Saturday, December 15, 2018


THE PRICE OF STATE-HOOD While I, accidentally, made a "name" for myself, by being willing to go to the border, in, and begin the negotiation process, It would seem that some, on my opponents were extreme enough to try for some very ridiculous provisions, in the act. Provisions, which included items such as verification, that no ancestor, for ateast three hundred years, had committed any crimes. Provisions, such as height, weight, eye and hair, color, and so on. While "my" committee just laughed at such restrictions, I was the one, shown tossing the papers into the trash. I was, also, shown as the one who brought calm to the border, with weapons, and tear gas, falling silent, while inviting people, to discuss state-hood. To "my" committee members (half Democratic and half Republican), the biggest laugh came when, after Trump was over-ruled, by congress, which denied Berlin Wall funding, AGAIN, then over-rode the man, on closing down the federal government, Trump declared our committee to be "traitors". This because, allegedly, we were "opening a door", to allow the "filth", from the south, to flood into the U.S." Some cartoonists had a "field day" sketching Trumps idea, that state-hood would mean allowing "hordes" of Latino's "pour" into the U.S. Our, senior, committee members promised that this was just "political theater". State-hood would mean that Latino's could petition, and vote for, admission, to the U.S. The goal being NOT to "convert" them, as the Christians "converted" the indian tribes, in the past, but rather, to allow them to add their star to our flag, and accept our rule of law. Their customs, language, and so on, would remain their own. While my only intention was to be an "idea man", and supply options, to situations, it would seem that, like Tom Mason, of the T.V. show: Falling Skies, I was becoming some sort of "legend". A person, who could get things done. While Trump was busy, demanding wall funding, and throwing fits, when he did not get his way, I was becoming acquainted with various Latina's. Women, who were trained, and educated, in the ways of their homeland, and the U.S. According to the Latin-Americans, who supplied the ladies, the idea was to show that Americans, and Latino's could co-exist, peacefully. Since I was not sure, about the first seven women, who were sent to me (which is why I only discussed work, with them), it was number eight, Alyssa, to whom I mentioned "I hope this does not get you into trouble, but I want you to know that I think you are the best, and most, beautiful, woman, yet." When Alyssa reported in, the community agreed that Alyssa was the "one". She would be the communities "inside man", to keep them up to date, on my plans. (Part, of the deal, ofcourse, was for her to get as CLOSE, to me, as possible.) I could understand their reason, especially when Trump took down the revised model, for the new, U.S. flag, ripped it to pieces, and ordered the re-posting of the fifty star flag. As Trump would say "Over my dead body will those "wet-backs" become part of the U.S." (The revised model, of the flag, showed an extra eight stars, based upon six, current, petitions, and two more, in the works.) Seeing as how he was LOSING, on every front, it was not long before the Trump's vacated the White House, and resumed residence, in Trump Tower. Ofcourse, Donald would call Congress "traitors", not just for refusing his new wall, but for rejecting his budget, and passing one, approved by Congress. Personally, I felt flattered to be considered a "traitor" by a real estate developer. A man who had even LESS, political, experience than myself. Just dont ask me HOW the topic, of Abortion became part of the state-hood conversation. For some reason, Pro-Life decided that the growing movement, to expand the United States,, was an "ideal platform", for declaring Pro-Life's idea that "Abortion is MURDER!" HOW Alyssa knew to be prepared for this, I will, never, know. What I do know is that Alyssa was "right on the ball", telling Latino's that Pro-Life was NOT a part, of the state-hood platform. Now, sure, Alyssa and I shared many meals, including dinners, however, we submitted the proper receipts, for every, party, funded, act. The times, when we did NOT bill the party, were the times when we wanted to be alone. Just two adults, sharing time, and considering the future. The nights when our clothes found her bedroom floor, and our bodies found her mattress. Alyssa did have to wonder exactly WHERE "Honoring her committment, to commmunity" ended, and her place, as a woman, began. This when, more often, I found myself awaking, in the morning, in HER bed. When I tried to apologize, Alyssa whispered "Dont you dare! I was there, and I did not complain." True, she was there, and conscious, when things got physical. Alyssa was even proud of the marks/scratches, on my body, from her nails. Once we went this far, I noticed how Alyssa kept track, on her calendar, of her birth conrtol. Yes, she wanted children, one day. Just not until after she knew that her nation was safe, under the flag of the U.S.. Even while working on state-hood, Alyssa aided me when more schools faced shooting spree's. The one time, when Alyssa wanted to shoot ME, was the time when, during a stalemate, between police, and a shooter, I had walked into the school, shared my own story, with the shooter, then walked the gun-man out, without further problem. It was the decades old story. A student, driven to violence, by bullying, and school personnel, who REFUSED to take action. It was not until Alyssa finished her public address, promising that, if soldiers were deployed to patrol schools, then shooting spree's would "vanish". Only after she was escorted out of the meeting that Alyssa was shown footage, of my coming out of the school, a rifle, held by its barrel. When Alyssa whispered "I am going to KILL, him, myself", that some female agents smiled, knowing what Alyssa meant. It was when state-hood