Thursday, September 14, 2017


THE NEW SIXTH SENSE # 8 Doctor Johnathan Rhoades, medical doctor, and licensed psychiatrist. A man who DARES to look PAST the obvious, and discover what is at the HEART, of patients conditions. The following is case-file number 8, of Doctor Rhoades highly unusual approach to treatment, of mental disorders. While working on a thesis paper, regarding the possible sources, for what some persons MIGHT call "telepathy", "telekinesis", and so on, Doctor Johnathan Rhoades would encounter a patient, who CLAIMED such abilities. The problem with, and the reason, for the thesis, is the fact that the patient has declined to do more than SPEAK of certain topics. When I, along with other psychiatrists, and psychologists, have attempted to test the subjects supposed "abilities", the responses, which we have received, can be listed as "pure, random, chance". This is why I am preparing this thesis paper. A sort-of "put your money where your mouth is", type of test. At present, my working hypothesis is that, anyone, scoring below 75%, on the test, is just guessing. As to HOW to PROVE this conclusion, I would need a subject, with true, precognitive, powers. Not something I can find, in the "yellow pages", or on the internet. Thats for sure. While my following, three, subjects, displayed minimal, psychic, ability, I am left to wonder if this is due to sedation, and to the environmment, of the secure, mental, hospital. Ofcourse, the reason, for the two men, and one woman, to be bound to a hospital, is easy to explain. According to patient files, each of these people began "acting out", psychically. Normally during periods of anger, or duress. For the two, male, patients, it seems that abilities manifest when being faced with flat-out bullies. "Men", whose solution, to everything, was their fists. In each case, the patient was, severely, beaten, to the point where logic gave way, to animal instinct. In one case (which the police did not want reported, at all), it seems that, after enough of a beating, drunken, bar, patrons (who, it seems, where encouraging the brutes), got an eye-full, when the victim looked at a nearby telephone pole (which, allegedly, uprooted itself), then, with a look, at one of his attackers, the victim sent the telephone pole flying, through the attacker, like a spear. When cries, of terror, brought local police, the police thought it wise to Taser the victim (since no one understood what had happened). While the witnesses insisted that the beaten man had murderred the impailed man, the problem was that video camera's, which bar patrons were too drunk to notice, caught the beating, on film. Since no one could explain HOW the telephone pole had uprooted itself, and flug itself THROUGH the brute, with no, visible rigging, of any kind, the victim was sent for psychiatric evaluation. Since the victim had not been threatened, in any way, since being confined, it is my opinion that the victims abilities are only manifest, through distress. The one fact, which has been withheld, from the victim, was that NONE, of the agitators, at the scene, of the crime, have faced prosecution. The file states that the district attorney has declined to fille any court papers, until someone can explain HOW the telephone pole was uprooted, and used to run the man through. The second mans case-file is even stranger. IIn this case, the patients wife suggests that, while un-loading groceries, one day, a bolt of lightning, signalling a storm, had hit a metal object, super-charging it, with electricity. When the man realized that a child was rushing to see what would happen, after the lightning struck, and with no one close enough to reach the child, the man had used Telekinesis, to lift the chilld, from the danger, and deposit the child, a safe distance away. While no one would file an official report, it is rumored that there were over a dozen witneses. The man was in, for evaluation, since no one could figure out HOW he had removed the child from danger. To my line of thinking, the man brought his "ability" on-line, just as a parent would, if a childs life was in danger. The third case was that of a woman. A woman who, presumably, was being attacked, possibly sexually, by a man. According to the reports, a police officer, cruising the local bars, just to keep the peace, would think that a movie was being filmed, when he saw the man, flying through the air, and tangled in barbed wire. The officer reported "I was making my rounds, to be certain that no drunks were having booze fights, when I saw a man go flying through the air. The man was about forty, or fifty, feet off the ground, as he flew, BACKWARDS, to land in some barbed wire. I was prepared to call the man an ambulance, when I witnessed a group, huddled, together. When I investigated, I found a bruised, and beaten, woman, in the center of the group. When informed that the man had been attacking the woman, I went to check on the man. I found him to have the kind of wounds I have witnessed on rapists, when victims defend themselves. While ambulances would shuttle both victim, and attacker, to the hospital, the one thing I could NOT account for was HOW the man had been sent flying, through the air. I checked for everything