Monday, November 13, 2017


THE NEW SIXTH SENSE # 15 Doctor Johnathan Rhoades, medical doctor, and licensed psychiatrist. A man who DARES to look PAST the obvious, and discover what is at the HEART, of patients conditions. The following is case-file number 15, of Doctor Rhoades highly unusual approach to treatment, of mental disorders. While working on the updates, of both my medical, and psychiatric, licenses, I would be contacted, regarding yet another, bizzarre, case. According to the case-file notes, it would seem that a young woman was being accused not only of "dark" witchcraft, but the same woman was, also, being accused of being "in league" with the Devil. What would interest me, in this case, was the "rationale", being utilized, in restraining the young woman. The file stated, very clearly, that the woman was being kept heavily sedated, that it was doubtful that she could, even dream. It seems that my "expertise", is being called upon, in an effort to determine just how "dangerous" this "witch" actually is. "It was when I reviewed the list of drugs, she was being pumped full of, that I decided not to wait for my license renewals to be processed prior to heading out, on this case. My own rationale, for my actions, was that fact that, with the drugs, which the young woman was being pumped full of, it would not be long before the womans higher brain functions began to shut down. If this happened, one of the two, following, scenarios would occur. In a "best case" scenario, the womans body would shut down, completely, and she would die. "Worst case" scenario would leave the woman a "vegetable", for the rest of her life. While even **I** know that it is not legal, for a doctor to administer care, until credentials are re-certified, my priority was that of, possibly, saving a persons life. This is why I ignored the law, and travelled, to see the patient. (This, and the fact that my services HAD been REQUESTED) If need be, I would, later, argue that all I had done was CONSULT. I had no intention of acting, medically, unless the situation, absolutely, dictated. Upon arrival, at the facility, I was relieved when I noticed how "hush-hush" everything, regarding this patient, was being handled. It was not, however, until I entered the "conference", with the womans doctors, that I realized how FLAWED the "diagnosis" was. From the moment, when I was told "Danica is being treated for..." I could not believe my ears. Here, a group, of 21st century medical people were resorting to colonial superstition, for answers to a case which had, not yet, even developed. Danica was being kept under heavy sedation due to the following information: 1) Danica's FULL name 2) Her parents names 3) Danica's place of birth 4) the DATE, and TIME, of Danica's birth As well as some skin dis-colorations. Add in the coincidence, of Danica's full name, and the religious, of the local population felt certain that, even if Danica were not, already, "in league", with the Devil, it would be just a matter of time. After hearing the "diagnosis", Doctor Johnathan Rhoades would have to step outside the hospital, to clear his head. Still, Doctor Rhoades knew his next step would be the medical library. This, because Doctor Rhoades, seriously, doubted that legends, and curses, would be listed, on the internet. Since his current, medical, license remained valid, Doctor Rhoades would ask for a pass, to the medical library. (A library which, fortunately, was in a building, seperate from the hospital.) Inside the library, Doctor Rhoades would set to work, on the accusations, facing Danica. This, Doctor Rhoades would do while lighting his favorite, herbal, tobacco, in his pipe. It was not long, however, before the doctor found what he was looking for. Namely, the source, of the legend, surrounding Danica's condition. It was a legend, dating back atleast 350 years. Supposedly, some woman, in the distant past, made a supposed prediction. It would seem that the prediction was most timely. The legend implied that, when the woman could not PROVE that she was NOT a witch, she was sentenced to be burned, at the stake. When she realized that even her closest friends had abandoned her (probably to protect themselves), she decided that "IF I am to be convicted, why not make my accusers PAY!" It would seem that, with this, apparently, in mind, the "witch" had cast a curse upon the village. A curse, it seems, which fell upon Danica's head. It seems that the "witch" had said something like "The day will come, when thou shalt PAY for this injustice." She had, then, supposedly, added Danica's name, birth date, and place, and promising that the Devil would "have his due". For centuries, it seems that villagers, then towns-people, and, finally, the local community, had lived in fear of when the curse would return, to haunt them. Now, these people, actually, believed that Danica was the answer to the curse. All they had to do was "control" her, and Satan would be left caged in the under-world. Danica's mind was to be destroyed, just so an ancient curse could not be fulfilled. When Doctor Rhoades would visit the doctors, again, asking when Danica could be brought out of her coma, so that Doctor Rhoades could interview the woman, and her doctors questioned the wisdom, of, possibly, letting Satan loose, from the underworld, Doctor Rhoades had asked "Do you intend to do this same thing, every time a girl is born, under similar circumstances?" When