Monday, December 14, 2020


THE COST OF THE PANDEMIC While the most obvious cost, of the HOAX, was financial, what no one had planned for was not even the EMOTIONAL cost, but the physical cost. No, not the overwhelming cost of loss of employment, and housing, but the cost of well-being. A cost which I would bear, just as millions of other Americans bore this cost. People, for exercise was a walk, in the park, or even exercising, on the playgrounds, the lock down had disasterous effects on personal health. While MR. Fauci continued to insist "We must ISOLATE, to prevent the spread, of COVID", what the man was not competent enough to undedrstand is the long term ill-effects, of what was nothing more than "Solitary Confinement". Result, as a DIRECT effect, of forcing people to stay indoors "for the duration", so many people, including myself, would suffer from weight gain, and many, from boredom-based eating patterns. In fact, by the time Mr. Biden took the Oath of Office, in January, of 2021, health care providers were reporting dangerous weight gains, even in NON-infected patients. This is why, when Mr. Bidens own health advisor had stated that "America has gained about five TONS of weight, because of Mr. Fauci's recommendations." When Fauci tried to save himself, by offering to resign, I am happy to say that Mr. Biden tore up the form. This is when Mr. Fauci realized that his career, as a medical practicianer, was over. Problem was, this only dealth with one part of the problem. The real CORE, of the problem, would be getting Americans back outdoors, and back into shape. With the use of masks no-longer an issue, Team: Biden would recruit some of the best trainers, to make video's, reminding the public about weight loss, and health. Not that I needed such motivation. While I KNEW my weight was up, far over 200 pounds, as soon as permitted, I went back on my salad a day diet, and began peddling, just to peddle. Water, and juice, would be my hydration. I set my own goal, of 190 pounds, and vowed to "stick with it." I was not about to become, or remain, one of those over-weight men. The kind who must sit, and lean, all the time. MY sag was placed on notice. With the "danger" of "covid" neutralized, I would be among the first to start hitting the exercise, at full power. Any sag, my belly might have had, would firm up, as I bicycled, and exercised, even more than ever. I KNEW it would be a long way back, to 190, but I was aiming for the "Gold Ring" of good health. I even accepted a free, 90-day membership, at the new YMCA. Like I told staff "The ONLY reason why I have not been doing much, of my regular exercises, was due to the lock down. Now, it is time to get back in shape." While other men came, and went, I remained committed to my goal. It would take nearly four months, but with committment, I would see results. I also found Diane. A woman who, even slightly over-weight, could join me at a salad bar, any time. When Diane would mention "I wish I could get my husband as interested as you are." I told her "IT has to be his choice. You cannot force him. From what I see, though, you have plenty of reason to be desirable, for other men." I think it was two work-outs later, that Diane told me, secretively, "What I really need is a good screwing." When she saw my eyes light up, she whispered "Only if you are serious." She found out how serious I was, when she removed her wedding ring, and smiled, as we entered the bed. By the time we were done, I was weating bullets, while Diane was coated only in light sweat. Both of us were panting. This is when she offered me a deal. "Like I told my husband, for even five pounds you turn into muscle, you can have an evening with me." When I drew her into my arms, asking "How much weight has he lost?" Diane would smile as she mentioned the two had not had sex, in over two months. That would explain why she had been so into satisfying me. While Diane and I encouraged one another to lose excess weight, and firm up, we used three, different scales, to verify progress. Diane wanted to make certain that, if she were being an adultress, that she had proof of her reason. I only found her pot-bellied husband, when a friend took me along, to speak of an "investment". It took me awhile to realize that he was speaking of Diane, since the woman, he described, sound more like the classic Fat Albert. When asked if he minded her (having sex with) another man, he shrugged his shoulders. The problem, with his presentation, was that he was trying to gain investment in a paid health center. This, from a man, far enough out of shape that I could understand why Diane had "closed shop" to him. Add in all of the "potentials", "possibilities", and other "maybe's", and I would rather wager on his wife giving me a full month, of access, to her bedroom. Atleast Diane was REAL. Before going to the "meeting", Diane had asked me over, given me a kiss, and whispered "A down payment". I have to hand it to her husband, he even tried giving out beers, to encourage investment. This is when I told him "Thanks for the talk." then I departed. When I reported, to Diane, knowing that I kept my promise, while saying "You are worth it." Diane drew me into a LONG, DEEP, wonderful, kiss. Diane had hit her fitness goal, already, so, for her, exercise was "maintenance". She wanted to find out who wanted her, most. Her husband, or me. Since I lost about ten, to fifteen pounds, betwen doctors visits, Diane gave me "extra time", for the extra effort. While I did return to being "in shape", just as I had, after being diagnosed with Asthma, while I was getting back into shape, the Republicans were doing what they did best. With a Democrat, in the White House, the Republicans were back to screaming about the national debt. How the White House was spending so MUCH MONEY, on social problems, when the Republicans wanted slash-and-burn politics to leave Americans homeless. Re-building the economy had gone from priority one, to being priority 9,999. What I do know is that, even when her husband did begin exercising, his refreshment, of choice, was beer. How he expected to get back into shape, while drinking beer, is beyond me. What I do know is that Diane warned me "If I give you any more of myself, I might as well marry you." I just embraced and kissed her. By the time I was back, near my goal, Diane realized that, un-like her husband, I was not just TALK. I became as active as possible, by engaging the public. Asking people, in meetings, what they wanted, and how to go about getting it. I also began working with the party, on forming up goals, and priorities. When Diane would mention "I feel like I am your wife, losing you to a mistress." I told her "Dont be silly. What I am doing will aid the nation." When I added "I love you", and kissed her. Diane smiled. Terrific! Now she had an over-weight, and un-caring, husband, who only TALKED of what he dreamed of doing a Lover, who was not only IN shape, but was loving her every chance I had. This, and the fact that, while I conversed, on subjects, Diane found that she preferred being a housekeeper, and a lover. She would the politics to me. She just wondered what her church would think/say if they knew she was an adultress...

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