Monday, November 30, 2020


THE LEGACY OF DR. FAUCI While this man had been chosen as an advisor, to the White House, after establishing a sound career, and reputation, for himself, he would suffer the fate of Benedict Arnold. What most American history present, about General Benedict Arnold, was how he, supposedly, surrendered his troops, to the British, to save his own skin. What most histories do NOT include is the fact that, prior to his surrender, General Arnold was well-known, for LEADING his troops into battle, and for actually Horse-Whipping any officer who showed signs of cowardice, in the face of their enemy. While the truth is that General Arnold had only surrendered his troops when it proved that colonial "intelligence" was as "reliable" as todays, that the general would learn that his soldiers would face off against not twice, or three times, their number, but as many as twenty-five to one odds, that the general would surrender his troops. From that time, to the present, all that anyone wants to remember the general for is this one act. The same would hold for Dr, Fauci. A man, whose judgement, the public had come to trust. The man, who sounded the original alarm, shutting down the United States, as Corona came upon the nation. Had he have held to the original time-table, he would have retired a highly respected physician. His first mistake was that, as COVID tests began to see less and less, of outbreaks, Dr. Fauci would ruin the 2020 holiday season, by insisting that people return to level 1 Solitary Confinement. The doctor insisted that, having families gather, to celebrate the holidays, would be the same thing as allowing COVID a "free pass", in the United States. While law enforcement REFUSED to uphold various governors orders, of going house-to-house, breaking up gatherings, Dr. Fauci would insist that this was no different than watching a thief exit a victims house, yet allowing the thief to walk away with their haul. His worst mistake was in issuing orderrs that Christmas, 2020 be cancelled. He made the mistake of crying "WOLF!", and would, soon, pay. When Americans openly defied the order, to cancel Christmas, Dr. Fauci found himself in a terrible position. A position, which he, himself, had created, with his announcement that America would see "wave-after-wave", of COVID. While outgoing "leader", Donald Trump had given orders that, if the police would not enforce Dr. Fauci's demands, that the White House would back up the demands, if necessary, with lethal fire-power. When President-elect Joseph Biden had been asked his thoghts, on the use of military force, Mr. Biden had smiled, brightly, as he asked "Where is the enemy?" Dr. Fauci would, soon, notice that the numbers, of reporters, covering him, was dissolving, even as he kept saying "I cannot forsee an end to this problem." When asked "When do you forsee allowing people to return to their normal lives?", all the Doctor would say was "I just dont see it happening, any time soon." When the media would ask "You mean, you want to keep the public locked away, for who knows how many YEARS?" When Dr. Fauci would say "IF that is what it takes, then yes, we may have to." This statement was found un-acceptable, both by the media, and the public. DR. Fauci found that he was in real trouble when the news media began questioing his training, and background. Add in the public reaction of "Tell Mr. Fauci where to take his virus, and antidote, and shove them, both!" This is when Dr. Fauci would make the statement, which would end his career. When he would issue the statement : "If we do not quarantine, until further notice, then this will be the end of the United States." This statement would be the end of his credentials, credibility, and lively hood. He would have turned to Donald Trump, for aid, except that Mr. Trump was in just as much trouble. Even his most-valued, Republican, friends had abandoned the Real Estate Developer. While rumor would have it that Dr. Fauci even changed his name, upon leaving Washington D.C., and returning to the private sector, there remained un-verified rumors that the man had to take a minimum wage job, in the service sector. His dream, of retiring, as a well-respected doctor, were just so much smoke. He would live out his days being known as the Doctor, who cried "WOLF!". After President Biden took office, he would start a "chat-room", among doctors, and researchers, world-wide, with the question being "What should the United States really be doing?" When the overwhelming majority stated that "Solitary Confinement" was NOT the answer, and that the best answer was that, used for cold and flu season. Confine the exposed, giving plenty of liquids, and medication, and return to former status. When the president would ask "Do we keep the general public in "Solitary", the doctors were unanimous in saying "Only if you want another civil war in your nation." Upon this acknowledgement, Mr. Biden would begin the orderly process of re-opening the nation, in a safe, and sane, order. The media had found it hilarious that, each time a Republican ran for office, they spoke of cutting social programs, and driving down the deficit, by forcing people into the marketplace. Mr. Reagan had promised to cut the deficit, by half, through eliminating social programs, including Social Security. During the shut-downs, which Mr. Reagan mandated, in order to FORCE Congress to pass his budgets, his promise, to cut the deficit, had, actually, added trillions to the deficit. Mr. Bush, Senior, might have