Monday, December 21, 2020


THE REVOLT That is what the media would call it. I know that, for many Americans, over the age of 35, it would seem like Deja Vu. Just like the time when George H.W. Bush decided to reduce withholding TAX, but with-OUT reducing withholding DEBT, the general public had responded in a way which Mr. Bush did not forsee. Along with a "tidal wave" of new tax-forms, came the news story "Tax-payers telling Bush: Leave refunds ALONE!" This had been the "final nail", in Mr. Bushes chances for re-election. Now, just a couple of decades later, and with Americans struggling under new financial pressure, a second waive, of "stimulus payments" had been approved, by Congress. There was just one problem. With the first round, of payments, the amount, of $1,200 had been just enough for many people to bring far-past due bills closer to being current. With the second round, the Republican Party had been adamant that business, NOT the people, were most important. While the Democrats wanted a second round, at $1,200, the Republicans thought that, by standing "FIRM", at NO more than $600, they could make the general public "bow" to the desires of business. Problem was, however, that Americans had memories. By the time the government was prepared to issue the new payments, many, media sources were covering the outrage, of what many called the INSULT. The $600 payments. I guess that I contributed as well, by encouraging the public to REJECT the INSULT, and, instead, insist that Congress SALARIES be withheld, until the payments were adjusted BACK to $1,200. When the Republicans had shouted "The United States can NOT afford this!", Democrats had countered this by asking "If we can NOTY AFFORD the American people, then HOW do we justify paying $245 million, for each F/A 22 Raptor, $100 million, for each F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, and the un-reported billions, for military action, in the Middle east?" The Republicans would say nothing. Not even when the media mentioned "Doesn't the $600 per person send the message that the American public is worth-LESS to Congress?" Republicans just shook their heads. Like with the Middle East, there had been NO Exit Startegy, from this topic. This is why the media would tell Congress that "We have polled the people, and have heard that 80% of the public is in favor of withholding Congressional SALARIES until further notice. HOW do you respond to that?" The Republicans had NO response. The public was just supposed to take the "scraps", and be SILENT. Now that the Republican deal was dead, with the public, Democrats re-submitted their own plan. One which included another round of $1,200 payments. While the Republican leadership was determined that its members "Hold the Line", against the Democratic plan, it would seem that many members had contacted the media and verified the poll results. When the Republicans read that over 90% of the public was in favor of witholding Congressional SALARIES, this is when more than several Republicans decided to side with Democrats. After all, mortgages, and utilities do NOT care if a customer is with either party. You pay UP, or forfeit. This is how the Democrats won a veto-PROOFED majority, for the plan. (The Republicans, who held, fast, gave no comments) Now, while the public would have preferred to just re-open the economy, and have people return to work, the second stimulus did give the general public so "breathing room". The compromise, which the Democrats gave, was that, while people out-of-work, due to the "virus", would be prohibited from being evicted, the compromise gave landlords the right to evict any tenants who just did not pay, period. This is why the un-employed were seperated into two groups. Virus-loss un-employed, and plain refuse to pay. This is how, instead of the dreaded millions, of homeless, this number was reduced to just a few hundred thousand. The people who "flaunted" the fact that they did not pay. To house these people, the government would take over a warehouse site, and let those, who would be staying there clean the place. While each person was assigned a space, this had only walls and a door. The rule was "If you want bedding, or other items, you will WORK for THEM. In the general public, it seems that the Republicans had the strange hope that the public would go out, partying, and blowing the stimulus funds. What enraged the party was when the vast majority, of payments were forwarded to either landlords, utilities, food, from stores, or for medication. This, so that the party members could continue receiving their SALARIES. The party's primary concern was "What if another round, of stimulus is needed, BEFORE the economy recovers?" The public had let the party know: "If you mess with our lives, we mess with yours." This is why, for the third, and final, round of payments, the Republicans only voted "Present". Now that Mr. Biden was in the White House, the so-called emergency would roll off the "table". The nation would re-open, in the normal way, and life would return to normal. There would be no reason for a fourth round, of payments, since people were returning to work, and paying off bills. This is what had annoyed some members, of Congress, so much. That the public had used stimulus money, to pay bills, and buy food. The members so hoped people would flaunt money, on all kinds of expensive stuff. Things, which the party could condemn. No one could condemn paying off overdue rent, or bills. What the public could, and DID, condemn, was Mr. Trump taking money, meant