Monday, November 30, 2020


THE LEGACY OF DR. FAUCI While this man had been chosen as an advisor, to the White House, after establishing a sound career, and reputation, for himself, he would suffer the fate of Benedict Arnold. What most American history present, about General Benedict Arnold, was how he, supposedly, surrendered his troops, to the British, to save his own skin. What most histories do NOT include is the fact that, prior to his surrender, General Arnold was well-known, for LEADING his troops into battle, and for actually Horse-Whipping any officer who showed signs of cowardice, in the face of their enemy. While the truth is that General Arnold had only surrendered his troops when it proved that colonial "intelligence" was as "reliable" as todays, that the general would learn that his soldiers would face off against not twice, or three times, their number, but as many as twenty-five to one odds, that the general would surrender his troops. From that time, to the present, all that anyone wants to remember the general for is this one act. The same would hold for Dr, Fauci. A man, whose judgement, the public had come to trust. The man, who sounded the original alarm, shutting down the United States, as Corona came upon the nation. Had he have held to the original time-table, he would have retired a highly respected physician. His first mistake was that, as COVID tests began to see less and less, of outbreaks, Dr. Fauci would ruin the 2020 holiday season, by insisting that people return to level 1 Solitary Confinement. The doctor insisted that, having families gather, to celebrate the holidays, would be the same thing as allowing COVID a "free pass", in the United States. While law enforcement REFUSED to uphold various governors orders, of going house-to-house, breaking up gatherings, Dr. Fauci would insist that this was no different than watching a thief exit a victims house, yet allowing the thief to walk away with their haul. His worst mistake was in issuing orderrs that Christmas, 2020 be cancelled. He made the mistake of crying "WOLF!", and would, soon, pay. When Americans openly defied the order, to cancel Christmas, Dr. Fauci found himself in a terrible position. A position, which he, himself, had created, with his announcement that America would see "wave-after-wave", of COVID. While outgoing "leader", Donald Trump had given orders that, if the police would not enforce Dr. Fauci's demands, that the White House would back up the demands, if necessary, with lethal fire-power. When President-elect Joseph Biden had been asked his thoghts, on the use of military force, Mr. Biden had smiled, brightly, as he asked "Where is the enemy?" Dr. Fauci would, soon, notice that the numbers, of reporters, covering him, was dissolving, even as he kept saying "I cannot forsee an end to this problem." When asked "When do you forsee allowing people to return to their normal lives?", all the Doctor would say was "I just dont see it happening, any time soon." When the media would ask "You mean, you want to keep the public locked away, for who knows how many YEARS?" When Dr. Fauci would say "IF that is what it takes, then yes, we may have to." This statement was found un-acceptable, both by the media, and the public. DR. Fauci found that he was in real trouble when the news media began questioing his training, and background. Add in the public reaction of "Tell Mr. Fauci where to take his virus, and antidote, and shove them, both!" This is when Dr. Fauci would make the statement, which would end his career. When he would issue the statement : "If we do not quarantine, until further notice, then this will be the end of the United States." This statement would be the end of his credentials, credibility, and lively hood. He would have turned to Donald Trump, for aid, except that Mr. Trump was in just as much trouble. Even his most-valued, Republican, friends had abandoned the Real Estate Developer. While rumor would have it that Dr. Fauci even changed his name, upon leaving Washington D.C., and returning to the private sector, there remained un-verified rumors that the man had to take a minimum wage job, in the service sector. His dream, of retiring, as a well-respected doctor, were just so much smoke. He would live out his days being known as the Doctor, who cried "WOLF!". After President Biden took office, he would start a "chat-room", among doctors, and researchers, world-wide, with the question being "What should the United States really be doing?" When the overwhelming majority stated that "Solitary Confinement" was NOT the answer, and that the best answer was that, used for cold and flu season. Confine the exposed, giving plenty of liquids, and medication, and return to former status. When the president would ask "Do we keep the general public in "Solitary", the doctors were unanimous in saying "Only if you want another civil war in your nation." Upon this acknowledgement, Mr. Biden would begin the orderly process of re-opening the nation, in a safe, and sane, order. The media had found it hilarious that, each time a Republican ran for office, they spoke of cutting social programs, and driving down the deficit, by forcing people into the marketplace. Mr. Reagan had promised to cut the deficit, by half, through eliminating social programs, including Social Security. During the shut-downs, which Mr. Reagan mandated, in order to FORCE Congress to pass his budgets, his promise, to cut the deficit, had, actually, added trillions to the deficit. Mr. Bush, Senior, might have accomplished the task, except that he demanded billions, in spending, to protect the Saudi oil fields. Mr. Bush, Jr. would add several trillion more to this, by invading the Middle East, and bringing Democracy, at GUN-point. Now, Mr. Trump had added about five trillion, with the first stimulis, then faked the public out with an offer, of addtional money (IF the public voted for him), for a second term. Between the stimulis, and the hardship, caused by two, national, shut-downs, Mr. Trump would be remembered as the most "free-spending" president, in recent history. Between the stimulis, and the shut-downs, Mr. Trump ended up ADDING another $10 trillion, to the national debt. Between this, and Dr. Fauci's crying "WOLF!", the Republicans wondered if they should even run another candidate, for 2024. While Dr. Fauci would spend his remaining days, as a service sector worker, Mr. Trump found out that, even with $40 million, of his own dollars, even the Republicans would NOT have him. Two men, very successful, in their own trades, yet total disasters, in the public sector, each bound to permanent isolation. Two lives destroyed, and a nation, which some were considering placing on the auction block. It would take Mr. Biden, Mrs. Harris, and 75%, of the American people, to make a "dent" in all which had been done, wrong. This is why the president said "Dont worry. We can start the work, and leave it in capable hands." The "dent" however, would be the only thing saving the nation from public auction. That, and a minimum price tag, of $25 trillion. Yes, the "debt reducers" had added trillions to the national debt. This left the question of: Would U.S. debt purchasers be allowed to make demands, upon the nation, in the coming years? The only answer that anyone could give was that life was returning to normal, in the United States. Yes, Dr. Fauci had done an excellent job of driving the nation further into debt, than ever. His "reward"? An efficiency apartment, in a low-rent neighborhood. That, and spending his remaining days denying his original identity.

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