Friday, December 25, 2020


THE SECOND STIMULUS EXPERIENCE Since the Republican Party did not want to believe that the general public had used the first round, of $1,200 payments "properly", this is one of the arguments, which had been tried, in the failed attempt to issue only $600 payments, for the second round. I even recall receiving an e-mail, which instructed the general public what NOT to use the second round, of payments, for. This because certain members, of Congress, were determined to PROVE that the public just used the money for luxury dining, name brand electronics, and appliances, jewelry, etc. There had even been a reminder that the money was NOT to be used for delivery dining. The party would not have paid any attention, had they been able to provide just $600, to the public. It was only when the amount ROSE, by President Donald Trumps own orders, to $2,000, that these members demanded "oversight", and reporting. They insisted upon knowing what Americans were spending tax-payer money on. They had hoped to report "Luxury-upon-luxury", of wasted money. In an excellent version, of his showman style, Mr. Trump had waited until AFTER Congress had negotiated the $600 agreement, and send it to him, for approval, that the man said "I want the amount to be $2,000". This, after Congress had spent nearly two months working on the first deal. Now, Mr. Trump was even more at "war", with his own party, than with his opposition. His plan worked, though, even though a new moratorium, on evictions came too late, for too many people. When my neighbor raised a fuss, and profane feud, over the fact that they had been served, for "Non-Payment", and they asked US remaining tenants, "Why am I being evicted, but NOT you?" We, each, told them the same thing. "If you had paid rent, you would have a place to live." When they started to say "But..." we would tell them "We are not being evicted since our rent is paid, every month." It did not take long for us to understand the reason why the neighbor was un-able to find his own help, with his eviction. Everyone, that the person invited over, asking for help, with the move, replied "You, still, have not paid me, for the last two times." This is how we knew that the landlord was not the only group being "stiffed", by this person. What did amaze us was when, on the date the person was supposed to be OUT, a waste removal company delivered a dumpster, and a crew, to "pack" my neighbors belongings. The police came along with the dumpster, and ended up hand-cuffing my neighbor, while the unit was cleared out. It would not be until a week later that we would find out that the landlord had not only hired the dumpster, but had billed the service to the non-paying tenant. As for the rest of us, we would have to wait until Mr. Biden took the Oath of Office, before our stimulus checks would be sent. Mr. Trump had been determined that Mr. Biden would "take the fall", for the second round of payments. By this time, Congress would have approved just over a billion dollars, to form a watchdog group, to monitor citizen spending. While maybe three people, that I knew of, did spend the stimulus on drugs (and were arrested for this), I ended up buying a pre-paid credit card, after five people offered to SELL me their stimulus, for just $100, to $200. I had the people transfer the money, via computer, to my pre-paid card, and allow me to verify, before I would give them the money. This is why I ended up with $16,000, instead of $2,000. When my neighbor asked if such a thing were legal, I would mention "No one forced them to sell. I only made an offer. Can I be held at fault, if a person WANTS to give me their money?" While my other neighbors acted as so many Americans were, using the stimulus to bring bills up-to-date, I used a small portion, of my funds, to buy a chest freezer, and a "new", one year old, display style refrigerator. One, which the store only plugged in when customers wanted to see what the interior looked like. This, and a replacement, desk top, computer. The reason why fifty other people were arrested, for similar practices was how they handled transactions. Their fault was in offering to BUY the payments. This by saying "I will give you $150.00, or $200, for your stimulus payment. Cash money." In my case, I asked the people how much they wanted. This is why I avoided prison. There was no law, or provision, which stated that a person could not SELL their benefits. In my opinion, what really annoyed the "watchdog" was the fact that far too many people were submitting receipts, for rent, and utility, payments. About the only people, who submitted fast food receipts, were those who had been out, first, stocking up on non-perishables. The time, on the receipts, coincided with the time the people finished shopping. When this was reported, to Congress, some members became furious, that the public was not out, celebrating. The public was out, paying bills, and stocking up. A couple of hundred people were arrested, for BUYING benefits. I could not be arrested, even under a sting, since I asked people what they wanted, for their payments. (I would not go over $200, which is what most seemed to want) I could not even be prosecuted, for accomplice to theft. This since the benefits, being offered, were the property of the sellers. I even spoke to an ex-con. A person who had been sent to prison for theft, and sale, of LINK benefits cards. They said their customers had "ratted them out", over access codes. When they asked "I didn't know that any stores used access codes." I said nothing, even though I KNEW how many stores DID use access codes. In fact, in