Monday, November 13, 2017


THE NEW SIXTH SENSE # 16 (VAMPIRE ?) Doctor Johnathan Rhoades, medical doctor, and licensed psychiatrist. A man who DARES to look PAST the obvious, and discover what is at the HEART, of patients conditions. The following is case-file number 16, of Doctor Rhoades highly unusual approach to treatment, of mental disorders. Case-file #16 would mark a new level, of "bizzarre", even for me. The reason was simple. The patient was a middle-aged man, whose wife had divorced him, after he lost his job, and taken their children away. This, the woman did, under a divorce decree, which prohibited the man from visiting his own children, until he "replaced lost income, with stable, new, income." Even to me, an established psychiatrist, the question was "WHO had "stable" income, nowadays?" Nowadays, the man lived in a modest apartment, and earned a modest income, as a janitor. It would seem, however, that not all was as "straight-forward" as it seemed. In fact, according to the file, the mans life was FAR from normal. The file stated that, while the man was, allegedly, sleeping, in his bed, witnesses claimed to have SEEN the man, wearing a vampires costume, and sucking the blood, of his victims. When police had attempted to question the man, on repeated occassions, it is reported that police appeared to have to pound on the mans door, to awaken him. The man has gone for treatment, and the question has arisen of "Could he be sleep-walking, and committing the crimes, without conscious knowledge, of doing so?" Even to ME, this seemed a bit far-fetched. Add in the fact that all sightings were after dark, and that the witnesses were less-than-sober, and this leaves me to wonder if identification is accurate. According to the file, however, even the patient is un-certain of his actions. This resulted from a police search, of the mans apartment, which lead to the discovery of trace amounts, of the victims blood. Police were just not certain HOW the crimes could have occurred. Worse yet, WHY would a killer leave a trail of blood, for police to follow. A trail, which lead right to the killers door? The patient has signed himself into a mental ward, until these questions are resolved. Questions, which include "During sleep, AM I turning into a vampire, and killing people." That and "If so, why NOW? Why did I, never, try to kill my own family?" The consulting physician would ask "Doctor Rhoades, since you work with this type, of problem, so often, would you consult on this case? While I DOUBT that this man is a vampire, he IS, emotionally, distressed. The question is WHY would anyone want to frame him, for these crimes?" Doctor Rhoades would contact the attending doctor, saying "I will be glad to consult. I will be there, soon." During my travel, to meet the patient, I re-examined the file, hoping to find some clue, to begin my search with. Problem is that the only, real, "clue", that I have found, is that the man is living in a per month, residential, motel. Even as just a doctor, of medicine, I am aware of such properties. This, because I have, at times, treated patients, for diseases, contracted from spores, which previous tenants have left behind. On atleast two occassions, that I can think of, when I was part of a "clean-up" team, my team members, and myself, confirmed that, for a single sized room, with only one, double, bed, our team lifted D.N.A. evidence, from as many as fifty people. This, despite the managers insistence that no more than two people ever entered the room, during any given rental. This is why I doubt the "evidence", of the D.N.A. samples. Especially in a motel/hotel, or restaurant setting. To pass the time, before arrival, I did some checking, on just how hygenic the hotel was. It was no surprise, to me, that the "housekeeping reports" were all but duplicates, of one another. All which seemed to change, about each form, was the date. This leads me to wonder just WHOSE D.N.A. was found, and how OLD each sample was. Upon arrival, at the hospital, I would not be surprised when I received a less-than-warm welcome. After all, my practice tended to gain the types, of "results" which hospitals declined to publish. When I asked a staff-member "Why is there a guard, posted outside the patients room?" The staff-member would say "A security precaution, just in case the man does transform." To Doctor Rhoades, this seemed a bit of "overkill", since the psych ward was "locked-off", with key-cards, already. A practice, which was common in modern hospitals. In order to prevent patients escape, if a patient tried to FORCE the wing doors, an iron set, of bars, would slide across the opening. After that, a NON-lethal gas would be pumped, into the wing. Once patients