the doctors had no response, Doctor Rhoades would ask "Let ME talk to her. I want to learn what Danica's intentions are?" When a doctor, un-expectedly snapped up, asking "What do you plan to do when she un-leashes Satan upon us?" Doctor Rhoades would smile as he said "I will, probably, smile at him, and ask if he wants to sit in, on our discussion." When another doctor would say "You dont care what happens, to OUR lives. WE will have to LIVE with the fall out, from your actions." Doctor Rhoades would ask "What if I make a deal, where any "harm", which Satan MIGHT do, is left, totally, upon MY shoulders?" The doctors seemed to chorus "We want that in WRITING." Doctor Rhoades just hoped that the agreement was made in time. If he did not act fast enough, Danica would become brain-dead. With written liability signed, Doctor Rhoades would be allowed to bring Danica out of her coma. This, while a squad, of armed guards, stood, ready, nearby. Its a funny thing, about demons, monsters, and so on. They, never, keep to a schedule. No matter what Christianity says, these creatures do NOT come, when called. Like humans, the supernatural has its OWN schedule. This was proven when Danica began to revive, yet, un-like the movies, nothing began floating, moving about, no chains rattling, etc. When the girl asked "What am I doing here? Who are you?" Doctor Rhoades knew that these were GOOD questions. They proved, atleast to Doctor Rhoades, that the girl was in control of her own body. After Doctor Rhoades introduced himself, that asked Danica "Would you like to talk?" When Danica would ask "About what?" Doctor Rhoades would suggest "You choose the subject." Just as Doctor Rhoades expected, as the drugs wore off, Danica left her bed, stretched, walked about the room, then asked if Doctor Rhoades wanted to walk outside the hospital. When a nurse brought a wheelchair, Doctor Rhoades would promise Danica "Only until we are outside" Danica would agree to this. Once outside, and in fresh air, Danica would ask Doctor Rhoades "WHY was I being kept, in there?" Doctor Rhoades would ask "What is the last thing you remember, clearly?" Danica would say "I remember that, as a particular date drew near, neighbors began looking at me, in a weird way." When Doctor Rhoades entered "interview mode", calming his voice, then asking "In what way were these people acting weird?" Danica would say "It was like, when they looked at me, they were acting like I was a Klingon, or a creature, from science fiction." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Did anyone say anything about WHY this was happening?" Danica would say "That was the weird part. No matter who I tried to approach, to ask what was going on, people ran away, as if I was this disgusting creature." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Did your parents say anything?" Danica would say "Not to me. Not directly, anyway." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Explain?" Danica would say "One evening, not long ago, I overheard a conversation. Something about preventing a curse from coming true." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Anything in particular? Any NAMES mentioned?" Danica would say "All I know is that I heard my father saying "Ridiculous", and "Coincidence", more than a few times. Someone else, whom I didn't recognize, kept saying "We cannot take the chance!" When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What happened, next?" Danica would say "I remember going to bed, one night. It was late. My parents were, already, in bed." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "I am curious. You are a grown adult. Why do you not have a place of your own?" Danica would say "Money. I just dont make enough money to leave home, yet. Once I have a regular job, I will have enough money, to leave home." When Doctor Rhoades would say "I apologize, for diverting your attention. May we, now, continue, with your last memories?" Danica would say "Last thing I remember was looking out of my bedroom window, at the stars. After that, the next thing I saw was you, standing over my bed, introducing yourself." Since Satan had decided NOT to show up, for the meeting, Doctor Rhoades would return Danica to her room, for some more rest. After this, Doctor Rhoades would retire, to his quarters, to file his notes. "Patient brought out of drug-induced coma. Relieved to find that even massive amounts, of drugs, have not diminished her mental faculties. As to the coincidence, of her name, and other information, I question the reliability, of the sources, of information. After all, thanks to computers, and digital photography, people are able to create anything they want to. What concerns me, most, is the "rationale", of the past, and present, in condemning people of crimes. I am concerned over the fact that, according to past "records", a woman was burned, alive, for no other reason than that she could not prove that she was NOT a "witch". Now, centuries later, a young woman had been, dangerously, sedated, since she could not PROVE that she was NOT "in league" with Satan. Just HOW was a person supposed to prove that they were not "in league", with Satan? Did people, REALLY, expect Satan to appear, place its claw on a Bible, and, under oath, state "This human is NOT "in league", with me."