our area, it would be easier to list those stores which did NOT use the access codes While we spoke, on a variety of matters, the only thing I asked about was what kind of housing that they had been placed in, while on probation. I KNEW the address, that they gave me, so very well. My own sister had tried for the same place, for the cheap rent, but only until we saw both the outside, and the inside. I KNEW what conditions the ex-con was living in. Conditions which I would, never, accept. Since this person was an ex-con, they had not been eligible for the stimulus. I guess this is why they asked if I had money, for a case of beer. I told them, honestly, that I had NO cash, on me. Thats when they said "Good talking to you". Then departed. According to media coverage, the party was never more furious than it was when they checked with the "watch dog". When the "watch dog" reported tens of millions, going for rent payments, and almost as much, going for utility payments, the party had asked "How much is going out, on delivery food?" The "watchdog" could only report "Maybe one, out of every 100,000. The rest seem to be stocking up, on non-perishables." Opposition research indicated that this was correct. Citizens were using money, on essentials. This is why the party went quiet, and would give no details, of how the project was going. As for Erik, when he saw my interest, in his wife, and told me "You can have her, for $500", I told him "NO thanks. I dont want her to feel cheap." When I walked away from him, she came to me, asking "What am I worth, to you?" I would suggest "What about room and meals?" When she asked "What kind of meals?" I would suggest "As close to home made as I can get." This is when she said "Its a deal." While she was accustomed to ready-to-eat food, and eating, during the day, then watching Eriks place go dark, as the sun-set (Erik had no power since he told the utility company "Your bills are ridiculous. I wont pay." Result, his place remained dis-connected. She did not know which she liked, best. Having food she could cook, herself, or having me by her side, in bed. We spent two days together, before she returned to Erik. As for the young woman, who lived with my neighbor, she was allowed to return to her family home. This, while her "non-paying" guy went to trial for non-payment. Rumor has it that, by the time my neighbors case came up, the judge had told the defendants "I dont want to hear one more word, about non-prosecution orders." When my neighbor then profaned the judge, they ruled, without even hearing my neighbors complaint. The neighbor would be sentenced not just for failure to comply with lease, but for profanity, as well. The last any of us heard, from the ex-tenant, they had been returned to the very care center, which had placed them with us. Even I knew that staff would not be happy, with this. Why? Since I had heard staff, at another center, berating another client for not paying. Five places had been agreed to. Five places, the patient had been evicted from. This is why these care centers found me so "hard" to deal with. I was one of those, who was only evicted once every several years, and only when management would say "I did not POST their rent." This is why, after several, other, places had kicked my ex-neighbor out, the workers had HOPED that a place, near mine, would be the place. Truth is, only the rent moratorium kept the person on our property. Now, that it was lifted, they were back in "controlled care". Their "live in" would have to start from scratch. As for the rest of us, we would have to wait until Mr. Bidens science advisor sounded the "All Clear". It would happen, by spring, however, so it was not like we would have to wait, for a year, or more. The ONLY reason why I ended up with a grand total, of $30,000, on my prepaid card, was because people were willing to trade their benefits for cash. The people did not want payee's knowing what they did, with money. For many, of these people, the $200 was just one days fix. They gave me $2,000, and I gave them $200. The idiot, whose lights I puched out, was the man who, when he wanted another "fix", he offered me his 12 year old daughter, saying "You give me what I want, and she's all yours." While I accepted the child, I turned both her, and her father, over to police. While all I received was a "Thanks", the childs mother would come for her. She waved to me, as they left police. I did find out, just by listening, that this was the fathers fifteenth count. He was "going away", to prison, for as LONG as possible. Maybe two weeks later, there was a very short item, in the news, about the man cutting open his arms, and being found, the next morning. So much for his twenty years. All I know is that I came out of the "epidemic" $30,000 ahead. When Eriks wife asked my plans, for the money, I told her "No plans, as yet." She told me that, once the money came through, Erik had hoped to have even more, by winning a 10,000-to-1 wager. When she knew I was about to ask, she whispered "He's right back where he was. His payee handles the rent." When I asked about utilities, she would say "He refuses to turn this over. This is why he has no power." After a quick, on-line, search, I asked her "How long has he been shut off?" When she said "Twenty months, I think." I would show her a local regulation which stated that twenty, to twenty-four months, of non-payment, is grounds for eviction. This, no matter if rent is paid, or not. After we spent another, beautiful, night together, she would travel to Erik's place, where she found him holding a letter, which his case-worker read to him. It was clear, and