Sunday, November 29, 2020


IT FINALLY HAPPENED After more than a YEAR, of the HOAx, and the demanded "solitary confinement", which turned holdiay gatherings into nightmares, as elected officials authorized the interrogation, of citizens, whom officials only "suspected" were in violation of the worst, concentration camp rules, since the Nazi Party, of World War Two It was while health care "experts" just kept saying "We MUST isolate, until further notice" that the public began to lose faith. A FULL YEAR, of officials telling the public NOT to gather with families, during one of the darkest times, in American history. This, while politicians FLAUNTED their own resrictions After a full year of being told "You must isolate, to "contain" the "virus", the American people no-longer believed. The final straw came when officials, and "experts", insisted upon invading peoples homes, for any sign of "contamination", that the revolt took on its final form. Friends, neighbors, and others, began abandoning the concentration camp orders, and openly meeting, to renew friendships. When police were ordered to "break up" the gatherings, only a few obeyed, and, of those officers, who did attempt to re-impose regulations, they would be FORCED to withdraw, from a hostile populace. A populace which no-longer cared about badges, or uniforms. When the police were forced to withdraw, and elected officials demanded that riot squads be sent in, to force complaince, no one considered the fact that riot gear does not protect from burning gasoline. This would be what the protestors would open third story windows, and pour on both riot police, and urban assault vehicles, notheir of which was fire-proofed. When the elected officials ordered the military to "restore order", only a limited number, of commanders would obey the order. Of those who did, elected officials would have to give orders that the media be HALTED from re-enforcing the citizens positions. The streets would run red, with blood, of both civilians, and military, as the opposing forces met, face-to-face. When soldiers withdrew, adn officials ordered tanks into city streets, to restore order, what the public saw, on television, was American armor ripping apart American neighborhoods. Fires began spreading, everywhere, as tanks just blasted everything in sight. While elected officials hoped that a few such scenes would force the public to restore law and order, the opposite was, in fact, true. The more that elected officials DEMANDED complete compliance, the more the public revolted. As even more, American, cities fell to rioting, with tanks turning neighborhoods into fiery death traps, the president ordered a special session, of Congress, stating "The people are speaking. WE MUST listen." This, even as health officials held to their position of "Isolation is the only means of conrtol." When the president would say "I dont agree. We have held this nation, under solitary confiement, for too long. The only thing we can do, for now, is let the rage burn itself out." The time, when the president had to give an executive order, was when two governors, who were demanding full compliance, began asking for nuclear attacks, to force submission. The president was very clear, in saying "We represent those people." The president would order the governors removed from office. While the M1-A1 battle tanks had reduced maybe thrity-six cities to flaming disasters, the president would order a cease-fire, ordering the tanks back to base. When health officials would continue to insist "We MUST continue iso..." and the president would say "Shut up. You have caused enough trouble, already." BY the time the president would order a return, to stage 4, and re-open the nation, hundreds of thousands of families would be left homeless, due to attacks, by American tanks. The president would charge the supplies, needed for people to have temporary needs met, to the major medical concerns. The big problem would be with restoring utilities. Some elected officials though that just taking out some power, and water, plants, would bring an immediate halt, to anti-government activity. While tank commanders would say "I doubt that", and tank crews made wagers, that destroying the plants, would only INCREASE violence, still, orders were orders. As a result, somewhere near $500 billion, in fully operational systems would be destroyed, under orders. By the time dictatorial elected officials were ordered removed from office, and the president would ask for a cease-fire, it would take maybe two hours for the orders to be received. After the military pulled out, the president would addresss the nation saying "I have shown good faith. Now, lets see if YOU will make a peace gesture." While rioters would sack oput anyplace that they could, the officials, who had begun this mess, were forced to pack up and, without any rest, ordered to vacate official property. Since the health officials were smarter than this, the health officials went into hiding. The message of "We MUST Isolate" would turn into "Time to begin re-building." While emergency workers would tend the injured, and adults began trying to dig out what was left, of their lives, I would have the president recommend that the cities have workers broken off, into two sections. When children had to be removed from dangerous positions, I recommended that workers be de-tached to do