accomplished the task, except that he demanded billions, in spending, to protect the Saudi oil fields. Mr. Bush, Jr. would add several trillion more to this, by invading the Middle East, and bringing Democracy, at GUN-point. Now, Mr. Trump had added about five trillion, with the first stimulis, then faked the public out with an offer, of addtional money (IF the public voted for him), for a second term. Between the stimulis, and the hardship, caused by two, national, shut-downs, Mr. Trump would be remembered as the most "free-spending" president, in recent history. Between the stimulis, and the shut-downs, Mr. Trump ended up ADDING another $10 trillion, to the national debt. Between this, and Dr. Fauci's crying "WOLF!", the Republicans wondered if they should even run another candidate, for 2024. While Dr. Fauci would spend his remaining days, as a service sector worker, Mr. Trump found out that, even with $40 million, of his own dollars, even the Republicans would NOT have him. Two men, very successful, in their own trades, yet total disasters, in the public sector, each bound to permanent isolation. Two lives destroyed, and a nation, which some were considering placing on the auction block. It would take Mr. Biden, Mrs. Harris, and 75%, of the American people, to make a "dent" in all which had been done, wrong. This is why the president said "Dont worry. We can start the work, and leave it in capable hands." The "dent" however, would be the only thing saving the nation from public auction. That, and a minimum price tag, of $25 trillion. Yes, the "debt reducers" had added trillions to the national debt. This left the question of: Would U.S. debt purchasers be allowed to make demands, upon the nation, in the coming years? The only answer that anyone could give was that life was returning to normal, in the United States. Yes, Dr. Fauci had done an excellent job of driving the nation further into debt, than ever. His "reward"? An efficiency apartment, in a low-rent neighborhood. That, and spending his remaining days denying his original identity.

Sunday, November 29, 2020


IT FINALLY HAPPENED After more than a YEAR, of the HOAx, and the demanded "solitary confinement", which turned holdiay gatherings into nightmares, as elected officials authorized the interrogation, of citizens, whom officials only "suspected" were in violation of the worst, concentration camp rules, since the Nazi Party, of World War Two It was while health care "experts" just kept saying "We MUST isolate, until further notice" that the public began to lose faith. A FULL YEAR, of officials telling the public NOT to gather with families, during one of the darkest times, in American history. This, while politicians FLAUNTED their own resrictions After a full year of being told "You must isolate, to "contain" the "virus", the American people no-longer believed. The final straw came when officials, and "experts", insisted upon invading peoples homes, for any sign of "contamination", that the revolt took on its final form. Friends, neighbors, and others, began abandoning the concentration camp orders, and openly meeting, to renew friendships. When police were ordered to "break up" the gatherings, only a few obeyed, and, of those officers, who did attempt to re-impose regulations, they would be FORCED to withdraw, from a hostile populace. A populace which no-longer cared about badges, or uniforms. When the police were forced to withdraw, and elected officials demanded that riot squads be sent in, to force complaince, no one considered the fact that riot gear does not protect from burning gasoline. This would be what the protestors would open third story windows, and pour on both riot police, and urban assault vehicles, notheir of which was fire-proofed. When the elected officials ordered the military to "restore order", only a limited number, of commanders would obey the order. Of those who did, elected officials would have to give orders that the media be HALTED from re-enforcing the citizens positions. The streets would run red, with blood, of both civilians, and military, as the opposing forces met, face-to-face. When soldiers withdrew, adn officials ordered tanks into city streets, to restore order, what the public saw, on television, was American armor ripping apart American neighborhoods. Fires began spreading, everywhere, as tanks just blasted everything in sight. While elected officials hoped that a few such scenes would force the public to restore law and order, the opposite was, in fact, true. The more that elected officials DEMANDED complete compliance, the more the public revolted. As even more, American, cities fell to rioting, with tanks turning neighborhoods into fiery death traps, the president ordered a special session, of Congress, stating "The people are speaking. WE MUST listen." This, even as health officials held to their position of "Isolation is the only means of conrtol." When the president would say "I dont agree. We have held this nation, under solitary confiement, for too long. The only thing we can do, for now, is let the rage burn itself out." The time, when the president had to give an executive order, was when two governors, who were demanding full compliance, began asking for nuclear attacks, to force submission. The president was very clear, in saying "We represent those people." The president would order the governors removed from office. While the M1-A1 battle tanks had reduced maybe thrity-six cities to flaming disasters, the president would order a cease-fire, ordering the tanks