Tuesday, November 7, 2017


THE NEW SIXTH SENSE # 14 Doctor Johnathan Rhoades, medical doctor, and licensed psychiatrist. A man who DARES to look PAST the obvious, and discover what is at the HEART, of patients conditions. The following is case-file number 14, of Doctor Rhoades highly unusual approach to treatment, of mental disorders. Case-file 14 has started me thinking about my own time, in high school. A violent time, when the only thing that boys understood was resolving all conflicts, with fists. Beatings, terrorism, and so on, seem to be just as much a part, of any students high school nightmare, as lunch period. As I begin reviewing the file, on a de-certified high school, I find myself remembering my own high school experience. Boy! What a nightmare that was. Just because I wanted to live, in peace, and pursue my studies, my class-mates made my school years a living HELL. Everything, from calling me a homosexual, right to my face, to slapping my books out of my hands (While teachers ignored all such activity). I, also, remember the day, when a bully decided that, since he decided that I HAD to be homosexual, simply because he SAID so, the bully dragged me off, of school property, beat me, severely, and left me, for others to find. Naturally, the school took the bullies side, saying "Its all part, of growing up." While the school ignored three more beatings, asking "HOW can we take such control of students actions?", the bully made one, serious, mistake. One which the school could NOT dismiss. The day before graduation, the bully had caught me, ON school grounds, and, just as I was healing, from a previous beating, the bully had beat me, severely, while calling me a homosexual, while saying that I had no right, either to live, or to graduate. When I was presented, beaten, and bleeding, to the assembly, with the boys vice princial asking the graduation assembly "Is THIS, really, what we want to let loose, on the world? This type, of barbarism?" Only the bullies parents would speak in favor of brute force, saying "Homosexuals have NO RIGHT to live. We need to get RID of them." When the vice principal would ask "And just HOW do you know that this student is a homosexual?", the bullies mother would say "My son says that this whimp REFUSES to FIGHT, or KILL, for what he wants. How can such a "person" be considered an adult, if they are not willing to KILL, for what they want?" That year, the graduation ceremony would take two hours longer than usual, as the vice principal would try to explain, to parents that, being peaceful is NOT a show, of cowardice. After all, it was peace lovers, who gave America our space program, as well as the PEACE corps. After two hours, of discussion, the brute had stood, grabbed the vice principal, growled "Give me my diploma, or I break your head." The bully, soon, found himself, in hand-cuff's, and being led away, by security. That was the day when Johnathan Rhoades discovered that, while he enjoyed sports, he wanted to help people understand emotions, and problems, even more than playing sports. The vice principal had been the driving force behind Johnathan Rhoades entering medical school. The vice principal, who rationalized, and explained, things. By the agreement, of all, present, the graduation photo's would be taken AFTER all class members were healed, of all beatings. Now, I am about to re-live some of the worst memories, of my entire life. For some reason, the fact that I was, now, a grown adult, did not seem to make any difference to the child, within. That part, of me, which remembered, all too well, the beatings, and name-calling. The part, which remembered how public school dis-couraged reports, of beatings, by FORCING victims, of abuse, to face abusers. (The schools made a point of NEVER mentioning the fact that, when bullies, twice the size of victims, were brought before victims, that bullies, openly, smashed fists together, while threatening victims into silence by threatening things like "Well, RUNT!") I would have loved to say, at this point, that this was, all, in the past, except that Americans KNOW better. From a case, where a terrorized teen climbed a tower, then plummetted, to her death (after being terrorized, by class-mates), to the case of a young man, who was, also, terrorized, into committing suicide, via carbon monoxide poisoning. This terrorism, the girl had committed, via text-messaging the victim that life would be better, with-OUT him in it. Between beatings, and verbal, abuse, too many teens were being terrorized into taking their own lives. This, while bullies would say "They had no right to live, if they refuse to KILL for what they want." From the moment, when I arrived, in town, and visited the site, of the trouble, I could "hear" the cries, of victims, coming to me. Via the "third eye", I could "see" the bullies, thrusting students against lockers, beating the students, even while insulting students. I, also, "heard" the parents, of bullies, telling school staff "If those whimps are too scared to fight, to the death, then get them OUT of this