from wires, to catapults." According to the hospital records, the only part, of the attack, which did not make sense, was the point where the man was trying to rip the lady's top open. When I reviewed this footage, myself, I watched as, during the attack, when the man ripped open the womans shirt, a burst, of bright light, emerged, from her chest, and catapulted her attacker away. While police, and hospital, records, verified that the woman was searched, multiple times, for electronics, NOTHING was found, to account for the light. Since the woman is, safely, confined, to the hospital, at this time, I expect no further "events". These are the reasons I, Doctor Johnathan Rhoades, psychiatrist, am creating this thesis. I am becoming convinced that trying to duplicate psychic ability, in controlled circumstances, is a waste of time. The abilities will not manifest, while users know they are safe. I need real world subjects. People, who do NOT know what the outcome, of a situation, will be. As if in answer, to my inquiry, a friend has informed me of a family, which is in need of assistance. According to information, supplied by the mutual friend, it would seem that a child, a daughter, of the friend, has been "playing with" her abilities, practically since birth. Normally, small things, and mostly, to impress her friends. According to accompanying video, the girl seems to delight in doing small, "parlor tricks", for people. Something she has been doing since old enough to walk. According to the information, supplied by my source,, however, thee parents have been most conservative, with disciplining the child. The notes claim "Parents have reported that the child must be given "time outs", instead of customary swats, or paddling. Reason: When the girl feels duressed, her abilities go out of control, and people have gotten hurt, when the girl sends objects flying about. As for the reason the family is calling for your services, doctor, it seems that, as the girl is entering her teens, her powers do not seem to be, fully, under control. As with all teens, who are metamorphing from childhood, to adulthood, the girls body is undergoing the normal "changes". What is growing in concern, to the family, are not just the times, when the girl is found, levitating, during her sleep. It is becoming trouble-some, for the family, if the girl becomes too focused on a subject, and makes objects move (presumably without conscious thought)." Now, Doctor Rhoades understood WHY the family wanted his help. Especially since the girls current doctor was ready to prescribe some of the most heavy duty sedatives, on the market. (It seems that some doctors remain of the belief that, if they dont understand something, the best course of action, is sedation, into a state, similar to a coma.) Doctor Rhoades had disagreed with this "approach" ever since the case, of the man who was terrified of fire. Doctor Rhoades was, firmly, of the growing belief, that patients needed to be IN CONTROL of their circumstances. Not medicated, into zombie form. Doctor Rhoades understood that, with the "changes" teens go through, to reach adulthood, adding active, psychic, ability, to this, was more than tough to deal with. It would require training, of the mind, and body. Even as Doctor Rhoades starteed his journey, he knew that step one was, always, the most difficult. Step One was to establish TRUST. The problem was that, un-like most professions, where titles bring respect, as part of the job, dealing with the mind was more like winning a strangers trust. To be respectful, yet not condescending. Understanding, not insulting. Yes, if Doctor Johnathan Rhoades was walking into what he THOUGHT was going on, he woulld need all of the skills, which he had learned, so far. Compared to this, dealing with a potential, alien, presence, in his last case, would be a "walk in the park". It was only whhen Doctor Rhoades arrived, bboth at the toown, and at the family home, that he realized just how much work was in front of him. This was never more emphasized than when Doctor Rhoades arrived, at the family home, only to find police telling the girls parents "The ONLY reasoon why your daughter is not in jail, right now, is because we cannot PROVE that her actioons lead to the crash." When the girls father asked "Then, why bother questioning her?" The officer would say "While it doesn't make sense, seeing as how she didn't TOUCH the cruiser, the fact remains that your daughter was closest to the squad car." When the father would ask "So, you are saying that my daughter is guilty, just because she was CLOSE to a car?" The officer would say "Until we have something more "concrete", this is all we have to go by." Doctor Rhoades was about to introduce himself, when a girl came to her parents, saying "Why dont you say "Hello" to Doctor Rhoades?" After the police officer took this as his "exit space", and left the house, Doctor Rhoades was impressed when the girl told her parents "This is Doctor Johnathan Rhoades. The psychiatrist, whom you brought in, to "fix" me." Doctor Rhoades would suggest "I wouldn't say "fix"" When the girl would ask "What DO you call it, when people are broken?" Doctor Rhoades would suggest "It all depends upon the nature