, the following morning, feeling like I had not slept, at all, the visions remained with me. This is what lead me to believe that, perhaps, museum workers were having the same dream. If they were, this would explain A LOT of things. Best to be careful, though. Never try to "contaminate" the evidence. After a larger-than-usual breakfast, I would gather my equipment, and prepare to begin my work. While "Phase One" was, normally, the most difficult part. (The part about encouraging people to "open up", to me) This task was made even more difficult when, upon my arrival, the following happpened. First of all, the museum director not only met me, at the door, but made a point of informing the receptionist of WHO, and WHAT, I was. Then, the director guided me into his office, where he told me how much TIME I had, for my inquiry. (It seems the director was determined to open the exhibit, on schedule, even if he had to replace his entire staff) When I noticed that the director opened his "welcome" with the relics transport, to the United States, instead of at its point of origin, I noticed that, for the final leg, of the journey, the director was willing to provide a surprising amount, of detail, regarding the final passage. That, and the totally-secure method, by which the relic came to rest in the museum. It was not until the man told me "You have seventy-two hours to sort this thing out. If you have no conclusion, by that time, I will be forced to use cruder methods of persuasion, on the staff." When I reminded the director "Mental abberations are not like cuts, or broken bones. You cant just slap a band-aid, on the mind, and call it "healed"." The director would stand, firm, saying "Seventy-two hours. Do we understand one another?" By the time I departed the directors office, to begin trying to meet with the staff, I KNEW that the staff had been "warned", about me. This was obvious, by the fact that almost none of the staff were speaking English. And, NO, it is NOT unusual for archeologists, and even museums, to hire "local" talent, to move exhibits about. In fact, some governments prefer having some "patriots" with their relics, while the relics are out of native lands. For me, the question was "How do I win these peoples trust, when they KNOW that I am here, presumably, to "question" them"? I was just thankful when their, female, foreman, came forward, and greeted me. As she lead me to her office space, the woman asked "What have you been told, so far?" When I told her "Only that a relic has been loaned, to the museum, and that workers fear to be around the relic. Beyond that, I have no idea even what the relic looks like." The foreman would correct my earlier information, saying "The relic, you speak of, is NOT "on-loan", to the museum, from my country. It was purchased, via the black market, and smuggled out of my home-land." I thought "No wonder the director was so specific ONLY about the trip to the United States." When I asked "If the relic was, illegally, removed, from your nation, why does your government not file a protest?" The foreman would say "You, really, dont know, do you." When I would ask "About what?" The foreman would say "The most recent protest, filed by my government, and which is, currently, being "investigated", by your government, originated in the 1950's. Your, American, government is only efficient, when the rich, and powerful, want it to be." When I would ask "In that case, can you fill me in on WHERE the relic originated, and what it was used for?" The foreman would say "We must be both careful, and respectful, of such things. While the gods might be ancient, their powers have survived, over the millenia." When I would suggest "In other words, if we are not cautious, then the descendants, of the priests, will exact a penalty, upon us." The foreman would suggest "I would not speak, so lightly, of such matters. While there are cult members, willing to do the gods bidding, it is wisest not to anger the gods, in the first place." When I would say "Fair enough. Now, what can you tell me, about the history, of the relic?" The fore-(woman) would say "Among my people, there are stories. Stories, of a diety, coming from the stars, in a "flaming chariot". The diety blessed my people with the knowledge of farming, water-conservation, and population control. It is said that the diety, also, brought forth the laws, which my people have followed, since the "beginning time". When I would suggest "It sounds much like the Bible, with its "In the Beginning..." line." The woman would say "No one is certain of which version came, first. This, since your Bible does not list precise dates, and the missionarries destroyed most of our history, for reasons I, still, do not believe in." When I would ask "Did your people keep accurate records, of the passage of time?" The woman would say "If your mean like the modern calendar, then no. My people had