school. I only want my kids in a school, where students are not afraid to draw blood." Even without entering the schools grounds, I could FEEL the agony, which students suffered in this "house of torture". It was not until my laptop reminded me of the appointment, with the local school board, that I proceeded away from this "chamber of horrors". Even before I met, with the school board, I KNEW what I was going to be asked to do, and that I would be provided no time to complete my duties. Also, I knew, from past experience, that, when the board would decide to, simply demolish the building, that this would do NOTHING, to settle the spirits. Too many people remained of the belief that, if a building were, simply, demolished, that this would end all spectral activity. How very WRONG these people were. When spirits are bound, to a location, it does not matter if the land holds a house, gas station, casino, hotel, police station. Not even hospitals are safe, if built on such sites. No, the only way to deal with such problems is to engage the spirits, and let them tell their stories. Once their story is told, then they can be "released", from this plane. I, still, remember the time when someone asked "Why cant we just use "bug-zappers", to get rid of the spirits?" Then, there was the time when someone asked "Whats the point in talking to a person who has been dead for over a century. Everyone, involved, in whatever happened, is dead. The dead cannot be prosecuted. Whats the point?" Doctor Johnathan Rhoades knew that he was walking into a similar situation, in regards to this building. This, the doctor could sense, as he entered council chambers, and prepared for the obvious discussion. Doctor Rhoades had heard it, all, before. On atleast four, seperate, cases. The city council would inform the doctor that the high school was closed, due to falling behind modern building codes. Since there was no money, for renovations, the building was condemned, to demolition. Just one problem: A council member would state "Someone is sabotaging our work, to date." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "In what way?" Another council member would say "Would you believe it. In some cases, batteries are drained, even when freshly off of chargers." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What else has been happening?" When the mayor, himself, would ask "What makes you think that MORE is going on?" Doctor Rhoades would say "Come now, you dont invite a psychiatrist to visit, just because a few batteries have died. Whats REALLY, going on?" Another member, of the council, would admit "Yes, there has been more. We just dont know how twenty, and thirty, ton construction equipment is being turned on its side." When another member, of the council, would add "Workers are claiming to hear voices, on the job site." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What KIND of voices?" The mayor would say "The "its all in your head", kind of voices. Workers claim to hear things, but nothing is, ever, caught on recorders." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Just WHEN did the council notice that the school was falling behind code guide-lines?" The mayor would say "About the time when we had planned to renovate the old building into a gambling resort." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "May I ask WHERE you are sending your high schoolers?" A council member would say "The council voted on giving voters a choice. Either parents could PAY to send their children, to other schools, or parents could PAY for the schools modernization." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "How much modernization does the school need?" a council member would say "Enough to warrant a general overhaul. Last year, alone, workers replaced MORE light bulbs, in that building, than in the rest of the district, all together." When Doctor Rhoades would, again, ask "What do you need a psychiatrist for?" This is when the mayor would say "Sir, at this point, this meeting is, completely, OFF the record." When Doctor Rhoades would say "I understand." The following conversations would, never, take place. "Doctor Rhoades, when this council decided that it would be most cost-efficient to tear down the school, we began sending in workers, to survey the property, and offer bids. Bids for both demolition, and construction." Another council member would add "While there is no, definite, proof, contractors keep informing this council that work crews are run off school property. Get this, seven contractors have claimed that the students came out of nowhere, chased the workers away, with 2X4's, and, in a few cases, even beat on workers." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Did anyone give a REASON, for the attacks?" A council member would say "Atleast a few workers have told us that "students", who have threatened workers, with weapons, have claimed that the school is THEIR property." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Is there any verification, of this?" The mayor would say "Doctor, no amount, of "spookiness", is going to stop this project. All we want you to do is go to the site, and tell the "spooks" to find another place to haunt. The city NEEDS gambling, MORE than it needs "ghosts"." When Doctor Rhoades would TRY to explain that it was not that simple, and the mayor would say "Fine. We will find ano..." And this is when another, council member would state "Mayor, we have called in over a dozen others. The answers never change. How many more do we invite in?" When the mayor would growl, at the council member "Pack up your office, after this meeting. You are no-longer part of this council." When the mayor looked at the other members, of the council, saying "All agreed", in the same manner as a high school bully would force a victim into silence, by saying "If you want to live..." While Doctor Rhoades was accustomed to hearing his hosts say things like "Sir, your services will not be required, after all", not until now was the doctor told "Pack your sh*t, and get OUT of this town. We will handle this, our own selves." After Doctor Rhoades had departed the council chamber, and was headed for his car, that a council member caught up with him. When the council-woman, a woman named Mary, would catch up to, and walk with, the doctor, Mary would inform the doctor "Sir, I want to apologize for the mayors actions. He has been this way, since high school. He handles ALL situations, with the delicacy of a hammer." When Doctor Rhoades would ask Mary "What do you THINK is going on, in that building?" Mary would shudder as she said "I prefer not to think of those days." Doctor Rhoades would say "Let me guess. Shy, young, woman. Not much into men. Prefer learning, to dating. Want to know about life, beyond both the back seat of a car, and the maternity ward. No doubt labelled a lesbian." When Mary would ask "How can you know all of this?" Doctor Rhoades would say "Not all boys are bent on "fighting/killing" others. Some of us actually preferred to study. We were the ones the bullies enjoyed beating on, on a regular basis. They just could not stand that we did not see violence, as a "solution". Personally, I was declared a homosexual, more times than I can remember." When Mary would ask "What can we do?" Doctor Rhoades would say "All we CAN do is try to make contact, and ease the transition, from life, to the hereafter." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "By the way, what did the other doctors have to say, about the problem?" Mary would say "The same thing you have said. This is why the mayor just wanted to bulldoze the place. He thinks that, once the building is gone, that the spirits will evaporate, or something like that". When Doctor Rhoades would invite Mary out, for coffee, asking "Just wondering. Why has the city not tried remote controlled equipment?" Mary would say "Third team TRIED this. The machines worked, fine, untill within one hundred feet, of the building." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What happens, at that point?" Mary would say "Different things, at different times. Sometimes, lines go down. Other times, the machines just turn off. Only ONCE, and I would swear to this, even in church, did the equipment turn on the contractors, and not stop, until the machines were, fully, off of school property. I still cant believe that I saw it." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "How many members, of the council, actually support the mayor?" Mary would say "If you mean "respect" him, as a "leader", then no one." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Then, why not OVERRIDE him? Remove him from office?" Mary would say "You dont understand. The man uses ONLY his FISTS, to solve all problems. This is how he got the mayors job. He said he wanted it, then he beat his competition half to death, in order to win." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What did the police have to say, about this?" Mary would say "During their teen years, the boys, who became our head police officers, were beaten, often, by the future mayor. The brute told the boys "If any of you, ever, stand against me, I will KILL you, then have a brew." Doctor Rhoades would summarize "So, he "leads" by terrorizing the community. Now, he has to deal with someone he cant just beat to death." Mary would say "Thats about the size of it. He keeps saying that, if they were real, he could have pounded them into the ground, long ago. Question is, HOW does one beat on a ghost?" After his extensive conversations, with Mary, Doctor Rhoades would contact other members, of the community. What the doctor found was a growing pattern of intimidation, by the mayor. Those, including the council member, and Mary, who had spoken to the doctor, before the mayor could stop them, were found, beaten, severely, shortly thereafter. When Doctor Rhoades found that other locals seemed terrified, to even be SEEN, with the doctor, this is when Doctor Rhoades used his "third eye" to see beyond the surface. Sure enough, the doctor was correct. The mayor was, literally, going door-to-door, threatening the