back to base. When health officials would continue to insist "We MUST continue iso..." and the president would say "Shut up. You have caused enough trouble, already." BY the time the president would order a return, to stage 4, and re-open the nation, hundreds of thousands of families would be left homeless, due to attacks, by American tanks. The president would charge the supplies, needed for people to have temporary needs met, to the major medical concerns. The big problem would be with restoring utilities. Some elected officials though that just taking out some power, and water, plants, would bring an immediate halt, to anti-government activity. While tank commanders would say "I doubt that", and tank crews made wagers, that destroying the plants, would only INCREASE violence, still, orders were orders. As a result, somewhere near $500 billion, in fully operational systems would be destroyed, under orders. By the time dictatorial elected officials were ordered removed from office, and the president would ask for a cease-fire, it would take maybe two hours for the orders to be received. After the military pulled out, the president would addresss the nation saying "I have shown good faith. Now, lets see if YOU will make a peace gesture." While rioters would sack oput anyplace that they could, the officials, who had begun this mess, were forced to pack up and, without any rest, ordered to vacate official property. Since the health officials were smarter than this, the health officials went into hiding. The message of "We MUST Isolate" would turn into "Time to begin re-building." While emergency workers would tend the injured, and adults began trying to dig out what was left, of their lives, I would have the president recommend that the cities have workers broken off, into two sections. When children had to be removed from dangerous positions, I recommended that workers be de-tached to do nothing more than make play area's safe, and accessable. When parks were ruled safe, again, children were transported to these areas, while adults continued the work at hand. It would take many months, and with a price tag of maybe $50 trillion, to make the cities whole, again, before the next holiday season. Even with cities still undergoing re-building, come the holidays, churches would become dining halls, as mass was held, among the remains, and families gathered in hope, and prayer, for the coming year. While churches, and hospitals, were placed on TOP PRIORITY, for power restoration, ministers felt it was more important to remember the basics. This is why activities were handled by candlelight. The Pentagon would supply military governors, to ensure supplies were received, and distributed, efficiently. It would take another, full, year, before life returned to "normal". This, even as "research", on the HOAX, proceeded, at a snails pace. Once the media was back on-line, reporters, and op-ed writers would make a starling comparson. While "work", on an antidote proceeded, at a snails pace, the nation had been brought to its knees, and re-built, to full functionality. The media would ask "How is this possible? How can a nation be destroyed, and re-built, in less time that it takes to creat an antidote?" The "experts" who SHOULD have answered this question, had gone into "hiding", among the very people they had sought to control. The "experts" were expert at one thing. That was of lying, and saying "That is another person. We only share the same name. (Thankfully, most of the experts pictures were never printed.) This is why the "experts" became advisors, for the re-construction. The people may have "spoken" but they also listened, when idea's were needed, for re-building. One, of the few good things, to come out of the battle, was the destruction of three coal-fired power-plants. Plants which, for over a decade, politicians had been arguing over whether to spend millions on demolition, or on retrofitting. Since both concepts would have costed millions of dollars, there had been strong opposition, from the Republicans, since either procedure would have meant TAXING the super-rich. Now that tanks had reduced the power plants to nothing more than debris, the "road" was clear. While there was talk of nuclear, the public voted to "Go Solar", instead. The plants, which were, normally in use, only during the day time, when energy consumption was at its highest, agreed to use solar energy. The nuclear community would be all-but shut out, of the re-building. When Nuclear energy would try to remind people of its usefulness, the public voiced its opinion, saying "Remember Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Three Mile Island, Chernobyl Russia, and the Japanese disaster" This is when nuclear left the table. People wanted SAFE power. The OPPOSITE of nuclear. As for food, this was not a problem, due to the enormous reserves, held by the government. What some people just did not understand was why their neighbors received MORE, to eat. Under re-construction policy, the more work that a person put in, the more they, and their family, we given to eat. This is why the low-income, and "working class" received more food than the "rich". It was because, just like in pioneer America, a persons value was based upon how much, or how HARD, they worked. The phrase "A man works from sun-to-sun" became the new mantra of the re-construction. Women were exempt, ONLY if they had pre-school age children. Even some of these women, though, were not about to be "upstaged" by men. Once a day care center was