succumbed to the gas, hospital staff, wearing breathers, would enter the wing, restrain the errant patient, return the other patients to their rooms, then let the wing air out. In this way, modern medicine had shown that it was, in fact, much more humane, than colonial, or other, medicine. Doctor Rhoades could never help but smile over the changes, from early medicine. While patient treatment was less than humane, in the past, people dealt, with mental illness, as best they could. Doctor Rhoades, while on his way, to visit the wing, thought back on the Schmendrick Hospital. A place, which would live, in infamy, as an example of what does NOT work, in psychiatry. At the Schmendrick Hospital, it was thought that tought discipline would restore rational thought. Ofcourse, in those days, health inspectors did not exist, and judges actually rode circuits, visiting each town, about once every six months, to rule on any outstanding cases. Since the Schmendrick Hospital was "off the beaten track", the judge did not even know the hospital existed until he fell from a horse, and sprained an ankle. Since the Schmendrick Hospital was the ONLY medical center, within dozens of miles, the judge had been taken there, for treatment. Just as locals had hoped, once the judge got a first-hand look, at the hospital, he cabled Washington D.C., for a review panel. His rationale: "Learned collegues, while my legal training is in regards to criminal law, I would request that a review board be sent, to observe the Schmendrick Hospital. This, I request, since I have no record, of such a hospital existing. Next, I request this review, since I am un-schooled, in dealing with the mentally disturbed. I would ask that one of our leading medical schools send out a review bboard, to make sure all is correct." When the response came, from Washington, asking "What is this Schmendrick Hospital. We can find it listed in NO national, nor religious, journals." After the judge sent the location, of the hospital, and Washington sent a review panel, to see if the hospital actually existed (or, if the judge was just stir-crazy"), history says that the review panel had to sneak out of town, once discovered. Locals wanted the hospital. A place, where adults, and children, were beaten into submission. The treatment was the same, whether for meals, bathing, etc. Anyone, who did not obey, was beaten, until they complied. Thank Heavens. That was then, and this was now. While Doctor Rhoades had been brought to the administrators office, the fact that he was made to wait caused the doctor to use his credentials, to review the case, while awaiting the administrator. By the time the administrator DID have time, to converse, with Doctor Rhoades, Doctor Rhoades, quickly, turned the discussion, to the patient, at hand. When Doctor Rhoades pointed out "The man lives in a residential hotel. Why have the police not taken this into account, when collecting evidence?" The administrator would say "Doctor, WE did take that into evidence. That is why you are here. While the patients tox-screen turned up nothing out of the ordinary, the police found several needles, as well as some left-over bags. OUR staff did a full blood work-up, on the patient, then dismissed the drug stuff, once we noticed that the patient had none of the drug in his system." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What about the "witnesses"?" The administrator would say "While the police have their statements, on file, we remain skeptical. After all, atleast three witnesses, had blood-alcohol levels, above 3.0." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Any, sober, witnesses?" The administrator would say "None, so far." Then the administrator would say "Then, there is the problem, of the hotel video." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Why is video a problem?" The administrator would say "Since the hotel is a place for people to meet "lovers", there have been times, when theives have tried too "shake guests down". When Doctor Rhoades would say "Go on." The administrator would say "The hotels owners were fearful of being sued. They installed hidden camera's, so that guests would continue to patronize the hotel. After the thieves were caught, and convicted, the owners just left the camera's in place. What I am about to show you is the footage, from the hall, outside the patients room. My staff have, ofcourse, reviewed ALL of the footage, but here are the parts, which should interest you." With that, the administrator would call up the video footage, showing the man, coming in, after work, then not going out, again, until morning. When Doctor Rhoades would suggest "Pardon my asking but dont hotels have windows. Openings, which people may crawl out of." The administrator said "Thought of that. Checked the place out, then talked to the manager. Due to the past number, of "guests", who signed on, for rooms, then "ducked out" on bills, a previous owner had an alarm system installed, on the screens. It seems that seventeen people tried to skip, on bills, before people caught on. Oh, the windows remain fully functional, for allowing air-flow. The alarms only go off if the screens are cut, or removed." Doctor Rhoades would suggest "I take it that the patients screens were, never, tampered with?" The administrator would say "Correct. The only tie-ins seem to be witness descriptions, and D.N.A. collected." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "May I SEE the D.N.A. samples?" The administrator would say "Certainly. Right this way". It did not take long for Doctor Rhoades to agree with the staff, on the D.N.A. samples. Some of the samples were YEARS old, and from a time, long BEFORE the man moved in. Then, there was the problem, of the vampire costume. To this, the hospital administrator had stated "Doctor Rhoades, one of our FIRST thoughts was that the man had purchased the costume, to wear, during attacks. This way, after he was finished, with the costume, he could just throw it away." When Doctor Rhoades would, calmly, ask "That makes sense. Buy the supplies, commit the crime, then just throw away the evidence." The administrator would say "One problem. The materials, the police found, at each crime scene, did not match any of the cheap, Halloween, variety." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "May I ask?" The administrator would say "The cloth samples, the police found, DID contain traces, of the victims blood, but then comes the problem." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What prolem is that?" The administrator would say "The fabrics ALL came from high quality, expensive, garments. Sure, they can be purchased, with a credit card, but the deposit, and the PRICE, of the apparrel, are just beyond the means of a janitor. I mean that, in order to buy the costume, the janitor would not be able to pay his rent, for a YEAR." When Doctor Rhoades would nod agreement, then ask "What about rental?" The administrator would say "NO go, that way, either. While the person may have rented the costume, thhe problem was that, with blood stains, rips, and tears..." Doctor Rhoades would suggest "Not only would the deposit NOT be returned, but the rentor would be charged for clean up." When Doctor Rhoades would suggest "Too bad we cannot secure a list, of the mans apartments previous occupants." The administrator would say "Already applied for. Rationale: D.N.A. comparison. We await county, state, and federal, permission." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Where is the patient, now, and HOW is he doing?" The administrator would say "Since he arrived, all he does is read books, writes letters, to his children, promising to see them, again, and listens to classic rock." Then, the administrator would add "Doctor Rhoades, if I coulld be 100% certain, I would diagnose this as a frame-up." Doctor Rhoades would say "A distinct possibility." After visiting with the man, and conversing as though with a friend, Doctor Rhoades had asked "Why dont I let them take the guards off of your door?" The man seemed to grow fearful, as he said "What if I change, in my sleep, again. Who will protect patients, and staff, from me?" Questions, like this, proved one thing, to Doctor Johnathan Rhoades. Any patient, who was THIS concerned, over the welfare, of others, was NO danger. It was the patients, who would mention "They deserve to die", are the ones to be watched. After reviewing court records, at city hall, Doctor Rhoades would visit the mans ex-wife. While she, and her children, were not LIVING in their former luxury, Doctor Rhoades would notice that they were, not exactly, "charity cases", either. What the ex-wife DID complain about was the fact that, now that her husband had been "demoted", now the WOMAN had to take a job, to support her children. The woman even surprised Doctor Rhoades when she said "IF only HE had FOUGHT, to KEEP his job, we would noot be living, like this." When Doctor Rhoades would mention "Isn't it true, that your husbands EMPLOYER moves their operations, to another nation. One with cheaper labor, and no health laws?" The woman would say "THAT is NO excuse. IF my husband wanted to PROVE that he was a good husband, and father, he would have FOUGHT to keep his job, here." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "May I ask how?" The woman would wave this off, saying "A REAL man would KNOW how to deal with such situations. A REAL man would have taken action!" It was when Doctor Rhoades would ask "So, you wanted your husband to be involved in a kill, or be killed, situation?" When all the woman would say was "A REAL man would have FOUGHT, to the DEATH!" Doctor Rhoades would rise, calmly, saying "I will see myself out. Thank you for seeing me." The ex-wife would mention, again "Doctor, remember what I said. A REAL man would...." Doctor Rhoades had walked away, leaving the woman to talk to the air. Once away from her place, Doctor Rhoades would visit a local park, where he would light his pipe, then make more notes, in his journal. While husband appears about as "normal" as anyone CAN be, I am un-certain about his ex-wife. The woman, who divorced him, over his lss of income. The woman who, then, petitions the courts, to ORDER her ex to PAY her "maintenance costs", based upon his former pay. When the judge had asked the woman "HOW am I supposed to order your husband to pay four times his salary, when his new job, pays only a fifth of his, former salary?" The woman had scolded the judge, by repeating the tired banter of "A REAL man would KNOW!". While Doctor Rhoades would ponder this, a thought came to him. What if the ex-husband was NOT the one, committing the crimes. What if it was his ex-wife? The problem the doctor had, with this was that, even though the woman WAS severely opinionated, opinions do NOT kill. Doctor Rhoades just could not SEE the woman, dressing as her husband, taking down hulking men, then planting evidence, in her husbannds place. True, during times, of duress, almost all humans display a level, of strength, which, normally, was impossible. Since Doctor Rhoades KNEW that neither the police, nor hospital staff, woulld believe that a woman was capable, of such crimes, Doctor Rhoades contacted a woman, whom he knew, gave her the directions, and agreed to meet the woman, at his temporary place. The next day, and while the guards, and hospital video, showed the man was in his room, reading a book, the vampire re-appearred, and scared the daylight out of people. This, without saying one, SINGLE, word. It was only after locals fled, behind any objects they could find, that the vampire switched on a tape-recorder, only to have her own laughter nearly drown out the recorded, insane, laughter. It was only as the figure bent over, laughing, that locals began to wonder. This, even as Doctor Rhoades would approach the "vampire", who would, laughingly, ask "How did I do, doc?" Doctor Rhoades would say "Perfect." When locals came out of hiding, asking "What is going on, here?" Doctor Rhoades would say "An expeiment. I showed you something, and observed your reaction." When another voice asked "Reaction, to what?" Doctor Rhoades would say "Suggestion. Each of you are so wrapped up in the ideea, that a vampire is loose, in your community that, when I showed you what you THOUGHT was a vampire, you freaked." When another voice would say "Okay, smarty. If that is NOT a vampiree, beside you, then WHAT is it?" Doctor Rhoades would say "Correction. WHOM it is?" When the voice woulld ask "What?, WHOM? Whats the difference? Why did you make us look like fools?" Doctor Rhoades would say "I did no such thing. Your reactions were your own. I just observed your reactions. As to whom is behind this costume, I would be pleased to present Miss Heidi Brenker. Star of the stage, near my own home-town. Miss Brenkers own ambition is to become a broadway star." After Heidi removed her make-up, she would explain the process, of application, and why it takes five time LONGER to apply make-up, then to remove it. When a police officer would suggest "Doc, are you saying that someone, in this town, is DRESSING UP, like the man, and committing the crimes?" The answer, to this question, came from the Hall of Records. It was a multi-generational will. A will which, surprisingly, had clauses, such as "IF a married person is shown to be of un-sound mind, and body, then the property is transferred to their family. A family trust fund will, then, keep the property operating until other income may be located. This was when the police chief remembered something. "You know, thinking back, I remember that it was five, or was it ten, years ago, that the wife wore an expensive, vampire, outfit, to a costume party." When this "evidence" was presented, to the local judge, the judge, who woulld have sworn that the ex-wife was innocent, approved a search warrant. If nothing else, he hoped to prove that the wife was innocent. While the wife was at work, the police served her landlord, and searched the home. After the "lunch rush" was over with, twoo officcers came into the cafe, where the woman worked the early shift. When the ex-wife came to the table, asking "What can I get you boys?" An officer slipped the ex-wife a document. It was not until she opened it, then asked "What is this?" that the officer would give the womans full name, then say "You are under arrest, for...." Even at the police station, where the evidence was being catalogued, the ex-wife would insist "IF my husband were a REAL man, he would have handled this, without my assistance." When detectives told the woman "We have all the evidence that we need, to convict, at a jury trial. Unless you want to confess, or even if you dont, YOU, not your ex-husband, is going to jail. The woman would laugh as she said "You sure are behind the times. WOMEN can do what we please. We can tell men to kill themselves, by carbon monoxide, bury newborn infants, and even KILL our "sugar-daddies", when they stop financing us. NO judge will take any action, against a woman!" This is when a voice, through a loud-speaker, would say "Dont bet on that." When the woman asked the room "Just WHAT do you think WOMEN will say, if one of you "boys" tries to convict me?" This is when, to the womans horror, a light turned on, and the woman, in robes, would introduce herself, saying "I am Judge Judith Madison. Circuit Court Judge." When the woman would say "I DEMAND a male judge!" Judge Madison would say "It seems that no male judges are available." This is when reality "hit" the woman. By now, the police had searched her place, found her supplies, and were preparing the evidence. When the woman would say "I DEMAND bail!", Judge Madison would say "Not a chance." The ex-wifes trial would go "down in history". When the defense lawyer tried to say that it was impossible for the wife to turn herself into a vampire, just one hour, after departing work, Doctor Rhoades called in Heidi Brenker, asking the judge "Would the court allow Miss Brenker to apply her vampire attire, in the court room?" When the judge said "Let me guess. You want to prove that the task CAN be completed." The judge MIGHT have ruled against the suggestion. That is, until the ex-wifes attorney asked "Why are we wasting time, on this?" The judge would say "In that case, counselor, I will not only permit the demonstration, but I want it TIMED, as well. Once Heidi Brenkers equipment was brought into the court room, a deputy started his timer, while Heidi changed into a vampire. In under thirty minutes, the actress had changed herself into an un-dead. The judge ruled that, if Heidi Brenker could do it, so could the ex-wife. When the defense TRIED to plead that, in the time that the ex-husband had been in the hospital, there had been no more "vampire" attacks, the judge would say "Counselor, THAT is a very COMMON practice, among thieves, and other criminals. Shut down operations, while innocent people are being jailed, then return to "trade", after the goods are not found, and the innocent are released." Once the judge reviewed the husbands hospital records, and made her ruling, the ex-wife would have to be dragged from the court-room, kicking and screaming, that th house was hers. When the ex-husband was released, from the hospital, and asked Doctor Rhoades, the doctor would, only, say "Your wife THOUGHT she had it made. A career husband, lovely home, fine children. What she did not count upon was the "New World Order", and how this was encouraging businesses to LEAVE America, for lower wages. When her divorce plans back-fired, she decided to frame you, as a vampire." When the man asked "WHY? Even I did not know about the papers, until just now" Doctor Rhoades had said "As part of any patient review, doctors have the ethical right to review any, and all, paper-work. Add to that the fact that police found a copy, of the papers, at your exes house. A copy, which was, precisely, highlighted. We figured out her plan, with more than a little help from Miss Heidi Brenker." When the man would ask "What happens, now?" Doctor Rhoades would say "Most likely, a physc eval. Then, womens prison. She KNEW what she was doing." When the man asked "Me, and the children?" Doctor Rhoades would say "According to the document, you may bring in assistance, with the home, and children. I would suggest that you make that LONG-TERM help." When the man asked "What about when my ex-wife is released from prison?" Doctor Rhoades would say "I would not worry about that. She wont be eligible, for parole, maybe for decades to come." Final case-note: When the womans case went to Appeals court, her sentence was not only not over-turned, but it was, in fact, extended. This means that, under the "Three Strikes, and your OUT!" law, the woman would never be coming home. Not with seventeen felonies, on her record.

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