Monday, December 3, 2018


THE DAY OF TRUMP'S DEFEAT While the real estate developer would remain in charge of one of America's most successful, real estate development, companies, it would be his political career which would be as short, as H.W.'s term, in the White House, had been. Everything, from "relaxing" laws, regarding gun control, to immigration, to violence, in America's schools. While Congress refused to relax law, governing fire-arms, and Trump's idea, that MORE GUNS in schools, was the answer, to school shootings, Trump, barely, had enough votes to keep fire-arms in teachers hands. The Texas/Mexico Wall (the new Berlin Wall) FAILED, once Americans were reminded of the Soviets FAILED attempts, in post World War Two Germany. Trumps worst FAILURE, however, would be when, upon losing that useless wall, Mr. Trump ORDERED the federal government shut-down (until congress changed its mind). Problem was that, with the Republican Party pushing, so HARD, to replace Social Security with Privatization (gambling on ones future), the American people had begun organizing, and made sure that voters knew that Privatization was NOT a "program", at all. No, Privatization was nothing more than betting ones life savings, on either the stock market, or on the crap tables, in Las Vegas. Citizens made sure that the public knew that, for every "winner", under Privatization, there would be tens of thousands of people, who lost every penny they had. This is, after all, how gambling winners are paid. The winners are paid, via the losses, suffered by others. When Mr. Trump gave congress a choice: 24 hours, to agree to the wall, and 72, to agree, to enact Privatization, or the White House would shut-down the government. Historical reference: The same time that Adolf Hitler gave Albert Speer, and his other advisors, to change their minds, and begin operation: Scorched Earth, as the Allies liberated Germany from the Third Reich. Enact Hitlers plans, or face a firing squad. While it would have been illegal for Trump to order firing squads, Mr. Trump DID send down a directive ordering the federal government shut-down, until Trumps demands were met. Just a few "problems". Namely, three, out of four, Americans, were opposed to both the wall, and Privatization, but even MORE were opposed to MORE GUNS in schools. When the offices, of congress, found their fax machines running, day and night, the members made a fateful decision. While they let Trump rant, and rave, like a spoiled child, Congress used its over-ride, to keep government open, under congressional control. (Trump would sit out this time, in a political "penalty box") Upon release, Trump did exactly as his critics suggested that he would do. Mr. Trump called all of his opponents "TRAITOR". After that, the man had his company visit the White House, discreetly pack up his family and, under the cover of darkness, moved back to Trump Tower. Now, rumor has it that Mr. Trump was willing to put forth atleast $75 million (if that was what it would take, to keep the White House), the problem was "support". Between the reports, of children not only being seized, from parents, at the border, then stories, of the children being drugged, support faded faster than a disgraced athlete. Add in the number, of times, when members of Congress, were arrested, for trying to enter detainment centers, plus the tear gas incidents, and Mr. Trump's "popularity" was lower even than George Walker's had been (If that is possible) The "killer blow", of all, would be Mr. Trumps insane response, to school shootings. When Mr. Trump had said "More Guns! More Guns!!", the parents, of dead students, began working, more aggressively, for the Democrats. While more moderate Republicans did try, for office, the last four years had "soured" the American people, on the party. One Republican even gave up on an election bid, once they learned that they were the ONLY person, in their state, to endorse Privatization. Decision 2020 was not even a "race". When the Republicans realized that even their core supporters were becoming "shadows", just watching the election, the party realized that the Democrats would win the White house, as well as Congress. For his last, official, tantrum, in office, Mr. Trump REFUSED the official "walk out", or to acknowledge losing, at all. Funny thing is, after the "mistake", made at Mr. Obama's inauguration, regarding the Oath of Office, the Democratic Party ordered that the Oath be read, directly from a printed card. When Mr. Trump was asked his final comments, on his time, in the White House, all thee real estate developer would say was "They are ALL TRAITORS! I tried to make this country safe, and strong, and the traitors fought me, every step of the way." The good news was that, un-like Mr. Obama, who took a self-imposed "exile", after leaving office, the Secret Service would be the ones to impose exile, upon the real estate developer. (This, atleast until the nation was at "rest", again). Yes, the day, of Trumps DEFEAT, would be a day, long remembered!

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