opened, near a re-modelled school, it was agreed that child care woerkers would be given rations, for keeping children safe. As far as motor vehicle fuel went, with no, real, economy, to speak of, the world wanted to offer the United States loans, of fuel. An offer to which the response was "Thanks but no thanks" Instead, the department of Alcohol, Tobacco, and fire-arms would first oversee a contest, for the finest moonshine makers, in any area. With the finest makers chosen, stills would be set up, in abandoned buildings, and trucks began bringing in supplies, while the ATF provided security. The only real problem, that the re-construction had, was the fact that no one, with the except of some very old senior citizens, knew how to operate the decades-old emergency generators. This is why many, of these men were called upon to direct the clean-up of the machines, as well as how to fill the tanks, prime the motors, and engage the circuits. (Things, which computer programmers had no knowledge of) By the time the United States was up, and fully functional, again, some of the same people tried to claim that the virus would be stronger than ever. Problem is that these people had cried "WOLF!" too many times, and insisted upon "endless" "solitary confinement", for an entire nation, for over a year. Now, they had lost all credibility, and no one listened anymore. This is why business got back to business, and the "experts" were left without employment, over their HOAX. This is why Corona was committed to the history books, as a HOAX, similar to the Trojan Horse. Sure, people, still got sick, and some died, but that was nothing new. People had done so since before time was even recorded.

Friday, November 20, 2020


ANOTHER HOAX What took even MYSELF a while, to understand was that neither the first, nor the alleged, second, stimulis checks, was aimed at aiding the economy. Mr. Trump had hoped that, giving the public some "free money" would ensure his chances of a second term, in office. While Mr. Trump had intended the public to go out, and PARTY, with the money, his staff had to report that the vast majority, of citizens, were using checks to bring overdue bills up to date. No elegant balls were being planned. Just people, paying off bills. This is why, with the election coming so close, his staff suggested that a story be "leaked", that Mr. and Mrs. Trump had contracted COVID. If the first stimulis check did not secure votes, then, maybe sympathy would. No change is what staff would have to report. This is why a second stimulis check was proposed. Maybe the promise of a second amount of money, would encourage voters to choose Mr. Trump, for a second term. Problem was that, by this time, Mr. Trumps numbers were well into the RED. The man was looking up, at politically broke. This is why, with Election Day looming, Mr. Trump had made it known that more checks would be going out (just as soon as he was re-elected). It would be Mr. Bidens decisive victiory, which would cause Congressional Republicans, to back away, from the deal. They were prepared to reward loyalty. NOT to reward the opposition. This is why Congressional Republicans would fight the stimulis, with all their might. They were not about to reward "treason". This is why the second stimulis checks never went out. The promise was "broken". To Mr. Trump, it had been voters, who broke the deal, by not re-electing him. To voters, it was Mr. Trump, who "broke the deal", by making the promise, then rescinding it. Another mention, that Mr. Trump DID take seriously, was that of using an island, he was developing, for his super-rich clients, and turning it into a private home, for his family. While he never kept his word, about renouncing his U.S. citizenship, his family would have peace, and privacy, on the island. This, even as enough of Trump International land-holdings, were sold, to ensure that Mr. Trump would live out his days, happily. It was no shock, when Melania would file for divorce, leaving Barron with his father, while she returned to her homeland. His older brothers and sisters, would end up raising the boy. It was a good thing he got out, when he did, since Mr. Trump's "board of directors" would report that land values, for Trump developments, were falling, like rocks. The only places, which retained any value, were those who had removed the name of Trump, before his downfall. These sales were the ones which left Donald Trump "Set For Life". He did not care about anything, except his life of luxury. If anything annoyed the man, it would be when his advisors would suggest that he go "easy" on spending money on women, to share his bed. This because Mr. Trump had suggested "I can have any woman that I want. No price too high." Now, he was being told "Be careful of the budget". The time, when Mr. Trump wanted to HOWL was when neither A-list stars, nor B-list stars would visit him. Not after the Stormy Daniels fiasco. If only he had not spent so much time tweeting insults, about people. What I was able to verify, by various means, was that the second round, of money, HAD been for "buying votes". If Mr. Trump had WON a second term, the checks would have gone out, first, to his supporters, then to the rest of America. Sadly, with his loss, the payments were moot. This is why people, like myself, had to put away our "to do" lists, and just keep living as we had been living. Amerticans would breath easier, KNOWING that no stimulis was coming, to cover bills. Just as Americans had been doing, since the nations founding.