people, of the town. His "pitch" was "IF I find out that you have spoken to that doctor, I will beat you, and your family, into the ground. No one is to know what, really, happened, in that school, understand?" When Doctor Rhoades would notice that his "third eye" was being "dragged" to the school building, the doctor allowed the vision to guide him. What he discovered, in that vision, was pure pain, and suffering. The largest, and most powerful, students, were beating the other students, daily. This, while faculty "turned a blind eye", not wanting to see what was going on, about them. It was at this point when Doctor Rhoades realized what was, really, happening, inside the school building. This was not an "intelligent" haunt. This was the combined pain, and suffering, from all those years, when bullies TERRORIZED other students. While the people may have graduated, and moved on, with their lives, the pain, and suffering, remained. It was like a wound, which had never healed. It only got worse as newer batches, of bullies, and victims, were "sentenced" to this un-holy place. The agony, inflicted, by newer bullies, only added to the pain, and suffering, which was, already, present. Newer victims pain added to that, already, present. Never before had Doctor Rhoades experienced such agony. The tortured PAIN, of the victims. The laughter, of truimph, of the bullies, as they BEAT victims into submission. In the vision, there was one scene, which played, five times over, before Doctor Rhoades was made to understand. In the vision, no less than four bullies beat a student, bloody, then picked the victim up, off the floor, saying "If you tell ANY-body, about this..." It was not until the fifth round that Doctor Rhoades would wonder "Why am I seeing a repeat, of the same event?" This is when a young, female, spirit, would come to the doctor, saying "Doctor, this is NOT a re-play. The boys did this, many times. Anytime they found someone, who did not fit their standards." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "How many students DID the bullies assault?" The spirit would say "Too many to count. And this vision is only about the boys. You should see what the bullies did, to the girls." When Doctor Rhoades would say "I am afraid to ask." The young, female, spirit, who would say "By the way, my name is Anna", would lead the doctor into a new vision, of horror. A vision, in which the bullies, both male AND female, would terrorize female students, by insisting that the girls were lesbians, ugly, etc. This, the bullies (of bothh sexes) did, until their victims either committed suicide, of PROVED their womanhood, to the heckling bullies. After terrifying the girls into submission, the bullies (both male AND female) would "take turns", with the victims. After the boys had their "fun", the girls would be warned "If you breath one word, about this..." When Doctor Rhoades would ask Anna "What happened, to the girls?" Anna would show the doctor visions, of girls, committing suicide, to be free of the bullies. Other girls ran away, since the bullies were the schools star ball players. (NO WAY was the school going to condemn star athletes, for such things) For those girls, who turned up pregnant, the bullies, simply, drove the girls as far from town as possible, then used baseball bats, pipes, and so on, to beat their victims to death. (The last sounds the victims would hear would be the bullies, laughing, as they beat the life out of their victims.) The bodies would, then, be dumped into the deepest hole, that the boys could dig, and the girls would, then, be listed as "Missing/Presumed Runaway". When Doctor Rhoades would ask "How many girls are buried, here?" Anna would say "Maybe a few dozen." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "If the girls are buried, here, WHY are the spirits back on school property?" Anna would say "That is where students were terrorized. That is where the intimidation began." It was about this time, when the spirit, of a boy, named Robert, would join the vision, saying "Doctor Rhoades, IF your intent is to assist us, then meet me at entrance three, of the building, at 10 a.m." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Why 10 a.m.?" Robert would say "10 a.m. is the time when I was beaten to death." At 10 a.m., the next day, Doctor Rhoades would be surprised when even the mayor, as well as th city council, turned out, for Robert's appearance. When Doctor Rhoades heard the mayor muttering "I swear, if that punk says one word..." It was when Doctor Rhoades would ask the mayor "WHAT is it that you dont want Robert to tell us?" Doctor Rhoades saw the mayor, visibly, gritting his teeth. When Robert would appear, Doctor Rhoades noticed how surprised, and shocked, the council members seemed, when the mayor shouted "Go to HELL! You worthless homosexual." When Mary would ask "Whats wrong with the ghost appearing?", it would be Robert's spirit which would say "Ladies, and gentlemen, I will explain. The reason why the mayor is so..." The mayor would shout "Shut up! or else!" Robert would