? Even in this "Age of Enlightenment", too many people are far too willing to fall back on primitive beliefs, rather than work from facts. The only thought I have, so far, is to "call out" those, who would accuse Danica, and question their judgement. Soon after this, while Doctor Rhoades was out, in the community, a very frightened woman would come to the doctor, asking "How LONG are you going to leave her loose, to do her evil?" When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What evil is that?" The woman would, while shaking, say "She is in league, with the Devil." When Doctor Rhoades would ask the woman "What makes you say that?" The woman would whisper "The curse." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "Why do you think there is a curse?" The woman would whisper "The good reverend, at the church. He says that Satans evil is upon us. We must make our tithes, unto Heaven." Now, Doctor Rhoades KNEW where his next stop would be. Just to be on the safe side, however, the doctor asked for an appointment, with the minister. (No need to frazzle the man, with a sudden appearance). To Doctor Rhoades surprise, the minister seemed happy to meet with the doctor. What would come to annoy Doctor Rhoades, about the meeting was that, no matter how much Doctor Rhoades tried to keep the meeting professional, the minister just kept spouting scripture, and quoting ancient documents. When Doctor Rhoades would ask the minister "What is your basis for believing these documents to be accurate?" All the minister would say was "My belief in the almighty." When Doctor Rhoades had asked "But, HOW do you KNOW that the events, listed, in the documents, are accurate?" The minister would, only, say "My FAITH, in the Lord." When Doctor Rhoades would try asking "Were you there, when the documents were being recorded?" The minister would ask "How OLD do you think I am?" When Doctor Rhoades would say "Precisely." The minister would seem un-settled, as he would ask the doctor "Were YOU there?" Doctor Rhoades would smile as he would say "I will admit, here and now, that I was not born until centuries after these entries were written. I, therefore, have no proof that what is written is, actually, the truth." When Doctor Rhoades would ask "What about you? Can you say the same?" The minister seemed to hesitate, for some moments, before saying "All I have is my faith, in the Lord, above. If his word is not good enough, for you, then I can be of no assistance, to you." This, Doctor Rhoades would take to mean "No, doctor. I was NOT there." Doctor Rhoades would then shake hands, with the priest, and depart the church. As he departed the church, Doctor Rhoades would have another of his "visions". This one, seemingly, split between the distant past, and the present. (n the vision, Doctor Rhoades would witness the clergy, bringing together villagers, for the human bon-fire. The vision was, without a doubt, of colonial times. This, Doctor Rhoades, knew was due to the type of clothing, the people wore. Doctor Rhoades would witness a woman, either half out of her mind, with fear (or a very good actress), who had come before the church, to denounce another woman, for witchcraft. Doctor Rhoades would observe how the villagers, and the church, would, QUIETLY, rouse the villagers, to bring the accused, before justice. Juts as this was playing out, in colonial times, the vision shifted, to the modern day, with the minister asking staff to "Call together all of those, who have sworn faith, unto the Lord." In a sort-of split-screen image, Doctor Rhoades would watch as both the ancient woman, and Danica, would be brought before judgement. The "trick", which the clergy used, to convict the suspected, was for the clergy to read from the LATIN version, of the Holy Scriptures, then make this demand, upon the accused: "Unless thy can PROVE, via repeating my words, in the English tongue, that thy are "gospel", thy souls will stand condemned, for witchcraft." The only reason why Doctor Rhoades knew the language was because ALL doctors are trained, in Latin. This has been commonplace, since medicine became an actual profession. Doctor Rhoades KNEW that he could not aid the colonial woman. She had been burned, alive, centuries ago. What Doctor Rhoades could not understand was the reason why the vision was shifting between past, and present. All he could do was watch as Danica was asked to recite the verse, only to have to ask "What language is that?" In the vision, Doctor Rhoades watched as the frightened populace, lead by the local minister, would order the guards to "Strip her down, to her basics (underwear). Let the cleansing fire, of the Lord, take her soul." Doctor Rhoades would, then, watch as the fires were lit and, as she women began to cry out, in mortal agony, the ministers would shout "Confess your sins, WITCH! Confess!" When villagers, both past, and present, would turn away, from the fires, the ministers would proclaim "Only the Un-righteous turn away, from gods justice!". Only after witnessing the bodies, being burned, until only the bones remained, did the vision end. Now, Doctor Johnathan Rhoades KNEW what fate Danica's community had prepared, for her. The question was: Could Doctor Rhoades reach Danica BEFORE the mob arrived, or would the girl face the fate, which his vision had shown the doctor. Since Doctor Rhoades had understood, since his arrival, that the doctors, at the local hospital, were just as religiously paranoid, as the church, and community, were, Doctor Rhoades had only one choice, in the