Sunday, November 8, 2020


DESTINY'S CHALLENGE Destiny issued her challenge since her nearly four year old marriage, was going nowhere. She had married Larry, out of high school, since Larry had big DREAMS, of going all-pro, in sports. Larry had even taken his high school to three, national titles. Destiny was sure that, with this as his launching pad, and Destiny, as his support, Larry could have become the next "Refrigerator" Perry. This is why Destiny had married him. She just HOPED that, once the two were married, he would stop rushing through sex, like it was an item, on a "to do" list. She could not understand why he had to "shove it in, get off, as FAST as possible, then whip it out. For two years, she had tried to be a good wife, yet she found that all Larry wanted was a cook, and housekeeper. That, and the fact that, when it was announced, just before graduation, that, for seniors, who wanted to graduate, a drug test would be required. Larry, and other, team, members would tell administrators "We just celebrated graduation. You cant test us, right now." The administrators had said "No test, no graduation." To make matters worse, the very recruiters, for whom the players had wanted to try out, were informed, by administrators, of the young mens condition. The state-wide all-stars would watch as the recruiters would walk away. Still, when Larry stated "I WILL make the nationals", a few team members had agreed. Now, while the men did continue to work-out, what Destiny, and other, women noticed, was that, once married, the men began to slacken off, on work-outs, saying "I need a job." Hoping to use high school status, the men applied for jobs, only to be told "Since you did not graduate, the best I can offer you is entry-level." For wives, like Destiny, this meant that a single time, every other night, turned into weekly. The men, in smaller groups, began considering other ways to break into sports. This while drinking more beer, and eating more snacks. Destiny just wondered how a work-out, where the liquid refreshment was beer, could help a man stay toned. By year number three, Destiny had seen, for herself, that Larry was picking up high school girls. It was no wonder that he did not "need" Destiny. It was during year number three, when Destiny began hearing about a man. A man who was working on his dreams, and working towards goals. While Destiny spotted me, her friend reminded her "Be careful. You are married, and he is not." Still, Destiny did not get the vibe of "I just want a night, with an ebony woman." Now, while I was not, in fact, muscular, Destiny noticed an "inner strength", which made her aroused, about what I had. Destiny might not have gone "All the way", except that some ivory women, in the group, of friends, began telling Destiny "Dont waste you time on that one. He is a homo." When Destiny asked "How do you know? Bad date?" The ivory women would say "NO way. I would never let that homo touch me. No way is he as man. Just look at those pants." Destiny did look at my pants, and she heard "potential" whispered, insided her mind. When an ivory woman would grab Destiny, saying "Dont you understand! He is NOT a man! He does NOT deserve a woman!" When Destiny said "Mind if I find out, for myself?" When the ivory women would say "You are wasting your time. He has NOTHING to give." This lead to the beginning of a wager. A wager in which the ebony women would ask the ivories "How much are you willing to wager that Destiny cannot get him UP?" Destiny listened as the wagers started at $100.00, then moved up, by two, or three, hundred, at a time. A woman took out a notebook, and began listing the womens names, and wager amounts. It was when the wagers reached $10,000, that Destiny would ask "Just to be clear, does the idea of "getting him UP" mean just getting him erect, or does it mean that I let him into my bed." While the ivories would say "Either one. He is NOT a man." It was the ebonies who stated "Lets make it more of a challenge. Destiny, our wagers say that you cannot get him in bed, and have sex with him, inside 24 hours." For Destiny, the question was "How do I get him into bed, without either seeming like a whore, or desperate?" This is when she had an idea. Since her husband would, never, say more about her mail, than that some was junk, and some was important, she had moved into seperate accomodations, when she could not take his daily use of profanity. This, much more than race, would be her "measuring rod", for deciding who her next man would be. Now, while I was just on my way home, from an appointment, Destiny asked me "Would you tell me what is important, in this mail." She even handed me a letter which APPEARRED to have a federal stamp on it. I locked up my bicycle, agreeing to review the mail. When we entered Destiny's place, I did not take much look at the decor. Her smile had my complete attention. When she removed