specific. In return for twenty-two months, of non-payment, of utilities, Erik was considered a hazzard. He was being ordered to move. The problem was that Erik, like his friends, had lived all over. Now, they would have to move to another city. His wife would say "I am NOT leaving this city. I am leaving YOU." to Erik. The case-worker would say "In that case, Erik, you are going back into care." She was smart, though. She let HIM file, for divorce, and she only responded. Now Erik was going back right where he hated to be. Under controlled care, being under orders as to when to sleep, eat, bathe, and so on. Fron what I was told, the "new" confinement center did not bother with electrified fences. The real alarm system was hidden under the lush, green landscape. It was just as silent as the alarms on the windows. IF Erik tried to escape, as others had, he would face solitary confinement. In my opinion, Erik was just as much an idiot, as those who, when they "bought" benefits, they were dumb enough to place profits onto existing cards. I mean really: Who is dumb enough to use a monthly benefits card, to house profits? This, when Social Security is KNOWN for monitoring cards use. Some people, whom I knew, were that dumb, and had cards revoked, once the feds saw as much as $8,000 extra, on the card. Some others, who were caught, had tried to buy pre-paid cards, using debit cards. How LAME could it get. BY using benefits cards to BUY pre-paid, it signalled the feds to watch for the pre-paid card. This is why I went "window shopping", for the best price, then withdrew enough cash, to cover the price, plus tax. Cash made the purchase impossible to trace. Just like pre-paid phones. This is why I was not suspected. This is why I could have a card worth a grand total of $30,000, with NO suspicions. Diane (Eriks wife), came to me, saying "I want to find out what you, eventually, use that money for." She would have a bit of a "wait", as she found that I was no compulsive buyer, nor gambler. One thing she liked was being able to cook for two. When she reminded me "I hate those frozen dinners." I asked "IS it that the dinners are pre-made? or is it that, nowadays, it is mostly container, and very little food?" Diane would say "Both. I like cooking things MY way. Just like my mother." When Diane mentioned the brand, of frozen meals, that Erik liked, so much, I knew the brand she meant. It was just like the discount dinners that I had purchased, on deep sale, one time. $0.99 per meal. I THOUGHT I was getting a good price on food which was "on special". I would give my word, on the Bible, itself, that I never thought portions could be so small, outside of public school. In fact, even after I ate both dinners, I had to "dig in" to other food, like eating a second supper. This is why I remained with my "old favorite". Buying canned, and boxed, ingedients, and making my own food. Diane told me that she had to watch how MUCH, of my kind of food, that she ate. That is, for as long as she wanted me, as a "lover". I only suggested exercise, instead of skimpy eating. This lead Diane into another memory. Once in which, not long ago, when she had visited her mother, and mother said that daughter was no-longer in high school condition, Diane had said "Name the challenge, and I will PROVE that I am in condition." When her mother suggested "How about those exercises they taught, in high school?" Diane had said "NO problem." When she had to take two rest breaks, her mother would say "Proof". Diane would say "Its been years since I did those. Give me a break." Diane had been prepared to spend three months working on her exercise ability, but only until she realized "WHAT for? No one will care." Now, Diane had a reason. She also had a secret. While it was widely known that the stimulus had been delivered (and Erik had bragged about his), Diane was just not certain of what to do with hers. This is why she asked what I would do, if it were mine. Then she found out when I said "Its your money, do with it as you want." When she aske if I would help her, I told her "If you want advice, on purchases, I will aid you." As for the topic, of exercise, Diane had an over due wager, with her mother. $100.00, which said that Diane would never make it to being back in high school condition. When Diane would mention "Its just so hard doing the exercises, after meals." This is when I suggested what I had read about, in one of Clive Cusslers The Oregon Files books. The way Chairman Juan Cabrillo stayed in shape. The chairmans method, was to find out about how many calories a meal would contain. Then, before the meal, the chairman would swim laps, in the ships ballast tubes, and doing other exercise, to work off the calories, before sitting down to eat. While, to keep suspicion OFF of his ship, Cabrillo LOVED dressing as a severely over-weight man, who looked, and smelled, like he had not bathed in weeks, if not months. This was so much the opposite of the real man that his crew often laughed, from deep inside the ship, when port officials looked digusted, as the "captain". (If they only knew the man behind that disguise) This is why I suggested that Diane do the same, with me. She could cook meals, then set them to simmer, while we exercised the calories off, before eating the food. When she asked about her stimulus money, I suggested "Dont think about it. Not until you have a real reason to. Just let it sit. After all, I dont think there is any rush, or deadline, to spend the money." This is how I spent my second stimulus. I can speak for no one else. Seasons Greetings

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