for a new election campaign, and using it to fund his post "presidency", years. The man was brilliant. He moved the money into off-shore accounts, where no one could touch it, except him. It would take until 2022 for his supporters to realize that they had been duped. No doubt, this was the reason why the House, and Senate, would become Democratic territory. Still, with the endorsement, of the party, the Republicans were invited to take part. This, while the name of Donald Trump became, in the United States, like Adolf Hitler is, to Germany. In my opinion, what won Mr. Biden a second term, was the party's ability to organize people. While Mr. Biden had been given a "bucket list", several pages long, the man showed his talent, by giving authority to select individuals, for programs, which needed to be done. This is why, under tradesmans supervision, the people would begin the work, or restoration, of the battered nation. I think we were about 20% of the way down the list, when the election was at hand. The Republicans had to re-route some of their normal channels, of funding, since some of these were too-closely tied, to Mr. Trump's 2016 win. Between Mr. Bidens skills, and the party, rallying the public, Mr. Biden had an easy win. Even still, we only managed to complete maybe 45% of what was projected. Still, the media would report "This is, still, much more than anyone else has done, recently." Mrs. Harris would be denied the right to run for top office after video footage showed that, in atleast three instances, she had condemned "white priviledge", saying that "Blacks deserved more/better." While various party members DID recall hearing Mrs. Harris speak of racism, and blacks being deserving, no one could remember hearing the woman actually addressing a crowd, with these words. Individuals, yes. Private conversations, yes. Even I could not verify that she had made public comment. Still, the very notion that she MIGHT have, would ruin her chances of running, for Executive Office. The party would have to find someone else, to run. What I liked, besides the volunteer work, was the fact that people, like myself, who contributed to the party, of our talents, received such "freebies" as food and drink. That, and party aid, when we needed help, with government topics. While Bernie Sanders DID contribute to the party, and our success, both the party, and the public, felt that he was just too OLD to run. BY member vote, we would seek someone, in the 35-50 age span. I left such matters to party executives. I just continued working on the projects, which I had started, under Mr. Biden. One, of Mr. Bidens most "controversial" steps was how he responded to Texas never-ending threat, of sessession. When Mr. Biden told Congress to tell Texas, "Either leave the union, or stop with the threats." The media portrayed this as "Put up, or shut up." With its back against the wall, and hoping to save "face", Texas would leave the union, and become an independent republic. A republic which THOUGHT that gas, and oil, prices would keep them solvent, for centuries. The problems, with this, included mass transit, libraries, low-income housing, etc. ALL the programs that the federal government had provided for. Add in the fact that, since Texas was no-longer a state, the oil market required them to sign up, as an "independent". With Texas out of the market, investors would renew the movement, towards electric cars. This would include my suggestion of not just building more hydro-electric units, but of making them "works of art". The better news was that Europe had been improving battery efficiency, for decades. Cars, which originally needed 20, or more, batteries, to operate for a day, now only needed two batteries. Trucks, and Vans, which needed up to forty batteries, now needed only four. Delivery vans would need to charge up, twice daily. For suppliers, this was no problem since most crews needed a mid-day lunch break as well. What this meant, for gas station/convenience stores, was that gas prices had to come DOWN, far enough to make the convenience store the properties main income generator. Un-fortunately, only 25% of the nation had switched, so far. Still, the agency, which monitors fossil fuels emmissions, did report seeing a reduction in atmospheric levels. Not a LARGE one, but a beginning. As for myself, while I had no plans, or aims, at "success", it would turn out that I was on camera, much more than I thought. Even women, who had been "hellish" with me, began acting nicer. I had no idea that, by 2026, I was being seen as an "answer man". BY 2028, I had women asking for my information. What I know is that, by the time Mr. Biden would meet his maker, we had built five, new, super sized, hydroelectric plants. This, and nearly half the cars, in the United States, were electric. By the time Texas re-entered the union, they would find their share, of the oil market, reduced from billions of dollars, to just tens of millions. By this time, over 90% of the nation had restored their credit ratings. The only people still in trouble were those who had been placed into the warehouses. While some just gave up all hope, and their bodies were removed, most began to understand that, to have what they wanted, they had to work. This is why most had beds, and dressers. The rest of the nation was coming out of the "epidemic", with ease. I think that everyone learned some valuable lessons, from this experience. Lessons which, I HOPED would take root, and guide further actions.

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