her top, and bra, saying "I feel more comfortable, in this way." I removed my own top. When she saw my bulge, she smiled as she said "Better take those off, as well. Dont want an accident." It was when she saw mine that she removed her own bottoms. This is when I took a chance, drew her into my arms, and gave her a deep kiss, some attention to her beautiful breasts, and a deep kiss, to her womanhood. This is when Destiny recalled the scenes, of passion, from her novels. How long and deep the men kissed, how they carressed, etc. This is when Destiny would whisper "Easiest $10 grand I will ever make." What she liked, just as much, was how I read each piece of mail to her. Even the offers. When she offered me a deep kiss, for doing so much, I made a point of carressing her, as I deepened the kiss. When we made our way to the bedroom, Destiny continued to smile at mine. She even whispered "Welcome home", when I slipped it into her. She had enjoyed everything from the kiss, right through my necking, nursing her breats, and so on. While Destiny won the wager, in less than two hours, she was in no hurry to see me go. This is why we shared food, and relaxation, and I did not depart, until twenty hours after arriving. When Destiny reported in, to her friends, no one had to ask. It was written all over Destiny's face. When the ivories sarcastically said "It took you 20 hours to get him UP." The ebonies would ask, politely "How many times did you get him up?" Destiny would smile as she told how many times we had sex. "It was pure Heaven. This is why I have agreed to more dates." When the ivories got in Destiny's face, saying "You MUST be LYING. He is NOT a man." Destiny got right back in the womans face, saying "Unless you can prove this, to me, I stand by my decision." When the ivory would say "I would wager $50,000 that I cannot get him up, myself, within five minutes." This is when the ebonies would ask "How do you expect to get a man UP, in less than five minutes?" The ivory would say "A REAL man can." The ebonies just smiled. NO one took the wager. Later, Destiny almost KO'd the ivory, after Destiny found out that, once the ivory found me, she grabbed at mine, with such force that any man would jump back. The woman had told me "A REAL man would not have jumped back." When Destiny learned of the act, she told the ivory "You go near him, again, and promise you, you will regret it." Destiny and I became weekly lovers, than twice-weekly, for the next five weeks. Destiny realized that she had found her perfect man. Then came Larry. Him and his "You are MY wife." To which Destiny would laugh, saying "Funny you should mention that, since you have not shown it in years." When Larry tried to grab for Destiny, he was surprised when I stood in his way. That and the fact that, despite his body building, he was growing weaker. When Larry told me "I WILL get you, AND I am taking my wife back." This is when Destiny made us both an offer. "How about this. A contest. Once each month we get together, you each step on a scale, then I measure your solidity. The man, making the most progress, towards a healthy body, wins the month, with me." While I said "Fine by me." Larry offered a profane version of this. While Larry walked away, from this, Destiny would smile as she snuggled up to me. This while saying "I know your condition". True enough, Destiny had been watching my condition for five weeks. She watched as I exercised, daily, ate salads, and joined her in consuming steamed foods. She also knew that I had to be more cautious, in loving her, as my increasing strength made passion even more powerful. She did laugh, as I stated that I should increase my exercising. Destiny told me "Dont bother. You are in better shape than he will, ever, be." I am thinking that this was the truth since I noticed that his sagging belly, was even larger than my solid one was. I did have to ask Destiny if I were seeing things. This when, each month, he climbed on the scale, and it looked to me like his belly was sagging, more. Destiny promised that I was NOT seeing things. Especially when, starting the next month, Larry had to stand with his back, to the scale. His middle had grown enough that he could wrap it around the meter. Now, sure, even Destiny's friends admitted that Larry was doing more exercise. The difference was in our diets. While Larry was known to keep a six pack, beside him, while exercising, as well as eating triple cheese burgers, and super-size fries. Destiny watched as I kept ice water by my side, and ate, primarily, steamed burgers, and HUGE salads. I know it will sound ridiculous, but when I attended an auction, Destiny was concerned about my wagering on a beer cooler. The type which was plug-in. What Destiny did not believe, until she watched, as the fact that I had told her "Just because it is called a beer cooler, does not mean anything." Destiny watched as we filled