matter. Doctor Rhoades had to get Danica OUT of this town, and to a place, where she would be safe. The doctor just hoped that, for their own safety, that Danica's parents would come along, as well. If Doctor Rhoades was correct, and the town could not burn Danica, the towns-people would turn on her parents, next. Before local cell-phone service, un-expectedly, cut out, Doctor Rhoades had time to call Danica's parents, and give a quick review, before the call was cut, to "No Service". In what was no less than a "race, against time", Doctor Rhoades would race to the family home, where, even as the doctor assisted Danica's father, with loading his truck, while the doctor rushed to load his car, by the time the two cars were ready to speed away, flaming torches could be seen, in the distance. (Talk about taking history far too seriously. It was obvious that these people had forgotten about their motor vehicles. Either that or the church had convinced them that foot travel was more "gospel".) Just as the doctor had HOPED the mob would do, as the two vehicles sped away from town, far above the posted limit, a lonely state police trooper would watch, and wonder, as someone fired flaming arrows, at the fleeing automobiles. In fact, the pursuit did not end until some flaming arrows hit a tree, and the trooper had to call in the fire department. Now that a crime had been committed, the trooper could get involved. Sure enough, it was not until locals saw the state troopers flashing lights that they "peeled off", and the two vehicles stopped, for the officer. The officer had to wonder if his hearing was playing tricks when, as he exited his cruiser, he thought he heard the word "Witch." being repeated, over and over, in the distance. Once Doctor Rhoades showed the officer his credentials, even the doctor could see the look, on the officers face, as the chant continued. When the officer asked "Doc?" Doctor Rhoades would suggest "May we take this conversation someplace, safe? Maybe your headquarters?" To the doctors relief, the trooper agreed. Before departing the location, the trooper would call in, to base, saying "I think we have some religious zealots, out here. Tell the fire department to exercise caution." By eleven a.m., the next morning, statements had been taken, and charges, of Speeding, were dropped, since it was obvious that the doctor had been trying to GAIN police attention. The slightly-worse news was that the flaming arrows had started quite a fire. Maybe 10,000, in damage. Mostly from tree's, which had burned, when they caught fire, as burning tree's collapsed, on the other tree's. The worst news was, exactly what Doctor Rhoades had feared. Since the local community had no witch, to burn, locals had settled for burning the family home to the ground. As the state trooper told the survivors "While we believe that it was, in fact, Arson, we must do things correctly. According to the law. While awaiting the full damage/loss report, Doctor Rhoades would, finally, receive the message, which he had been waiting for. His credentials had been recertified. Doctor Rhoades could, again, legally, practice medicine. The real question, for all concerned, in Danica's case, was the question of "Where does the family go, from here?" They could NOT go home. Doctor Rhoades would make some calls, and find the family temporary lodgings. From there, it would be up to them as to how to proceed. With her parents standing behind her, Danica would ask Doctor Rhoades "Do you think there is any truth to the old stories? I mean, to the stories, of a womans name avenging itself" Doctor Rhoades would say "Who knows? About the only thing I am certain of is that each of us makes our OWN decisions. No one can curse another into doing evil. We, each, have freedom of will." When Danica would ask "So, you dont believe that the so-called "witch" cast a curse, in the past?" Doctor Rhoades would say "I do believe that the woman MAY have said SOME-ting. Was it a curse? I cannot say." When Danica would ask "How do we find out?" Doctor Rhoades would suggest "Why not continue your life, in the present, and let the future take care of itself?" When Danica agreed, Doctor Rhoades would pack his car, and depart. His part, of this case, was concluded. Now, the future was up to Danica to decide. Final case note: While a further investigation would reveal that the victims, of seven, human, bon-fires, had made statements, while burning, alive, the problem remains the reliability of the recorders. In the modern day, recorders can be rigged, to play messages back, in an order, different from what was, actually, recorded. So to with historical documents. How can we know that what was recorded was actual fact (and not dogma, to support a certain view-point?) Ofcourse, the primary exceptions, to this, would include America's Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and so on. All of these being public documents. As for "private", including church, documents, I am un-certain of how much is FACT, and how much is INTERPRETATION. Were actual witches burned at the stake? Were the victims simply women who could not prove that they were not Satans servants? Un-like most clubs, including Playboy, which give members either I.D. cards, or pendants, I am un-certain of if Satan has Hades issue membership cards. HOW does one prove that they are NOT what they are accused of being?

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