our own calendars, for many millenia. This is why I say that no one is certain of which text came first." When I would move on, asking "How does this relic fit into all of this?" The woman would say "When worn by the "chosen", and used, with respect, the relic is said to give its wearer the ability to view time. Past, present, and future. That, and the ability to heal. If you want to go full-tilt, into history, some stories claim that the relic gives the wearer instant knowledge, of any language, which is spoken, about them." When I would suggest "It sounds like even you do not believe, to a great degree." The woman would say "I am a woman, of science. If you want me to believe in something, I say "Show me the goods"." I would say "WISE precaution. You never know WHO might try to make people believe in fairy tales." The woman would say "Even worse. We know not how FAR such believers would go, in trying to "honor the gods"." When I would ask "May I see the relic?", the woman would say "Normally, such requests would be denied, however, since you are here to aid, and assist, I see no reason to deny your request." I, really, dont know what I was prepared to see. Probably something golden. Maybe, encrusted with jewels. Maybe, something worth enough money, to buy New York City, or Washington D.C., with the proceeds. What I was presented with was none of these. While the relic was PAINTED, to resemble bone (maybe human bone), even I, a medical doctor, could tell that the white substance was not human bone. My best guess would be ivory, painted to resemble bone. Another, odd, fact, of the relic, was the amount of blue color, which was used in decorating the piece. I would consider this odd, since the color, blue, was not much in abundance, in the relics home-land. The relic MUST have been important, for locals to spend the money, for blue paint. As I observed the piece, with my own eyes, I cant explain what happened, but I felt myself "lifting", for lack of a better word, out of this world. Was it just my imagination, or did I, actually, feel like I was transiting, to a point, in the past? During what I will only describe as a vision, I found myself attending another ceremony. This one, full of joy, and celebration. The relic was being worshipped for what I took to be a bountiful harvest. There were camp-fires, chanting, eating, drinking, and plenty of dancing. I just wished I understood the language of the locals. It was not until the moment, when the warrior, who was holding the relic up, high, turned, and pointed at ME, that I heard the fore-womans voice asking "Doctor, are you alright?" First, it was only a whisper, then it became more urgent. When I felt like I was being pulled at, I felt as though I was rushing (not travelling, comfortably), rushing back toward the present. "Falling" back into my body felt like I had just fallen from 10,000 feet. When the woman asked "Doctor, are you feeling alright?" All I could think of, to say was to ask "How OLD did you say that relic was?" The woman would say "No one, really, knows. Some say it dates to the 1300's. Others say it dates to the beginning, of recorded time. Who is to say which is right?" While it would take Doctor Rhoades a few hours, to, fully, recover, from his experience, he found himself wondering how a people could worship a piece of ivory. Then, Doctor Rhoades "back-pedalled", himself, when he remembered how Christians worship wooden crosses, for their Christian symbolism. If the Christians could worship wood, then WHY could not other people worship other materials? While the relic had been returned to its secure case, Doctor Rhoades wondered if what he was feeling was real. WAS the relic "calling" to him "Return me to my people", or was it just my imagination? That night, while working on his notes, in a work-room, Doctor Rhoades heard a noise, in the hall. Since the female fore-man had informed the doctor that workers had departed, for the evening, Doctor Rhoades THOUGHT that he should be alone, in this section, of the museum. The female fore-man had said that she was planning to work, in the exhibit area (in case the doctor needed her), while the director would be pulling another, late, night, TRYING to bring the exhibits opening back on schedule. The man seemed so passionate, about opening the exhibit, on schedule. Somehow, Doctor Rhoades wondered WHY this was. It was not until Doctor Rhoades heard another sound, and words he did not recognize, that he closed his briefcase, then went for a look. While a glance, in one direction, showed nothing out of the ordinary. Just shelves of antiquities. A glance, in the opposite direction, and Doctor Rhoades doubted his own vision. At the far end, of the hall, were a group, of men, muscular for sure, and wearing robes, like the ancients wore. While, around their collars, the men wore gold jewelry, as well as golden, face, masks, Doctor Rhoades noticed