the cooler with vegetables, making more room, in her "frig" for her stuff. Destiny laughed as she said "If my friends could see this." Her friends, however, were starting a new tradition. While ladies stayed more-or-less fit, it was the men who, like Larry, had increasing problems with standing. Larry might sweat, like a pig, during exercise, but his beer did nothing to help his muscle tone. When Larry complained that I was gaining weight, as well, Destiny stood before him, and with me watching, she poked her finger deep into his growing flab. When Larry would sy "Big deal. All men, my age, have this." Destiny would turn to me, telling Larry "Watch this". She could only push her finger about one eight of an inch, into my middle. For the next eight months, Larry got on the scale, and it reported his "progress". This while, as extra proof, of who was fittest, Destiny would place dumbells before us, and let us set the weight. While Destiny KNEW, from watching me, hopw much I could lift, she had to conceal her laughter when Larry tried to lift. When his case-worker had Larry sign up for a fitness test, Destiny agreed to go along. Larry promised "This way, you can see how good of shape I am in." While Larry huffed, and puffed, his way through the tests, Destiny, and the case-worker had a good idea of the diagnosis. When Larry asked the doctor "Fit as a fiddle, aint I." The doctor would say "Maybe if you were ninety-five. Sir, I would suggest that you lose about 150 pounds, cut down on fried foods, and try water, with your exercise." When Larry would walk out, on the exam, saying "I am going for something to eat." Destiny knew where he was going. Larry did laugh when my own worker would suggest a fitness test, for me. When I agreed, he was shocked, while Destiny smiled. For me, the fitness test was a breeze. I had no problem with any part of it. Destiny enjoyed hearing my fitness report, just as much as my case-worker did. The doctor would only remind the women "Remember, he is NOT twenty anymore. No matter how fit he is." Destiny also found it easy to get used to having me around. This since I only used profanity, when injured. That, and I took the time to seduce her, prior to sex. If Destiny was "annoyed" at anything, it was the times when I was called away, for meetings. While Larry had said "Stick with me (woman) and, when I make it big..." I was the opposite. I discussed plans, with Destiny, to find out how the public might react, but my plans were current. When I was called away, she KNEW it would be important. For Destiny, however, an un-expectedly difficult part would be in regards to her friends. The women who wanted more benefits, more job placement, more child care. More of everything. Once my name, and photo, became known, to the media, the women began asking Destiny to mention things to me. This is why Destiny bailed on the group. The time, when Destiny became politically active was the time when rumor held that grants, for repairs, were being held back, until President Biden signed off on drastic cuts, to public services. While Destiny knew that her mom could spread the news, Destiny had the idea of using the local church. As she promised the minister "No politics. I just want people to know what is rumor, and what is fact." Destiny thought "What harm can a single speaking engagement, at one church, do? After all, she was not campaigning." One speaking engagement lead to another, and soon, Destiny became my local voice. I made sure she knew that I appreciated her, especially in bed. Yes, Destiny did go through more than a few mattresses, and sheet sets, during our time, together. Still, I made her proud of having breasts, and of being a woman. For us, race did not matter. If it mattered to anyone, it was to Larry. The man was on an endless hunt for the perfect (woman). This is why no one said anything to Destiny, or I. Our love was a committed love. Shared by only two people. Lary had so many that no one could keep track. In a way-out attempt, to show Destiny that he was willing to take chances, Larry invited her over, to his place, to see his trophies. Plastic cups, and statues, made of auto parts. Stories, cut from local news. Destiny smiled, knowing how much this meant to him. This is why she did not have the heart to tell him "My man is helping the president, with national policy." Destiny had to laugh, though, when some one spread the rumor that the Democrats were eating caviar, and truffles, etc, while drinking imported wine, and champaign, during strategy sessions. This when she KNEW, from attending some meetings, that the main dishes were either donated, by shops, such as sub shops, or that we ordered in pizza, spaghetti, Garlic Bread, and soda. As for the rumor, of topless dancers, this gave Destiny a wild laugh, since she knew that, during our strategy sessions, the topic was "How to handle (this), or (that)." It ws during Mr. Bidens