Friday, November 20, 2020


ANOTHER HOAX What took even MYSELF a while, to understand was that neither the first, nor the alleged, second, stimulis checks, was aimed at aiding the economy. Mr. Trump had hoped that, giving the public some "free money" would ensure his chances of a second term, in office. While Mr. Trump had intended the public to go out, and PARTY, with the money, his staff had to report that the vast majority, of citizens, were using checks to bring overdue bills up to date. No elegant balls were being planned. Just people, paying off bills. This is why, with the election coming so close, his staff suggested that a story be "leaked", that Mr. and Mrs. Trump had contracted COVID. If the first stimulis check did not secure votes, then, maybe sympathy would. No change is what staff would have to report. This is why a second stimulis check was proposed. Maybe the promise of a second amount of money, would encourage voters to choose Mr. Trump, for a second term. Problem was that, by this time, Mr. Trumps numbers were well into the RED. The man was looking up, at politically broke. This is why, with Election Day looming, Mr. Trump had made it known that more checks would be going out (just as soon as he was re-elected). It would be Mr. Bidens decisive victiory, which would cause Congressional Republicans, to back away, from the deal. They were prepared to reward loyalty. NOT to reward the opposition. This is why Congressional Republicans would fight the stimulis, with all their might. They were not about to reward "treason". This is why the second stimulis checks never went out. The promise was "broken". To Mr. Trump, it had been voters, who broke the deal, by not re-electing him. To voters, it was Mr. Trump, who "broke the deal", by making the promise, then rescinding it. Another mention, that Mr. Trump DID take seriously, was that of using an island, he was developing, for his super-rich clients, and turning it into a private home, for his family. While he never kept his word, about renouncing his U.S. citizenship, his family would have peace, and privacy, on the island. This, even as enough of Trump International land-holdings, were sold, to ensure that Mr. Trump would live out his days, happily. It was no shock, when Melania would file for divorce, leaving Barron with his father, while she returned to her homeland. His older brothers and sisters, would end up raising the boy. It was a good thing he got out, when he did, since Mr. Trump's "board of directors" would report that land values, for Trump developments, were falling, like rocks. The only places, which retained any value, were those who had removed the name of Trump, before his downfall. These sales were the ones which left Donald Trump "Set For Life". He did not care about anything, except his life of luxury. If anything annoyed the man, it would be when his advisors would suggest that he go "easy" on spending money on women, to share his bed. This because Mr. Trump had suggested "I can have any woman that I want. No price too high." Now, he was being told "Be careful of the budget". The time, when Mr. Trump wanted to HOWL was when neither A-list stars, nor B-list stars would visit him. Not after the Stormy Daniels fiasco. If only he had not spent so much time tweeting insults, about people. What I was able to verify, by various means, was that the second round, of money, HAD been for "buying votes". If Mr. Trump had WON a second term, the checks would have gone out, first, to his supporters, then to the rest of America. Sadly, with his loss, the payments were moot. This is why people, like myself, had to put away our "to do" lists, and just keep living as we had been living. Amerticans would breath easier, KNOWING that no stimulis was coming, to cover bills. Just as Americans had been doing, since the nations founding.

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