of the damage." The girl would say "My last doctor wanted me to take pills, to control my actions. Do you agree?" Doctor Rhoades would ask "Why did the doctor want you to take pills. Aren't you feeling well?" The girl would say "The doctor thought that the pills would suppress my "powers". What do you think?" Doctor Rhoades would say "Until we have a chance to sit, rest, and talk, I am not certain WHAT to think." Suddenly, Doctor Rhoades understood the "feeling" he had been having, since arriving, at this property. A feeling of fear, apprehension, and lack of control. A desperate feeling, of wanting to feel "normal". What Doctor Rhoades noticed was how, after setting up, in a guest bedroom, the girl, Sandy Coulfax, had thought that it was unusual that the doctor actually wanted to TALK to her. That, and the fact that, when she talked, he listened, and asked pertinent questions. Questions, such as "Why are the police interested in your activities?" When Sandy had said "I was just out, walking, with my friends, saying how nice it would be, when school let out." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Did something happen?" Sandy would say "I'm not certain. All I know is that a couple, of the guys, stopped, to look at a car, then, like "out of the blue", the guys were saying "Run". I didn't know why, but I did as they said, especially when I saw that police cruiser." When Doctor Rhoades asked "If you were just walking, why be afraid, of a police cruiser?" Sandy would say "It wasn't the cop car that scared us. It was the man, behind the wheel." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "And that was?" Sandy would say "Deputy Ranger. The man every kid, in town, hates." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Why is that?" Sandy would say "Anytime anything happens, in this town, Ranger goes after the teens, first. He never goes after the adults, first. He gives us teens the third, forth, and fifth, degree, then turns to adults, only AFTER he is sure we had nothing to do with anything." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Why did your friends say "Run", when they saw the deputy. If you were just walking." Sandy would say "I, really, dont know. The boys MIGHT have done something. All I know is that Ranger came down, on us, like a ton of bricks." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What happened, next?" Sandy would say "Thats the weird part." When she hesitated, Doctor Rhoades would say, softly, "Take your time". This is when Sandy would say "When the cop car came after us, and I knew we could not escape, I dont know what happened, but I pictured the car, in my mind, flipping over." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What happened, next?" Sandy would say "I think that Ranger lost control. Either that, or he swerved, to avoid hitting something. All I know is that, when I heard a noise, and looked back, Rangers squad car had flipped over. After that, I ran for home." When Doctor Rhoades placed Sandy under a mild hypnosis, and repeated his questions, Sandy's answers remained consistent. This is when, under hypnosis, Doctor Rhoades would ask "Sandy, do you WANT to be rid of your abilities?" When Sandy would whisper "I am afraid." Doctor Rhoades would repeat his question. This time, Sandy would say "I dont want to hurt anyone." This is when Doctor Rhoades would ask "Sandy, if I could teach you to control your ability. Learn to channel it. Not hurt people. Just control the ability, like you do a television remote, HOW would that make you feel?" He noticed how Sandy relaxed, as she asked "Could you, REALLY? I mean, make it so I control it, again?" Doctor Rhoades would whisper "If you will allow me." What baffled the Doctor was how, over the next three weeks, and even as he was using mild hypnosis, to instruct Sandy, about "focusing", and other, mental, and emotional, controls, the family physician, along with the police, wanted a judge to issue a court order. An order making Sandy a mental patient. The prescription: Heavy sedation, until her "condition" was understood. When the judge had asked WHAT made Sandy "dangerous", the doctor, and the police, had emphasized the demolished police car. According to the application, for committment, the question was "If the child is so far "out of control", that she, has, already, demolished a police car, what ELSE was she capable of?" The judge MIGHT have been ready to issue the court order, except that the judge learned that Doctor Rhoades was attending the girl. This is why the judge held off, on the issuance. When the judge visited the family home, and saw the progress that Sandy was making, in controlling her ability, the judge asked Doctor Rhoades "How reliable is such treatment?" Doctor Rhoades would, only, say "About as reliable as any other treatment. It all depends upon the patient." When the judge asked "What are the chances, of a relapse?" Doctor Rhoades would say "About the same as a recovering alcoholic, or drug addict. It is the will, the desire, the attitude, of the patient, which matters. If a patient WANTS to succeed, they will." When the judge would mention "I have seen relapsed boozers, and addicts, over the years. I have to know "What are the odd's?" Doctor