smile as he asked "Or else, what? You killed me, years ago. What can you do, to my ghost?" To the surprise, of everyone, present, the mayor, actually, lunged at the ghost, which vanished, then shifted position, while the mayor fell on the ground. When Mary would ask Robert "You were saying that they killed you?" The mayor would yell "SHUT UP!" and "Dont listen to that homosexual." The police deputy, who had agreed to join the group, to prevent any trickery, pulled his side-arm, pointed it at the mayor, then said "Sit still, and shut up. **I** want to hear this, as well." When Doctor Rhoades would ask Robert "Please continue." Robert would say "I remember that the morning was damp. I had, just, stepped out side my parents house, to collect the morning paper, when four of them jumped me. For some reason, they wore masks, even though there wore those see-through jackets. They dragged me to this spot, where we, now, stand." When the mayor would scream "SHUT UP!", the deputy would pistol-whip the man, saying "One more word..." (Even Doctor Rhoades could see the deadly vengenance, in the mayors eyes.) When another council member would say "You were saying something about this spot." Robert would say "Dig four feet down. You will find my remains." This is when another council member would ask the mayor "Is THIS why, when the sewer depertment wanted to run a line through here, that you paid, out of pocket, for the 25 foot extension?" The fury, in the mayors eyes, boiled, like the sun. Still, with the deputies weapon pointed at him, the mayor was silent. When Doctor Rhoades would use his calming voice, to ask Robert "I have "seen" the others, in my visions. How many, of you, are trapped, here?" Robert would say "Atleast 200. All of the sorrow, from all those years, of abuse." When the city council members would ask "What can we do, to help these, poor, souls?" The mayor would, no-sooner, say "Let those whimps rot in HELL!" when the deputy would punch the mans "lights out". Since Doctor Rhoades could think of only two solutions, to the problem, his, first, request, went to Robert. The doctor would ask "Son, would the other spirits be willing to aid us, in finding their bodies?" The semi-transparent spirit would say "I dont see why not. Can I tell them that you promise a religious type burial?" To Doctor Rhoades surprise, the council members would say "Absolutlely", almost as one. While even Doctor Rhoades knew that bullies are, seldom, "brainy", relying in their fists, more than thought, Doctor Rhoades would be amazed at the care, which the brutes had used, in disposing of their victims bodies. Not one body was found at a depth of less than 4.5 feet down. While the remains were catalogued, with most, including Robert, being identified, by dental records, the remains were placed on display, on the high school, football field. While the police took dozens of "Missing" pictures off of the boards, in police headquarters, family members used the last pictures, of the deceased, taken by school photographers, to decorate each closed casket. The mayor would be the only bully to be arrested. Two, of the others, were, already, in prison, on various charges. The rest were dead, of various reasons. While, for Doctor Johnathan Rhoades, seeing the dead appear, first as whisps, of smoke, then as full, human, forms, was nothing new. By contrast, for the people, of this community, it was a very emotional moment. Parents, grand-parents, and siblings, said final "goodbyes", to the deceased. One, young, woman, a one-time pom-pom, came to Doctor Rhoades, asking "HOW can we, ever, repay you, for this?" Doctor Rhoades would tell the spirit, calmly, "Visit your family, give them your love, then move off, into eternity. I am sure your family will be happy, for you." About this time, the spirit, and the doctor, would hear a young man saying "Mom, I'm already dead. What does it matter what I look like." When his living mother would say "MY boy, you are going to meet the Lord. You need to look your best." The pom-pom's spirit would say "Mothers! What can we do, about them?" Doctor Rhoades would say "Sorry, not my department." As the souls waived farewells, then dissolved, back into whisps of smoke, this time, headed UP, to Heavens gates, Doctor Rhoades knew one thing, which was helpful to so many. That was the memorial wall, on which had been stapled the pictures, of the missing, and the dead. Candles fluttering, in soft radiance. With the deceased now laid to rest, the school could be re-opened. Due to the PAIN, caused by bullying, the city council would come down, HARD, on the school board, insisting that bullies be placed in schools, apart from "normal" students. Final case-note: This case feels more like a PERSONAL release, than a professional one. Even my own nightmares, of high school bullying, seem to be tapering off. I only hope that other schools will learn to seperate the most violent students from those who wish nothing more than an education. Where will my next case take me? Who can say?

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