nothing more than make play area's safe, and accessable. When parks were ruled safe, again, children were transported to these areas, while adults continued the work at hand. It would take many months, and with a price tag of maybe $50 trillion, to make the cities whole, again, before the next holiday season. Even with cities still undergoing re-building, come the holidays, churches would become dining halls, as mass was held, among the remains, and families gathered in hope, and prayer, for the coming year. While churches, and hospitals, were placed on TOP PRIORITY, for power restoration, ministers felt it was more important to remember the basics. This is why activities were handled by candlelight. The Pentagon would supply military governors, to ensure supplies were received, and distributed, efficiently. It would take another, full, year, before life returned to "normal". This, even as "research", on the HOAX, proceeded, at a snails pace. Once the media was back on-line, reporters, and op-ed writers would make a starling comparson. While "work", on an antidote proceeded, at a snails pace, the nation had been brought to its knees, and re-built, to full functionality. The media would ask "How is this possible? How can a nation be destroyed, and re-built, in less time that it takes to creat an antidote?" The "experts" who SHOULD have answered this question, had gone into "hiding", among the very people they had sought to control. The "experts" were expert at one thing. That was of lying, and saying "That is another person. We only share the same name. (Thankfully, most of the experts pictures were never printed.) This is why the "experts" became advisors, for the re-construction. The people may have "spoken" but they also listened, when idea's were needed, for re-building. One, of the few good things, to come out of the battle, was the destruction of three coal-fired power-plants. Plants which, for over a decade, politicians had been arguing over whether to spend millions on demolition, or on retrofitting. Since both concepts would have costed millions of dollars, there had been strong opposition, from the Republicans, since either procedure would have meant TAXING the super-rich. Now that tanks had reduced the power plants to nothing more than debris, the "road" was clear. While there was talk of nuclear, the public voted to "Go Solar", instead. The plants, which were, normally in use, only during the day time, when energy consumption was at its highest, agreed to use solar energy. The nuclear community would be all-but shut out, of the re-building. When Nuclear energy would try to remind people of its usefulness, the public voiced its opinion, saying "Remember Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Three Mile Island, Chernobyl Russia, and the Japanese disaster" This is when nuclear left the table. People wanted SAFE power. The OPPOSITE of nuclear. As for food, this was not a problem, due to the enormous reserves, held by the government. What some people just did not understand was why their neighbors received MORE, to eat. Under re-construction policy, the more work that a person put in, the more they, and their family, we given to eat. This is why the low-income, and "working class" received more food than the "rich". It was because, just like in pioneer America, a persons value was based upon how much, or how HARD, they worked. The phrase "A man works from sun-to-sun" became the new mantra of the re-construction. Women were exempt, ONLY if they had pre-school age children. Even some of these women, though, were not about to be "upstaged" by men. Once a day care center was opened, near a re-modelled school, it was agreed that child care woerkers would be given rations, for keeping children safe. As far as motor vehicle fuel went, with no, real, economy, to speak of, the world wanted to offer the United States loans, of fuel. An offer to which the response was "Thanks but no thanks" Instead, the department of Alcohol, Tobacco, and fire-arms would first oversee a contest, for the finest moonshine makers, in any area. With the finest makers chosen, stills would be set up, in abandoned buildings, and trucks began bringing in supplies, while the ATF provided security. The only real problem, that the re-construction had, was the fact that no one, with the except of some very old senior citizens, knew how to operate the decades-old emergency generators. This is why many, of these men were called upon to direct the clean-up of the machines, as well as how to fill the tanks, prime the motors, and engage the circuits. (Things, which computer programmers had no knowledge of) By the time the United States was up, and fully functional, again, some of the same people tried to claim that the virus would be stronger than ever. Problem is that these people had cried "WOLF!" too many times, and insisted upon "endless" "solitary confinement", for an entire nation, for over a year. Now, they had lost all credibility, and no one listened anymore. This is why business got back to business, and the "experts" were left without employment, over their HOAX. This is why Corona was committed to the history books, as a HOAX, similar to the Trojan Horse. Sure, people, still got sick, and some died, but that was nothing new. People had done so since before time was even recorded.

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