Tuesday, December 4, 2018


HOW I WILL REMEMBER GEORGE H.W. BUSH 1) In order to "win" ofice, in 1988, Mr. Bush was quoted, on camera, stating: "Read My Lips...NO new Taxes!" After being sworn into office, Mr. Bush CHNAGED his "tune", to "Revenue Enhancements will be needed" 2) When Iraq invaded part of Kuwait, headed, allegedly, for the Saudi Arabian lands, Mr. Bush committed America's finest soldiers to guarding NOT the people, of Saudi Arabia, but the Saudi OIL WELLS! 3) Mr. Bush showed his insulence, by taking credit, for the sacrifices, of American soldiers. 4) The ONLY reason why Mr. Bush formally declared W-A-R, in the Middle East, was because the American public DEMANDED it. Mr. Bush fell prey to national chants of "No more Korea's. No more Vietnams." Sadly, this meant that Washington D.C. could NOT save billions of dollars, in veterans benefits, by calling the Middle East a "police action". 5) When Mr. Bush announced that he was directing the I.R.S. to REDUCE payroll tax WITHHOLDING (with-OUT reducing the AMOUNT, of taxes, which citizens owed the federal government) This lead to the taxpayer revolt of citizens telling Mr. Bush "Taxpayers telling Bush: "Leave refunds ALONE!" 6) The flag-draped coffins (which Mr. Bush tried and FAILED), to hide, from public view. So much potential, wasted on OIL WELLS! (May these fine men, and women, rest in Peace) THIS is how I will remember Mr. George H.W. Bush. I will, respectfully, dis-agree, with anyone who can claim that George H.W. Bush was a "great man". So, too, do I believe that the families, of dead soldiers, would agree with me. All of that POTENTIAL, laid to rest, in Arlington Cemetary.

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