that very LITTLE, of the mens costumes was made of gold. Most, of their costumes, were made of brightly colored fabric. Then, as if out of nowhere, came a mist, which flowed, at the mens feet, then surrounded them, like a fog. When the fog withdrew, the men were gone. Now, being a man of science, Doctor Rhoades first impulse, which he followed, was to rush to the end of the corridor, and find out if the "fog" had been nothing more than a smoke machine. When Doctor Rhoades reached the corner, and began searching the area, looking for clues, it was not long before his thoughts were distracted, by a female scream. When Doctor Rhoades rushed to find out who was screaming, and why, he found the female fore-man pointing into the directors office. When Doctor Rhoades entered the office, he could not believe what he saw. The museum director had not only been killed. The man had been killed, just as the man, in the vision had been executed. Now, the question was "HOW did the criminals enter the building?", do their "business", then escape, all without anyone noticing? After Doctor Rhoades notified the police, of the crime, he questioned the woman, asking "What made you come to his office, at this time?" When the woman would say "I was following them."(and described the same, robed, figures, which Doctor Rhoades had witnessed), then she would add "I had no idea they had done this. I mean, what is the purpose? Why sacrifice him? Why not just shoot, or poison, him?" By the time the police arrived, Doctor Rhoades seemed certain of one thing. The people, who had committed this crime WANTED their actions to be known. A "warning", if you will, of what would happen, to anyone else, who might violate sacred relics. It would seem that the police became convinced, rather quickly, that this was an "inside job". All based upon the flimsy "evidence" that the security system had not been triggered. How else could the criminals have entered, and departed, the building, without making any noise? What first Doctor Rhoades, then the medical examiner, wanted to know was "Since the museum director had been executed, sacrifice-style, then WHERE was all the blood?" From the way the body was cut open, Doctor Rhoades would have expected blood all over the furniture. That, and covering the desk. That is, IF the director had been murdered, in this office. When Doctor Rhoades would talk to the fore-woman, after she tried to answer the police questions, asking how, if the man was killed, in his own office, that the office was not covered in blood. The woman would explain "In my country, there are many rituals, involving death. Some, you are aware of. Others, we do not share, with "outsiders". When Doctor Rhoades would ask "How can a body be drained, of its blood, without any spillage, outside of an operating room?" The woman would say "There is a practice. Normally, we are forbidden to speak, openly, of it. It is the process, of collecting the blood, of the dead, before it loses the soul." When Doctor Johnathan Rhoades would ask "Does the process include placing bowls on either side, of the victims head?" The woman would caution "IN that, there are two rituals. One, for criminals. One for the honored deceased." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "In which process is the victim strapped down, by guards?" The woman would say "That is the ritual, for criminals." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "The other one?" The woman would say "According to my peoples beliefs, while the criminal version is designed to bind the soul, to its resting place, so that it can perform no further evil, in ANY form, the other version is for the honored dead. Their blood is placed in special bowls, where offerings may be placed. In this way, the soul is freed, more rapidly, to enjoy eternity." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "How does one tell the difference between the ceremonies?" The woman would say "In honored death, there is festivity, food, drink, celebration. In short, a rememberance of those who have passed, with gladness." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "The alternative?" The woman would say "The prisoner is DRAGGED to the altar, gassed into submission, then sacrificed, to the gods. In this version, there is NO celebration. All is silent, as the order is carried out." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Which version would you say the director was party to?" The woman would say "I would say that he was tried, convicted, and executed." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "How?, WHERE? By WHOM? How did they get past the security system?" All the woman would say was "The ancients have their ways. We do not question them. We respect them." Doctor Rhoades just hoped the woman understood that, unless, and until, another suspect could be captured, that the psychiatrist, and the fore-woman, were not the prime suspects. They were the ONLY suspects. The only "good" news, to come out of the next couple of days was that, with the death, of the museum director, the exhibit grand opening was postponed, until the police investigation was concluded. This was good news, since this provided Doctor Rhoades the time that he needed, to speak with the museum staff. Doctor Rhoades, also, knew that he had the fore-woman to thank, for his acceptance, among the workers. (It seems that she convinced the workers that the doctor was NOT questioning, and cross-examining. He just wanted more information, on what the staff was working on). As a result, while the police did their work, Doctor Rhoades proceeded with discovering the reason WHY the workers feared the new exhibit. What the doctor could not "shake", however, were his own "visions". Visions which he, now, wondered were distant past, present, or the future. Thanks to the visions, however, the doctor KNEW when workers were speaking the truth. When no one seemed to KNOW, but everyone WANTED to know, was HOW the criminals got into the museum, committed their crime, and escaped, all without setting off any alarms. When one worker mentioned "Maybe, they used the "passe de time", another worker said "On your knee's, and beg forgiveness, for such talk." When Doctor Rhoades asked "Before he does this, may I ask WHAT the "passe de time" is?" The fore-woman would say "It is another, of our legends." When Doctor Rhoades would say "Go on." The woman would say "There are legends, that the most knowledgable, of the high priests, could open portals, in time, and space. IF the legends are true, it would be possible for a high priest to open a portal, to any location, bypass any security system, and, if you, really, want to hear a good one, the legend says that the high priest could stop time, then take their time, performing rituals." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "You continue to mention the HIGH priests. Why do you keep saying HIGH? Are there different levels of priests, in your land?" The woman would say "Ofcourse. The lowest level, of priest, tends the crops, and advises farmers on what to plant, and when. The next level, are the healers. The priests, who heal the sick, and injured. After that, comes the level, which you Americans call "ministers", "priests", "Rabbi's", and so on. These are the priests who conduct mass. The HIGH priests are the final level. The high priests are those, who have proven themselves worthy of the church. They are taught things which your science says is impossible. Talents, which our people have been practicing, in secret, for centuries." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Like walking through walls? Altering time, to allow for an execution?" The woman would say "ONLY in the most EXTREME circumstances. To flaunt such power would be to bring the wrath, of the gods upon the people." What neither Doctor Rhoades, nor the woman, could account for was the fact that, that very night, after their discussion, the relic vanished, from its high security case. The very next night, after the police finished their work, and the woman, and Doctor Rhoades, were trying to figure out more, of the relic's history, an un-explained fog rolled in, and filled part of the room. When Doctor Rhoades would whisper "The "passe de time"? A male figure would step out of the mist, speaking in the tongue, of the South Americans. The woman would translate, for the doctor. "Yes, this is a time passage. This is how we know of your time, and civilization. Our only desire is to recover what was stolen, from our people, and to "educate" those, who would steal from us." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Why have you not shared this amazing ability, with the rest of the world?" The woman would translate as the lead male, of what turned out to be a five-man group, would say "At one time, in the distant past, when ALL men were brothers, the knowledge was part, of everyones "education". Over time, as people became greedy, for power, an attempt was made, to prevent the power-hungry from gaining the "ABILITIES of the mind". Success was mixed, as it was not possible to tell who would use the abilities, for evil. This is why, in the end, the decision was made. The "education" would be kept only for those who PROVED themselves worthy, in the eyes of the gods." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Would it be possible for mankind to, one-day, have the powers returned?" The woman would translate "Only to the worthy. Only to those, who will not abuse the abilities. For those people, awareness is possible, even now. For those, who wish to (bully) others, the abilities will be denied." The woman would add "Something like "He, who lives by the sword, shall perish by the sword."" When Doctor Rhoades, telepathically, projected "I wish I knew more, about how this is accomplished", it seems that one, of the robed figures, understood the meaning, of the request. This is when, in his "third eye", Doctor Rhoades would be presented with a complex, mathematical, formula. After this, however, the woman translated some more, as the warriors said "Be warned. Such sacriledge will not be so easily dealt with, in the future. Now, we return to our lands." As if the fog machine had been switched on, again, the fog surrounded the warriors, who seemed to vanish, right before our eyes. The next day, when Doctor Rhoades would write down the contents, of his vision, take this to the local university, and present it to a collegue, the professors first question was "When did you give up being a "head shrink", for becoming a Quantum Engineer?" When Doctor Rhoades would say "I didn't. I just want to know what that means." Thee professor would say "Either you have a very over-active imagination, or you have made a scientific break-through". When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What does it matter. All I want to know is "WHAT doees it say?" The professor, a leader, in the field of Quantum Theory, would say "Most of this is far beyond even me. What I can tell you is that this seems to be a formula, for travelling across both time, and space." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "For what SIZE of craft?" The professor would say "It is not for ships. This theory is more like the transporter beam, from Star Trek. Just covering a longer distance." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Anything, further, you can tell me?" The professor would say "I will need a few weeks. I need to contact some people." Before departing, Doctor Rhoades would ask "Just keep me informed, okay?" Seeing the professor engulfed, in his work, Doctor Rhoades would not wait for a reply. Back at the museum, Doctor Rhoades noticed that museum staff seemed much more at-ease, now that the relic was missing. Staff were even more willing to share stories, from native villages, about the "power" of the relic. Doctor Rhoades did not know why, however, thee more he thought, about the relic, the easier it was to "vision" the relic, in his "third eye". The doctor could SEE the relic, back on its pedestal, guarded by the ancients. He knew the relic was safe, for the time being. What Doctor Rhoades never expected was what happened, next. While reviewing his case notes, the doctor received an e-mail, with a video attachment. The subject line was "Next time, this COULD be you". The accompanying video showed what looked like the professors workshop, fully ablaze. The video voice was heard saying "While working late, Professor **** seems to have set his laboratory ablaze. Source, and reason, remain a mystery. More details, as they become available." This was followed by the typed text: We KNOW what you gave the professor. It is too dangerous to be out, in the world. Let this be a warning. We KNOW who you are, Doctor Johnathan Rhoades. Psychiatrist. Imagine how easily YOU could go from being doctor, to being "patient". When Doctor Johnathan Rhoades would try to respond, to the message, asking "Who is this?" The good old internet gave its normal "No such address." response. Doctor Rhoades next surprise would come when he found out that the work VISA's, which museum staff had, for working on the exhibit, not only came to an end, but with such speed that the people, barely, had time to pack, before they would be declared "hostile aliens". This left Doctor Rhoades to wonder. WHO could be so determined to keep scientific knowledge OUT of the public domain, that they would go to such lengths, to silence all research? For that matter, WHY bother trying to keep something, from humanity? Something which only a handful of people could understand. WHAT was so dangerous? Then, Doctor Rhoades heard the High Priests words, in his own head, speaking English, as the priest said "Given time, you WILL understand." Doctor Rhoades would be left to wonder "WHY had a psychiatrist being given a mathematical equation?" Doctor Rhoades would, just, be closing this case file, when a friend contacted him. "I need your help, with my children." When Doctor Rhoades would say "I have told you, before, there is nothing that medical science can do, if a person chooses to believe in aliens. Just so long as your young people do not disregard their health, for their beliefs, you just need to let them believe." It would not be until the friend would say "Johnathan, this is SERIOUS". When Doctor Rhoades would ask "How serious?" His friend would say "Not over the phone. How soon can you visit?" Doctor Rhoades would say "I can be there, tomorrow, if need be. Just let me wrap up, here." His friend would say "See you soon." Doctor Rhoades would be left to wonder what could be so serious, yet it could not be addressed, over the phone?

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