Rhoades would, only, say "Only time will tell, as in any recovery. Everyone has their own speed. Set time lines are impossible." When Sandy would ask "Doctor, you mean that I could lose control, again?" Doctor Rhoades would, only, say "Sandy, the only things, in life, which are guaranteed are death, and taxes. The rest is up to you." When the judge would ask "Doctor Rhoades, I KNOW of your reputation. I wonder if you might consider keeping Sandy's case as an open file, just until we can be certain of no more un-intended accidents." Doctor Rhoades would say "Ofcourse, I will keep in contact, and monitor her progress." With aggreements made, the day came, when Doctor Rhoades felt that Sandy was well on her way to a successful adulthood. As a result, when the brutal day came, Doctor Rhoades was just packing his gear, to return home. This is when Doctor Rhoades hearrd that a mob was out, after Sandy. Neither her parents, nor Doctor Rhoades, could get a straight answer, from anyone, as to WHAT was going on, until the group joined up with the police. According to Officer Ranger's "story", it seems that Sandy had "gone biserk". She had stripped a boy, naked, then took his clothes, and dumped them in the trash. While this seemed odd, and lacking in details, Doctor Rhoades, and the girls parents, were out, searching for someone, who could tell them more, including where Sandy might have gone, Doctor Rhoades could not help but notice how "gung ho!" Officer Ranger was, in promoting the search/hunting parties. While Sandy's parents were, actively, asking for information, Doctor Rhoades KNEW the best way to gather information. Just by LISTENING. What the doctor heard was more like "He DARED her to un-dress him, without touching him. When she did, he claimed she was attacking him." This is when Sandy had fled. While her parents were hearing that Sandy led the boy on, then ran out, instead of giving in (thereby proving that she was a FREAK), Doctor Rhoades decided that it was timme to find out Sandy's side, of the matter. This is why Doctor Rhoades took a moment, used the "third eye", to find out what direction Sandy had run in. Once Doctor Rhoades knew this, he grabbed his gear, and did his best to catch up to the hunting (not search) parties. Two hours later, when Sandy was found, and cornered, like a rabid animal, Doctor Rhoades saw the terror, in the girls eyes, even as Officer Ranger gave the command "Open FIRE!" Dozens of bullet-wounds, later, and Sandy lay on the ground, bleeding from atleast as many wounds. As Doctor Rhoades rushed to the girl, Officer Ranger would call out "Watch yourself, doc. That THING is rabid, for sure." When Doctor Rhoades ignored this, and took the girl into his arms, with her dying breath, she whispered "Tell my parents that I love them." With that, she was dead. What Doctor Rhoades could not believe was when Officer Ranger called out "Call in animal control. Warn them, we have a rabid one, here." It was not until animal control arrived, that Officer Ranger received a severe "dressing down", from animal control. "How dare you put in a false report, saying there is an animal down. That girl is as human as I am." When Officer Ranger would insist "She wasn't human. She was a FREAK!" Doctor Rhoades would watch as the director, of animal control would put in a call, to police headquarters, charging Officer Ranger with being "Un-fit for duty". Animal Control then did their best, for the doctor, and patient, as they returned to town. Doctor Rhoades would have the sickening duty, of informing the girls parents that their daughter had been gunned down. Hunted down, like a rabid animal, by those who did not understand. While Doctor Rhoades, fully, understood the reason why the Coulfax's did not want Sandy buried in the cemetary, of the community, where she was gunned down, like a rabid animal, Doctor Rhoades did wonder just how many other "special", or "gifted"/"different" children there were. Could it be that mankind was evolving? All that is for certain is that, following the hunt, Officer Ranger was relieved of his badge, and fire-arm. His new job was sorting trash, at the local dump. So far, none, of the others, who had taken part, in gunning the girl down, have come forward. The Coulfax's have moved to the town, where their daughter is buried. Final case note: With all that is going on, in the world, I have to wonder just how MANY Sandy Coulfax's are out there, living in the shadows. Afraid of exposure, and ridicule, just for being "different"? While I am certain that more cases will reveal themselves, in the coming future, my concern is NOT how much damage the "special ones" might do, but, rather, how many more, of them, will be hunted down, like rabid animals, just for being "different"? WHY is being "different" a topic, which horrifies communities, to the point where they hunt down their own? Why is a desire, to live, in Peace, so terrifying, in this world, that people are willing to KILL, in order to maintain the "status quo"? I am certain that, in further cases, more information will present itself. The question is: How many MORE will have to die, before the world begins to accept "being different"?

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