second year, in office, that Destiny's criminal record came to light. Yes, Destiny had a criminal record, for taking part in a convenience store robbery. Even she admitted it had been a dumb move, as her fellow theives had "cracked" the cash register, all for a lousy $100.00 in small bills. Destiny thought that she would be smarter, taking FOOD, instead of the cash. What she had thought was just a HOAX, was the fact that each item, in the store, had a red stripe. A stripe, which was deactivated, upon purchase. While the other criminals escaped, with their cash, Destiny found that, as she prepared to exit, the door locked, while a voice said "We are sorry. It appears that we forget to release the alarm system." Since Destiny had been an embarrasment, to policy makers, who INSISTED that food stamps were, already, over-budget, she was sentenced to five years, for "Attempted Theft". Since Destiny agreed to work in the prison office, yet never tried to escape, the warden petitioned the parole board, for early release, saying "I need beds, for real criminals." Destiny had served her parole, without incident. Despite this, many employers, and some lovers, would not touch her. It was on the same date that she activated her breasts for me, that she asked "What do you think?" I told her "I did not know you, then. I only know the beauty, who lies beside me, in this bed." Now, while I had been in the habit of checking my wallet, at regular intervals, I had told Destiny about how I LOST a card. This is why I was, always checking. The few times when I did not find my card, in my wallet, and said Dunkoph!", Destiny had reminded me "Check your pocket. Remember at that last store. The rush." I kissed her, and whispered "I love you". Now, while there had been rumor that Destiny's "mother" was part of a coffee clatch, Destiny learned the truth, when invited to join. Coffee may have been on the menu but it was not all there was. While the women did discuss home, and family, they also discussed national issues, as well. Destiny was just happy not to be around so many boozers. Destiny just watched, from a distance, as men, from her own, high school class, went from leveraging themselves out of chairs, to having women assist them. This, as mens bellies got just as big, then bigger, than her own fathers was. Destiny laughed, quietly, as she watched as two men, who had been all-pro, in high school, were being fit for wheelchairs. Destiny's mistake had been agreeing to her parents request, to meet me. Destiny had told them "He's just a friend. Not the man I will marry." Still, when her father saw me, and asked I told him what his doctor did. "A person is never too old to loose weight." While the man lost 150 pounds, what annoyed Destiny was his asking "Why dont you marry this guy?" Destiny knew what she wanted, and I was just between then, and now. When Larry gained enough weight, his legs gave out, just as his doctor predicted. The doctor had warned "Either take off the weight, or get measured for a coffin. Heart Failure is the next step." Now, as his case-worker would say "I can place you on a forced diet, but what good would that do? Once finished, you will just gain the weight back." Larry would say "I will diet when I am ready". As for myself, I got switched, three times, to new doctors. This since my previous doctors kept shoving more pills at me. They kept saying "This is to ensure your safety." I kept myself at 12 meds. Even I know that no one lives forever. I must admit that the more of the delivery food, that I ate, the more I appreciate Destiny. Her cooking just kept improving. As for her bedroom "performance", I could not ask for better. I, still, remember the last time that Larry said "I will start dieting, when I am ready." This came two weeks before his heart gave out. The reason why Destiny was notified was because Larry had not yet removed her from Emergency Contact. This is why, in the middle of the night, Destiny received the call. I had placed Destiny as my contact as well. This is why we would be told "He passed, in his sleep. His heart just gave out." When we left the morgue, Destiny told me "Dont you DARE even consider doing that to me." Since Larry had no one, not even family, he would go into a paupers grave. Only Destiny, myself, and the minister, would be present. I cannot help but find it hilarious that Larry, at half my age, had gone to the grave, before me. Of course, with my family's medical history, doctors could not understand why I had not had a heart attack, years ago. I was told that, like the San Andreas Fault, it was just a matter of time, before I had one. My thought was "Who cares?" I will live as long as I live. Besides, I was serving my country. Destiny just go used to be priviledges, of being the "woman, behind the man". She kept me healthy, and I kept her in the "right circles". Where it would, eventually, lead is anyones guess.