began taking a true "hold", on America, with citizens agreeing that it would be better, for the nation, to have people here, legally, that the un-expected happened. After a night, of amazing passion, Alissa and I shared a beautiful, good morning, kiss, then had breakfast. We THOUGHT that we had another, beautiful, day, ahead of us (with more to come). It was not until a call came, from the party, that Alyssa and I knew that our days schedule was about to change. For some reason, a sub-committee meeting, to discuss the effects, of state-hood, was being postoned, until the afternoon. Alyssa and I were to divert to a Latin-American cultural center, that morning. When Alyssa asked for details, all she was told was "Be there." When we did arrive, at the cultural center, the meeting was brief, and clear. Alyssa's assignment had been accomplished. She had made sure that I made the "correct decisions", regarding state-hood, and, now, it was time for her to return home. When I mentioned "But, we have so much more to do." Some smart aleck would say "Yes, white boy. We KNOW what you are doing, after hours. This is another reason why Alyssa is being sent home. For exceeding her assignment." While I informed the group of the other things that Alyssa and I were tackling, I was informed "Just because you are bedding a Latina does NOT give you power, over us. It is time that YOU learn that WE are PEOPLE." What amazed ME was the fact that these people did not inform anyone, with whom Alyssa and I were working. In fact, that very afternoon, I think that, without trying, I added thirty minutes, to the meeting. This, since the materials were packed, using Alyssa's system. Alyssa could reach into the case, and draw out documents, iimmediately. When the sub-committee asked "Where is the charming Alyssa?" I would say "I thought you knew. She has been returned to her homeland." As a result, what should have been two days, of review, turned into five days, as I re-packed papers. During those same, five days, the embassy, in Alyssa's home country, was taking dozens of calls, per day, all for Alyssa. In fact, by the time someone bothered to tell Alyssa about the messages, hers were BOXED, not bundled, for her. At first, Alyssa did not know HOW she would respond to the messages. That is, until she found a satellite phone, and a box, of batteries, with a note, stating "With the compliments of the party. Use wisely." Since her village had no electricity, and was a simple, farning, village, Alyssa made the best use possible, of the phone. Using local parchment, Alyssa took down messages, then sent regrets to those who wanted her to attend events. This, as well as those, who wanted Alyssa to "influence" my vote. Alyssa spent a full day, just sending regrets, saying "My assignment, in America, is at an end. I have no more influence." Buy! Was I "in for it", when people began demanding to know WHY I sent Alyssa back down south. I stood FIRM, saying "**I** did NOT send her away. The local chapter sent her away. Accused me of demanding sex, in order to keep her in America." When asked "We thought she was your asssitant." I would agree, saying "She did an excellent job, of keeping me on-track." When asked "How do we get her back?" I suggested "Speak to the local chapter. They seem to know more than I do." When the local chapter WAS questioned, they made the suggestion that Alyssa was nothing more than my sex-slave. A cheap, Latina, WHORE. Suddenly, the normal, sub-committee, hearing was suspended, until the leaders, of the Latino community could be brought forward, to explain their decision. The only "excuse", that the leaders had was the fact that I was spending far too much time, at Alyssa's assigned quarters. That, and the fact that, at hotels, Alyssa was spending nights in MY hotel room, when she had her own. When the sub-committee asked me about these accusations, I produced copies, of the very documents, which we had worked on. When a Latino leader would insist "HE spent dozens, of nights, with her!" It was the sub-committee chairman who asked "Is the girl, in question, a minor?" When the Latino asked "Pardon?" The chairman would ask "Let me phrase it this way. Is the woman, in question, a grade schooler, or a high schooler?" When the Latino admitted that Alyssa was a young woman, the chairman asked "IS she married, to another man?" The Latino man would say "Not yet." The chairman would say "Since the woman, in question is neither a minor, nor is she married, this committee finds no reason for her recall." When the Latino insisted that Alyssa was being used, as my "sex-slave", a party physician would have come forth, saying "There is no evidence to support this. Alyssa acted, freely. If she wanted to "escape", she had hundreds of chances." Between testimony, given that day, and an on-line protest, calling for Alyssa's return, to the area, It would seem that an ex-suitor had sent video, proving that he was , NOW, her husband. The problem was that the shot-gun, which the man used, as proof, during the video, of the "wedding", was all the Pentagon needed, to order an incursion, of Special Forces. According to the final reports, rumor had it that, when the man realized that Special Forces were coming for his "bride", the man tied her to a ritual altar, then filmed some ritual, in which he, basically, told the gods "If I cannot have her, no one will". He, then, stabbed Alyssa, with one, fatal, blow, then dozens, of other blows, to make sure she was dead. Since the man had used the curse altar, Alyssa would not be buried, in a cememtary, IF she were buried, in the south, at all. While her "husband" was cuffed, and dragged back to the U.S., to stand trial, for murder, Alyssa's body would be laid to rest, in an American graveyard. Her headstone would read "She served, with honor, and dignity" As for me, all I felt was hollow. Like someone had cut a massive hole, in my chest, and removed my insides.

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